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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Nov 1884, p. 1

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 Iiroat, As(-:ii;i],( k, Bronchijs,! ntecii to give satis^ ;0.. Procrietors ' -fi(*^J aiMjUtit vv"'jâ€" '-,• jL,. 4.-N0. 317, MARKDALE, ONT., NOV. 6, 1884. Copies of tbk Stamdab Five cents each. 16 larMale Standard vi -V Tliliisdaj' at the office. Mill Stnet, Miirkdale. |rr^,i^---l pti year in ad^'ance; |l-8o if hii:u three months. iipid ln\sines3 cards one inch ,i:uiL-r, per, year, $4. 1 YB. 6 MO.- 3 MO, .iumii...* ..§30 00 S'27 30 »15 0«j .. 27 00 .. 15 00 .. 7 00 .. 10 00 \o 00 10 00 10 00 6 00 4 00 5 00 T-fftei i-i'l'ii'i'i Lindi siiace. L.Hi!i!-ii «£' li'j.ii.'l S'^toents 8 cent? per line first .fiti.iu, i cunts per line each subsequent l.,rtion. iKini'iireil toeasure. Tr,Jiti)!i;il iiotices, or notices in local col- «Ii 111 c^v.its per liUe first insertion. 5 ceu4s ' .5,;l,.,Miu.Mits insertion. I Smi- â- in niials A'c, advertised 3 â- weeks for ilie iid%ft tisement not to exceed twelve |;;o rqi-i' iliscontiuued until all arrears aiil u.\i;oit at the ai^tion of the publisher. -JOB PRINTING. IIhe Si\Ni)Aur. office has a splendid equip- In: ut j"itc vs well as fine job type. SiKi- ati.'i.tioii t(j orders by mail. Orders ieilvviii il;s;)at;h. Li 11 roil AXD PEOPEIETOR. -n- ^«0al* t:'-2;t OS PERRY, ri;si)iis TO i^Ai'DER hands), :ST!:U!^, Solicitors, Proctors, No- i nuvej'ancers, Ac. Money to ,v.-t v.-ues of interest. ;i!iii:iw J.C King Street East, TOHOXTO. Frost «c Fro«t, lAlM.ISi'lvitS, AXD ATTOENKYS-AT l'v,-, Si'Iicitors in Chancery, Convey iici.-^. ' I., 'A-cu Sound, have resumed at L-!;i-:[^:r;, oi'lice open every Thursday, as |:iM:. â- !â- â- ,â- . i!i.-i, J.W. Frost,LL. B. Ci'.i:!-.- CiMV.-n Attorney. 1 in V.v IOffi, :â-  â-  wttk .8. iraAsso?^, TKIt, MASTER ANDDEP. REG- liiLt. ry, Xotaiy Public, Conreyan" y.v.v.v. OF r.vr.Ms VoR sale. -((von Sound, in Viewer's Block ranch office in Markdale, over s Siore, on Friday and Satuiday 57-ly tStLk. f^^DR STASR'S^: .£ ^CATARRH CONQUEROR-^ THE.GBEAT CUIffi FOK CATASES, AnilaU diwa?iP!i afising from it. A Spcwlyend Certain Antidote for OWfrh, Inflwiixa, hili.. Cold in ~Lit^.j'I?,l.ra*"*n"'*H"P'".l ItgiTtjimniediaie relief and effetf « » cure in a ihort time. Bold by Medi- cine Dealers at »renu. TRIAL SIZE, BY MAIL, 16 GENTS. J. T. PLIHT 00. Phanmurista, Proprietors, ^_BoekIihmd, T-Q., and DertgLtine. Yt Pe^Uitt r('a.soi' M^ frison, UKU]'" ^vft,S0LICIfOHS. CONYEY- )auii' Ax-. C., |OrFiLi\s iu (J wen Sound, D«fferin Block, |tf W. F. Wolfs Store an-d in MARKDALG; 'tf •' Mci-'aa-land's Store on Thursday laFridei V of each week. I^l'-iids to lesiilon reasonable terms. pOjrAsoT:, Q.G Duncan Mobijson IllaikJwle, March 15. 1882. 79-lv â- 4lc\ander JBrovra. [SSUEll nf ?»Iarriage Lieenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei K. At. Conveyancer and Licensed ioneer lur the County of Grey. Farmers, iauts and Land Sales, Punctually at- 'Jfito ?u,i charges made very moderate. ittiile, Sept. 17, 1880. ' 1-V iB Wm. Broivii, [SSlEE OF MAEEIAGELICENSES,c i Ccmiuissiouer in B. R. c. ^SDvcyaucing in all its braiiches promptlj Neu tt: 8:ul carefully executed. ]^- B.â€" Meuey tG Lend on Real Estate se mm HOUSE, 'iURKDALE, ^s. Bryan, Proprietor. St " hotel; â- " -li^Aleer, Propri«tor. â- "' 'l'^-" is Mtted Tip in good stjie, situ- [1°!! "";â- ' ^t"ft-t, where the travelling pub- i;;^- I'riou bus to all traias. 194 liMDALEHOni, THE^' "Jir.KD.\LE, tSiSt. RUTLEDGE, PROPRIFTOR. [^^hionable Tailor, Is °^^K macfa-rland'b ST0B£. V^ CT FIT GUAaiKlBED. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.G P. S., O. Physician and Sur«eon, Priceville, Graduate of University. Vict. Col ege. • 1 ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of tie same, .. M Avleth Medical Institute. H ,. Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor s.O. J 04 IDx. KCiisicrL, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A N D^ ' ACCOVCHER, IS" All calls promptly Bttended to. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. /~^ RADUaTE of TORONTO SCHOOL vX of Dentistry, will be at Eutledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice t'f his profession. 122-47 W. C. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- T£CT.^Eesideuce on jliU Street, Mark- dale.- 1241v HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OVEE THE STA}^ D A RD OFFICE. Fioe work executed in all tlie latest sizes and shapes; fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. •T£ts. Fla,iniltoii. HOUSE PAINTER, GBAINER. (jLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER, CALCIMINING ANI WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing Eactory, OltDEBS SoLICrTEI). ESTIMATES GiVBN. 192-205 commerciaiThotel. PEICEVHjLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. ^Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK hÂ¥U STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Olenelg: Conneil. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standard oflaee will receive prompt attention. ]26-ly. ISAAC STIJVSON, Builder aii|i Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone vork. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by maU promptly attended to." 195-6m* MAEEDAMl P. 0. iFBIZL: Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly box I of goods which will help all, of either sex ti more mcney right away than anything else in tkis world. Fortunes await fte workers absolutely snre. At once address Tbdb A Co., Augosta. M^ne. 187-S89 ;^" ba{i^ Town Hall, Glenelg, Sept. 29th, '84. The council met this day, pursuant to adjournment. Ail the member present The Heeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Moved by Mr. McCuaig, Seconded by Mr. McMillan, Tnat Alex. McPhail be paid the sum of $13.25 being half cost of job. on Townlme of Egremont and Glenelg, and Mr. John Morrison $6.00 for job on con. 4, sideroad 40, and $6 00 for job on sideroad 20, con. 5, and Martin Stnnehouse $30.00 for job on old D. R. at Lot 26, John Mornuon's and Martin Stonehonses's to be left iu the Treasurer's hands till they complete their jobs. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McMillan,, Seconded by Mr. McCuaig, That John Cameron be paid $1.00 for removing fallen timber off siJeroad atLot lO.con. 1st, N. D. R.â€" Carried. By-law 226, appointing collectors, and By-law 227, appointing Polling places and deputy Returning officers, was introduced a first and second time. Moved by Mr. JSeil, Seconded by Mr. Duusmore, That Hugh McLeod be paid $25.00 for cross waying at Lot 14, con. 12. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Dunsmore, Seconded by Mr. Neil, That N. G. Dunsmore, Jr., be paid $1.00 for repairing covering of bridge over Saui^eeu River at Lot 16, con. 1. E. G. R.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, Seconded by Mr. McCuaig, That M. Beaton be paid $8.00 for work opposite lot 11, con. 2. N. D'.R., and Charles Grey be paid $7.60, being half cost of repair- ing bridge on Garafraxa Road at lot 20 Glenelg Bentinck. â€" Carried. Moved l3y Mr. McMillan, Seconded by Mr. Duusmore, That Mr. Meil be paid $2.00 as commission on $25.00 .expended by him. â€" Carried. Moyed by Mr. McMillan, Seconded by Mr. Dunsmore, That by-law No. 226, be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, Seconded by Mr. McCuaij,, That C.W. Rutledge be paid $3,65 for Printing 900 tax collector's Receipts. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Neil, Seconded by Mr. McCuaig, That the Clerk notify James Nichol of Egremont.that unless be at once pays to the Treasurer the sum of .$2.00 that was expended m removing his dead horse from off the road he will be proceeded agamst as the law directs. â€" Carried. Moyed by Mr. McMillan, Seconded by Mr. Neil, That the commissioner for ward No. 8 be instructed to giye Donald O'Hanly a job on the roads on the 8th con. to the amount of his Taxes for 1884, as his barn and contents were burned, and that the collector for that ward be notified to that effect. â€" Carried; Moved by Mr. McCuaig, Seconded by Mr. McMillan, That by-law No. 227, be read a third lime, signed, sealed, and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Dunsmore, Seconded by Mr. Neil, That Thos. Davis, J A McMillan and Arch, McCuaig be a committee with power to let by con- tract the building of a bridge over Saugeen river at lot 56, con. 3, E. G. R., bmding the contractors to get out all the timber during wmtsr, and to have the job completed on or before the first day of July 1886, and also to keep the present structure in a pass- able state until such time as it is necessary to remove the same to com- mence building the new bridge.â€" Carried. ^-v Moved by Mr. Dunsmore, Seconded for Postage and Stationery p,^. quarter's salery amouutiug to $id^ be paid. â€" Carried. »Btrcal,CKifd^fidil99pcu«auti«^ id^iheJ a» Tjie," -Tiobv Council adjourned to meet^tf^^fcj HaU on the 15th December'#4'^^"4q? lain statipnsof Jhftm J. S. BiaWiKjaCaetltt t j? ^~- ^- ' ' ^a iTode odi ai «* ' 'â- ' ' u jj Du £ sLiia 10 blii, m. A PEBPECT B^IJ*?? "^^ ^f ^^' spa/ga x^e^iP 'iiqui Perf«^t beauty is oiiIj_ blood and good bealt^, give the possessor j^,jfi a fiur dear skin and uie rosy e^irifSPiirBs Hener Boll S. S. No. mesia. 8, Arte- Junior 1st Class ^â€" (total 850) â€" Priscilla McKee, 234 Tiny Badgero, 207 Bella McNally, 117. Senior 1st Class~(total 350)â€" Bella Blackburn, 276 Martha Boyce, 166 Frankie Chard, 157. 2nd Part Ist Classâ€" ^total 498)â€" Sammy MoNally, 308 Annie Badge- row, 208 Annie Gamey, 149. 2nd Class^rtotal 682)â€" «arah Mc- Kee, 488 Elsie McKee, 469 Eleanor McKee, 466. 3rd Classâ€" (total 428) â€" Hannah Stafford, 262 Georgie McNally, 236; Charlie Stafford, 213. 4th Class â€" (total 724) â€" Bella Thompson, 601 Alice Nicholson, 405; Herbert Thompson, 348. Elsie Inksteb, Teacher. Honor Roll S. S. No. 14, Eu- pbrasia. 3rd Cla^s â€" (total 275) â€" Essie John- ston, 273 James Johnston, 240. " ' 2nd Classâ€" (total 200)â€" Mabel E. Gambel, 189 Mattie Johnston, 159 Bobt. Fothergill, 136 Robt. Black- wood, 88. 1st Class â€" (total 180) â€" Mary John- ston, 170; Fannie Rogers, 102; Walter â- Wilson, 96. Isa L. Prundage, Teacher. Killed for a Bear. Bobcaygeon, Nov. 1.â€" A sad acci- dent occurred Wednesday in Somer- ville at a place known as Bolton's crossing ou the Victoria railway. Robert English was out hunting and was looking for a bear. At the same time an Indian named Spaniard was also out hunting dressed in a black coai. He had set some traps, and was stooping over one of them when Mr. English came through the woods. Seeing something black through the brush wood he levelled his rifle and fired. The bail entered Spaniard's side and came out near the shoulder. He gave one cry and lell to the ground and died in about forty miu utes. â€" World. monthly Fairs. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatswcrth-i-Monday before Dur- ham. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. Priseville â€" Monday before Durham. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in every month. -«*^ Triples While in Her Teens. San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 3. â€" Marie Cusimano, an Italian emigrant yet in her teens, gave birth to triplets on the train arriving here yesterday She had with her three other children born, a year ago. A punkin which was left in an Ohio' .â-  newspaper office by an honest looking '^^â-  farmer exploded within half an hour^^^" he left and almost destroyed the office..^^,,^ :v Over 150,000 seeds have been combed n.^^ out of the editor's hair, and the outlook' *â-  ' is still promising. â-  '"'V"' There are women who will spend ' lavishly lor show and screw doyrn the " ' wages of servants and work-people to the lowest possible point, who will? be- .. affable and courteous in the ptolor • • and rude or unfeeling in the l^lfdien or nursery. The type oif chjp^acter ' \. which can thus oppress or iusult-those, l who have no means of redress, and- from there is no hope 9f gain or fear' " '"'â-  of loss, is essentially mean, dishonor- ., ablie, and low. ;t V ;.[ The Decadenc'e of marriage. The Detroit Post recently discussed m a very sensible way the question of the decadence of marriage. The writes took it for granted as a fact almost toe^ by Mr. Neil, That the Clerk's accotfnl? ' i«^4tecai»i©n9Sr«»sfeJ: 5»«p*tty bei* -b „.. """ â€" ^-^-^/iins^ra^onaji^^^^^^ a ;ente oitne l^uaoianu £^01 tkQQ A^^wiT Qj^m^a»L(gQ»a3iim.39Ti!o^^yi^ n ahais. bia, oC )y7PM^i8f«^QMd9ddia»gd)lWiii»€6Sviu. vt le cartage bni'ineb^.aofijctiNd 0«titi»ieI I itendent, Mr. entire ertem to 9, hSft|^»ctJ9%;]â„¢^/ i â- f#^!8^iIff^2Hftyai«. ba« .«m e,oi ti i^y'taon biisodB 9dB .shw â-  d o* ueobiiii .e^ab jublo exb lo tiM 9dt lol un m n) Xta otai woJJel M)U jiuiod eii^ jfool I xbi£t »d'\baoait.L \bid now a dtiw icid ta bsjlooi ad8 .pe^eied ai To overcome evil wjtli/ good ia the ., v most glorious of ftll^virtuee it is the f; ri' most benefici^l_ 'als6; ' tfecdas'fe ' thre^^' ^^^ amiable cond^t^pxiltf;^.^ put aii e^idj^^ to an eternai' ^ocefiaton. of.ii:^an^3-:.v,ai and retaliatfoiSâ€" i^br»eyery Bctaliation;^) iax- becomes a iS^^^^jtrfyJ ahd -^e^iraSf^: •' another..,8J4o|'iiPi5engeJ^^^^ Would we thus observe this 84lutb5X{gjj.,pf precefit^Mi9 j«iife nmc asHeiiiieB'iEDid ttf^fit do giVdd Wihds^-iiMf^a^f'iiM tlse'"--^/. ^s--^ffil^^9teiioftJb^"^ei1BV(^fe Vw^ ' ' at mft^^im^VW^.jjx, hea!rtB,^i^id^t«faoaidJ]ia^ 00 «Dentt«»j '^f. V â- ' 3 il iii. ...o.-; K." v_:'i :i,t i\:K Sl°#^^ A(^^*eot'iWht^ tiaslMen' talked a vi â- abdut fqrf'a g6^d tiany yeliirfr amon^ i « patent to require proof, that theiUji#{l^e"ot tlie i^adSff 'Hreifcyferfari's'pf '^^' such a decadence. There is a dgy^'j^ada,.,,^8«ein9i6UMy sM Jeflgtlj fe^^^^,' ' clination, if not a positive averiionrtQ.^^talfize i]ttb:BomeihtngtikeiCl^iuta' i;c^ assuming the marriage relattoB,i itsr ghaili^. "It fe"tifo5(i*ed td'Ibilm « )omt-^ ' thinks, which isa new feE|tiri9"iij' fefif^^ /yiJi Ti| ^t)j^ '^ti.i fi^\f^^ nfe^ftp^pftm â- -- social life. This more e^|^|^ly whiS ehiaiTb^inuelji mo5e^^lxJ•jeprp-Jâ- :^' the part of men. With ^mm !^ seqtaliTa of iWealtk^and mteilieBnceVf case is different. Even if Bheiaa^enoi t'jj^tjjowjsrfiii Cihuribh, Miturttejonroal -0 great inclination for maITi^«,[he^de1^4 whiclfi at'i^edtent' 'fifeitfel aslts organ. ' ' ' not openly express herselfMs'iai^fii^.Mdc* difii^tisfsct^op^it i^ 8fii^,;is.fej;'tr " does. As to the cau6e8;]tl;ie,iyr^r things, ,\fiih' the 'Canadwn Bre^yteridn. NiX v there is little real qtiestaon^ riT-One iif: eothu8ia8m4s felfc^orit in t«jy parti of the foremost is thifttshanged ^^^'of 'th4 denomination. Matiy 'of thre- what is nMess8^;i^.'^feB"^h4^ ' married life. Yw««-. PfiQpJ^ jare. P9j'/#na;. exp^^^^^ contented to begin as^; tiieir .tpsr^itSf isci^atiously. :to ufj^ jtheiib .people to ' " began. They wasBt the^ sWEife et)fflfor-J tfckdcitfo ^)n!-4lie wbol» tb«Be seems â- ." table style ojf .l^'^^ ^ef Rrfvi alw^is- '^o6(f ireffi^a to' beKev** thatf^ a n^Wt been accustomed to, aftdJipj;;^^l^,^ne5"o9fip t^f^g(l,"'a^d;-e^fed ith:' ,, to enter â-  cmidaiksi of j Jife wi jekiBiSff â-  th 1 -abtlit^.^tbd n^regbytlnan ' (2h^ch, j necessitate tfee?6W8iafi«efd^«By«o*tbi*3aig%i »itf*d ki^wsH a^eJo supply,, wauid, "^, The first stentt^en^aftfe/di^fg^'iibfl 'hkfe"ri8.f(?i^on' fd^tfoflmlain of Itok of -• "n by the younri/'Jan W'^§^lti^^\m, .^upp'orf."' ^151^6*' 'Bo#ak^li6^^refeHy--^' ' ' • to keepnp »;«eKtaiar.ftmo«atij$rf :ptyk, -te^ianaa ^hic,b 4|ijlud^^ ^cji a l|rge "** '^opoftioif Qjf£itln weakh. aud.riuieliif,ii,c '7 I, ... .--, „=H „. meii4fe°(SP'th«'?«Vi!B(Se,*4)ftgbt't64Utt.-a -k: t44i^-M%»!%ftK^^mti'r:i;^-^a^fis'o^ I 9id;^ /» 1 ,j t BflO 16 99 *|i^«Q^iq$nte .^^ „,, „- " " •* ^x:i en74i .-::}' ai -11' .B'lddJ^'i mm^mm^mmt^mmmmmmmrymm m f^m ae vs e; Ilia a tit' 3. aK oi l-ia-iqo vfe. V' a ha « ass liow 6dT BoY- ..f-'^e *d ' vitrsLisft JBOflff ti.ii avea Jent,Mr. Smith, all cifMdBttrtAp^-.a-'S^OSs^^ ume-i .«9d*o xa^ta%^ximi!^ l{M^%«ifJ«w ,«iira ma I ^mainaHoa ai foaomsjl, wbtd. o) a»M toa bib »i(8 .oo tmv aamS. .iM •ao \OM *06lUb!»©we8!:«ij vdi-noA ioidl P I! m J n II

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