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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Oct 1884, p. 7

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 5 *J*^si, â- *.\t'*» !»* TJ." ' Carti^. Tnatiwu 'd that. fe*ttaefiS3^ P^empk^;. mka orretrof m â- ? « opinion tW 1 dtsfractive 6r3 ' ^EICH_ECHOES. joreronnd Bailway in Parisâ€" f '" jjsaioMries in Calentta- ' from Balsins-PnbUc In- sJractton in Italj, c, c f-elve years agitttion, a conceaaion I if"' ygaed for an nndergroand railway .have recently been two trialiof the 'iiitv of the canal from Ut. Peten- liflg"'"^^ gea, wnioh ia to be fornuJly ti\y the empcrcr before long. ,* ore'nal Eddystone lighthouse â€"the 11°' smeatonâ€" bas bean erected on "ii^ atPlyroontb, and a formal open- ' °t'by Trinity hoose officials recently ;, place. if.p fond beiig raised in England for a lal to tb" late Dr. Pasey now F**^' to over $151. oLO. Canon Liddon "tJ^ntly put his name down for a second *^nol $2,500. r»rtv of Mormon missionaries has late- l^^jyed in Calcutta. The leader is an if-Eagliebman. who has spent many r m L'tah, and one of his companions is I!*' .L. ^^t'nrinna Cirann Pratt.- Tis IS have the Mor- a scattered fo;;,'2 " most imprr^ will h 3 fioubt ffl ol the notorious Orson Pratt. "the first occasion on which efforts made to obtain oonTcrts faith in that city. wpecunicus nobhmen and gentry in l^dfind dispoeing their ancestral jjies the most convienient way of raising The example of the dakes of be of the brewbloTdrr ^3 ^r?rl!t l^*M '"' ^v 'may be formed fioi the fact that in r»reiy bnllu„t^y.^ £lone, since the beginning of the ccordmg to Monfec, 't'relylost; if, 0," Victor ous, the vicio, =e clay when B^ *a host at CanoT? years afterward ohariring the " ' aterloo, "prsvented le anaihilation of 18 axiom has been ir cavalry on both lie, or in the ten were the losses aeh 7 cavalry in the day aat the effect ofth' requiring as they d ble skill and a coi 3e, would be \ery raovint; rapidly oot 3d remains to be pn k place in India b«ti id a detachment of ing at 6 statiooa^ the distance being i»de only 2-1 hits 1 900 yards voUey-fii cnovra, only 36 tiiti ?he Gardner guns ' a result higbl/ eac â- -[The Fertnifchtly rirfirinia OlrL the poet and non in the West Vlrj tes to the New 1 ,n climbed np the uirrtl; she was ja lack, bashyandab ht and many tim Ah, mel my onca. She wai yet she was a woi it at all; she ' ig. And tbatia' formidable. I pack el car, and such promptneM of sil.nt, goodtl ;d there before her y life for her to p Her hair wai drees was torn bi nda were bro*n ion she dived her threw back her and, and so b^ with the whil lac lips yoa ever I ;e girl. She *( e I hav^ seenthn ough I shall new imy life that she Und. one of the" a pitiful httle went down to I 3 her mother snT more. And»h ,mentwiththebi«- iddiamoods oon»« York I ag*"" I York I »«»" of the strange and down 1 Carrers. je naturally f»«' Ifore the Can»t»» the interiors.oi ,ih the most »»^ the facility of block of te» „ became the ceriesandwP" in all itsT-fl^ wood carvert xugy haveot thspo**' ,lborou«h and Hamilton is to be toUow^ Sir John Thcrold, who in Ddcember Yiei to bring to the hammer the 'J-nngitintoi^ 3,, .u «..^^ bv rT°M-^*' **" le library of Sjstcn hall, in Lincoln- in idea of the consumption of ice in Ger- uttm (^, upwards of fifty thousand tons of ice jB Sweden and Norway were imported 116 steamers and sailing vessels. From even marks a ton, the price has latterly to twenty-four marks, and is likely to ttill higher, m consequence whereof the afactore of artificial ice is attracting jch attention. The islands of Maoiitiua and Reunion, in ^e Indian Ocean, which are 115 miles 3ca8ions*ioblvTrM»rt, are to have telegraphic cornmunica- e for the infantâ„¢ »" with each other by means -of signals t disasters alraaHl '^^^^ "" *^® mountain tops. The in- r in the "death ril Ttment adopted lor the purpose is the "" leliatrope, a small mirror which is used m rigonometrical surveying. The population ths two i lands is 400.000, and, as llaiiritiua is about being connected by cable i:b all parts cf Europe and Asia, the iliotrope will include Reunion in the sya- SE. The sun telegraph, which has already lan tested, will be useful in transmitting itelligtnce from one island tj the other of tie approach of cyclones, which are com- BOD and very destructive there. The Diiuiber of works sent in to the Royal iiidemy tnis spring reached the enormous ffialofyCOo an increase of 811 over last jiir. Oi tnese only 761 were unreservedly jcceptedby the count 11 2116 being classed doubtful, and 5 216 entirely rejected. :he end as many as 1 856 works were ex- iabited, and of these 1.656 were sent in by ostbilera, the members of the academy •lug represented by a si ni total of only .\'2 works. This total included 166 paint- jig, 23 pieces of sculpture. 9 architectural iijwings, 4 engravings, as against 906 j^utings, 263 water color-drawings, 169 pieces ot sculpture, 135 architectural draw- 47 miniatures and enamels, 58 crayon towings, and 97 engravings, all from ne hands of non-members of the Rjyal icademy. 'ae of the industries of thrifty France is making of wine from raisins, which is carried on especially at Marseilles, Cette, Bwdeanx, and Bercy. About seventy tboasand tons of laisins are imported into Prance frcin the neighboring high countries ad Syria, costing nearly $7,500,000. By loftening into' water, and the addition of iigar and alcohol, a harmless wine is pro- iiced, ot which ua less than threa million iiectDlitera are made. Another dodge is to treat the settlings, the residuum of the native harvests of Spiin, Portugal, Sicily, tt:., with sugar, alcohol, and water, and lake frcm the compound what is called iecond vat " wines. Tnus France, in spite oi phylloxtra, retains her position as De greatest wine-exporting country in the Tcrld. tAa improved flectric railway about 4J siles loug, and 39 inches gauge is now iu ^eraticn between the cities of Frankfort lad OffeLbach, the lime being atoat 25 Mnntes. The four dynamo-electric ma ^niues aie driven by two steam engines of â- ii horse power € ach. In connection wirh. 'te cables wtish conduct the current of S'Ktriei:y, a switch is provided to regulate ^^ direct it. The condnccors consist ot fsbes sUtted along their entire length at the oottiiu and insulated on poles like telegraph y^s. A small cylinder slides or runs in 'ie tabes, and from this a ccndnctcr con- ifcts the car and the dynsmo. The nae of " conductor prevents interruptions and .nt-oats, which are caused by frosts and aoisture when the ce^rriage runa on a con- ^Mtcr, as in the Berlin- Lichterfelde Electric -»iilway, 'teat excitement was caoaed a few daya *^ OQ the Thamea enbankment by the '^se of a pcrpoise np the liver by men i[»ed with rifles en board a ateam-tng. "" porpoise was a large and lively speci- Den, and gave his pnranera aome trouble. w was three limea fired at near Weat- her biidge, the laat ahot evidently *Ung effect, as he gave a trtmendooa leap ^deroce of the archea on the Lambeth *^« and then disappeared in deep water, ^bb running down very r^ddly at the â- J*. Only a day or two pievioua a por* ^e was seen beyond Chelaea bridge, and "^eral have lately been aecn within the "th of the river. A female porpoiae, in 2'»ndvion, meaanring four feet six in- ^«, weight fifty-six pounaa, waa caught «« day before off Sufferance and Providence *«arv€8, Belvedere road, by a lighterman, JJj^ succeeded in hooking "'" â€""• "" l!!!^*' " **•• '^** "«v« faroea ia tunea of paaca ao a« to dininiah the ataad- ing wmy by 100 000 men. 2. Tto fix th. Penodrfaenrioeat fiyeyeua for infantry aal M^lery ud mx yearn for oayahy. 3. To •ettlBthe animal oontingwt of r«inii«a at IW.OOO men aerrinit a pniod of from five to nxyeara, and at 44.000 men awrins for nine montha, which wiU diminiah thaaonnal levy of recmita by 23 000 men. If the aimaal ooat of arecmit, U pat at $45, thia redaction will aave more than $4,500 000 per annnm. The Italian government haa raoeatly pab' liahed aomefigaree on the aabjeot of nablic insimctlon in Italy. Thebn^get of pablio inatnicttion haa riaeo from 16 300,000 banes u 1871 to 130,400.000 frwioa in 1883 the munner of achoola from 21,358 in 1811 to 42.510 in 1881 and thennmber of pupils in the aamo period from 1,008,674 to 1. 928,700. There are, moreover, 701 gymnaainms or aecondary achoola with 3.674 professors |md 41,124 acholers, and having a five years' coarse of atndy. Above the gymnaainma, agaid. ate coUegea to the number of 298, with 1,601 prof eaaora and 11,133 alndents, and a coarse of study lasting three yeara. In addition, thore are 383 teohnioal rchoola, with an attendance of 22.120. Lttely, the Royal nnivemitiea, 18 in number, regiaterei in 1881 10,592 studenta, the two moat im- portant being those of Turin with 1.651 studenta, and Naplea with 2,851 atadenta. There have atill to be aided 21 high schoola indpendent nnivcrsitiea, initractingal and together 1.948 acholara. Thia year'a vintagea in France are likely to be of qaite exceptional excellence. A good vintage, however, docs not, unfor- tunately, mean what it once did, the lavages of phylloxera during the past six- teen yeara naving so largely diminished the nnnibar of vines. A few figures will show what havoc has been male by this soourage of French vine1an1s. Fourteen years ago there were 2.400,C00 hectares of vineyards, and now there are scarcely 1,000,000 under cultivation. The production has fallen within the same period from 72 000 000 to 30.000.000 of hectolitres. Not cnty has ex- portiltion beoome ioamensly reduced; but importation has to be resorted to (or the supply of this coimtry. Within Only the laat fouir years wines have been brought into the country from Spain, Italy, and Greece to the value f 1.000.000 francs. Of the 1,500.000 htc ares devastated, not more than 2 J, 000 hectares have aa vet be replant- ed' wnich ia not to be wondered at, con- sidering that it costs as mach to replant aa .the soil itself is worth. •Itt Kfltar-'Ji FllUNOAMIUU IB m Jj tia 20 Ifondigra atartiing czperianoe of 1 Friadorii I HAKD rrMPS £ MTan^p chtbMoik aaaaUwmi «teiaM Of ev«r Mai»tM laat four; A Human Skye Terrier, The passenger who attracted the most attention durinst the voyage of the City ot Chicago from L'verpool to New York was Theodore Jo Jo, a hoy of 16, whose face re- sembles that of a Strye terrier. His face is covered with a long waivy mass of silken hair, which in co'or is between light red. and silver gray. It hangs upon his brow down to his eyes, parting in the centre and waiv- ing cff to either side like that of a fancy terrier. It droops from his cheeks in long wavy locks, grows from the nostrils, snd hangs from both ears. The length of thia luxuriant growth of hair \arie8 from two to four inches, and it is so thick that the skin beneath is visible only in scattered spots. The eyes of this dog-faced boy also resemble very cl sely those of a terrier. They -are sligatjy bluish in color, almcst perfectly round, and tbe whites are visible entuely around the pupils His mouth is famished with only the two canine teeth above and two incisors below, and all four are thin and sharp, resembling miniature tusks rather thai human teeth. The entire body is covered with a growth of thin, light hair, but the thick heavy locks are found only on tbe face. He speaks Russian and Grsrman tolerably well, and a fefv words of English and took great pride m showing that h could write his name by signing it ,to th back of his picures in large, flowing charac ters. Tho dog-faced boy was captured in the foTAsta of Koatroma, in the center of Russia, about tleven years ago, with his father, who is described as a wild man, with the same peculiar face which the boy now prsseeses. Jo Jo waa then little more than a baby, and hia face was comparatively hair- less. The father was exbibed all over Europe until three years ago, when he died. â€"New York Times. iflo*'"J Idded Jn raiting Bat know* at tbe ^he decor N. Y. the it with his whil« l^f Rnssians are reducing their aimy ex- '^ire by §4,500,000 per annum. Ao- l«iiditi I „ Dg to the Moscow GazeUe, this econcmy l,J? f brought about by extsnding the UtrTu ^^""e and decreasing the annual ,?^ker of recruits. Instead of the 260,000 L"ts sernng respectively three years "itaBtry and four years for cavalry, it ^a«cided at the last mteting of the ccm- ',°" charged with the consideration of Object: 1. To reduce the Caucasian re- Alaska Devil Fisb. Victor Hutro's description of the devil fi^ has always had for me a terrible fascina- tion, but hare in Alaska, this land of won- ders, the ladians recount stories equally startling,and almost a!l of them substantially corroborated by good testimony. Yesterday an Indian hooked up from one of the wharf posts an octopus five feet from tip to tip, and to the query "What are you going to do with him?" answered "Me eat him," and in fact with them tbe flesh is esteemed a great delicacy, although when alive the animal is an object of terror. The flesh when boiled is perfectly white, and taatea aomething like coda' tonguea, but while eating it the re- collection of what the damty waa when alive takea away all enjoyment. It ia not such a haimleaaamnaement this fiahing for devil-fish, and one which everybody would chooae for an afternoon aport. There ia only one really akilful fiaher in town, a miaaion boy. who fearleasly wadea into the water near their bannta, and, aeeing the animal, teara him frcm the lOok. Of oonrae hia aa- tanic majeaty reaenta the intmaion upon hia rights and retaliatea by winding one or more arma around the limba of the boy, bat with a quick and peculiar motion the In- dian teiia them off with a noiae reacmbling the ripping of heavy cotton cloth, at the fuune tune aUtting open the aaok of the ani- mal. It ia a dangeroua proceeding, and one which makes the beholder cringe to â- Â«Â»*»• aof t alimy arm of the ootopoa windmg itself around and gradually taking hold witti ita innnmerable snokera, anraly and graduaUy drawing ita victim down. Only on one oo- caaion, historically speakmg, haa one of theae ireaturea bei found ofaaffioient kum to attack a canoe and one Indian waa the only survivor. Incarease of Wealtli. An Engliah atatutioian maintoint that thedaOy moreaaeof wealth In the United StSteTnpward of $26,000,000. or. boat $838,000,000 a year, wh;ch is oneKthnrd aa mnoh as the inoreaae in wealth as the whole rSo^eSo^ the world. England. who«, • -J^â€" nt wealth ia next to onr own, $300,000,000 a year, cr but a UtUeovera third of oar own. ...^. ._._ „;.._ â€" Maaara. Oaaton !Kaaaaidiar imd "Wntdetiok Gujmi, hnabaadof Nordica, the aintriflan prima donna, ahowed diat tiie piaotieal dan^en of ballooning are atHI fmt from being aarmoant- ed, however well aekoal diaaaftsra may be avdded by oodneaa and skill. Theae two gentlemen aaeanded from the l^aaandier eataUiahment al Anteiul abont 1 Vdook, to oontinne a aeriaa of adeatific experimenta open oerkain theorleaadvanoed by M. Gower. They aaUed alowly past Paria to the aonth- eaat at a height of abont 1,600 feet, and dia- appeared ia the direstion of VinoeDnaa. In anawer to the inquiry of a Mormug Neat repreaentative M. Gswer relntea what befell the voyagera af terwarda. "We were, at a height of aix thoaaand feet above the village of Fontenay. A fete waa going on there, and the faint ejho of drama, mingled with the criea of children and the Marking of dosa, joat reached our eara amid the awful auence of the heavena. We were among the cloudt of the lower heavens. We were among the cloada of the lower atratam, and had before oar eyea the magnificent apactacle of their formation. The foroea of nature moved them t3 and fro in a kind of aallen majeaty, now piling them into a mountain jaat above oar heads, and, then, aa the maaa toppled to ita fall,di»p ^rs- ing it suddenly, aa by a blow from the hammer of some invisible Titan, miking rif ta throagh which we aaw the fair, green landa, and quickly cloaing them, aa the vaporous monster rolled into fresh combina- tions. It waa the inner temple of creative p3wer, perhapa the greatest sight revealel to human eyes, and we stood entrensed )n silent admiration. "Saddeuly we felt a breath of cold and biting air, as though the wotld bai revolved beneatti us and brought us over tbe pole. At the same moment the needle upon a ver- tide scale (from which I had been reading indicaticns of level) began to travel with a startling speed. A sound like the roar of surf filled onr eara for an inatant and then gave plvse to the noise of the fete, which had now swelled into a cry, aa it aeemed, from every living thin? below. Tissandier threw out sand, snd the sand flew np in our faces. Our breath cams short and hard, and we felt the rushing air as on a steamer against the wind. We were tailing, sudden- ly, aa though the great globe above our heads had given way 1 Yet nothing visible had happened, save that the nndersurface of the envelope had all at once grown hollow and wrinkled, like the face of an aged man. Tbe clouds were gone as by magic, and the eirth was rushing at us, with its thousand voices in full cry. Tissandier stood cool and firm, dealing out the ballast with steady band and counting the bags that remained. " ' Stand by the anohor," he said, quietly, as if at his study table, ' and be ready to cut away when I tell you.' 'Down we went the drag-rope touched the earth â€" trailed across the halds, with scarcely perceptibl) difference in our fa'l. The ground seemed alive with men hurrying from every side, with here and there a horseman among them. A mesdo w was just benath, and a quick glance beyoad showed the edge of a forest. The ball Jon trembled as from a b!ow, and onr spaed acrosa the field waa suddenly doubled. We had fallen into a rquall. " ' Cue away,' said the ateady voice of the aeronaut, and the anchor fell. Over went a bag of ballast, too, and, thus suddenly lightening by thirty ponnda, the balloon re- gained its poiae at fifty feet above the ground, and our fall of a mile through the air waa aafely ended. " Never waa aonnd precept more quickly followed by practical illoatration. Leaa than an hour before Tissandier had been dwelling on tbe need of reserving ballast as a precaution. ' There are in the air,' said he, ' occasional rarefactions into which a balloon can fall without the aUghteat warning. When yon are near the ground it does not much matter. But no prudent aeronaut at a height ef a thousand meters or more will allow his ballast to become even nearily exhausted.' And this waa precisely what our own case showed ao ahortly after- ward. We encountered a partial vaouum, a veritable pit in the air, where the lifted power of gu suddenly fell to almost nothing. Air was, of course, on the way from some area of a greater density to restore the normal pressure, and of this we had ample evidence upon reaching the ground. The anchor struck the soft earth in the most favourable position, buried half its flukes in the soil, and was snatched out with scarcely an effort by the flying car. Again and again the heavy iron bounded fifty feet into the air, and it was only when a score of stout laborers had laid hold of the drag-rope (at cost of a few tumbles), that the ganbola of our playful monater were brought to an end. And then Tiaaandier, while obliging hands folded and packed the balloon, prodaoed a notebook and hia map, and calmly completed hia record of the ex- curaion."â€" [Paria Newa. \/Ma( ereaart, and faaelin. 1st: Q. 8. KiHG. tend., good aaiUHai^ IN CM WANTED. teas to •oMOMn. BalHyfraatMW'tojnOOperfMHr faod^Mtptorpittoalaifc JAMSilJkVT, Imawtar Tana IL WILLIAMS. SLATE AND FELT ROOFER. Manofaoturer .and Dealer in *an«4 F4«t, Beaflys Ptt«*. BMldtBK raper. CarvecPeU, ;e.,atMw«aa 4 ADaaAina St. East, ToBomo. F. E DIXON CO. Manmaesaven af atar Btvea Leather Belting I M Was BCMeC. Bwrt. Laraa doable Drivlns Belte a apedaltr. for race Uata and Diaooonta W. F. P. Currie Co. 100 Grey Nun St., Montreal. Importenof PIpea, reitlmnd Censcat* 9y Tmt, Oanada Oement, Yea* IiUiigs, Water Lime, Hoe Ooven, Wkitina, XIraBrioka, Fluter of Paria, UnCfar, Bonz, Roman Oemmt, AIaa Clay Manof aotaren ot Steal atoCa. cnalr Bad Bprtasa timti WMitfttI KSHÂ¥c ji. TDNOKT. anwART iriKk oa. Wiaae:Ht., Weat.ToH»esoL E E KNOTTS aSSSS2% AU Usda of faal aataSa aold ot exabanMid on iioii. Xonar loaned on aU kinda a nal aatata at low- aatiateaaCiutaNat. AwHeatlon bm msaay tnm fana- «n « niiiiiallf BaeSi aiillaiaod and «nataa aiaiiasell in tovnorcooDtrr. K.B.â€" MaatotnlateiMaaona^t- e.tior. vtm. SMOKED SAUSAGES. The moat eonvenient meat for tannen in their busy leaaon. These tmeats are cooked aad ready tor nae Sold by â- roaen throiuh the Dominioa Sena for pribe to W. OLARK P. O. Box 342 Montreal- AUan LinB Royal Hail SteamsMps. Sailing dnrinc winter trom Portlaad eveir Thursday, and HaBtaz every Saturday to LiTerped, and in summei trom Qaebeo every Saturday to LiTsrpool, oallina at Lon- donderry to land mails and pasaen^rs tor SooUand and Ireland. Also trom Baltimore via Balitaz and St. John's N. F., to Liverpool tortnishtly dorins smmner montha, nie steamers of the Otasgow Unes saU during winter be tween Portland and Glasgow, and Boston andiHaagow alternately 'and daring snmmer between Quebec and Qlaagow and Boston and Olaagow every week. For freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Schumacher ft Co., Baltimore d. Cunard Co. Halifax Shea Co.. St. John's N. F. Wm. Thomson ft Co., St John, N. B. Allan Ca, Chicago; Leve Alden, New York H. Bonrlier, Toronto Allans, Bae ft Co., Quebec H A Allan, Portland, BoaUm, Mon- treal f^Vtm. RAWBOSBftOa WeaMaaainietheaaM XJT bnriii M i a n d e aa an iely yon waa anything In tha SportiagUaa at wtaolaaaia prioaa. aaisa aa dmrgad t» daalera. We hava now the "intfda tmtf* oc «b» Onn b nsi a a s a and no ana alaecan aall at anr flaniaa. Tb* oaly artiela we do aok «naon is tha wbuAaslw, •• wa d«it aare to ia!Ut.batiaateadatoyoa4habaaa- Ufn 1 «w Oott BwasaWag Rifle in avviv wax satar and â- â- wertor, (tally WanaaSod) at aavaraldollara leas. Band 6a.forMir.nawiU.aatal«|iia aontainiog flah and nmo la ts. Roto ohaaga of lailrssi, w« havinc moved from. TonrnSt. avanotitt aay way oonnsolaa with the old stand. RaWBOm Co., Praetteal Gon Makeia Shaftesbury Hall. Toronto jBTAU kinds aC.Oun re- lairi ng dona inflr.'t.claaa style in onr own workihopa. I will anpply two year old vines of WHITE 6BAPE wicL jat any conditionB whatever at Two Dollars Eack. Agents wanted, apply to D'W.,Beadle, St. CATASUfSS. Dominion Lioe of Steamships. Running in oonneetion with the Orand Trunk Ball- way ot Oanada. Sailing trom Quelieo every Saturday, during the summer months, and trom Pdnland every Thorsday daring thO' winter months. Sailing dates from qusaxo to livkbpool *Ore«cen. t»et. 18 i *8»»la, Nov. » Hentreal, vet. X6 KreeUyn, Hev. U *Tsne«nver Nov. 1 1 Teronto^ Bfov. M Bates ot passage Oabin. Qaebeo to Liverpool $BU, t60,965, 980. Retam,«90.(108,aU7.fU4,aoaordingto steamer and berth. Intermediate 835, Steerage, at lowest rates. The saloons and staterooms in steamers marked thus aw amidships, where but little motion ia felt, and no cattle or sheep are carrisd on them. -For further tartiealais apply to an; Otsnd Trunk Railway Agent or local agents of the Company, or to BATII* TOBKANCB a CO., General Agents, Hontiea Coleman Patent Harness. Impiavad. works withont whlffletrees. OooLHtf iwBble, mash caslaroa laaa and teams. TUB ha a spadalty In onhards. as no trass m orlriag qoaUUea naiantiBed. Price HO. Territory for sale in Unitad Btotea and trass canbelataiedi J B Devey Co. OOLBOBKB. â- % TlUi MODJSL Washer AND BLEACHER. Weighs but 6 pounds. Can be oanried in asmall valise' Illustration shows Machine i« boiler. Satisfaction riarantetd or money refuneed within SO days. lM0.0O^BWaKD rOA XT SUPERIOR. Washing made light and easy. Mhe clothes have, that pure whiteness whiohno other mode of washing can pro- duce. No rabbing requited, no frictien to injure tba fabric. 10 year old girl can do the washing aa well aa an older person. To place it in every household the pbick has bkbh BEDUGIB to $3 60, and if not found satisfaMory, money refunded. Seis what the "Oanada Presbyteriao," says about itâ€" The Model Washer and Bleacher which Hr. O. W. Dennis offers to the public has many and valuable advantages. It is a time and labtr saving machine, substantial and enduring, and is very cheap, from trial in the household we can testify to its ezeellence. Deliveved to any express office in th« Provinces of On- tario and Quebec Charges paid 23^40. Send for cireolars. A6;EIITS W4HTID. C. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE, S13 TONOX SBXKT. TORONTO. ONT. J^ EBIDEN gEITANKLA. :) MAirUPACTUBEBS OP (: New York, Merideo (Ct.), Ghicafiro, San Francisco, London, (Eng.). BRANCH FACTORYâ€" Cor. Cannon and Wellington Streets, IlamUton, Ont. Many jmrehaiers having through similarity of names purchased other wares under the impression that th^ were of eur manufacture, we are compell- ed to ask special attention to the alove TRADE MARKS The tact that our name and Trade Marks are being so dosa- ty imitated sh?nl(i be a TtzffiTient guaran- tee to the pohijc that onr warea are tfa« BEST IN THK WORLD. TRADE 181:7 Rogers Bras. Al. »;ARg. J CURNEVS STOVES! A Tale for the Harines, The andden change in the weather remind- ed the young woman of her aealakin aaoque packed away np-atain. She brought it down and ahowed it to her father. " It looka a little worn and ahabby, my dear," aaid the old gentleman " I wul give yon the money to (^ a new one before cold weather aeta in." "Oh, no, yon needn't, papa. A little cleaning and bmahing and it can be made to look very well for another aeaaon at leaat." She then went into the kitchen and made aome biacoita for tea that reminded the writer of awanadown, only they weren't quite ao heavy. The name and addreaa of thia girl will be given to any yonng man whoae teferenoea are aatiafaotory. Faying for Yalne Beedred, " How much did Mr. Smith give yon at hia wedding f aaked a miniater'a wife of her hnalMuid. •« Two doUara." â- ' Well, that* a a very inaignififamt anm for a rich man like Mr. Smith to pay for' auch a aervice." .-. "It doea aeem a amall amount," he replied, ' but yoa moat renumber that he haa been married before." â-  •â- â-  m A bicycle to ran on ice may be called an ioicle. WOOD COOK, GRAND DUCHESS, COAL AND WOOD RANGE, COUNTESS BASE BURNER. wmioiiT ovEff. GOAL AND WOOD COOK. FOR SALE BY 8TOVE DEALERS HERE NEW WIIaUAMS High Ann Maohine ia now reoogniaed M tiia 8evin£ lacbine if ths Ferieda It to Utfit umA Raay ta Rapl« la aaa^ Blaapto tal( It ia atrong, dniabla, and well ballt, the very beat material that money can bay' or akill prodnoe. It waa awarded five BMdala and three firat priaaa at the Dominion Bsbibition laat October. It ia rapidly aoperaeding all tho old fiwhioned makea everywhere. See it try it, bay it, and make aore that yon get it, THEWILLIAMS'MFGGO. 178t Notre Dana St. Montreal, andl :K« St.. Woalk 1-ONBte. 1^ •»•-:,*

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