^Mtp •^-i,-- i fit oil, ' *jii siytt. tt'o *«du â- ':• â- :tf .;i-f h^vol-T^y, npr,-,: .pRlNG FIELD. m mtmmtmik MtM â- f'i • mmam faact' kt A grand i^aOJtfaig JSiiteb irifr»ttke place at the inaa$ioahDaBe,Kiiiiberl8y. to^mowow. {:F«daj4 Shootistg ' eommtneoat lO^o'do^. W«.€oiiaw* proprietor. ' njqt-,: «.- ,.^.. FassH teas apd choice ragaca wrtJing ' NO IfATSSBi F^TT- ^T ,iit.'K- T^fiutspi t b^' ?« STJaT »BT pi Lf a/?(/ tS/yi^er Cases -IN- Ito ffrittpt ffhcre iwiB,hnneh»B« or ,^sta, Hf^^ura's TeDow QSl'ti^en or sfypd wm grre 'immediate relief, uid a powre jcpre qqieily lollowB iM u^ei ♦ ., \N«w eiocK.â€" Wtn.« Hiriibtry^ Ima Co«usEOTioN.-«-In leporting a larth M**^ "^T '^^ now oj^pn and every tv,« *„_.:!_.* *. â€" d^pa^tipeiit pf luB grq»e?y and iiquor establishment wtU^ fonoid w^ mp III VAUIJMMUE Tflc IE jiio. "iiiA' AT ijs' and Gents' Sizes. bdruple Silverware for Wedding Presents. CHE" \^^^"9 Rings, 18 k„ jild Silver Jewellery ILINS AND STRINGS. im Repairing a Specialty. Square dealing in Sales 7ork. J air Prices. A. BROWN. MARKDALE. PEST. IF RTt oronto- WADE UIT [•$4 00. 6 00. 8 00. lookia che^ ing at iRIOES, f'eoWr of Airtemesia. odr infbrmauii pve it a? a daughter when it should have been a son. -^ ' BEAUTiFyi. Grapes at J. K. Trimble's ^ngjngia price from 50o to $4.50. Parties in need of those goods sbonld not fail to see them. Owing to n^t Thareday being a public hQhday (Thanksgiving) the iJiANDAKD will be issued the day previous; Our correspondexits will please act accordingly. Kbw Velveteens at McFarland's. JSew Dress Goods at McFarland's. Hew Flannels at McFarland's. New Mantles at McFarland's. To-MORBOw is All Hallow E'en, and would suggest to the boys, what- ever you do, do not destroy property there is many ways of eujoyini; sport and having a good time without damaginjj property. The Clear iug Auction Sale of Reynolds Son's Bankrupt Stock wiJl be sold on Saturday without reserve, commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. Mb. Jas. Brtan has purchased the right for Artemesia township for the sale of "The Atmospheric Temperias? Churn," and is making numerous sales. They appear to be just what was wanted. aland Other Items. 1 in ilie^e columns intended to benefit ikiduiil or Society will be charged ten |] line for the first insertion and five [ine c'lich subtequent insertion. stand UND. ring an ex- md DESKS, tue latest [tu. Highly i and Teaeh- ompactneB^ pf Farm ana jjendfor JMcGILL* ibop. kanprodttc© Irts Of )EREDv. Irespectfallf I'g Uodt. EDGE. ;eeds lit is at lAlfl' IE out for your gate. cabbage garden. morrow night. 8 egi, dealer has taken a partner. urn?, aildition has been built to :ity Hotel. £E caip of your health by keeping teet dry. MEMBER tiie cattle fair on Satur- 8th Nov. before to- ffi m your cabbage iw night and gate. LOPES printed neat and at the Standard office. very IE Sash, Doors and Mouldings, itiraat Co., Markdaie. Sctt Act was defeated in 0,, by a majority of 198. ' immense quantity of freight moved on the C. P. R. smilk bawling to the factory ion Monday last for the season. best Long Boots for men and jin Markdaie are at McFarland's. I Governor General has appointed ay iJov. 6th, as Thanksgiving ^Bedsteads, Spring Beds, and ises, go to Grant it Co., Nle. i^N.A. McDeabmid stopped off Neof days ou his way to Bame reek. i Extension, Side, Centre, Fall JiDd Kitchen Tables, go to Grant I'l Markdaie. fODal Pills acts promptly tipon the _, ate tae Bowels and as a purgative fi and tliorougli. 'sideboards, dressing cases, bed- P, louDges and cradles, go to 'Ho., Markdaie. "ti^BHeadg printed and put in 'a small advance on the cost "are paper at this office. Sash, Lumber, Newel Post, Balusters and Hand-railing, Ptaut Co.. Markdaie. six inches of snow fell on "â- ^yiWhicb has since disappeared 'tbe roads in a sloppy condition. ^^^antiug bargains should be on "turday at Auction Sale ofihe ^Pt Stock of Reynolds Son. y express company will operate [Shortly. The Dominion Co. P»etiiio arrangements to oper- pthewholeC. P. It. .•WELEisthis week attend- §ieat Trade Sales going on ia • Look out for bargains^ " Wl pay you to buy your "I^R.J.SprouIcFl^ak- Catlfor sampks. ' Mr. John Hill, of Artemesia, lost a valuable horse lapt week. Death is supposed tu have been caused by the bursting of a blood-vessel. The ani- mal was worth $150. We have been informed that Bobt. Freeborn, of Holland, was awarded 1st prize for cow with pedigree at Holland Centre Show. The prize list only gave him 2ud. We gladly make the correction. J. E. TfiiMBLE has received a fresh line of Tea this season's importation. This is undoubtedly the finest tea for the money ever offered for sale in Markdaie.' Call and get a trial oi it. Money. â€" Having secured an agency for the Canada Permanent, Loan Savings Co., I am in a position to loan any quantity of money on real estate security. Business strictly private. For particulars apply to Thos. Boland, Vandeleur P. 0. Dress goods in the latest patterns in great variety, and at bottom prices at R.. |. Sproule's, Flesherton. Plxass read my advertisement of actual stock, at head of local column, then get my cash quotatiobs on these different lines of Watches, c., ere you purchase elsewhere. I feel able to satisfy all castomers as to prices, goods, and warrants. â€" W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Persian Lamb and other winter caps to suit the million at prices that will astonish the natives at R. J. Sproule's. BiBLB SocnBTY.â€" The Markdaie branch of the Bible Society will hold their annual meeting on Friday evening, 81st Oct., in the Methodist Church. Addresses will be given by the agent, J. G. Manly, and Revs. Wilson, Grandy and Casson. A gcod attendance is desured. Wa». Lucas, President. W. A. Brown, becy. A large stock of tweeds at R. J. Sproule's,; Flesherton. No better variety to select from or value given in the county Call an see. Oua LiTTLB Ones.â€" This excellent childrens paper, for November, w to band. It always sets the childrai wild with delight when it comes. It isbyaU odds the best paper of the kmd we have seen. It wntams 32 pages, and is benutifolly lilnstrated. P?bli8hed by the BasseU Pub. Co., 86 Bromfield St., .Boston, at f 1.50 per year. Omciffis aotTkachsb^.â€" A teachcrt meeting of ^e Markdaie Ifetoodist 8. S. waa held on Tuesday ^voni^ plied with fresh goods and at riglit prices. A GUHE FOb GHOLSBA MOBBU8. A positive core for this dsngeroU eom- plaint, and for all aente or efaronie fenns of Bowel Gomjplaint inddent to smnraer and faU; is foimd in Dr. Fowler'a Extrael of Wild Strawberry to be pio«iired from any drog- Ria*. "Ma. Biley" has been taken down (from J. B.Trimbles' shop window) and dissected, and a five gallon whiskey keg found in his stbinach« the contents of which were completely drained. We saw a person round town who lopke as if he had assisted the draining process. Fluid Lightninf^cnres Neuralgia in 1 minute. Fluid Lightning cores Toottaehein 1 minute. Fluid Lightning cares Face Ache in t minnte. Fluid Lightning cnres Lnmbago in 1 minute. Fluid Li{(htning relieves Bheumatism in one minute. Fluid Lightning cures any pain or ache instantly. Price 25 cents per bottle at Hill Bro's. O. N. 6 Moses Gates, in alluding to the weather, says. â€" "Tell the farmers to get in their turnips before they finish any fall plowing they have to do, for very cold weather is coming before October is out, and it may hart the turnips in some parts of the country. There will be plenty of time in November to do the plowing in western and central Ontario and perhaps a little time for it in the middle of the winter." IVflontfnib^eeviflaioe ef'iige, Oiifap-r' plication will mi^c^fiie most atubhcxnlyM^. and rough hwicb neJiutifbi^ soft snd'-wUite." Bemcaqber tln|t •'MAt DlsW^ls not a'part or powder that.fiUs'np the pores of 'tiie lAin, and that is inJUriotiB to die sk^ but a new and great diflodysry, a Vegetatie li^d; ttiitt causes the obiedc to glow with baalth, the neck, arms and hands to rival the liii^ in whiteness.' Impossible to deteet in the beauty it apnfers any artificial ^neter. It cnres greasy Skin, Freckles, Wmi^ks, Pimides. Blade Heads, Crow's Feet, Kotehes, Face Grubs, Sun bum. Tan, Bingwarm, Chapped Hiimds, Sore or CIuiiqed tdps. Barber's Itch, Tetter, etc. It frees the por es, oil glands, and tnbes from the injurions effects of powders ani cosmetic washea. By its use all redness and roijg^ess are pre- vented it oeautifien the skin, and will make it srft, smooth and white imparting a de- licious softness imparting a perfectly healthy, natural and yonthM appearance. The best free lotion that the world ever pro- duced. We will send "a labob bottlb" to any address on receipt of price, $1. When ordering mention this paper. Address all letters to the MAT DEW AGENCY, 167 Church fttreet, Toronto. Ont. Parlor and Reception Boom for Ladies. OFFICE OF TBLE Rn« • Kodd Mathews, Segy.; -»• M. IMPORTANT. When yon visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Expressage and Carriage Hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Dspot. Elegant rcoms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, reduced to 91, and upward per day. Europerian plan Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated railroail to all depots. Families can li^e better for less money at the Grand Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. Reception. â€" On Thursdsy evening last quite a number of the young folks of the villa;e assemblt'd at the Severe Hotel to receive Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Currie on th«nr return froai their weddiue; tour. About 10:80 the compauy sat dowa to a snmptnons repast, whih did credit t3 the propiietor of the Bevere, after which toasts were drank to the health of the bride and groom, the ladies, the host and hostess, and to the Queen, â€" "God bless her." Mr. Currie has been amongst us only a short time, but has succeeded by his genial and friendly manner in winning the respect and esteem of his young associates, wbioh they each gave expression to at the close of ^e evening. We heartily welcome to our town Mr. Currie, and his better half.and wish them sneeess, long life and continued happiness. AN ANSWER WANTED. Can any one bring ns a ease of kidnoy or liver complaint ihai. Electric Bitters wiU not speedily cure We say they «•» not, aa thousands of cases already permaiMiitly cured and who are daily recommending Slee- trie Bitters, will proye. Brigfat's disease, diabetes, weak back, or any nrinaiy oom- plaint quickly cUrML They pnriiy the Blood ngolate the bowels, and act directly on the dueased parts. Every bottla guaranteed. For sale at 5U cents a bottle by A. Timer A Co., Markdaie. S. S; Annivbbsabt.â€" -The most sncoeasfnl annual entertainment ye*t held by the Markdaie Methodist Sabbath School, took place on, Tues- day evening last. Notwithstandmg the very bad state of the roads, a gooilly Lumber from the country were present, and the church wan well tilled. After lull justice was done ill supplying the inner ' man, at the OraugeHall, the company repaured to the ciiurch, where the intellectual part of the exercises took place, The Cantata was well rendered, and reflects great credit on those who took part, especially the Superintendent, Mr. Bowes, who tolled with, such nntijnng perseverance dui ing ojauy, week^ in, preparing i^ud practising th# eeboul in the various parts. Short addresses were given by ReVJ WHson,, Gtandy, Di. Sproule.'and the (^ajmiah Bev. Mr. Casaon. The Dr's. address waa â- leoially appropria^ and wdl receiv- ed. ' ' Tlie financial total was also very satisfactory,, aiid the funds will be appropriated towards purchasing books, papers, and other sappliei for tiie school. MUb: All kinds of M suable and IVJoiiu.iiieiita.1 "^JVorlss,. Buch as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Head btones. Counter and;Table Tops, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Al30 Mantlea, in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, c., c. S!$a.t.ista,ctioxi Gri].a.xaiiteed. in lalvery IZespeclr. ROBT. S. RAE, TAU0R, -•-â€"â€"-=â- -A _-»-_ â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o f/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/^/6/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o7o/o/o/o/o/e/o/o/v(o/ ^7o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/Q/o/«j|/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/fo/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/' ,o:â€" 'o: â€" •o: â€" OSâ€" •Iâ€". " iiii M iii»f M iiii n iiwwwwtfWfywiyiPffi M »»i w i r Wo^are now showing s^^ial driy.Q9 in. ^/»m^. ^l^ii^andi Fasffiitnabh Treasurer. Teaching »toff.â€" K.jw- hydas, Qtev!K^ ^ai, 0i«»njst. rS^fm.f-J e.^' Dress Coods^ Laces, Trimmuiffs^ Rtantle ClaMis^; BiHtons, Hosiecy^^ UDIES A GENTS IHtKRGLOTHIMG EIG. :o:- ACANAUJAN, SCOTCH and: WEST f of ENGLAND) for Men's md Boys*' j Suits, (Overcoats, and Garments â€" I^ICheap,, Fashjonabfe^ajid, Stylish. -;n Api'i.fis, rurkup$, Dollar bUtev Potatoes and other Yegetaties taken 6:0m new subscribers art m'A.ti., prisee for the Stahdard. For all ages and conditions from- ihie l^avy Stbga to 0lev finest Kid. These goods are unsufpassed^priice, value andi Iqii^Uty considl^d,. â- -^/.^--'^^'nV :;.,."â- S»itibieiftr -^ i^' -ft- -s-l â- ' r n?ItC A SpeBialtyfrbm|B«*c|Stefef 1