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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Oct 1884, p. 1

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 "y^!'*^^^'%fi^^if^"'-Xv.x.^- .â- Â«t^Ti*w^-^*^ ._ le pt-.niaiieiit cure of liroat, AsC-iHw, thtn 1, Br»iirhills, and Diseases. nteed to give satisfaOMi JO.. Proprietors Toronto. the otaff of life an tliai will pleas on hand, to anppl emand. Stock is low let us kno'rt, r wants supplj low the reaso \t. Force, and Crate VOL. 4.-^ The MarMai« WM â-  ' â-  1. ' Is issued evesy Thursday, at the offio^ [ill Street, Markdale. Tekms â€" *1 per year tif iid'vittTice f 1.25 if toot paid within three months. Professional aitd baRinesa- oards one inch space and under, per year, $4. • 1 YB. 6 MO. 3 MO. Whole column 95b 00 »27 50 tl5 00 Half column 27 00 16 OQ 1() Oo Quarter column .... IS 00 10 00 6 00 Two inch apace. .... 7 00 4 00 three inch space .... 10 00 5 00 Casual adverti8ement 8 cents.perline first insertion, 3 cents per lire each stlbseiiient insertion, nonpareil measure. Editorial notices, or notices in local col- nmn 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents each subsequents insertion. Stray animals Ac advertised 3 weeks fot $1, the advertisement not to exceed twelve lines. No paper discoBtinued until all arrers are paid except at tho aption of the publiiiher. â€" JOrP^INTINC. â€" The Standakd oflBce has a splendid equip- ment of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by maU. Orders filled \vith dispatch. EDITOE AND PBOPEIETOR. ~^ »- r .i i i t ,, 1 ,. ..1 1,( 1 ,j_j.jtj^ â€" k « i. ' j. t t' .... " Kii ;r\' I-" .." â- ? ' ' '" ~~Tr:TT~r .l.. ' !* !.â- ,,., â-  .... â- , â- *â-  I[t09l* HANDS dtPERRY, (SUCCESSOUS XO LAUDltB HANDs), BAl'.EISTERS, Sblicitort, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, fec. Monety to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 KiUg Street F.ast, 199-251 ToBOHlo. Frost A Frost, BAERISTEBS, AND ATTORNETS-AT Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey Sneers, Ac., Owen Sound, have resumed at lH',sl«rtca, Office open every Thursday, as heretofore. Alfred FnosT. J. W. Frost, LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 J. in Assow, BARBISTEE, MASTEE ANDDEP. REG in Chancery, Notary Public, ConveyanJ «er, c. A NUMBER or FABMS FOR SALE. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vic-iser's Slock Poulett St.; Branch ofice in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday andSatuiday ^very week. 57-ly B Creasor A Wf rrison, AEEl" -j.^o,SOLICITOES. CONVEY- ances, c. a. Offices in Owen Sound, Dufferin Block, over W, F. Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE; Over W. J. MeFarland's Store on Thursday and Friday of each week. CS'Fundsto lend on reasonable terms. John Creasof., Q.G. Ddkcan Mobhon Markdale. March 15. 1882. • 79-1t Alexander Brown. ISSUEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insiurance Agent. Uommifisionei in B. E. e. Conveyancer and Licensed AHctioneer for the County of (Jrey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Pricevme,Sept.l7.ia80. • 1-y Wm. Browv, JSSUEE OF MARRIAGE LICENSES.c Commissioner in~B. B. a- Conveyancing in all its branches promptlji attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se ciirity. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Pi1Ot0rief«»r. CITY lohn lilcAIecif, ' JWraftrictor. „«n4' tiiUoni. PirMext B. Ghent, M,D., M.B.O I*. S., O. Physician and Burceon, Pri^ceville, Gtadoate of Univer^ty. Vict. College' New York, kfid Hon. Graduate, of the name, .. M Ayleth Medical Institute. » „ Optholtaic fiospital, N.t. MemberColl.PhyaieiabsiftSarge6r8,0. 104 PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOVCHER, AU caUs prompUff attended (o. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, V"3^1i^UATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL VJT ti Dentistry, will be at Butledge's Gktel, Markdale, on ^el at and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munahaw's Hotel. Flesherton. the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tioe of bis profession. 122-47. â- â- â- â- â- 'â-  or (.• ^f^ .-yr.' UA^Iptte mU^ This house is fittedap in good style, B^tu- ated on Mill streei, wher6 the triytning pub- lie may depend on the Tory best acepinnaq-j dation. Union bus to a» faiihs. il9^ â€" â- "•^- 0^ -r^ W. Q. RICHARDS, BUILIBR, CONTRACTOR. ARCBl- TECtt°^Besidence on ilill Street, Mark- dale 1241y HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OVEE THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sues and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to I^ DEB .^fi^ ^s/CI -DT O- A large stock of mouldiog to choose from. Gall and leave your mea^ire for a ]3icture. •Ja,s. Hamilton.. HEPTR-Y GULL, HOUSE PAINTER, GBAINEE, (jLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing Factory, ]Vr.A.«.lA.I A LE Obdxbs Soucixed. Ebtuatbs Given. 11)2-205 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PElCEVrLLiE. Ont. Large aud eommodioQB Sample Booms Qood Bed Booms, o. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive HosUei's TfiOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor GIBSON CONTRACTOR. JContrietaiakeD f«r «a lands of BAisk MIS stME wm, F,l«in Oniam.ental Plasterin);. Paticn^ininQin t^l Shade* ank Cohn^ " ffl^ rjya modflrate aQ^ Battsfactibn guarr «iteeH. Order^ la^tajt aheSiixmiXiD oce will receiye Ki;?W|'t !ftt*p9ki^3^i }iv. MARKDALE, MRS. ONT. Co-ii -^, PEEF CT FIT GtrAiE^li?%lPII4^^^^^^ ir'l ar*i»t, vfiis- -j â-  .tTT Builder ^BA^'QwAfefs^ IV^ieit "ftxBt^ra flfeme to RoUJud'a groonds, Fkoft latere tite HumliierihW8, Our path was stiewn foil tiirw feet deep With: winter's diilting sBewi" Noatatelfooaflh along the line, r Upwi its wheak could go BntebdgcB amoothand swift ididgUde.' Upon the frosen 8iiow«, Then desolation reigned sapreme Ana noitht appeared aronad, But-snow ekd hills and lonly streams In uif fetters bound. The forest stood as thick as when Before the food it grew, But soon a olearing l(Hig and wide Appeared to please the y^ew. With sturdy arms and axes keen, T«o youths that fot«8t felled. And soon a dwelling rose to sight Where late the avage yelled. The house then was composed of logs Upon a gentle hill, And joinsd together at their ends With scientific skill. The oedar swamp then lent its aid And furnished us with means With shingles then aud neatly laid for to keep out the rains. Her father Adam's sentence then Upon us fell full eore, Bat all with patient fortitude Our lads and lassies bore. The words of Israel's sage proved true, Even h«re among the wil4s, ' Aud many a comfort we enjoyed For those we left behind. No real want we over knew. Thou ,h homely was our fare With tnankfnl and contented hearts We banished grief and oare. Our lads the-foreet ranged for game And sometimes a fat bock Or doe rewarded them if they Upon their track had sAruc^. A biasing fire adorned otir hearth And cheerful faces round Sat gossiping or Urtning To muB'c's lively sound. The Matron uid her Maiden then, Like Watt's busy bee, Improred the time with easy toil Or yocal melody. The Ox, the heavy plodding Ox, Of all the Bflstud train. Was then oar friend, for to his strength We looked ior future gain. With patience slow and solemn tread, His deyioos way he wound To Sydenham's mills the nearest place, Where flour oould be ground. The Bakers art soon turned to bread, The flour thus obtained. With home-made yeast, both good and pore. ^e maple tree contained. Of all the trees the forest yields, No other can compare, For innate virtue all thy own Thou Sugar maple fair. Thy ns^nl virtues well deserve. Bfore oommendable praise Than can be giyen by me or mine In these poor homely li^s. Thy juioes manufactured can When done at proper times, Produce a sugar sound and sweet As those of sunny climes. A vyrop sweet as nectar and An acid pungent too As that which crosses o'er the sea. From old and famed Bordeau. Thy wood doth make a cheerful fire and with a Uttle art ' Thy ashes forms the substance which Doth cleanliness impart. When tuned and polished it doth make. Most splendid furniture O bird eye maple how I love To have imcb garniture. But now the sun in Taunts takes "' His qratematic place ' And nature now begins to wew A mild and chieertul laoe. QiiflB hoaiy winter takes his flj^t* ' .. The snow doth.diaappea^, ,:J ,. And boay hibour now bfiQns To oeoopgr MKyesE. ^^j^. „y .Tlie feather^ it%i^ now visit^s 'i'hjin dldttil^tiiiunBy «IiBies ' .And grateful^.to otir earslsifaw J^Weet'innEdc of their chimes. Thwood iisekei,Utat. taps the' tr«f»! ' " c .r:For itasu9taai))gio94. ., ;^ /iAlndipineonftBumb^less wihiph ^ofi^ i ~„ 'So uurislk their y^ung, brood. ^^ ' ^f*-if/ â- â- *â-  l«5-em*i IftM. ./â- Ui'W.i Said six ttcM^loT^ to4- «e eei ve f ree.,a cqslQyiMX ofgoods which willlhy^'air,' r^i^ '^iiieipfttiler sex to moiiB'xuIsi^, •1 o»* -^•:V -!f \u^Ua^-^\M' iU *«»a « xyi»#ia ?aiasTl iir^fi?; *woJi)o ;*;/!* fetss" ,i(l ml Which genial swRi dofm M i s ii t) fm^jn iy. gwiintt. o-.a u." Ili6se,fielctt vrtitch never ydtvMn WMf"-; ' BincelMattti was a b(qr, ' " Nbfi^ wk^es wtBi '(font and* gosoon niinf' ' The sattters hope and joy. And then withjKVthe.aad cacslEid rake,-, ' Both men aod maidens «o, To gatb«r in the bounteous 4B^ whidiHeavm did best9«»: yr itir raipid strokes the moweir goes ' Atnoi^ the ripened wheat And cuts it down in even rows Upon the ground so neat. The oarefnl rake then fdlom him, Held by aoOMi maiden faur, Who rolls the swarth in even sheaves With handiness and care. Another hand in order nomes Who ties them with a band And then the're placed in shofdn ereet Upon the stubble land The heavy wain by horses drawn Was scarcely to be found Among the settlers of the time For many miles around. Instead of them the oz and sleigb, (Though tiiey were rather slow,) Were used to carry in the crop And place it in the mow. The healing art, though highly prized. Was seldom practiced here. For temperance aiid labour joined With pure and balmy air. It braced our nerves, our spirit cheered. And purified sur blood. That 'tf the doctor or his stuff In little reed we stood. The lawyer, he was seldom saen. And just as seldom wanted • No litigation then had been To jar the quiet homestead. The pious man did not forget The God who reigns above. But Uved in peaceful harmony In friendship and in love. The Ministers of Gtod with him, A heaity weleoq^ found. When ever they at stated times Did go the circuit round. This was the routine of our life And of most settlers too And should you be indiued to try^., It may be so with you. Now settlors bare your heads with me And give three hearty cheers, And then go singing through the wood The British Grenadiers. Mas. G. LxB, Holland. »;. â- â- VSSf liaay .p«fioiwi find iUiomBel7«B tetmbled^W^lttfaliMNl. Some resort totiie^yqriateof^ GUointl and ottrar it ttinr use is once bi^on, have to 1^." continued, acd^ in inorM«ing doMB,w and every e£EcTt should be to iBdtMtf sleep in some other way. Amuigilbe ' metiiodB that have been sogsEwted, ia the stoj^ingof all study or eerioae readi^»balf an bonr before bed-time and tb ttke sufficient exercise mtii dninb bells or Indian dabs to produce a warm glow of th^ body, and ^en jump into bed. In winter sleep in s flannel night-gown, amd between blankets in^e of opld sheets. The attempt, when in bed, to read some amusing novel may be made, in order to diYert the mind from the wake- folneKs. A second method is, instead of reading, to repeat a poem with which one is familiar. Another plan is, to draw in a long, slow breath by the mouth, aud force the breath out through the nose, imagining that ^e two currents can be distinctly seen. The mind is to be kept fixed upon the operation of breathing, and tiie en- deavor to see the currents as they are expelled. One of our editorial as- sociates finds relief by wetting a doth with cold water and placing this across. the forehead, and binding it in plac» by means of a towel. It is worth while to give either of these methods a thorough trial rather than to resort to drags of any kind. â€" American Agri- etdtitritt for November. I 1 11 I BniMiaff an. Ice-Honse. „ ,^iy)w h«ifib weA»^"^« Jl^f^g^ ^tiitit*s diesv. eatUe iib«r ^irptti^ir^ I â- /.:ihti5adw!ia«n«tf: ' â- "' ' • 1 mte stniigtb of jnoiaaetfttL^giaedi .MABTg)rt?«B j P.t0.^ij^v^ ym^ttt dotta «Uar 4faa||round i a.i^i X)'l«aiibe^nfEr1aB^apdjifesin§MOTi0#.'D.' f '^ee4«(fie4iaU»ateandr^^i'"i oh j tia -.e^ ^t- We can best answer numerous lnq[airie8 about building an icehouse, by giving a discription of one we put up for our own use a few years ago. The locality selected was one affording facilities for drainage, was well diaded by trees, and conveniently near the house. The surface being sandy, was levelled, and four by six inch sills, fourteen feet long, were laid down and halved together at the ebmers. The plates of the same length, of two or four inch stuff, were put together in the same manner. Stads two by four, and thirteen feet long, were mortised into the sills and spiked to the plates every eighteen inches. The roof, a "square-pitch." is covered with ten- inch hoards, two inches apart, and other 'boards of the same width nailed on as battens. Hemlock boards, nailed horizontally on both sides of the studs, cover the sides and ends the four inch space between the other and inner uding, being filled with sawdust. Tbere is a door at the ground level, and another just above, both being priactically double, by means of horizontal boards placed onl^eiqside as t^e bou4e id filled* The rqof pro- jects onrar tiie udes about a. foot, aod the spaces between ti^at and the ^latc^aire left 0pen to afford ventila tien» A layei;^pf ssiWdust; four ihdi^ or more thick, was iaad upon tlie' grotmd, and the blocks of iee stacked u^Oii it as jclosiely afr pbBsihlei. i 33ie tQp 9fihe.,ice;i8 eove;red,with ft In^k ofvmaish hay^^ »3ooxii two ii^^ ilhicii^ lliis hdns«;il filled up^ toi ifaejrboip would hbfd'klftmt sixty tpttf.' 'When JjaÂ¥ fiUj9d;^%i»7ias been, ^{Ma^c^ j|^able.qafUiti^csiioe4eftpvere|u^:j|^ar, though it 6as bhen: «Sr^ veigi fredy. ^e ;ii»t ;dfHbi) jhikase iti^ sm^^^ ^.jeMthe.«ett^-ii»' jpfo^g fptte fsffieM^ now, ^iMiiewiiMi tribes* inmiifii thJBJi^sawtt 'a£i isciistiai i^ .*««] ♦ â-  .- --â-  --r. jayic iwr- Bolland Council. Holland Centre. Oct. 28, '84. Council met at Vegan's Hall for the- transaction of business. Members all present Beeve in the chair. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded /by Mr. WiUiscrofc, that Mr. Norton get low place in road at Berkeley re- paired and not to exceed $5. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Howey, that $8.08 be paid to U. S. S. No. 8, A. G. H., for the year 1888, for lots 91, 92, 90, 89, con, 1, E. T. S. Boad. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded Tcfj Mr. Williscroft, that the Clerk write to Trust loan Company to find ont why they do not give deed of road deviation according to agreement made with John Shea for part of lot 28, con. 5, £. G. B. Moved by Mr. Williscroft, seconded by Mr. Galbraith. that Jas. Dudgeon be paid $8 for gravel for road. Moved by Mr. Gralbraith, seconded by Mr. Howey, that the Clerk be paid $8{i for balance of last quarter of this year. Mr. Norton demanded the yeas and nays, which were as' follows Yeas â€" Galbraith, Howey, Willis-; croft, and Cameron. Nay â€" Norton. A deputation from Chats worth viU lage. consisting of Messrs. McDonald and McGill/ were Heard with regard to getting a grant from this council to assist in paying for the Town Hall at Chats worth. Moved by Mr. Gralbntith, seconded by Mr. Williscroft, that, the prayer of the above deputation be not now en- teitained, but be laid oyer till next meeting for further consideration. Council adjoo^ed till the 18th day of Dec., 188^: '^-" i Qi^SON I^ICE, *Vit Clerk, •«»4^ litoatbiyl^iilfs^ rmit ii iiTheiWildTSteawtsM ^Jgl ante^ )iirtdy»aB »olflliaitiimi.cloolfift..»L- teseptie and healing med'citfe^ uMd^ik£iaiieit.adinb)t :Sisa«b(«i7iiiiajNLlDilias â-  â- â-  â€" ' I iiiir I .niiit o?«;g«J 'ilwoJtijfir i» ;. ,-â-  «««*« i jciiiiw basjarid ict»TJ."*oaM«fjw »m A^a tlxfl»a;«» ao5i:ii*oc rvoldii fnare. when M dl) Markdale-^Siaturday Wore 'iesU- '^. 4^afer^~3%iia^^^ before Dar- Dundi^'tv-^tiMflday jbefQi;^ Orange- y^\e^j^0^YT^m3iij bJf*e Orange- ' OnAgeviQe-wThetisati^gTllarsday in^(^month. Prisevilleâ€" -Mondi{^ bje$) j:e t)qrham "" Diltlfiitfr^^-^hivi ^esdajr^iu each iiu^iÂ¥E48^1kib^dj|^'ll;iiC^ jMirham ilUlneteii--Xiiuft; J^^ ia ^ao?J» HO; igcB-jiSt^ -ifjiit 043 o* flwofe 6» togcojd £a'g .« â- 

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