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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Oct 1884, p. 7

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 t«- r.^r-ifc ^«. St-- ^58. -.MH^V'^^-i 'SlaVt^aniW^^- yif- vV*A-^« wa«,iiii»niiy ' jflBBlSG HORSE-JOCKEYS. Piris cablegram says: Ptfisiui riots -^f- had for their o jsot the overturn •â- *' eovtriiment, but now, it would aeem, •â-  "aim « *° °P^' J wkeya and drag them -*^ du3t. Your cjrresponieDt la now I ' 'f'f j (0 give additional details c jncern- |c:",f^. rf^gretable iucidens on the r»ce- I ' "I ' Lon Tohampj in conn ection with xaea Fortifijatioaa, the last race of For this eveoc thrsa hora 98 start- betting was very even, 2 to 1, I"' ^T-fl nrli' f'Ji' B'oade II. aid Infidele. r, tKe •ntlia,. ire"""y i;«t«w.ii«u, '"' hem, ^UheAm,teT. of the lite '1 rectnt'yij. •be used in the â- a short Mil in »y»it would settle hii »f. to withdiav iais a turner; a living with â- â- *8on, Prince ssetti's typical lortriit of Mn. once a rmti: Dante Gabriel 3ael«a ii now iweit, wtio ha? the roof with d min'g bfinj kw is smI t}bi ii Tipecanoe meditbyheu- !arl?bad are the d M. Petii?,the f her iphndor chemiitry, »vi 'nivof ScisnoB, urob lias worki, [though iiiaety .Villism of Pfui- by tne court the lib*ary the nanie of laniar J of eda(» li^n-idiaconrsge' ;field hotel, hu ne and three im ;al ia Rcme,ne»r granted forty evKut of 8n oat visit the hoj- .„T)l3 fl^ Ciai lie's Georgiaa wwquoi "'\ni. A; Che inomenswiieD the jockey =-' '.gtti-iing ta weii^h a tuaiuls coaimeac- Inilif :o the EOLO-ioua one some years • Epsoai, when there was a snspiciou '" ' FreDoh borfcC bad been roped. They â-  nod uponthe rider oiinidelf, at whom ;;â-  jime I aahower o. biows, but he man- 'â-  tc effect his entrance to the weig'iing- i**^, at the expense of oaly ao^ne b.uisea, fre jrowd nex turned their atteution to .jjjeH. aaii her rider, Saarpe. Their ]!jvit 1 "ii*s noMr far.ous, an i their ra^e â- *jt.l C'l -wds of people rushed about .; uiDg franticilly. The Due de C^trie's !: " v.nioii at least uould have niven no ' ,6 of c tfcoce, was made tae target of a ""il-ct stcrm of blows from umbrellas, -Is and even stones. She stumtled, and !. Djkey Sharpe was nnhcried. nnd so Qiy ma.tieated that he had to be taken to ^bcmi in a cab. The af air nov degan- iiied intii a riot. The cro wd endeavored jiciBi ths weighing-r 3om, and one rioter (hohad venttiAd too far was seized by ;^,e txiSf)eraied jockeys, who stripped â- ]s.oi his clolhes, and wera about to hang a when the picket of troops came on the "ene, anl saved him from his impending jre. Your ccrrespondent, who was an eye- iritness of the scene, had to-day an oppor- cnity to interview the jockeys and aacer- •iathe ival cause of tnis disgraceful tunault. it the i tart, Infidele m*de play and hell "je lead unlil entering the straight.' At 'liiiB poiLt she died away and let up. In r^iBsing the grand stand Gecrgina was lead- ijj. Sharps, howevtr, made a great eff.rj with Blonde 11. .and mcm-jntarilj succeeded ji gaining a lead of half a length, but in the ist few strides Georgina came en again, inally winning at the pest by half a lengti. iafidele, who had almost stopped befcre tne iiiish, retiiioed firjt to weigh. Shouts and jtings greeted her en'riuce to the pas- a.e leading to the weighing-iojm. Tae jffd accused htr jockey of not having rid. ies it oat and of ' r jping." When lafidele J her j Dckey had disappeared from pub- ic view, it was thought the incident had ttroinated. Georgina was allowed to pass "itiioat any hostile demonatratioa, but it !imetotie turn 0' Blonde II. and her jkey, A 'resh clamoar brake out, and jrse Slid rider found themselves hemmed by t.vo rauis ot angry eh 1 disappointsd s'.tiii. Saarpe very seiiaibly did iioi eii' -avor to f.Tce his way, but took a Irief jllcp • r tae par; of the courje that re :j;;;dc:t;ai-, lopn^ that this atatesman- :ie move uoila give tiaie fcr the evanssc ut i:.:.! ot a Fit 11 ;h cr jwd to evaporate. Tne :0D. hoA-euer, coil Hied to shove an J howl, â- : 1 lie tin illy 4 ii:ered the weighing- room ni;,l au^ry cries, fiii evi 11 bloivs, fi jm -.LC-t who ei-.; ranged en e^c 1 s de of the i: 1 of )En3 iead'ii'to it. The crowd even iihwei him iiuo the weighing- r jo tn, and ;h: p Jice an 1 the U^pablican guards culy :cdeded in clear u^ Id after ca,!f tii hour's tierii. i! t !i 1 by mik Hi ho ne arreaii. The epo:t addrcsaed to tVie prefect of police by ;:e Liiijial specially ciargad with the Kfirvisicu i 0; race-coorses says that the lU dc Cistrie's mara was very fidgety at as start, en i therj was much diffijulty tn ::::j' .; her niolinj befcri the fall of the iig, 1 he report states that Sharpe was the ;jj:tto: iu.ults tni hcotings, anlthit ^larpe, besides receiving some blows, aus- aiaeda ccn.uiiou o; tie knjewhm dia- m: ',ii!^' He had to jump over tie gate le weighing room. Leo, the j jckey, says lePfix dea Forafioaticni gave rise to a legrstable ;u3ideii'.. Some spectators did vjiiinitand that if Sharpe pulle 1 up ie II. at the distance he did so to save -i: :rjm fall iig, an i at the moment he act- Mm he did the jockey had tlie greateat iii'ilty ii. tae world to even keep him- *i i:. tne s iddle. Some person » am r jun 1- Ktiim nii accussd him of "roping." Oae Buck him with a stick. M. Tave;n'-er, in â- iday's Evt'iem'^.nt, after the 'n- busta of tliBatiita of the race, writes ••Immediately ite public invaded the coursa, anl sn ignobb Sindalcvcarrod. S tares, who rjturnjd fist a weigh, was hooted, but that wai merely ^rdide. Tae crowd fairly precipitated Semselves upcn Sharpe. The Dae de Cw- -65 j ckey aeeinj his dinjer, pit his iorse 10 ihe gallop, bit, as he p issed, he '^s asfade i with iasul:s an 1 blows. W hoi -f^hou.'i: it pradni: to ti-rjw himself â-  sm his mo'jut, hi was again assailed witb J'^^aui cii y stcjeeded ;n ean n the ^Hghing-rooni with graat difficulty. A ps" who followed him to the weighing- *mwa3 ciptur'ed by the pd ce, hand- ^sSid, and conveyed to the poate. Tatro *?sanothtv arrest, eni I hope the authors â- '.hese Lujuetifiable outrigea will receive «SDp!ary pun shment." La trance aays: Tae nurd to be drawi from the injident P'iiat the price of admissicn to all auDurban â- ices muit be riised so aa to raduce the siaiibers of those who now make theae riccs "wtt iu:olarable nuts jice." aanojiog CUBRENi;T. The on ly thing an Arab wont ateal ia another man's reUg'oa. ' An avenge of 1.500 thimblea are an. nnaUy swaUowed by the babies of Am- enca. Fall watermeloM are aaid to bring on ohUta, but perhaps the ohill comes on when the farmer's dog takes hold. Tell a woman ahe onght to learn to swim, and then mnffla her feet with her skirts so that she can't give a kick. ' The dad 3 did not last long in this country. It ia aometimcs more trouble to play fool than the atakea are worth. A Mobile man who went out to shoot squirrela wounded a achool ttajher. and at once mariied her to prevent a aticfor damages. An Aneiicaa who went info bufiaess ia Paris, aid alvertiied 01 tae feucs. was fined §50 by the 1 oirts "for the vision of the publij." Oat of aboat 600 cases of surstio'ie toied ia New York the ^ast summer, a; lea 40 2j0 turaed oat to be drunks. Old So' gets a heap ot umiieritid cen- sure. A PeuEaco a maiwto went oat to fish for aba-ka aboat foir weeka a^o, is auppos- ed to have laaght oae, and he hai lo: been aeen Eijce, Irqtiireiaiide. Three o! the numaroua •'Indiaa doctora" toft-Eoaping the public bave baea killed witbia the last two weeks. Is tbiithebe- giai iag of a 1 era loag hoped for? It is sail tha; Vaiderbilt'a house- hold expenses foot up $250,000 pjr year, and we don't qaestioa the statement. But- ter ha3 been a itiuWf high for a year or two past. A Ddluth doctor bit a mm wi';h a clab ia a quarrel aid then charged bini $2 lo.- fixing up a scalp v ound. The other fellow laa't see where hii siiare of the fun cams I'n. i The police of Sfaia are cot alloived to resort to violence to extort coafesfeioua fiom Buapeota, but kseping a priioner oa bread and vater for two or three weeka is not coat idered iolenca. j A Chicago cbap squeezed his gill's band to Lard ai to cruan oie of tie fiogar joints, and ai ne was ri^h and a gooicavch ahe never uttei'ed a groan until hsnallefc thetoaae. A year ago aeven or eight prominent cit- izens ot Cbi.ago formed a clajs ani bired an atl lete to teach them huw to gain atreiigta Tnreeot their iiamber are deal aid two more crippled. They hung Jo?Bogard, a co -.^rkaii- sa) marderer, for fomy minutea hi s re- lili^es fcai uoi ccnveyed nim a mils before Joseph up^aad diank whiskey aid ra^ il- ly becam i O. K. A Tcxas man who shook hi] blaakat aft- er a nap lailinyniie hours dijcjvered ttia; Wkj Ske Hatod Her. "Yea," aaid Mn. aadalwat, "I murt aay that I joat hate that odioaa Min Hmey- well. She'a forever patting her oar io. Taere was • aplendid story aboat that Pem- bury man. It wai all aroond toim that h quarreled with his wife airfally, and that be had fintlly beaten her with a trunk strap and she had raed for a divorce, whan tbas odioaa Mis' HoaeyweU went t) wcrk, like the bnnybody that the ia, and found out that Pembnry wasn't married and never had bad been;.that he lived with his aiattr and that he never had a trank atrap in the house and if he did have he wouldn't bave cou- rage to strike a kitten with it much lets a woman. No wondir ever/t)ody dialikea M.'a Hcnsywell, the hateful thing." 1' â-  ' ' lhn A. Wiaslw, \arge when appointed a c* competilSTe t ii 'mw ?eye ii.M In i head as grind hij waiilJ oar face two cectipedes anl a ia;tl3 snake bal been Lii bed-lf lloivs, anl yet he hal tlipt batter than when his wile waj ali/e. OLD SAYINGS. Iiooked at From a New Standpoint. "a rolling stone gathers no moss." T -Wi out of m.nd, a rolling stone has Bit I fas for Frenoi Itch of her b] led by Eimon: lone of thta jge yellow fei |e baen dres* Iby Mrs. Her the Epijcoi i sold tor on( il ecclesiisW on 9 tor th IbVogmore, ioredandhft lestmanini •â- wr-hwhcm triilionboogl ise at oFl t,ii was a ostratedtbf Ince t jr hu tic room'D yindnllbl' riffd; hina fill' fttiacned oft white k^ eUbor* bide the telhold' wiq Ibronghtf" Itured »* tngisin «bil »ses fff staff' the »* to to-d»y' lArabio c« righ'!* who f^l ut •.f o^'w lie ^^ »*t**r Measurement of Character. Tile use of m aauring man in his entirety •^'•0 be jaEtified by exactly the same ar- |?5tnent3 as those by which any special ex- l^naticnaare justified, such as those in r»3sio8 or mathematics; namely, that every pwsurement tssts, in some particulars, the |Wf(Hacy of the pre /ious education, and con- V'^utea to show the efficiency of the man ritunaan machine at the time it was r"' It is impossible to be sure of the l^^qaacy in every respect of the rearing of V}^, or of his total efflsiency, nnleaa he H tieea measured in oharact r and phyasque, l*'«"l aa in intellect, A wiae man desirea swledge for his own use, and for the |*~« reason that he takes stock from time IJi^e a his finances. Ir teachei him hia l«oa among his fellows, and whether he ie'.tiEg on er falh'ng back, and he shapes ^bitions and conduct accordingly. ia an ancient phrase of i philotophy. \l ,i!?°'» thyself" ^«bial4iloio an infinite differance there is love for a woman and the 8«t friendship between men and Hi Oil beau censure 1 for gathering no mess what ot that? Is it not to its credit ra- ther than to its dispraise? If it hai lain idle all its lif*-, it doubtless would have accu- mulated no end of moss. Bat iti busy ex- istance prevented its acqairing any suph useless envir mment, Trae, the rolling stoae gathers no moss, biit it gathered eonethiug better, to wit, polish. Isn't polish ti bepriferei to cumberaome and useless moss? Avast there! "OCT OF THE FSyiNG-PAN INTO THE FIEK." It is conventional to coademn the man who i imps out of the frying-pan into the fire. Bat, gentle reader, were you in the midst of the ferAent fat of the frying-pan, would yoa not rather jamp into the fire it- self and have your anguish ended speed. ly ani a: once than ti suflfer the slow agony o£ being fried like a vulgar doughnut? 0; course you would. Tnen nevrr agiin apeak a word agiinat the judgement of this unkaown mirtyr to expedieacy. "facts AKE 8TOBBOBN THINGS." This m*y De true on general {rrounds, but we fancy that ficts bearing on a political campaign are as pliant and yielding as boarding house butter. We trust, tnere- fore, that this severe oharactenzition ot facts in the abstract will give place to a more g^n rous appreciation. It is no near- er the truth to say that all facts are stub- born things thaa to affirm that all stubborn things ra facts. • FAINT HEART NE'EE WON FAIB LADY." Taia ia a libel on the faint beart. Tae modeat, diffident, bashful manâ€" that ia to aay, the faint heart â€" ia alwaya first won b/ the fair sex, which ia tl way of saying that he is the first to win the fair sex; for be it known, that it is the wo- man and not the man, who wins in the game of hearts The man thinka he doss, tut he doean't. It U true that the win- nmgs are of tentimea hardly worth the tak- ing; but be they good, bad or indifferent, the woman ia the arbiter of man a matri- monial destiny every tims; and the famter the heart ahe aaaails the easier her victory. .. It all Depends on the Stomach. It is a fundamental truth, m natural scien:e that the whole organized worl is created with an tspacial r* g»rd to the stom- ach. Cavier and the otber comparative anatomists have demonstrated to evidence that a membranous digMtmg sack is the simplest primeval form of animal bemg, and as that organization progreaaea in compUx- ity the atomach te ever the nnoleua around which heida, hearts. legs, wmgs and tails Swranged, withanaU but excluaive view S^the es^ciklintereataof that part. While, therefore; a atomach can do very well by it- leltin independence of all that we are ac- cnatomed to oonaider aa the animal, no an^ mal could carry on war for five minutea STthSt a atomach. The stomach « in Sith theimnediate cause of the endlMS va^ rieties of animal form, and digestioa is the "ne main end of animal existence. Man H^elfThat perpetual ob ec5 of his own ad- nimseii, nu» V tr- complicated zoo- Xrto'aCfSld aSTac? aWend^i- S^^SSIhe asaimilatioa and elabor- So^f nutritiomi ^^"^^.JT^ k4*S b?eaten, is .fe «r^°j^^ the'^lo^n Si"' ii nSeiay";iy in the right of his oninivorona faculty. Any Small Boy, ivith a Sticky can kill a tiger, â€" if the tiger happens to be found when only a litle cub So con- sumption, that deadliest and most feared of diseases, in this country, can assuredly be conquered and destroyed if Dr Pierce s "Golden Medical Discovery' be employed early. Self-interest rules the world. Party is the madness of the m my fcr the gain of the few. Dyspepsia, liver complaint, and kindred affections. For treatise giving successful self-trea' ment addreas World's Dispen- SART Medical Association, Bafifalo, N )f. Only those who brood in idlewsi over the misfortunes and disappomtmaats uf life are dest rayed by them. "The plaj's the thing, Wnereia I'll reach the conscience of the king." And equally true is it that Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" (the original Little Liver Pills) are the moat effectual means that can bu used to reach the seat of disease, cleansing the bowels and sys- tem, and assisting nature in her recuper- ative work. By druggists. There is no curiosity so penetrating as that of the fashionabla world whe i oace it is aroused, and the game deemed worthy of pursuit. The Summer is Come. The birds with us once more. Nature garbed in the brightest green brings joy to those who hate the cold and dreariness of winter. Bat Summer brings with her many other things besides ereen fiefds and singing birds. Corns sprout and .grow just as if mother earth had a share in nuturinsr th«m. and no person wants them. Gro, then, lu ^Hd nearest drug store and buy a bottle of the great and only sure corn cure â€" Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor A few days will relieve you of them. N. C. Poison Co., proprietors, Kingston. The same littleness o ' soul which makes a man desp se his interiar;S and trample ou them makes him obsequious to bis su periofs. Pain Cannot Stay Where Poison's 2f erviline is used, Com- posed of the most powerful pain subduing remedies known, Nerveline cmnot fail to give prompt relief in rheumatism, neu- ralgia, cramps, pain in the back and aide, and the host of painful affections, inter- nal or externa], arising|from^nfiammatory action. A 10 cent sample bottle of Ner- viline will give sufficient proof of its sup- eriority over every known remedy. Try Nerviline. Lvge bottles 25 cents trial ott Ies only 10 cents. The frutCD of true wisdom are modesty and humility. A vain or proud man is in a p Jiitive sense ^n ignorant mm. Yonng Blen I Bead TJila. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marahall. Mich., offer to aend their celebrated Electro- Volatic B ilt ani other iiSECtrio Appliances on trial for thirty daya, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loaa of vitality and manhood, and all kindred Cioublea. Also for raeumatiam, neuraisria, paralysis, and many other- diseaa«a. Com- plete restoration to health, vigor and man- hood guaranteed. No riak ia incurred aa thirty daya trial ia alloired. Write them at once for illuatrated pampklet free. No sceae of natnr j is complete without the human element. Catarrliâ€" A Mew Treatment. Perhaps the meet extraordinary success that has been achieved in modem science has been attained by the Dixon Treatment of Catarrh. b%TBHR lot «t'dmtb«wfaWldlii.choioiMsood: orchard, Midfaiidiic. Q- 8- ^JTG, Ouiainttoii. nBlN WAMIr-t D "â-  â-  AsOm pwiikic maa vanieA to wholarale my tamo toM to eonniBMn. Balarr from MOO to $3000 Mr yeoi Send stamp for pwticalan, JAJOS LAUT, Imptwter Itaronto. UAnn CTAifDQ MBTALaKUBBsa n All II O I UnirO Stunpa of eTerr de- â- ciiption, Seals, etc. Btoaz* Matals the iMt four yews •t Toronto Exhibitio*. Aaenta wanted KSNYOK, TINGLEY* STEWART. ITFG. OO., 72 KingSt., West, Toronto. OSAND OPPOBTXnaTT FOB A VASIIEB~BB tiring and able to command from 913,000 to |80,COO, large city estat*. embracing about 30 hoorei, will bring saeh rental ai will gire good interest on inreetment and handaome relam for necHBary attention; ivopertr compact. W. Hajultox, 241 Talbot atreet, London. SpeonlMtor'a Mart. Adelaide St. East, Toronto. All Idnda of real estate sold or excnanged on commie- rion. Money loaned on all kinds of real estate at low- est rates of interest. Application far money from farm- ers a speciality. Bents collected and states managed in town or country. N.B. â€" Best of references on appli- ca tion (â- aawfaenrera et Star Mvet I^ E.A.7X3UBX SEZj7I1n GI-^ «• â- !â-  s«r•e^ BaaS. T vn m t: iMB* double Driving Belta a 8peolaltr Saad for Price Usta and Diaoonnta. E E KNOTT'S W. f P. CtJiiKIE Co 100 Qrey Nun Street, Montreal. Importers of Drain Pipes, Portland Cement, Chimney Taps, Canada Cement; Vent Iiinings, Water Lime, Flue OoTera, Whiting, Fire Bricks/ Plaster of Paris, FireOlay, Borax, Roman Cement, China COay Uanufaotarers of Beeaamer steel aofa. Cnatr ft Bed Spring M' AS UXTTAL MABBIAGB ENDOWS UENT Incorporated, Head Office, London, Ont. Issues Certificates trom^US to $3,(UU, payable on mar riage, at following rates. For S500, or half certificate, 94; quarterly dues in advance. |0.75. For $1,000 Oertifi cate. 96 quarterly dues m adTaQcu. $1.00. For 92.000 Oertidoate, $10 quarterly dues in advance. 92-00. For 93,000 Certificate, 915; quarterly dues in advance. 93.00.- The only cash payments. Assec sments on marriages 91.60 on each 91W0, First years quarierJy assessments are promptly paid, ou present membership at end of year. Endowmf nt reserve account wiU amount to $10. 000, pro viding for a large number of endowments, which places this association in a sound financial iXMition. No con- seccioa with any similar institution. A good savings society for yaung people. Send for By-Laws, o. W. J IMLACH. Secretary, London Ont. iUan Line Royal Hail StsamsMps. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halif ax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in somm from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Lon doaderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St. John'i N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Gla%ow lines sail during wintai between Portland and Glasgow, and Boston and Glasgow alternately; and during summer between Quebeo and Glasgow and Boston and Glasgow every week. For freight, paaaaee, or other information apply to A.SohumacEer Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard Co., Halifax; Shea £ Co., St. John's N. F. Wm. Thomson Co., St. John, N. B. Allan tc Co., Chicaeo; Leve Sc Alden, New fork U. Bourlier, Toronto Allana, Rao Co., Quebec: H A. Allan, Portland. Boaton, Mod- treal SMOKED SAUSAGES^ The most convenient meat for farmers in their bnsf season. These meats are cooked and ready for use. Sold by grocers tiirouKh the Dominion Send for oriot to W. CLARK, P. O. Box 342 Montreal. Dominion Line of Steamships, Bucning in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. SaUiDg from Quebec everp Satvirday during the summer months, and from Fonland every niursday during the winter months. Sailing dates frum )UEBEO TO HVBRPOOL. Toronto, Oct. 11 1 *Vaneoaver, Bfov 1 'UregtiQ Oct. 18 1 *SarBla «ov.|8 M-tutrcal, Oct 86 Brooklyn, BTov. 18 Bases ot passage: Cabin, Quebec to Liverpool •S.'iO, 960 $65, ^0. Return, 990, $108. $117, 9144, according to stuamisr aud berth. Intermediate 9;(5, Steerage at lowuiL races. The saloons and staterooms in steamers markc^ thus: are amidships, where but little motion felt, and uo cattle or sheep is carried on them. For fur ther particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent or local agents of the Cumpaay, or to ' DAVl!i* TmKkaNCE Jt CO., General Arents, Montreal THE MODEL Washer AND BL£AGHEB Weighs but 6 pounds. CanbeearrieAinasmallTaliM. niostration shows Hachina in boiler. SatiataoUoa guaranteed or money refunded within 30 daya. IIMO.M lOEWAKD FOR ITS ST7PKBIOB. Washing made light and easy., nie olothea have that, pure whiteness which no other mode of washing can pro- duce. ITo rubbing required, no friction to injure tha fabric. 10 year old girl can do the washing aa well ai an older person. To place it in every hoasehold THI fbici ba8 Bsaw KBDUCE0 to II2.50, and if not found satisfactory, money refunded. See what the "Canada Presbyterian," san about itâ€" The Model Washer and Bleacher which Vi. O. W. Dennis offers to the public has many and valuable advantages. It is a time and labor saving manhina, subi«antial and enduring, and is very cheap. From tria in the household we can testify to its excellenoo Delivered to any exprecs office in the Provincee of On tario and Quebec. Charges paid ^3-00 Send for cinmlata AGENTS WANTED. 0. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE, 213 YONGfi STRKVT, TOROITTO. ONT: SColeman Patent Harness. ^Improved, works without whiffletrees. Cool, Ught'aad durable, macfa easieroa man and teams. This harnen is a specialty in orchards, as no tress can b« injuvo. working qualities guaranteed. Price $10. Territory tor sale in United States And Oanada. ^.^JAddresiâ€" J B De^vey Co. COLBOBNE, OWI. fiDMEYS WARE, year old vinea of I will aupply two the WHITE GRAPE without any conditions whatever at Two Dollars Each. Agents wanted, apply to D. W. Beadle, St. Cathabinbs. DIED SCALES. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST RELIABLE. TTnrivalled in material, construction and finish, pa^ fct in accuracy and unequalled in durability. Guar- anteed to give entire satisfaction. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. £:a2i.koa] warkhoitsb and HjUIs' Alarm Monej Drawers. [^^ SEND FOB ILLU8TBAXBD PBICB UO^ GURNE YS WARE, HAMII.TOK. OUT GURNE Y'S STO Y ES to be the true Out of 2,0i/) patienta treated durins the paat aix moatba, fully ninety per cent, nave been cured of tbia stubborn malady. This ia none the less atartUnff when it is renrambered that not five 9«r oent. of the patients presanting themaelvea to the r^ular practitioner are benefitted, whUe the patent medicines and •ther advertised curea never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by tha meet sdentiflc men that the disaaaa ia due to tha preaence of liv- ing parasites in the tiasues. Mr. Dizoa at once adapted hia cure to their extav- miaation; this accomplished the catarrh is practically cured, and the jiennanency is un- aue«ti«aed, as cures effected by him four years ago sre cures stiU. No oae else has ever at- tempted to cure catarrh in this manner, and no •tb« traatment has ever cured catarrh. The applieatlaa at the remedy is simple and c«taba done at homa, and the preatwt season ot tha year ia the meet favorable for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at ona treatment guffe^B ahpuld oar- respand with Messrs. A. H, DIXOM SON, 905 King-street West, Taronto, Canada, and ecdose stamp for their treatiae on catarrh -Montreal Star. HeavenI wkat a mockeryl Even tne lichen, tie inaect, Uvea a complete life, while we, with all our reaaon, ao often blunder, fail and miaa that which ia essen- tial to exiatance. ImportanL When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage ezpressage and Carriage Hire, and stop at the Obako Union Hotjel, opposite Grand Central Depst 600 elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, 91 aad up- wards per day. Buropaan plan. Blevator. Restaurant supplied with the best Horse cars, stages and elavatad railroads to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other flrat- olass hotel in the dtv. A. P. 199 WOOD COOK. I?l GAXD DUCHESS. I COAL AND WOOD RANGE. COUNTESS BASE BURNER, COAL AM) WOOD COOK. ' I WITH OR WITHOUT OVEN. FOR SALE BY STOVE DEALERS HERE. NEW WIUJAMS High Arm Machine is now racogniaed ,at the Sewing Macbiiie of the Ferisd. vjHBENOLOGT. EXABUNATIOKS GITBD X« Mason, 362 Yonge 8t.. Toronto. BY H08. Gallowat Co., Oottmi, Woollen, Bilk, Oar pet, and Worstwi Shuttle Makers. Dundas. On tACTIC4I.»ITJr T GUNS hare ag»in resumed burinOTi,' and want *o.i*2L5?S their old customers. 'We have tha "rn^de tiaek" in tteiSSbu»ine-.and wiUfurnidi ^^J"^^'^^ SKirtmg Goods at. and in some »»â-  .•«" *1»S? SS* Stou VnnSe8tetB:fles 1873 model for $19 90, oOer SSSS'iu-twrShSi We haTereaoTBd from Yonge St., jMS?"loSio«« with the old atoni Nsto £^i^ofad4reM. Send6o. for newiU.ntolosne. "*^AWBONi a 00., Bbatteaboiy ^STTwoBto. It Is light mmA Easy to BUeat aad Bapld im â- aavvmemlf Flaia ami. Slaaple to It is strong, durable, and well bnllt, tA the very beat material that money can bay or skill produce. It was awarded five medals and three first prizes at the Dominion Exhibition last October. It is rapidly rapeneding all the old fashioned mues ev erywh e r e. See it* try it, bny it, and make sure tiiat you get it. THE WILLIAMS' MFC GO. 178S Noire Dame St., Montnal, aad 8i King St., Weet, Tocooto. O i «c •1

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