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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Oct 1884, p. 1

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 ^-- M *.«»roL. 4.--N0. 215. MARKDALE, ONT., OCT. 23, 1884. COPIBB OF THE StAMDAB FiVB CKST8 BACH. ge he Markdale Standard issued evesy Thursday, at the office, Mill Street, Markdale. Tehms â€" ?1 per year in advance; 51.25 if Itiot paid within three months. I Frofcs.-ional and business cards one inch (frace aud iiuder, per year, $4. 1 YB. 6 m8. 3 MO. V\lio!e cohimn ;.S.50 00 §27 50 $15 00 iHaif column 27 00 15 OC 10 00 laftiter "olumn IR 00 10 OO « 00 l^iVo inch "pace.. .... 7 00 4 00 I'liroe inch space .... 1 00 5 00 C.inal sidveitisetQents 8 cents per line first fciiscrtiDU, 3 cents per line each subsequent L^ertidn, nonpareil measure, Editiirial nottces, cr Hotices in local cdl- ninn 10 cents yjer line first insertion, 5 cents ch Biibsoqueuts insertion. ' ytray iuiimals c., advertised 3 weeks for 5!, the advertisement not to exceed twelve So paper discontinued until -all arrears lare jjaid" except at the aption of the pubhsher. -JOB PrInTINC. T.IK SiA-VDARD otfice has a splendid eqnip- neiit of pii-tor as well as fine job type. Spe- ;ial. at.'fiition to orders by mail. Orders filliv.l v.'iiii dispatch. EDITOlt AND PEOPEIETOB. ll*0iii* DSPERRY, SICCESSOP.S TO LAUDEB HANDs), [)Ai;riISTEES, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, fcc. Money to ill at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 King Street East, 11I9-2-31 ToEONTO. Frost Fr««t, »A1U11STE11S, AND ATTORNEYS- AT Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey lucers, lie, Owon Sound, have resumed ats, flesherton. Office open every Thursday, as leretofo/e. FRED FKObTi J. "W. Frost, LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 J. ITIASSOT^, ARPJSTER, MASTEE ANDDEP. EEG in Chancery, Notary Public, ConveyanS c. A XUMBEK OF FABJIS FOB SALE. Officks â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block poulctt St.; Branch office in Markdale, over ieFarlaud's Store, on Friday and Satmday very week. 57-ly Ci'casor M^'^rrison, )AEK]' -xiB,SOLICirOES. CONVEY- â-ºaiip-es, c. c, Ofiices in Owen Souad, Dufferin Block, ver W. F. 'Wolf's Store and in MARKDALE, TCT W. J. McFarland's Store on Thursday Dd Friday of each week. ' tS'Fnuds to lend on reasonable terms. ons Ceea.sor, Q. G Duncan Mobison Markdale, March 15, 1882. 79-ly Alexander Broivn, ISSUEE of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Oommissionei I'll B. E. c. Conveyancer and Licensed I Anctioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, I Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to aiul charges made very moderate. PriceviUe, Sept. 17, 1880. 1-y W^m. BroTvn, ISSUEE OF MAEEIAGE LICENiSES, c Commissioner in B. E. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj I »ttended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se I curity. lANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, las. Bryan, Proprietor. cIty hoteE; ^«hn McAleer, Proprietor. I'his house is fitted up in good style, sitti- 'ed on Mill street, where the travelling pub- lic may depend on the very best aocommo- «ation. Union bus to all trains. 194 MARKDALE HOUSE, IIAEKDALE, ONT. MRS. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. fashionable Tailor* OVER MACFABtiAND's STOBE. PE-EP CT FIT GUABilJTEBDi pno 'J) -J •pmiiiii -naas. •bj Iojj â- tjnawtuiiii â- saairad sm.-irpajfXqpios •U8|E1J8A8 U!J )S3p||||| .\iamd aiy •xxuvifi â-  3i|i{ VOJA. 'otfi o^ sinatpnh aill art Sf^i "pasuuio £lT{3nojoiii ipsiuoig jno.t jmiAV 'qiWIia foa ' 9ab;i 'jAiiioj 314 aiajioa ^joO(j Ft 'o)i)-iddv^snoiiig MY "pidjoj, SI JJAri 'sqb* P^a 5l»!3 »»» noX Jl sind immi ^Mi ,._^..i53HI9.3H 4,.,. P^Hciii. B. Ghent, M,D., M.RO P. S., O. Physician and Snrceon, Priceville, Graduate of Universities Vict. .College. â- ., -,. i^ex\ York, and Hon. GrftdrfistJe, Kit t\^ same, .. ., Avletli Medical Institute. ,. ^, Opthalmio Hospital, K .Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor s,0. J 04 PHYSICIAN/ SURGEON, AHD ACCOUCHER, IS* Ail calls promptly attended to. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GEADUaTE OP TOEONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Eutledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the Ist and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47. W. C RICHARDS, BUILDEE, CONTEACTOE. AECHI- TECT. â€" Eesidenoe on Mill Street, Mark- dale. 1241y HAMILTON'S Photograph gallerY OVEE THE STA:^DARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to IF' lEB -^ D^s/iE IJ^T O- A large stock of moulding to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. «Ta.s. Ha^xnilton. HOUSE PAINTER, GBAiNEE. (GLAZIER AND PAPEE HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Eesidence opposite Planing Factory, IVT AR.1^I A 1^ JE Obsebs Soliciiss. BsmiAXES Given. 192-205 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICE VTLiLiB, Out. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Kooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. "Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK IWD STONE WORK, Fltun Ornamental Plastering;. Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standabd ofBce will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. ISAAC STIJVSON, Builder and Contractor In all kin of Brick and Stone vork. Estimates given. All work goarantoed. Orders bj mail promptly attended to. 195-6m» MABKDALE P. 0. Send six cents for postage, and reiceive free,a cpstljr boT of £Ctodg which wiU help all^ of either sex t j more meney right away than anything else in tiiis world, f wtonea await^^ibe irarkm alm^ately oppv At onee addxess Tbus AGo»Aiifl^nte. ]iKnB„ Prize liist of Hollaad i:em$s9 Fall Sbow. HOBSKS. Draught Horses â€" J Atkinson, Ge* Sinclair General Poipoee â€" J Silbnm, W Bobinson, J Quinn. Span Carnage â€" iJ Hendrawtn, J Marquis. Brood Mare â€" ^W McKay, J Hamilton. Buggy Horse â€" N HandUey, P Gillin. Saddle Horseâ€" B Walker, P Gillin. Colt, 3 years old â€" M Bammage, T Pixon. Co)t. 1 year oldâ€" James QA]nn,Bobert Mc- Eissick. Boadster, 1 year oldâ€" J Hamiltonv Boadster, 2 years old â€" Win Henery, Wm Henery. Spring Coltâ€" Wm McKay, W Bobin«}n. CATTUC. Bull, mth pedigree â€" ^B McBride, Geo. Ptolemy. Bull, under 2 years, with pedigree â€" B Freeborn. Bull, grade, any age â€" J Atkinson, 'W Bob- inson. Cow, with pedigree â€" W Bobinson, B Freeborn^ Grade Cow â€" W Vogan, W Walker. Heifer, 2 years â€" J Henderson, J Hender- son. Heifer, I jear â€" W Wallser, B FreebMn. Yoke Oxen â€" A McKinnet, M Hamil on. Pair Steers, 3 yearsâ€" M Hamilton, J Henderson. Pair Steers, 2 yearsâ€" B Clark. Spring Calfâ€" W Walker, D Sqmre. SHEEP. Pair Ewo Lambs. Cotswold â€" P Hamilton, Aged Bam, Leicester â€" T Sowerby,P Hamil- ton. Aged Bara^ Southduwn â€" T Anderson. Earn Lamfe â€" W Sowerby, E Eagle. Pair Ewe Lambs, Southdown â€" J Murray. SWINE. â€" SEBKSHnt£. Spring Boar â€" Bobt Freeborn. SUFFOLK. Spring Boarâ€" B ClarK. Sprmg Sow â€" N Handley. Pair Spring Pigs â€" J Ire.on. POCITBT. Coll. of Fowl â€" Thos AndersoR, Mos Smith, Pair of Geese â€" ^A Shute, W Sargent. Pair of Turkeys â€" Wm Howie. Du-iks, large â€" Thos Trouton. Ducks, small â€" Jas Langley, S Hannah. OBAIN. FaU Wheatâ€" J W McQuaker, E Boyd. Spring Wheat,White Bussiaa â€" J Cameron, P Kell«y. Spring Wheat, general â€" J Cameron, B McKiseick. Barley â€" J Oameron, J Hmderson, Peas â€" P K^y^ J Henderson. White Oatsâ€" J Cameron, J Murray.. Black Oatsâ€" W Norton, i Henderson. Timothy Seedâ€" J Vair, W Howie. White Beans â€" Wm Norton, Alfred Calcut. BOOTS. Coll. Potatoes â€" Jas Brace, J Atkinson. Potatoes, Early Bose â€" S Hannah, James Bruce. Potatoes, any other kind â€" H Norton, Jas Bruce. Sweede Turnips â€" Geo Pt«lmy, H Norton. Turnips, any other kind â€" W Bobinson, J Hewit. Mangold Wurtael â€" J Vair, B MeEissIck. Blood Beets â€" Jas Bruce, Jas Farley. Field Carrots â€" Bobt McKissick, H Norton. Parsnips â€" Bobt McKisidck, Wm Howie. Celery â€" J Vair. Cauliflowers â€" ^P Hamilton, J Vair. Cabbage, Early Yorkâ€" Thos Trouton. Tomatos â€" Wm Howie, Jas Langley. Seed Onions â€" ^Wm Norton, H Boberts, Onions, any other kind â€" Jas Langley, Wm Norton. Squashes â€" J Wise, J Vair. Pumpkins â€" Geo Ptolmy, Bobt Clark. Cucumbersâ€" Thos Sargent. Citronsâ€" James Bruce, J Hewit. FBtJIT. Winter Applesâ€" J Gillespie, T Williscroft. Fall Apples â€" J Marquis, S Hannah. Variety Apples â€" J Marquis, J Vair. Crab Apples â€" J Vair, M Hamilton. Pears -Bobt Clark, Wm Howil. Grapesâ€" J Vaii Thos Williscroft. Blue Plums â€" Wm Norton, H Norton. Plums, any other kind â€" Wm Norton, Wm Howie. ,^ DAI3T. Tub Butterâ€" Bobt McKissick, Thos Dixon. Boll Butterâ€" thos Troughton, Bobt Mc- Kissick. Cheese â€" ^Win Norton. J Henderson. Flourâ€" Bobert Clark. Bread â€" J Vair, Wm Howie. Maple Sugar â€" J Hewit. MANUPACICBSB.^ Iroa Harrow â€" Bobert Aljoet Single Ctftter-^-Oeorge Dunbar. Coarse Bootsâ€" Jas Ireton, Jas Ireton. Horse Shoes â€" ^Bobert Aljoe. " â-  Window Sashâ€" F Kemp. ff f.rf^;^i Full Cloth, home-madeâ€" J Hewit, J Hend- erson. Satinet, hmie-madeâ€" Bfbt Walk«-. Fancy Flannel â€" J Oameron, J Henderson. Plain Flannelâ€" J Cameron, Wm fiawie. Pair Blanketsâ€" J Sntherhmd, P K«lly. Horse Blanketa-r^ Moizay,- Wm Norton. xu;b'wobb^ /â- , Pair Wo^n Mittsâ€" J HeiiidMson. J Sntfaeriuid. 'i â- '•" Fair Boek»-^-Gaiaanm..IHeDdenaii. Eatoh Qafltâ€"J JI^iMJnrFnni BBbt.:aMfc. Ftocy }aal(â€" ^ilte iforton. FiWiillm^ liOK OdanQailtr^WBi Kccton. JJ-SaurtT Thos WiUiscroft. Berlin! Wool, raisedâ€" P Kelly, Wm Howie. Berlin Wool, not raised â€" Thos Williscroft, Geo Dunbar. Fancy Knitting in Cotton â€" Bobt Walker, J Henderson. Fancy Knitting in Wool â€" P Hamilton. Braiding in Cotton â€" Thos Williscroft, J Henderson. Knitted Laeeâ€" J Henderson. Con. Berlin Wwkâ€" Thos WiDiacroft, C Price. Bag Mat â€" Amos Write, Wm Bowie. Any o^er variety Mat â€" B Clark, B Clark. Bag Carpet â€" Wm Howie, Wm Norton. Coll. Flowersâ€" Thomas Williscroft, Mos Smith. Work of Art â€" ^A Calcut, Mos Smith. Eaptarasia Council. The couocil met pursuant to ad- jonrumeut on the 3rd Oct., 1884. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed, except one resolution, which was rescinded, as follows â€" Moved by Mr. Hurd, seconded by Mr. Favctt, that a resolution, passed last meeting of council, authorizing the Reeve to get a deviation surveyed at lot 80, 11th line, J^ rescinded, as this council deems it ^wise to pro- ceed with said work at present. â€" Carried. A resolution was passed to establish the present survey of the Valley road, in the 5 th con. The Treasurer was authorized to deposit the interest accruing on the money deposited as sinking fund in the Canada Permanent Building Savings Society. By-iaw 840, for closing part of the original allowance of road between this township and Artemesia, carried through the different stages and passed. The collector was ordered tc^ strike 78 cents from his roll, being the taxes of the late Wm. Martin tor 1888. An order in favor of Bobert John- ston, issued at last meeting of council, was withdrawn, as the work has not been performed. v The amount of $2, charged for statute labor against S^ lot 5, con. 5, struck off Collector's Eoll, as it is made 'to appear that said work was per- formed. The Eeeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, yiz: â€" James Paterson, Esq., $2.60, to pay men for road work John Dillon. $6.25, road work; Thomas Jordan, $50, salary as collector for 1883 Joseph Howe, $12, road work Robt. Conn, $5, road work Bobt. Clark, $10. road work; Bobt- Camplin, $7.50 road work Hamilton Conn, $16.72, road work; Irwin Fawcett, $817, road work W. J. Laugheed, $7.84, road work E. H. Stinson, $4,, road work. j On motion being made and second- ed, the council adjourned untkl the first Friday in November next. ' EOBEBT DUKLOP, Clerk. A WEÂ¥F ERA FOB UAITfAElV* Kimberiy. From our cum eorretpondent. A. T. Buchanan has been appoint- ed a ccmmisioner for taking affidavits. Building is lively and houses to rent are in demand. An M. D. would find a good open- ing here. The Valley is supplying Osprey and Artemesia with apples. The crop is abundant and prices very low. We need a canning establishment, as the local demand is not equal for the supply for green fruit. E Cooper trapped four bears this fall in his dead fall. The annual shooting match comes off next Tuesday. Geo. Graham and J. Fawcetc are captains. Supper at Thurston's Temperance Hotel, Ifldutliiy Fairs. Markdaleâ€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Ohatswcrth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. PriceviUe â€" Monday before Durham. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in eaclu month. Hanover-^Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday in. every month. A BABE PLANT. The Wild Strawberry Plant possesses rare virtue as a cleansing, cooling, astringent, anâ€" teseptic and heahng medicine, and when combined with other valuable vegetable ex- tracts, as in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild 1 Strawberry, it is an unfiling remedy in all bowel complaints. The best chnm made. The Atmospheric Tempering Churn. The latest and only common sense churn before the public, is made on Uie old and reliable up and down dash principle, with air chamber and lever power attachments, making it very easily worked, a child being able to do thechuruing, BntthefHincipal charm is the tempering arrangement. JThis chum is made with two bittoms, one three inches aboye the, forming an air chamber in which can be poured Hot or Cold water, aa the season requires, either warming or cooling the air which riaes in a pipe from the air ehamber with the up stroak (^ the -dash, and is forced down from unlcr the plunger with the downward stroke in*o the cream, thereby obthpurliying and tampering the cream by pore Hot or cold air, as lequired durim; the process of churning, doing away with tile necessity of using Hot or" cold water in connection wifli the cream which is a great injury to 'the cr^am ior making good keeping buttei;. Thi chvni is only to be seen to be desii-ec, 1^6 mdst eoppetent judges fthe farm i|ig ctoaimacitiy]^ whjBi%v«r it haa .been .^^fci^i^pcei a8«ai H i« wi]^ doubt the ben dinrn .aa Cnuida 'an4^ti:c likw r aifBdtetMiifingi it iniihiii Midi of the tiflb Mii poor. bcoTT Act Petition. â€" When the^ petition for the submission of the Seott Act in Grey was deposited in the Eegister Office on the 20th ult., we stated that the total voters in the county, according to the latest return we had then at hand (1882) was 14,- 489, but that they would no doubt be an increase since that time, and that possible some names might be struck off on a scrutiny, although it was not likely that they would diminish the- list below the requisite number. It now appears that those who had charge of the getting up the petitions mis- calculated the number of voters now^ in the county, and wore not careful enoagh in the signatures they ob- tained. When the petition had lain the requisite time in the Eegistry Office, it was removed to verify the number ot voters before forwarding ' to the Secretary of State. It was ascertained from the Clerk of th Peace thac the total voters in the county qualified on 20th September- was 15,443 (Dmrham, Glenele, Osprey, Proton and Sullivan being the only municipalities whose lists for 1884 were then disposited.) This would require a petition of 88G1 to make the requisite one fourth. There were actually 4047 names on the petition but the scrutiny of them, completed â-  last Friday, showed that there were 276 names of non-voters, and on these being struck off it left the petition 90 short of the requisite number. Wi? understand it is intended to go on aud secure a sufficiout number of names but this will necessitate giving a new notice and again depositing the petition, which will delay th^ vote* so lung that it; cannot possibly be taken ill time to takeefi'cctin May uext,if it ahoold bdcjiried. The- votemust be takim at least a hundred and fifty days beforothe Ist of May for the Act to go into forcethen â€" if less than that time, it does not take effect till. A year from 1st of May.â€" a 6. 7i»fM».. â- tf. v-M»^ I iii' Of uO-Mii'sih -r^f-H •t o.*4i r- rgi." mv.^'^i^-S!ii m .. Wifeâ€" -tteit'iB the matter' qow, 'J^l^n* Husbandâ€" Oh, that neuraigia.and tvotbache near kills me. Wifeâ€" Why don't yon go. to mil Bro'a. and get a bottle of FhxiA. l4g!]|Dng f Ton know it cures all fifu^ tUn|^,|^ Toetk- aohe." Ri«gto»Hfia4why. xi^q^^ Bar- afshe.. Sm Xlmiati tie. it ^tm biatpint -c' â-  ., V i4i^f«««â- .!ia;.U'*%**i•'^* 4 I

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