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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Oct 1884, p. 8

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 i! II Ik I i ii^: t f!i, III "i Mr ' 'I fi ••â-  â- M i • i i ;^ The Canadian Mutual Aid Association.^ INCORPORATED AUGUST 20TH,18«a -:o:- BOARD OP DIRECl'OES Wm. Bennie, Esq., Toronto. President E. H. Hiibom, Etq.. Uxbndge, Tieasnrer G. H. Watson, L Jj.B., Toronto, Solicitor C. H. Mackintosh, M.P., Ottav/a Thos. Menzies, Peteiboro Peter Graham, M.P.P., Wannck A. Gifford. Esq., Meaford, Vice-PreBident W. Pemberton Pag«, Esq., Toronto, Se«'y B. H. Bobertson, M.S., Torwito. Med. Dtr; Lewis Wigle, M.P.P., Leamington J. P. Bull Downsview; «. W. Hill, Esq., Bidgeville. Memb. Snpt. The Directors have filed \rith the Hon. S. C. Wood, (Ex- Provincial Treasnrer of Ontario) Trustee for the Association, Bonds to the amount cf $60,000.00, as a guarantee for the honest carrying out of the terms of Certificates issued to members* Reliable Aid to Families of Deceased Members at Small Cost. The Association will do business on the following plan Applications. All Applications for Membership shall be made upon printed ftrms furnished by the As- soiciation, (and applicants must pass a satisfactory medical examination). If accepted, a certificate will be issued witbin thirty days fiim date of such acceptance. Membersliip. T'ae payment of TWELVE DOLLAES admits any of sound body and mind between the age of 18 and 60 years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the application is not accepted the money iij promptly returned to the apphcant. Plan of Business. The following table shows the amount for which Certificates of Membership will be issued by the Association, according to age AGE. Amount at Death AGB. Amotmt at Death Hrom 18 to 30 »3 000 2 950 2 900 2 850 2 800 2 750 2 700 2 650 2 600 2 550 2 500- 2 450 2 400 2 350 2 300 2 250 From 45 to 46 $2 200 30 to 31 ... i 46 to 47...... 2 150 .lto32. 47 to 48 2 100 32 to 3:S ....... 48 to 49 2 050 33 to 34 49 to 50. 2 000 84 to 35 50 to 51 1 900 35 to 36 51 to 52 1 fiOO 36 to 37 52 to 53 1 700 37 to 38 ' 53 to 54 1 600 38 to 39 '54 to 55 1 500 39 to 40 55 to 56 1 400 40 to 41.. 56 to 57.... 1 300 41 to 42 57 to 58 1 200 42 to 43 58 lo59.... 1 100 43 to 44 59 to 60 1 000 44 to 45 1 AGE. ^ca^iTpr. Fowler^^ ^^^^^S v^ that has been the standard «™«**y "Vi„ Monlefor Tholera Morbus. Dysentery. Diar- JS/cSc aid a'l bowel complamts. Slielfeurne Post office wassharglft^^f izea recently. A STEONG ENDOBSEMfi^T. .\ The Clergy, the Medical "^-J^-?* Pj^^ and the people aU enuorse Burdock Bood Sttersas^e best system reno'ati°« "^^ purifying tonic 1^"^- "' """' ' their best recommend. The Meaford Baptist Church was opened last Sunday. AN EX-ALDEEMAN TEIED IT. of Toronto, tried d^ys aU kinds of *orw.noi^ ^^^^ .ttu iafMind in Dr. Fooler iin^f F ^jâ„¢2! gist, HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates will be issued for half the above amounts should the applicant so desire, Assessments. An Assessment of One Dollar upon each member will be made in case of death or total disability of a member, except when there is money enough in surplus funds to pay said claim. Special Features. " 1â€" Great inducements to provide for families in case of death, at small cost. 2 â€" Equal benefits to both sexes. 3 â€" Uniform assessments of one dollar only. 4â€" Careful medical examination required. 5 â€" No annual dues or extra charges. 6 â€" No large salaries or expenses. 7 â€" Two hundred dollars advanced for funeral expenses when necessary. 8 â€" Benefits secured at actual cost. 9 â€" Members becoming totally disabled, may draw half of their claims, the balance be- ing payable at death. 10â€" Ladies accepted in this Association as well as men. For particulars apply to S. W. HILL. Membership Superintendent, Eidgeyille, or to • W. PEMBEETON PAGE, Secretary, 87 King Stieet West, Toronto. AGENT FOR MAEKDALE, THOS. MANN. Also Agent for Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. " â-  -^ :^FJ'UIi TO KNOW. r,.,.„T:i!: wSenudly wiU stop «ny .pam.: and totaml. SAIV MILL AND TIH/IBER LAND FOR SALE OX3 TO JL.EI' In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other timber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffeli wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. The bush is so convenient to the mill Jogs can be trucked in summer time. Immediate possession given. A^r-y to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLESHEETON STATION P. 0., ONT. Good Work Guaranteed -AT- JulmersPliolograpliMery FLESHERTON. Oall a.t Cri.Ce and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at FLESHERTON. Cures DizzinesSy Loss of Appetite, Ltdigestion, BiUousneas, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affectum^ if the Liver and Xidneys, Pintles, Blotchet, £oils, Humon, SaU Mham, Smfula, Erysipelas, and ail diseatet ariamg from In^mre Blood, Permffd tStftmnrh, it irrrgular gftimtfthe Mmndt. Kx- Alderman Taylor ----.„ -r. Hazard's YeUow Oil for rheumatism. It cured him after all other remedies had failed. The Fifth Division Court of the County of Grey will hold its regular sittings in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Thurdday, October the 30th next. A SAD NEGLECT. Neglecting a constipated condition of the howels is sure to bring ill-health and great suffering. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner, purifying the blood and promote a healthy action of the stomach, hver, kidneys and bowels. Prof. Low's Sulnhur Soap is highly recom- mended for the eure of Eruption, Chafes, Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan, etc. A SUCCESSFUL EESULT. Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilton Out., snflfered for many years with a painful running sore upon one of his legs, which Baffled all at- tempts to heal until he used Burdock Blood Bitters, which speedily worked a perfect cure. Quebec Parliament Buildings were blown up on Saturday. PEOMPT MEASURES. Prompt means sl.ould be used to break up fudden colds and cure coughs iH\ their early staKes. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam does this most speedily and effectually. The Great Northern Exhibition at Coiling wood was a grand success. AN AGEEEABLE SUEPEISE. Those who try Burdock Blood Bitters as a regulator of the bowels, or to purify the blood, aid digestion, regulate the liver and kidneys, or strengthen tired nature, are agreeably surprised at the prompt benefit derived. Freeman's Worm Powders require no other purgative. They are safe and sure to remove all varieties of Worms. A DECmED HIT. Hagyard's Yellow Oil touches the righr spot every time when applied for rheumatism, neuralgia, pain, soreness or lameness, and fiiternally for colds, sore throat, etc., ^t is equally infaUible. ' Twenty-five candidates were con- firmed irecently in the English Church, Hanover. A SAFE .INVESTMENT. Investing twenty-five cents for a bottle of Hagyard's Pectoral Bialsam, the best tbroat and lung healer known. Cures coughs, bronchitis, asthma and all other pulmonary complaints. Mills exploded on Thursday last killing four men and seriously injuring two others. INHUMAN CEUELTY. It is a barbaric cruelty to toHiure the weak stomachs of chronic invalids with harsh purgatives Mid sickening drugs, when Burdock Blood Bitters will regulate the stomach, bowels, hver and kidneys in so agreeable and effectual a manner. Chatsworth town hall is to be opened the 1st week in November with a grand Concert. Clever. The magical power over pain that Hagyard's Yellow Oil possesses, outrivals the marvels of ancient times. It acts in a natural manner to subdue inflammation cures Eheumatism, Croup, Deafness, Sore Throat; and painful injuries. An OshawS man recovered $580 from an Oddfellows' Lodge for rough treatment while being initiated. AGOODBECOED. Among the many thousand bottles of Hagyard's Yellow Oil sold annually in Canada not one has ever failed to give satisfaction. It cures rheumatism, colds and all painful complaints and iniories. The Bruce Hetald issued a daily edition during Walkerton fair. It was a neat, spicy sheet and reflects credit on the proprietor. A GOOD TEST. For over sixteen years G. M. Everest, of Forest, has sold Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam and Its sales are steadily increasing. It cures coughs, colds and all lung complaints • u pleasant to take the always reUable. National fills aats prompUy »pon the Liver, regulate the Bowels and m a purK«tiTe are mild and thoroogh. It is rumoured iji London tbkt Sir John Macdonald's vi«it tp England will result m an arrangement, where- by the West India colonies vriU be admitted into the Dominion of CaD*dft a confedeiatipn that, Eairri)erbV says has the approval of the home GoJarn! ment. A BEIIABEABLE BECOVEBir.. ' V SroSaid most inflamD.atory oomplttots. MARKDALE_POST OFFiCE. Mails at Markdale are closed as follows, commencing Monday August 11th. closed bag for Toronto 8. a. m. General Mail South 8:45 p- m., General Mail North 11:80 p. m. close bag for Owen Sound 7. p- ^- WEATHER PROBABILITIES. ForteUing the weather is a useful science, but relieving the effects of its sudden changes is a better one. Hagyaid's Pectoral Balsam cures coughs and colds, incident to sudden changes. A RUN ON A DEUQ STOREV Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at A. Turner Go's. Drug Store for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons affected, with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Oouphs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle of this great remedy free .by caUing at above drug store. Regular size ?1. ,IN CONNECTIOK ^Ta ff^kr^S' flour and Feed B/IB. r Halving jusi received ehideee. Fresh and SiL STOCJKOF ' ri7e£i.»» Tobacco,^. Which will lie sold VERY CHP I respectfully patronage. 193 solicit ICg J-plewes. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied en the shortes notice. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late MORROW (HOUSE CHATSWORTH, Ont. TUCK McLEOD PropbietobI The best btand of liquors and pigai. .i ways in stock. Good meals and c.mfortaSe stabling and at 114 rooms guar-'iteed. tentive hostler. Good HOUSE PAINTER GBAINER. (tLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER, CALCIMIiNIKG AN.D WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Plauing. Factory Obdebs Solicited. Estimates Givek. 192-205 H/m^ :^^^mMmm mPEGTQIitI A. Splendid. Hea,i*se tur hire at moderate rates. BAtite â€" ^AU kinds of â€" PICTURE FRAMING Dope on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. MARKDALE HARNESS EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. TH08.lltnHEWS,Proprififor Nothing but good stock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on hand. A Iso Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Robes, c., always in stock. EUGENIA Grist, SaiajidLatliMills Haying mad« eqlensive improTements in myGnstMill I feel confident 1 good satisf action. Has no equal for ilie pi •.iMaiiciu cure of Conclis. 'oId8, Sore Throat, AKi-'aHi.-!, Coii$, ^Vliooping I'onpb, Itrimi-hitis and all Lung Disrasrs. 4^ Every Hottle guaranteed to give satisfaction, T. MILBURN CO., Proprietors Toromo. ROOKE'mKERl BRE Ar the ntaff of life and l:*i^HTK.^"" that m\\ please your wife, always ou baud, tp supply the demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let us know, And we'll your wants supply, Or you'll know the reason why. E. ROOKE. Markdale. MABEDALB, Manufacturer of all Kinds of » Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern Pupips, All kinds of IRON PUMPS BtJPPLIEP. can give GOOD FLOUR ALi/VAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on -the shortest notice: ALWAYS LUMBER AND LATH ON HAND. Bi^J?°i:"°"*^'S^*? Black Aa, Basswood, Pine And iHemlock iogg wanted 691y.; M.AKITT. Eugenia. 1 a/.o- -VT*;s'Y: ^Q^ die tw^ Mfttt mioota iJm^SSii HEAP'S PATENt Dry Earth or Ashes Qhset Facforf find yet hare no stiieH frdm it â-  Cqwiort and OfeiiI»^ Sf" i«i«! ^fl^^P^Hltll^^^ JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GEM'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEINO SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celebrated CHATHAMI WAGONS. mmm EXTRACT- CURES n HOLER A CHGLERA INFANTUM â-  /^ T n n lx '^i\,ir^: UE^L^f^ I." if i ti illPPlElE prteeList (jeneral McDonald- Brood Mare Aionis- f Two year oW thos. Saidgeot One year oW ooald. Spring Colt (oiuJd. Two y-ai* oUlt 1. Lamont. One year olc [, Mclntyre. Spring Re IcArthur. Driving riors(| .-An. Saddle How jiont. Draught Tear linnis. Carriage Tear lirr. [Bred Bull, neers. fOne Year Old-I IBredCowâ€" Wj I Grade Cow jonald. j Working Oxen I One year old |. McDonald. I Two year old iHeifer Calfâ€" n [Aged Ram â€" H I Bam Lamb â€" onald. j Shearling Ewe lEwe Lambs â€" i [Aged Sow â€" I onald- [Spring Boarâ€" [Spring Sow li JDucks â€" Wm. H Iwhfte Leghorn iHamburgâ€" F V Ipiymouth Roc cDonald. I Barnyard Fowl [Geese â€" W Han [Black Spanish- [Brahmasâ€" W B |FaU Wheat-J j Spring Wheatâ€" [Barley â€" J. Win [Black Oatsâ€" F jWhite Oatsâ€" W â- Peas â€" Vf Inkstx [Timothy Seed- Alexai rSSUEB of Mai Life Insuran B. R. c. C Inctioneer for the ferehants, and I aded to and chi Prioeville, Sept WW "SSUER OF M Commissioi;; Conveyancing i ttended to and a I ^- B. â€" Money 1 IUSK MAf las. Bryi !1TY '•hn KcAle Xhis hoose is 'BdonMillstrei â-º^Btay dqaend â- Mm. Union 1 IHARKI M4BKDA] IS/fiUTLI i^auBliioi dVSB Hi (n \MW^' .-asffeB.:.

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