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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Oct 1884, p. 7

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 »* offers 12500* oat of ord»i.^^ f r h^ had tn « haatiiig Scenes at Sfaples. ..oondent at Naples Bends an ao« i '^Vheeti'^olM of the cholera •"' flii, on the whole, as dirty and ^* i'L,+arain th» rich and poor rrw 'eji UOQQJ ;wo.headed oiri S-e folS1,\S;000, the good "â- â€¢" ' tr»t bitween the rich «""" striking as .erer. We see one l^lL inhabitants listening to the ad- " the^resB and medical profession and '" inff to scocr the streeu and houses, â- i*!""" Ciiatomcna. S.-nta Oitterina, J ,1 S»n Ferdinando appear in a state •'^f^rdiaary cleanliness. At Pendina. '^^fprcato, and the Porto, on the con- â-  the little streets that twine and "'iLh otlie"' where tl« Na»(oitan ' land lazzjroni's live, the scavon- -ve DO trace behii.d them. Taera, in ^/ilof the nirrow. ill-paved street, runs „ ttream of blick and evil-emelling either t'iie the doers stuid difficult to see room?, or rather Oj ppen. bnt it is very into these dark tWai??' "P and iv York n^nta ""ily i going B3t^ ^«" any „4;«^ Kt.S^L\^» decide *^ iujrded as they are by gossiping fe la and romping children, tne Utter in P [. complete nakedness. When we do "'fed in getting a glimpse into the inter- je finl a miserable bed almost worn to J with here aiid therj a heap of rags, ,^ *;,Ltty cha r, a table, and madonnas Id up in gilt paper, all of which a uylinip that ia never extinguished il- rk daily «*».• ^inates in a half heirted manner. Taere of "^iaao?f!r»» Id and refuse which emits a vile emell, â-  i S^*.** :." n one siira unless it be to buy a water- t stealing o.elon„h^S »*• or sent hom,°S h^earandhalf-a-dSJ ticuUr ceremony about 8 pap^r la referrin, hora'ethievesrLiHilJ!? Syracuse drew $3000 brst move was fe bw londs valued at $1 200 3g f-hould have comfo.-t ast even ten years, i'm tohaltthelanio, tralicquiahedallrnhta ig ligdrinkofwhiikey es for r^liBqaishiag,aiid 3 m rotation. the equeezing powen iT twenty-five feet long, he couldn't crush tht given to tight laciiv ry show a ibnake could ir predicts that all \ht S the face of the earth â- ears more, it's jart ai John S aiith could make .â- i much credit. it in Minnesota that tie rried farm houaesh^a (vn so softly, that Dot» ened. That's very fair e been cellars scooped ther'a-coachman mania 3 day, and after a few ihree weeks' diet of cold 3d ^es will apear at the i'n their eyes and a cue cketa. I are advertiiing "Am- for customera. If there tell what an Am- iat pie is lots of folks SLud feel rf his head, matt kill on sight 3 the psoph of Da- Jack. H oil to run the lieved that he was a oke. The other day m in a row, and no* to give Martin akiek. Maslcian. una. kable irritation DOS bear to hear the and therefore thii he arrived at the m who knew how to Handel's irasoiblDv thfi orchestra, on 1 of Wiles was to he all the instramenta rrived, Handel gav» conapirito bat inch d, that the enraged m his feit, and hay ba33 which stool a ittledrum, which » at the leader of tw full-bottomed wig" aiting to replace rt, d to the front of tM n«eance, bntsomncS at utterance was de- Biculous attitude W ing for some m"»" on of lauKhter; D« on to resume hu««» parson, and w»» his wrath. Q Call. is occasionally?" if the foUotrin! Id by the PJ»*» 3k's Bayou w«»» day, '^^«^t tie, preP»"*«J ' i by the screami w» the oh.W' ?e. hes of the aUi«»t«j«g the water. Of' chUdwonldh*" )aiaii bi A*""** je dautfhter Bilcimore, of th« urried l^iS^% I h^r fathers wb» nth all tae Pg^, M ntebello ^^ additwoW « ill also W^teifrl astate of «»• •t so 00^ 'In, upuu which, as the Neapolitans say. Si mangia, si beve, Esi siliva la feccia. Pfogressioa ia not always easy outside, the route ia ofttn impedded by other Bijbir.ows and bearers waiting for their jien, BO that in the vlchis or little narrow „5ta there is frequently a perfect block It ia the duty of the guard to open a At times the patient becomes on the litter, and pushing away the J h which covers him, he exposes a face ii a deathly pallor upon it. On other oc- jigng_which are only too numeronsâ€" the riere step to drink, becjms weak in the p and sttmble. S,metime8, moreover, eiok person ia upset and projected upon ie passera by, who move about calmly, fiug little heed to the cholera p itients. jere is a lonj procesaiou of hand-bamws the streets arjund the ii capitals of Caa- ichia and Pieditfrotti, Tae bearera meet the strtet corners, and silently form in e file. Wnen tired they calmly to lest, and even sit down on their ir,o«s, tnl then tiie parents, who fre- lently follow the bearer j as far as the door tae hospital, takW advantage of these ippiges to enocurage the aiqk ones, Tae ijacles seen en the way are geaerally of terrible c.iaracter. The patients aee iterJ precessions, terrioly simpl with a irae drawn by a piir of miaerabla jides, iiicb the driver is obliged to lash unmerci- lly to mike til em move a little quicker- Tae day brfore yeterday there was a jffd around the mairie in the Foria quar- Sjme asked fo: doclo.s, others de- andod p r :6 rs or hear ses. Tae cholera had Mdo.i-,; i a fell wo.k during the night, id the nuiitt.ef of cases increased continu- ly. As ii:.e-e was not suffiji^nt emp'oyes deal with the difficary, the mire impa- ent portion of the cr^wd be^an to shous, ban the sound of a clariaei an I other la- ramenta was heardjplayinga spiritel waltz. a approached, a ad succeeded making their way through the crowd, (lowed by a young coup'e in their Sonday »t, who were come to d9 married before mayor. The lady obj c;ed somewhat ben she was obliged to ^0 int the disin- ctiLg room like any ordinary person. She areJ for her white dress, wbijh would be wiled by the chlorin?, and the gentleman mplaineJ as to his gloves, which were of somewhat uncertain color. As soon, bow- er, as they entered the sp rtment where ceremony took place their gayety re- lEed. A few minutes later they reap red with smil-ng faces, and themisicians jumed their waltz air, and the doctors nt to attend the dying. Measuring Genius. Tie great mass of what we call moral id njbiul men, practical men, and men of maiou stnie are very useful men; they â- e the warp and woot of Eociety, but they not capable of understanding the heroic. w aad ttea it appears in a life, and we out know where it ciime from. His father am't like that his mother wasn't like tat, hat here comes a heroic nature tat ia caieleaa ot master or physical com- *, or even of sooietyani it* proprieties i its penurious reward, but who has a â- Hie of Ijjauty. It burns in him to de- eiop it Fjr the sake of giving expression that he is willing to waste his whole te, lie haa the artist's impalse to color, srm, cunstruct it is in him, and for the li'J of it be bears po/erty, for the sakp of ^e aays "What though I am not known, im working on the higher sense. Why onld 1 expect the lower and vulgar crowd nnderttand me ' And they did not. If man paints p'ctures and gets money, Oa 'eye in understand that, but not a man iiat paints portraita becaaae it is in him, d hg must do it witkoat any relation to "J'it or any lower life whatever. M.n 'Ho a.n^ or sell their poems, we all under- tiiid them. They are on the market. Not 'i^t it is a discredit to them, but we inter- rtt t^em becauae they are manufacturing i^i^gs that bring money. But men that '^g as dd Homer snog, as D^ite sung, as tod Milton sung, how we pity them I We »k b^ck and say ' Oh, that they should 've lived in such a dark age they never ' an J thing for it." Tttey got themselves. "ey answered the highest and n^belst im- plies. We are all the time measnring men Renins by the lower standards of what 'I called practical common sense men, who J^like machine] turning out fodder for 5.«ni8tlves and other animali.â€" [Henry *rd Beecher. How Tliey Make Fatty. I'lie process of making patty ir a very Jl^P-e one. The prinoipil inaredients are «v linseed oil and whiting. Marble dut ' mixed with the whiting, and aa it ia «cli cheaper it redocaa the oo«t of the ^^'y Paraffine oils are aaed to a great .^^t instead of linseed, and aa the former '^e cheaper and inferior oil of the two '^^ resul: is to make an inferior artiole. khead it, it is pat in a cha«erâ€" aa aana* â- uiaped troagh from the Mittre of vhioli S* a vertical shaft. 9^m»^^t^'*f9- â- ^ «x.cad» en the mmW^WSm tn \^y iron 'Wheels that reet in ihe troagh, f^ the shaft revolves the wheels chase '" oti er around the trough. The whole- '^Pnce of patty is about two cents a years oli* bnpresalTe Scene Aams Alaska Qla- dws. A Taat ioe field, the Mcamolatioa of aoes stretched baok aa faraatheeya ooaldreaoh,OT rose still like seemingly limitleM walls they met the horizim. Iceberg* whoM wondrans colorings and and groteaqae f(»n«tuu ex. oaeded oar wildest imagminga, mrronnded OS on all aides. A hage bine pyramid grow- ing fainter towards the apex whar« rested a mats of snowy whitenoaa, ufled dowly by to be followed by another, black at the waterline, growmg bottla-green, lighter olive, and then by some iDezplioable trana- formatioa becoming tipped with a delioata tnrqnolse. Pinnacles, aroheeand domes in tarn drifted by, till the speed of the Aneon was checked, and we found oarMlves ready to drop anchor, while before rose a vertical ice-wail 500 feet in heiiiht and with a fron^ age of three and one-lialf miles. Not daring to attempt a pen pictare, I qaote the words of Mair, the StaM Geologist of Calif iimia: "Ibo whole front and brow of this migestic glaci tr is daihed and sculptured into a mass of yawning chasms an 1 crevices, and a be- wildering variety of Strang architectural forma appalling to the strongest nerves, bat novel and beautiful beyond description. Clusters of glittering, Itfioe-tipped spires, gables and obelieki, bold out-standing bas- tions, and plain moral cliffs adorned along the top with fretted cornice and battlement, while every gorge and crevasse, chasm and hollow were filled with light shimmering and pulsing in pale blue tones of ineffable tenderness and loveliness." When at the firing of a cannon huge masses of ics became detached and plunged mto the water with a force that threw the spray hundreds of feet in the airland even at the distance we wers, caused oar sttaoier to sway violently, the «zcit8ment c Alminafeed, and the cheers of our party mingled with the echoes of the fall as the disi*at crigs sent them back to us. We were landed oa shore and after al- most the entire afternoon spent climbing the side morraine, looking back at oar ship, an atom in the distance, wa returned feeing the half tai not been told us. â€" [CjrrespjaU- ence Providencj Jaurnal. Guides for 6hosts. The Chinesa hill-tribes balieve that man has only three souls, and tht-ss are most aatisfau-torily disposed of. Oae appropri- ately and convdaiently remains in the grave, another tcikes up his p sition at the ancestral board, aud the third roams about unrestrained in the spirit woili, not neces- sarily upon earth. Many of the women are fond, as in India, of givini; their deal c lild a dog, or, â€" by dink of prayers and sapplica tioni â€" the departed louI of an old and experienced pertoj as guide, that the in fant wanderer may not miss its way oa the path t J the spirit world. For this reason it wai that the Mongolians sent slaves to ac- company their de^d princes. Tae Chinese, however, have a moro hum tae idea. Tlaey believe that, since it ia likely that the de^d man will be unable to find his way safely t^ the land of spirits, and may as probably as not stray from the right path, the kintfa of the under-world woald furnish him with a little devil to act the part of guide aud ser- vant to the newly disembodied spirit on its joMiLSf. Tbe Poles used to have a notion of a similar kind, though they, like the Chinese, did not display it in such an un- pl«a8«at way f'r survivors. It was their cuatotu to Uy baar4 claws in the gravel, to serve the dead man as hooks, with the help of which he might climb the great glaas mountain. According to the common no tion among tae Kareaos, the dead renew as "plu-pho" in the world of Pin, under so- vereignty of the great King Koetaj, or Tneedo, the occjpatio as which they had followed whiiC as yet m. rials upoa earthâ€" ra most carious hiat at the caste system of the Hindoos, which has no p ace with the Kareena while they are alive. â€" English Paper. Destruction of a Swiss Glacier with Dy namite je of the younifest, as well as one of the moat beautiful, glaciers in the country is that which gives birth to the river Rhone, and ttie grandest sight in connection with the Rhone glacier is the supurb seracs or pinnacles of ice, which prjve asoarce of un- ending attraction to travellers by the Farka pass. As is well known, the second and third bends of the road almost hang over the glacier, and afford a wonderful view of the stupendous ice fall, which, descending frcm precipitous rocks, is broken aud twist ed into fantastic pyramids. This sight, writes our Geneva correspondent, is certain- ly unique in that part of the Alps, but un- less asiive it 3psa:e taken to stop the de- structioa now going on, it will scoa be so no longer. It appears that some people have obcairei permission â€" from whom is is not clear â€" to destroy these pinnacles by means of dynamite, in order that the huge blocks thus easily detached may be put on the Sc, Gothard railway, and so transported to B^e, where thsy ara to be slored ia im- mense well] for summer use. Should the destruction ot the elacier be allowed to con- tinue the authorities will find to their cost that they have kill 3d the goose that laid the golden eggs, for the chief attration of that desolate region is tae supurb ioe pinnacles of the great glacier, and when they have disappeared travellers will tarn their steps in other directions. â€" [London News. Tlie Spanish American. The Spanish American is an inveterate gamester, while many who have studied the sosial economy of Mexico hare held that the financial embarrassments of that fine coun- try have been due no less to "pronuncia- mentos" than to the game of "mante." The Cuban, again, is one of the most detarm'ned an 1 the best mmaered of puntars. Waether he gains or loses at oard playing or cock- fighting, he rarely moves a muscle, and pockets handsfnl of gold doubloons, or sees the auriferous "oart wheals" swept away from him, with equal imperturbability. Every steamship^that leaves Liverpool for an American port has among her passengers a portion of gentlemen who would smile snd silrag their shoulders in contempt, at open their eyeswide with amazement, were they told that gaining wai an offense against pab- lie morality, and was in the highest degree detrimental to the maintenance of good dis- wnline on board ehijp. The ttpamsh Amar- ^bwtins to gamble when he if j.l)oy;k. ^| Inues to gamble his wholrlffe Idng; and iarat table on boaidasteaowU^ would heVf him regarded as a sweet boon, not only frcm its presenting a ohanoe of winning a comfortable pile of dollars, bat for its al- leviation of the tedium of a sea voyage.â€" [London News. WOBDS or WIJSDOM. ^^^Ij»v«, like fear, makes us bsUeve every- There oan be no friendship where there is nonreedom. Fmgalitv â-  fennded on the principle that all neaes have limits. If you would not have affliction visit you twice, listen at once to what it teaches. It is giwd discretion not to make ranch of any man at the firsli,becaase one casn jt hold out that proportion. To wish to do without our fellows and to be under obligation to no one is a sure sign of a eoal void of sensibility. True politeness ia the last touch of a noble charactir. "It is the gold on the spire, the son-light on the corn-field." Aa old proverb says, «' Au unkind word fall j easily from the tongue, but a coach aud six horses caunot bring it back." When a misfortune happens to a friend look forward and endeavor to prevent the same thmg from happening to yourself. Life, according to an Arabic pio/eib, is composed of twopartsâ€" thai which is pjst, a dream; and that which is to come, a wish. Ddceit and falsehood, whatever convenien- ces they may for a time promise or proiuce, are, in the sum of life, obstacles to happi- nees. We are link 9d both to the ptst and the future, and our duty to the f jrmer, wall ful- filled, will best fit us to dijchar(re our duty to the latter. He that does not know those things which are o^ use, and necessary for him to kn w, but an ignorant man, whatever ho may know besides, P.ide is like t'le beautiful acacia, that lifts its beitd proudly aLo e its neighboring plants â€" forgetting tha: it, too, like tht.m, has its rco;d in tie dirt. Every man has his c lain and bis clog.only it is looser and lighter to one m m tha x an- other, and he is more at ease who tafces it up than he who drags it. Troubles spr'n^ fr m idleness, and griev- ous t jils from needlew ea^e; many, without labor, would live by their wits only,buttaey break for want of stock. Coavereation should be p'ea^ait, without scurrility, witty withous affectation, free without indecency, learned withouj cojceit- edmsj, novel without tatv«hood. If you are willine so be ai pleasant and as aoxiousto pleaie inycur own home as you are in the company of your neigibors, you will have the happiest home in the wtrld. Friendship without benefaction degener- ates intp a weak aad wortiileas sentiment benefaction without the spirit of friendship becomes a mechanical and lifeless rou- tine, A generous, a brave, a noble deed per- formed by an adversary, commands our ap probation; its consequences it m^y be acknowledged pr..jadictal to oar particu- lar interests. Whenever you ccmoiend, add your rea sons for so doing; it ii this which distin- guishes the approbation ot a man of sense from the fltttery of sycophants and the ad- miration of fooU. Sarcasm always 1 saves its doubt and its depressioa. Hunan nature avenges itself by suspicion. There comes the intamil and unerring whisper, "As others have been used so shall we." A man should never put a fence of words around his ideas, because many who would otherwise give him a fair hearing, lack siiffi oient resolation to climb ov«r each a ragged enclosure. The Loss ofthe '*WMp.»» Wnen the British gunboat wai lost with all save six on board s^e wa s boand for L:)ugh Foyle to take the Sheriff and bailiffs to Instrahull to evict the inhabitants The total rental of thisspsck in the o^ean ia £18. It is a small island On the seaboard of Done- gal, an i it is well known as the scene of the wreck of the Iris some few years back, when thehtrdy islanders, at great risk of life and limb, succeeded in reiouing tha pasaengeri and'crew of theill-fatad steamer. The extreme length of the islet is three miles and the breadth one and a half miles. It is distant from the mainland about nine miles, and of ^1 the desolate spejks of land it is the most aninyitiog. Sixteea families with the light- house keeper make up the entire popuU- tion. There is no arable land, and the sur- face of the ground is formed of rocks. Some of the tenants have never paid n7 rent, and others are from ten to fifteen yean in iiiTrears. A precarious livelihood is earned at fishing daring the summer mouths, bat, owing t) the stormy and dangerous natare of the coast in the winter, the islaniers go to the mainland until the spring, as there ia no fuel to be obtained oa the is:et. There is oaly one landing place, and it requires skill and care to run inio it in safety. So the attempt to collect $90 has cost the British navy thousands of pounds and fifty- two Uves. SlOraSADSAGES. The meat tor famen in tMr bov ~~~ eooked and read* for SMdl thraosh Um Dominion. P. a Bmr.\4a MnnttmL Itorieia H. WILLIAMS, SLATE AND FELT ROOFER. Manofactorer and Dealer in Tarred Pelt. KMaBs n*ek. BaUdlac raper. Carpet FeU, Ae., at lewest Frices. 4 Adklaidb St. East, • Tobohto DEATH TO POTATO BUGS. ASK 70UR LOCAL DKALBB FOR SAKSAT'S PIJRE PARIS GREE3I. Nothins has 1e^Bf«and more eSeetiTe for dastroiia Potato Bags. The irorest is the oheapeel. A.m K,a,,y Sc Son, Paint and Color Manafaotureis, MontreaL W. F. p. Currie Co. in Grey Nun Street. Montreal. Importers of Brain Pipes, Portland Cemeat, Ohinmey Tops, Canada Oemant, Vent Liniiiia. Water Lime, Vln* OoTers, Whitiny, Fire Brioka, Plaster ot Paris, Kra day Borax, Roman dement, China Clay Manofaotnrers of Beasemer Staei mmttk. Caair*Bed8prla«» I the will supply two » year old IVIA^G^A^tCA.^ vines of 80!88» WHITE GRAPE witnoub any conditions whatever at " Two Dollars Each- Agents wanted, apply to D. W. Beadle, St. Catharinbs. Do minion Lineof Steamships. SBunning in'connection with the Grand Trunk b!SiwI^ of Canada. Sailing from Quebec erery Saturday during the summer montlia, and from Portland every Thursday during the winter months. Sailing dates from QUEBEC TO LrVEBPOOL. Xorento, Oct. II 'VaBCoaver, Nov. I »rexon, «ci. 18 1 *8aniia Kot, 8 Sloairrat, Oct. '%5 amekiyn NcJv, 15 Kates of passage: Cabin, Quebec to Liverpool S60,|6u, $65, 80. Return, $90, «108, $117, $144, according to steamer and berth. Intermadiate $35, Steerage, at lowedi: rates. The saloons aud staterooms in steamers marked thus are amidships, wher* but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep is carried on them. For fur ther particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Bailway Agent or local agents of the Company, or to I»AV1I» TORRANCE A CO.. General Agents, Hontreal. finrton's All Healing TAB AKD GLYCERINB SOAP I The best in tne world for all dis- ea8esoftheSkin,on Man or Beast. Sold by all druggists. ALBERT TOILET SOAP GO. CARBOLIC ACD) AND GLYC£BDnS la the best in the market, Allan Line Boyal lau Steamshiin. BaiUail Auiat wiatar troB PortlMid Mwy Ttwadav •ad Hautax •van Sktuiday to Uvarpool, and ia â- â- â- Â»â€¢ Hob QMbeeeTwy Batarday toUrerpMl. aallta«a*b« dondsRy to land mails aad psMBiUjri tor Hinllaiid •â- â€¢ InUnd. AlMtronBaltimdNTUBaliCazaadStJohBli N. P., to UTMvaoltortnliAitlr daring nui Tba rteami o the (»aagow Unea saU i between Portland and Glaasow, and Boilao aadl alteraatoly; and dnrins lamnMr belweaa Qi ' OUeasow and Boitan and Olaagow aTCry week. Iw freight, passace, or othe^ apply to A. Soirnmaober «:Ca. Balttmon; 8. Onnard ft COm Halifax Shea ft Co, St Jehnti N.F.;Win. Thomson ft Co.. St Joha.N. B. Allan Co. Chicago; Leve 4 Alden. New York H. Bonrlier. Toronto Allans, Bae *Oo Qoebeo; H. A. Allan. Portliand. treaL Coleman Patent Harness. iBDioTed. worta •tibeni wUffletiees. OooL 1 Ale, niwch easteroa man and t se m i. TIM ••â- leroamanaadi .- â€" ~^- li a specialty In orchards, â- â€¢ no traaa can be iajeiei I warkiagqaalltiaacoaiBnteed. Price HOl Itoritory for sale ia United States anA J B De\srey Co. 6URNEYS WARE, TllARDSCm. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST RELIABLB TJnrir l\ d in material, construction and finish, per* feet in oc^racy and unequalled in durability. Onai, anteec" :e give entire satisfaction. T '£Y EXCEL ALL OTHERS. AMD RAILROAD, WARKHOVSa Mills' Alarm Money Srawera; SEND FOR ILLUSTBAIED PfilCB U8B. GUi^NE YS WARE, ^AHUTOir. OUT j^ ERIDEN RITAN]SlA â€" â€" :) MANUPACTUBBES OP (: New York, Merlden (CL), Chica^, San Francisco, London, (En;.). BRANCH FACTORYâ€" Cor. Cannon and Wellington Streets, Hamilton, Ont. Many purchasers having through a i TRADE similarity of names purchased other wares under t!-.e impression that tbey Were of «ur manofacture, we are compell- ed to iisk speciil attention to the above TR.VDK MARKS The fact that our name aad Trafie Marks are beingso close- J â€" ly imitated should be a sufficient guaran- â-  ^^ „_. tee to the piib'ic that o'lr wares are the I MAIvit. BfisX IN THB WOELD. %/ 1847 Rogers Bros. AI. A Pen and Ink Portrait A man oc refined conrteiy and pleasant- ness, who can m^e a flAttertng speech when needf al, .«nd yield to non essentials with grace, there is in Lsrd Dafferin, ai in all ancoessfnl Irishmen â€" in the Wellesleys, and the Ltwrenoes, and the Wolseleysâ€" an ele- ment of granite hardnees and impsnetrabil- it/, rising somttlmes into pitilessness, indis- pensable to the man who is to govern, and notmsrely seem to govern, under Indian c tndltions. The sceptic which guides and controls a fifth of the hnman race most ba of bard metal, and the man who cannot bear to punish may ruin provinces. Lord Daf- ferin cao hang if neiedfal, as he showed in Syria, or frighten o^tonents, as he showed on one great day in Constantinople, and is by no means, when pushed to the waU, the sweetiy-soothing politician of which his caraer in Canada left in some minds ai. im- preesion. __ How Doth the Easy Little Moth. It is astonishing what an appetite a moth has, and how many square inches of a $60 ovetooat he can get iaway with in one short summer. They cUm't nwke any nmse about it, but at soon as spring q^eni, lud it .be- comes witrst, their a(ip«itB j^entinds ;tiira|i, that they ' have Imni lymj ^aiet tor some time, and so they go to work to eat enough to last all winter. When fall comei again and you take your overcoat off the hook, it looks as though it had been chewed by a buz caw. The ^Ne^w Williams High 'Arm Machine is new recognised M Sewing MacMne of tlie Period. It is UcM and Easy te nui] SUemt and Rapid nseveaent, Plalm andlsimple (e learm] It ts stronR, durable, and well built, of the very best material that money oan buy or skill prodaoe. It was awarded five medals and three'flnl prizes at the Dominion Kxhibitlon last Octo ber. It 'b rapidly snpetseding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. Bee it, try It, buy it, and make surethat you get it. THE WILLIAMS' MFC GO. 78 Notre Dame St, Montreal, and SSiSB St.. W Toronto. GURNEY'S STOVES! [coal:and;wood cook, ^AL iiSfi^ 1^3^ RAirais, COUNTESS BASE BUBNER, FOR SALE BY STOVE DEALERS HERE.

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