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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Oct 1884, p. 8

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 mm The Canadian MubidJUd. MiM^^ .-.rr,. »i*:^»»* 0. H. Mackintosh, M. 4 ^1^- I 'i I f' M|4 â-  â- %\\ "i ;T INCORPORATED AUGUST aOTtf, J^i3jX -j^jL ^^ m- â-  â- â-  t '«d oi!« v"" 5" A. OHM^ ^4:1 HMord, 1F«» J; P. BMH)#wiwtto#; ' 'â-  "" c3. W. Hill, Esqi, Bidge^iUc, Memb. S^ " '" " fli OntMia) Tt«|sai«r; ,£klicit4ti:. Tbe 9meton bim filed wkh the Hon. 8. a Wood^ (Ez-PKqTintf^ :rn»tee l|ff flte AModalioiu Beods to the amooAt of 160,000.0^ JhUmMB J^ io fmmfies Of Deceased Members at SumU Cost, AOS. JTfae Associatian v3l do bosineas on the following idaa ;^.,^ Applteations. .All Af^lieationfl for Memfaerahip shall be ioade upon printed fi rms fnnnahed by the kt^ sociation, (and asi^icaots moat pass a satisfactory medical examinatioB). If aooepted, a oertiiflate irill be issaed witbin thirty days from date of snch acceptance. Membership. 'The payment of TWELVE DOLLABS admits any of sound body and mind between the aije of 18 and 60 years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the application is not accepted the money i:i promptly rvtomed to the appheant. Plan of Business. The following table shows the amount iat which Certificates of Memberdiip will be issaed by the Assoeiation, according to age AGS. Amnnt at Death AGE. Amount at Death Jfrom 18 to 30 93 OGO 2 950 2 900 2 850 2 800 2 750 2 700 2 650 2 600 2 550 2 500 2 430 2 400 2 350 2 300 2 250 From45 to46 •2 200 SOtoSl.. 46 to 47 2 150 1 to32 47 to48 2 100 32 to 3:t 48 to 49 8 050 3Sto34 49 to 50 2 000 34 to 35 50to51. 51 to 52 1 900 35 tq 36 1 800 36 to 37 52 to 53. 1 700 37 to 38 53 to54... 1 6C0 38 to 39 54 to55 1 ^00 39 to 40..,....,.. 55 to 56 1 400 40 to 41 66 to 57 1 300 41 to 42 57 to 68 1 200 42 to43 58lo59 s 1 100 48to44 59 to 60..... 1 000 44to45 1 HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates will be issned for half the above amonnts shonld the applicant so desire. Assessments. An Assessment of One Dollar npon each member wih be made in ease of death or total disability of a member, except when there is money enough in surplus funds to pay said claim. ' ' Special Features. 1^ â€" Great iiidncements to provide for families in case of death, at small cost. *2 â€" ^Eqnal benefits to both sexes. 3 â€" Uniform assessments of one dollar only. 4 â€" Careful medical examination required. 5 â€" No annual dues or extra charges. 6 â€" ^No large salaries or expenses. 7 â€" Two hundred dollars advanced for funeral expenses when necessary. â€" ^Benefits secured at actual cost. 9 â€" Members beeomirg tot^y disabled, may draw half of their claims, the balance be* ing payable at death. 10â€" Ladies accepted in this Assodatioa as well as men. For particulars apply to S. W. HlLL. Membership Superintendent, Bidgeyillfl, or to W. PEMBEBTON PAGE. Secretary, 87 King Stieet West, Toronto. AGENT FOR MABEDALE, • TH08. MANN. Atso Agent for Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association. SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE Oie TO UETT In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other limber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machineiy is all good and driven with great power l»y a 23 inch Leflfell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are seyeral other good mill sites •on the proyerty. The land in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold •or let on liberal terms. • The bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immedinte possession given. A^. J.:/ to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLESHBBTON STATION P. 0., ONT. •beati Toronto's pop*tofcK» jj aC, Ji/fi 870. THOUSAND S**;"*-,,^. -I ilr.T W. AtKn.^Gi««*.XM»-.^â„¢;2^ Mtisfaetion and are rapid seUw^ ^^ Bitters «e the puwrt and *»* "»«f J?J known and will positivdy core Kidn^ »rd Liver compUmts. Punfy the Wood «d regulate the bowels. No fMmly can afford totowithont them. They wUl save hun- dreds of dollars in doctor's bills wery yw. Sold at fifty oenta a bottle br A. Turner* Co. The jury in tlie Blytti mnrdar case yesterday returned ft verdict of man. slaughter against the three Beamishes, for cansiog the death of Mr. Main. Bemish senior and one son were sentenced to twenty years' penitentiary and the youngest son to five yeH«, AN EX-AUDEBMAN TRIKD IT. Ex-Alderman Taylor of Toronto, tried Ha«yard's Yellow Oil for rheumatism. It cured him after all other remedies had failed. FiBE. â€" We regret to learn that the Mt. Forest Advocate newspaper office was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning, the 21 st Sept. Low cover- ed by insurance. A SAD NEGLECT. NeglectinK a constipated condition of the bowels is sure to bring ill-health and great suffering. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the Ifowds in a natural manner, porifying the blood and promote a healthy action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is highly recom- mended for the cure of Eruption, Chafes, Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan, ete. Tiie following is from J. W. Ptolemy, of Winnipeg, formerly grain buyer for William Gillesby, of Hamilton and Grimsby: "I was for many years much afflicted with Costiveness, Biliousness, and ultimately Dyspepsia. I suffered very much and trud many different medicines, which gave me only temporary relief and tiben I was as bad as ever again. I was recommended by a friend, who had been restored to health by it, to try McGregor's Speedy Cute. I did so, and it was not long before I felt like a aew man, and I have enjoyed excellent health ever since. I first commenced teking) it February 7th, 1879. Sold by Hill Bm's. A. fc B. 6 The CliBiBte •! C*l«nUlc. v..un^^?~J!^*trTtZ. taco- B^W^'?^ Good Work Guaranteed â€" AT BiilniersPliotopphOaiery Denveb. Sept. 26. â€" Miss J. C. Welton, of New York, wax frozen to death on Tuesday in making an ascent of Long's Peak. She was caught in a snowstorm. A WIDE AWAKE DBUGOIST. Mr. A. Turner is always wide awake in his bosinesa, and spares no pains to seenre the best of every article in hia Une. He haa secured the agency for the eetebrated Dr. Sing's Mew DiscOyery for Consumption. The only certain cure known for Consiunption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and lungs. Sold on positive guaran- tee. Will give yon a trial bottle free. Bega hursiaelLOO. jj The Globe and the 0. P. E.â€" The unpression prevails amongst the inti- mate friends of Duncan Mclntyre that the rumors regardmg his purchase of the Nelson stock in the Globe Com- pany are true, and that a change in the attitude of the paper towards the Canadian Pacific and the development of the Northwest may be expected shortly. It is understood that the present management is doing all in its power to prevent the sale, knowing that the Nelson stock, together with that owned by flon. Donald A. Smith, has the controlling influence on a stock vote. â€" Montreal Star. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forcuts,bruiBeB sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and m 9km eruptions, and positively cures piles or no_^pay required. It is guaranteed to give pOTfect saUsfaction, or money refunded Price 2o cents per bpx. For Sale Turner ifr Co. FLESHERTON, OslH OX CIi.CS and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T..^3. BTTX^l^^BB^S. FLESHERTON. by A. *ifcsvi-.. Car js Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigcstioti, BiUottmeaSf Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Affections of the Liver and Kidney*, Pimples. Bhtcluis, hoils. Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all disceaes arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. â-  -J? ^°'°T»o'^ation meeting was held m Thorhbury on Tuesday evening Mr. A. Grier was appointed chaurman and Mr. is. Rorkesecretarv^ After a uood deal of diseusMon on the matter it was carried by the casting yoU of the chairman (the yote being 17. to I7) that Thornbury incorporate. J^ qom- mittee was then appointed to wait upon the people of Clarksburg to ascertain their desire or otherwise asto joining Thornbury m the scheme, Ihe vote seemed to be regarded at more for fun than reality. b i^t I trial .. ._, ,_gSteaf e $^90(9 and iadtdmas mi) mpf- '^**^^' t«)r«*tt^oTuro*iit«^1?iy,. %*S. ,6 to subdue inl»M»to»ti»if "^****!;"5^,- (Wmp, DeafWM, »«« »«**. «^ P«***»^ injnriee. Prominemt ammig the If*^* '^^^ dt» eoveries. by the many cures i* has effected, MeOregor' Speedy Cure lead* the^ van. Subjected to tte ndnniest cfaemicwt analysia, it has been found to oootwn none of those injurious ingrediente ehawjteriaing the worthless spectfcs daily ofered to the pnbhc. Every ingredient possesses a peculiar adapt- ability to the various eomplaints far wh«* it has been compounded, and its efUcacy is being esUUiihed by tostimoniris hourly t«oeiTed, We are therefore confident that we have a prepaimtion wbkh we ean offer to the public with the asBuraoce that it will l^ found not only a relief but an ab§oluU cnre for Dyspepsia, Liver Gomydaint, In- digestion. Constipation and Lnpare Blood. Free trial bottles at Hill Bro's. A. S. 4 :-!iitH«»i«ff imported ii*:f* t«-irpf!»8tatie8,^2' • #fetapTiy ».00d MBst^ the Gncery trade • • ^J\t ^J^^M^^I^^I EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a Firat-Claas UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore haa supplied a want long feit, OOFFIKS, OiiSEETS, SHB0UD8, and all FUNERAL FHIHISIIMS supplied mi the shortea notice. .A. Sileii.did. Heax*se for hire at moderate rates. ^lidimitjjstatblii war u^w r«gi,^ --w}| Oil â€"All kinds ofâ€" PICTURE FRAiING Done on short notioe. ROBT. ASKIN. MARKDAIpE HARNESS ElPORini ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. Tiios.MniEWS,Propriator Nothing but good stock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single. Heavy and Light Harness always on hand. Also Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Bobes, o., always in stock. EUGENIA Grist, SawedLathMis Having made eqtensive improvements in myGnstMill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALi^AYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing and shortest notice. Bills Filled on the LUMBEB AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buttomnt, White Ash, BlaekAsh Basswood.Kns And Hemlock Loga wanted 691y. H.AKITT, Eugenia. ,: HEAPS PATENT Dry Earth or ^shes Closet Factory _^ OwBirSouNm. closet mftde your house (if desired) and yet have no smell from it. ., J- Atpiestot SANlFtfcowwhoM^^^ budnemby porcbag:* i*** -ers exorbitant rates ofit credit.. Our imports o( PPE8ERVED MEATIi 8«ii LOBSTERS, aARDlHEst^ BACON,AS80RTEDPiiji5 and eveiy aniclea in thegftjj,^. LIQUORS Uf the best brands and watHu for Sacramental purposes %L. pnre. Brandies direct fromiC ufacturer and all other kindinfl^ Coffees, Teas and Toba(ZT fail to give satislaction. Lemons, c. Family Flcit^ at Lowest Bates. THOS. McNEa I BELFASmUSE, MAI KEW GROCERli IN CONKECTION \WrE Pkwes' Flour end Feei $i Having jimst recewedjl Cboicat, FiBsli and Si STOCK OP Teas, Tobacco, j Which will be sold VEEY CB I respectfully solicit the pal patronage. m J. PLEWR I CHAT8WORTH H0« (lATE 1I0BB0W|H0D8E,) CHATSWOBTH, Oak TUCK McLEOD PBOFBmou. The best brand of li^aonuidc ways in stock. Good meals Md w rooms gsarfinteed. Good fttsWng mi tentiTe hostrfir. Ul HJEIVKY GILL,] HOUSE PAINTEI GBAIKEB. (jLAZIER AND PAPB HAliieEB, CALCIMINISGl AND WALL TINTING. BesideoMe oj^posite Planing Fi Oanna BouctxBD. EiniuxH« '-I- HACYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM 4.- larkdale Lflsy Thursday, 'street, Marls «1 per year ui 2\nn three monj Lai aud busiud Tuuder,P«iycaX' 1 XD 27 'â-  7 10 hlamu • (space.. I space jvertisomeutsSl ceuts per hvi |iioniareil measuij xiOtices. or nJ Eats per liae firsti (luents insertioul jimals*"'""^^"'" ^ertisement Jioq discontinaed f"ccptattlicptioi| JOB PrIn" ^ABD office has I [isteT as well as fitl tjon to ordeis. bl I dispatch. .RTJTII [OR AND PRO] IDSP B68OK8 TO LACDEI BTEBS, Solicitor ja. Conveyancers Jfest rates of inter Iffices iC King Str Frost Fr« BTEBS, AND a: rSolicitors in Cii [, Owen Sound, h Office open eve osT. J.-W r Crown Attorney Has no equal for the F""""' ^- (J " m Lung W*«'«*^:„rida«n»l gr Every fcottle guarantetd to give satisw-j L T. MI LBURN CO., P-mi-Btors i" ProprMtors %tf /O (V* ' .iia -^mmizj^ -jaS*"' i".^-lik':yf iii;aw ^â- s;t :«5{*vr si^^^i «.v,i; lai? eitw st-UBr^V -a^ Drop Valve. Cylinder, Force, and ' All kinds of lEON PUMJ V „_ '» uvpnso). i. iwassop Iter, master a acery. Notary Pi ROOKE'mOllI BREAr the staff of lifei I»ASTR.Y â-  tliai wiU ?« your wife, always on baud, to m tbedemaiid. So when your stock is low Step in and let us kno\ And we'll your wants supply Or you'll know the reas why. E.ROOI[E,,^, Markdale- mabkdalb," ' Maniilaetnrer of all P»^ " BEB OF FABHS 1 )wen SouBd, ii Branch office in h Store, on Frida isor dr Dlrr} -aiS.SOLICITi I Ac. o, lOwen Sound, Wolf's Store an MARKDAL UcFarland's Stc f of each week. 9 to lend on reasc i.Q.a. 1 .March 15. 1882 iexand^er ISi of Marriage Lie ice Agent Conveyanc ^for the County o and Land Salei nd charges mad B. Sept. 17, 1880. Wm. Broi 'OPMARRIAGI SBioner in B. R. acing in all its b • and carefully es toney to Lend oi lARKD Iryan, P -Risers ^«Aleer, I is fitted up i 1 street, vhwe P^nd on the vo; iJnion bos to all IDALI )ALte. NTLEDGE, **CFAKtAM CT FIT G ;)«u

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