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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Oct 1884, p. 5

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 H MM M tLf iK â-  *â-  tm. mu ft 'Wmmf'-^l ' *w;j*5§4!|«^«i4J«!iH«^^J^ •«ir5? â- MW*^«M«fl,IIIV*lilfffl • n" f. ftaoii8'6»^«*^-^^%(-'"r 'â- 'â- â- â- â-  " ,s.tti'aq 5s Ably to Bnuth. ihe iS2^. S ^^Wg J98U at Bmwtt'a, Jorfl^ STOCK OF CLOtlCS, iing /tings, tBfcA^ y SEALS, 0(rms Morris a%d Boss IS, good VioHn Strings, cid InstruMents. OwiiT^M Cureful and accimite repair- hmonally attended to and ^y mrranied. ugare Dealing. Fair Prices. |tf.A.BROWN. MARKDALE. pro* J^fMO gfkkes. Mary, ihft ^rarvt soldi peptember, 75.000 dozen, for which of MeF«tla]id • T«a make^ me feel P« V^ fll.lMHOO. ta w r. ffi WiB. firaidoer, 10 «oii. Eophr^a wishes to lease his ftrm fdjr a teriu Of jews,. â-  "â- ' "â- 'â- [ ^;'y, " :,'"'""' V' ... W. J. McFablamd has receiv^ dhe car load first class ooal oil price 20 cente per gallon, Imperial measore. CoMFntKATioK. â€" Bishop Baldwin, of the Diocese of Huron, held conrm- atioD seryicesin Christ Chorob on Monday everang last when about 80 candidates were confirmed. You can get both the ctbtke and rolled floor at Benson's. ical and Other Items. |5oncx8 in tliese column$iHtendedtobeH(fU • indindml or Society miill be charged tai li a lute fyr the firA HiuertioK and Jive laliM each tmbiequeitt insetHam. '*.. Bifj^QB or '84 vBBS.-^W«!«dll B«ad tbd Stakimbd to iiewsabscribers ftrom the 1st Oe^het to the end of 18S5 for $li to any addresf, or we will put in theTprov^ Weekly iV«iM with tlie SiAiiiMSD for the same period fw $1.50 !Now ia the time to secure cheap reading matter. Send in the dimes with vppr name and address at once to this office. IJohnObr has a good supply ot sb lime, having \vieA burnt a kiln. I Another Sot of that famous 60e. Tea }l01b.faF$4, at B. J. Spcoule's, herton. '=- I Tbe We^Iy MaU to tiie wd of ifor $1^ sabscription takemat the kimABBtfB«e. |?oB sideboards, dressing eases, bed* d;, lounges and cradles, go to Dt Co., Markdale. |!be Weekly Globe for $1, t» the of 1885 leave your nMne and riptioD at this office. ' Is. J. Stboule's new ttodk f fall winter goods is nowvomj^eke and Qo like hot cakes. llfaATTo DO.â€" If you are not a liber to the Markdate Stamdabd, Q8 ono dollar and get it I'S ntha frofl» dite. ..... lluBGElotof men's and bclys Hate le co'intiy can l at less tlian hatf ^riee IJ. Sproale's, FleshertoA. ' Wk can alwayH rely on a notice m sonie of oar exchanges by hms a typographical error to go poorrected. II'he electric lamp is far ahted I all other lamps or even gasoline, iJ.Sproule, agent for Flesherton. I Cattle F.ur, â€" Markdale cattle fair 5 continued to enlarge until it is N conadered the best in the district. laumbRr of ,gi)od buyers will be pre- int at the next fair, Saturday Oct, Splendid heavy factory cottons p. J. Sproule's, Flesherton, only jcents per yd. and all other goods fcordiugly. â-  â-  ' I ilABKD.\LE Council of Royal Temp- ihave leased the Workmen and p Fellows ball.where they will hold leir regular meetings every two I*k8 .011 Friday evenings, next |riilay 3rd being: their next meeting.' h«N from indigestion or siek jhead [i^eisiastantly relieved by one .dose 'ejavinator Bitters, made from 4 «ts and herbs. Soid by Smith, the three monthe free Miss BtiacH calls atteniioh to her new stuck in Dress and Mantle Trim- mings. Patterns etc.. Press and Mantle making promptly executed. Mantles a specialty. Kotb â€" Bargains in Millinery. Aio. goods purchased at Benson's delivered at any plitce m town. liiMss sM the New For-m-hand Jackets, YelTBt Bonnets, Bits, Blaok Gro-^irain Silka ao4 ^mj^ss Velvetoens at MeFarkad's. Bottled ale and ftoat only lOo. per kottie ai Benson's Liqnor Sfeofe* Call at the Staxdabo offioe if yoa wnU Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Env^opes, Blank Nates, Beeeipts, Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale BiUs, Streamers, Dodgers, Cuenlars or anything from a ealling OMPd to a double sheet Poster. Bknson's kave the name of keeping the best Bye and Malt wkishey in Markdale: Tty them. Wht buy Shoddy Boote SAtxidy Tweeds Shoddy flats Shoddy Flannels and shoddy Over Coate when you can get th« genuine 4rtiek for a li^a more money at MoFarlaud'-s great Impor- tihg Uonse. Anothkb choice lot of smoked Hams Bologno Sausftgis; just arrived at Benson's. FABTa».~-0«t^ng their sale bills at this offioe will get a notice in the SiANDABD free this is worth consider* able as the paper has a very lame circulation. Our Mail earner had to secure a hand-cart and a man to assist him to convey the mail from the Post Office to the train the day the Standabi) was issued. IjSsI week's issue of the Standabd was over 170 lbs. in itself. A BIO disconnt off the balanse of wheel rigs atShanahan's Carriage Works; we have not many left and are bound to clear them all ont to make room f "r our winter wMrk which is now in the way. Call at once and get a baigain in waggon, carriage or boggy, all guaranteed lor four years. A GOOD IvvESTMBKT. â€" The Standabd a year for $1. N6w Biibscnuers now will get three mouths free. You can- not invest ft dollar that will bring vouamore satisfactory leturn:. try it. â-  â- . â- ^^ The Wbbkly Gmbe. â€" ^We are now prepared to take subsoriptions for jthe Weeklv Otobe for b.ilance.of this year and all of 1886 for $1. The cash must accompany the order. Hand them in to tliis office at once and get Fatal AC(mEiiT. â€" A little girl named Nellie Gains was killed at Orangeville on Saturday morning by an un- protected ^aft in counecticn with JuU's saw-mill. She was at the mill along with some ioompanions, and placing her hands on the shaft it caught her clothes, dragging her ronnd.and daihing h«c brains out againat aiog. ' The Canadian Dairiman and Farm- er is the name of a new monthly (the second number of whiih is before us) is a 10-page journal, and will supply a felt want. The ^iry interest in Canada is assQD^g large proportions and should be .represented by an able and well conducted journal, and from the appearance and tone of the Dairy man it will "fill the bill." It is pub- lishpd by the Canadian Dairyman Pablishing Company, Montreal. Snb« •eription 50 cento per year. Thb St. Marys Carriage Mannetor- ing (Dompany, an enterprise managed by eapitalisto of tiiat town is meeting witii great suoeess, having sold abeady I oyer twenty-thiree thousand shares. The surplus stoek ci the Company amounting to $106,000 will be divided on October 22nd. Shares are $2 each and all those ddsiring to partici- pate in this Orand Divisimi, should buy a share at onee. Address H. A. L. Warn, See'y., St. Marys. *112-116 ^.. I ., Ueoiioeslsflnetfilenoeof age. Oneap- tbw I .ptiMtioB wiU jauhe th^moa^ stiibbomv red wd jraogh han^ beaniilDl|]riBolt sncl-triilte. TBe««mber;^hiii'M4r ]^W»ia nM a^pMnf or MWdertiiat fills tiie pons of tlie*8lda; abi tha^ js wjtuMMU to the qkin, bat* Mw mi gpwt discevs^, a TagetaUe liqmd; that ck«sea tfa* «heek to i^ow with halltfc.'tlie nefk, aroM ani hands toTival tiie LOy in whiteneas. inpodble i6 detoet in t^e beaqlgrit eonfen any ar^dal ebameter; It enrea greary Skin, FnekieB. Wrbikles, PlmyleB, Blaek Heads, Crow's Feet, Blotdhes, Face Grnbe, Snn hum, T-tn, BiQgwwm, Uhapped Hands, Sore or Ch^iped Lipis. Barber's Itoh, Tetter, etc. It frees the par- es, oil glands, and tnbes from the injaiions effects of powders and oosmetio washes. By its use all redness and roughness are pre- vented it -oeantifies the akin, and will make it am, amoo4h and white imparting a de- lieions soltness imparting a perfect healthy, natural and yondihil appeanmoe. The best fsce lotion thai the world ever pro- duced. We will send '*a hotan mmxua." to â- any address on receipt ot price, |1. When ordering nMution this paper. Address aU letters to the MAY DEW AOENCT.167 Chorch Street, Toipnto. Ont. Parlor and Beceptian Boom for Ladies.- 'IM[a.x*k« OI"'F*lCE OF THE. UtSmi "i "I All kinds of Marble and IVf onumenta,! Wojrlcei^ such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tbps,â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles- in Marble and Marbeleized Slate,c., £c. ft$a,tiata.ctioi]L C^ruaranl^eecl in Ever^ Zteispect J:ber. The Montreal Star will be sent- to fw subscribers from the Ist October. 't" the 1st January 1888 foi $1. |t)w is your time to secure the best Hy paper published; 15 mopths for I*' Subscribe at this oflce. K'J- Sproxjle, Flesherton, wants â-  thousand pairs heavy large home ^e Socks au'd Mitts to fill ft north 's' order, for which he wSi pay the pest market iprice. I ^^ you a subscriber to the Stm« ' and would like to send lie, ifgigef J friend, if so we will .forwar4 !, "« balance of the year to any "iitess free of postage for. 36 cents. r^ at this office and get sample m of the Toronto We^y iVw». r^" give it together with the 9*^- P to the end of 1885 foe $1.60. VcE -There will be no meating yal Templars on Friday evemsg J' ^«i, but a meeting will he held lejday next instead. This change J^e owing to the Presbyterian renW ^^^^^ ^^^ P^*«® on r^y. AcoHwiiT.â€" On Trilsy la«»t while driving near ^laxwell Mr3. l*obt. (j»rdoh was thrown from the rig, the team having tukeu fright and were ruiining full speed. Mrs. G. wa« causiderably. injured but is fast re- eovermg. " i ';- -Xa â- :iir.iifV s;!f« â-  Sbb hbeb.â€" If yoti liave UMl^ any cattle, sheep or other stock, or if aoy «aeh have strayed into your premises, advertise tiiem at ones in the Stan- daW). '«us paper circdta^es largely through Artemesia,G|j»ne|g, Holland, Euphrasia and Oeorey townahipf. HiiaaAH Foaimt Scott Act Iâ€" M-iH^ Bffliaon, of the original Belikat House, wishes to inform the inhabitants of Markdale and surrounding country that he has contracted £m: a sufficient quantity of Liquor to keep tha mirth of the public in general Hitoour during the next three years, or uhtil the Common Seoce of public opimi^ will render a contrary verdwfc; bw, Bwison wiU have sold out his ^oek «id by that time his fortune wiH nade, st thr enjoyment of the a^ a deorew^ad rsfvinae i)bxaimon QoTOrnment^ Mb. Alex. Mercer, Jr., has perhaps the best team of general purpose horsed in the County they are 4 years old, and took 1st prize at East Grey exhibition last week. One of riiem carried ofif 1st prize at the same show in 1880-81 and '82, and the team has never yet been beaten either single or as a paur. They were not shown last year at Flesherton, as stated and believed by several parties, but Alex. Mercer, Sr., showed a team in the same class. Be-openino. â€" The Revere Hotel, whidi has been undergoing rejpairs for the past two months, was this Week re-op3ned. The premises has teen thoroughly overhauled and many im- portant changes made. It has also been re-painted throughout and an addition built to the rear, makihg it both spacious and convenient. The cnanges has incurred an outlay of over $600, and ihe Revere is now one of the best hotels in the district. Mr* John Colwell is the new proprietor, and we are very much mistaken in the man if he does not keep a first- daas house. A GBAMD tes'saeetiag and etmeert was held in HaUiiah'p schodl-house, Holland, on tUe "evening of Friday, 26th indi. The place was crowded to excesJB. After due regard was paid to what had been prepared by the ladies, a choice programmfc was' prqsented. Mr. H»t gav^ 'afi3*#U)qapnt/ art!-, dress on "The rVoung men of GHnadac" Mr. I. Bicharisof Markdaler • figureid promineDtly in. his favorite ro/* of the •'Bed J ack^t" durmg tlie jrendenpg, of which fiti'tWTi-lea'tlieteellu^ of the Kfltonished rustic^ uji^^jh^such a pitch of etcatemeot t^jii they ^*!»)1 l^ughjeu. Mr,^:0orter (^ JB»e same pJaee ieavaa reoitakionv ifollowad bf^ readings by Miss I StewStt; and 'BIr*. Wi^lkfet^ ^nd mtef^ersed vifith sidgihg bj Misa Bailey of iterk^ey, wjip.bas reason to be^proud^f'tiiertelMuk.vith whi^ she i^uOowed. Hereitigu^was feinijily sublii^e; The jfehifeiufei 'iStiw^iryeB all priiisa for the mast^ly mauner in wiii^h lio filled iJte chair. Bat the most 4mpH?tant feaitare of the ph) grami^ was e p^ssentipg rf a ni^y horded ad^ess'laud a p^se, to Mr. HayV a. student, of Qaemt's Gi^t^, Kingston, for-wbidi institute ha starts alMf^ tji«» 1ft of 'Uetabigr. Wo ickxk t^feitcii tjfe »lMcQ,?f tbe j^ffii^^^ ctc bntwiffOM it «M unaroldiWeriHUaib ' 7 xe4fi)ia*» vHietUs of W/qtbss^ â-  â- ; *.- â-  • ROBT. S.KAE, • "si i f« Til LOR, 1 â-  • 'â- . â-  K " '" ' 'â-  ' f. _A_ -0-- â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o •^:o /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ 0/0/0/6/0/0/0/0/0/0/6/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/' o: â€" o: â€" o:â€" f^rvTwsiiirinifffffiiMsiiiiiiiiiiisiviiiKiviifMM*' We are now showing special drives in ijfew, Sfy/isA and FashionaBte I :J dr^ss Goods, Laces^ Trinnminffs, UDI£$ Mantle Ctotlis, auttons, tfoMliery,. UNDERm.oTjirRfim â- ^:o:- .•\t. â- ' CANADIAN, SCOTCH aiid WEST of ENGLANEX for !Vf en's aiid Etoys' Suits, Dvereoiats "and Garments^-^ I j Cheap, Fashionable ind Stylish. i:i» ,.â- ;! the and r; For all a^sati^^- conditions from the heavy Stoga to finest Kid. These goods ace; unsurpassed^ â€" price, value quaUfcy considerwl^:} ;ii^,^i,'i.]^^^^^ ' J;- ^^l-^ We Invltie special attMttoa to o^^^^ BEAUTIFUUX DECORKTm TEA SETS. Suitable for WsdAsg BMf » BirllMa| hsteSb. A Spesiaky from fSf to Ifp ifj^% Eyeiy grade. Spiendiii value. -â-  -â- '•^ '•"'â- ^â- " BBOWN.

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