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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Oct 1884, p. 4

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 i! fl^ m I !.ai m ' !;â-  t: |jr3^;^iwli^" wh*"**??* â- ' t ' 'ha Standard. • • â€" MATtffiVATJSi OCT, 2, 1884. ^patedaiWB. 4lMt ie do not bold oBTsAws ro^ponmb's for *h« opinions «pM8 aad by Hir eorreepondeptg ' WmltersFsil*.: To the Editor of the St^nde^. Dkab Sib,â€" Since I last wrote yon, anotiier new dwelling boase is in «oarse of constrnctioD, to be owned and occupied by Mrs, Seabook. Tbe extent to wbich building operations have been carried on here this year, is quite unprecedented, proving that an era of prosperity has commenced, and tbat a promising future is before Walter's Falls, home allege that it is only temporary, merely a move, which receding, will leave us stiition- "ary as before but, Sir, I cannot be- lieve this progress to be only transi- tory, for hero no wild speculations of imaginary wealth are indulged in, hence no mushroom growth, to flour- ish one day and perish the next. It is the natural, sound, steady outcome, of a fine agricultural section of country teeming with real wealth, converging towards the centre (and this is the centre) and on account of its long re- pression, with accumulated force. Still there are some who persist in taking an unfavorable view of things, and question the capabihtios of the country to support such a rapidly increasing population bat should that time eyer arrive here, which I do not think will, when population will press on the means of subsistence.the Eurpius popu- lation might be removed with advan- tage to Markdale or some other sparsely settled district. The result of overcrowding being so well known, there is no need to expatiate on its dangers. IHndalfc« From our own Corretpondent. Mr. W. T. Bundle has forsaken the ranks of the batchelors. We feel lone- some now without him. Dea? we, what will become of the rest of us. When will our time come. So long to wait, aud so many mariiageable young ladies in Dundalk, actually -anxious, (we had almost said spoilmg) tor "Some one to love and cberish them" The bride and groom arrived home on Monday evening, wlien the band serenaded' at their residence. It is said "Walter" is getting over his bashfulaess, and now thinks it foohsli to be faint hearted, the probabiUty i« that there will be another wedding before Icng. Mr. Glark has tbe brick work of his new stores completed. Messrs. Hanbuiy Bell are bricking the stores occupied by G. W. Parsons, and the Post office. Mr. Gardiner n veneering his house and siiop. A LHimber ol substantial improvements have been .made in the appearance oi our village this summer. Dr. Mc William's new residence will be late before completed as the brick- work IS not yet begun. The Council of Boyal Templars has now 33 meml)ers, and ethers propose to join shortly. We hope it will prove permanent. It should, asa number cf our best ineu are at the head of it. Batepiiyer has been trying to "lay out" the teachers through the columns of our local paper, for care- lessness with regard to the miserable old shell known as a school hoJise. The prevailing opinion is, that in view of a new builuing, loth trustees and teachers have been rather careless about the old one, it is really no wonder that the trustees do not care to repair, but still the teachers might have preyented it from looking so uninviting and uucomtortabiei new home. Tbej e«ny with th«m tlM Una tnabes oT all. Bey.BobfcH. Loteh. aon « «J eBtee»acitisen.Tb08. Lertoh. h» newb mikde bride M wing »7»^ •i lioBftlMM tiii. week. b«ig o»* «» tiieir wedding tonr. »r- *W Iinteh alk son of Mr. T. Leitj*. â„¢ in fb» iumwer praietioing medioine jb theeooDty «f Ha«iga. •ccpmpomei the bridal party. The Bev. ^. LeiteL ^Hja^ the polpt m th* Methqdut (^un^ bore morning ^d evening on BabbaOi last and preaehed two very eloquent and intewBtiBg sermons.' • The Bazf^ and Concert, gitren under the aBspioee of Ladiee* Aid As- eociatioiiofthe Presbyterian Cbwrch on the second day of the County Fair was deqidedly a success although the day andeTeuing was so unfavorable. At the Bazaar dating the day a Ja^T?/ quantity of goods were disposed of, and in the evening the conoert in the Hall was well patronized. The Bev. Mr. Wilson occupied the chau: and performed his duties in liis most happy manner. The following names appeared on the programme and ea^h one excellent in his and her parts several selectiouB rendered by the Parks Bros, and Vanzant were highly appreciated and loudly enchored. Meson. J. B. Anderson wid D. Monroe gave the "Larbord Watch" in the most pleasing manner. Miss Hopkins recited "Mary Queen of Scotts" in her neual able manner. A short reading by A. B. Fawcett, editor of Advance, vras attentively listened to. Song by special request, "Bobm Thompson's Smiddy," by our Scotch YocaUst Mr. J. B. Anderson, brought down the house, or I should say almost brought the audience to (heir feet. Although old these songs always seem fresh from Mr. Anderson. Miss Millib Van Dnsen sang in her usual gweet manner. Millie's voice is almost charming, an Instrumental by Messrs. McDowell and Vanzant was well received, Mrs. W. W. Trimble sang two songs very sweetly; also a song by Miss Damude was well rendered. A song by Messrs. Ander- son Co. was well rendered and listened to with wrapt attention. The evening's entertainment was of a most pleasant oharacter;proceed8 of Bazaar and Concert $98. Mid the snm of lf.^m^JWr^-^' i paid '-5«?^tande«hn.x^^ byM^S^thatlJ^erVsreog. Mtion b« not now wsqefwwf- ^^^ by Mr. iSwy. that we aaao«rt;till ^e 20tb o| Oct6ler. \^ ' :â-  ill What we m«y E^P***- Variable weatheri. To hear of wood thieves. An improtelnent in bosiness. During October. Incorporation bud over tiU »o. A big fire in town. And then the question protection reyived. Big threshing stories, And an accident. of fire f «- Personals. Mrs. John BonneU, of Walters Falls, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. McKenna, the past week. Mrs. Shepherd Boyce and Mw. John Orr have been visitinR friends in Bochester, N. Y. Arch, Deacon Marsh, of London, visited Markdale this week. Ed. Wright returned from Butte City, Montana, last Tuesday. Miss Campbell (Hill's Mihiner) re- turned this week. Miss Carry Foster returned to WiUiamsfordfrom Perth on Tuesday. -*-t9^-*- Fleslierton. From, our oicn correspondent.. M?. ThoR. Aiklnhead of Toronto paid a flying visit to Flesherton this week, spending Sunday lust at tlie; residence of J. VV. Armstrongs E.sq., Miss. Georgie Woodland of Toronto is at present spending a few boHdays with the Misses Bichardson's of this place. Mr. M. P. McMaster having left here some weeks 9^n to take chAT^ of the senior department of the pnbhc schoolin tlifr town of Thorold,^ Mrs. MoMastwr and family moyed from here en Monday kst to join Mr. Mcin tiidr IffoUaMl Cotmcil* Holland Centre, Sept. 22, '84. Council met on the above date for tlM transaction of business. Membws til present; Beeve in the chair. Mmutes of former meeting read and approve^. A report on Brace's bridge was read (16 and 16 side road). Moved by Mr. Galbraith. seconded )}j Mr. Howey. that the above report be adapted, and that a new bridge be built and completed not later tbau the 10th July, 1885. Moved by Mr. Galbrailih, seconded by Mr. Howey, that George Sinclair be paid $5 for getting stones removed from the road. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that S. Cannel's name be placed on the roll for lot 81 and 82, Walter's Falls, at a valuation of $200. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. WiUiscroft, that the account of tbe arbiiarators be paid, and that we consider the cliarge very high. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. How^y, that the account of C. W. Eutledge be paid. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Norton, that the sum of $27 be paid to the Treasurer to coyer ex- penses on defending the appeal against the County Valuation. Mov«rt by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr, WiUiscroft, that by-law No, 6, fir the purpose of breaking up U. S S. No. 2, and attaching the same to Sec- tions Nos. 6 and 9. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that a thIc of 9 mills be levied on all the rateable ^operty of the township both real and person- al. Moved by Mr Norton, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that by-law No. 7, for the purpose of levying a rate of 9 mills on hU rateable property of tbe town- ship, be read first, second aud thu-d time and engrossed on the mii^utvs. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. WiUiscroft, that $4 lie granted to repair on Conger's side-roal in beaver meadow. Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr. GfUbraith, that George Little be assessor at a salary of $55. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mri WiUiscroft, that by law No. 6^ for the f^winting oi collector, be read first, second and third time and eu- gro Bed on the minntes. Moved by Mr,. Norton, seconded by Mr.. Galbraith,. that John findly get an (Hrdw foe $2.5a for server. This Tkat, aad the Other. The Scott Act is to be voted on in Bruce Co., on the dOth October., James Allen, of Allenford, Betaming Officer. The Shelbome Economkt appttured last week printed in two eolors. A Council of Boyal Templars was organized in Cbesely last week with a membership of 28. The Western Fair, held at London last week was a grand success. Dundalk is agitating for incorpor- ation. The plans for the Orangbville Post Office are out. Durham Brass Bani is prospering. Collingwood Exhibition takes hice this week. The latebt phase in the trouble between Gordon Brown and the Globe is that be has entered suit against tbe company to recoyer $50,000 for alleged wrongful dismissal from the position of editor-in-cbief and manag- ing director of the Olobe. « ^a^ â-  Fall Show Fairs. Osprey, at Mclntyre October 9th. Proton, at Dundalk October 7th and 8tii. Melancthon, at shelburne October 7th and 8th. Glenelg, at Markdale, on the 2nd and 8rd October. Sydenham, at Annan, Tuesday, Oct. 7th. Holland, at Chatsworth, Thursday, Oct, 9th. Derby, at Kilsyth, Thursday, Oct. 1 9th. ' SuUivan, at Desboro, Tuesday, Oct. 7th. Arlemesia, in Priceville Oct. 7th. St. Vincent iu.Meaford the dth and 9th October. Euphrasia, in Bocklyu, on Friday Oct. 10. If you shoald Ite so uufortuaate as to Bom Scald or W6uc«l yum-Beif iu any nay the proper thing to keep cleaa and beal it is ATcGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. lasist on having, aud be sure you get. McGregor ife Parke's Carbolic Cerate- Price 25 centd. Hill Bro's. has tbe genuine. ^. J^ J. ' 2 repaiottg flUFOWLEnS cEXTRACWMLB! CHOLERA INFANTUM MABKO*taS: ,._ -10 68 to f0 70 Butter ' .^.i'J^ "^;V.^;, ,ir.X w -it 95"' 00 09 T50 4*0 AliABBELANT The Wild «W^Hen^ P|WtP88e«8e» rtre bowel c9B|4ai«t8 And be itJM m 5«^dall,o„^«li Boubt'sdigp^ Wothingitgeqn21*^«« External itsDS^'^Vi UseLardineMaAine " machinery, sold Toronto. oa »«nuiirt^ CURES RHEUl AUCTlOH«Al.E VALU ABLE FARM, In the totraahip of Glenelg, ui the Coimty of Or^r. There will be aold, on Wednesday, the 22nd DAY OF OCWB€/i, 1884, at 1 o'ulock in the afternoon, at Riitledge'8 Hotel, MARKDALE, Bv virtue of Poirew of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the Sate, the following Property PABC£L I. Under Mortgage fioiii Thomas English, Lot 27, in tbe 4th CorioessitHi of tbe Town- ship of Holland, in the Coimty of Qrey, eontainiag 117 acres more or less, nie following improraoisnts are said to be on the prearbes Niaety aotes cleared, one frame dwelling, ontfkg dwdl'mg, two log bams, one stable, good orchard and well. TEBMSâ€" Cue-tenth of the pnreliase mon^ to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance, tetau will be made known, at the sale. For farther particular anpiy to JOKES MOt. i HACKEH2K, St^eitors, Masonie Hall, Toronto. Or to JOHN LYONS, EMI^ Markdale. Toronto, SMh Sept., 1884. tlS-4in Strayed or Stolen. From the farm of Biohaiii Shears, Lot 1, eon. 11, Euphrasia, aboat the 18th S^.' A I am, 3 yean old^ Cotswold, martnd witit nd lead ateog baek. Any person giving such in- fomation as will lead to his rHOovsiy will be suitably rewarded. Shoold any person allow a^ve aheep to stay on their prrasisas wilboat giving pvblio netioe oi the same dM^ vill be dealt with aecorduig to law. BIGHABD 8HEAB8. Markdale P.O. 113.114.* Dokoia IllustraUd. A 33-pave paper descriptive of the North- west and Far West and a County Map of Dakota sent /r«« for 2-ceiit stamp, ilend your address to A. Y. H. CABpxsnB.^Gener' al Passenger Agent, Idwaokee, 212-1 1 INTHEaOODS AND CHATTELS. â€"OP THE LATEâ€" JOHN MANAREY, (deceased.) NOTICE TO CRE DITORS- Pursuant to Section 34, of Chapter 107, B. S. 0. the creditors of John Manarey. late of the township of Euphrasia, County Grey, deceased, who died on or about the 3()th May 1884, and a 1 parties having daims upon his estate are, on or before the 1st DAY OP NOVEMBEE, lb84 to sendbypost, prepaid, to Jos^h Manwey, giving P. C, in tbe County of Grey, administerator of the personal estate and effects of deceased, Iheir christian and surnames, adresses aud description, the faD particulars of their daims a statement of their accounts %nA nature of the securities ^f any) held by' them, and in default thereof the assets of said deceased will be distributed, haviu;; regard only to the claims then received, or those of them which the administerator thoa have notice. JOS.MANABEt, Administerator Date September, 4th 1884. WORMlPOWB AMpIsaaaattotska. Oc,^, Ivfc Is a sale, na,, ' la Chili,,, VISITORS TO OWEH DON'T FAIL TO CALLAi THE "BON MAIM THEY HAVE THE LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPES ASSORTMENT OF CEOCEEE AND WILL SELL liOwer than the Ttr Houses. atT A GOOD ENGLISH SERGE SU (This is no Shoddy, FB0H$1| BOYS' YOUTHS' MENS' Everybody should Iooki| at the Bon Marc] They sell everything ;|f ROCK BOnOM PRICUl B. ALLEN'S old OWEN soul loliiTii The undersigned is mannfactnriiij nj ceilent assortment of School F'tirnltr Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS andrB TEACHERS' DESKS, etc.. of tne • design and most approved pattern. recommended by School Trustees ani ers, for cheapness, comfort and con whoever tried. An assortment of J School Bells kept always on hand. catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 131 ANDREW McCI FARM FQIt SALE. A valuable pfg^^ r t y of75aereR. comprising Lot 40, and west haaf 6f 42, Ist East T. S. Koad, Holland one mile from WilUamstord Station, the olaee is in good shape, fit to ran a reap» and mower, gotod orchard, well fenced, picket fence aronnd orohafd and iront of lot with maple trees planted inside, good dweOing hoase^ also good b^ and otit houses. Title good, no trtosfbrs from tile or«wtt. For forApr particulars apply on the preSMsos to owner. BOBBl ULAttK- Wilfaamsfcntl Stntion P. O: 209â€"211 Pd; ' ' «ii i- i iT trfi â- ^â- i â-  ' Wll I III I) II â-  Notn^ of Dossolutlon of Partner- Noti« is h«re^ given, that e partner- °?^ •»* '•*» Trdforf of Markdale. under the naaetff Batledg* « TrdSS butcher^was dieselred onihe Mth 4nrrf aeg^mber_l«84i by. Mtrtnal ««.,nt. ^iff who jrtn eoBeet .U ^l^SiT-S'prS New Bntcher Si The best meats the eoantiT can l kept on hand aud DELIVERED TO ALL nw THE TOWN WHERE QRDEB A share of public patronage resp solicited. ,.„v„o'ci Itemember the stand m Mce»s 181 loncniK theee e ^indiviimilorSo ,t lime for the i a itiw ea«ft saft W. H. RUTLEMt NOTICE. TO Ml TO WHOM IT «' "*! A Ch^ttle MortgaRe. ,884.1 L H^«t aud'joseph Papeo*" shi?of Glenelg, in the C^ty/ favor of Alexander McPbee, place, dated a2nd March. certain stock and «li"t.tlf«,,'",*"Mo mortgage, and f^r^-hjch he ^^ ctivod no value. The |)u cautioned against pu=li»^f{^tbe as no value has beeu receivei i« JOSEPH BB .J 1 JOSEPH r*^' I â-  Dated Glenelg, 20th Sept.. 188^ May. 8 head of year"°fr!B8«h' steers, all spotted and grey- ^^ ^liekcutin the left ear -nd* same ear, made with ho^J" V Any person giving 8««' be will, load to then: recovery ""^•. JOHNATK^Jp, *^llt Ijielland, Sept..l8. l?^^ piTTLB FaIB, â€" loontlaaed to oonflidered tli jinmbsr of good It attiM next

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