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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Oct 1884, p. 1

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 n gar's, ill be sold VEEY ectfully solicit m SWORTH (l^ATE MOREayJHOCSEj [ATS WORTH, K McLEOD Phopi t brand of liquors i )ck. Good meals mi\ râ€" uteed. Good stabi equal for the pen Is, SoreTlirMtJ ,BUR^ '-â- ^â- â€¢ pve^y Thursday, at the office, Mfll " Street, Mai-kdale. " _^1 per vear in advance; fl.35 if 5«thiu three months. ' fp sional and business cards one inch m* ' ..ndauder, peryear. $4. " 1 YK. .S50 00 27 00 IS 00 7 00 10 00 6 HO. 3 iro. 927 50 tl5 00 15 OC 10 00 10 ()•) 6 00 4 00 6 00 Jjole column.. [co'nmu jercolnmn 1,0 inch space.. kreeintli space .... iLniil advertisements 8 cente per hne first (frtioii. 3 cents per line each sabseqnent ertion. nonpareil measure. ij^toiiril notices, or notices in local col- 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents L ssbsequents insertion. Istrey animals c., advertised 3 ^eeks for I the advertisement not to exeeed twelve ISo paper discontinued until til arrears â-  pjji except at the aption of the^nblisher. -JOrPRlNTiNC. Ithe Standard ofice has a splendid eqnip- ot of poster as well as fine job type. Spe- attention to orders by mail. Orders iwitk dispatch. BDITOR AN© PROPRIETOS. ^HSiU lANDSPERRY, (SUCCESSOBS TO LAUDEB HAIIis), )AnEISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- utries, Jouvoyancer8, c. Money to 1 at fewest rates of interest. Omces 16 King Street East, 9-291 ToBONio. Fr*st dc Frost, )ABSISTERS, AND ATTOBNEYS-AT I Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey nrs, Ac, Owen Soand.have resamedat lerton, Oflifle open every Thursday, as »fore. BED Fbost, S.Vf. Fkost, LL. B. I County Crown Attorney. 1 J. 9f ASS01«, IliEBISTEK, MASTER AND DEP. BEG iB Chanosry, Notary Public, Conveyanl Ik. A NCUBBB OF FABUS TOtt SAIiE. ncESâ€" Owen Sound, in Vickef's Blodi lett St.; Branch office in ICarkdale, over jEuland's Store, oa Friday and Satniday r week. 57-ly Creasor 4r Illnnisoii* imi" -iws,SOLICIT®BS. CONVEY- ^»np*s, c. Ac, FiCBsinOwen Sound, Dofferin Block, tW, F. WoJf s Store aad in „ MARKDALE I W. J. McFarland's Store on. Thursday Pridjy of each week. ^Fundsto lendon mssonable terms. â-  Cbeasos, Q.Q Duncan Mobuon iikdale, March 15. W82. 794v Alexander Bro\fra^ SUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and llife Insurance Agent. Commissionei R. c. CoHveyancer and Licensed [oneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, J^ants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- 'o and charges made verv moderate. Sept. 17, 1880. ' 1-y Win. Broi;vn, pStER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c wmmissiouer in B. R. c. '^e.vanciug iu all its branches promptlj 1 to and carefully executed. i-iloney to Lend on Real Estate se PSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Bryan, Proprietor. *• '^IcAleer, Proprietor. l^M^f^ is fitted up in good style, situ- 'oaJiiii street, where the travelling pub- depeud oil the very best ^-niou tus to aji trains. accommo- 194 |4RRDALE HODSE, ^lAEKD.iLE, ONT. ^SjWledge, proprietor. r^hioiiable Tailor, ^8 macfarland'b store. CT PIT GUABANTBBP. .,•1 ,;«iKIOd ^t^Usd* B. hent, M,D., M.R.O P. S., O. i^ysician and Sorseon, PrioeTille, Grachiate of Umversity^ Vict. College. • " New York, imd Hon. Graduate, of the same, M Avleth ICedieal Institute. „'• rt Opthalmio Hospital, N.Y. Member OoU. Physicians A Surgeor 8,0. 1 04 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. OENTIST, GRADUATE OP TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be.irt Batledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the let and third Wed- uesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Mesherton. the day following the thir A Wednesday in eadb month for theprac tice of his profession. 12247. W. G. RICHARDS, BUHiDER, CONTRACTOR. A ABGHI- TBCT. â€" ^Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. • 1241Y HAMILTON'S PHOTOaUPH ullerY OVER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all tiie latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A laripe stock of moulding to eboose from. Gall and leave your measure for a picture. •Tas. Kfamiit^on. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PBIGB'TIXjijB. Ont. Large and «}mmodioai Sample Booms Good Bed UooKis, e. The Bar and Iwde' well supplied with the best the market af fords good StaUing andattentiTe Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR.^ 'Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK MD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standabd office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. PH/S/C/AN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUOHER, I»RICE VIL LE. fS" All callt promptly attended to. ISAAC STIIVSOIV, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stofne work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-6m* MARKDALE P. 0. SA^EPEl^ WABDELIi, 1-TTELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. W orders prompt^ attended to dan0A â€" Snider'sfiiH Owen Sound ALL !8£si 122-35 LM.: Send six cents for postage, and receive free,a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex ta more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workenr absolutely sure. At once address Tbue Co., Augusta, Maine. I87r239 ALEX -,p^ Ym^ri The above nbibition was held in the aociety's grounds^ Ilertterton, on the 2«rd and 24tii Sept. lite number of entries were within three d bemg the same as last year, while Vhe recipt9 at Hhe gates showed a Urge increase in attendance. The show inside the ball was as good, if not better than any previous exhibit. Grain was itn excellent quality through out and the exhibit was large. Boots, though not so large as we have seen, was a good average quality. There was a fine display of fruit, the best we have yet seen at a county show, and the exhibit far above the average in quantity. Flowers were also -more numerous than usual which added much to the appearance of the haU. Ladies work in the various claSGKBs was well represented and in many instances of a high order. There was a yery large and oreditable collection, of photographs, which drew special attention and were much ad- mired by spectators, Mr. J. Hamilton of Markdale, and Mr. Jas. B.ulmer of Flesherton were the exhibitoirs, the former taking first prue. A pencil drawing of Eugenia Falls which hung at the West of the fruit stand arrested our special attention, the scene being a familiar one, and the drawing s'j perfect we were Jed to inquire, who' it was that executed the work, when we learned that ' it was Miss Edith Bichardson. There was not a very large exhibit of dairy products, but the quality was fine. The qoahty of horses as well as the number continue to improve from year to jear the exhibit tliis year was decidedly good. In cattle however the show was below an average. Sheep and pigs were fair, Implements and machinery scarcely up to the average in numbers. The exhibit of poultry was large and fine this branch (if it may so be called) of farming is now a very profitable one, aad claims qMoial attention, we have not the space, to go into inU particul- ars of this show, but would here com- pliment the directors of the Socie^ on the suooess which has attended their arduous lab»8. The following is the list of prizes awarded Our thanks are due Mr. Iamude, the corteons secretary for fJie list. B(nWM. Pair Draught Horseaâ€" S Stoket. Pair Roadistei Horses-^as. Johnston, W H J Johnaton. Pair Cairiaga Horsesâ€" W J McNea, J H Henderson. BngKy Horseâ€" A S YanDusen, Joseph Henderson. Saddle Horseâ€" A Beattie. E Davis. Draught Brood Mareâ€" W Nicholls, Wm. Brewster. General Purpose Mare â€" ^W Brevrster, Jas. Best. Draught 2-year-old Gelding or Fillyâ€" D ifoDonaJd, R Paton. Draught 1-year-old Gilding or FiUy â€"Geo. Glazier, D McDonald. Draught Spring Foal â€" ^W Brewster, A MadilL General Purpose 2-year-old Gelding or Filly â€" Alex, Madill, Jas. Farris. General Purpose 1-year-oId Gelding or FiUy â€" Geo. Glazier, D. McDonald. Creneral Purpose SpnngFoal â€" W Brewster. D Campbell. S Damnde's special for best Single Driving Horse, judged by style and speed â€" W H Campaigne. A S. YanDusen's special, best 3-year-old Colt, driver, in harness; â€" A S YanDusen. Dr. Sproule's, M. P.; special, best Cai-riage Teamâ€" W J McNea. W McColman's special, best pair General Purpose Horses â€" 1st Alex. Mercar, Jr., id Geo. Diuwoodie, J R Trimble's special. Clear Grit Colts, 1 year old â€" ^A S YanDusen, W H 4 J Johnston. Spring Foal â€" ^A Beattie, Geo Stewart. A Munshaw's special. Lady Driyer â€" ^Miss Hannah. J Gordon's special, best Lady der â€" Miss Madill. W Clayton's 4eoial, 2nd best Lady Rider â€" ^Miss Donkin. OUBSAH CATILE* Bull Calfâ€" B Bhusk, B Lever. Cowâ€" E (ft W S O'Bnen, B Blaek. 2-year-old Heiferâ€" B Black. A^XBSHntX. Bull Calfâ€" A Cairns, sr. Cow â€" C Xonald, A Cairns, sr.. ' Bun Calfâ€" B Oliyer. Cowâ€" B Olirer. J -year-old Heifeiâ€"B Oliver. i t!o#â€" A White, A WUte: ' S-yew-oMHeiteâ€" A'White.BBIac^ Phx WotUng 0«eaâ€" B OUTea. J IGbum 4-.7ear.okl Stowaâ€" t mtiba^deaa. S Me- imien. a]r«Hr-okl SteenM-Xhos. TintaMUe^Wm. Herd, eoMiatinit of 1 Bidl aiiA4 famakw^ BBhMdE. ^IRm. JUeheidion'r apoeial, fat Ox, Steer. Cow or Beiler, lad m Thbilqr Cattle Vooclâ€" EAWfrO'Biiw. COXSWOLD SBEXP. Aged Bamâ€" W Fawoett. W Shcfihadton. Shearling Bam â€" W Shephwdaon, W Fawoett. LambBemâ€" W Sbepherdsim, W 8he|ihad- son. Pair aged Ewesâ€" W Shepherdmn, W Sheidierdson. Pair Shearling Ewes â€" ^W Bheidierdaon, Geo. Swanton. Pair Ewe Lunbeâ€" W Shepherdson, W Shepherdeon. uacasxas shbbp. Aged Bamâ€" W Shepherdson, W Fawoett. Shearling Bamâ€" W Fawoett, Geo. Swan- ton. Bam Lamb â€" W Shepherdson, WFawcett. Pair aged Ewes â€" ^W Shepherdson, W Fawcett. Pair Shearling Ewes â€" ^W Shepherdson, A Cairns, sr. Pair Ewe Lambs â€" W Shepherdson, W Fawcett. SOUTH down SBXXP. Aged Biwnâ€" W J Fiensy. sHBOPsmaa nowir. Aged Bam â€" Jose^ Howe. ShearUng Bamâ€" Thos. Ellis. Lamb Bamâ€" J Howe. W Shepherdson. Pfur aged Ewesâ€" Thos. Ellis. Fair Shearling £we»--Thos. EUis, J Howe. Pair Ewe Lambsâ€" Thos. EUis, J Howe. Extra prize awarded. Geo. Swanton for yearling Cotswold Bam. BWINE.^BXBK8HIBK 03 OTHSB BLACK BBUDS. Aged Boar â€" J Johnston, B Ohver. A«ed Sowâ€" D Stinson, Geo. Swanton. Sow Pigâ€" J Johnston. SUFFOLK OB OTBKB WHITB BKBBDB. Aged Boar â€" D Stinson, W H Campaigne. Boar Pigâ€" W Baphonse, B Oliyer. Aged Sowâ€" IMJtinson, A Munshaw. Sow Pigâ€" W Bamhouse, B Oliver. POVIOBX. Pair Bnduiasâ€" B Mtmtgomeiy, B Mont- gomery. Pair Leghornâ€" W Bamhouso, W H Cam- paigne. Pair Hamburgâ€" J Mo(}ee, B Lever. Pair Houdans- W Bamhouse, WBam house. Pair Spanishâ€" B Montgomery. B Mont- gomery. Pair Game â€" ^B Montgomery, Wm. Hollins- head. Pair Aylesbury Dnekaâ€" W J Cooey, Ge6. Swanton. Pairothor Duoksâ€" W Nidudls, D Camp- bell. Pair Turkeysâ€" Jas. Beeoroft, Thos IglUott. Pair Geeseâ€" A White, J Brodie. OBAOr. W Wintet AMlea,, 1 w^yrrr^ Oilray, W Norton* ' • ii 'â-  â- '-â- ' FW Paass-^^Alex. Madill. Jduft Beecroft. iWlnter Pmhbâ€" J Brodie. J MoOee. Flumstred and Uneâ€"W Norton, Bobert.s Planti. HomSi yellow or greoi â€" ^Thos Ellis. J Mcr Gee Grapesâ€" B Gibay, J I Graham. Canned Fruitâ€" Mrs. WW Trimble, Hrr. Jas BwxstvSti: Honeyâ€" J H Heard. OAIBT PBODCCE. 5 lbs. Butter^ Abbott, H John«ton, Jr HicUing. Pail or crock Butter â€" E Butledge, James Farris, Geo Dihwoodie. 60 lb. Tubâ€" Jas Farris, J Abbott, C Stokes Dr. Sproule's special, best 50 lbs. Butterâ€" Jas Farris. ' Cheese Factory madeâ€" G Stewart, Thomas-- EUiott. Cheese, not factory â€" ^W Norton, J Mihior.. Breadâ€"J Abbott, W Norton- LBATBBB HANUFACXUBXB. Team Harness â€" J Gordon. Carriage Harness â€" J Gordon. Buggy Harness â€" J Gordon. Gents fine sewed Boots â€" ^W Bamhouse. ' Gents Stoga Boots â€" ^^W Barnhouse. J Smith Ladies Boots â€" J Smith, W Bamhouse. OmnBAL MANUFACTUBX. Lumber Waggon â€" 1st prize protested. 2nd J H Heard. Democrat Waggon â€" T J Ryon. Buggy, openâ€" J H Heard, J H Heard. Cutter, singleâ€" J H Heard. Harrowsâ€" J H Heard. DOKBSZIC SIANUFACTCBB.^ Blankets, home-made â€" W. Norton, J White FaU Wheatâ€" B Bathvaa, Jaoob HoUey. CUwson Fall Wheatâ€" Thos Ellis, B Bhwk. Any other variety â€" D Stinson. Soring Wheat, Glasgowâ€" O Stinson. Spring Wheat, Bussianâ€" J Brodie, James Stewart. Dr. Sproule, M. P special, best bushell Bussian Wheat â€" J Bi odie. Spnng Wheat, any other varietyâ€" James Stewart, Jas Brodie. Barleyâ€" T Kells, J Brodie. Cats, whiteâ€" W Fawcett, Jas Stewart. Oats, blackâ€" D Stinson, John Beecroft. Peas, small â€" R Ruthvan, Jas Stewart. Peas, largeâ€" J Brodie, W J Anderson. Tiniottiy Seedâ€" J Hickling, J Brodie. Indian Corn, white â€" E Davis. Indian Com, yellowâ€" H Mathewson. W Pickell. Collection Beansâ€" J McGee, W H Cam- paigne. BOOTS AND VBOETABLES. Early Rose Potatoesâ€" B Black, J Howe. Any other variety Potatoes â€" J Howe. J HoUey. Collection Potatoesâ€" J Howe, R Black. Mangolds, longâ€" H JohnstoniR H Stinson. Mangolds, Globeâ€" R H Stinson,H Mathew- soa. Long Blood Beetsâ€" B H Stinson, J Farris. Any other kind Beetsâ€" W Bamhouse, Jas Beecroft. Swedish Turnipsâ€" B Black, W* J Ander- son. Other Field Turnipsâ€" R Lever, H Johnston Table Turnipsâ€" Thos Leitch, J Mflnor. Field Carrotsâ€" Thos Ellis, H Hnrd. Early Horn Carrotsâ€" R H Stinson. J Brodie Parsnipsâ€" E Butledge, R H Stinson. Onions from black seedâ€" Jas Beecroft, John tteecroft. Potato Onionsâ€" A Teeter, Jas Farris. Cabbage, Win'stadtâ€" A Teeter, Jas Farris. Cabbage, Drumheadâ€" W Bamhouse. Cabbage, any other varietyâ€" A Teeter, Wm Bamhouse. CauMower-^ Milnmr. -^^ .. -•;-' Celeiy, whiteâ€" S Damude, Jas Fari-ip. Cdeiy, redâ€" W Bamhouse. Pumpkinsâ€" A Teeter, W J Cooey. Squashes- H Mathewson, D C McDowell. Citronaâ€" Jas Bolraer, J McGee. ' Tcmatoesâ€" Jas Beeoroft, J Brodie. • FBtJiT. â- â-  Crab Applesâ€" A CWms. W BMnbonse. Fail AppleB, 3 VBHetie8--B Bnthvan. J Hdlqr. .Winter Apples, 8 varietiesâ€" W Nortob. Hickling. Full Cloth, home-made â€" J Milnor^ J Hickling. Full Cloth, faetoiy-madeâ€" J M Burk, W Norton. Bag Carpetâ€" B Black, S Stokes. Flannel, home madeâ€" J Milnor, J Abbott. Stocking Yarn â€" Mrs !nios Ellis, Mrs J Abbott. Mits, woollen â€" ^Mrs J McGee, Mrs J Milfaor Socks, woollenâ€" Mrs J Abbott. Mrs W Norton. Stockings, woollen â€" ^Mrs S Stokes, Mrs J^ McGee. Patchwork Quiltâ€" Mrs B Gibay, Mrs J Brodie. Knitted Quilt- Mrs B Gihray, Mrs W Norton. Any other kind Quiltâ€" Mrs J M Burk, Mra G Cruikshank. r CoPeetion Berlin Wool Workâ€" Mrs J Milnor, ISxa B Gilray. Arrascne Work â€" Miss L Armstrong, Mrs J Milnor. Braiding in Cottonâ€" Miss Gilray, Mrs J Farris. Embroidery in Silk â€" ^BiGss L Armstrong,. Miss C Leitch. Embroideiy in Cotton â€" Mrs J Milnor, MHs. Gilray. Embroidery in Worsted â€" Mrs J B{ilnor„ Miss A Leitch. Crotchet in Ccfttonâ€" Miss Gilray, Mrs H Mathewson. Crotchet in Wool â€" ^Mrt E Davis, Misii Gilray. Pamt and Honiton Laee â€" ^Mrs J Milnor. Fancy Knitting in Wool â€" Mrs J Milnor. Woollen WorK ou Canvassâ€" Mrs J IClnor, Miss L Armstrong. Needle Work, ornamental â€" Miss McGee, Miss Gilray. Man's Shirt, hand made â€" Mrs Norton, Mrs Farri.' Rag Matâ€" Mrs W W Trimble,. Mrs W Buchanan. Macrame Laceâ€" Mrs J Milnor, Miss L \rmstronj». Leather Work, ornamental â€" Miss Gilray. Worked Slippers â€" W Barnhouse, Miss Damude. Tatting â€" Miss Hickling. Wax Frait â€" Mrs J Milnor. Wax Flowers â€" Miss L Amistrong, Mrs Milnor. Collection Photos â€" J Hamilton, J Bulmer. Crayon Drawing â€" Miss McDowell, Miss C Leitch. Cretonne Work â€" Mrs Milnor, Miss McGee. Pencil Drawing â€" Miss McDoweJl. Water Color Paintingr-Miss McDowell. Miss L Armstrong. Collection Paintings and Drawings â€" Miss E Richardson, Miss L Armstrong. M Richardson's special for best sketch from nature, made in 18a4 â€" Miss E Richardson. PLANTS AND FLOWEBS. Table Bouquet â€" Mrs. Jas Bescroft, Mrs Brodie. FoUage Plant â€" Mrs Jas Beecroft. ' Geranium â€" ^Mrs Jas Beecroft. Hanging Basket â€" Mrs Jas Beecroft, Mrs. McDowell. Calla Dillyâ€" Mrs Damude. Mrs Beecroft. Heliotropeâ€" AJrs Beecroft. Btigouia â€"Mrs Hickling, Mrs Bulmer. Collection Cut Flowersâ€" Mrs Jas Beecroft. Collection Plants-^Mrs Beeeroft, Mrs Mc- Dowell. JUOOES. Horsesr-J Cruikshank, B Campbell, J Grearson. Cuttleâ€" R Walker, J Hutclimson, S Wiley. Blieep and Swineâ€" W Bnchanau, br.. 'g Buskin, a.-Lyont. Poultryâ€" ii Mddmm, J Beecroft. Qteaaxl Manuoturersâ€" W. Guy, D. J. Shanahan. F. Wait. Grain ana Seedav^fiioihiug. B McGowou â-  Baots, Yegetatale8,iind Fraits-^R J Sprouii' Geo Middleton, B CampbtdU Ladiea' Workâ€" Mrs Middleton. Mra KoUs. MisaPage.. -i â- â€¢Â» *• '^^%si^.?*^»=^tM^;^s-rsj^' ftlS7t; lift u '• .nfnii^nm^^g'^^^^EJi. -.^

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