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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Sep 1884, Supplement, p. 8

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 ^^ %i:^;^i -â- â- J' Iff'il Ml *% 'till Pi IS fli %./ X^. .? V. X Tlte Staadapd. MATtirnAT.B SEPT. 26, 1884. INCOBPOBATION. We believe that nine-tenths of tiie ratepayers of Markdde are strongly in favor of having the village incorporat- ed yet the important and much de- sired step is not taken. The cause of the delay appears a mj^tery. The place is destined to become a very im- portant business centre, and it be- comes our leading business men to encourage or adopt any change or course that will advance the financial interests, or improve the moral and social atmosphere of the place and â- we beheve the incorporation of the village is the first step in that direc- tion' We are proud of our country as a "land of liberty," but must ac- knowledge we have too much liberty in ilarkdale. When sporting characters of the surrounding district feel hke having a 'jolification," th»y come to Markdale, where they have an idea tliey can do about as they please, (and tliey tbiuk about right); but their sport often ends in a drunken broil when the air in the vicinity of such is filled with profanity and noise, of a hideous nature, disturbing peaceful citizens, and giving the village an un- enviable notoriety for disorder and wickedness. Now, we have no sym- pathy with this sort of libet ty, and are strongly convinced that Were our village incorporated, and had a live, enterprising municipal council at the head of affairs, a new era would be ushered in, that would exceed our most sanguine expectations. THE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Yes went to the Exhibit of the Arts of Man and Mankind, at Toronto, 'the other day. Our better halt had given our only shirt an extra rub and touch and it was with a feeling of dignified pride that we took our seat on the morning train, amid the wealth, intelligence, and beauty of our land. Arrived at Toronto, we wended our way to the grounds. iWhew! the spectacle was appalling to the view of a back-woods Editor, and caused an expansion of skull that will, in future, compel our hatter to make our pattern, a size larger. â€" To enumerate â€" it was immense. Om' stay was cut short by a. telegram' from the satanic pOwer that rules our Press-room, announcing that despatches had been received from Right Hon. W. Gladstone, asking our opinion as to the desirability of closer political and commercial rela- tions with our Sister West India Is- lands. The reader may reasonably presume that the management of the G. P. R. 'placed a special train at our disposal, and whirled us home at the rate of 67 f miles an hour where, to our chagrin, we found that our "imp" had invented this ingenious ruse to get us home, as he had run out of tobacco, and none of the groceries in town wouild trust him, except upon our own written Order. However, we were long enough on the ground to see that the County of Grey was well represented. Our Markdale has reason to feel proud of ber worthy representative, Mr. J. R. Trimble. He took first prize in the roadster class with his sorrel mare "Rose," byClear Grit second prizfe by brown stallion. Clear Grit, Jr. The best horsemen on the grounds pro- i.ounced the decision unjust â€" that Grit possessed four times the qualities thai; make a perfect horse. Prejudice upon one side, and excellence on the otlier, kept the judges two days, vasqillating between Truth and Dis- honesty but, a compromise was made whereby Postmaster Patteson was called in as Umpire. Mash better had it been that Mr. Hendrie. of Hamilton.the owner of the competitor, had been chosen referee for we have reason to beheve that that gentleman would have scorned to render the de- cision referred to, altho' in favor of his own horse. Mr. Trimble's sorrel colt. "Woodbine Chief," altho' not taking a prize, was highly admired. In the general purpose. dass. Mr. Trimble's "Black Prince" took a third irom a host of competitors from all portions of Ontario. The imported horse that took first prize last year, got nothing this^ year, thus showing the competition *• 'Prince' ' had to con- tend witii. Of Mr.. Trimble's exhibit, the Mail of the 18th inst. says :-,- ' "3. B. Trimble, Mai^dale, has a lot of fine exbibite. The first oae in 131 is ^lack Piiiue, a beautifnl i-year-pld black, in g^* 4MI pnipoae, hoiM of goocT pnuxuM. Mot-" xag op tP 216 is foond Yonng (Sear Ocit, gtalUoa, £ wa|8,by Old Clear Grit, 1m by iapocted L^pUBst (ttioxoni^JUnied^,* (ban a tri ni^ liittl haal tAiba; 8i«at kogtb SM mbtUaMiiAKfjtmm amoMrfaneoki headUad fD«eqaiHclen. Tha next u a 8-jeu-, old Oxit odt Woodbine Qu^ aoJid ehMtnat with wttitemarkiiiKB: fine oantonr andr^ T««WM fine limbs; plaaty of style sua snbatanee, good aotkm and one of the beet yomu^Bteis (miba gionnd. Following is a Grit filltjr, S years, golden chestnut with nigh tiintj heel white, stands a^t 16, dam by Loid Byrim (thoroaghteed) great power in foceqnarters. with swan-like ,neck. Good iengtl^ and ranging." Oar enterprisin? townsman, Mr. Angus Plewes, comes in for a fair share of distinction, in as much as he carried off first prize for the best pair of ponnies m harness between 13 J and 14^ hands while Mr. Morgan Secord, of Misaford, won second in the same class. Mr. James Myles, ab enterprising farmer near Kimberiey. 4th line Eu phrasia, obtained first for a yearling colt, entire, in the general purpose class. In former days the North portion of our County "ruled the roost " now, the Centre of Grey takes the palm. Our veteran horseman, Hannah, of Flesherton Station, in a field of 34 competitors, successfully came off with first laurels. The Mail says of Mr. Hannah's horse â€" "E. J. Hannah, Flesherton Station, shows d beautiful dark chestnut 4-year-old gelding â€" Chestnut Jim â€" in roadster class 1-5.3, great range, powerful, strong, open action that has carried him to the fro£it in more than one race last winter. Sired by Eden Gold Dust, dam by Clear Grit." We have not yet done â€" It is ques- ti6nable whether any other £!ounty in Ontario has contributed as great a share Of first-class horse-flesh to the exhibition asGrev. our years of develop- ment being considered. To the energy of Dr. Sproule, we are indebted for the first thorougl.bred stallion, "Ex- tra;" then cauie Mr. Brondgest's "Astronomer;" then a better class by Mr. Trimble, so that in a few years the (bounty of Grey will become as famous for its horses as it is to-day for its cattle and sheep.aud the superiority of its grain, pasturage- and fruit. Our sister town of Chatsworth was ably represented by Mr. Thos. Tuck, who exhibited a yearhng, that, in the sporting phrase, wiU "take the spots" off some of the roadsters in a few years. The shock we received at the "Gladstone Hoax" i/revents further comment on the Industrial Exhibit. Hear what the. Mail says of Mr. Tack's colt: ^•STm^m^HLSSS^id the bnte is » fittiBg «»;^2!^ Sj heMldty of the ii«tM»i ^ut^ W» De- gottoi in treacheiy andfraud. ' li. M. Ii* S.T "Thomas Tuck, Chats worth.has a yearling, Eddie F.,- pretty near all c-hestnut in roads- ter class. He is by Old Clear Grit, dam a Tippo mare. ' Stands about 15, good power with fine action to the halter, and possessed with what would be considered a trotting conformation." ^txvtes'gLtxn^Bnx^B. Notice. â€" "We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondeQtg What Constitutes Scusc. Common ^â- â€¢" ige of laHpt0y;fm9Wt' M â- V'A -NJtni^EiJSi^i^^ ^. ,,.. -- ~»«^ ' • â-  is., f^ -rwi.-;»towfiT-" l»»fweiy, sold manufacturer, IfoaSrJ* )}â- 'â- Â».'â- â-  j Veai all yoiLcan Wiiifct'Bidispel, hke ante: It^S tma, Lardine's the kx '"^^^ mmng its equal, Lj^Su^ ^External its use, on ere^ljj* IjSse Lardine ICaohine Oil To the Editor of the Standard. Deab SiR.^By all authentic philo- sopjiic authors, "Conlmon sense" is an indext to that principle upon which the Creafer organized the world and the creatures who inhabit it â€" Man, the Primary. In all stages of mankind, grouped as tJiey are into various com- munities, different degrees of develop- ment, culture, and modes of govern- ment have existed from time imme- morial, each with a more or lees tend- ency toward refinement, and the de- sire to promote to the world the joy- ous security of THK MEBBY. MEBBY HOMES OF ENGLAND. Howeyer, 'liltho' Britain has for centuries beenTecOgnizedas the "laud of the brave, the home of the frse" yet, the baseness of humanity, thro' the Fall of Adam, caused the repro- bates who were fostered on this side of the Atlantic by Bri^h money, and motherly care, to do, as all villains do, spurn the hand that reared them. Pirates, smugglers, law-breakers, and villains of every description, joined in the^ unholy League. Britam had all the unholy hord of Europe to contend with at that time, and could not spare troops to fight vagabonds yet the moral and 1. politic^ development of what is now ' Yankeedom is jpsi in proportion to the moral tone of the perjurers whtf organized it. Every participant ig that rdbellion "wjis, by the law of inatioDs, deserviog of ^eoQi upon tiie scaffold their, iniquity was inexcossble 4rat, fniuds have genius in the mode of entoappinjg the unwary^ and the "sonart -^dung n?an" who wntes you from-Daytbn, Ohio, U. 8., has evident been oneofonr .G^dian green-bo^ia.^ n ya(,filKȣs!n larely rises Above its OTO^^rei; and ae^ks eoaapamoaidup a{6cic^diii^7,; hfenc^ we find fhl Wfwhi^gtcnUa, ruffians ;;ii|leeui)g aa embl«n in aoMcduicw ynAAwMMn From a eorre^trndemt. We are happy to infonn th6 inhabi- tants of. Markdale and the snrround- ing country that the Btemm saw-miU on the 11th line, Eophrasia, baa changed hands, and is now dwned by Mr. ,T. H. Ford, of St. Vincent and Mr. James Stinson of this ^place. Messrs. Ford Stmson are pushing and enterprising men. They have got then: new mill now in full blast, and are cutting from eight to ten thousand feet per day. The mill is a model mill, all of the best modern improve- ments havmg been purchased from the Waterous Engine Works, Brant- ford, Ont. Messrs, Ford Stmson will be pleased to fill all orders^ of lumber on the shortest notice, and at reasonable terms, and will pay cash for all sound logs brought to their mill. They intend to have a lath and shingle machine in operation by next spring. This is music to the sur- rounding country, as a mill was much needeff here. We -jvish those enter- prising n^en. the best of success in their und^king. Mr. Ford is a thorough mill -man, having owned a steam mill in St. Vincent. On the line from No. 1 to 18 there has been oyer 600 acres of land taken from the state of nature and put under cultivation in, the past twenty-four mouths, and forty-six new bnildiugb have been built on the line during the last three years. We are pleased to see that Mr. J. Struthers has moved into his new brick residence. This bmlding adds much to the appearance of the line. We learn that Mr. W. Taylor has refused $70 for a calf fourteen months old. Mr. John McNeely is now shipping a large quantity of wood oyer the 0. Q. E. E. Mr. J. B. McMillan is spending his summer months with Mr. McNeely on the farm. He intended going to Durham to^ start a law office. â-  " Agmcolist. ' dMoased. who, ^^«^!,^^ on or l,«*cfte *i9'!l«* prepaid, to Joseph Mansrey.giTi^J^ tj^ L e County of Grey,,admu.^^^r "{^ personal estate and ^^^^o*!*^^' S ^Suan and somaiiie^f *tf^^i" SZn, thefuUp^icml^soltitor^^^ :a Btathent of theiV acoouute a"gj^l of thesecuritieB (« f^^) l»«ii '^y.;2^a^ in default thereof theassets of «^^^ wm be distributed, ha^g fegard^oftlyte the claims then received, or those of ^hem which- the admimsteratOT then have ratiee. ' â- 'â- :" " "" A4minist^rator â- , â-  ' ' Date September.4:th jl8§4. 1 FARM FOB A valuable property of 75 aCTes.compnsi^ Lot 40, and west half of 42, 1st East T,-S. Koad, Holland one mile from wm^msford Station, the nlace is in good shape, fit to run a reaper and mower, good/ orchard, weJl fenced picket fence around orchard^nd front of lot with maple trees planted inside, good dweUing house, qjso' good bam and out houses. Title good, no transfers from the crown. For further partienlars apply on the premises to owner. EGBERT CLARK- Wisford Station P. 0. 209â€"211. Pd. A SAD NEGLECT. Neglecting a constipated condition of the bowels is sure to bring iU-health and great suffering. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner.: purifying the blood and promote a healthy ' action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels.. HEAPS PATENT Dry Earth or /Ishes Closet Factory. UNION STREET, (B. Allans Old Stand,) " O.WEN SollND. By this system you cfwi have a closet inside your, house (if desired) and yet have no smell Irom if. By thtir use you emmre Health, Comforc and Cleauliness, CALL AND SEE THEM WORKING. Wm. Heap, Sanitaet Engineeh. Agent for Markdale W. Cornwall. Notice of Dessolutipn of Partner- shifi. S Notice is hereby given, tUat tliq partner- ship lately siibsistiug betweou W, H. Butledge and John Trelford of Markdale, under the name of Entledgo .t Trelford. bntchers, was dissolved on the 13th day of September 1884, by Mutual consent. The business will be carried on by W, H. Bntledge who will collect ail ac'onnts, and pay all liabilities of the late firm. I'liV^H. RUTLED^E. Signed IJOHII TRELFORD, '• 'â€"' _^i_ â€" :o /•/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/p/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o /o/o/o/o/ o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o,x/o/o/o/o/q/o A o:-â€" â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o â€" :o Vo/0;Vo/o/o/o/o/b/o/o/o/o/o7o/o/o/o/o/o/ob/o/o/o/o/o/o;o/o/o/o/o/o/oyo/o/o/o/o/o/^ 1^= o: â€" fitâ€" We are now showing special drives in New, Stylisfi and Fashionable Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Laces, Trimminers, Buttons; Hosiery, LADIES GENTS UNDERCLOTlTlNG ETC. -:0: CANADIAN, SCOTCH and WEST of ENGLAND for Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcbats and Garments- Cheap, Fashionable and. Stylish. For all ages and conditions from the heavy Stoea to the W© Invite speclai attemidn \6 pdr BEAUTiFmr dmR/n-EoMlBs A'Spesialty from fficltokti^nr i£ T YELLOWdlL C URES RHEUMAT i s m '::;:| FBEEMAirs irOMlPOWDERsN ' Jseploasaattotake. Contaiiifhelrcnm' 'KvgaittT^ la a safe, sure, and eUtoa^ daa^rvw at worms in ChUdrenor AflaU^ miTORS TO OWEN DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT THE "BONflgRGHE" THEY HAVE THE LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST. ' ASSORTMEf^T OF PEOCKBEY! AND WILL SELL liO^^er tban the Torouto Houses. I-iQolr a,t Tills. A GOOD ENGLISH-MADE SERGE SUIT (This is no Sliodtly,) BOYS' YOUTHS' MENS' I'TtOM §4 00. 6 00. 8 00. Everybody should look in .. at the Bon Marche, They sell everything at ROGK BOTTOM PRICES, B. ALLEN'S old stanil OWEN SOUND. The undersigned is manufaetnmg an a- celleut assin tmcui of ScUool If ixi*niture. Consisting of SC-!Oo'l SEATS .luaDESSVj TEACHEKS' DESKS, cic, of tue lates design and most .npurovr.l pnttom. Bif^r-j recommenaed by Scliool Trustees and Teacl- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactB« whereyer tried. An assbrliEout of Farm M" School Bells kept aKays on liand. Sendloi catalogue to Cliatsworlli Y. 0. 181 ANDLEVr McGILL. STEER Jsrm. LOT 90, Con. 2, ^Yc•st of Toronto ac. Sydtn^iani Bor,.l, Glai.Ig. ral »\ whit spotted steer, wiiii lionis turned up- I jear dd. Anv personidvln- -atisfactoi?^ formation will La suiialiiv y-v,;-i\!oa. Aiio. •] IJ.AIED, I suitably y.-v, HASSKALL 205-207 MarkaaleT Hew Bfltclier The best meats kept on hand and â-  -illi ,. -lUJt I .^X«:i;vA "'â„¢*"â€" """" 11 III III I V' "^^ -Ta Markdaiff, tho'country caB l illVERED TO ALL PARTS Of] THE TOWN WHERE ORDEREI' A' share of public pr.trousige respect^ I 'SoUcited. ' \r kVipI ^member the stand in ^IcNea s b^^ ^:., RiJTLEDGETRELF ^^ 3 -EliCENiA '•^mtvH^ eqteittive i"nF°'";j (^nstMill I feel coufiiient i ONltfl GflflttJlBUR ALWAYS JfiiaBai ou o- ;li* » T :_/ ^^'4 ^/•PlDM «Hiiiig and iBUJ»*«« ^,yi ^^"^0 fl' i «**»4i@N HAND. 4 ' *n:

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