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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Sep 1884, p. 1

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 J^WIii. J... lu|W^ip|j acco, cJ VEEY CHEAPl iicit the public' iqnors and dgan 3als anf (jomfortah d stab ing and 114 VOL. 4.-N0. 211. MAEKDALE, ONT., SEPT: 25, 188ii ConxB nr xbx Sxahsab lie Markdale Standard L Mill issued evesy Thursday, at the office. Street, Markdale. Termsâ€" ?l per year in advance; $1.25 if not paid within three months. Professional and business cards one inch ,p»ce and under, per year. H. "" 1 IB. 6 MO. 3 MO. VTBole column 550 00 $27 50 ns 00 Half column 27 00 15 00 10 00 Qaarter column 15 00 10 00 6 00 Two inch space 7 00 4 00 Th»3e inch space .... 1 00 5 00 Oasnal advertisements 8 cents per line first insertion, 3 cents per line each subsequent iascrtion, nonvareil measure. v Editorial notices, or notices in local col- anm 10 cents per line first insertion, 5 cents .eacli snbsequents insertion. " Stray animals c. ' advertised 3 weeks for Jl, the ajivertisement not to exceed twelve lines. No paj er discontinued sntil all arrears are part except at the aption of the publisher. â€" ^JOB PrInTINCâ€" The SiaxDaed office has a splendid equip- ment of postev as well as fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by mail. Orders iilleJ with dispatch. EDITOK AND PEOPEIETOR. }4ANDSPERRY, (SUCCESSOF.S TO LATJDEE HANDs), BAIiBISTEES, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates uf interest. Offices 16 King Street East, 199-251 ToBosTO. Frost Frost, BAEKISTEFiS, AND ATTORNEYS-AT Law, Solicitors in Qiancery, Convey ancers, itc, Owen Sound, have resumed at Jlesherton, Office open every Thursday, as heretofore. Alff.ed Fbost, J. "W FaosT, LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 J. M ASSOW, BAPvRISTEK, MASTEE ANDDEP. EEG in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyan3 cer, tc. A NOTIBEB OP FABMS FOE SALE. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block Poulett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday €verv week. 57-ly B Gi'casor Vlri rrison,. ARR1*=' -aS,SOLICITOES. CONTET- anf.el, tc. c. Offices in Owen Sound Dufferin Block, -over W. F. \Yolf's Store and in MARKDALE; Over W. J. MeFarland's Store on Thursday and Friday of each week. Cs'Fundsto lend on reasonable terms. John Ckeasoe, Q.O Duncan MoEidON Markdale, March 15, 1882. 79-lv Alexander Broivn. ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. (Jommissionei in B. E. c. CoiiTeyancer and Licensed 'inetioneer for the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17, 1880. 1-V Wm. BroMm, JSSUEE OF MAEEIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. R. c. Couveyaucing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se eiu-ity. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL, John nicAleer, Proprietor. Ihis house is fitted up in good style, situ- ated on Mill street, where the travelling pub- He may depend on the very best accommo-^ iation. Union bus to all trains. IS* MARKDALE HOUSE, MAEKDAIiE, ONT. MRS, RUTLE06E, PROPRIETOR. jPliht^ ,38,0nti. If.Toafaar* Sick tttU- â- tte, LircritTaraiiLAn Bilxnu, Appctita bTDor, 0»wd^u« CoMv*. Unc • BadBicttb, Want yonr Htooiadi thoromghly CicniMd. ihcy sra tbc mMieme to ue. Work hkeaehinii. Aiepoid^ MMertnn ever taken. • TOY TIlElf SoIdb7 UedicilM Deakn. j.v.TniTfteo., Riannadita.Prop'n, Bock Iiland. F. Q.. aod Pe^ieaU B Ghent, M,D.^ M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Sureeon, Priceville, Graduate of University. "Vict. College. ' • ' J. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, '• M Ayleth Medical Institute. _^ „ „ Opthalmic Hospital, N.T. MemberCoU. Physicians Surgeors,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DEWTIST, ' GRADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Butledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on JdUl Street, Mark- dale. 1241y ' HAMILTON'S PiiOTQ6RAPH GALLERY OVEE THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of moulding to choose from. Call and leave^'our measure for a picture.' mJsLS. BTamilton. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PEICEVHjLiE, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. JContracts taken for all kinds of mm AND STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Standaed ofSce will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHER, IS" All calls promptly attended to. ISAAC STl]VSON, Builder and Contractor In aU kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. AU work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 195-6m* MAREDALEP. 0. SAin(J£l^ WABDEIili, fXTELL DIGGER AND DRILLER. ALL W orders promptly attended to. Resi denceâ€" Snider's HiJl Owen Sound 122-35 h 4 PERFECTFITGSABANEBB15. iWL Send six cents for postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods which wiU help all, of either sex ts more incnej right away than anything else in this world. Pbrtunes a*ait the woricers absolutely sure. At once address Tbub A Co., Augusta, Maine. 187-239 AIiEX Oftiprey. Fnm our own eonfeumitml. Harvest is ov^ and ftUl plongfaing and threshing is now Ihe order the day. i The Saiyation Army stil "hold tiie fort" in Feversham, ^ero they are going to build a barracks SO x 50 feet. Bev. J. Ghishoim returned 'from Europe last week looking none th^ worse for his extended trip. Mr. De Argent, who filled his place while absent, will leave for "Queen's Col- lege," Kingston, next week. Bash fires are numerous owing to tba continued drought, causing con sil^ble damage in sotne eases. B. T. McGirr- is 'j^bibiting his Clydesdale Stallion at tndnsterial Fair this week. There is a new shoenwker at Max- well. Capt. Ned is in Toronto this week. "Wtlliajnsford. out in by From our oien corretpondent. Mr. Jus. Ireton has opened business, after his late scorching, the premises recently occupied Jas. Foster. Mr. Young, tailor, has also opened in Handly's building, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Mr. Thos. Spears has purchased a lot, where he will erect a large stone blacksmith shop. D. C, McLogan, am* station agent, has left, and Charlie takes his place. The latter is very popular, especially with the gentler sex. Mr. C. Price has his new store up and closed in and is pushing it towards completion. Mr. H. Foster has commenced buying grain, which makes thing» more liyely. Our fall show which takes place Trgm a Corrapondent, Times are lively here at present. Cliff and son is doing an extensive business in the woollen mill. We un- derstand they have lost one of their best knitters in the person of Miss Martha Banks, who is gone to Amaron to visit friends. We expect her to return this week if some lucky young man does not make her his own, Miss Esl^er Pearth has also gone, to Hamilton. W,e wish them a pleas- ant trip. Harvest is over and threshing ^com- menced. There was a fine shower here Tuesday. There is talk here of a grand wedding shortly. Personals. Mrs. Eaton has teen visiting friends in Markdale and Flesherton recently. liev. J. and Mrs. GaUoway called off at Markdale on their way home to Port Flgin from a visit to Markham. Blackburn Galbraith, of Michigan, has been in this district on business lately. â-  ' We 4iad a friendly call from cur esteemed friend John McDuffie, who has had the past year a situation on the C. P. K. North of Lake Superior. He is now cu his way north of Brace bridge to oversee men on the building of that portion of the C. P. Eailway. Miss Boomer has returned from Halton. She looks well after her holidays and is enthusiastic for the, Scott Act. Mr. Hicks, Principal of Invermay Public School,* while visiting friends here on the 8th October is likely 10 be in this ylUage, paid our school a short the best yet held entries are now already coming in and large exhibit is expected. The directors are highly pleased with the posters, which were printed at the STANOiss office. Pnc«y;ille. From our own correspondent. Priceville fair, held on Monday, 15th inst., was a success in both quantity and quality. The number of cattle brottghl^ttt was large and quite an impaerdmsnt in flesh was noticeable. The saLes were numerous, over one hundred head changed handp. Prices were low, 8 yedr-old steers and heifers selling from $25 to $85 per head. Several hortes were offered but no sales reported. Proceeds of fair leaying between $2,600and $3,000 in the hands of the farmers m this vicinity. Miss B. NicholU dressmaker in this place, is about leavig for the North- West. " We shall meet and we shall miss her" in the Sunday School and elsewhere. Mr. John McLsod is building him- self a new house. It has been said "New stoves mean new cooks." Tell me whether this holds good in iiouses (Batchelors I mean). Dr. Hixon is working into a good practice. His success vritin the vasions cases with which he has had to deal, shows him to haye a thorough know- ledge of his profession. This, with his upright, manly principlea, pro- nounce him a flian in whom his pati- ents may feel the utmost confidence. The Priceyille Public SchDol is quite a busy place this session. The two departments, under the instruc- tion of Mr. Dixon, Priitcipal, and Miss M. *Nicholl of the junior, are making ilapid improvements. We anderstand two of our oitizeos have offered » spedid pHze to ^e given in each de|nitment toifaepapils makiiig tiie best progress duciug the year and we are bavinjc ui aetive, live sbhool right al(»ig. /nie farmers have ettulmentfed tthr^adiing. AA agree thitt the g^Mon is'taroing out well, is of good quahty and wfll oMnfiara faTombty witii other Cknoatiet. ».i .•â- â- i ,. I-.- visit on Monday forenoon. Bey. J. F. Parke and wife of Blythe have been the guests of Mr. Wm. Lucas for the past ten days. Mr. Wm. Lucas left for Brigden and London Fair on Monday, he returned on Wednesday. Messrs. G. M. Haskett and E. S. Mabee, left for London Fair on Monday. Mr. Jas. Hume of Watford, brother- in-law to Mr. Lucas visited Markdale last week. Ncvr Conveyancing Office. and l7oan Fall Sli*w Fnfro. Osprey, at McJntyre Ocjtober 9th. Proton, at Dundalk Oetoher 7th and 8th. Melanothon, at Shelbnme October 7th and 8th. Glenelg, at Markdale, on the 2nd and 8rd October. South Groy^ at Durham, the SOth September and 1st October. Normanby, in Ayton on Sept. 24th. Sydenham, at Annan, Tuesday, Oct. 7th. Holland, at Chatsworth, Thursday, Oct., 9th. Thursday, Oct. Derby, at Kilsyth, 9th. Sullivan, at Desboro, Tuesday, Oct. 7th. North Grey, at Owen Sound, Thursday and Friday, 2nd and 3id .Oct. Artemesia, in Priceville Oct. 7th. St. Vincent in Meaford the 8th and 9 th October. MARKDALE POST OFFICE. Mails at Markdale are closed as follows, commencing Monday August 11th, closed bag for Toronto 8, a. m^ Geileral Mail South 8:45 p. m.. General Mail North 11:30 p. m. close bag for Owen Sound 7. p. m. EastOrey Fall Show. Notwithstanding the threatning aspect of the weather, and the down pour of rain on the evening of the second day the exhibition was a success bcth as regards the number of entries quality of exhibit and attendance at the fair. As we cannot obtain the prize list for this week's paper we will leave our comments for next week when a full account and prize list will be given. It gives us much pleasure to an- nonnce to our readers the fact that our late esteemed Beeve, F. MacBae, Esq., has opened a conveyancing office and money loan agency m Dun- lop's buildings, adjoining McAlear's ity Hotel. Mr. MacBae represents the most popular Loan Societies in the Dominionâ€" low rates of interest and easy terms.â€" Let old friends give him a call. His thorough knowledge of the intricacies of conveyancing renders him equal to the best pro" fessionals. Monthly Fairs. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatsworthâ€" Monday before Diir- ham. Dundaikâ€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange ville. ' Qrangeville-r-The second Thursday in each month. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each, month. 'jl'l; ' ' Priaevilleâ€" Monday before Durhana!. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in etek month. " 'â-  I Hanover-^Monday before Durliami. WiJieTton---J|^| Wednesday; i^i oveiy mon|h.o ^3s^'v^:w«^' ffu/r-fei?/^ ' â- â-  Visit of Bishop Baldwin, â€" The first visit of the new Bishop of Huron, which will take place on Sunday next, is looked forward to with much inter- est, and there will uodoubtbe crowded congregations at St. George's Church, where lib will preach both morning and evening. At Ihe evening service he will administer the rite of Confirm- ation to a large number of candidates. The warm interest he takes in tli© temperance cause is well known throughout the Province, and request of the W. C T. U. give a temperance address at he m mod mam, ^pkkm tbaft'i A CUBE FOB CHOLBSA MOBBISS. I A positive 01119 ftv this ^buDgteoos «6zd- plaint, a«Kl Ut aB mtnito or oilimii« Mnu «tf Bepj^rComfl|«M B«ideiit-to nmivitfr ana Ua, iafoiMa fit Br. FNrIi^« B^mt^y(m^i Bi M Wb wig to Wpi««b«l fMm iif t^. gisk the will the Town Hall on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. His other appointments in the county will be as follows â€" Sept. 22.â€" St.. Thomas Church, St. Vincent Sept. 23. â€" Christ Church, Meaford. Sept. ;24.â€" -St George's Church, Clarksburg, and Trinity Church, CoUingwood township. Sept. 25. â€" St. Augustine Church, Heaihcote and St. James Church, Euphrasia. Sept. 26.â€" St. Philip's Church, Walter's Falls, and St. Matthew s Church, Sydenham. Sept. 27.â€" St. Mark's Church. Hol- land. â-  Sept. 28.â€" St. Paul's Church, Chats- worth, aud St. John's Church, Sulli- van. Sept. 29.â€" St. Luke's Church, Williamsford, and Christ Church, Markdale. Sept. 30.â€" St. Mary's Church, Max- well, aud Eugenia. â-  Oct. 1.â€" St. J9hn'a Church, Dui- dal^i flihd St.' Paul's Church, Shel- burne. .,u; -i Oct. a.--Trinity-Cairirch, Durham. Opt. 8- â€" Christ Church, AlJen Park, and iGhvujJ, pUurch, lianover. â€" u. 6. Times. ' ' *â-  ,, ,,.u V J ALABBrLANT. Tfc« WM StTawb«n3rl%Mt poeseBses rare VirtaeM^B OTeaiisH^.Msc^liAff, 'astringent, ati- toMpHe^ aari hmlk^ nuedHifaie. and wb«n eoiubtaed with otha valaahle veg^tablV ex- txaets. as in Dr. Frwler's Extraot of Wild SttKvbmy.itnMildiiiUtiiig wmeOy iu aU *£j»i"t*i. i^iiiiiJtiUis.,ii^iMtiSimBliittaSili tit's 'i^a^Si^.£l^.i'A t-- ill I I i ti '.t I â-  I rf:T t, in B â- 11! ft I If! â- -?' ^^^^11^^^ iiiy

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