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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Sep 1884, p. 12

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 "i "â-  â-  â-  â-  'â- ' *^:H-m ' .«yi, t!S;„t .- • 'M-n •«? J-fttoill' " ' «n*t-«fl H (• ' ft4.UK »*•» \% B..JJ.' »»'.*•• is based id ^oung m ^eir .!V7 JO» ' It' Has stood the test and Is without a peer- Hundreds of theni are In use^ In Ontario and giving the very best satisfaction. READ THE FOLLOWING. â- f 'i\\^ â- P MR. ifc V-m 'â-  J if â-  lyf'.c. â-  i,' ^h i^ I- 1 f *V. f ft! â-  p. MUjNE^ York Twp., Writes to tsay â€" I have used one of Sargent's Tateat Load Lifters and for the purpose for which it is intended,beat8 anything I ever |een or heard'of. It has saved me more this season than I paid for it, and I W0UI4 advise all farmers great or small to havesone. This is to certify that I parshased one of Sargent's Load Lifting Machines from his agent, A. H. Dixon, and that it has exceeded my expectations altogether. I did the mowing myself iu loose barley for two teams hauliug and did not find it any Larder work than with two helpers iu the old way. I would not be without it for twice its cost. JoHx STEWART.Lot 13,con.2,YorkTp. MR. WMi SARGENT, This is to certify that I purchased one of your Load Lilting Machines from Thomas Glassfoid, asent for Markham and Whitchurch, and have used it this harvest, and that I am well pleased with it. I helievj it to be one of the best labor saving maching ever invented. One horse can elevate the largest load with the greatest ease to any height your barn may require, enabling you to do with at least one mau less, also to fill the barn to the very peak of the roof, with ease. I would not be without it should it cost twice as much. Yours truly, ' THos.WiLLiAMsoN,Reeve,Markham Tp. A. H DIXON, ESQ.. Sand Hill, P.O. Dear Sir^I have much pleasure in saying that the-doad lifter, Sargent's Po- tent, you put Dp in my new barn this sum-' mer, has been most satisfafttory, and has done its work even better than 1 at first expected. It'has saved valuable time and labor. My neighbors tell me I have the advantage of them when I can pitch all my loads down even in the top of the mow. I have put in about fifty loads of hay and the same number of gram and can strongly recommend your Patent Load Lifter to my brother farmers; Avould not do without it myself. Yours truly, F. A. Flemino. This is to certify that I have used one of Sargent's Load Lilting Machines and that it has given me entire satisfac- tion. 1 consider it one of the best labor saving machines yet introduced .and would most strongly recommend it to all farm- ers. Heney D. Sandebs, Sept.4,'83. Fair Bank ?.0.,York Tp. Victoria Square, Aug. 27, 1883. I have bought and used one of Sar- gent's Load Lifters which has given un- bounded satisfaction. It has already paid for itself in the saying of labor and speed in hauling it, and I consider it a grand invention for farmers. John Boan, Lot 26, Con.4, Markham. J. S. Leaky Son, Toronto township. We hereby certify that Sargent's Load Lifters are a decided success and consider them the greatest modern labor-saving machine for the cost. No farmer can afford to be without them. They are especially good in patent barns, where the mows are high, making it easy to fill them to the top. We have two in use and would not be without them for any reasonable con- sideration. 1 am well satisfied with your Load Lift- er. I corsider it a labor saying machine. I would not like to be without it for any reasonable cost.- G. Steeb. This is to certify that I have one of Sar- gent's Load Lifters erected in my barn, and used it last summer, and it gives me full satisfaction. I would not be without it for five times the cost of it. Jt C. Switzeb, Lot 7, Con. 6, AlbioB. Me. Saegent • Sib, â€" This is to certify that I have used one of your Load Lifting machines with run way across width ol barn, 100 feet wide and 25 feet high, and does the work like a charm. Would not be without it at any reasonable pr'ce. It saves a_ great deal of hard work and time with less help in bam. Brampton, Oct. 24, 1888. Wm. Saegent Sib, â€" I have tried your Load Lifter and it gives full satisfaction to me, and I feel safe in recommending it to any one. It is a great saving of time and strength. I therefore recommend it to the public. Wm. James. This is to certify that I have one of Sargent's Load Lifters in my bam. I would not be without it for $100. I recommend it to the.public notiee. Stephen Ceaig, Mayfiield. This is to certify that I haye oae of Sargent's Load Lifting machines, and I am well satisfied with it. I had a one-wheel lifter and 1 sold it, as I think Sargent's Lifter is better by far. RlCHABD GbAHAIIE. The best thing out is Sargent's Lottd Lifting machine. It works Hke a charm. I would recommend it to every farmer. Ghas. Upshall, Toronto Tp. Sandhill, July 9th, 1884. This is to certify that I purchased one of Sargent's Load Lifters in 1881, and in 1882 bought two more to put in other barns I have. They give me such satisfaction that if I had any more barns I would have one m each. I would not take $200 each for them if I had to be without them. With- out the machine I would have to em- ploy two more men. Besides a great I deal of time is saved. Any person disputing this may refer to me. John Dean. I have used one of Sargent's Patent Load Lifter one season, and can safely say that it works to perfection. Icau recommend it to the farming com- munity. â-  H, IJ. Irwjn, Lot 118, Con. 1, E.T. S. Road, Artemesia. Wm. Saegent Sib, â€" I purchased one of your Load Lifters. It saves me -one rnan at the ' beginning of the season, and two men when the mow is nearly full. James Shabe, Britannia. My barn is 20 frfet high to the plate and I always had to put a scaffold up to fill the mow, which required a extra man, but since I got your Load Liiter three men can take off a load easier than four could without it. I oonsid- er that they will pay for themselves this year, as they take the one man. Geo. HoLTBY, Locus Grove Farm. Numerous other names we pouring m, but the above is aufficienfc to prove tixe populanly and merite of Sanjent'a Patent Load Liftw. °»^»« iftW the] [men atew- *^ ^^ a ^^\ perfeetidb-id t 1 Mr»i aiii era aad 'i»jrf^fti6n"M t!*w pidMa,â€"Bo»lon November 6th i»s*em pro«feimed hr ^sv^xmttiaP'p^BenX as Thanks- ii|^ jjjijptliiw^ftkJat the Dominion, BE8PBCTAGB. 4*:yii*tf'^yi ihoutd la^nSVB ofl^^ respect, in thrcase of t)t: Fowler's Extract of WiH Strswben^ i* certainly ^. for '-«5 yews th»» lias been the Btandatd remedy with the Ddopb. for (Jholera Mwbos. Pysentery, Diar- S«», Oolic and a'l bowel oomplaints. Thel'ifth Division Court of the County of Grey will bold its regular Bttmgs in the Town Hall, Fleeherton, on Thuraday, .October the 80th next. i. SlTBONa ENPOBSEMBNT. life clergy, the Medical Faculty, the pre^s and the people all endorse Burdock Blood BitteiB as the best system wttwvating blood purifying tonic inown. Its work bears out their tiefetrecommeiid. A ciiap from the country, stopping at one of the hotels, satdown to dinner. Upon the bill of fiare being handed to him by the waiter be remarked tht he "didn't care 'bout readm* now he'd wait till after dinner." â€" Botton Tran- wript. If there is any girl who doesn't like to pop the question even if it is leap year, she can get around it by asking her young man if he'd be willing to fill in his name on her marriage cer- tificate. â€" Yonkers Gazette. McGBEGOB'S SPEEDY CUBE. Every purchaser of common sense business capacity, when requiring an article for a certain purpose, purchases only that which has been tried or is ajlowed first to test before buying. You are allowed a free trial bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure, the great remedy for Dyspepsia, Impure Blood and Liver Disorders at Hill Bro's. Sold at 50 cents and $1 per bottle. See' testimouials from persons in your own town. A.S. 6 The old saw, "Never kick a man when he is down" is a good one, be- cause 10 kick a man when he is down is cowardly. Now we give another, "Never kick a man when ne is up," because it is reckless. â€" Evansville Arqus. A BLESSING TO ALL MANKIND. In these times when our Newspapers are flooded with patent m«dicine advertisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that \»ill certainly cure you. If you we billious, Blood out of order, Liver inactive.or general- ly debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure yoii so quickly as Electric Bit. ters. They are a blessing to ail mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle at A. Tufner Go's Drug Store. 2 Every young lady should learn to make her own dresses. There may come a time after marriage when she will need to make doll babies' dresses, and then her former experience will come into good service. â€" Phila. Chronicle. J All over the land are going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. There unlocked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly ••wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Caught, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron- chitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or any af fection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial bot- tles free at A. Turner, Go's Drug Store, Large size 91.00 2 A minister having preached the same discourse to his people three times one oi his constant hearers said to him after service "Doctor the sermon you give as this morning hav- ing had three several readings, I moye that it now be passed." â€" Boston Beo/con. Franco Nothwi war now n •increqfie tae Uil Having ing of bostilitf^" to supply 20,000 12 months, in -T^" the Grocery^ "'^f' HOUSE hJs KiLTi';: SAND those ^hoT^»! busmessbypnrehl ers exorbitant rates^! credit. .()ur:-*^*^of«il PRESERVED Meats LOBSTERS, SaB BACON,A880r5 andeverjrarticlesintj^^^ Ofth^3bestS^,?d!, for bacramental ^xot/ pure. Brandies direct ufacturerandalVotherU Coffees, Teas and ToU fail to giv6 satistactio, Lemons, c. I^amilj pu at Lowest Rates. BELFASTHOUSE, NEW GROS IN CONKECTIONi Plewes' Hour and 1 Having just reca Fresh STOCK Teas, Tobac Which \viU l)e sold STM I respectfully solicit 1 patrouage. 193 J. PLE CHATSWORTHi (late MOKEOyjKOa CIIATSWOB TUCK McLEOD Pboj The following is from J. W. Ptolemy, of Winnipeg, formerlv grain bnyer for William Gillesby, of Hamilton a_a Grimsby "I was for many years much afflicted mth Gostiveness, Bihousness, and ultimately Dyspepsia. I suffered very much and tried many different medicines, which gave me only temporary reUef and then I was as bad as ever again. I was recommended by a friend, who had been restored to health by it, to try McGregor's Speedy Cure. I did so, audit was not long before I felt like a new man, and I have enjoyed excellent health ever since. I first commenced taking it Pebruaty 7th, 1879. Sold by Hill Bro's. DEfOWLER^ ^^^n tefvi a-. r'=--i-:..'UQ(^: 'â- â€¢10'!) u!^$iii- :, m MLtl CHO The best brand of ways in stock. Good meak rooms guar-Mteed. Good si tentive hosixir. HEiVRY Gil HOUSE PAII GBAINEE. tjLAZIEBi HANGER, CALC AND WALL TBI Eesidence opposite Plsni Oedebs Solicited. H3£n3equ.Jforth«P«» Consbs, « olds. Sore Tlir«y WhooninK t'ons*' "f^ ta- Everj- bottle guaiantetd.Mg ROOKE'SJ BREAD, tl^V your wife, always on i" the dema'i'j So when your stoci] Step in and let! And we'll your wa Or you'll knowi why. Ml â- "â-  Manufacturer 0/ *. L.. â- :. :^- :.N".r^N!UM '=^1»?« Drop Valve. Cylinder. Pumps. ^^^^ IRON;:;! 'â- : I Si lit ij-f .Sari«lft5r" ICB8 in Owen [W. P. WoTs I tkiiids^i^i *3feii^*.i»^' ".;.: •; -,'.:.

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