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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Sep 1884, Supplement, p. 9

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 'W'-^K/^ "K^.- the fa •â-¼erysoa, tainfhelrcnm" and eiirSsiMBii IrenorAdBlitaL ' 'f/v soirn ALL AT IRGHE" CHE. EAPEST. !T OF EEY! ELL Toronto 5H-MADE SUIT ROM §4 00. 6 00. 8 00. ulcl look in irchej ytliing at PRIGE8, Id stand SOUND. ifactnriug an ex- iilli of .ATS and DESKS, :., of tue latest p;ittem. EigWy:: nsteosand Teach- ' and compaetness. :nont of Farm and hraid. Bend for 0. ::e\v McGILL. of Toronto ami Gk Ig, l-«l »°^ Lonis turncil up- v .satisfactory 12- ,;-,rJ-eJ. Address T, DAIRD. '• ' :,I..ikaale P. 0. nitry can prodnet^ .PARTS OF I ORDERED- respectfuUy vicNea's block- TRELFOi; br^ '8 Wi '11 fiv 10 .i^} /a9* t-^--- .coUrnms intended t Society will he charged ten '^â- "\y f^rst insertion and Jive dearing eale at J. B» Biediciae: favorite pargative and they ^ire mild and for 100 hi^'iiy ^d brown sugar 5. Trimble's. Grer Agricultural prize list |5,,n at tliis office. Fire Insurance agency in the ^jdale. Apply to W. L. Young. }Ivil to the eud of 1 sjibscription t^ken at the .liice. ^cs me laugh when others sigh l^^usel always buy ijnd'sTca. t j,.,i3iBL!' of this village has four ivioroutu exhibition this week. ,ljesi, price paid for skins at store and tin depot, W-l;? »â- ?• »f;.-,'jf h of HolUmd ctXQii^^ hft BotmbIS cents pbt l»k v«| Bmn- Mb. W. 0. Moffirt; of iipr^ sold ms teain of howe%irece?ii;ly;fbj.$310. Da» you see the new Electric Lainps at R. J. Sproule's, Flesherton, Ladies.^â€" Be sore and read ffill Bro's. MiHinery aunouneement ifi this paper. 'â- "â- ' J.R. TfiUiBLE has jfeceived;a larg^ consignment of sugjwrs cheapen than ever. ^-^i ' Miss Fqbd conifinGes to and expects to commence again neiit week. I^'eekly Glohc for ij'leitve your tou at tbis office. lies long clear Bacon just to hand at $1, to the name and sweet J. E. Iran'l Truuk car shops at were destroyed by fire Loss about $400,000. iwauttoget value for your [pws or butter go to J' E. I in BO.â€" If you are not a Itrtotbe iJarkdale Standard, i ouo dollar and get it 3 5 Ifrou' date. Tsi-UBLE has the largest the cboicest patterns and Hie iu Dress Goods of any itlieCoimty. • lluntreal Siar will be sent to kribers from the 1st October lelst January 1885 for $1. jyoar time to secm'e the best jpiper published; 15 months for Uscribe at this office. Ifrom iudigestion or sick head (instantly relieved by one dose Iwiiitor Bitters, made from M herbs. Sold by Smith, the liirectors of Glenelg Asrricul- )ciety held a meeting last week, bl a!T3ngements were made I show. A good exhibit is Thursday aud Friday the i3r(iofOct. ' kassortinent of tinware, granite 3, brusbts, brapkets c., icm prices at Walker Bro's. aie. 1 a -siib-criber to the' Stand- '"iiild like to send the paper i^ltuil, if so we will forward Itoiance of the year to any pfrte of postage for 26 cents. stock of Iiojuvinator Bitters ibe barber's this week. The PTentative from Cholera.. 'fs.-The Glenelg Agricultural »'llgivc a premium of$l 50 'lud secoiid prize factory made j-^Jlbs. tijis being accidentaly tiie prize liot, those inter- F take notice. Jj-icaliiowerover pain that Hagyard's i'^sse-sts, outrivals the mp.rvels 't'mts. It acts in a natural manner 'maammiui()n cures Khenmatism, I"iiess, bore Throat, aud painful [^•Ptolemy, of 12th con, Hol- r"'!*. bus brought in a fine ^m from Hamilton. The ^tnved oil Tuesday evening's s and others in want of fall "goods should hot .faU'to ;-^' Trimble's, he iM^.the 'P^are Wdng for, andi^ ^ill suit you. ' "^gest and best selected stcck f'^ods, mantle cloths, ulstering Shawls to bo seen in Matk- '^J- R. Trimble's. ^--Mr.Wm. Shepherdson of ^MexibitthisfaU at ihe ^1 fairs two large load, of /«Utswool, Leicester and jfj^owns, all of which he '°rsale. ' ., »pi( !Hr, ^^ONOLD. music teacha, '«asajit call onTaeaday last. '018 village with the yiew Classes for the comm« JiH • tie is an expert m ^wto Veil as viohn and 1»mb We hope oar pieofd* :^0Wld a liberal pattW- ;ow^teaching la^. was org^UW: »hieh improve, teaching Another lot of that famous 50c. Tea or 10 lbs. for $4, at E. J. Sproule's, Flesherton. Ford's new procesa grist mill is giving splendid satisfactiun and drj^wing customers 15 and 20 miles Large lot of men's and boys Hats and Caps at less than half price ai E. J. Sproule's, Flesherton. tl E. TaoiBLE has a choice lot of fresh Teas very cheap, by the chest, or in 5 or 10 lbs. lots. Destroy the worms or they may destroy the children. Use Freeman's Worm Pow- ders, they expel all kinds of worms, E. J. Sproule's new stock of, fall and winter goods ia now complete and selling like hot cakes. Cattle Fair, â€" Markdale cattle fiiir has continued to enlarge until it is now considered in the district. A number of gt)od buyers will be pre- sent ut the next fair, Saturday Oct, 4th. V The electric lamp is far ahead .of all other lamps or even gasoline, E. J. Sproule, agent for Flesherton. A good Investment. â€" The Standard a year for $1. J^ew sabscriuers now will get three mouths free. You can- not invest a dollar that will bring you a more satisfactory j eturn try it. For sideboards, dressing cases, bed- steads, lounges and cradles, go to Grant Co., Markdale. We were shown a piece of oak graining in the hall of •the Ee\ere HouHe last Tuesday, done by E. 0. Whitby, which is very artistically executed. Friend Whitby is fast gaining a reputation as a painter. Splendid heavy "factory cottons at E. J. Sproule's, Flesherton, only 5 cents per yd. and all other goods accordingly. Mr. E. McGirr and Mr. David Madill of. Osprey, ofifered special prizes for colts from their respective horses, to be awarded at the Osprey fall show, bat a mistake was made in the prize list in which they were both omited. E. J. Spboule, Flesherton, wants one thousand pairs heavy large home made Socks and Mitts to fill a north west order, for which he will pay the higiiest market price. The post oflfice authorities have received instructions from the Depart- ment not to take small coins having holes punched in them or defaced in anyway. Try the great Importing House of W. J. MoFarland's for Silks.Velvets, Mantles, DaKSd Goods, Flannels and Blankets. Call at tbis ofce and get sataplo copy of the Toronto Weekly Nm». We will give it together with the Stan- dard to the end of 1885 for $1.50. We are pleased to see the smilmj? .^^MxnakYfxtmlL Aiweau had w-, Wlfipine^ any axAiiDg«. ' Of. eonae we46 not i?nimble, there "weltt^ane of WMapflrs."-; --.ifr-:. â- ^^ CFowdsof biiyersibt Btefaat^son's liew stor^ Flesherton ftiid t^at 'he; is nuking .p^esiinterestijDCc. Thestpck corhpares favorabir with any citv Btp}» and m^ces wiH he fonnd eqnaUV low.. -ly- â-  ,-f =-J \^-. â- -â- ' There lere^meniliants not- 5 ^iles from Markdale who are coiitihually advertidng no shoddy ur auction goods kept» As a general rule those are the ones who deal in that class of goods. But J: R, Trimble keftps first-plass goods at prices fur below, shoddy or auction goods. The Weekly Globe.â€" We are now prepared to take subscriptions for the Weekly Qlohe for balance of this year and all of 1885 for fl. The cash must accompany the order. Hand them in to this ofiioe at once and g^et three months free. We are pleased to learn that Miss Brown is recoyenng fiom her late searious illness. She wab removed to her home in Woodstock on Tuesday. Stood the journey well and is stUl improving. The Misses Jennie and Millie Lyons and Mary E. Benson left Markdale last week for Tara where tbey vrill carry on a Millinery and dressmaking business. Their practical and bubineas capabilities can scaicely fail to ensure their success. ' Markdale forever, the Queen of the West, In commerce and trade she excells. Her goods are the neatest, the cheapest and best, And handsomely diessed are her belles: For MoFarland's store is a first-class place For leaders in fashion and fame His DryGoods are noted for beauty and grace And deservedly great is his name. See HEBE. â€" If yotr have lost any cattle, sheep or other stock, or if any such have strayed into your premises, advertise them at onca 4n tlie Stan- dard. This paper circulates largely through Artemesia, Glenelg, Holland, Euphrasia and Osprey townships. If you' should be so unfnrtimate as to Bum Scald or Wound yourself in any iRay the proper thing to keep clean and deal it is McGregor Parke's Gar|toUc Cerate. Insist on having, and be sure you get, McGregor Parke's CarboUc Cerate. Price 25 cents. Hill Bro's. has the genuine. i. J. 2 Balance of '84 freb.-^=â€" We will send the Standard to new subscribers from the 1st October to the end of 1885 for $1, to any address, or we vnll put in the Toronto Weekly Newit with the Standard for the same period for $1.50 Now is the time to .secure cheap reading matter. Send in the dimes with your name and address at once to this office. A BIG discount off the balanse of wheel rigs at Shanahan's Carriage Works; we have not many left and are bound to clear them all out to make room f'^r our winter work which is now in the way. Call at once and get a bargain iu a waggon, carriage or buggy, all guaranteed lor four years. We have received a copy of Proton Agricultural Society's prize list for 1884.' The prizes ofifered are more numerous and larger than the average township list Tlie Hat is got out iu pamphlet form, aud reflects great credit on the Herald office, wbere it was priaied. as it is indeed a neat '5f.' Of, 'itv. 5 â-  V ,-t.J X'i'a-i ciirw it^i mi i':sra-.:.i it gattyesC hm- »itt.« j. i^t sjf hiâ- ^if'^} â- â- â€¢e*iflii â-  fli'O I i;- !J?"-q ' -sail take place 0ailcieT .3 ».*!' .is Under the. superviisiph of tlie peoples' popular MiUiuer, Miss M. ciMiB^ Miss Campbell has been in the marlcet, selecting and purchasing Goods for the past month. She has secured one. of the BEST SELECTED STOCKS -Ever brought into- FINEST AND For Variety and Style it cannot be Surpassed] It consists of the latest novelties in ** HATS. BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, ' And all kinds of TRIMMINGS. Also Mantles and Mantle Trimmings. We call special attention to our opening days. Gome oneâ€"Come all you will lo delig-litecl Hill Bros. N. B â€" All other lines are now complete. Pitrlirl ^Uvtvtf^ MARKDALE. ' Fall Wheat... 80-68 to»70 00 Spring Wheat 70 to 72 0 Barley 48 to 60 Peas 55 to 00 Oat 25 to 00 Butter 17 to 00 £ggs«^ â-  15 to 00 Apples 30 to -So Potatoes 30 to 00 Hay 7 00 to 00 Pork ..7 00 to 7 SO FJom' 4 25 to 4 50 Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, wetlity live cents. BIRTHS. Brown â€" In New Westminster, B. C. on the 9th Sept., the wife of Mr, J. L. Browne, artist, uf a sou. BUCKLBN'S ARKICA SALVE. The best Salve in the Worid forcat8,bruises sores, nlcertf, salt rhentb, fever Bo(relb, tetter, job.;.The Society had one thousand t^^^^J ^^J^^'^^t and genial ce of Miss Boomer, Mc v.rf ,.-J*T.-! her old qa»rter* One car load stores jost artived which will he sold at the lowes^ prices, an iiispectiop, invited Bro's. Ma»koftl«!jnf,fc;/4-;. The Seciretaty xf South Grey cultural Sbci% w^ abeept ^w*^?*^' a complimentary to the ^^^ ^8teuÂ¥ he held in DuAam on ^he 80th Sept.. andlst October, also for copies of ^toqW^ â- ;;.:.,, ..â- â- -â- â€¢' copies published tbis yeair. Go TO J, R. Trimble's foe Ready- made Clothing fwd ordered SuitSj ^ats, G^ps,' Boots and Shoes, the largest stock to select from in the County no ahoddff, but thousands c^ dollars worth «f noods purchased at the auction trad9 sales at from 8(y to* 50 per cent "less ..thiui paercbauts claimiii^ to be direct Importers cau hay them for, aud don't -yon forget it. Come and see for yourself before pnrchasing a ddUar*d %jtirth ,-j.4jd8ewherft. in i^A.-j-t vSi;?. Markdale 'iE\i^EiiTLBY/--^r esteem- ^d tljwusman, Air. vy. A. 3 J^! own,, is I no;ir ttboot iiielve munihs imng^ badness iu our mids\ and bas durii^ tfaa^ period gained t^e;iKmfiu(9iV5«|i ' the public geueisiif*yVile'ia8 handled « Ifigh g**d«r^6t gnnlfei mal!e 66 mis-teprfeseiitatipns (u Kystem vve^y rare in ffchc, je«ellj!y hutane^) :;thjS2iB0y: /iidi^eatrng^a^ooatoeucechi his itasumidn^' ikAf i£gj inlt tiihte t(xr 'ij^ yezy malBc^lhr en^cd h^^ at^m "' iy fSi€, MiMwritow beMBiid«iM« Lmtiint WMteknuOm'm^ivt^. «• wmvhmS^ ' war* ,v».* u» uifh wi no pay required. It. is giiaraot(^ed tb^dre ii:fect satisfaction^ «r money refunded. ;ce 25 cents per .bo^. F» 'Sale by A. Turner Co. ., • .. ' !l 1. NOTIGK ' TO ALL TO WAOMiT W/OT dj^ciM AChattle Mortgage,' made by Joseph Hewitt and Joseph. Payne of th.) town- ship of Glenelg, in the Couqty ol 0rciy, in favor of Alexander McPhee, of the same place, dated 22nd March. A.D. 4884^ on certain stock and ebattlei» nentuined ji^ said mortgage, and fur which the Mortgagers r^- 1 euycu no value. The: pubiie are bweby t, eautiopcid aminst porehMUig said mortgage u ub valTUkuaa beoi rfceiMFt^ fox.|h« miu9. 30BweaMSwsd's,x â- -:â-  c'-- MSBiBR EATNBi ,u EOBT. ASKIN. Has opened oiit a First-Clasg., UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT,. An^ therefore has supphed a want long felt, COFFINS, ' ' CASKET'S, • SHHGUDS, andaU Fil]imL FURNISHHiaS supplied en the shoctes notice. -A. SialeiKlid He£Li:«se tuir hiiia,9.t moderate x;tte^. -*M kinds cf- FRAIHINri Done ou skprt notii(»a^ .^' r i i*3 m:aI{k0al1£ i6i.i*5l i •UB I^I^OH the presuaeBtiC lohp JKt^ii^.' X ' Lot1^.n.8. 1l»^a^l|i^fir^^^ J^.dliMui of yesaii ' " ' juS^t in l£%t euT^ *r m-GMf. ll* ' 4a« wsrem givuig iiSrh|ttdtliiti6b^H6r' WB 2. Cqo.*8, HbUaod. UW tctft*, OQ t^i: urn. 1«^r««J«^ .n«.««.««-^ ^tvSkrS.! "^^ IjjS.J IGBS imitBOST' so •" IftYlfflS-, ,,Y In othing 1»fe good «»oefa osed'aBd^t ' be^l^ in^hi^ics: .pij[\pi^^l " :)t' " of ' :BquU» fli^ Swgdei 1 Heavy^. and, Liifht mtn^s'iilWsl'Qti 1*1^3^7 l»r8t TiwokaiFa^*, Biaphefis, IfkfhesL '^l" tdi«ays in stoct^ )I3 m^M^s 4*' ۥ t^. !. t I "-*#*â- -* n â- 1 1 4 i •f ii ' 'M

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