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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Sep 1884, p. 5

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 ^fr^jBfiffF;^^ iU NMARGI HAVE THE I â-  â-  » ., f and V cheapeI ilMENTOF KEE WILL SLL ' n the ToTOB oiises. a.t t: iNGIJSH-MADl \E SUl is no Shoddy,) FROM. §4 1 "6 "8 y should loolj at the arc] 1 everything iTTOM PRIf!! l\l'SoMsl VEN SOU) tcter â- \ WALlMAMy -^ -O^-^ i 'i(j ss^^n U WATCHES:^r?S ....^ "" Asas ~VO-|I »k'ii^*ia^ihitM^UML,.^.,ttk. ' pGE STOCK OF ^CtOfOKj^' Quadri'-ph Plated iVare; 'â-  \ln2zanis Morris andrBdss \Sbccks, good VioHn Strings^ Canfid and accurate repair- ,y personally attended to and \klly warranted. " •â-  \Mare.Oeal}ng. Fair Prices. W. A. BROW t ^0 a Mend.- if .sg^^^lf 1^ MARKOALE. Local and Other Item, 'i]Ticf:ri /.' ?/ifse columns intended to benejit I iM inu'n"""' o;- Sucietij will be charged ten j;;;;,' a '"c '"' "" fi"'^^ iJuertlon and five «;-•« riuii each suhiequent insertion. i* the hftlwicei pf the yec to any ^««eBprfree)f postage for S^ cents. did preparation keeps;: JOie bead: Irce 4rew dandruff makes 'the, heir soft and glossy. Sold hy Smith tlMrt»rber ,. Th» Shelhiirne jfrotiJrew 16 ';be enlarged this week, tlHs: paper haa been- materially improved drinng; tlie, year, and^is how al^otit to take an im-- portant '^rwarcTmaij^/' !^^^:^g ' The Wke^t (jLqik.-^We are' noW prepared to take subacripj^oBB for thfe Weekly Globsfor bwlahjce^f thia year and all of 1885 for'^H -Th«i cash must acconapany^ the "orde;;. Sand them in to this office at once and, get three monthe free. .. j?Jj If you should be so unforttmateas tpiSurn Scald or Wound yourself in any ^ray the proper thing to keep 'clean and lieal it' is f McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. " Insifet on having, knd be sure you get. McGregffr Parke's Carbolic Ceratier. Price 25 " Hill' Bro's. has the genuine. J. iSr j; TSiej t^ Ttiaa60^ iapiaej. ft* ' lui}; "Mi httere«tiiig«tK|ri^tEiicfivt jsndiag tiiiittcx. 'it slSm'dB^ttwitttfH^d^aS a ^naga?ine fpij,-;^S^eif.*? -M J^*ii^^ Buseoll Pa]^hj%Cq»^^n,1|a3s. and; is now; ^n|iidiBre^.|nut c^, 'allj dsOtgex. Xhe ballet stiit 4remftms v^ heffacMf, batcsosefiTno ibsbDvenienciB; lit paiil. â-  •Slje'^tii^nded ishuTGh la«t Sunday an^ wili'piQj:jj^)l|r f qqi^tipBtipp her place in sdieoL^i â-  ;vj**7'svf.i .-^t AjQCi^NT.rT^JUast Friday 3J^r,,4igaaic Plewes^tlUl-wfi^t Keceiv^d a trak from a Btick.of Bcantliop while Working dn E^*e' new mill, the'.istick smicSi him .accross the), eye|i,' ab^d " it waa thought iie was fatally we«ind%i bat we are glad to state he is last recover- ing. .. â- ' •â-  â- â- â- â-  â- " â- â€¢' me i"tif v»e?, tiif* te «,i,r hmm\i iwiam)] 1 .^iarg^otzyaaAft 5« icj â- â€¢n.m ,is r (^'^fdeir.;^t.^ii^. tip |lje l Caff8^.^Q,C|^Kj^(^^0W..,w|[th. U( 18.: J3U jjtite. ^^ tsjcm,' T,^lia^ tha â- a- cents. 2 IS mannfacturing assortment oi tirniti OOL SEATS andl SKS, etc., of tnej ipproved pattern, i ichool Trustees and I comfort and comW ,n assortment of ilwavs on hand, vrorth P. 0. ANDBEW Md West of Top Ifioad, Glendgr â- with horns I Ison tdving sato»1 liitably rewarded. Irshall B^ Markdalel the country can. b ALL PARI ^HERE ORDEf So!iooB Boofes â€" And Stationary sltlic .Mtiural Hall. A. Tui-uer Co. (iLENELfr Council meets on fcl.e 29th sttbeto^vu hall. Ojj' StHtfs at the Medical Hall, A Tjnier Co. A MAN who smokes is said to be third class male (mail) matter. Natioiiiil Pills the favorite piirgative and I Mti-bilii'us medicine, they- are mild and I iiiorougli. Holland Council will meet at I William .-ford ou Mouda;/ tbe 22nd. H.UIILTON the Markdale pbotograp- I lier is taming out magnificent pic- tures. Why is maple molasses like flies kause they work best in hot weather. â- \Vliiit. makes me laugh when others sigh It iri because I always buy Mcl"iui:tinl's Tea. The last Markdale cattle fair was iairly atteiiufcd and prices somewhat improved. iloiTo. rHOTO, and picture frames selirng out it a great discount for, one month at the photo gallery, Markdale. The Yv'oekly Mvil to the end of 1885 for §1 subscrintion t»ken at tbe StiSDAiiD onice. • What is it mfkes me hale and stout And all luy friends can't make it out Mci-'arlaiid's Tea. The Weekly Globe for $1, to the iid of 188a leave your name and subscription at this office. Why buy shody boots when you cw get genuine leather ones at Mc- Farlaud's. Me. Alfx. Webstee, formerly of Pticeville has opened a general store mCookstov/n. Single copies of the Stan- dard Mvc cents each. Mr. 1\ MacTiae has leased an office iiDimlop's building two doors South «f the City Hotel, where he will attend toco-ayeynucing c. ' Why buy old trashy auction goods It cures .greasf^ Pimplea.-plMkH«a^VCD:oy^8^|si^^ot^e8, Chftpjpoa J^anos, Sore. Qjr,-ChaBS Mp8. 'Barper's.I^|i, Tetter, etc^ ;jVfre«a^|h«;po»« '^-^*-^' -S'-ni 'es, on glajud^, tnd^tu^s ffom tUa.oniiiifidWf"^* i3»d,'.l "'effects of powdera in! cpsmeticwaisJieSv ^y -f'd? its use all ledne^" apd T^o^huess, are pre-"' 'iC'J 'y ..vente^;;!*!, ooautifiee the skin, and Wl roak(B(^i"3* "' "'i^ .^i'dh'.^sipgptii and Trhite; unpaiinag a de^ I«;*-:^â- tOT^ lieJiptlB jBOlknes^s.j iippartinga., perfectly heiij^|iiy liainiral.^p^^^ ;#iWfei#' ^ea A CHANGE has been made in the railway time table, trains now run about on the old time. We cannot say how long this arrangement may last, as changes come often and suddeia lately. A number from Euphrasia on their way to the Industerial Exhibition last week gotlelt owing to the unexpected change. Foil Salb. â€" Fire Insurance agency in Uhe village of Markdale. Apply to W. L. Toung. A CA.TTLB yard has been provided by the Railway Company at Berkely .station, which is a great convenience to tbe farming community. Mb. j. E. Trimble of this village has four horses at the Toronto exhibition this week. Mn. M. L. Haween of the 11th line Euf hrasia, had a cow which got her leg broken by getting fast between two roots of a tree recently. The highest price paid for skins at Walker Bro's. store and tin depot, Markdale. Plewfs' new inill is up and bsing pushed t irward with all possible speed, Mr. Plewes, the mili-wrigbt is deter- mined to make a model roller mill of it. Light. â€" The greatest invention of the age is the electric lamp. It will produce as much light as six ordinary lamps. See it buy it. John Bichards agent for Markdale. MAKSETB.-^iWeiy farmer is- iio\i^ anxioaij. toi know the state of the marketi and itbe prospects ft x pnice!, of farm produce, lii veiy- thing' at present indicates tew. prices, wht^t especially is very dieap and likely to rule' iiow^»^Following: are Markdaleoiarketsjas we go to press. Fall \Â¥heat nee bnshel 65 to 70: Spring 60 to 70 Oats 25 Barley 45 to 5-5: Grass Seed 1.50 toi.75 Potatoes SO.iRutter 17. Eggs 13. • ' Did'nt cohs. â€" C. P. Sherman's New York Comedy advertised for an exhibiti«.li in Markdale last week but failed to put in an appearance. Their advance agent left -several small uppaid bills here as also in other places in the district where his show was announced to take pl^e. Tea MEETING.^ A tea meeting will be held in Hannah' Scbool'House, 10th Ure Holland on Friday the 26th ihst., tbe entertainment to consist of addresses by several reverend gentlemen and readin 'S, recitations, songs, and music c., by well known amateurs. Tbe Markdale M. church are choir also announced to be present. Admission 25 cents, tea served at 6..S0 p. m. See posters for full particulars. The Dundalk Herald has entered on lid fourth year and the proprietor, Mr. T. Hall, is sparing no pains to make it a success, the people of Dnndalk should give it a Uberal sup- port which it richly deseiyes. The tieiald is tbe best paper for its size in the county, and it is large enough for any country paper. Pick Pockets. â€" On Monday evening last Mr. Wm. McNally, a neighboring faimer, got "fuU" while in. this village, and in his anxiety to let his associates know he was not •'strapped" exhibited a number of bills later in the evening he was relieved of his wealth by some unknown person or persous. The next morning however he fonnd his poCket- book nxinns some $22. Strong suspicion rests on two youths of the town who left for the exhibition by first train. =, A BASE-BALL matuh was played on Tuesday between Dundalk and Elesherton, club's resulting in a victory for the former bj five runs, the score, standing thus, Dundalk 25, Flesherton 18. Tbe "Pastunes ;. of Dundalk, have come out victorious in every match thoy have ptyed this year. ' Success to the Professionals.. Balance op '84 fbee. â€" We will send the Standabd to new^subscribers from the 1st October to tbe end of 1835 for $1, td any address, or we will put in the Toronto Weekly News with the SrANDiBD for the same period for $1.50 Now is the time tn secure cheap outmni appei The^'CQlotiQzj^^tbat-tnewp^ld a^er.jiron.; .le^B^^b du?ed. .iW'eiwill sencl ,;'a iabjbb bp^cle" to dO »•! ,£ » -^ i. i^hy addri^S3"piireqelp.i;Q,t price, .SL'^Wben- ,iiii -^n^ ttifirii^ ordering 'nrentioh this,papei; ..." imi ji j Addwsa.all letters to th!?" IkJAY. DEW â-  -AQElfCY,i67 Church 9trei,T6r6nto.On|,i ^^.. ^._-. ,. _,_ _^ ' Parloir and He^ejptiojd; ^ppgi f 05 jLadiesi^ ,.' ;, .^ ^rij^ct e M SLV^ â- â- â- a i'j ^pjTxriCrjE B. x^.^2sriz;..^2sr'r. All kinds of I ttrll6 and IVf ontimeiital "Worlcs. such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones, Counter and Table Tops, â€" in American and Italian Marble, and made on short notice. Also Mantles, in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, e., c. --^-â€" SSatis taction Oiaarairteed. in Evei^y liespect Sheep. â€" Mr. Wm. Shepberdson of Euphrasia will exibit this fall at the various local fairs two large load of sheep, in (]otswool, Leicester and Shropshire Downs, all of which he will offer for sale. One car load stoves just arrived which will be sold at the lowest living prices, an inspection invited. Walker Bro's. Markdale. Omitted.â€" The Glenelg Agricultural Society will give a premium of$l 50 for first and second prize factory made cheese, 40 Ib^. tbis being accidentaly omited in the prize libt, those inter- ested will take notice. ,. ^. j u j readmg matter, send m the dimes A labge assortment of tinware, granite v?ith vour name and address at once ROBT.S.RAE, S TAILOR, ^lien ilcFarland iresii gooas. sells nice, clean. lie indin McNea's IE ;ENiA indLatlil Busive iroP^f 11 confideat 1 K^J Imported direct. The Eoyal Templars in this village M an fidditiou of eight members at 'Jieir last regular meeting. Pais ixom indigestion or sick head ache is ii)stautly reUeved by one dose " ^^fjuyiiuitor Bitters, made from f «ts and herbs. Sold by Smith, the «arber. ^^E- D. S. Monroe, *now teaching I f- Dunganuon has been enga.ged as "fW teacher in Flesherton School. m ^^'^^^^ power over pain that Hag^rd's mow Oil ]iosesses, outriyals the marvels '"'cient tiiue.s. It acts in a natural manner ine inflammation cures Hheumatism, .â„¢P Deafness, Sore Throat, an«J, painful ware, lamps, brushes, brackets c., at bottom prices at Walker Bro's Markdale, to this office. The Maikdale Standard is years old. nine Under four years of Mr. The Montreal Star will be sent to iJutledge's care the Standard, has been •^juries, Jf^Gz Stock of Eejnvinator Bitter= f ^fflltb the hnvHor'u fViia WfiPb. Th« «esti ro the barber's this week. The ' preventative from Cholera. Another lot of that famous japan %th 1% tea, 50 cents per lb.,' 0, at R. J. SprouieW, rton. ». ' â- ' t], .,. T • njt!i.. .^^ Scott Act will be voftted W'M Pleshe ^^Bited counties of stormoB*, DnJtt' new subscribers from the 1st October 84 to the 1st January 1886 for $1, Now is your time to secure the best family paper published 15 months for $1. Subscribe at this office, Oh Maby.â€" Call and get me a Spool of Cotton from the "Bon Marche," Owen Sound. It is only 8 cents. They keep all makes. The cheapest store in town. Needles 2 cents a packet. Geo. Grant Co., are doing a good seasons business in the plaining factory line, having turned out a greatamouat of dressed lumber, sash, dodrs, p., c.,and have giveh general ijatiw (ion They also keep a good ptoek of thruughotit the^di8trict.i'if'-3^; furniture. A BIO aisobtnit' off the balanos of wh^ riES at Shanahan's Caafriage Worts; we haw not ifiaa* left and are boand to clear them, â- 111 Lint trr"^^'»"«»Q'"-^"r o»" ^^^' '^°' '^isnow .i» *S.way. Call at onoe S^ti bargain to a «a^cm,^^rr»ge or «} greatly improved, and ^e circulation nas largely increased. We hope the sun of proBperity will never cease to shine on friend Btrtledg • He pro- poses shortly to jiut'Chase a power press on accounf ol his increasing circulation.-^Dundalk Herald. It is costomary for country papers to suspend pnbliCdtion op.e week in the year. We did so- last week it was however the first week in which the ScEAMDAB was uot pcU^isbed fot two years.' .â- ,,.-.:':â- â- ; â- .._•" -i •â-  ' We trust "onr correspo.-idehts will now caqse the iohiio|ia o? SiA-vDAan to sparkle with iutercHptJug iWma froja SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE OI3 TO ZJIETT ' In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles ftom Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway, The mill is situated at Little Fails, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other limiber land surrounding. The building is substantially built oa stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel„ under 36 ft head of water. There arc i)ne large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The .water power is excellent, the stream being very regulai. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty The land, in the valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is talcen off. ., This offers good opportunity fot? a pra-ctical, energetic man to go into this kind of business as the plaqe will, be sold or let on liberal terms.; 'J; ::^ ^s*" â- "'!: /...;' ""^T-V *^-'fi^'" iHe bush is so convenient to. the niift logs can lDet3CUst^ed in su^1m*er;time^immedi'^te possession given' a; ^.y to tiie pfbjVrietor, ' WMk WOGOv .»:â- â€¢ lj' ' â- *• v.-cji"-;. -.â- â-  -â- *•â- ;,* JftS* (- FLESHEETON STATIOIT P; O-., (iNT. a*' _^____^_ ouftld; 0*- Hanlv's bam and out bmldiugs Bbh con.' "Glenfete vifm ^.^i^^X-hy fire td|;etlM?r trit^jfe'S retttxire^ clrup Theb/^y last. TLie'i^©.9jigitf^itcii .oia ba^b fires which are raging iu that vusibity. Mr. 0'3anly*8 l038^ will be keenly %lt *J iiiVSA »a^ In«ti^kiic«;- He ' hode^jfp^^pi^is ip aitd'eaiuio^ «,a«haee8 wowid np- hg wmsL vm Seife^or tweB*y4l«Lf«*^ m {i#doned rioe, bM MUi»'4!H^ 4^096 ^!iar-.;idiiiiaais1iaab«« .^m«3 •••?,-i iM^r :;if'-^ " "' ' â- â€¢' -.. •0- Good V^rfit Cuaranteed- yc lij. '5'T' ji Mi l 1 1 fj ttt " ,«5'.*a.,»'«lii..i :.8W tE4/iT Jfts tti .in' 'if*t-ch ^^i^^Li^titiii^saMuiim .?ii»J Aid â-  â-  â-  "mt .i. Hrf i 5! JilMOS^sWi 5} 19?-ii*:"i*l6i»»»?. ti •i •i ' ill r .|i^ !i 4 â- A • t\ f'-,'

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