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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Sep 1884, p. 3

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 ifs' if*** ^th a Crocodile. ' â-  '«ijij-na' *i$%* the ?od»^^-.. V think B.; crafti I'm gUd I luMrent V i««rded, brown-faoed Engliah »*^/J^«pon the bank of the Uner k'*f-«Mi Berbor and Khartoum. W^jrJLsa "'queer oraft." and h« t*7i!Iffladtha*hehad not go« to j«|"f foysge in it. It was • Ug, •• "^bSmed bar«, almoatM IicomI .^â- tirSdBteereaby.gann^ ^^ n^S something that locked Tory "*i.»n overgrown wooden ahovoL •tffftoJtw""""® canons atiU. A "^e standing bolt upright upon I^Zi a. a maet. whUe the jfiaee '«uiv»s which he held np at full 'h« outstretched banda did duty J" This Uving mast waa kept in ito •» wt«o other men, one of whom dan- '^ndthe waist, whUe the other h«{d "biees with all hia might and main. liliviDg "gff?8 » not alwaya • safe â- at and in thia case it proved very "° tod. A sudden gust of wind took r'".wk and the Arab who waa aerv- "iiKr It, and who had planted bis " „ the two lower oornert of the oan- °W to J^eep it Btretched to ita foil " fonnd himself entantjled in it almoat he knew wha*; had hapj^ed. Losing " he fell backwajfl, and rolled 'om the heit^JMTSge of the boat into the water, as oni. »- â€" "^^ -og aloDj; with him one of the two men fid been holding him up. reotherman scrambled back mto the i'jlinost as quickly as he had tumbled L fit- but thb mast-man was not so It tock him t« o ot three seoonds to fi'idofthe canvas that was hampering Laid those two or three seconds made Ldiffsrence. By the time he had got t the ferry boat had drifted a good way • the stream, the steeroman having left jojt and run forward when he saw hia Ses fall overboard. L of itself would have mattered little, Lrery Arab in the Nile valley can swim l|dsck. But while the struggling roan tnrimming with all his migbt toward {boat, and the steersman was working lloat's head round to meet him, a new gnddenly appeared on the ecene, whose I made the affair look muoh more seri- nght. praiw, â- ngry in „__, "triviiigltt onrselveiir '^ty, mart itre our heart «aear. « our very ^^ Pva theaZ ' " w "mTJ rich it mayb. J itoulturcaothTi. u never â„¢ach a work ?gestion of wbj « prophecies of] thinss 80 opB_ d, so unlike ttdl mguiahed from, pride? Je pleasant will •nt affaotatioo i ttsd withoat( ' ilsehood. doing what ng what di ng as to make *er for liyiag hout envy until bowed on the m no admizi ity the dead; kud vinegar, ies and p I all, see that vheel of the lerfect accwd I truth aud a1 it must heath) jateat dupes he lan any othan, what is still abmit to e sincerest y what we ink we do; arch of yonr ey will come hi who buys whtt rant what she sonfess yonr i| on earth is luch that ifhat 1 comparison Ihere caimot Xh* i««li i4 tana mnmai to • "^^^ B^ *toM« OB nam tita vnaSmw h n^mm nifi.. 2»S»8: *• «Wok«. aw^bwS SStK O0BMoat,aiultlMMMind0ff90d 1)6107011 fit, ho aaya, for hmnaa banea to be b«y. Awiriwm FaUfls. An Ox which had for tome time had his eye on the Rioh Paatan of a eertun PMiar but who fearad Bendta in ease of Tnma^ finally went to the owner and aaid- " "My Dear Friend, I have Seaaona to be- beve «t tte Goata and the Sheep Cantwn- plate a raid on your Meadow, f um very Tender on tiie matter ol Tretmas. Stealing Embesdement. eto.. and wiU V^nateer aw oervKsee to act as a Sentinel for yon." The Peasant Aooepted the oflfer with manv Expreadona of Gratitude, and for the first time in many Weeks went to bed wit a Peel- ineofSeonn^. Next morning. However, as he walked oat to view his Meadow, he found the Ox just Snmking away, after Having fiUed his Hide to Bursting with the jaoiest Grass. ••Ah I is this the way you Onard my Pro- perty 1" exclaimed the Peasant, "Wall, you see,' replied the Ox as he Con- tinned moving away, "on Second Consider- ation I Decided it would be less trouble to eat your Grass than to Guard it from Others." H OBAL is generally the biggest one had taken any particular notice jDg black log whicb was lying on the of a sand-back a little way out in the But at the splash made by the two II u they plunged overboard, the seem- Mjiraiea tuAden movement, display- as it did ao the vast, scaly bulk, grin- ;h, and small, cunning, crael eye of ous crocodile I loThideous creature waddled c'own into nrer eg clumsily that any one who had rtching it would have been startled leanotr-like swiftness of its course the moment it touched the water. The poor knew only too well what was in store Mil), and made frantic efforts to rf ach boat, which was now close at hand. Uie monster was too quick for him. ig iu between h'm and the approaoh- btrge, it spun around suddenly ani dart- liljht at him, openiiis; its terrible j iws enoagti tishow two ranges of spiky that might have crusued a buffalo. jast ai all seemed over, one of the en tuck a flying leap from the side of boat and csiue plump on to the croco- I'iback. There he stuck like a limpet, lethe long, sbatp jambeyah (dagger) in light huid dealt 8t»b aftsr stab into the iter's undefended side, jast behind the shoaldfr. Could the crocodile have spoken, he would kbly have cried out: "Fool playl two I'lut onel" As it was he showed his dis- itplunly enough by his savage snortings Bdtlie furious lashings of his ponderous ditham to npp ^^' ^^^"^fi **»»* »ta enemy was not to ^ihakenoff, he plunged suddenly imder water. Man and beast went down in a eddy, the ripples of which were ikwilbblcod. ic^of dismay burst from the orowd u had gathered upon the bank, as they the brave Arab disappear. But all at nthewater began to neave and bubble if Bcma fierce struggle were going on in â- e depths below, and then the Mnasnl- out like a lu u'aleui, dark face rose again to the sur- forget ooiiH te,apoQ which, a moment later, theorooo* onaofthedti It's mighty bulk floated limp and dead, fleeting drt^ui by a mortol stab in the throat. "Aferin, ja habioil" (Well dona, my TiM wUdnninutba ordynaouto Iuml JartadnoMdbjPtaidii BMlhMd^liiiM Hun it a town la ArknMhwUeh â-  itnut- Well The Reformer Bobber. THB CLAM AND THE liOBSTES. A Clam and a Lobster fell out one day as to Whether the Fisherman had a Legal Bight to cateh their prey by appealing to their Hunger. From words they came to blows, and the Lobster had one eye blacked and two ribs broken, and the Clam had his jaw broken and hia chin knocked ofiE^ They were Bepuring Damages for a fight to the finish when both were suddenly scooped out of the 'Vater by the Fisherman, who quietly Observed "Had they not been so Intent on Destroy- ing each other I should have got neitber." UOBAL The fisherman still fishes in the same old way, THE OWL AND THE HAWK. An wl and a Hawk who Dwelt Together on a Certain Island got by the ears as to which had the best Bight to be called the Qoeen of Song, (Tickets $5, and standing room only.) It was aapreed to leave the caw to a Fox who dwelt on the Mainlaid, and after Hearing all the Particulars, Beynaad re- plied '•Gentlemen, my Decision is that the titlj Belongs to the one who can sing the Loudest. Come and see me this day week.' Toe Disputants Betumed home and Tan- ed up. As the Hawk sang all day, and the rl all night, Neither could sleep, and Be- fore the week was up both DropjMd the Dis- puted point m Disgust. hobal: Quarrels Between Neighbors cannot last Unless fed by the gossip of Tile-bearers. •keaaaaaef I^hoigtr. thaittfaalita PojjTio thaortsr of 'sr* Aadra. ^ahad awideotly bean having a aanrov eae^a from a aewqaparidloo. Fint Speoalatar.â€" Fak n Torapftca Moond mor^taflo boadal Whatt did you clear by tbemT Seooad^ ditto.â€" "My poekatsl^ U Haotodd thaltha boot bheka earn oonunaad fiva oei^ for a ahiaa wImh the advertisementa aay that 'Tlie New York AmahineaforaUfiMrtwooMitaf' Competi- tion is the aool (rf trade. A Michigan joatioa of tiie peace advar- tiaea: "Marriage oeremon'ea performed at all hoars of the day or ught. Kaota tied after midnight fifty per oent. extra." West- em enterprise is something aatooisliing. A news item says that the inventor cf a device for fastening a necktie sold the pv tent for 91.000,000, and received as much more in royalties. His good fortnne is easUy explained. The news item lies, A lady in Fonda. N. Y., who is ninety- two years old, is iust leairning to play the piano. She lays tb at a woman who can't play some sort of an instmment nowadays stands a pret'y prar chance of getting mar- ried. "Why," he pleaded, our very circumstan- ces bind ns together; our similar tastes, oar friendship, loug acquaintance â€" :-" "Yes," she replied, "even age could bind us to- • getber." "What age, dearest?" he asked. 'MaoiIage," answered she, gluemily. A minute iater, as he paste up and down the room alone, he realized that his hilure waa gumplete. "How osn you account for those fine stalks of com coming up in the fence cor- ners? "asked a moa of a farmer! "That's not com," the farmer replied. "Only weeds." "Ah, how singularl" "D n't know much about farmin' I reokin'f" "Very little. 1 am the editor ot an agricul- tural paper." 160 Days Without Food. Probably the most extraordinary case on record of a person living m a consoioos state without eating is that of Miss Kate Smusley of Fort Plain, who is at the point of death because of self -starvation. She is at her father's residence, and it is asserted with a poeitiveneas undisputed by those who attend her that not a particle of food has passed her lips for now over 160 days. She taker a little water in her mouth occasion- ally, bat does not swallow it, as, when swal- lowed, it at once throws her into convul- sions which seem to wrench her stomach most terribly. She is emaciated to a skele- ton. She is conscious, recognizes her friends and is able to converse with them. •Till iVNnKfnaai. tfa is that it JaMvwfailiBc anuilftfu». Naanl^ nia in ataaaA, Md wa baMal m if by to toksk HarviUva atoais at the vrryiroatxMikaftraMdiaaoftliiipeLiM. A trial bottta muf b« ntt^Hd for 10 oenm, a fOOBl fit Mnraian ba*^ beak kuadof paiB.faalO«r25o«ufaoM»of NsrviliaaatdngRHtaaad oooatej imSan. Ywiag man hem tha eooatrjr to Sontab polioaisanâ€" •*Whar'sOixiocd8bmtf Cjb- â- tabK atonlyâ€" " Yhxy, t^ar it dayl KoMo'yeltfl'wraMr MS OlBel )ite do not [est discoverlei imetinaei a nut lion or a jest; Ihaiacters and imous sieges, bloodiest' connectioai « step op Bomember. ty the nerve threv location of t Dgists ba Bry organs ioua areM^ J of aotioa and to" ise organs various of the id that up* ig to aay efore andeae lite area of the located ipital located imporal limbs. Itedside^ Memop* region, meffloff ItisreOf ies whio* beiag* Jitsnattff laroit sal MAKDie A HUMA5 FACE. a more exai! (sd) ^^ ^j^q Englishman, as the eon* twenty ac- ' tmggled ashore. "Here are â- trei (fifty cents) for you, if you (t the gift of an unbeliever." "No matter for that, t.£Fendi," (gentle- .J" ), replied the Arab, with a grin, tyfaig of our bru ^the coins in the greasy waistcoat ^Hiioh e location 0(1 a his only clothing. "You may be an the variofflss Jbdiever, but yonr money is true Moham- Bdto l*^ bis in tb*" 9dW* ohflW*" landb* Eastern Idloieas. vhi i^^^^^ut they dedicate a small portion â- ^ lue year to avowed idleness, and nothing |wo permitted to disturb the halyoon of ^leisure. The doors are shut even to "U. Ko one goes in or out. The in- of the house are in their filmiest tis- they go unshod. The hawks sit nod- on their perches, the horses arc idle in â- table. The fountain splashes in the jard, and the turtle doves among the Panale trees lull the garden to sleep uieir sultry, giQQji^rons cooing. The ^1 is sacred to the refrcahment ot the y- Gentle medicines are taken of a re- and blood cooling kind. The hardeat on of the day is the bath; ito chief em- '^ent the shampooing of the limb* with ented oils. The ladies of the honae- ^line with their dtharaa by the side ,^j^?a«ter'8 couch, and tha aUve girl wius head with a fan, lest soma pre- pniOTu fly should break the i^ma cdm. faster of the house stretohea bimielf at H, !*J*d dozes all the day throogh. while Z'^y Wler dronea away in tha oonar JtbiV], "^We-bee in a aorape, and the ctthara l^^**^i^e of the thin, monotooona idrs of l«kib^ -^^^^ and then he stin himselfâ€" W„!t^8 far up in the blna aky. a dog ^^to oiF in the outer dnat baa aroaaed )ZTj* he solemnly cites Allah aa a wit- Ikt^l^e day ia hot. and in the name of jf^yhet calls for a aherbet of dtrona. i^» the Afghan hoUday. Or, turn to »i,^;*'«fe the Bun oompels idlenen for QDWerval of each day, and noto how ^tor^**°««'rtththeweath«r. Un- tWBii^j ot graas-mate tiiak is atretohad •ome deep-loliaged tree, helieotran- Kei«**J?**'« theheat without any "â-  (^at in the sunshine ha mm tha Thomaa Caif a TUrteen Taara of Xxpar tonea Undar tha Snrgaoaa. In 1871 Thomas Colt, then 12 yeans, old, waa taken to Bellevue Hospital, New York, suffering from a disease which had destroyed his nose and lips aud had begun to affect his eyes. He wu taken in oha^ by Dr. Goa- tavua Sabine, and aince that time baa been nnder treatment with a view to repladug the lost part of tiie faee. Aftf r the course of the diseaM had been checked the process of budding up wm be- gan by cutting away the flesh about the edgM of the orifioa, where the noM had Iwen. Then the inaida of tha laiga finger of tha right hand wm flayed, and tha freah out wound WM fitted where the' nose should be. The hand wm held in place by bandagM and plaster of paria until the finaer had grown fast to the forehead and cheeks of the pat- ient. In tha meantime tha month wMoavar- ed by tha hand, and a silver tube mas insert* ed into the lad's throat, through which he WM fed, and throagh which he also breathed. When the sn^fteig of the fingn to the face WM completed, and tne cironlation eatabUsh- ed, the finger wm amputoted near the knuckle, leaving two and a half jointa at- tached to the face. The operations so far had required about a year, but the prooeM WM only begun. The next stop wm to trim down the finger into the shape of a now by removing the bone and gradually building np the flesh on eaefa side and drawing up the akin from the cheeks and forehead over tt In conrM of time the reault sought wm ob- tained, except that there were M yet no °*11io eyes of ti»e onfortunato boy tad bott been drawn out of poeition somewhat, and thew were straightened bydjm^g nerr- in the mannar usually adopted l»y oonllsta in treating oross-eyed p«ple. The eyebrows were alsopatobsd np at toe inner enda. The na*t step wm to give the boy a new pair of lips. This WM done 9^^7J°J UUngpseoM of flesh from tiia cheeks and orafting them in place bit by bit. ^eoSuy. aftor thntossi y-rsof «g« ienoe under a surgeon's koife, hamg maM^ time nndergona and recovered fro« tturty JBfferant opemtiona, tlie pataesrt. now a Voong manTWt tha hos^teL. JS»tootii.a«dtottacMjal no tiMM of vhafe ha bad i ThaoMeiaextraordfaiatyJpriha rf. Nrt bM axtraordwucy WM thjfartrtuda of thapa*i«nt, w»^»«'«J!!KI^ ^^Uaootoar Mil *sn fo dom svttnrtsiw^HB ^^S^Ms^^TM^h^B I ^MlflBft MOB ft pWW^^ M^** .^^ ^^^^T flBV0 VOm B^v ^^IH^^^v ^^^^^^^^^^m ' Ht^^^M. 9tiHB IBB ^JOOa ft^^p MkBMssa ^snS,S^^^^t.a!^m tolHss N gMkss a sglaaaia ap^ â€"â- ^â€" Oatanftâ€" a Haw Perhapa the moot extrarordlnary saoceosthat has been achieved in modem science haa been attained by the IMxob' Treatment of catarrh. Out of 8.000 patieats treated duiins the past six months, inllr ninety per oeat. nave been cured of tlita stubborn malady. This is none tlie lees startling when it is remembered that not five per cent of the patients icesenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted, while the patent medioinee and other advertlaed curea never record a cure at aU. Storting with the daim now generally be- lieved by the most scieatlflc men that the disease is due to the pi esenoe^of living parasites in the tissues, Mr. Dix- On at onoe adapted his cure to their extenninaticn thia aooompUshed the catarrh is practically oared, and the permanency ia im- aueetioned. as cares efltoted by him four years ago are cures stilL Mo one else haa ever at- tempted to cure catarrh in tliia manner, and no oUier 1 1 111 III! lilt has ever onied catarrh. The appUcation ot the remedy ia simple and can be dooa at home, and the present season of the year is tha most favorable for a permsnent cure. SS^f iJtS SSgi.'X HT^pk ft aON. 305 Kiag4treet West. ToroBtOk Canada, and enoloee atamp for th^ treatiMOB eatarrh.â€" Jtotlreal favoraBJe for a speedy and tlie maforl^ ot oases oeing itmeat. SulnnerB shoold eiv- Xha oommander-in-ohief of the pig-tail army hM iasnad his first oommand, toms to tiie front and oentre, mareh." i, ••T( om- Tha VoltSoBelt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celabrated Electro- Voltaic Belt and other Electric ApplianoM on trial for tidrty days, to men (yaacg or old) afflicted wito narvou debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Abo for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Com- ideto restoration to health, vigw and man- hood guaranteed. No riak is incnned m thirty days trial is allowed. Writo them at once for Ulnatrated pamphlet free. Elizabeth, N. 3., him been painting her lawaof a bluish tint, aad the air hM been full of streaks of a rimilar shade. (Nilho«tindMidwaafcIfeel.I«Da^bdUm twU MttSs^oVaillrrwir blood •â- Â» M«ptto«als^ In iMisboMiirnaMak The rdatioMof the son and moosi, and intimate personal friends of tha seven stars should oflerOhineM Gordon thaoontcaotto dl Mn ont the Frenoh. Wh« y»?jrI-t«JeajjNgjTg ggj. sga toa Obshd UaiOH Gnod Oaatial Depob 681 fitted «v at a oost of 05a Honw oars, stages MwLetorMed doDscsb Sla- His iaoa throng ^of iBidtrti^ VandliM ' ean Uva at thaitaaad UniOB BMelitoaa ^oBlntfcaoltr. pob," said totha A.P198. iStt Ubi Iqil lau ftaiiiih^ Jfe^ pL, ^•' • WtoT^iilMmsBn k Oob. fla/Ja ^iS^t^^^^^^'^^^ Tark;a BoBSa^ltanBto:A]laaa. BM*O0b. Sms " Bead C «U|t»l ni' A». Ctartia- J? or ICFOBaAUB. UO AO raSIK CK)OD Olden easy tenns. Db.^PYNB. Taroatow § AW mLL FBOFBBTIIH VOB SALK-STAVX shineniMtadBdif dariMd. BMdfdr oiiaalH. J.ISAOOO PXRI Wi aoe. Oaixowat 4 Co.. prt, and Wanted^ntlto snoloSt. nuuioirAxiOKB chvsn bt i,WoolkB.8a,kOta Pondâ€", Oat OTSB 100 vABin nr miohioak fob bauc' JtaMripthn Hidtrioe Jirt fonUhad bee to •! appUeanto. GBO. W. UrOTBB.108OrinPOIdBl, De- troit, Mieh. And get • Mmnle eqnr o TauTH, fiM, the Mik U-pa« Weekly MsQilna pobUued. See the Me Brt oCiewudifor miwerim Bibl e Ptobleme. 8. IBANK WIU30K, S3 a 36 Adelaide Btieek. Wart, Toronto, S10KED8AU8AOE8. The moat eonvenieiit meat for faniien in their tmay season. Tliese meati are cooked and ready for nae Sold by grooen throwh the Dominion. Send tor prie to W. OI.ABK. P. O. Box 343 Vfl-tr^i. MEN WAMTED. " ActiTe, posliiiig men wanted to wboleaale my famous teaa to conaumem. Balariea from $600 to $2,000 per year Send atamp for particulars. JAJOS IiAUT, Importer, T orontg PABTY WANTBD TO PUB0HA8B OABBIAOB ahopa 31 x 118 feet; doable atoop, with office 24 z 60 laokamith'saliop, 20x42; lumber, bam, and abed, horte batn, two acres of land with dwellinc houae auit- ablefortwo imall familief; two cateroB, oellar, and well; Bittiated at Koia' Comers, four milea from Belle Tille, on main graTelled road; good localitv, where a bnaineaa from 98,000 to 910,000 per annom is done. The premiaea are now in full blast, and will be sold to good live man at a bancain. Hakfod BeUeriUe. 1883.-8T. JOHI JIIIBITI0H.-1883 Iieather Beltlag, Fire BnglMe â- ose, dto. Four First Prises and Two IHplomas. The highest tf all Awards for Ijeather Belting, Fire Engine Hose were accorded by th Judges at the St. John Centennial and Dominion Ex- hibition, to KCfilN a SAOLBR, Montreal, ov- er all competitors- alCodMlwia â- IrdaasiaHlraBa^aCnb' KarfljHaC ,_^. a Baf tai lf dwa in e dT a aae. anaTjCr .^ fLnoaaaeh are nsttioB with war siadlar XnaUtntiaB. Agoodaavii^ â- ^artejraeiwpaapK 8aodCarBrIs«%M. wTj- TiitJOH. Seewtaiy. London. Ont MACHINERY. 1 r inr ^V. F. p. Currie Co. 100 Grey Nun Street, Montreal. Importera ot DralB Fipes, Partlaad Cement, Ohimnejr Topa, Canada Oement, Vent Lininss. Water Lime, FlaeOoTeta, Whiting, lire Brioka, Plaater of Paria, Hre 01^ Borax, BomanOement, China OlMf ^Mannfaotorera of BeaaamerSteei (Mta. Cnatr ABm4 Hi^n«n dOw 1 O aMoiriaondo. IShpPoitabtoBnaine and Boiler on SUda. 13Bh.p.Hon»onlal1»Hortliy. ldo.tarWa- terona with oat oS Talve, and 90 »nginea and boilera at BBBailar aiasa, aU thorootfUf leSMed before leavina ah(Hi. S 24-inaa Flanera aod Uatoheia. 120JndhPony Planer, i Tm« f»i«« 'n«»«..i«j in«riiiii«, iBUndBlak Tenoner, 1 Bnggr Plainer er jointer. 2 band aaws 10 Saw TaUea. ITim-Proot Safe. 1 Jeweler'a Bola. SteeL 1 Book-Binder's Screw Press. 1 424neh1FreBch Borr Portable OriatMUl. 1 e24nch inserted Tooth-Saw aa, Ac Send for new list. Ho. 9, oontainkig toll da acription of machinery m ato^ Addreaa, H- W. PETRIB, Brantford, Ont. Dominion Lineof Steamships. Banning in connection with the Grand Tmnk B^way ot Canada. Sailing from Qaebeo eTwy Satordw during the anmmer months, and from Portland every Thuraday djuing the winter montha. Sailing datea from. Q1TSBB0 TO UTKBFOOL. 'Braeklya. Aag an Honureau Sept* IS Toronto, Aug 30 ' *Taaeeaver, 8ept M *oreKen, Sept «| Batea of paasage: Cabin, Uuebeo to Liverpool 980,960, 965,980. Betam. 990,1^08, 9U7, 9144, aceordiog to steamer and berth. Intermediate 935, Steerage, at lowest rates. The saloons and ataterooms in steamers marked thus are amidshipa, whera bat little motion ia felt, and no cattle or sheep la carried on them. For far ther partieolais apply to any Cteand Tmnk Bailway Agent or local agents of the Company, or to DATIB TOKRANCB dl CO., General Agents, MontreaL The White Glyc- erineâ€"The Sharon Bouquet â€" Palm *u„K.Oil Bath Soap- Oatmeal Skin Soap, and The Baby's Own Soap. MADS BT THE ALBST TOILET SOAP OO.'T ABB UN8UBPASSKD FOB PTJEITT EXCELLENCE. tW Scld by all leadincfdmggista. CRKOE.! DEATH TO POTATO BUGS. ASK rOUB LOCAL DKALBR FOB RAMSAY'S PITBB P ARI S CKEBy. Kotkilng' baa been found more eSeetiTetor ' destro^n Potato Boga. The paieat ia tha eheapeat. Jk.m IR«txiisa.y Son, Paint and Color Manafacturers. MontreaL iotha He to aU forlesi ataar "AnoOar azpodiliait tiia naa, as ha wendad his bwshop. HMrwwlittd*! ^^ TilialiadwaaUwrnqBlmaraMj; It aa if tta whole raapflw ibnU iy ihMU «o Yeanor nd Wiggmt, tat w Imd Uadofwaaaerbaisaattij apgatkaoesaa. Howwouliitdoto than opt Woold it Anttdier hiat ol iaportaaoa-^OBt taa^g on ^^Woema as w« iadioMk BeMe' atmwtiiem oat not and taraa^^ "^Pt?" uSSmtr Md Witt oartaintgr. loa^ boj THE MODEL Washer ANP BLEAOHEB Weigfaa bat 6 poanda. OanbeearriedinaamaUvaliaa. Blnatration shows Manhine in boiler. HatJsfafitiii goaramteed or money refunded within 30 days. 91000.M axwM»D ros. its sufxbiob. Washing made light and easy. The clotbaa taaTe that pare whiteneaa which no other modeofwaahing can pro- duce. Ko robbing required, no friction to injore the fabric A 10 year old girl can do the waaliing aa wall aa an older peraon. To place it in every hooaelKrid trb PRioa HAa am BKDUCED to SL50, aad it not foand aatiafaotory. mooay refanded 8eewlutt.«bo "Canada FreabytariM." aais about it-The Model Waaher and Bleaaher whIehMrO. W. Dennia olteta to the poblle has many and vahiahls advantaaaa. It ia a Uma aad labor aaving â€" ««"~». aabataafial aad aBdoriac, aad ia very elieui. noaatria ia the hoQsehold we eaa testify to tta azaellaaee Delivared to any a «pr eaa offlee iathe FWrviaeaa of On larioaadQaebea. Oburgespald;s.OO. BwidfarelMalaia AGENTS WANTED. C. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSB, us TOMOSiSTKBCr, TOBOITOb QHTi mum ttAKfi, STMBlRDSCm. THE BEST, THE STRONQEST, THE MOST RELIABLE. TTnrivalled in material, oonatnietipn and flniali, par* feet iu accuracy and unequalled in dnraUUty. Oiaa aateed to give entire aatiancUon. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. BAILBOAD, WABSBOUBB AMD VR.XTOlKfll mb* Alsm Money Snims* ^^ SEKB POB ILLT78ZBAZID PBIOB aUi^NE YS WABB, M ^RIDEN gEITANOTA QO, â€" â€" :) MAinTTACIUBXBS OF (:â€" Hew York, MerideD (CU), GhkagOy San Fmeiscoy LondM, ^g.)k BRAHCH FACIOBT--C!«r. Caamm ud WdUnstm Streeta, HaaUton, Ont TBADX Many pqwibaaaw having throng rimUarity of namea paraaaed other ware* under the Impwiiluu ttiat th«y were at oar manafaotore, we are oomp^- •d to aakapeoial attention to tha above XBADB HABKS The taet that oar name and Trad* Marks ate beiagao doae- ly imitated ahoold be a aaffldeBi goaran- tee to the poWia ttat oar warta ara the BIST or THB WOBLa 1847B«genBfw.Al. MAIUC. The Ne^v Williams Hlgli^Ann Maohfaa is new reoagniaed m the Sewins laoUne of tha Feiloi. taaaaS sacs flerti sating snliatitiittT Oat Pat* U to â- taMBib anialil ai TMT bsst aiaterial tbat aad wen bunt eC tha bay ar awariadflvai at tta »VM»««ii«« »riiiv^% ii laet Oota- bsr. It Is avidly aaparaedtiv aU fha old ftHkiaaaaBBakasovwTWbateb Baa it try tt^ taylt, aadnakaauiatiiat yoa gat tL THE WIUIAMS' MFIi CO. in Notra OaoM St. lltettMi. 8k. Wfik â- i i â-  i ^â- â- t i 1 r I ' I -ii!

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