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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Sep 1884, p. 1

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 â- ^!W ""^â- mpiii Ig.K 1' v^-' ^44^;^S5^^'« -^ ff, â- Â£oj 'â- â- I i I â-  suffieieiii, fBN for a- her depai ' the B« â- ssnme to ^n^ -iXsiaoL. 4.--N0. 208 ts of '^^W^g^l :AT8, gAiite ?DINES,ltt55J TED PICKE18' n the grocery I roRs ui-poses watnafcn â- ectfroiBtheiDa^l ^erkmdsofliqaorJ -lobaccoes caimotf action. Ornoes I "y Flcur supjEil T MARKDikUl OTJ 'ION -WITH rid ^ed Sbin^l received a.. 1 and $eh( k: of r*"r«»**« It Harkdale Standsu'd J evesy Thursday, at the office. Mill Street, Markdale. u3_jl per year in advanee; $1.25 if Ud within three months. 'Sessional and business cards one inch " 1 TK. 6 MO. 3 MO, „ueoluran $50 00 $27 50 »15 00 f'lnmn 27 00 15 00 10 00 .r column .. .. l' 00 10 00 6 00 .uiclispace 7 00 4 00 jineh space... 10 00 5 00 J advertisements 8 centf per line first jjn, 3 cents per lire each subsequent riion, nonrareil measure. litoiial notices, or notices in local col. ,10 cents per line tirst insertion, 5 cents bsequents insertion. 4T animals Ac, advertised 3 weeks for aJvertisement not to exceed twelve Kj paper discontinued until all arrears Liaid except at the aption ofhe publisher. -JOB PrInTINC. SiANDAKD ofEce has a splendid equip- kitof piwter as well as fine job type. Spe- Ijttention to orders by mail. Orders iwith dispatch. EMTOil AXD PEOPEIETOB. bacco,c,| VEEY CHEAP.j licit the public's PLEWES. TH HOUSI ^VJHOUSE,) ITH, Ont. ' Propbietobs. iquors andeigHSi eals and eitmiortabl xl stabling and 114 lANDSPERRY, (SUCCESSOKS TO LAtTDEE lUNDs), bAnSISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, Conveyancers, Ac. Money tO jat lowest rfites of interest. Offices 16 King Street East, 6-251 TOBONTO. Frost Sl Frost, V^EEISTERS, AND ATTOENEYS-AT Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey ^rs.Ac, Ov.uu Sound, have resumed at lertori, Office open every Thursday, as Mfore; bsdJbost, J. "W. Fbost.LL. B. I County Crovrn Attorney. 1 â-  WINTER 5R AND PAPE LCIMINING riNTING. Planing Factoiy, EsiuiAxis 6nis LON8 D STAND, REKT. J. MA $« son, biREISTEE, MASTER ANDDEP. EEG in Chancerj-, Notary Public, ConveyanS A- SUMBER OF FAEJIS FOB SAIB. CEsâ€" Owen Sound, in Viaker's Block lett St.; Braiich office in Markdale, over farland's Store, on Friday and Saturday IT week. ' 57-ly Creasor M'l rrison, )ABm^. r.o.SOLICITOES. CONVET- ^Jnces, (kc. (tc, «na«v '"^s in Owen Sound, Dofferin Block, »»•** W. F. Wolf's Store and in _^^ MARKDALE; fw.J. McFarland's SUje on Thursday llridsy of each week. "Tunds to lend on reasonable terms. 5 Cbeasok, Q G DONCIS MOBWON iMkdale, March 15. 1882. TQ-lv ble Rlgy )hargeft^ 2" dfcaffof liftM iJbat wiU' hand, to-J md. /.:/â-  )ck is W" t us kno^» vants suppl) the Alexander JBroifim, i3IJERof Marriage Licenses, Fire and ufe Insurance Agent. Oommissionei "â-  B. te. Conveyancer, ,and Licensed mieer for the County of Grey. Farmers, flts, and Land Sales, Ponctnally at- to and charges made verv moderate. «Tille, Sept. 17. 1880. " â-  1-y Wm. Brown, SpR UF MAEEIAGE LICENSES. c l-ommissioner in B. E. c. T^y^cing in all its branches; promptlj. «a to and carefully executed. ' ^•-Money to Lend on Beal Estate g€ â- Con' V liSSlON HOUSE, MARKDALE, 88. Bryan, Pr oprietor. ityTEoteE; »35cAleer, Pftoi^Tfetor. HT, u is fitted up in good *b*te. sitiit- ^aaai street, where the travettrdg prf)- ' depend on the very best 'iccdtoilO' "nio'i bns to all trains. /* ' " 194 Foroe, iLE, --J^^ QNT. 1 1 \^^m 1 • â-  ' â-  â- '" -jia H JiniEDGE, PROPRIETOR ^^hionable 1 °^B lUCFAKLAlto'a ONT., SEPT. 4, 1884* A â- â- â-  -IK, i :â- . J {CopuB or Tttm Bxabdax Tnt cans maim. • j ;, -3 â-  .1-Lg4| *DR STARR'S* ^CATARRH CONQUEROR.^ TSB GSEAt CUBE ni. CA' T 1. W?{m; t"^i^*'" â- â-  CENTS. Boefc t»l«na.y. g. Mid Derby Line, ft. Pfl^i^itL o. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. s.. Physician and SurKeon, Priceville, Graduate of University. Vict. Collie. â- I New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, •• •» Ayleth Medical Institute. • » f» Opthahnic Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Surgeor s.O. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OP TOEONTO .SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Bufledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed nesday of each month and also at Mnntiiaw's Eotel. Flesherton. the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prao tice of his profession. 122-47. ' ;)" HJJ .if. .|^*ftri|* Now and Then. (toe stany night By Luna's light A loTiag couple walked and talked, Of wedding ringp And senses things. Two years henee, Aboye the fence. Their eyes did meet,«nd she did scowl And loudly onise His empty purse. In later days, By candle's rays. She surg him songs while she sewed Numerous patches On hia btoMhes. WiU M. Clemen: A IIOBBISI.E OVTRAOE. Peipdtrated Ami Iftnuriei Weak Aliii- lOirl. TBS AVXH0BITIB8 UHABLI TO TBICX IHS BLACK- SCOXTHDBXLS. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- XEci. â€" ^Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. 1241y HAMILTON'S PHOTOaMPH muerY OVEE THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work exeeuted in all the latent sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of moulding to choose from. ' Gall and leave your measure for a picture. •Ja.s. £1 a^milton. COMMERCIAL HOTElT PRIOEVILLiB. Out. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Rooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler^ THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH 6IBS0H CONTRACTOlR. â-  â-  ' â-  â-  ^Contracts taken for all kinds of BMCK IM STOIE WORK, Plain Ornamental Flasterin);. CaltommiTUf in all Shades and Colors. Charges moderate and altisction gqar- ftnteed. Ordeifs left at alie SxahIxabd .office will receive' plrompt attention. PHYSWm SUHBEtUl, AMD ACCOtJQHER, tnf- ar; IS" AUMllsprompiky attended to. ' ISAAC STlNSeH, " â- "" Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone vttrk. Estimates given. ../j^^ r^^s^^rti n*; i] All work guaranteed, j^., ,.^- ^*n • prdersfhy mail ptonqpfi^ attended to. ^^. ;juWABIȣJUk-o M DIOfflBB AND DBHiiiiBB. iXXi order? proitaptitjr attended to. "BW^ S^SnaeAHfll Owen Sotaia " iM8S i,M|f|||| ..; fitted nx OMrfp leg poHtign f; Ff{ AK .and-reoeive £reeikaieo4My iK**: I mnUUKi'^8°°^ which will h4p all; ,j^i^iifexM9X.M morajncney right away ttum ai«^!hiMdd«e in this workL mm»ii- rfArewTPBiteACo., A«g««*.Jgâ„¢^ Flesherton. From our own Correspondent. TEACHEB's FABSWELL â€" PHBSENTAnON BT HIS PUPQiS. On Friday afternoon last a number of our villagers paid a yisit to our public scboal, it being the last d{iy in which the teacher, Mr. McMaster, was to preside over the school. Before closing Mr. McMaster was presented by his pupils with a very handsome and valuable silver cornet, accompanied by a complimentary addrebs expressive of their high ap- preciation of liis services among them. A few brief and pithy addresses were delivered by some of the visitors, present giving expression t6 the kind feelings which had existed between teacher and parents for the past five years, and of their appreciation of his genuine work as a man and a teacher, and their deep and univer- sal regret at his removal. Mr. McMaster replied to pupils and visitors in feeling befitting terms, regretting that associations so mutually pleasant aud profitable had to be severed. Mr. McMaster commenced his duties as head teacher of the public school in the Town ot Thorold on Monday the' first of September. Gband IiiLUioNATioN. â€" Ou Friday evening last Mr M. Bichardson's new and magnificent building was for the first time illuminated, Mr. Eay having just finished the gass fixtur^t There were about fifty lights burning. Tthe shops are very artistically finished inside and iii the bright gas light presented a yery fine t^peurance. Mr. D. Munroe, who is well and favorably known and who taught in section 3 for two years has been engaged as head teaiaber for the Flesherton School whieh was vacated by Mr. M. P. McMaster. Missliszie Bichardson and Miss Van Dusen has very efficintly 4aaght the jtinior department of tiie school here, while Miss Hopkins took charge of£be senior department since Mr. MeiM^terleft Thi9 decisive game between the Dof^jblk and; Flesherton. base-ball einbaan the groonds of the latter yesterday etandff a diluted game. The Flesherton okib say they plsyed a|;fui)Bt all odds and unfair decisiqns by Uie Dundaik ampere and fdt soxe of wuining the game, hut bearing as long as' they eOtild until he called an out whi^h was §q unfair tiwy walked in, off the ifield and would plaw no ikwgett'UKter such tiding. DtmsALX, Aug. 23.â€" This nsnally quiet and peaceable hunlet was on Wednesday, ISth inst., the scene of one of the most dastardly affairs whiob has ever trken plaoe in that part of the opuntry, and it was with great d^Soulty that your correspondent, even at this late day, was able to aseeitain tbe facts of the case. On the aboye-mentioned day a simple minded giri, apparently about twenty years of age, who gave her name as Mary Campbell, or Cameron, of Hopeville, came to the village and applied at the resid- ence of seyeral prominent citizens for employment as a servant. A few minutes conversation soon convinced the parties to whom she made full application that she was of weak iotdlect, and naturally they refused to employ her. 'While walking around the village she had. by her strange behavior and eccentric movements, attracted the attention of some roughs from Shelburne who were in town that day, and others be- longing to the village, who, under the pretence of assisting her in "getting a place," took her to a hotel and a!u afternoon plied her with hquor natil she was in a beastly state of intoxication. When evening arrived the inhuman brutes earned or dragged her down the railway track tc Hpgan's bnsh. where they repeatedly outraged hei. After satisfying their lusts, the black-hearted Villains brought her b4ok to the village, when the poor girl wandered around aimlessly until she reached Main street, where she told her story to G. B. Middleton, one of the police trustees, who, together with Thomas Qan- bury, secured her lodgings for the night at theMcCollough house. The next morning she was imable to give any description of hei assailants, and the police trustees could take no.actio-i m the matter. She left the village on foot that afternoon and nothing bas been since heard of her. Notwithstanding that diligent inquiries' have heen made, all erts to discover the names of the perpetrators of the outrage have failed, as those who pretend to know something of the a^air are very reticent. â€" Toronto Netos. msn i!'-t^ tM^tiiin i^littiUktajTi }0ve JHidl^ eliildren'9 fD0l^ ihip^, ttf .4»e disfl^line of her ^ia^ioMfiiaft-Mfi^^ exercise jii^^.lfKfni fflir ;her nurse, -.^Jj^naA 'iaMMjgh for heir in iM^iBt hnalMiKL 'and whose. S^^Mlifaa h love low. whotomwaw^flnanfla wiww lad y^ jiam -««^«ih klliilta- r -irkt â- â€" i aa id i .aiad Atteinpte«l Suicide. BT A WOMAN IN XHS VIU^OE OF XAXWELS. Our Maxwell correspondent sends, the following which arrived too late for last week â€" Last Sunday afternoon an old woman aged about C5 or 60 years, named Saigeon, residing in the.villime of Maxwell with her two oons and a daughter, all being grown up, attempted to end her existence by hang- ing. Ascending the stairs she suspended herself from a rafter by a c»rd, doing it so noiselessly that the daughter, who was alone at the timoi did not hear it for some time. However, a low strange sound reached her ear. and she went up stairs to asoertam ihe cause, when the body of the suicide met her gaze, the face alraitdy being black, and life near^ extinct. The cord was instantly severed and the body fell domi, and in a few minutes animation was rertored. She has nearly recovered now. The cause is said to be her inability to obtain any whiskey, beiiig under its influence a little already; This is not the first time she has tried sudi an act, doing it once before, about two months since, when for the same reason she took nearly two ounces of laudanum, and great efforts were then required to resuscitate. She says she will do it yet. Some talk is heard of sondin^f her to an aaylum, but she is simply, crazed through drink, the old woman being quiet sensible and well condnet- ed when away from its influenoe. Score another for ^nk. The temper^ue folk expect to deposit the Seott AiBt petititm in the regiistnur'a offioethis wed(. llie campaign is being wamtly carried on. â€" Shelburne fcononiMt. Cyei la Maattofea. »USBS Aim CHOBCHES DESTBOVED BT THE rOBCE Of THE yUHD. WimnrBO, Man., August 89. â€" A ttoifio wiBd storm of eyeknuo diaiaeter swept over the proyiaoe last niglit, dtring- incaleailable idamage to property in vaxions towns, and also danqfliog eiops, whicdi are now being reitpcd, to a large extent. The wind, whidi bei^ to blow from the southwest aVmC tat^t o'elook after a hot day, was enetmatered Iby a violm* g»le coming from the north. A fioroe fif^t between the (dements fdlbwed, Teaalting' in great loeaee. No less uai fiety biSdingBin'thiB dty were affected, fionsn wete blown down, loofe were wrmA- ed frwm-flieir poMtion and earned tst nHsj, ends wwra bkywn Oirt ef houses, and j^tio g^asa windows warfrsiniishedi Ahooae. and a ataMe 0oeiq4ed-'1^ a horse were bl^WB' away, the stable being carried into tht Asaiiiaboin^Biftte^'aiid s street ear, witii anundMT of paaRii^els. ;4iaa ttfted of its ,tnek And boniefeome distance by; the -wind. Ai Portage ![« ftaine, "m, torn apj .,^Blaa, frvm hew, « ehuxdi -ns, tioim doip^ 4m a fnifdtt md ovart^iMd« A iNqifr iSiS mtfi.. destt^j^ at Heii^jlM^, a itieria, vmaai4 QflipP aiu'iuBahoaMs imng ftglmtbmfA ifM. M sw i ever. a Fatal Rea^lav Maekiaff AccMeat. A fatal accident todc place Thwedaiy; Slat, on lot 14, con. 1, Enfairaaia, wherel^ Mr. BidurdWhite lost bis life. It seteas that something went wrong with his horses or harness, and that he went round to the off side in front of the reaper, and while tbere the horses ran away, and the maahine being- in gear, he 'was caught on the guards and knife, and carried about eight rods and then got free from the madiine in some way. the horses ran a short distance rther and stopped, his father and hired man were in the field binding, and they ran to his assis- tance, and when they got to him ho was lying m a pool of blood. A doctor was at once sent for but when he got there he 'was breathing his last. He bled to death, having received a very bad cut on the back of hia right leg Close to the body, and two of the guards appear to have run into his h^. The deceased was a very quiet and inoffensive young man, and upright in all his dealings. He leaves a loving wife, a young child, and a«red ther to mourn his loss. The funeral took i)lace on Friday aftonoon, when a very large company assembled to pay their' last respects. In fact it was one of the largest funerals that has been in that part for a lon^ time. â€" Meaford Monitor. Farmers* Hoaies. Why should not a farmer's home be- a veritable little paradise Who else has BO good an opportunity for beautifying his grounds until they shall far exceed in beauty' and elegance the grandest possibilities of any cramped and pent up city lawn We ne;lect this altogether too much we have so much to do, we say, iii looking after our crops that bring us money, that we haVe no time to spend with flowers, shade trees, etc., which simply ornament the place, and bring no money. As aii investment even, we believe this to be a mistake but aside from the financial side of the mattier, we think it pays to take a little time â€" considerable, if necessarv â€" to improve tlJe external appearance of our homes. Bhade trees are at the disposal of eyery farmer, flowers and plants are cheap, and easy obtained and cultivated, and we believe it is as much every man's duty to maka his home and "its sorroundings the most beautiful and attractive place on earth, as it is to pile up a large fortune for the benefit of the future gener- ations and lawyers. We do not expect to come this way again, so why not enjoy as much as we can as we go along. â€" Ex. Caagrlit a Bear. Recently Mr. W. H. Gampaigne, our well known hunter, set some beer traps on tb« btmks of the Saugeen liyer near what is known as Gunie's clearing, Artemesia. On Wednesday morning a former living near by discovered a larse black bear in one of. them. As it was Uving he dmt it and notified Gampaigne of the fact, who forthwith pro- ceeded to bring his bearship home. The hair is long and of a rich bla^ color. Mark- dale sports will have to waken up. â€" Advance. Osprey. Mr.. John Batie of the police force Toronto was home on a visU recently. Mr. John Phillips was married on the 9th A ug. Die«k BoHKsu..â€" In Scott Tp. Ontario Co.. Honor, beloved wife of Mr. H. V. Bonndl and Mother of Bonndl Bro's. of Walter's FaQs, cm the 81st July aged 66 years 10 months,- her end was peace. The above deceased lady had a very large circle ot friends and aeqnamtanees amtmg whom she was univeisally respected. Thwe were 160 carriages in the ftineral cortege. The following tribute of ooadolenee and respeet was recattfy tendered to her son's atWalter'e' Falls. Casoode Lodge Boom, /; -^altei^s Falls, Aug. 6tb. 1881. To Bros. Henry.iiJohu BomtiU. !Dxab BbozscM.â€" In view of your recent affliction in the death ^f a beloved mother, we ther,{neinhers of CaaQode Lodge C. O. O. F. beg leave to expraw our qrmpathy with jou andwe'^do her^y' lepd^ to you in ybnr deep alSiotiatt 01^ moat Inncere coadnlane.* in your emshing sorsow, it is a source of rMl joy tojos and cpmfbrt to yoa io knoW ft not that of those who mourn ' f A intf|i«'re-uni9X(^ ypa have ' 'a8swrsig|C|)9 that j^Mtr loss is j^gi^oi ;ijihe. dqup^ied loved, .wi^h ~ai|d pr^rnr. Is that the .($^8 wofd.mav f^^ joo,c««|pfort, thai,iin " leunioa -rr;;;.ia JimiSBoini. 1 C Patxbso* lb i«i f ,i 1 i' • 1 P ' I i 'i â- - ?. i' III â-  "'â- â-  m I: if' ill i

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