Grey Highlands Public Library Digital Collections

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Aug 1884, p. 5

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 ^^^ ^^^^^ I 'i'" \J,) i Quadruple PiatedrWfti^ Vedding f^M lazzarus il/brrij ««ii^ ^^ 5^ A good Viotpf Kusicd Instruments,:^ Careful and aumaU' repair- ing personally attended tp' and fully warranted. ' ;V'i"^, r»\eG $(iuare Beating. fwi' f^f^em W.A.BROWi Vest TJjdfe'^efkates, Pttrks. ' Notices in t7(«s« co2uira« intended iebbai^ 4XU individual or Soeiepg rtnll be eha^Mdtm cents a Une for the^^ insertCm Undtjiv^ tents a line each Bubitq^Kift inserHin, Prices to suit tiie pt^bliCfti Dye Smffs at ttie Mediedl' Hall« iL. TnmerCo. f Mb. James T. Gahbt, OrrwpU,|iluai, will accept thanks for f 1. for |jiAin AED. ' IW^,«witB«^«^jVQdE jd^,lltw^' new 4ni4 4udbg iib.Mshingtrk wtlh Us ifHWttsbm^ s(peMi ' ibi Bichirdff k lor a^^^ol» ili®JMS!^^W^ aad eoinoliie^^iBg^^Qak Jim irork,. lir. Ptewes k ldgU|ilt0(UBi'in1b lu^ :kork. Tb^ tKmidft to ttttii W wSi "®0»« 'J^noaa 'jqo? a^rig at-.".; A'isn A FULL Stock ^4ftoise celV iHraied Self Seaduig i^in Jacs |Uid all o^er ^nd^ij^f IJt^sery!^^ ing laxs f swling veiy -phteapi CaU and examine ;iM:^J|. 3^ Sproule^s, Fiedierton. ' ^dj f^ « fALn BvMomts.â€" An indna^ciasiy diealttUd romonr retifeojui^ tmt fnendvDao. BbeJa, thM be luKt U into fbe hands of the ^bUtetihes ot • nuB|i ;rt*»»,,Ait-:»W«!"|i-:-.,-.j K .t-Cinfc .4i hM:i:i.J SjK \^mf ' IQ Off" " 'f;. 7.' ft J ^r ism, €K)IM« PA 1.1 ^•$r i .1 J :i " • ' HiiiiitriwiiftffiiiLtli i dneed. We will sand "a LAsoi^ mderiBg ivention tiiia papar â-  J'A'n 1 mm'**^mi^'milt»m^mtmmi m^iti '•ft- iitr-^ fa â-  rl 'iiAV fii] ie. 9tom 'iJfl'JOowi Ifooiirec* ;;^. .; â-  Mi.' Tint V' Theeskebs â€" yon will always fitd tiie best machine oilat Haskett Bro's. National Pills the favorite jrai^tivia and snti-biliods medicine, they are mild and thorough. If ABSHALi. Beabd adverties in another colum a stray Bteer, and John Bumside a stray horse. ImxLL give bargaas in Watches, Clooks, etc, for cash, dmin^ the balance of fcis »enth. Call and inVest. W. A. Brown^ jeweller. Thekb were 71 births^ 20 maniages And 28 deaths registered for Art-emesia ty J. W. Bellamy, Cl^i*, for six months ending 15th Jnly. Great clearing sale at prices which can not be competed with, Beynolds A Sou. Eutledge TKEI.FGBD luis erccted a canTas awning in front of their' shop. this is an improyement and we hope to see others do hkeWise. Business MiBN.â€" Orderyour billheads. in good time, a large stock of excellent material just opened at this office. John Boss brought a load ofbaswood to ihe station one day last week containiDg 2,648 feet and weighing over 70,000 lbs. Anotaeb consignia^nt of that fam- OQs Japan tea arived this week at J. K. Trimble's. The balance of our stock of wheel'd rigs will be sold at reduced prieea. Call and examine, all fully warranted D. J. Shanahan. '.*?f^j;f^ Pain from indigestion or sick head ache is instantly relieved by one dbse of Kejuvioator Bitters, made froin roots and herbs. Sold by Smith, the barber. i.hiU:M- i;^.^ 1 t»,Y£iutis: *l«l« i. Kothiag imt igoM stoek «sed and thia' best miBcbaaiBs employed. A atookof DohUa and Single, Heayy fad L^bt Hatnem always on band. :r^ odi liiX' Ti .t1 h « 4^ â„¢ » .il«a Whips* Trunks, ValJ«e*,Blanket8 Owen^undi W ^^ "-^ Bobes. ftc, always hi st«jk. Pan losta d(^; he bad ' reason to ' ' •• â-  ' BEDS mu im uwEi sEBis R..vr ;t=. J i£W bebafe tiie animal had been taken to O^en tknnd; be went tbnre. and {bund his dog. In seeoring possdssion of his property Dan bad to hit tbe \hM a lew toai^-knuele enib,' idiioh caused a lawsuit. Dan eame off TlCtOCionS^ -ii,s .rv; ' *.. Tns BBsiixr.â€" By special arrange- ment we axis enabled ib offer tiie ^(^ltreal Star together with thfi STAN])tAi0 sii .minauis ic^ 6$ eentik Tbe Smt » dOowed to be the beat f fikmify paper pit^lisbed while lAi SmnxKtris faazdiv beat as a locilf ^pi|i^f,^ind (^7 two ate offered for about tbe price of one. Send in your, subsoriptioii at once to this office for onaor Ae both, yon can have the Star for 80 oents or the Btahdabd for 85 cents to any address, balance of j year, cash. in advance. A PnMic NttiSRaee. We have hitherto refruned from pnblishuu; a number of eommuni- cations respectmg the "Slanghter House" at Armstrong's Greek' beyond tbei B*. B. Station. It has been a favorite pUwe for the farmers to water their horses but latterly horsesrefuse to drink the water on aeconnt of tbe noxious stench that perv^es the atmospheret, and, perhsps. **he water. A gentleman who was coming into^wn a fcfweventngsaijo, informs, us that the stench was ihtoleraW*. We trust our iwends of th$ #«^bli^ mMit wiU see to the renaosid, pf «it premises to a tecaUty whe«e jt wUJ, ^ofcinomtviBliierfice puUhs eomfort. j^ fit .-.'♦Twrf r v;ci-'je' flAi!} JCidwaoM'j^jarf* or 8M9 liii s^** ' Oiio ai gniw^ja aJal fl!aa ,r:r3iiiii basil T)i'£ srb nO_ .â- fr'^^SQ- t' ""-: MB? H-n:. thisa ;ia hoe ^Mnt.aoii\ a ' ' ' BiiHPMMHBHHB ' iUI.»J',;.'fi " ' ,w it ib4 :f!-i a( 'f C'l' Mlihasof Ma.rtte tmd Moiclll^ sneb as Mtenittenfs. Tomb Tls€les, Sl[ea|«tonea, Conntw.a^d $!aMa T^ws. â€" in Aineridto ihd Italian Marble, and xoade on shott noiieej; eAlso Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized Slate, fte.i 8w i ..- r The pfaioe to bny yvmr Siseds isft^., Drucstore, PURHAM SA. r li i1-ji/M !a: The Canadian Mutual Aid Assoeiationi Tii' I8i-.riii.« ;iN^0|U^PRATp AUGUdftt SO?EHf J88a V-^- ' t BOABD OF l)IEEC*0|Bg -ro; *-"-f Wm. Bennie, Esq., Xorantoi fKeadant A. Qitfi^.'EscL, WjiiX^i, ^ee^Priident E. H. mibgnir BBq.. Pzbndge, Tieasnrer W. Funbef^db ntgeVl^jt., Toitnto,_6eR'y •â- t- %W" O. U. W«t«imLX3.. TorOtato, Solicitor' t;. H. IfeiAintodi. M.P., Ottawa Tho8. Mepsies, Peterboro Pefer Onliam, MJP.Pi, Warwidc W. FefDBencta lYige, c%q., Toronto, ben-y B. H. b#tlM^1LI:.'Termto; llect. S'ti; Lewis Wigle, ]|:.P.P..^LjBiunhigtoa J. P. Btdl. DowBSTie**- B. W. Hffl, ^Vi-t Bidgeyffle. Mcmb. fopt. \\li.i M-^^pi^kyji^^ ROBT. JlSKEN, Baa 9ened out a Fizat-Claas UtIDERTONG ESTABLISHMENT. Andtherefuce has sopplied a want hmg lt, GOFFIKS, CilSEETS, BHBOTJDS. i-.v^- â-  -tj, and all ' fVIEML FtMI|«nS a|nppUed qnth«^hortean(ttiee. All parties iadebtea' to 'tjs please call and settle at ohoe and; «ave costs. Keynold^ and Spi%. ^^, The best tea ever offered; tp ^tt» " ' ' public at 35 cents, or 30 coife,' pound bv Box is to be had j at 1^ Trimble^s • ^^-t^-^*^-^^^'^,^^^ f »»e«5^ Advices from Maindiester Glasgow jast received a la^ge: i^9^ ment of goods for :W. .1. 1I«?«*^™» Jail and winter tuada. ,; f^^j jajft â-  j .j^.n jV As WB intend rej^ngl iu Markdale, wft olBar,.^; bij|»,^ our stock below oflat^ Bf Son. •.*^itiKii Ak earthqm^#.«J#^. extending over ft jb^^l Yankedom oaaaed' ipM^ in New York. • ^^ *;'*» â- '« '** •The magical po? TellowOil 'Rtb DiTCfltors hkve filed with the Hon. 8. 13. Wodd, (ExPriDyi«»d Trdaittre^ of Ontario) Tmstee for the Asaoeiation. Bonds to the asn^ant of fSOidOO.OO, aS aigpaarantee for the honest carrying ont of the termb of Certificates issued to nidaft|erB. Reliable Aid ^o. Families of Deceased Members at Snmll Cest, The Association wUl do boaineas on the foQowing plan Applications. AU Af^dioatiena for Membership shall be made upon printed fLms furnished by the As. iooiation, (foA applieaats must pasa satisSaetpry medical examinatjou).,, If ace^ted, a certificate will be isnied within thirty days hf^m date of taeh Mieeptahiie.. " ' Membership; The payment of TWELVE DOLLABS admits any ofsocnd body and mind between the age of 18 and 60 years, to aU the benefits^ the Association, if the apfdicatiou is not accepted the money la pn^ptly returned to the ap^manfr. The following table shows theameoit for wbioh Oertifieates if Â¥iiiiiliaiilitii |v91beinaed 1^ the AmiMnation, aeeording to age t " ' rj^v xlV.s,0 j.ixSt-'ii"i iiil' k -•â- ^-.--t-i-'^^odi^ratoft^' fai Brm ttowadnp. vuy^If \.' mmsi v-affld'Mrs^Bt'Wi^g^-'apff^i"IWif- --"j -o..owi in •'«,• •« • • f ,« X,.. i^,^:i^iJnpm 18 to so.. • -l- to 92p • » • « %j^» JB2 to 83.. '*. ihe-'jl-.filfl^p. ^-^ â- ^a^^.^opispii^L*::; ' Hugh M«r«r,ja »p«^g a4 itt oldlWDW A iJnn' -«^»2^ itiikoka H AG 'v' A !;!_., sfiW ,Biid v/ t ill saiail^am*' i S ,;?f^; ad! ,nta^-, f)* ^O aO 4fcSw • • ;.i ,1. 44to46 • • r Vu. Anuiua^ Death t3 3 8S1 a 750 ;4etb«^:;J;v!;^:... .^'i^- *»' 10 Vr. ... .1 J 9 60to61 1 900 ' ' 6tU»52;......... ' 1 800 •.«e?'V'^**! .5. i,'?!iH£nt?h ' ,., ,.„ W.^ff.9-'.V ^*Eir;JN^£4,/Mjj vci 1 nyy n i *i *ii/. inniliiM i. ^n 3^a-hiK;ij ITE' /wmbe lisi JiiJob ,?^L' ' 1'/^ ,^||P|PI*a^l XfB ?. iif .â-  ' «â-  W^jcNiitlivtilrTOAi^, I e*_3* l80Jf SV»..'I .flfc.falil m i

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