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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Aug 1884, p. 4

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 w k,\ i c. »|!^ :J j^ .i**rs 1 n w- %:" ,*â-  '-?' J IN y The Stamlatd. MABKDAI^ AUG. 14. 1884. ]lluk«ale Cattle Fair. This inBtUatioo has dragged along a feeble eviatance for two years, bat is uow deyek^ing into a genaine cattle iair; Inst Satnrday over one hundred- head of fine cattla were on the fair groand, more than half of which founds market at fair prices, Mr. F. Bnrton sold a cow for $48, Mr. Thibodo disposed of 72 head the •day previous. Mr. Scott of Owen •bound was thie purchaser. We can 'see no reason why Markdale should jnoc have one of the best Monthly fairs iin the county, being located in the midst of a prosperous agricaltural district, and haymg an excellent feur ground of five acres, secured by an eight foot fence, so that cattle can be left with perfect safety from breaking out, there is nothing wanted on the part sf buyers but to know that a large number of cattle will be o^ered, while all is wanted on the part of farmers is to know that good buyers will he on haui. It is Mr. Scott's intention to atcend Markdale fair in future, and others have determined to attend so that we may reasonably expect the fair to £prow rapidly from month to month. Let our business men give it their encouragement as they should. Taesdfty Ae Ifith July I left llwikdalc^ iaok mj iUpvtaue aame eraimg^ from.OiMn Soond per b. S. MtufM^ â- ErifiQg •! Jfuiitowaiiing tibe tsillkmmg dMj. I WM foxpEiBed. on neariog tijtt poet, with the kaaatifol view, and etillmore i iBp w on ed with Hm lively boainess aspect of ibe yMgti ;iHiy, it mroved even more lively afid inter- esting tfafi onie ni^it we stopped here thun our go-ahead Markdale. I left Manitowaning the following day (Thursday) by stage for Providence Bay district and thefartber I travelled ihe more discouraged I grew, there being nothing but rocks on either side I determined however to further test the matter more fully and to' that end. left the stage at Michael's Bay and walked across the conntry by stage road but lound a continuation of rocks with an occasional farm house by the way,bnt how they existed was a mistery to me, however on farther investigation I found that the ledge of rock only extended a short distance back from the main road when a beautiful stretch of conntry opened to view extending for miles and making beaatiful settle- ments, and I further learned from the residents tiiat in digging wells they often dig 80 to 40 feet before coming to rock. In reference to Better Than Tbe Best. GRAND OFFER GOOD FOR AUGUST ONLY. We will send to any adress the Standard and Toronto Weekly News the balance of 1 884 for 40 cents, or the Stand- ard arid Montreal Star^ six months for 65 cents, or the three papers mentioned the balance of the year for 70 cents. This is the best opor- tunity yet presented to secure the news at a small cost. Do not delay, but send in your subscfsption early in the month arid thereby secure the greater bargain. The cash imust accompany the order in all cases. Mail all orders tc Standard office, Markdale. Notice. â€" ^We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold oarselves responaib'e for th« opinions expressed by our correspondents Providence Bay dislrictj to which I reached, it is a fine agricultoral country one of the prosperous fanners being your old neighbor Samuel Wilson. There are also beautiful lakes in this district; Lake Mindemoya is over eight miles long and an averaged of about three miles wide, and has a most remarkable shore. This is a remarkable body of water in more than one respect, Ist you can drive a horse and buggy mto- it any place for tdii or fifteen rods before coming to swimming depth and in the second place you can drive all around it with one wheel in the water and the other on dry land and still your baggie be quite level. In reference to the clear- ing of bush land it is quite different here from what it was in Grey C!o., in as much as the stumps pull out as easy the same year the clearing is done as they would in your vicinity after ten years rotting. There has been three steam threshers shipped to the Island this season, and several mowing machines are already in this part. There are schools and churches in convenient distances. Those who visit the Island bhould not content themselves with a driye along the highway, and then. leave the place disgusted but take a walk baok through the country and a different story will be heard from each persons on their return. Thanking you Mr. Editor for valuable space. Yours Truly, Wes. Whitbv. It Serves Them Bight. To the Editor of tJie St\ndabd. Deab Sib,â€" I understand that five of the hopefolls of your Tillage.suiumonedto appear before the magistrate. Brown, on Saturday last, to answer a charge of "Disorderly Con- duct" and breaking the door» and windows of one Mrs Duff, who keeps a house of question- able notority, and were fined each in the sum of about $8. J. am also informed by some of the neighbors that this is not the first time their midnight slumbers have Dnen disturbed by the rowdyish conduct of some of the same parties, and if repeated will have to answer before a higher tribunal. I am surprised that belf-respect, if not shame, would not keep young men (who ought to occupy a respectable position in society) from such conduct. The blame is laid on whiskey, which was taKen in quantities by some of the parties. Your village has got an unenviable notority. A gentleman on the cars, who had remained over night in your village, and had witnessed tbe conduct of some of the youths, remarked that there were boys in your village prepar- ing themselves for the penitentiaiy and the hangman's rope. Your hotel-keepers are also guilfjr of selling liquor on Sunday, contrary to law. Your licensed groceries sell Osprejr. From our own corregpondent. Crops are looking better since rain. The Salvation Army have attacked U^evershani. f the throughout tbe township, m consider ation of the Scott Act. Hall Bros, are repairing the floom and the nxills are closed at present. Messrs. Crane, Lush and Brown re- turned lately from Europe, all having enjoyed their trip exceedingly well. Onie monthly c^e £ur c«l Mond^ lastwaaweUfttlended. A.l«ige]»»n b6r of esttle and »iHmib«r ol bwaes wero on the gioands for sale. Bib/ ers were not plentiM. i _^ ^. rhe Base-baU olub «f XnacMk played a match witti the Flesheiicm team on e gronnds of the Jattet, re- salting in a victory for the,|)andalk team. Oar boys have not Jiad practice to oope with pixtfessioniJs; biit practice leads to perfection. ;^ Mr. B. Stewart, of the west back hne, happened with a sad accident some days ago^ while in the woods felling a lodged tree, the tree gave way sooner than expected and fell upon Mr. Stewart. He could sowcely have espaped death but for a brash hei^ over which the tree fell, thus destroy- ing the force of the fall. Mr. James Wallace and wife, a few days ago, while driving down a steep hill the horse becoming unmanageable, threw them both out of the buggy. Both received some injuries. Eev. J. J. Hare, Principal of Whit- by Ladies College, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist chnrch Sunday even- ing last. Pneevilie. From our eorreapoaieHt. Watson's new brick block is fast approaching completion. It is one of the finest in the village and will contain Blacksmith shop, Garrage shop and Harness shop, besides a public hall. Bev. Mr. Barkwell and lady a*'e at present visiting friends in the village. Dr. Hixon who has been absent for a week's vacation has returned in good trim for attending to his rapidly increasing practice The Dr. informs us that it is his intention to remam in this part of the country indefinately notwithstanding the re- port by interested parties to the contrary. The storekeepers in this village report a very brisk trade. Customers come here ten or fifteen miles, claim- ing that they can get better value for their cash and produce here than dsewhere. Our good natured "limb of the law" familiarly known as "Big Dan" excited the iru of a couple of rowdies a few days ago by doing his duty in his capacity as constable. It seems they waited until they bad become well "liquored ap" when, finding their ansuspected victim on the bridge, attacking him in a most brutal maimer. One of the villians was fined heavily but the other escaped to Uncle Sam's domain before Justice overtook him. Miss Garrison of Michigan is in the village visiting at Mrs.' Grier's., Rev. Mr. Barkwell preached m the Methodist church on Sunday evening, AuR.Srd. The Scott Act petition ii being canvassed in this villiage and Under the aiuiloeaoai fiw abb^ Tlie prdoeedinga^ ir«» lOontooted hj Bitf ?v lf.^:Pti**woa» »f Watesford, Ohirandtlieft«oifriDt^;j|«w lor tbefirstlecip: i-,- ;. Bro.O.W.Bntlectee-Select Councillor, '" Thos. Hdl^^^ol Cottucil'or. '• R W. E»Diia-^^*9^ " " Rev. T. Grandyr-CUaplain. B. McNiQoll-*-Reo. yeoretaryV W. T. Jackman-- Fin. Secretary. l#»w«, eommeudiry**, 4»th, dosed bag forV^i^ Qfliepa, Mail s^JX ,@fi«»l Mail North i-i^ K*»gfo* Owen Sound tIp^" p^hohave erected new k this district the n«. '" Benjamiu Coleinan,^ "" (t E. Rutledge^Treasarer. S. M. Sinytfteâ€" Herald. J. W. Richardsâ€"Quard. J. McKennaâ€" Stmtinel. W. Masonâ€" Deputy-Herald. Dr. ^prouleâ€" Medical Examiaw. " C. W. Rutledge) " B. Dunlop â-  Tmstees. " W. M. Clark The membership is strictly confined to total abstamers, and any person wishing to join the order is requested to sign tbe total abstinmiee pledge before beinj; initiated. The object of e order is to improve tbe moral, mental and social condition of the members to induce men to live sober, industrious and christian lives to prevent by just means the growth of intemperance to aid in saving from its evil efiEeots those already addicted to intemperate habits and to aid and assist the members and their families in case of want sickness or death. One of the benefits of the order is life insurance, the order carrying risks of members from $500 to $2000 pay- able at death, or in ease of a member being totally disabled one half is paid down, the balance at deatii. There is also a sick benefit fund in connection with this order from which any member, in ease of sickness, can dravk $5 for the first 12 weeks and $8 for the following 12 weeks. The officers will be pleased to furnish further particaliors of tbe working and benefits of the order to any who may desire to be informed. â€" COH. â€" I n m I â€" Eatra nee iSxanaiaatioB. ALE P6iT( "eEa Temperancem.etog,arebemg.M,l ;;;-i^,iZrT ':Z" ^ZuZ have already been obtained. Mr. E. J. J. Ferguson, Teacher, at Manitowaning, son of our wortiiy School Inspector, is visitmg friends in this part of the country. :Jas. Mercer, bank b'am 49?!! B6yd,9thlineEupb:i|^«l| Bobt. Mathers, 9th hn. barn 62 x 60, Samuel Jl KoM. To,^, Glenefti J. K Buchanan, Axkm^i house, Wm. Buchanan k?J' Jas. Struthers. Eupbai^ this year, brick hoose b Stables 80 x 57. l^\ Artemesia. brick honse Tli Glenelg, barn 86x56* barn 42 x 42, Geo. X 60. Moses Melosh bani';i Wm. Williamson bank baa? F. Boyle barn 40 x 40 Holland, barn 35 1" Sawerbv, barn 80 x 35 doubtless many others wij Eot come under oar nofea 1 above will show that thij i» in a prosperous 1 ESTRArnoii Came to the p.., ff.ibscriber lot lOg land, about the u, ahorse, dark Uj,! hind fet lock white, star in face, iff leqnested to prove propeiiy mI and take him avsf JOHK BTJENSIDE. STEER m LOT 90, Con. 2, West of SydenLam Bead, GIoil, white spotted steer, vitb hormli year old. Any pei-son crriog e formaticoi will be suitably i IIABSHALL Bil 206-207 Dundalk. liquor by the plass. contrary to law and cTen do not' regard the sacred- ness of the Sabbath, but haw been seen go-' ing in and oat of their places of business with their customers on the Lord's day. There is also liquor sold in your midst with- out license. What in the name of common sense are the Inspectors paid fcr 7 Are they dicing their duty? Let every respeetable merchant, let every respectab e man wh« has •an interest in the prosperity of your Tillage aijse in hia might and cnidi out tiiis crying •enl from your midst let th*; law be enfocoad in erery instance, and lieavy fines bid i^on the toansgreaaws, then peace and prosperity wul be yours. Yonntra^, MOBALITT. A Trip T* JHsnritowlte To the Saunr of the 7fniiirlilf "DmuL Snu-T-If yoa will aUow me • saiaUspiweiayourvateaUe pKfn I wiU eodeftvor to givis « skMeh ef wliat Z^ai»^i« Manila^^dand. On From our own corregpondent. The English Church Sabbath Schools of Dundaik and Shelburne had an excursion to tbe Forks of the Credit on Monday last. It was well patronized. Bey. Mr Keefer, of Halton, preached in the l^jBthodist Chnr'ch here 00 Sab- bath last. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered at the close of the preaching sprvice. In the evening Mr. Eeefur addressed a large audience in Victoria Hall on the Scott Act and its working in Halton. Mr. £. is an able speaker, and his ad- dress was productive of much good m the cause of temperance, and fiirnished a vast fund of information on the Scott Act work A Council of Boyal Templars of Temperance is being organized liere. Miss Annie Midnleton has been very ill for the past ten days. Our Bitse-ball club have received a challenge from the 'Atlantic" club of Toronto to i4ay them in Dandalk on Monday, the 18th inst. Our boys have accepted the challenge. It is said that some young lach^ sad gentlemen have been holing jnrptraeted meetings of their oiwn' in the Methodist churoh daring the summer eveBings; but the tmstees^spoiled the iisa by loeidng the ehuieh door. Ihe lovers BOW ••sit and woe" in other man 8iritable« if not e^paUy saored (plaeea. S. S. IVo. 14, Euphrasia. BEPOBT FOB JUHE. 4th Classâ€" (total 826) â€" John A. Blackwood 802, Frank McDonald 800. ,8rd Classâ€" (total 315)â€" John Wells 809, James McDonald 269. Essie Johnston 268. 2nd Classâ€" (total 240)â€" Isaac Silv- erthorn 226, Bobbie Fothergill 224 Bobbie Blackwood 188. ' ^Part II,-,(total 150)-Mabel E. Ciamble 140, Mattie Johnston 129. IsA L. Bbundaos, Teacher. â- * « â- â-º «- Facts. lipotl. What is Law: iipoB ail classes lower filHHi C|tfineia 4a^ce theiQ to b«. aa^^sMribemSi^ What is tme liberty? The free action of the mind of those operated that which eonfera ^^-1 • ix °^ '**® eommnnifty, equal nghts; according to the^ re8|)ecave merits. .e«UAL BwBTs :â€" No such Law «Mts under the universe of Heaven, fi^ahty has only one meaning.. What is perjury Thajt vhieh. OTiminates anotUid: bv lse titntimonr Perjury laay be characterized in tWo fortes-Vindictive, and sySbttthS Punishment «w. either blfoSrS, discretionary the pr«,iaiii« J«d«r upon the ease being heax% â-  ,^«^ rf^^^-~^ fomepfjd^^i^ eiasa of fences assomed a hialio* The following is Uie list of sueoess- ful candidates at the recent High School Entrance Examinaticm here, with the marks taken by each â€" Hessie 0. Andrew 864, Anna Amelia Ashope 800, EUzabeiai 3i. Baird 870. Mary E. Beaton 806, Jeaimette Bell 819, Mary E. Branseombe 846, Annje G. Chalmers 898, Minnie Clarke 885, MaryE. Gonsby 851, GnAherine G. Danard fOSi, Jenet Ferguson 861, Ida Fox Sll, Isabel Gibson 822, Annie S. Gordon 354, Mertie E. Ham 867, Luella Hammond 286, lizsie Johnson 458, Henrietta Jameson 486, Lillian Kingsbury 899, Nellie O. Landles 808, Maggie Lemon 807, Helena W. Marquis 862, Elisabeth Jane Matthews 864. Elizabeth Mat- thews 829, Lizzie Middleboroo^ 869, Amelia A. Muir 850, Isabella Mclyor, 884, Mary MoMiUan 888, Ellie Norris 878, Isabella Parker 865. Elizal»eth P. S. Bichardson 840, Bhoda E. M. Bichardson 834, Maggie Bowan' 841. Bessie H. B. Sadler 860, Martha Jfl. Speers 858, Maggie J. Speers 316, Jessie Spence 816, Minnie Speucer 870, oarah Tipping 410, Alipe Taeker 889, Matrgie Turner 808, Mar J, Turner 286. Julia Waites 877, Befia Warrilow 389, Ada White 846, Edith Wilhs 337. Louie Willis, 840, Annie M. Wilson 400, Emma Wright 824 00?®^^^® Anderson 298, Jas. Anthony 885, Charles A. Beaton 899, James Bridget 801, James H. Byert 840 James L. aarke329, Jeremiah Codsby 284, James L, Creighton 848, Arthur li. Danard 846, Eobert Dezell 29«i Arthur Dowsley, 291, Arthur W. *areweU848, lineoln Fleming 813l Bobt. T. Fletcher 881. Baxter FoUk d!;fdwl[ CURES CHOLERA INH' D'flRRH. AND ALLSUMMERCOMf SOLDBYALLDa. M The best meats fheconntiT^ kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL \\ THE TOWN WHERE OK A share of public patrona?j solicited. .. Eemember the stamd in Mwa 181 RUTLEDGE Tlifl EUGENIA I GrisUawaniliil Hairing made eqtensive Join J my Gaist Mill I feel Qxm^\ I good satisfaciiec. '{GODD FLOUR AL#S 280, Herbert Foster 886, Wm. ...Tboa. PiwaaU884X A. Ghent 888. Jm. M?'A^L2Tt W Bichard Horn 884, AJbert J. IJoweU «40; Bobt. IL fHoweU8W,^jri^j«^ Hunter 8(2^ inson 882,. Thos, O. Irwin 848 G«6 "'»y.8w,.|«Mrt P, ijicTjtoe sot; James J.. UpKeMie 8^4 Edwirf W. I^UMBEB AND ^m^wm^m^^m, wiiiam ge4a3^Sr^S^!m Wright 8W. WiiB«»a ,;rl^*^' .,?=â- â- â-  A %axzar Mustcsi Care/ fuUy VI Square t i |c»^ :iS ta-. lift Wiffidun Chopping D01U M CvaAom Sawing and Bills abortect notice. LATA ON HAX^-^ Cherry,- Bail ji nut, ^*'j*f j 6MT.: â-  M. AKITT- Notices «i^ indivu «entt a Un '^eiitf^altiu FkioBS jiSon. Dye S Turner Mb.Ja irill acce} Thubs] (be best i National •nti-bilioa! thoron^. liassHi another c ' Bnrnside I WtLIi gi ete., Ibr ca jewaller. Thbsb And28de ty J. W months ei Grbat can not b A Sou. BUTCEI -i « canvas tthis is an ' see other BusjuniE in good ti material JohnB to the 6 containin over 70,0 Anotas oos Japai B. Trimb The hi rigs will CaUand D. J. Sht PAmfr ache is in of Kejuv roots and barba. Au; p please a «ayeco8b The bi public at 'i'pound bv ^TrimWe'i " Avvic; '31a^tr raentof J vlt«nd^ •yii5j:f, f,^. oB WIS !*« 'iA«Mf«t6ck t'^y xiiannXfi- ea «^naSbdini if^-iSt** sam^w. mli xvai}. ,♦.»- ;«'j!C« sr: i M'^1 ANACBOSH^ E,ivetoagoo«l«J*^ Andbewise"**'" ' Bonbt'E dwpd; W;^ It's tme. I-rdfflf Jfothingiteeqnjl Bxtemalatt'^^ *â-  -* tilai**

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