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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Aug 1884, p. 1

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 iji iLnini I"" I " ' " â- ' »! iL^ 4.-N0. 205i MABKDALE, ONT., AUG 14, 1884. groceyjJi4J uality' •ora the tain- iccoes cai^oi MARKDALE STORE iived a tf Select CO, c^ Y CHEAP. he public's WES. \^Bn3 smooj ypo%s m 9£ba isaq ©qx 30QJ; ma I) ^±VHO TER, D PAPER NING s^G. Factory, JE- LIES Given. 192 205 S gsat res. lly return td friends 1 to then- contmu-! -^ dy to at' care ia " we.hav* 'L;. 6d â- Â»Â«â€¢*' J^ welay« ' or Mil-,,,.), Iiolmnn. Streft f i larMale Standard .«,v Thursday, at the office. Mill ' Streei, Markdale. jljjeryearin advance; tl-25if iVithin Aree months. Anal and business eards one men Juuder.peryear. 84. "" 1 YE. « MO. 8 MO. ..$50 00 at 50 nS 00 .. 27 00 IJ 00 10 00 ^coltmm-- .. 15 00 leOO 6 00 Mpace 7 00 4 00 ,h space.... 10 00 5 00 gjvertiseiiients 8 cents pa: line first 3 eents pel line each eabseqoent nonpi"eil measure. feoiial flotices, or notices in local col- cents per line first insertion, 5 cents iteequents insertioifc. ,v animals Sc., advertised 3 weeks for kj advertisement n«t to ^oeed twelve discontinued Bntil all arrears i except at ike aptiouof the pnblisher. -JOB PRINTiNC. â€" s-iXDAKD office has a splendid eqnip- ister as well as fine job type. Spe- Utention to orders by mail. Orders Ifith dispatch. [\V. RTJXr^EIG8-Ja EDITOR AND PROPRIETOB. iNDSPERRY, (SCCCESbOES TO LAUDKR HANOS), CEISTEES, Solicilore, Proctors. No- tades, ConvcyaHcers, e. "Money to tit lowest rates of interest. OiGces 16 -Xing Street East, ^Jiil ToBOirto. Frost Frosty hi^lSTEES, ANQ ATTORNETS-AT 1 Law, Solicitors in Chanoery, Convey I, i^c, Owen Sound, have resmn«d at rton, OSice open every Thursday, as lofore. Feost, J. "W, Fbobt, LL, B. I County Crown Attorney. 1 J. irrAsson, blBEISTEE, IVIASTER ANDDEP. BEG I in Chancery, Notary Publio, Conveyai^ Ik, 1 NUUBEB or FAnMS FOB «lIiB. nrasâ€" Owen Sound, in VicJter's Block hiieit St.; Branch office is Markdale, over ^Mland's Store, on Friday «nd Satniday y week. 67-ly Creasor A- ]1Iorii«oii« hmf. -xviS.SOLICITORS. CONVEY- Smces, e. c, ncisinOwen Sound, Dnfferin Block, iW. F. Wolf's Store and in „^ MARKDALE; fW, J. McFarland's Store on Thursday ilnisj of each week. IS'Fundsto lend on reasonable terms. sCBSisOR, Q.O. DUNCAS MoBIdON ' ' Lie, March 15, 1882. 79-1y Alexander Brown* pSUEB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Insurance Agent. Commissioner B. Ac. Conveyancer and Licensed »neer for the County of Grey, Farmers, aaats, and Land Sales, Ponctoally at- Ito and charges made verv moderate. He, Sept. 17. 1880. ' 1-y Wm. Brown, pSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, *c ,l^omnussio .^r inB. R.«S;c. ^^^Ja^cingin all its branches promptlj •mo to and carefully executed. :-oâ€" Monoy to Lend on Real Estate se HOUSE, MARKDALE, pasjryan, Proprietor. 31TY HOTEL, â-  ^WcAieer, Praprietor. "' honse is fitted up in good style, aitn- ^°^ill street, where the travelling pnb- latjon ^Peud on the very bert accommo- -Ji;_5;^n bus to all trains. 194 I'iRKDALE iiC |!'5S^RUTI£DGE^^ f«aFECT FIT avi CbM ga o y tb Sxmoabd FtTB CBBXI BiCB. rn^rn. iryMkn* Sick Ttma. «_ â€" • ,1^^ ^^ yj fa uc Work Anpvdj " 'IcdieiM Dwkn HUHrat B. Oiient, MJ., M;.R.0 P. ft S.. O. Phyocian and Snnfeon, Priceville, Gradoste of Univenity. Yict. Collie. •« -^ „ NewTork, wid Hon. Gradnate, of the same, M „ Ayleth liedical Inatitata. ,. „ OptLalmio Hospital, N.T. MemberColl.Phyaiciaii8«fcBixrgflor8,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Bntledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Monshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prao tiee of his profession. 122-47. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER. CONTRACTOR, A ARCHI- TEcx.â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. 1241T HAMILTON'S " PROTOaMPH oillerY OVER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work execated in all the Litest sizes and shapes, folly equal to city work. Special aU«ntioa given to A large stodc of moalding to choose froHi. Call and leave yonr measure for a pictnie. •Ja,s. Uamiiton. COMMERGiAL HOTEL PRIOBVUjLiB, Ont. Large and epmmodions Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, o. The Bar and larde well supplied witii the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. "Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK WD STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomininq in all SJiades and Colors. Charges moderate and satisfaction gnar- anteed. ' Orders left at ahe Stahdaed office will receive prompt attention. 126-ly. Is:c33. y«drir* On the Falls of lf«i ticenerf aronn€. What pDtia of roek hang on fhy brew And «arl thy wtttera into loam. Where lofty tzees their shadows throw, And visitors po often xoam. The waters from tliy raging main That foaming came towards thy brink, ynil never scale tiby nxto agMn, Which headlcmg to thy depths did sink. Some boats have made the dreadfol leap. Smitten and shivered when thcqr feD, Bat not one man did yet eeeape Of broken rocks and limbs to teU. The moi that ventured on fhy deep. And trifled with thy dangetons flood^ Soon sank into a lasting sleep And stajoed thy waters with their blood. Far down thy rocl^ bank so steep By tiresome steps we idl did go. And saw thy thundering waters leap Among the mist and rooks below, Some days and years have passed away Since tiiy deep stream oommoieed to roll The broken ro(^ we saw this day, I think the seoret will nnfold. Bows above rows of cedars stand To deck thy lofty banks so steep. And ranks of different beauties grand. Grow round thy blue and foaming deep. The walnuts and the acorns fine We saw on many a lofty tree. And grapes on eyery fruitful vine In gardens grand we there could see. Ledge above ledge of brokai rook, Of bygone ases they will tell And saw and felt the battle's shock. When Bixiok so bravely fought and fell. A monument of rock will tell Where that brave man at death was laid. And how the men Uiat round him fell Were laid beneath the balsam's shade. Tin the last tramp shall then surprise. And monnments to fratiments ^ver. Then they immortal all shall rise To live, and die no more forever. A Model Woman. I know a woman wondroos fairâ€" A model woman she â€" Who never runs her neighbors down When she goes out to tea. She nevef gossips after church Of dresses or of hats She never meets the sewing school And joins them in their spats. She never beats a salesman down Foi' what she wants to buy. Nor asks to see the thousand things Which do his patience try. These statements may seem very strange At least they may to some. But just remember this, myfcieuds. The woman's deaf and dumb. PHrSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHES, i»R lOE VIL L.3E. AUeaUsptOiiifltly Attended io. ISAAC STIWSON, Builder ancl Qontractor In all kinds of IJrick and glone vork. Estiinates gi"""' An work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly aUenoea to. 193-«m' MABKDALE P. 0. sahdea. warbeix, xtttbll diggkb and dbillbb, VV orders pioiiiptfy attended tb jtaMeâ€" Saider's HUl Owen Sound A£L Besi 182-86 Send six oents for postage, ai^^ree^ie £raeA«wy bas of eiiiiv Mf t?; moM mflfv^ rifliit amy fltitt any^^ «m m tliis .wodtf. £nplirasla Conncll. The eonceil met porsnant to ad* journmenton the 1st August, 1884. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. The Beeve, Depnty-Beeve and Mr. Boyd, w^e appointed a committee tu ascertain the assetts and liabilities of the township, witli a view to the levy- ing of the rates for the current year. The committee reported that 7 mills in the dollar will be sufficient to meet all the liabilities of the township for the current year, except S. Trustees rates. The report of committee was adopted, and by-law No; 889rto leyy the rates for the current year, was carried throu{,h the different stages and passed. Mr. Boyd and Mr. Black were ap- pointed to examine side road 27 and 28, c(m. 8, with a view of improving it. The Beeve was authorized to caU upon Mr. Sing, D. P.L.8., to locate a deyiatioQ of 12 to 18 side rcad^ con. 2, and to gM the road made passable at this plaos. ' The petition of James Morwood and 16 others* iu xefertfice to eiesawaying on 9 and 10 side road, eon. 8, laid be- fore councQ'mid aocikpted, and Mr. Boyd and Wc. Black appointed to tak£ acticm therein. Mr. ^Msk and Mr. Hard were i^ pointed to get repairs nsade at Iet# 7 â- nds, oij^ «. ;^ .;' the Weasuwr. wpar^eSeM »y tlta BeirvecfWJSf btsag amouitiof put BMfai -^ i I«M Tiiiaainii iffilTlir ftllliWW M vertising; James Boyd, Esq., $150.62|^ to pay men for woric on roads James McMahan $8, proteiating Heathoote bridge £. £. Bicks f 2Q. to improve 7th line; Wm. Ncely f2, removing stone on 9th line J. M. Davis $9.25, bnildmg bridge and repairing culvert John MoArthar $80.81, work on 12 and 18 side line Joseph Manary $60, salary as assessor for 1888 B. lion- lop, clerk, $26, making Voters' List J. M. Davis $7, building culvert W. Bielby $6, ditching on side line 8 and 4. Thomas Jordan was appointed ool- leotor for the westerly 7 concessimis at a salary of $60, on motion of Messrs. Boyd and Hurd. A resolution was passed, offering a reward of $100, for the apprehdnsion and ecnyiction of ineendiuies, and tiie clerk ordered to get notices to that effect printed, posted and circulated. On motion being made and second- ed the council adjoomed until the first Friday m September next. BoBKBT Dxnxtop, Tp. Clerk. • 1^ Glenelff Conncll. Town Hall, Gienelg, July 21, '84. The council met this day punnant to adjournment. All the members present. The Beeve in toe chsir. Minuteaof last meeting resid and eon- firmed. Cheques were issued for woric per- lormed in ward No. 4, under Mr. Dunsmore, as follows Wm. Glencross, work at lots 1 and 5, con. 9, $12 James McNally, work at lot 5, con. 9, $12.76; Bichard Jack, work at lot 6, eon. 8, $4 W. Hunt, work at lot 9, con. 9, $11.60 Thomas Jack, work at lot 6, cOn. 18, $18.76; Angus McQuarrie, work at lot 6 con. IS, $6 A. Leitch, work at lot 9. con. 12, $10.60 B. Bartiy, work at lot 6, con. 10, $111 James Leitch, work at lot 14, con. 8, E B., $11.76 John Vaughan, repairing bridge at Cha£^'s Mills. $64. Cheques were issued for work done in ward No. 8, under Mr. Neil, as follows B. McDonald, work at lot 20, con, 6, $18.60 John Saunders, work at lot 101, cou. 2, W.T. 8.H., $16.76; Dennis Sweeny, work at lot 10, eon. 8, $6 Wm. Webster, work at lot 16, con. 8, $6 John McPhee, work at lot 20, con. 10, $7*60 John WDson, work at lot 16, con. 9, $7 Wm. Webster, work at lot 16, con. 9, $6. Cheques issued for work performed in ward No. 1, under the Deputy- Beeye, as follows James Staples, work at lot 7, con. 4, N. D. B., $21 C. Williams, work at lot 41, con. 8, E.G. B., $4.76; Thomas Gray, work at lot 11, Dur- ham Boad, $12 John Cameron, work at lot 18, con. 8, N. D. B., $8 John Williams, work at lot 49, con. 2, E. G. B., $10 Samuel Lawrence, work at lot 68, con. 8, E. G. B., $8 David Allan, work at lot 66, con. 8,E.G.B., $6; George Moore, removing dritt timber at Sangeen bridge, $4 Hector McLean, work at town line G. A., con. 8, S. D. B., $2. Cheques weie issued for work per- formed m ward No. 2, under Mr. Mc- Guaig, as follows John Fallice, work at lot 10,con. 4, N. D. B., $24 John Fallice, replac- ing broken stringer, same ^aoe, $6 John Morrisony replacing broken stringer, lot 88, con. 2, $1.60 Martin Btonehouse, work at lot 80, Durham Boad, $12 Martin Stonc^use, work at 10^40. con. 1, S. D. U,, $8.60; Alexander McHuiS, work at lot 40, oon. 2. S. D. B., $8 Alexander Me- Phail, work at lot 40, con. 8, S. D. B., $6.68; Peter FCToian, wnk «t lot 60. eon. 8, S; D. B., $6; Hector La- ment, work a^ Icet KQ, jdoo. 8, B. P. B., $6.16 Jeihn McQname, wock at lot 87, con. 2, N. D. B.,f4 Domdd Me- Liod, work at kyt 41, eon. 2, N. D. B., $8 Jkmm 1^0)^4, work at lot 40, eoiuJi.N. 11^ JUv|l:Neii Mck ^Gasmell, work at lot 89, eon. B. mo^ng obstmotiim off road Irwin Anderson was paid $61 for building bridge at Purdy MUls Donald McBae was paid $2 for bnildUng foot bridge at Pmrdy MUla. Cheques were issaed to pay Jabes Baaka and otbenri for Egging a ditch at lots 42 uid 48, cons. 2 and 8. E. G. B.. being an equivalent to $20 worth of work done by said parties, said anoant having been granted last year John Falhee was paid $8.66 for ng^ajx of waggon • broken in defective bnc^; $26 was pidd to Gleneig Agrionltnral Society as grant for 1884 $62 was paid for fine of Samuel Cope and wife, indi gents, said parties having gone to Dakota,C. W. Butiedge was piud $88.- 60 for printing voters lists and adver- tising, accounts were paid for supplies furnished to Samuel Cope and wife as follows, James Burnet $7.76, Thos. Whitmore, $6, Dr. Jsmieson $12 for attendance and medicine, the Clerk was paid $2.66 for postage and stationery and $4:90 for r^;istering births marriageg and deaths and $87.- 60 for quarter's salary. Ward Com' missiouer's were paid for letting and inspecting work as follows, N. G. Dunsmore $12.42, J. A. McMillan $7, A. McCnaig $7.60, the Beeve for° letting a bridge $2, $30 was granted to cut down a hill on old Durham Boad at lot 26, $60 was granted to repair base line at lot 1 con 12, $10 was granted to reptur town line nortii of Irish Lake and $10 south of Irish Lake providing Artemesia grant an equivaJent to be spent in like manner, $60 was granted to open a road be- tw(9en lots^ 10 and 16 con 12, $11 was granted to remoye a jamb at bridge at lot 47 con 2 N. D. B. The Beeve and Mr. McCuaig were appointed to examine bridge at lot 40, eon 2, N D B, and the Beeye and NeU to examine HMid at Barrhead mills, and have the latter repaired. Widow- McComb was exempt from performing Sta* â„¢i^|tute Labor for 1884. The Beeve, ' Treasurer and Clerk were appointed to attend the Conrt of Appeal, gcm^ on at Owen Sound on July 22nd, on behalf of the Municipality. The Council adjourned to meet at Town Hall on August 26th at 10 o'clock a. m. J, b. Black, Clerk. â- â- I I A Cnre for Bi^tlieria. "We hope some of our physician readers will try the folio wingtreatment. The New York Sun states that Buth Lockwood, a nine-year old child, be- came violently ill with diphtheria a few weeks ago. She was so weak that it vas deemed dai'.gerous to try tracheotomy, or cutting open the windpipe. On Thursday Dr. Nichols, who was attending her, received a copy of the Paris Figaro, which con- tained a report made to the French Academy of Medicine by Dr. Delthil. Dr. Delthil said that the vapors of liquid tar and turpentine would dissolve the fibrinonaexudations which clioke up the tliroat in croup and diph- theria. Dr. Delthil's process was described. He pours equal parts of " turpentine and liquid tar into a tin pui or cup and sets fire to the mixture. A dense resinous smoke arises, which obsuures the air of tbft room. "The patient," Dr. Ddthil says "im- mediately seems to experience relief the choking iemd rattle stop; the patient falls mtei a slgmbfsr and seems to mhale the smoJm vKth pleasure. The fibrinous membraneaopn becomes detitcbed, and the patient doughs up microbioides. These, when caught in a glass, may ka seal to dissolve iu ' the smoke. In the course of tliree di^i the pati«it entirely recovers." Dr. l^ichols tried this' treatmeju t witii Itttte B«ith.Loekwood. She was lymg gasping for breath w^en he vinted 'Ua. f^tpourn^g about two table- spoo^^^of'Iiqjael^efltar im .jan irn" oVer |t ana set it on fire. The^xidu^uii^^iui tiettnoilif "adiio^ l^b^' ftm- "ta the yHSuig by fib HidflSPr tio^eassiit.^ ln4n»vwi«Sv-;.-.;i m^ ;:«| 1 ill it! M hi l-l i J !1 is TK'i' .%ii m .^.

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