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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Aug 1884, p. 8

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 mmm^^i^ m. .-. f,i â- â- *. W m. nx\ â- Â»'• f- \k '*(â-  i'l: lilt v? ,#';â- . ;it.. ,. ... Ill pnce,?^ Teas at ' I dead^; f4Vi «ii^lace to get BA^AINS ia .Dry COO1I0, Groceries^ Boots andShoes, jCfOckeryy Glassware Ac e. vj NEW PRINTS from 5 cents up. New DRESS STUFF ID cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we pflfer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. • The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, lor sale cheap. WM. BROWN. «rror8 anfl for tte parpoBejtrf pwrnting •ndiUwhenWMiDfliBtlM^naer Dr. Low's Wor* Byv^ mUtyeBf^td Woorms. -^[ ;^ Bdigion ean be no more learnt ont of books tfaanBeamusshif^jpr sol^ar- ship, or a^g^enng, ^.or jtMotinl^,^ or tj^ pcaetii^ ixa/dfi whstaoever. AN ANSWER WANTED. *« "»^ Can any me Wnf «** orm of kido«7 or liTer flompibuiit that Electric Bitters will not speedily eore? W«/bi^ tiiey ,can not, IM ihonsands of oases already permanently cored and who an daayitecnuaendmil.EIeo- trie Bitters, will prove. Brjght's disease, diabetes, weak back, or uiy '«rki»Ty cpm- fdaint f oiekly enrad. They purify the Blood regulate the bowels, and act direct^ on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle by A. I'nmer Co., Markdale. 1 0^1 k^ m retjied be rliosfaiagc^Lu^ b|it .^ we b|^ bne ooo8olati)9»/^i^;«sd[ II' B ' i W0MAS'8%BAENB?S. ' ' Beligion itives part, of its reward iu hand, the present comfort of having; done oar doty and for e rest, it offers ns the best security that heaven can give. Much! of the waazyc weakness ;peoalbw to-. f^mfites u caused by nxegolaritieH t^t^eoohl beimmptiy remei$^. with that SnBellfiBt L^ulatuig XomC'^nrdook Blqod BitXan. f April, 1884. 190-tf ROBT. S. RAE, T A I L R, A LIFE SAVING PBESENT. Mr. M. E Allison, Hutchinson, Kan. Sa- ^„„.^ Ted his life by a simple Trial Bottle ut Dr^ tita. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, whidi caui-ed him to procure a large bottle, that completely ourd him, when Doctors, change of climate and erbrything else had foiled. Asthma, Brondiitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Threat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial bottles free at A. Turner Go's Drug Store. Large size fl.OO. 1 Mr, Wui. TflJ/bt;d of Ariiott mowii^g the other dny came aofops a bigsrake m the grass. In a pAr-r oxism of terror he stamped his foot on it mechaiiically of cour»e. Do iifiifig his loot again, this anake had disappear- ed, and immediately after he lelt it wriggling op inside his pant* ;ieg. After sundry evolutions of a Uyaly character on the pturt of Mr. Telford, the snake managed to crawl out under his waistbandj and dropped into the gratis beside him. He breathed easier then.â€" Chahswoirth Cor. ddver- fifemgaanpflrted prior to ' " boi(0ltiM, a safficient FwPrty «d.WMEN for apl2*J' fiOUSE ^Jj«^.'l»ade:-ihrSJ^ -T^rrrr^ â€" MS Wht) assnme to tran bosbesBJ^t; J"i*i5has:ng of smauS •ri exorbitftnt rates of interest on w ciffedit, Our imports of MeSERVEO MEATS, mm\m,m BAC0N,A88ORTED PICKEis" and ever; articles in the grocery trade CAN DEAFNESS BE CUBED. Mr. John Clu-k, of Milldridge, Ont. LIQUORS Ofithe, best brands and quality. Win« Tor iSaoramental purposes vrarranted pure. Brandies direct from the man nfseturer and all other kinds of liquor/ Ooffees, Teas and Tobaccoes cannot fail td give satistacfcion. Oramreg LemoDB, e. Family Flcur sudIJ at Lowest Rates. ^^' BELFAST HODSE, MARKDAU Feb. 6th. 1884. SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE OI3 TO JLiBT In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber Ind, with other timber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machineiy is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for:!: "*. *~" "".«». oee lei 1 i.1 J u u Ji 1 *t. r • from persons inyonr own town. A. sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning' r. rr -o^ '« o » o .0 -,1 • • i. jf ^^» The YiAB Bound.â€" Nstioni broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and -.--â- - picker complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regulai. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of '^liginess, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. Lhe bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immedinte possession given. P^j. r-.y to the proprietor. WM. HOGG, FLESHEBTON STATION P. 0. ONT. -Good Work Guaranteed AT Eiilmers Plota FLESHERTON. 03*H Sit ^H.Ce and. see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T.^^S. BTTT-,2s/d:BX2'S, FLESHERTON. \.Vt ^Â¥ HACYAROS SjPECTORAL T BALSAhs Has nb equal for t!»e pt.-nunent cure 'of iSr KvTyboliletJaJMKeediogives^^Isfatacn.* ' â- ^ X. -vilt-BURX S;CO., IV3}.irfciois-'J*()|ou|if" JOHN NOBLE, .MARKDALE pk'LBLACmill MOR8ESHOEINC jj Aim agat te Uie«deknM Whatever oar place allotted to as by Providence, that for us is the post of daty. God estimates not bv the position we are in, but by the way in which we fill it. •^ BUCKLfeN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forouts,brai8es sores, nloers, salt rhemn. fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin emptions, and positively cores piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner Co. " The PaU Mall Gazette says: "Woinan are employed as telephonists chiefly from reasons of economy." We readily see the force of this. The dear creatures are so fond of talking, and will do so much of it for so little' too. IfIcGregor*8 SpeedjrCnre. Every purchaser of commop sense business capacity, when requiring an artide for a certain purpose, purchases only that which has. been tried or is allowed first to test before buying. You are allowed a free trial bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure, the great remedy for Dyspepsia, Impure Blood and Liver Disorders at Hill Bro's. Sold at 60 cents and 91 per bottle. See testimonials S. 6 National Pills are a good blood purifier, Uver regulator, and mild purgative for all seasons. FOE OLD OB YOUNG Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is Ae remedy for Cholera, CoUc, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. No person is safe without it. m Signs of Worms are well known, but the remedy IS not always so well deter mined Worm Powders will destroy them. PBEJUDICBD PEOPLE. Many people are prejudioed against patent medicmes but aU who tiy Burdock Blood BittCTs are compelled to acknowledge it worthy a patent as a raluaUe discovery. Fob Thk Coxplxxiom.â€" For Pimnles Blotches, Tan. and all itohmg tumors of the skm, use Prof. Low's Magic Su^hur Soap. HOPEFXJL WOBDS Mrs. McArthur, rf Hopeyille, Ont, says she could not keep house without Halyard's PectonalBalsttn. to cure prevailingiLoat and long troublM. ;^u»i. The Dorham brass band have plav- ed tiieir first tan«. Worms often cause serions illness. The cure IS Dr. Lows W«m Syrup. Itd^trSs and expelff Worms effectually. "'""oys The wet weather in July has destroy- J5^y/^*^°*-°^*^«W «rop8 in parts of Quebec. TIT tr ,5?8CUBI) AT LAST Wild Btrawbary comas to ttarewue/^ evenmg last fire was aWv« J Mr Woodland's store IkHSIoS got under oontrpl aud subdued lfthefei8«ivl«iMM*SBt5««rf«i WMrwited to seacdk ft A B8|(AllKAm« It^OBU, declares it can, and that Uagyards Yellow Oil is the rmnedy that cured lum. It is also a specfic for all inflamation and pain. Annas.â€" Mri James P. Telford Las just completed the erection of 860 rods of barbed wire fence for Mr. Jobn Ford adjoiniuG; Annan village. Over a ton. of wire has been used up. Fifty rods are wholly of iron, and 300 rods with cedar posts driven about 3 feet into the ground with a piiedriyer set on a waggon, which is certainly the best and cheapest method of setting in posts. The irou posts undoubtedly have the most- symmetri- cal appearance but for rural fences the cedar posts are to be preterred, as they make the most substantial fence and much the cheapest of the two. Mr. Ford is to be commended lor the improvements he is making. â€" 0. S. Advertiser. A ST. ANN'S VIGTOEY. Mr. Johi Morrison, well known in St. Ann's, N. S., had serious Kidney Complaint that bordered on dropsy. After hope had nearly fled, he was cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. An Exciting Scene. â€" Prompted no doubt by the thrilling adventures of recent bear hunt, the employees of W.J. McFarlaud's mercantile esta- bhsbmeut reconnoitered a few evenings since in the celler of the premises. The oflficers were Cap. Eichards with a muskel, Colonal Smythe with a breach-loader and lieutenant Bowes Vrith a chineese lantern then: .object extermination of a tribe of rats, after drawmg up into hue the lieutenant with fancy light drove, the enemy from ambush when the captain opened fure and the enemy made a hasty retreat, neither dead or wounded could be found with the dim light but when dayhght arrived one rat was found shot dead which had prey- lously been poisoned. â-  A CUKE FOB CHOLEBA. Procure fcom^yonr druggist one bottle of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Stnwbetry NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTrON WITH Phwes' Flour and Feed Store. Having just received a 6hoict0s Fresh and Select stock: of Teas, Tobacco, c. Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully solic-t the public's patronage. 198 J. PLEWES. l"'*^tJ^.«*'ii A Call fortheBeT.jnr. Boyle. At^a recent meetmg of the Paris Presbytery^ a call was extended to Bev. W H W. Boyle, licenfaS S S'»f?n^°""' Kingston, at a^L^ of|1.4Wayear. Mr. Boyle's pareS hve m Glenelg township. and^rS only just for college, and has receiyed two very lucrative caHs. It is a question whether Brimp^pp or Pa^ J^ secure b»m. Th« is 4b«it S behest aahury ever oflfeted • stodeili ofaqjjcoUege.' -r^^ww •%v ptw 8(n{q«)s poor) •paa^viien^ smooi onvfjopiiio pun BiB9m poor) -^aojs ni siea. •JB nn2T9 pira sionbi^ jo pHBjq jsaq eqx -raoisradOH J aoaiaw -V 3DilX •»«0 *HAHOAlSJ.YU3 'S8aOH( iiOaHOK SiYi) aSnOH HXdOMSlVHO HOUSE PAINTER, GBAINEE, CrLAZIER AND PAPEK HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing Factory, Obdxbb Soucitkd. Estimates Gitex. ' â-  â-  192-205 P. DUCOLO^S LIVERY, m HTTLL'S OLD STAND, -MILl^ STREKT. and comfortable Rfgs at moderate charges. 195 A NtraiBEB OF MAEKDALE taifoollen Mill. PAH SIfl ..-f â-  ii; (â- ' ^^Jj^^5aHOT ift^i^^^ Marie. The fotlMrfng U^homJ), IR^ TtrLik^:: '• " I and TIm undecaigiwd wotdd respectfully return tlilnkB totkoir Humj. cnatomers and friends Iw ti« j^y ^^" accorded to tliem dtunn th^jtlMfc, tak would solicit a oontinu- adee ef tlie same, as we are now ready to at* "^25 J** "' *9* int^.ed to our care in ^CtrSTblli rXJABDDTG,,, FULLING and "WBAlStt} In fimt^daisB' style. As we have ia'-iMflriird8» and made other improTe- tJ^*ii,W f0matikwii te do as good work ^â- ^ ilM IpM lil!l not, be^er, than we bare OustOBJBWt, Wldiiguto have their wool SfU'M, qiuk aad made into blankets or fiui' jU|i.09 oi|ttip|i('^warp, ci^ have Uieir orders â- ' V|^1ea'»inif|68lr wool as early «s MJU Strec ;v^ ^•P 'Ml" XL fO..Ij. ij| .fe.^^i;; iJm'^fSiil-Uurrii-x â- ^. :\-

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