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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Aug 1884, p. 1

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 i^-^ 3 ^^k/ " "" ' fOLn ^â- j J^^asl .fif Wk ^K .-.roe •';*o «£â- .'•- w ^H *• aay â- }« 1-' ' -Q â- n ^Hba j! .-" '-1 ' !-a?t m ^^»V;-- «i;'d*; ifiK:?£lf V' I^H ' juS us aw '3 Ki ^BJ »i;-SlJ.-0,',i"" qCJi ;{C;-i 4.-N0. 204. 4?** MAitBJ^Ai^; oift|'|;iij(} Tvi^^ dale Standard .Ihnrsday.atthe office, MiU ct«*t Markdale. â-  .iTvearin advance; »1.25 if „ three months. and business cards one inob ,;,r per year, $4. " 1 TR. 6 MO. 3 MO. $50 00 »27 50 815 00 27 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 6 00 'â- â-  â- â-  7 00 4 00 .;â- ".â-  10 00 5 00 |„rtL*ments 8 cents per line first j cents per U^e each subsequent toareil measure. Jaoiices, or notices m local col. Ljicrliiie first insertioa, 5 cents L-i:^ insertion. i-c, advertised 3 weeks for Jement not to exceed twelve iii=eontinued until all arrears itat tlie aption of the publisher. â€" X PRINTING.- kw) office has a splendid equip- fcr ,is well as fine job t3rp€. Spe- ^j til orders by mail. Orders ispalcli. loE AND PUOPRIETOR. iCc0al. bSPERRY, imi TO LAUDEE HANDs), IBS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- Couveyancers, fcc. Money to Istrates of interest. s IG Kiiig Street East, TOSOMTO. irrost Frost, .l;;s, and ATTORNEYS-AT liolidtors in Chancery, Convey ^O^en SouuJ, have resumed at Office open every Thursday, as SI, J.W.Frost.LL. B. (Crown Attorney. 1 J.MASSOJV, IR, MASTEB AND DEP. BEG Lery, Notary Public, Conveyan! BER OF FAEMS FOR SALE. |j}wen Sound, in Vicker's Block otiico in Markdale, over I Store, on Friday andSatmday 57-ly i CoPiaB OV TBI SXASSABI^ t Fns ocnB ucB. Li.. ^DR STARR V r ^CATARRH CONQUEROR.* relief^ MEet* • emia m d!w!% eiue Dealen at a roita. .. ItghmUnmediaie time. SoldbrMedi- _TlftAt. SIZE. "BY MAIL, 18 CCHTS J. T. nJBT 0O.,PIiaiiiuoirti,Fn TH08. CARTER, M.D. Physician Surgeon, c. Residence MARKDALE HOUSE, VAmTTtAT.Tl! B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.CP. S., O. Physician and Snreeon, Pijceville, Graduate ot Univsrsity. Vict. GbU^e. ., ,. New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, ,. ., Ayleth liej^ical Institute. „ „ Opthalmie Hospital, N.Y. Member Coll. Physicians Sorgeor 8,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Rutledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the Ist and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prao tice of his profession. 122-47. asor Mcrrii^on, -r.fl,S0LICITOES. CONVET- (tc, kOren Sound, Dufferin Block, Foifs stove and in MARKDALE IScrarland's St(jre on Thursday each week. ^10 lend on reasonable terms. r- QG. DuNCfAN MuBUON JJIarch 15, 1882. 79-lv iwander Brown. it Marriage Licenses, Fire and ^^mcce Agent. Oommissionei |t- Conveyancer and Licensed ptlieCountyof Grey. Farmers, IwJLand Sales, Punctually at- y charges made very moderate. fi«Pt.l7.1880. 1-y W. G. RICHARDS, BIHLDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. â€" ^Residence on Mill Street, Mark- dale. 1241y HAMILTON'S Photogmph ullerY OVEB THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the lat^est sizes and shapes, fully equal to city work. Special attention given to ^^ ^5, j^li^X XT Or A large stock of mouldiag to choose from. Call and leave your measure for a picture. Ja,s. Hamilton- » 9t lKlM%hantjrfm Gondeused report of semi-annnai uMetiug of Grey, Division Grange, held at Jndsonyille, July 8rd, 1884 To Ihe Worthy Master and PtOrons of Orey Division Grange iyo. 2 Your Committee on Stock he^ to re- port as follows That the Darhams or good Durham grades are the most profitable stock a farmer can raise as they come to matdrity earlier than aoy otiier -breed your committee are acquainted with, and to make farming with stock more profitable, more at- tention be'pfcid to well-bred animala. Feedmg • from the besrinning is indie- pensable, as we have the united testi- mony of all practical men, especially as regards cattle for beef. If a beast be matured at two years of age there is much more profit than by keeping till a greater age. We also consider it advisable for neighborhoods to co- operate as much as possible by goiog into one kind of stock. As regards dairying, your committee would not recommend' any particular breed, as there is such a variety of opinions as regards that class of stock. All of which is respectfully submit- ted. GuE0N Habeness. Moved by Bro G Harkness.seconded hy Bro D Armstrong, that this report be adopted and engrossed on the minutes. â€" Passed. W'ni. BroMii, l«J IIAREIAOE LICENSES.c fionerinB. K.c. Rgin all its branches prompt!} Iffld carefully executed. • F" to Lend on Real Estate se COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVHjIjB. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Rooms, *c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentire Hostler^ TflOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor HOUSE, ARKDALE, !Wn, Proprietor. leer, Proprietor. 'is fined up in good style, situ- JOSEPH 6IBS0H CONTRACTOR. "Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK MD STONE WORK, PUuh Ornamental Plastering. f • CalsondnitiQ in all Shades and CoUtrs. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at ahe Stasdam) oflloe will receive prompt attention. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCBEB, V AU ealU pnm^y attended te. â-  «|ien7. ' 1r^^ *^« travelling pnb- ?*"J°n the very lest ""13 to aU trains. iSAikC STIWSOW, Builder and Cbntraptor In all Unds df Brick •ndStime work. accommo- 194 mil HOUSE,^ -~i.. ONT. y^'^l, PROPRIETOR; '^^able Tailor, **bund'8 stoke. •%• ^T GUAEANTEBDi r".t-.f" Estimates given. " AU work guiwaiteed. Orders to bmU ptompBy attended to. PC p,v 19n diliH-Smdefsffin Oi»«B8ama Besi 02-86 Send six tents to and reoqfve f*f^SS. jf. v;,, -, To the Worthy Master and Patrons of Grey Division Grange Your committee on Implements beg leave to report as follows Ycnr committee believe that agriculturists to keep abreast of the times, must avail themselves of the best labor- saving implements procurable. Your committee would especially desiie to draw the attention of patrons to self- binders, which being extensively manufactured and distributed, and be- lieve that no farmer, farming two hundred acres or upwards, can afford to be without one. And where farms are small two or more ought to join together and get one, as with a little forethought one would cut 200 to 800 acres of grain, and all in good season. Your committee would not recommend any one make as being superior to any others, as there are several being nearly equally y:ood, but would advise careful inspection before purchasing. Your committee would also desire to draw the attention of patrons to a new style of plow now before the public, called by some the "Jointer." It is made by different manufacturers, and is somewhat different in construction from the old style, it having a clear cut of from 12 to 14 inches with no appreciably extra dranght, cleaning in all soils and in all circumstancee, and doing about i more work in a given length of time, it will also completdy cover anything, covering the ground, such as stubble, manure, etc. Moyed by Bro Palmer, seconded by Bro Aroastrong, that tliis. report be re- ceived, adoptcMl and engrossed on the minntes.â€"Passed. .:• â-  BnUCATIONAL SEPOBT, • Your coirtmittee on Education are pleased to " report an observable and increasing interest in this vital subject among OUT Granges and membership generally. The time has come when the farmer of our highly fayOred Do- minion is becoming conscious of latent powetof mind and what maybe ac- ooiQlliBhed by himaod for him through education.l There is no reason cejtaiti ly why wejmiy not possess a clear, in- oja-ve inteDeot'as w^ aa our provexb- nI*Booeiapd sinow.^' Let a«^ be as Goe man »c«r4etermmatidii toxe^id our lost pOBitipnui society^ iis leader*, and be oontent no longer to be led.aa. lambs to lihe slaughter of our ev]^. int«f«6t! and to be fed ujbn by tWa -^' piieio^ and ^y pontics and Immi-^ jiesa. "On? comihon school system if not TO»ble to tlie farmer ia ptoyta- iSd^io his nmn^cal mtettest Jrad tai- gttoii. WiB^shSald haye fess aim fo tffodupb rt*^ra and moretQ Mov SSdiUwgbters for hoierable laVpr f ye»^. ^in:»liBBifent manag^eiifrtrf^*-" T^' Eiinttintendent and oempal us to raise no taxes to fonn fiuids for mnnieiiMd grants. Let the Department cease to bave more care to pzov^ for the teacher's pleasure by^maltiplied privi- l^es than tojiee^t^^tflrMt of those taught an^^ose wlio hays to pay. Our aim in tiiiis report is iaerely sog- gestioh, as of necessity required by keeping in view our duty to economize the valuable time of this Grange. Bat we hope by raising a few points in the limited space of this report, and any expression of this Grange .tixereon, it favcrable, may draw the attention of higher Granges, that they may more fuUy formulate our wishes and set forth more clearly the incompleteness of our present system to meet our wants, 60 that their influence with the Departments of Education may result in freeing our system from what is not necessary, and in granting us in the text books used a proper and just con- sideration, not as members of a mere business tliat required little mind and much muscle, but the honorable and influential calling of agriculture that is now met on the markets of the world by a tide of competition that calls for thorough and indeed profes- Rional training to meet with success. All of which we submit. (Signed) H. D. Ibwin, Ghairmam. B. Whitk, John Wbbeb. Moved by Bro Irwin, seconded by Bro Weber, that this report be received, adopted and engrossed in the minutes. To the Worthy Master Officers and Mem- bers of Grey Division Grange No. 2: We, your committee on Temperance, beg leave to report that in view of the Scott Act being about to be submitted to the electors of this County, and from our opinion of the worMhgs of the said Act in the counties m which to impress on our members the great importance of planting mors small froit, at least in jsufSoient qomitlties to snppfy eyery and all patrons homes., The strawberry in. its season, followed by the raspberry, uid in its torn, again followed by the Black Oap and Black- berry, the Grape, the Currant and the Gk)08efoerry. We are pleased to know that the old days of pork and potatoes for breakfast, potatoes and iK»rk for dinner, pork aud potatoes for sapper, are past and a new era is approaching when more delicious ripe fruit is being used in the household. Our small fruits are so easily canned and dned that there is no reason why there should not be fruit on the table of every patron the year round. Your committee are deeply impressed with the fact that at no distant day there will be an outlet to J£urope by Hud- son's Bay, bringing the NorthWest farmer many, many miles nearer Europe than we are, dius giving'tbem the advantage in Europerian marl^its, over Qs in grain aud cattle, but with our improved facilities for shipment and rapid transportation there is no reason why our division may not for the present generaticm at least supply our fellow subjects in the North- West with large quantities of fruit. And your committee can only reiterate the sentiment conveyed in a former report, namely, that one or more co-operative canning and drying factories in our division, would be, in our estimation, a profitable enterprise profitable to the owners and profitable to the fruit gTowers! To be snccessftil in fruit growing, eternal care and viligance sie required. A wise selection of varieties and good cultivation, while we have many new varieties which promise great things to fruit growers, yet it is not wise to discard the old tried varieties, at least, not very mauy of them. Your committee haye to re- it has been passeJ your committee j^^^^^^y^ ^f^i^^^^^ji^pg^^tig would recommend that this Division ' ' pledge their support in favor of said Act, and that the secretary be required to furnish the leading papers in this County with a copy of this report. J. I. Gbahah, Chairman. Moved by Bro J I Graham, seconded by Bro Wm McLoughry, the above report be received and adopted. â€" Carried. To the Members of Grey Division Grange: We, your committee on Seed Grain, beg leave to report as follows As fall wheat is tho only seed grain that we have to notice at this season of the year, our labors will be light. The Clawson Variety seems to be the most nuocessfnl as yet, but your committee would suggest that if any meinber of this Grange has experimented with any other variety, that they report the result of their efforts to the Grange. All of which is respectfully sub* initted. Mathew Denton, Chairman. Moved by Bro M Denton, seconded by Bro D Armstrong, that this report be adopted,â€" Carried. BEPOBT ON HOBTIOULIUBB. To the Worthy Master and Members as- semble in session Qret/ Division Grange: Your comimittee regret to have to report the aluciost entdre destruction of spme bfrthe best plum orchards in our district^by blight," which stmek the trees last August, the leav^ and fruit wiering and falling off, fellqwed by a seve^^ iwinter whieh killed the weakenol ttrees;. Wlulesome.sapposed this blight: was eanasd by minute in- sects toio Btfiail to be observed by the naked eye; others belieyeit tohave be«n caused by overbearing too maoh fruit being ptUowed to set on the treee. One thing k is certain, namely, tiie Washingtoi i «id Gdieial^ad (both Vaneties wlii(|h^;never oyerliear) have ^__^ _^ 'ebmethrvnis^^iinscathedbythliB Might. bnr common '^hobl system is'plbe^M^iri, anotlier shy bearer, hidrbeeft yctj^sIigbtlyiifiiBctsd. The 0^irio,aji excellent new vapety, a i^ralar. luifiMd be^wr seenis to be pmof agaidst the* blight^ jifkid- has thi§' and Dutiiie^ Pqiplie;;^ bc^vi^t n|^r Americiin Pippin apples being perfectly hai'dy, long ke^ers and early bearers, and are of opinion they should be planted more largely than at pres- ent. For situations on the shores of Georgian Bay the fine ;Qld Baldwins and Bhode Island Greonings will suc- ceed tolerably well if grafted in the limbs whUe they are tender on they: own stocks. For MelanctUon, Proton and other sections of our d' isiou, no apple will give better satisfaction than the Bambo, which is found in those townships thriving even when neglect- ed in beaver meadows aud low, wet, ondrained situations where no other yariety will succeed. Your committee desire to draw your ' attention to the fact that Pears on suitable soil and ttndeir careful cultivation succeeds ad- miiably in our division we may men- tion the 'Flemish Beauty," Bartlett, Deerboms Seedling, Duchess De- Angouleme and Vicar of Wakefield as amongst the most hardy and profit- able. A stiff clay soil, well drained, is the home of the Pear, and the stiffer U)e clay the greater the success, pro- vided it is thoroughly drained and sob- soiled. The careful 'fruit grower who cultivates the orchard, will succeed, provided he plants varieties suitable for his soil, while the careless cultiva- tor will be met with disf^poihtment continually. All of which is respectfully sub- mitted. E. J. DOTLE, ' ,:' i John Webeb, ' Donald BoBERtSbii, Moved by Bro R^ Doyle, secomled by Bro John Weber, that this report be received, adopted uid eng^^ssed cu the minutes, â€" Carried^ JOHK WEBER/ v^ Secrrfaw^. 'ft â- :: 'j: » Prominent tmoa^'^e greatest nwdiml diiepTeries,.b7 iWiiumyenreiif haBeffeetdd, M^rfegor'a Upeedy Gmt leadn the vain Sa^ent^d to ue okiiniiest cbMnioa£iiBaly«is, ithi»i)eenioiindloo(»}tein noi^dl tbOAO^ j^aqitsis ii]grediAi^*char«e«i^iiif- 'th.^ irfi^less ^i^fics ih^ipfiered t9,tbe pnUic. J^veiy IngFaaicjiit'p^EgliiBia pee^iar a^^t- afe*UtJf^^^ varldffin^^aints 'itic w'iiiel 'it.iuto..Iiefln^'CompDafa(»J,ited its^dBc^/. is *ig «6S««lW by Ut^aaM^^^A'r' '^^ r«et^«(i. ^^WcfaHi tlHiMtor^ ce^Mat trs"^^»^ ^i#!â- t£fi'.â- iS*»'â- " â-  â- â€¢...,.â- , -^ __-.-.. uW|.ba^jiii*4)*j«aliwai*hidli w**' o»it?off*«- (C^^Mriw'siiffeniamoretliaalKD^.oto/ v*^fteiP*J#j wfeti»j(^Mc»4hw i' w 3^eeii»»in offiw o«5that whidi i»| the W^ht, Imt are fsst iiymg «rt «»*« dig*•»iol^^e8n«ti|l•tiMI «ea anj*nrt 4ifcH»t ^Mr^^^vuiim. QfWBifOtloCpl blaipfc^l^ Year o aim s g tf y ^imx^^^^iitMathMJ^ at lai Brp as. 4 -m ::a ,4 Hi ^l J] â- .1^ • il ill' I i .•ir â- ^ m Hi

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