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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Jul 1884, p. 8

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 •P*»lB!3f 1 i 4 m if â- â€¢â-  'if ' if If â-  ii ' i â-  II 1;^ lit- m IP I i'.i "i;: :^:*4*«i. .-â- -•ife a^' r' ' KJ ' "â-  â-  '" Cor; Blown MAHZDALE Is the place to^get BARGAINS in Dry Goads, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Grockery, Glassware c c. NEW PRINTS from 5 cents up, Nev7 DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit tra:de, we offer special •discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of i-ced oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, fgr sale cheap. Smnmer Coin- April, 1884. 190-tf WM. BROWN. ROBT. S.RAE. I Mi FiM. a?l» Srf»iitioii Amy bw* *m?^J openfld their new ^arracks At Sher ibarne. • " '" ' t .. .-,j|«i UO BiyAL IN TEtE PIEW There is no rival for4)r. Fowla's Exfr«* of Wild StrawbanrjF. It in Que acknow] champion for th9c|ai«t of all plaints. .-;i-.t.; •» -• V ^- i â- â-  .i:=ti 'â-  Mr. Crabtfte, Treaenrer of *^ Eri- phrasia, left two weelts since for Yo^shire, EnglancT, on a visit. y To remove da^drnff. Cleanse the scalp trith Prof. Low's Magic Snlphur Soap. A delightful nwdicated soaip for the toilet. A recent aclvertisement reads as follows â€" "If the gentleman who keeps the shoe store with a red head will return the umbrella of a yonng iady with whalebone ribs and an iron handle to the slateroofed grocer's shop he will hear of something to his ad- vantage, as the same is a gi^t of a deceased mother now no more with the name engraved on it." A crying evil. Children are often fretful and ill when Worms is the cause. Br. Low's Worm Syrup safely expels tJl Worms. Pathmasters in Michigan are now required by lanr to plant at least fifty trees ninety feet apart, along the line of the highways in their respective districts so that each road is provided with ample shade. A similar law would be beneficial here. AN ANSWEB WANTED. Can any one bring us a case (A kidnoy or liver'complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedUy cure We say they can not, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Elec- tric Bitters, will prove, Bright's disease, diabetes, weak back, or any urinary com- plaint quickly curod. They purify the Blood regulate the bowels, and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle by A. Turner ' Co., Markdale. i .*^' "â- â- â- ^ Having imported-prior to the open- ing-of-bostifttieB* av»««lfte*«'f«*»i*ty' to BupiUy.mOO0,MEM f«p.*p«riodirfl| ^^ ,^^ 12 months. In v4^w *»?W«W*^S3 Tw'VO»Cr«y and Briuul the Grod6iT â- tra^'iba'^iSB^ Division. " HOUSE Jm :KU4JEp^m ,?'#0P- TOROiPPO-Bei^rt 7:20 a. m tJAND those who assume to transacfcir '*•â-  .-Arrfve 10:45 " ^^ businees'by purohoshirof bi«*i**^^' No^-^^i^d train leaves Paikdale 7.^ " *r8exorbitant^i*itrtofi6t6i^:Mjon^J' i,- ., '"^^ credit. 0ui imports ,q|, " «;,-^ ku^ .tdCjrfetftt Valley Division PRESERVED .BKTS mMB*:, y^^' gj ^-' p-. J' L0BSTEfi8j^8ARDIK£oj,TiiAlllW 1?^^^ train leaves Paikdale i BAGON,ASa)RTEi) PJOptS" ' and every artielea in tiib grocerfstara^ «pp|^8ATTO'YJULYi9;J *--«p.».i »Jil1 p-*1 LIQUORS/ of th best brands and qiHality. Wine for Sacramental purposes- warratited pure. Brandies direct from the man- ufacturer and all other kinds of liqiuors. Coffees, Teas and Tobacooes canoot fail to give satisfaction. Oranges, Lemons, c. Family Flcur supplied at Lowest Bates. THOS. McTVE A, ' BELFAST HOUSi, MARKAIE Feb. 6th, 1884. '»aecti(ii TAILOR, SAiy MILLAUD TIMBER JJND FOR SALE TO 'sLjstt I â€" In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesh erton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber and, with other limber land surrounding. The building is substantially^ built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leifell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being very regular. There are several other good mill si^es on the proyerty. The land in valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm whpn the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. The bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immedinte possession given. The BottcnEffg Episode. Walkebton, July 24.â€" At a largely attended meeting of the members of the Methodist church held last night the following resolution was carried by a standing vote, eve/y one of the 104 persons present voting in favor Resolved, that we the members and adherents of the Methodist church in the town of Walkeaton, after hearing the explanations of our minister, are in perfect accord with the Magistrate's court in exonerating him from all blame m connection with the disgrace- ful occurrence of Saturday last, anil also that we assure him of our continued confidence in his integrity as a Christioffmiiiister and our pastor. The ministei was rotten-egged by a woman who declared that he had slandered her. NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed Stori. An additional train will be run hi con •with tlie "CANADIAN PACIRC STEAMSHIP Llffi" lieaving Toronto 11:30 a-n.' D. McNICOL. W. WHYK Gen. Pass. Agt. General Maiuiy, MARKDALE STATION. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING SOUTH.â€" Express 6:35 a. a " " Mixed aio "« ' Steamship Express 1(.D1 « ;• Mail 5:12 p. B. The Steamship Express, going south, (jj^ not run on Saturday. GOING NORTH.â€" Mail 12:04 p. u. Mixed 4:6n. « " " Express 9:00 " J. C^SAR, Agent. Thte Steamship Express, going North, do* I «ot stop at statiouB between OrangeviUenni Owen Sound. Having just received a Ghoicee, Fresh and Seled stock: of- Teas, Siig;a,x-d« Tobacco, .G^ Which will be sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the public's patronage. 198 J. PLEWeS. HARNESS EMPORl ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. A LIFE SAVING PRESENT. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan Sa- Ted his hfe by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovery, for Consumption, which caused him to procure a large bottle that completely cur^d him, when Doctors ?S'"'"ir**® "^* everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness. Severe Coughs, and all Throat and LuS diseases it is guaranteed, to cure. Tritd bottles free at A. Turner Co's Drug Store Large size »1.00. ** ' BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. ««« ^^ Salve in the world forcuts.bruises sores, ^cers, salt rheum, fever sores tetter chapped hands, chUblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or BO pay required. It is guaranteed to give ?«:er*^°*^ '^^- ^- Sale by A. A^ J, .y to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, FLESHEBTON STATION P. 0., ONT. Good Work Guaranteed AT FLESHERTON. 03»11 ©."t C32LC© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at FLESHERTON. ^i?.-' X^^;" JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE GENER'LByCKSHITH y-'^~ -s.yi' K;is no equal I'ur t!ie p^niaiieiu cure of CoaBhs, 'o^l!^ SfMrcThroiit, Acthssa, Ci .all UBis JMwiiiic|. "v -.: i i £7 r.very- bottle .qiuuunieed to give al»factieTk J. MII^UKX £: Ca, IVoprieuws XeiruniC; Meeting: Of Presb^eiy. The Presbytery of Saugeen met in St. Andrews Church, Mount Forest, on Tuesday the 22nd inst. The resignation of Bev.J. Mc. Millan and Bev. D. Fraser, of Mt. Forest, which had been laid on the table at the meet* ing in DurhamJ were accepted; the latter to take eflFect on the 4th of August, and the for- mer on the 1st September, The union of St. Andrews' and Knox's. Mt. Forest, was agreed to most harmoniously; the resolution uniting tham being cani^ without a dissenting voice. Kev. M. Thom of Arthur was appointed to preach on first Sabbath of September before these congregations and declare their pulpita' vacant. Bev. J. Campbell of Harriston was appomted to preach to both congregations assembled to-gether in Knox's Church, on the second Sabbath of 8q,tember, and to declare them united into one charge under the name of the "Mount Forest Presbyterian Church » Bev. Mr. Fraser ifl to take charge of the H-esbyterianl oongtegation in Vietaria Vanoonvre Island. He iriD leave distant field about the Augustâ€" Cox. ^TI 'Jti^soq aAijuej -4B PUB Sm[q9;s poo{) -paa^niUBuS suiooj 8iqBi)JO}niii9 pun siBam poor) '^foo^s ui 8^8% -fu si«tfi» pus sioQlp ^p paviq jeaq ej^j, 'asaoB(ALOsaox xxn) aSnOH HJ.dOM8XVHO "A* HETVRY OILT^, HOUSE PAINTER, GBAINER. (tLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing Factory, ObDEBS SoUaTED. ESTMATBS OrvxN. ________^^^^^ 192-306 P. DUCOLON S LIVERY, IN HULL'S OLD STAND. MILL. STItEKT. THOS.MAnHEWS,Propriei«r Nothing but good stock used and the best mechanics empioyed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavr and Liglit Harness always on baud. Alsb Whips, Trunks, Valises, Blankets,, «., always in stock. MAEKDALE Steam WooUen â„¢ O-ood Hlorses and comfortable Rigs at moderate charges. second for his week in McGregor's Spcetfy Cure. capacity, whan requumg tfn artiste for r^^^ i» altored firrt io iS «««»«llowed« frae tdid before bmring, bottle of- HORSE SHOEING SPECIALTY. 1 ' AIbo agrat for theiBeIet«at«d 0HATIMM WAOOII8. SS;;S.Sto'!S«':S^ J^^ LiTOrDisordeMat Hitt Bi^ aowVeS "»te_«d tl per bottlaf^ £SJ^..^ AilMi The undersigned would respectfully retnni thanks to their many custome;s and friends for the very liberal support accorded to them during the past, and would soit a^ntinn- aiice of the same, as we are new ready to at- tend to all work intrusted to our care is CUSTOM CAEDING, FULLING wi WEAVING in first-class style. AsJwehsTe put on new cards, and made other improTe- ments, wc will endeavor te do as good work in the future, if not better, than weliaye ever done in the past. Customers mshing to liiaye their wool carded, spun and ntade into blaulcets or flaiv nel, on cotton warp, can have their orde» attended to by leaving their wgol as eurly i^- poesiUe. Please remember the place, Mill Stree west of the Bailway Station. 186-203 F. J. UTGHIE Go. EOBT. ASKIlSr, Has opened oat a Fint-GIan UNDERTKIN6 ESTABU8HMENT. Ajdj^re has BuppU^d a want long felt. ' CASKETS, andall T^ FBUMLFUiniSllllS supplied «j the BiuwtaiiMrtiie.' t«rWr«atmW«atiB ratea; !tJ â- "â-  Mi kindB-.tf4tiii BnioD Carriage f orfci An. work manufactured from fnST GUSS MiTERUL JML%h» Latest and Best Improved e .Style, and finished with Ti^nfirli^lL Varnish* ifiiMiiigtIiifliiiiiiigRigs ** win teieeive prompt attention. Mil Bepaara exeeuted in the shortest V^ -r possible time insistent with good workmanship- I: »GooD Work A Spciality- ^^•mi'" tber .tte Shop^^opposite the iXJ. SHANAHAN p^ ata^ "^rf' 1881. Plfopri**' 6*^ lale „TlmrBd»yt»*' Ktwet. M?*j3l ^-, three months. I ^d business " ir.perye^.**- 1 TB. "• .. 27 00 .. 16 00 .. 7 00 .... 10 00 jements 8 oen^ l^ts per lipe « Ipareil measure. Kotioes, or notio L per line first ins ^ts insertion. als c.. advert isenient not to Idiscontinued unti ptattheaptionof irPRINTIN |abd office has a 81 r as well as finest to orders by patch. Irtjxi^p k ANI PROPRI ISPE DBS TO LATJDEB SRS, Solicitors, I Conveyancers, fc i rates of interest. 16 King Street st Frosty fER3, AND ATTO olicitors in Cbanc )wen Sound, have I Office open every 1 Irown Attorney. i. n ASSo», ER, MASTER AND fcery, Notary Public BEK or FABMS FOB sen Sound, in Vi Braoch office in Ma [Store, on Friday a 9T dr W.V rrijS4 -xkH.SOLICITOES e. ice, lOwen Sound, Dufl Wolf s Store and in IMARKDALE HcFarland's Store o If each week. I to lend on reasonab KQ.Q. Dun( I March 15. 1882. exander Broiv p Marriage Lieen8 ace Agent. Ui Conveyancer ai lor the County of Gr IwdLand Saies, P V eharges made vei PFMARBUGELK ""-merinB. R.«fcc i in all its brand iWttcarefoUyexeout TneytoLendonBe m HI [ARKDAI *t-.vf (an, Proi i?ipi-?- m

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