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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Jul 1884, p. 7

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 than tiiel K hit 4^ ^yjau«d5J; '«• d«« to tk, i b«ing ml »d into 23 %_ ^Qginoen ia orgaoiziag fc^ Id MtU.1 1,»rt" *«hoir. XW ^ted up tQ ij^^ snbio metrti.'iSI time) u oggi^ â-  drod^ioioftii-oj rooted in ^^ landsofcoorili redged aiiu npeoted to tâ„¢, dRe WM bnmej Stood by t^ »i yean aawBai, Id £7.000.000, n ktions haa tttm] •th paweogw, tlulway. p^ alation, and Luu at Colon, flieoti, 9 plaoe is hatdly lallhamlotinia" own with a ning with pc editioea, have Ui island of Muu^ marahea'an i r aa many ai B8 lying at abw bs discharged,^ and wharrea be ipidlygrowntni of machineiy h* St year for tiieCa "aero ia thai a ca he constmction nefittiag the oos, tg and bringiiu; I of civilization tiiKeys. lonkeya really ery f lever, first gave tggi d them, and thd ts afterward the! t some hard bodi shells with th emselvesonlyt said not touch with the graata were often paper, and £a asp into the pap it chey got sti ed once they to their ean hin. This br [nanner is as int a7ts, one of whid dy in the hab [onkeys. Sim^ nnt given to crack it. with a meann ^d yoa the nil ad he rooeir a' merly oae of »IogioiI Oard d to braak c Mr. Darwin bat this aoio in the atia monkey tonohi 1 palm-nnti t, aad ao sitiifi* that it soon kinds of nn* oxe8. It stone the to^ [reeablofl" food wit brade. Id Irish proli Ifirrtfivemont t96 971999, Itnms last y( tne exportr ,ly nnfavorar [)rtby of noA le or a ]ir -J moat li le import trJ^ 1 having dedt m for the *• £180,566^ 58 239. T« ovrmg to â-  ke valne b* Itcaaai ,^_ leia, " ke country fool "or lor food »» I that ma r regret J in par ileaa^ re coa^ » market' haa si' â- eigne' benefii thaa Lati iooltd „_ hottf* TroA I *i(rtir«a reoommmda »_~ k Jl'^en aa hot aa poaaiU* Li**S boor, ai not only aa m Kt'^t a moat effioiabt* core fm dimt- cpnfatrad iiill tayi tkere are to b« fond m- P*5S »emaof ccal. •"f «9;«^ !Li ot creatnrea whion once ij**i ,t flrat atrenaooaly doabted. i^^^Lrved honor baa beu cpnfar 'c%^d the laat of the guaa. H« â- ^"Siiuted a "Memhre libr." bj • liainy 0* Sciences, Paria, in plaee of iitfTdu MonoeL .I'^^rve wood from decay and render '^^ proof, aaolationpf lime, aalt, "^^e.m.ybe applied. Enoa|^ 'ItLk or yellow ochre may be added "^lorifdeaired. For fight fonoee MBOOTIBD KV A 1801 • yaoM nan â- OopMd aft aa i» h ottbeCeTe«mlbStitefelS»oor iS ISSKlJ5td??*r*^^^ hia. â- â- *•« MBfiauion on "I thonghft I hod ORiTod in the amo ttan oTotfns Oat I had ^t op at the irtn works will aoon be opened at ' jtptD, by a native oapitaliat, who ILuedieTenl hnndred men trained at "lufciBia IronWorka and elaewhecein ' hii also itated that aa the iron bff the ore of the Shimonida mine ^A itself to be of a very fine quality r II be employed hereafter for the ar- Lof J»p»neie war yeaaela, according r^tioM iMaod by the Naval Depart- rfreniian statistician saya that there are H' Daper mills in the world, and that of 1^ 000,000 pounds of paper tamed [mlinaily hal^ " ""*• ^^' printing, 600.- [jjQpotinda being required fornewapa- iilone. the consamption of which haa gbv 200,000,000 pounds in the laat de- Be alleges that db an average an oan naes annually 11^ pounds of an Ameiican 10^, a Gerouui 8, a (cbman 7^ an Italian or an Anatnaa I, Spaniard li, a Rusaian IJ, and a liiiaal- fig official report from Col. Majendie, iFord, and Capt. Cundil, British in- ^isn of exploaives, states that within «iit year the dynamite trade in Great had grown considerably, four new jtiei for explosives having been erected; the number of license storage maija- 1,1 had in:;reased from 320 to 329 and tthe total number of registered prem- yfor explosives in the United Kingdom â-  19,386. Dorins; 1883 there were 179 josiona, causing the death of 89 and the f of 109 persons. 0, C. Marsh finds that the skulls of bpteiodactyls of the Middle Chalk, West differ from those of other known soria in the absence of teeth and of tenor nasal apertures distinct from the ttrbital optnings in the presence of the I o.'cipital crest, and, lastly, on the DiejawB, which appear to have been rered with a horny sheath, as in recent All these cretaceous reptiles belong I the genua Pteranodon. Some of the Lci«3 wtra o! enormous size, with a spread Ifiags of about '25 feet. Ilf, jays M. Moatigny in L'Slectricite, we a rapid glance over the progress that â- been made in electricity in less than' hcentary, we shall see that after pre- ^tii; itself suddenly under an entirely r form in the Yolta pile, after manifest- |{it3 snrprising action upon magnets |and Ota at a moment when the science of phenomena engendered by the iile 1 to some to be exhausted, electricity lijun presenting itaelf under a new light lindaction apparatus wherein it ia excited ' 9 most surprising means. Illie physical comfort of a nun who, of pownaccord, is industrious, the Builder ' Woodworker says, is in every way a Inter which has an actual money value, s who are disinclined to keep ateadily liotk shoald be allowed no pretenfe of I eicase of unsuitable surroundings. The nee it adds is plain: Do justice to Br workmen, and, aa a rule, they will do ito ]fou at any rate, any is justice ethem will aurely, sooner or later, be ied with interest. |Itis not unlikely that the diamond field "' gera, New South Wales, will equal in ueta the famous Kimberley district of ^th Africa. At Bingera within the laat ' months hundreds of diamonds have 1 discovered, and the size and number of pgems are said to increase with the of the diggings, A very formidable die to the development of the locality ^been removed by the, discovery of abon- ' of water for diamond washing and r purposes at no greater depth than 50 I* feet from the surface. Nyear-old gorilla which died lately at *J»rdin des Plantes, Paris, was imported ^the Gaboon district, West Africa, and •we first living specimen of this ape over "jht to Franca. He was surly and soli- fin his habils, barely tolerating any ae other apes near him. His intelligence ' far below that of the orang-outang or •dumpanzje. He had full command of i»ell.deyeloped hands. His phyaibgno- jiMya Milne-Edwards, waw very peculiar, eyes being very mobile, and crowned «i large superciliary ridges, the nose flat, 'me nostrils wide. V" ^- Alexeyeff, of the Russian Chemi- râ„¢! Physical Society, haa published a r*"' on the specific heat of solutions. ^4 searching investigation of those eo- ' which axe accompanied by a lower- temperature he believes that thia "wnon takes place in those liqnida 1 pave not a chemical afinity, and that "qwda are true solutions. On the oud, in those cases where a rise of ^ruore occurs, he believes that the die- mV^^^ enters into chemical comtaaa- I'h the dissolving one. L^r bottles are made on a \tkrgfi aoale in "y aad Austria. Thia ia the redpe wrtock: len parte of rags, 40^01 ""0.50 of brown wood pulp are "'y incorporated. The wptt u im^ »of ji' °°**'-* on both ddee witt 60 lC«» '"^*«l fresh blood, 86 parte k-^nowder, and 5 parts of anlphateof After drying, 10 or 12 rolled i^A ^^^ »8aixi, plaoed over eabh bL*^ then laid m heated moolde where ^,*f*ing on the albumen of tiie J«« the lime, produces a atroag and Nni^. "**•"'»• Bottles are formed l»j/T*» joined together, lo^'n England Cetyw*yo andhiaat- iloJ^""" we reported to have «(Hght 'iftjj"**" from coughs and odldsin #y: About 18 lonoes. i -gMriW â- *«r the peela were removed, w«fO •^!i?**^^ ^jwently, I iwsheda miHrabb oottafi, in front «} wh:eh was aiudea ovetedwith weoda. I had lo grwt^dS^ enttrin oattintf into tfaa lard^foM^e hedge had several wide gape in it. I ap. pcoaohed an old wall thataloed solitary «H gloomy m adistantoomer, andlooking^own mtoik beheld, withoot any poasibiUty of mistake, a oorpae iriiioh had been stabbed maevenaplaoca. I ooonted the deep wounds and wide gashes. There were aix.*^ At this moment he awoke with his hair on end, trembling in every limb, and odld dropa of perspiration bedewing hiaforahead. He sprang from his bed, dressed himself, and as it was yet early, aonght an appetite for his breakfast by a morning walk. He went accordingly into the atreet and atrolled along. The farther he went the atronger beoams the confused recollection of the ob- jects that presented themselves to his view. He hbrried forward, no longer doobting that the next moment wonld bring him to the oottage; and this was really the case. In all its exterior appearances it cnrasponded with what he liad seen in his dream. He entered the garden and went directly to the apot where he had seen the well bat here the resemblance failed there was none. He looked in every direction, examined the whole gwden, and even went round tbecot- tege, whioh seemed to be inhabited; but nowhere could he find any aigoa of a well. He then hastened back to the inn in a stoto af excitement hard to deacribe. He went to the landlord, and aeked him direotiy to whom the cottage belonged that was on the by-road. Said he " It ia inhabited by an old man and his wife, who have the character of being very unsocial. They scarcely ever leave the house, see anybody, and ^nobody goes to see them. Of late, their very exist- ence appeara to have been forgotten, and I believe that yon are the first who for years, has turned your steps to the lonely spot." Hastening to the nearest magistrate, he related the whole circumstancs briefly and clearly. " It is very strange," said the offi- cer. " I will place two of the police at your command yon can then go once more to the hovel, and search every part of it." He allowed but a very few minutes to elapse before ha was oa his way, accompani- ed by two officers. The old man received them somewhat uncivilly, but showed no mark of snspioion when they told him they wished to starch the house. "Very well aa fast and as soon as yoa please," was the reply. " Have you a well bere " " No, sir we are obl^;ed to get our water from a spring about a quarter of a mile dis tant." They searched the house, but diaooverad notbirg of any consequence. They however, resolv^ to inspect the garden. By this time a number of persons hadMlleoted to- gether outside, having been drawn to the spot by the sight of a stranger with two policemen. They were asked if they knew anything of a well in those parts. They re- plied they did not the idea seemed to per- plex them. At length an old woman came forward, leaning on a crutoh. "A well T" said she. " Is it a well you are looking for Tliat haa been gone these thirty years. I remember as if it were yesterday how I nsed to throw stones into It just to hear the splash of the water." ' Do yoa remamber where that well used to be " asked thOgentleman. " As near as t dan recollect," reUied the woman, " it is on the very spot where you nowatand." ,, He suddenly started as if he had trodden upon a serpent. They at once commenced d^ing up the ground. At about twenty inchea deep they cune to a layer of bncks, which, being broken up, revealed some rotten boards. Theaa were easily removed, when they beheld, the mouth of the welL "I was quite certain that this was the spot," aaid the old woman. "What foo-s they were to stop it up, and then have to travel so far for watw i" A sonndfM-line, furnished with hooks, was now letTown into the wellâ€" the crowd hard pressing around *hem. ^.ojf^*'""*^^ bending over the btack and fetid hole, the secrete of whioh aeemed hidden m impene- trable obscurity. This was repeated several times without any result. At length, pen- etrating below the mud, the hooks c«u^ in tomething of coneiderable weight, and 3ti mnoh^ and effort they suo«^^ raiaingit. It was an old oheet. The odea imd Uds were decayed, and it needed no SfckSiith to open rt. Within t ti»flrfound what they were sure they w«S?t«£^i-.tte whioh filled the sptotatora with horror-the mnaina of a human body I Th« poUoe officeitm «»» "»"»^. " \S hoase aid secured the old maa. At to h« ^Htoshe at first oould not bO to^^J°°H after a fatiguing search, she was d-^W beneath a pile of wood, being »«o»»J»^ Kvto^h^?irlo»ihbo?oher. Bythistama iJai^Ewhffpopalation ol the town had oidleotadaiooi^abaspot^ wrf«-^A« The old oon^le twin bswghtbelwe^ anthon^ "Ir^'^J^S?^ perabtadinhladnnial most obsfa^ nately; fotMs wilaatonoeoopfejija dmj Zrid her haahmul. a '«Tj»2iKta£ had murdered a Pgily whopomag wid aW tbeir hoase, and «»V. .^S^SwSfhS SiJtt^SJ** ** itopped u. »??«; aoaSoId. ,^ •^% is4 :*^ifc^^!s.iii.-^fer;s^o r-tn-vJT fieeofaaUL ^^ kaadMiaiit If aotinwwd, ttoi lailnNb isltMio^tMaihar Atpsciaaeaisa ••^?d|[^s have Apieoaof ataal ia a aooddaal Uka a yon get it nid hot tt loosee its li To their soil hands wo mast all cooa at Ckdblaaaoar and pi^fing Uaaelfish oaniagood pwpkan alwaya polita, be- an on^ Iha abasnoa of GMd ean bay needy everything in this world esoept that whioh a man wants most â€" happinsas. The great thmg in this world U not so maoh where we stand as in what direction we are moving. When a strong brain is weighed with a true heart it aeeraslike balanoing a bubble agabat a wedge of gold. Any man oan piok up courage enough ^o be heroic for an hou to be pitiently heroic daily is the test of oharaoter. When you fume and feet at the petty ills of life remember that the wheels which go round without creaking laat longeat. Bieatraint and liberty go hand in hand in the development of character â€" indeed with- out the former the latter is impossible. The work an unknown good man haa done is like a vein of water fiowing hidden underground, seoretiy making the ground green. A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain while petty sayings are as easily loot laa the pearls slipping from a broken atrii^ Reflect upon your present blessings, 'of which every man has many not on your paat misfortunes, of which all men have some. Memory is a net. Oae may fiq^d it full of fish when he takes it from the brook, but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking. The golden momenta in the stream of life rush paat ua and we see nothing but sand the aogela come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. True modesty is beautiful, but it an- nounces the supremacy of the idea of per- fection in mind, and at the same time, gives truth and sincerity the victory over toroe and vanity. Lst a man take time enough for the most trivial deed, though it be but the paring of his nails. The buds swell imperceptibly, without harry or confusion, aa if the short spring days were an eternity. When Ood would educate a man He com- pels him to learn bitter lessons. He sends him to school to the necassities rather than to the graops, that, by knowing all suffer- ing, he may know also the eternal consola- tion. The sea drowns both ship and sailor, like a grain of dust, and we caU it fate but let him learn to swim, let him trim his bark, and the water which drowned him will be cloven by it, and will carry it like its own foam â€" a plume and a power. Rumor is a pipe, blown by surmises, jeal- ousies, coojectures and of so easy and so plain a stop that the blunt monster, with uncounted heads â€" ^the still discordant wavering mnltitadeâ€" can play upon it. _^ Taat fortitude which has encountered no dangers, that prudenoe which has surmount- ed no difficulties, that integrity whioh has been attacked by no temptation, can best be oonsideral but as gold not yet brought to the test, of whioh therefore the true value cannot be assigned. Look Hen. Do you feel blue and despondent? Do paina rack and tear away at nerve and mua- ole, and have you be«n uaappointed in find- ing a remedy that will afford certain and apeedy relief T If so, go at onge to an f dru^ prore and buy a sample bottie of Poison s Kerviline. Po'scn'a Nervilina never fails to relieve neuralgia, cramps, headache, rheu- matif m and all intnmu or external pains. J. B. CArtman, drnggist, Morrisbnrgh, writes: "All the panies I supply speak yery tavorably of Nervi'ine, and always purchase a seotnd lot." Polscn's Ncrviline 8 sold m sample bottles at 10 cents; la-ge siza 25 centa â€" ^by all dmggista and country dealftra everywaere. Try a ten cent to.tle. A man named Songster shot another msn in Philadelphia last week. He sings in an other key now â€" ^turn-key. uh Bitten. It Nndon the Blood Poie and Oool and mtas iT^lendid Bptiag UedMna. I«i|a bottta SO operi "li's swarm weather," remarked the man who was endeavoring to got away from the inhabitanta of a bee-hive. Tonav Hani BaoidTlila. The Voltaic Belt Co., oi M a r s h al l Mioh.,^ offer to aend their oelefarated Electro- Volatio Bait and other Jflectric Appliancea on trial for tiiirly ^ys, w) men (yoong or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred tioubUs, Also fcr rheumatism, nenral«ia, paralysis, and many other diaaasea. Com- Ueto restoration to healtii. vigor and man- Cwd guaranteed. No risk is iaeanMd aa thirty days trial ia allowed. Wnto them at moe for illuatrated pamp Mat free. If iott live in the oity don's «ry over •aOt milk. Examine it oloaely and yon may find itis not mdk. after alL When voa vMt or leave Kew York ^wj Ba^nae enaasassje ana ca maao s ura; """ mtimt K the Qmuw Unosr Boobk ofi| dejr. Whan the Aay kind of goo la or finoy artkle ok be dyad any ookr in a few minntoa by IMuigle Dyes. A ohild osn nae them with part^et aneoaes. All the popalar oolors. lOo. Iv^ ' One mast ercep before he oan walk," ai the tm»ll boy taid when he omaled under a eiroaa tent. Is advtoe Ctaanp T We think not, for if disinterested it has like every good thing, been dearly pnrdhaaed. A fool noay offtr, but it requires a wiae man to pofit by itk|an1)Ou, my reader, may cffer r aacept a litue practical advioe. U«e o: tell your f dends to use Only Pataam'a Corn Ex- tractor, fcr thousands have teirtified, after a practical test, that it is the oh'y ame, safe and harmleaa ti medy for coma m the world. Soli everywhere, by drnggista and deal^ra in medicina, ell over the country; j Bsware o'anbatitatea. It if aaid that glaa ia naad in the oheaper grades of ioe cream. Tnat is 'ice cream "with a stick in it." There ue lota ot people goiag •ronad sniiaibUiig, and haUsickatthe BtoniMh all the time: «Ae might be well and happr, U tber only need Dr. Oanon'a Stemaoh Bitten oeoaaioiiaUr. It ia a apleadid Blood Fniifier All Oniaiiata fiO oesta. J^ A. P. 188. SfflS^' npui :oa. Oallowat a Co., Oottoo, WooUan, Silk; Oar- pet, and Wonted Shuttle Maken, Itandas, Ont w ANTAceats. Taamtter'a Fri«Bd. simdatamp for sample cats f ice. 69 Mioh St, Cleveland, Ohio. WITEAV Hartin$4,X1nlar«150.Biiaaiana3.8eneea n aan.1 $i 30,(60 Iba.) andUit. Jas. Reomie, Toronto. Penons, or thoie aboat to mar- ry, will ba sreatly beaeflted br â- gnding 3 caato (or lealed particulari ot thi* adver- tisement. J. W. SOUTHWIOK. Toronto, Canada. MARRIED ftlinRTUAIfn LESSONS GIVEN BY OnUll I nrtnUe maU in baae Pitman's sys tern, by_praotiaal phonmtrapher. Send (or terms an plan to FSANlC TKiaO, AM Sherboome 8t.,Toroato. RReN WAmt ED. Active poihing men wanted to wholeiale my tamous teas to conanmerd. Salary from $600 to S2000 per year Bend stamp for particulars, JAIIG3 LADT, Importer, Toronto. Booghout BlacUmith Hbop, Woodstaop and Dwell- ing House; U land, good garden, stable and woodahed. Failing tieaUa the oauie fcr selling. Apply Box 79, Hepworth, Ont. PABTT WANTUD TO PUBCHASE CABBIAGE shops 21 X 118 feet; double stoop, with odfca 24 z 60;,bladc8mith's shop, 30 x 4% lumber, bam, and shed, hone bam, two acres of land with dwelUng-hoose suit- able for two small families: two clstemi, oellaz, and well; situated at Boas' Corners, four miles from Belle- Tille, on main grarelled road; good locality, whwa a busineas from 98,000 to $10,000 per annum is done. The premiss are new in full blait, and will be sold to good lire man at a baigaia. Haaford Ashlby, Belleville. SMOKED SAUSAG£S. KiThe moBtconTenient meat tor farmen in their bniy season. These meats are cooked and ready for use. Sold by grocen throush the Dominion. Send for nriee to W. OLABK. P. O. Box Dominion Line of Steamships. Boaalng in eoasslloa wMlfc ta» Chaod Tlnaik BaS way of P a n a d a. SaUiag tram Qo^bee ercry Satuday daring the â- unmer inaotks,anid tran Portland wntf ThnndayduiBg the winter moBtlM. SaiUng datss Iran aOXBBO TO UVBSrOOL â- â€¢Btreal, Aac, 1. 1 *TaaeaBver. Aas, tl *llarBta. â-²â- Â«. Ol I VeraaiSei. a«s* SO BraeklyB. A«s 1« r«re«eB. Sept. • Bates of panage Cabin, Qnebee to LiTerpool HQ, t0O.tBB,«8a Betura.«0,$10e.aU7^44.aoaordinrto steamer and berth. Intermediate f36,7^ Steetace, at lowest rates. The laloona andstatarooaain stnamern marked thus are amidships, where but little motion is felt, and no eattle or sheep are carried on theoL For farther particolan apply to any Ghrand Tmnk Bailway Agent or local agents of the Company, or to •AYI» VSKKAMCa A ۥ.. General Agents, Montreal. For sale 1 Westiogfaoaae Traction KarmBn^e. 1 Able Triumph do. 1 O. C. Morrison do. 1 8 h p. Portable Engine and Boiler on Skids. 1 35 h. p. HoroHmtal bi Ncrtny. 1 do. by Wa- teroos with cut off TalTe, and SO engines an boilen of smaller sizts, all thoroughly refitted betoM learing shop. 2 84-inch Planen and Matdiers. 1 SO-inch POny Planer. 1 Iron Frame Tenoning machine. 1 Blind Slat Tenoner. 1 Buggy Plainer or jointer. 1 band saws. 10 Saw Tables. 1 Fire-Proof Safe. 1 Jewdef's BooU Steel. 1 Book-Binder's Screw Press. 1 4a-tnch French Boir PorUble Grist lOll. 1 Oldndh inserted Tootb«aw Bend tor new list. No. 9, contnining (all de- soripUon ot machinery in stock. AdtreM, H. W. PBTBIE, Brantfords Ont. MACHINERY. CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS is one of the hits. Not that a carriage top is anytliing new,battheKreat want of something mora perfect than the hebry, expentive, inoonvenient tops in use, suggested the inTentlon of the Ooaboy Adjustable Top, which has been altered and improved until it now stands without a riiaL The styls and grades now manntaetared are the most popalar, and are varied enough to suit aU tastes. Mr. Oonnjy is the Pioneer in this business. Ik has been his aim since the commencement to merit the pat'onage and confidence of the trade and the pablic,by prododng durable and convenient, and at the same time, elegant and stylish topi, that could be sold at ex- ceedingly low prices. That this end has been attidned i^ abundantly proved by the thousands sold, aqd the numerous letten of approval received from the iaad- ing carriage liailden throughout the country. Since moving toToronto, Mr. Oonboy is giving his whole atten- tianto the improvement and manufaoturaof cMTiage tops, where his increased facilities, his practical know- ledge, and his numerous patenterd improvementSi give Jiim great advantages over all competitors. 407 KDr« BTKBKT, WEST. TOBOHTO. OMT. W. F. f. OURRIE Oo. 100 Qrey Sun Street^ Montreal. Importen ot Draia Pipes, Pertlaad Cenaent, Chimney Tons, Canada Cement, Vent Iiinings, Water Uma, Fine Coven, Whitimr, Fire Bricks, Plaster o( Pans, FireOuy. Berax, Boman Cement, OUna Cnay Manotacturen ot BesaaflBor Steal aotm. oamtrSt BaASprlasa F.B. DIXON CO; MaaaflMtuen at «ar Klvat Leather Belting! I* â- !â- Â« street, laat. VMaata Large donUe Driving Belta a 8peolalty Send r Frtee ItietB aad Btsaoamtii. HOUSE OLEANINa TIMtl. B yoa want yonr'haiisei to be •ttneUre^ UM C«l«ra for tinting Walls.â€" Can be oaed wlthoat the aid of a Painter and do not rub oC. BCade in lltleeii diflana Unts. Apply to your local dnalsfs for them. JCANVFACTUBIED BT A, BAMSAY SOWs MOWTRBAL. AM Lme Eoyal Mail SteamsMps. Sailing daring winter from Portland every nmraaay and Halifax every Saturday to Livopool, and in sums from Quebec every Satnrdu to Uveipool, calling at Lon- dondeny to land mails andpassengen for Scotland and Irtdand. Also from Baltimore via Halifax and St. John's K. F., to LiverpoMfbrtaightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glaagow Unes sail daring winter between PortlandandGlaiwow,andBoBtm and Glasgow altenatdy: and dnriiu sommer between Qnsibee and Glasgow and Boston and Glasgow every we^ For freight, pasaase, or other inftmnatiaa anplyto A.Sohnniaoner ft C!o., Baltimore; 8. Cnnard A Oa. Halifax Bbea Co., St. John's N. F. Wm. Thomaon ft Ca, St John, N. B. Allan ft Ca. Chioaso; Leve ft Alden, New York H. Bonrller, Toroato Allans, Rae ft Oa, Qnebeo; H A. Allan. Poctlaad. Beeton. Jjloa- treat mmm STMD1RDSC1II THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST RELIABLB. TTnrivalled in material, constmction and finish, per- ftct in accuracy and unequalled in darability. Guaiw anteed to give entire satisfaction. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. BAILBOAD, WABXHOUBB AXD HBb â- PX1.T70BUBI. mng* Alarm Money Drawen; ^jr BEKD FOB IUi€gEBAXn FKBM UOk GUBNE YS WARB, MAMII.TOV. mwt !nSEMNEW WIIiUAMS High Ann piaehine ia bow racogaiwwi aa tba SswiM Kacliine Of thB FarloL Bvel rataaJfaH Aaoeafttirt one ia tufa til ovari nadaoflifaakmg' Slaapleto « It ia Strong, doraUa, aad wdlbaflt, of tta vanr bast aiaterial that aMmer oan bov BMmey OK akfll'ptodaoa. It waa aarardad five aMidala and tkna firat BriaaaAt the Dommiiwi TWiftition hat OelMer. It ia rapidly a up eBw dif all the old foaWonad makm et a a j f w h oreu Seoik tiyHt biqriti andasakaaarathtttyoifatit. THEWIUIAMS'MRIGQ.. ^1 1 â- 'ri i i Al :4 i 'f f 5 â-  I k •iijl .A • 4 t -iM H:'f?S: M\ m klh .^tiaiaiiiiiftftHaa

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