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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Jul 1884, p. 5

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 ts the cotmtry c iblie patronage ra stand in McNea'sl m- ' tn T* ~i 4K? lARICD/JLE JEWEUIW " â- "-* t^^r. :*, â- ;*,â-  â- '^^ft^ja- ':•â- â- Â» " M i m^^ iM -.rifci iat i MgU a* LA-KG •:•? J'-«4Ct ffoods. Special liftes i^ Ajn^rt'f can Watches and^. iClacks. Meridan Co. Silver' Pldteft ^re. Specks, Chaiiis,,Ch^rnj^_ Rings, etc. 18 k.^ Wedding Rings always in stock. Mjusi^! cal instruments, ViofinStrinjg^. I personally attend to all. Watch Repairing nd fuiijr Gbft tCmOa. loflkt fA. MoOmgot «e â„¢e 85' eeatt. TwkBLETedacedtbeptioeof -^ ». MAxMUe cmtnons from ^80 to commeitciQ^ tim la r regor Ml baying, api be sore viKi '«â- -. !3,',i PRICES^ T:..;^l lSW«^«^tii^;C^wn.' .Bed64tmu^ ],• ' 1 ^^ /9 "r' decrease monopoliat nrifiM in No misrepresentation ' C :ewy»s^l4:^nf «^ 'tiioron^r ..-.Ilia i,t i ^cuie^ they are omdr aiid' #5- ^fmRBttU; â-  if^ttmiea' on Tuesday from Ofillii i»rk;^re1jeliaai)een Btiaden^ Ify Qmrwihi plice oS the loccasidii pf higJirotlief^g/^ealli^: 'fii ^^ â- â€¢1 warrant chr.rges. the same. Fair W. A. BROWN. was ae highly tiespeeted man of S9 years. lie onmarQed f4 I^AECH JWAlafiAWr, LoMJandOthrlteiBs.^ XoTicES ift columns intended to benefit snii individual or Society will, be charged ten c'tiU a line for the first insertion and five tenti a line each subsequent insertion. A QUANTITY of mdple suger for sale at Benson's cheap. Bears, have killed three sheep beloDgmg to Mrs. Goodwill, of Glenelg. Hamilton's gallery is the place to get all kinds of picture framing done. Gkeat bargains in motto and photo. frames at the photo, gallery, Mark- dale- Lir.GE importations direct from Eurouean markets, now on theii* way out, for McFar* land's fall traae. A.iiiJMBEK ot our country editors are taking their Christmas holidays our time is eommg too. • Yoc needn't go prowling about tbe country to get bargains but go straight to the old teliable firm of McFarlard'a. ' "' " 'â- ' Rey. Me. Gallowax, of Port Elgin, preached an impressive serniaa-tel '-â- â- #'â-  lowded house last Sunday evening, in this place. â- .'.:. " Rev. W. Casson's sermon laet Suuday evening was eloquent and highly appreciated pity the ci^urch was not larger. Pain from indigestion or sick head aehe is iustautly relievea by one dose of Kejavmator Bitters, znade from roots and herbs. A LARGE bear walked into Williams- ford on Sunday, the 13th. A number' of the citizens gave chase, but bruin liid in ihe swamp. HOPEFUL WOEDS. Mrs. McArthm-, "of Hopeyille, Ont., says she conld not keep house witboat Hagyard^ Pectorial Balsam to cure prevailing uuoat' and lung troubles. J. W. FoKD will 8tiu*t his flonr mill ffith the new roller system, on: Saturday and will haye it in full operation next week. tmmsi fwmm^i wn^ i'1' U " x^ .t. t9a-..:M.; ,â- '.01 ^.?jt2 ^aoiTsrJa -S £ ' tUf:* -i^ ^imSiii W '•;« ii *tl.V 0*1?. f. rVfi â- â- â- - '.. '"'Iji ' 'â-  'Amai 'iujf rrj :*-ii" zit t-ii-if -ik •SI -jK 'â- Mi: *•!.;: â- ^ "Sf ^ere Is any lurkiig taint U scrpfiila in the BysteriK'BufdQik Bldol Sittora are Wrretttfedtose^icb it Mll. â-  ^^^' Tbimkus is net th« only merchint â- in Markdftle who pitfchases bankrupt stoeS at' th^ trade" sales m Montreal and other cities but he who decries suchgoodu as worthless should not be a practi«»er himself. I refer to notices to that effect, in recent issues of the StimDAKD. BE8GUEi AT liAST. W. H. Credcer, druggist' of Waterdown, ,say9,.-whpn all other rempdies fail for Bowel Ccmplaints, then D^j. Fowler's Extract of /^Id Strawberry comes to the rescne. The stringency of the money market has caused many unexpected bankrnp- ' ticies, ihus throwing spring goods of the present year upon the market. If they are not all that the best can offer, I will make your wife a present of a new dress, and one for the baby. Try Trimble. Mb. YEBiST gave us an exhibition of his Panorama in this place on Monday and Tuesday evenmg which was fairly attended andhighly interest- ing. Every person withm reach this beautiinl exhibition of historic and other ssenery should see it it cannot fail to be profitable as well as instruc- tive. Dull laMBs is the cry on every hand, 'iLiadevet own financial income would jtfstify us in going on echoe tb what se^sl^^^^.pinaost iiin'rvTSrsaishotft; but.^fte^as you may pass Benson's; -tlie ^owdofmen, women, boys and gii-b ' in then: establishment, would indicate that business must bo in a flourishing condition. Perhaps the secret of all this. prosperity Ues in the fact that Benson's house has been long and favorably known besides, the house has always had tlie reputation ofiselling atrthe lowest margin of profit of any other house in town. Another feature, or :^i««, in their succeiss in drawing trade io their reptftation of selUng at .low profits "and iquick returns, thus keepmg up a constant supply of fresh goods. ' PREJUDICia):PEOPLE. ' Many people are prejudiced against patent medicines, but all wbo tiy Burdock Blood "BittCTs ikie compelled to acknowledge it i^wortby apatent as a valuable diseovery. lll«olMeilf lhJB«(iiMM llM«^V^Gyn «t^^ plination will make tbe most gtabbaniv nH- ^tailMagiiihnids hewt.1^im46amtA wMte.- BMMttbli* «hM "MAY i»S W" ia^cHi WliainlF • ' W fo«de('ttiil' fiDtf up-fiM poM^H^Blin; ««iid Ihst'itfiiifiltioav^tlte siiniQt « wht 'iuidgifeat^iacbv*;^, aC'vegMaU^'fiaitfa^'ChAr' eaeMB «h*^jie(^ id gloW ariOi'biMaflE iHboi ttMk, ixiiUi abd bkbds totivaliheLuyin whiteness. ImpossiUlft' to di^leeK M itba beauty ib«onfen ttiy artifidd'^wacter. Itotues: gmitjiSkfb,^ Kreieacles. iwriii^ea, Km)ilea;Kaak Heads, Grow'sFeet.Blohes, Face Ottibs, 'San bom. T-vn, BiiigWcMnlP,' OhanNdi Rtd/ii,' Bbre 6r Cb^plBd lipa. Barber's Itch, Tetter, et^. It frees tlHJ por^ es, (^glands, find t«bes Irom t^ iniuribss efiteets of fow^kn i^i cosmetib washes. iQ^^: ' "'" its use aU redness and i^oTiglmesr are froi " -^ '"" vented it oeavtifiiBS the ^kini and^^ inake it soft, smooth afid. white ;impiHidg a de- licious softness;' impartiit^ a jiterfeet^^ healthy, natttraland yonthfol appeioanae. Thebest fRoe lotnta that the world eriir pro- ' ' duoed. We wffl send- "a' XABok BOtxtk" to any address otTTeceipt of price, f 11 "When OidAring sention tiiis paper. Address all letters to th6 MAY DEW AGENCY, 167 Church Street; Toronto. Ont. â-  Parlor and Ileeeptijti Itooin ior Lstdiei. • n-jq ft jtalnsirt i:i Ui«):»\ -r â-  'J.! •?.-•. â- n ~t\in» ^•'i I tt'i i l;rjl M B^^^!^- Traclxy la|jrlic. Win be giyen under the auspices of SHELBURNE LODGE, A4icieni Order of United Workmen -TO THB- TOWN Of OWEN SOUND -OH- The Canadian Mutual Aid Association^ INCORPORATED AUGUST 2OTH, 1880. f :o: BOAED OF DIBECTOES Wm. Eennie, Esq., Toronto, President E. H. Hilboru, E^q., Uzbndge, Tieasurer G. U. Watson, LX.6., Toronto, Solicitor; C. H. Mackintosh, M.P., Ottawa Thos. Menzies, Feterboro Peter Graham, M.P.P., Warwick 'â-  • â-  _â€" A. Gifford. Esq., Meafor^ Vice-President W.Ptanberton Pagn, Esq., Toronto, Ser'y E. H. Eobertson.M.D., Toronto. Med. D'tr; ' Lewis Wigle, M.P.P., Leamington J. P. Bull. Downsview S. W. Hill, Esq., Eidgeville, Memb. Supt. The Directors have filed with the Hon. S. C. Wood, (Ex- Provincial Treasurer of Ontario) Trustee for tbe Association, Bonds to the amiunt of $GO,000.00, as a guarantee for tbe honest carrying out of tbe terms of Certificates issued toinembets. Reliable Aid to Families of Deceased Members at Small Cost. Monday, August 4, 84. This most delightful trip will be made G. P. R. to Owen Sound, whance the staunch and «ominodious KiaAeHY. .j£*. :FVom oviir ownljeorretpondent. Haying is well through, and is a good crop and tolerably well saved. Pall wheat will be about all cut For fulfpartioaiars see Adv. J by ti^e iapie tjhis apiiears iii print, H ^jj^ jg jj g' sample with /some smut. Mr, C. Knott has finished the stone Iwttse, whicSh will beJ' The excursiok on Monday next to Owen Sound promises to be a grand Affair. " in another Column McFaeland is n)t giving up business ia^ ilarkdale. He is going to (pvfl .the people lots of cheap goods yet beforc be mov« t^^^ iiis farm near Bell's Lake. f Be sure and go to Owen SottoA- Monday the 4th Aug. Fare only 90 cents including a three hour- cruise on the splendid " gteametr "Maynetr " \^ Z^^^l " Me. Moffat, of the Mar]fciifl4e Jonndry, had a piece cut off onejM _,_ â- " fingures on Mondav laafc wll$et;i(§^ofd,. ^^ ,«..-. ' ' Potatoes look s] hi attending the planer in the FounS Me. H. D. Irwin will be oonfin •^3 bed for some time yet, the His accident mentioned ^ape from death.w^s ouiTi The magical poweroverpaim fliSt fl«gyi#fft^^ ^«"ow Oil possesses, outriT^iflie '"" «»ncwrt times. ItactEinfaHMttmi} ««nbdue inflammation «^£wJ iS^^fa^. Sore TltoJ^: foyil *o«SALE,-One pMr.«fia*t "Jaare'8 8 and 4 y«i»«M iit ??«twn, guarenteed i» :*Wit firom 1,800 to toJ.B.Tri»ible. Uv !â-  vj-j t J. FOR OLD OB YOUNd^' (Seller for his scanthtig fritoe, yaneered wifli brick. The work so far is a credit to l^e contractor*. ,WoJ. Straia, of BleshertonJ Station. ' W« bad a giTtn* war (tonce here otie Jlight last we^k .thi prefon?^ance mew wmewbai hostilo, hut no scalps l^e.iakea. " T'i^^ to the M^Oftwk tnbe but an hal§,^,frQm fceloiijg Cli--j Si m tke^ polata twgs ttf keiRrti*oti3P*ee«re^ ^we mm^ â€" " The Association will do busiaess on the following plan Applications. All Applications for Membership shall be made upon printed f^rms furnished by the A»- sociation, (and applicants must pass a satisfactory medical examination) If accepted, a certificate will be issued witl^in thirty days from date of such acceptance. Membershlp- The payment of TWELVE DOLLAES admits any of sound body and mind between the age of 18 and 80 years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the application is not accepted tbe money ii promptly returned to the apphcant. Plan Of Bu9lnei3$. The foUonring table shows the amount for which Certificates of Membership will be issued by the Association, according to' age STEAiWER MAGMET Will convey EzoaruoBists for a three haaOS' sail^Dpon the beautiful waters of Ihe Georgian Bay. TbeCmZENS' OWM BRASS BAND Of Owen Sonad, and Professor Knagg's QuadriU Band Have been engaged to accompany tbe pleasure party, so that abundance of high- class music will enliven the evening. FAST I'BAIN, well equipped, will tave Oraagevillo at 1.00 pjOL, Orai^cmUe Junction, at 1.12" Laurel at 1.24, Ciombies at 1.86, Shelbume atl.$b. Melancthon at 1J»9, CorBettoii at 2.08, bundalk at 2.15, PrPton ^^SS' iPlesb- erton at iM, Markdate at 2.fil,.Beikdey at 3^.06;' WiBlamatord at S.16, Anott at 8.25, Chatawortb at 3.30, aiTiTto ui Owaii Sound. The Steamer will leave her wharf at 8 b'clodr, and the tram ujjon tb« return journey !witt leaVQ Ofwen Sound at ll o'clock. â-  T^dketa from OrangeviUe to Pan^^ ia- e^aaive for^ entire festivitiea, Mily %\.. "Spurn oih^ points 90oeB«s. Chfldren under 12 *lVwH rt age,:f»?m all ppihtf^ 60 fcents, ib be ^^ditot lBrtifuH3P*ee«re^ _^ ^^mtaipg^ at ttaStatiima. iu»d from liembets i^.Te^:,?^r^^' M v^df the vCwnlaittee on.lK«d the tiam.: in much^J^ W^ft" '" \h sb^ntoe'tidtMmaybAbad frtmi Messrfc. ..jfc..- ,; Jed m 4*' mmmm • .,.'â- :â-  ^i/ ' â€" *~ AQM^nnt • ••*-•• Aaiount AQE. at ACUE. at Death â-  s Death f-rom 18 to 30.......... 83 000 From 45 to 46 h 92 200 " 30 to 31 2 950 46*047 47 to 48 2 150 .Ito32 2 900 3 100 32 to3;{. .......... '850 48 to 48..... 2 050- ..S3 to 34 2«U0 49 «o50:... ...... »i 000 34to35 2 750 60to51....i..... 1 900 35 to 36.......... 2 700 51 to 52.. 52to53.... 1 800 3Bto87 2 65b 1 700 37 to 38.. 2 600 58to.'4... 1 600, 88 to 39 2 550 2 600 â-  fl4to55.; • '56 to66....^..'.. 1 500 39 to 40 .... 1 400 ' 40to41 2 450 66 to:57-. ........ 1 800 41to42 2 400 67to,68..... 1 200 42to43 2 850 68fo59-.. 1 100 43to44... 2 300 6»to6© 1 000. 44to46 2 260 • •-â- â- ' ' HALF RATE PLAN. Certificates win bit issued for b(df the above apuauts sbQul^l tho applicant so. desire.. Assessments. An Assessmeirt of One Dollar upon each meimbeir w3i be made in case ql^ dpath or tetal^ disability of a member, except when there is money enough in surplus funds to pay. sudelaim. Special Featur.^^. 1â€" Great inducements to jtrovado for fiunilite in tags of deafi^ at small cost. 2 â€" Equal benets to both sexes. S^.-Uoilorm. assessments of one dollar only. ^, 4 â€" Careful medical examination xequired. fr«-No.ftnnaal dues or extra diarges. ,f-i- • â€" No large salarieB or expenses. 7 â€" Two hundred dcdlars advanced for fnnemi expensetrt when necessajty. 8-r-Benefits secured at actual cost. 9â€" Hemben.beeomii*g totally ^sabled, may dra^ half cf theit claims, the bi^ance bg.. iag payable at death- ' " ' ' ,» lOr-Ladiat accepted in this Assoeiatitm as w^lli as m»ii. ' For particulars apply to S. W. HELL. Membe(sbit Supcrintendeiiii, Bldgeyille, or to W. PEMBEBTON PAGE, Secretary, 87 King Stiept West, Toronto.. AGENT FOR lM[AEKpALE, ..i¥»^ '^I^OS. i^AHN- Also Agent forlkmimon Grange MutaaiFi)re InsaranceJ^ssbpiiiUqa. 3'i!:'!0ik BilTFRS JPyspepsia^ JamfUce^ Affections of ih^Idvcr and^i£ulnigy»f j Pimples, Biotcfies, £Hl^.Htmori, Salt Mheu^^,$cr(^i^ ^Erysipelas, iind all disea^ ariamg m Impm-ei J$lQotit J^6rak(j^ Stinndfh, or un^irdar actton^tif the Boti^. ^^ â-  t- nr^y Sn^wUino A.' CMtt^il **»4 1. p. Betty. -The Committee feel gratified at tiie great J^; U B3 ^r'^;^m^ »«^^^'«*" I %ifjft-; *iis hi vnra jtrBm^nh, id^aVft^B hii#^ld^saj '" Mis I'oa jr :x #^e I*"' «"• "**" 'fat'wwfs woa.aMN»,t 'rfav wf* waai ^isa :1-Jpw fn^ â- # ^. a.??" Si 1^« i 1 • -1 I \i\ • â- . i â- .â- ' ml li'ii â-  li\ Ir^ a\ m H B--js".L:.J^A-^ihafeAII

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