BP wmm .^â- ~ " •rr-T U-' ill li' f- 1 1 ft' Ef 1 1 a '^^, ip '4 1 ,ri}cof e«fl n« o-rntfp? ilH ifliul 10 rilBrfl) tew8«JfeitMaU^^, ...Sajy^^^^ Cor. Brown Toronto Sts " Is tlie place to get BARGAINS in Ory Goods, Groceries^ Boots and Shoes, Grookeryy Glassware ^c Ac. -NEW PRINTS from 3 cents up, New DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. 'Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being ^termined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, loir sale cheap. WM. BROWN. r. :^d- WHAT" TO 1Dte.-f^;a_"' ' tronlfeJ wiith im uiiii«^^ sore i»se KeGze«9r ?Mke6 OarboTic 3i Tba wmfind it ioralnaWe ifit heaBng, clean^ intrasd compIeM]!' removing .your troabw. H the ^lood is out of ardet, tike with it ft few doses of MoOzf^or's Sl^y Care ffoih HiUBros. ^^i.4-; J-^^r The Torcntos beat the AmericwnB flt lacrosBe m New York last veek Canadians are the best lacrosse playtjrs as well as the b^t oarsmeu in the world, ' lib ^m^ ;iiip i»i cjeTi Mjg of hostnities; ji $»fllt!\«tji qj^^Wt^. tp Buppily 3O,Od0jto35J peiipd of 12 months. In of^er depaifmeqt* of the Orocery M^e the BELFAST HOUSE iiHs jOLiiED iJYiraw- bAKi those vi.o,ass«iiie tp^;i;rap«ac^t| business by n a iM/hafdJO^ of small 4«*i- ers exprbitaiii^atMof^iBtereet oalon^j cremt. (;ur iin^or|g of ,.,i, ., j Pacific! COH^fHJlNG MAVMAyis'jiJ AprU, 1884. 190-tf ROBT. S. RAE, I TAILOR, National Pills the favorite purgative and anti-bilious medicine, they are mild and "^ZUof.wc. p. B. is laid. PBESERVffiJf ATS, SAtMW tw^ve miles beyond the Eiunmit itii British Colnmbia, the tracklayiog tbrongh the Bockies westwar'l is pI;o^ coeding at the ratd of a mile a day. To ranove dandroff, dleanse the scalp with Irof. Low's Magic Solphnr Soap. 4 delightful medicated soap for the toilet. A fashion journal has au article headed "How to irake a match safe." The direction» srven may be good enough for some iblks. but aftet all there is no more reliable way than the old-fashioned plan of calling in the parson. A crying evil, Children are. often fretfifl aid ill when Worms is the cause. Dr. Low'6 Worm Symp safely expels all Worms. Immense numbers of paper, bottle s are now made in Germany. Ten per cent, of rags, forty of straw, and fifty of ground wood pulp are used in mak- ing them. A coating of defibrinafced fresh blood, lime, and sulphate of ammonia makes this substance per- fectly proof against all kinds of liquids. A GEEAT DISCOVERY That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of 1 heir dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Vr. King's King's New Discovery for .consumption, couRhs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, pain in side, and chest, any disease of the throat and lungs, a positive cure guaranteed. Trial bot- tles free at Turner Go's, drug store. Large size ?1. 6 ' LOBSTEii^ SARDINES, HAM^, BAC0H;48g6RTEOT^ and every ariialcs in iU§ grocery trade n^ LlQUroRS of. the best brands and quality., Wine for S^icramentai parpoi»8 warranted pure. Brandies direct from the man- ufacturer and atr;ath^,k|ndeOf Hqaors. (Joffeesi Teas and Tobaccoes cannot fail to give satislaotion.i Oranges, Lettfons, c. Family Flcur supplied at Lowest Bates. BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDALE „ â- Eeb. 6th, 1884. ,^.^. Divlsfon. TORGNTa^Depart 7.'2ii a m ' • Arrive 10:4-, '.. " Nbte^Jtj'xed- train leaves PaifeJale 7:4o â- â- Credit VaS^ Division Tprontp, depart 7:10 a.m, l:05 » m /.-„ .,. ' it.*ive 9:bO '• 3-4-, ..'.N 7"KI Noteâ€" i3iilied= train leaves .Pariddi^, An addHioaal train will be 1.11 "in in eoniie, it with the CANADIAN PAfilFIC STEAMSHIP LiHf leaving Toronto ii:go g^] D.-MoNICOL; W. WHI'f Gen. Pass. Agt. ^eneraliimjal â- MARKDALE_STATlON, nMISS LEAt£ AS roLlo»s; GOING SOUTH.-^Express 6:2? ».. Mixed '8:3g ' Steamship Express 12:00 noon " •• Mail 5:30 p. a The Steamship ExpTess, RoiDg sontli do.! not run on Saturday. ' â- )iooh spaee^il: 1 adverti^i •3 bents j^B, noaiareil Editorial notices tip cents'perl: â- sabseqaMlts ii [tlie advartisem NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed Store. SAW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE 0:E3 10 X-OET' In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of aibout 400 acres timber and, with other limber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft. head of water. There aref^,^"*^'"^. J*" ^u rejoice' in the praisrol 1 -1 r xi- 1 11-1 r lilectnc Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle one large circular saw tor cutting logs, 2 small circulars for by Turner Co. r sawing lath and broom handlers, i guage lathe for turning^ The Brooklyn bridge has the largest span and is considered the largest bridge in the .world. J3ut the Tay Bridge over the Frith of Forth, in Scotland, to replace that which fell down under a railway passenger tram, will haye two spans each of which is as long as the Bmoklvn bridge. This will be the greatest bridge ever design- ed. NEVER GIVE UP, If you are suflFeringwith low and depressed bpirits. loss of appetite, general debility, dis- ordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im- Having just received a Choieee. Fresh and Seifcf Teas, Tobacco, ;c. Which will be sold VEEY CHEAP. I respectfully solicit the public's patronage. 193 J. PLEWES. GOENG NORTH.â€" Mail 12-00 p j. Mixed 3:26 " " .^Express 9:28/ â- "\;" J. CESAR, Agent. The Steamship Express, goiiiKNortLj. not stop at «tations between Fleaheitons Owen Sound. HARNESS^ mm EbTABLISHED 19 YEARS. f II uo^soq aATijuej -Va puB aaiiqBis pooQ •paa^u.iiBnS suiooa oiqBijjojraoo paw siBem poo«9 -^oois ni sS^hl^ -\a sxuSiD puB sjonbq jo puBiq jsaq eq^ •saoxaiBJoaj aoaiOR 20111, •mo *HAHOjliSXTtt3 'asaoHJiioaaon axvi) aSnOH HXHOMSXVHO THOsJAnREWS.Proprid Nothing but good s'-ock used sal the best mechauicii e'mpIoveJ. stock of Doable antl Siugle, HesiJ and Light Harness alwajsoiii AlsoWhips, Trunk" Valise.?, Blaaki Bobes, c.r always in stock. provement that will follow; you will be in- || n || A â- â- IttAiBBVkM^ spired with new Ufe; strength and activity ^HUUnP PAINlFII will return; pain and misery will cease; and â- â- «• " ^^ " â- fl E l« I â- â- Hf .„ GBAINEE. (jLAZIER AND PAPER broom handles, etc, i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream being' very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken o£f. This offers a good Opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold •or let on liberal terms. The bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked 3n summei: time. Immedinte possession given. A^^:./ to the proprietor, WM. HOQC, FLESHERTON STATION P. C, OHT. â€" Good Work Guaranteed â€" â- â€" ^AT â€" BulnPliofaipfiyBi? " FLESHERtON^ Ly*s^'~. i^« «X-y Oa^ll Sit O'^Cl.OO and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to shpw. All kinds of Framiiig done cheap at V:JAARKDALE, W a^ba^S. r\^, ^IfECTORAL-l t BALSAM 1 XIT i-vcr.- 1) Mtie i;i:...aiii;-l l.i girc satkTacticn. HORSE SHOE! NC v^r^ SPECIALTY. .1 lUwsagent for the celebrated W/ A New York photographer is quoted as saying :,-^" After twenty-five years' experience under the skylight, and after photographmg over a hundred and forty-seven thousand people, I have become convinced that in nine- teen ca«e8 out of twenty the left side of the face gives themostcharacteristic likeness, while to the same degree the rig^itside is the most symmetrical." TOTH^ LADIES. McGxegopA Parke'g Carbolic Cerate wil cure any ewe of Pimples on the face oi. Boueh S^ on either hands or face and leave than «f " " I* *Ji'^so heal any sore when aJl other preparatteBB fail. Thousands have ^^ w^' ^^ fcnggist for McGregor and PMke'8-Carbohe Ceiate, and do not W per8ua4ed to take anything else claimed to he as good. It 18 but 25 oents perhox at HiU ^â„¢" J.J. 3 Theie is blood on the face of the moon. War between France and Chma 18 said to inevitable, and Germ- ^y* ' " 'jJ^S^^. '«^» assist China James G. Blaine is credited with a burnmg ambition to fight the wo«3 genera ly. and the Cincinnati Enquirer Bays Blame is not Oie only Ameridan wlK) wants tD^ght. It believes tbTt ready to adopt a vigorous forekn policy then tl^e RepubUcans. aid points to the fact that under EepuhK can rule the American- navv has HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing Factory^ jVT^Iil^O y\. 1^ JE Oedees Solicited. EsiistAiEs Gmai. MAEKDALEl A steam Woolleii jr. iff A )^BHSTEB, MAS in Chancery, Not P. DUCOLON S LIVERY, IN HULL'S OLD STAND. ' O-pocL KCoxses and comfortable Rigs at mod^ate charges. 195 ^«i:t« The imdeE93f;ned woiUd respectfully rea ' tiianks to their many customers and friaj for the very liberal support accorded to ti daring the past, and would solicit a wnti' ance of the same, as we are new ready to| tend to all work intrusted to onr cs: CUSTOM CAEDISG, FULLING ^^â- ^^t WEAVING in first-elass style. Aswn pat on new cards, and made otlier imp ments, we will endeavor te do as good ' in the future, if not better, tlian «" ever done in the past. CiistomerB wishing to Lars theii cairded, spnni and made into blaokets or^ nel, on cottoQ warp, can bavu their attended to bjr leaving their wool as e pooriUe. Please raaember the place. Mil! west of the Railway Station. ,„_ F.J. RITCHIE* ft 1B8-308 •J I J jVlJ become tl»ehw^hiag^gto€kofthewcrid. tht-^^T^-^^^^^^ oecnrredl at the DickwaHoiwe, Brantford. when on one darfimr gentlemen called for »miant«Qi^JB3i *to. ITIS^rf •|Bd^G.iliUel?mlS »», and -Levi BouUob. 8S Th* BUi Thefi«,*J sores, â- ohMiBBft^Sfcr'*^M°' "T®" sores, teitiaat^ Bas opened «ni a! FirstiClags IWDEliTKiNG ESTABLISHMENT Onion Carriage Wo*, Uffli Carriage Id frouj h-l' i-.O •iidtaU '.; so I; I? I ^1 i *»«PPK« hiiJtiHHijittrtM u^m, y 6 J 'ill-*. •a t" All work mamifactureii FttST Cuss Ma^ .In ibe latest and Best iBJf" "rt.jfe!8. and finished J^iisiisli Varni Paialhg Triinini«|^ wUl ):«ceLye prompt atten*' .AIL 3(6^8 executed in the rivliJi,;- possible time •iMMteBi with good worK f^^l^ Work A Spc^AJ 9eoMmbar the Shop, opposiM *•* :MMrUale.Dec.2ud, ISSi--