to w^ •• tr to " ^» to 4 1^ 'p le second Thnii idftv 1)ef(tfirl Tuestlay iu day before Duij at 'Wednesds Cher the coantry am i ALL PARTJ HERE ORDEE ic patronage te lud in McNea's I â- '.I ^igQ£^~ ;atT j;iiAi Ji.'i.^i4»*4^-' LjBKWLE JEWELLERY '•US r«6l 4. ' â- 'Si"' tt-'v :(ij|* No nods. misrepresentation /at Special lines in Amen ^bwiiag done m mi^,- %^ ^^ Benson's Li^iadrSfb^^' ' o-Mn^^tn^- lainries, .^ â- jt^^ /^if.,as«j»i«i lean Watches and Ooclisl ^l^d^htHhe store «nd mtbrn^rt^ mst. â€" Mauitoalin Esrpbritiun i rw j jleridan Co. Silver Platefd iare. Specks,Chains,Charn^s Rings, etc. i8 k. Wedding {(incrs always in stock. Musi; cal instruments, ViolinStringsI I personally attend to ail latch Repairing ?nd fully warrant the same, Fair chr-rges. ' i ' t a^Kars. to .?tbiak in a measure young W. A. BROWN and Otber Items. Notices in these columns intended to benejit ' indU-idual or Society will be charged t^ Ljfci a Um for the fi,r$t insertion and Uualinee'achsubieqiient insertion. Hay makes very sloJ?ly. The strawberry season is past. Rasberkies are coming to market. A UTTLE fire is appreciated those liars. I KUBSEBli jntheM nee on Fall safcs.J â- d salaries to all i lid Women ca| )leasant YEAR EC earning frwn ?1| enses. free. Address manufaetnriB^ ikssortmeiit of 'ornitf ioL SEAlSandJ etc. of t^oved pattern.i Jhool Trustees aiK lomf ort and cob| asaortmentf 'aj3 on liand. lorth P. 0. ANDREW m lENlA mdlatlil lensive imj \l confident i Glesklg Couucil meets on the 21st inly. Kid gloves Irora 25cents per pair up i I ll Trimble's. A. H. EoE, M. P.P., died at Napanee tn batnnlay last. A NICE line of Halifax tweeds very jeeap at J. R. Trimble's. MooDv sailed for America from budoii, England, last Sunday. Fei.1 hats at your own price at •I.E. Trimble's. Smith the Barber grinds razors and saiorsana sells Kejuvinator Bitters. Mr. John ilcNALLT sold this week toRutleJgo the butcher 18 sheep for jIG.uO. â- â- .J.R.Trimble has better value in Ei2ar thau auy other house in the |canty. " • Cletelan'd, Governor of N'e'w York Slate, is the uominee of the DemocrajLs. fie la a bivjheloi' of 47 years. ' Hat forks, grain cradles, spaces snd shovels, very cheap at J. !R. Ilrimble's. .. -^ Hexky Whitby is regaining his iealth and will soon be able to return |tobusine;s. ' ,• i laE opeuinor of the Ontario ajal |*)aebec Raihvav hits been hxed for the piiJuly. " Two EEARoxs why some people are pot trusted; one, because they are not liacwn ;. the other, they are. Ins whispered around town, among ljie smckers that Benson iKeps the ll-tstci.arsiii icwD. Tiy Ifctin, 8 to .think iie «onWi.f«i^Bdy, leasnre, th* migtatioa tof £e ladibs 6f:BC3 tbVrEf t ' "â- '^U If joa ^nl4 be A»,iuif(Mrtiuwtfl as to Bum Scald or WouDry«|^;iji[^ «W^tt(5 teqaerehingto keep ole»n and tie»l it ia M«^regOT «^ Par^^'s Qarbblic Cirt^ t ^?»°fo *^djp; *M^ yo« «e)k.. McGregor 4 PwkeV tWboB}, qepite. Price 25 ^ei^ ;Hm BifoVjIws tfte ge?uin9,. t^.^4*?j7 1 The Editor of the Chrnnitle aM AdcttrSre t^aXetV ^6th witii each other aBi4;tUe latter ap^^S; to toel some what pugiliatie.We woold ssggeet to them another pall at the pipe, that peace may be rest.6red. I Labdin^ MAOTiNBOji.,,isthedeUghi of farmera, and a pteasdce to all meii usiDg Machinery, it cannot be eicelled^ it has received the 'highest a^Wds 'at Dommion and Provincial iixjbibitions. McCall 6EOS. Console maoufoeturers, Toronto. • Mabkdale. was almost entirely deserted the 1 '2th July, a large number having taken the train for Shelbnrne and a greater number to Wifliamsford Station, leaving neither bdsiu^ss or pleasure for our yiliage. '*^ .tfevkiJH f- OoBA qiiiil|v%r«]Hti%s^niN^9a» .â- w?w r, sBJoh a 85 oa^lEfst fit-'"" â- HeaTord iroaa "â€" ' "" dbtnBed,fchi» wwk 80C^ boxes ^fofaeese. ft Grani Ck*8. Soft^em evniuyoii ddift want one t«i. â- i i '^^ •• i • Aboot fifteeQ^ ^patr of If ukdal* 7oi»igpe6«to hftd'apidmQl(En$«ina Falls on "wWoes^y. A vicii^ pleasi^ ^i â- « 1 vbi ^:-., ?^._*«. iitt' â- 'MM fwj*r iOffl I S'kfdta'.ft '*•' i0Si' ILi' \ii iv^i-s?^,, 3Tj6fl $£ 'tiiiht-;^r,- m\ '.^ ulBl r ill-" gitiBBr, ,Away. J «t i $iKWAB« Mniiosfc Remolds and Kooi ^. ]Miexeur8H«Jiom Oi^dgeville atul ibtenBedtalo staiaos to Owen Sonnd! ifriH be run by the Ratlwa^rCo. shorUy. far^ tcom J^aikdald and, return ^\ TVIf are now oSs^ing^Qi^^ieviUre'i^k; lai cost. iE^eyiiullilB and ^n. Whebb did yoi^Vget that nice Fnnt| Mrs. S-^ â€" r-Why tiqm Mrs. Bruder av eontseand it is chape too,, an be; dad the best of it is, it is good intireYyl to wash 'and wear. .^ po juvt fail to give no a euU and' secure good bf^tgaitis. .Beynolds sccI Son.-.' .^â- ' ""' â- i^'fo'dpi. i«|r ft ^^biItaHP'iiD' ttllMil es; o!I f^Andst aad tqBe* troni the lojiu^imi '«e6is ioQpit^^^ oteiielkMriBhk 'Emu, kwiiiiiieu^aS^Mmii^^^^ it poft, sfflltoUi'aiid WWtfi^: iiAtfif^Wlk Ikloiiii fabftoisra r i^^ ^bodt^, n!ftti£ril ted ^^1 iwiadiuM^ Tbeti^-ftcierlo^ifD Ittet^bi^tta met prcK $i60d; We iJBtjfei^ i^i'l^ afiv'adiArMs cnf telBeqit flit »riek,|i. '^ifwk cffdiSHfiir n^ti^i^^ pk^ ' ' ' ' i ift6C:Ntrn)!tfr ClbdMi Street, tdronto'Ont. .OS' i:.-^i oj "^l Si^ Aft' Tra4e l^l^t»lt# '^MNCOflPORATEO AUGUST 20TH, 1880. |i ' â- "3 ♦•! â- â- f').- -•?;â- -:o: Oris esteemeid friend Dr. Armstrong stoppedijoff lew hont^ Vt^^ndsday on his way BoaUi firom Port Arthori We understand he will return next week with a partner. They will spend a few days in Markdale on tbeir way North. ..„,-. \f m. Benoie. Eaq^ Toronto. Piendetit £. H. Hilbom, Esq., Uzb|i4g«, Xiffasorer O. H. Watson. LiL.B., Toraato, 8«lioit«r; C.H. Mackintoah, M.P., Ottawa; Tboa. Mmzies, Peteiboro Peter Graham, liLP.P.,l!rar«ick ;, BOAfiD 07 DIBEGTOBS A. Gifford. Esq., MeaiwrcM YiM-Prand«at W. Pembwton l^ago, Esq., Toronto, Ses'y ;; B. H. Bdkertson. If J;, TorenUr. IJted. D'tr; Lands Wigle, M.P;#., Leamington J. S. Boll. Downsview; 8. W. Hill, Esq., Bidge^^e. Memb. 8apti. \imi V8 ^one Elf em [ai Bills I White Ash 35 4 alloc â- y.ipi o-je r* I~ark8 â€" \Vi*, !; 'X' As order for carded rolls was for- pded^ to Sault St. Marie -.from. |l"-tchie's carding uii?l last weigk. j Ih. John Noble of this, v^oge hds^ |;|st received a car load of Ghatiiam "aSODswiiich he will sell cheap. ,„' See those splendid spring bed I Jattrasses aud ieather pillowa atGr*flt I^Wsfuruitar.- factory, Markdale. /. PiK from indigestion or dflk hisA I '"^is instantly relieved by one dose' aejuvmator Bitters, made from" hts and herbs. ^,:-^\'l J^ yoti wa'it good vaii^^-'»leM«*J l^inbleaehed cottous^oottwi' â- â- ^^'-^ !».â- L ^®' ^^^^^^ *nd 4^umB, nhttoJ,E.TrimWe'Bi â- Nkw Law Firm*,â€" Hands and Perry, successors to Lauder and HanJsr, 16 King St. East, Toronto. See card in another column. This popular firm will dbubtless continue to receive an extensive^atronage from Grey Co. eS bushe/s of wheat to the acre might be cut by using ff ami/ton's Maston grain cradle. Farmers don't fail to examine them, great improvement this season, every cradle will swing ao easy and hang so well that it will make the old man feel young -again to get hold of one of them. Ask your store keeper for them and take he other. rARUEBs in (he neighborhood df Markdale are -in the midst of their Haying, the crop vf ill befau averaige one, f^l wheat, what little is left is ia fine crop, while spring gram and roots are looking well and will be a full average yield. Safb BimovAt,;â€" Mr^ MoComb qnoved Mr. Mark Armstrong's barn 49 rod, leaving it ott its foundation in tliree anda liiilf days.' The bdim 18 36 X to leet and eleven, „yeai's old and IS none tiienroraefori^ joamey. The Fastest, Yet.â€" The steamship Atiiabaska arrived down at 5:80 a. vfi. OB Tuesday, having made the fastest trip on record froto Fort Arthiir id" Owen Sound. The new boats aie all fast, but t^e Athabaska downs them all*. Her new wheel is a bam- taeT.â€"^Adefritgeiy ' ' .1 VoiEBs' Lists.â€" rGlenelg yoters' list was pttbli'^ed from tifis office lajst week, Hollandlist this week, and ' vce will have OspreJIi^ti ixi the hands; W the Clerk WareneU week's; paper is «at» There are aDO copies of eajsh with upwara3« off 89' pages. Wli^ country flffiee vHM 8utj)a8s this, Wood, (Ex-ProTineial Treasurer of Ontario). Tfnstee. for the Associiation. Bonds to the amoant of 960,000.06, as a gnanmtee for tliet^onest currying oa£ qf the temiB of COTti£catea issued to members. The Directors have filed with the Hon. S. C toib We gtiaran tee td sell cheaper than any house in town. Reynolds Son. Miss Molutyre left this week for her home m Markdale. She will be missed by a qumber of very warm fiieuds whom her emgaging manner won during her short stay among us â€" Manitoulin Expositor. Now that haying will be on in a few daye, there will ha a certain amout of the cratiire Wanted. When you come into town, eome strught to Benson's, he can give you better yalue for your money than any one in town, and theu yoii are'sure to a'gOQid drop; and every thing inhijilme is justthe same way. T /! ToBONTo.â€" Few people are aware how Toronto is spreatkn^, to the wesU. The opening of the Tormito' and Quebec line will give theni some inklmst of it. Roup4 tlie station at the rwl- way juiiction some five mile? firom the Union StMion, a sufcurb will soon rise which ^wimiSes to grow Speedily into a town, l^h.6 station Ijouse being er^ted is quite a formjoable afiEioir. The dining-room can seat a hundred people, the ladies' aad^tleniett'B rbbins ^re alllMt-ciKA!^. T^, i^ouud bouse will luive aoCQnamo4ati6n for 44 engines. Altogttiier it is gomjg tn bfe a big place; •"^^v"*^*^" f' f, i ' MABKDAIiE' J«WEU.E|«. â€" YpU Will find no better stock, either fer ^qnaUty of gbodft or variety, ih the Watch, Ch)(?k and Jewellery Une mtiiis, county than our Markdale Jewelier ke^», and What is even more importanWyon iim depehd bii getting full value for yoiir mon^. ti^a u^iy have paid twice the value «l8¥»kgpo4s'el6ewiiere and at? the 8atn«94lfai^^ au idea when maldi/g yptil?'|rt^a«i9f that WereSa-king. a;.g«:M«j^v ..^ Browa does not do riDpaiMWs "» thd Reliable Aid to Famiiies of Deceased Membeas at Small €ost^ The Association will do business pn the fqUowing plan Applications. All Applications lor Membership shall be made upon printed firms furnished by th£ Af- Bociation, (and applicants must pass a.sAtisfaetory medical examination). If accepted.,, a certificate vill be issued witLin thirty days from date of Rudi acceptance. Membership. The payment of TWELVE DQI^ABS admits any of sound body and mind between the ^e of 18 apd 60 years, to all the benefits of the Association. If the appUcation is not. accepted the mon«y ii promptly returned to the apphcant. Plan of Business. The foUowiag '6kMe show? the atttoont for whictj iCertificates of Membership /vriU be issued, by the AssodatifliB, aeeordinc to age â- ./, I- f- .Amount â-º t; ' Amount .AGE. -;..;. at ' AGE. at "• 1 .â- 1 â- ,-; ' nr .- j,.^ ^0i'â- 'â- ' Death Death- r mtom 18 U-B9-'i, »,*â- •' »3 poo T)'rcm45to46 92 200^ mUi'i\.....„.... 2 9^ 46 to 43... ......... 2 ISO. ;f..31to^3a-..«...... a 900 "47:t0 4«. .i.,.. 2 100 39ta3;l 2 350 ' «to49..i«.. 2 050 33t»3^.,.A....i,. 3 800 ' â- ^atO'SOi^.. *. i 2 000 ... ,, j -34.ta35.......,^.. 2 750. WtoSl.......... i 900 }. 35 to^.. ,»..(... .. 8 700 Slti.tKll. 1«00 -.1 -v lufi V M6io37i..f,r.s.:.i. 2 650 42 to 53... 1 700 ,.,';. 1, .-A.- 37to«8..-...L'..,-. 2 600 58to.«i4 1 600 i^vli i h^iJ} 38 to 39.. ,...' .« 2 36.) fi4to55.,. 1 500 r n ' ., .39 to 40.,.....^.,. 2 500 55 to 50.. 1 400. 40 to 41. .i- ..,.,.. ,2 4p0 56too7..:.. 1 300- (, 41 to 42-. 4......... 2 400 67 to 58. .... 1 200 Y. ^f -42 to -is,.. .i...... 2 350. 68lo.S9Ki..^ 1 100, ,vv-' t^:i,:.'^t^*4...' ,: 2 8Q0 59^to6(K.'..i.U.k 1 000' e'.i*.;; (^ ii -^a 44 yOw^Q.^, ^, .... ... 2 250 • t:i ^^ .j'.-.j ' h country fiffiee \*ttl surpass this. ;,.; .. Browa does not do r;DWaU4«w « ^w» cpuuM^ r 'VL= .tfey:but|nailioasaB#M5iQ» ti» he#£ â- J ""'L^^"'PjM^X.'^^^ MW: 'viijti6;-"'^e- Cj^^«i«efb#r ftftety ^*f '«Wi«r'tl« a-ismces of the preiayt§»itni «^^ undertjie a-ispioes of the f reiayt§^iti Ladies Aid wUl beheldaBthe-yretoi^s adjoiiiiiig-the Pi^ter»an^3h^rjli on thi fevering' of the tSrd ^i^sk,. {Wednesday next). Refreshments w|h be^providfedifea.' d'«««^' 1^"^®«Tf T^ Be bxp^t^ tA^piasi^li ^^^m- -Ai^iBcSt4iAiB*:-#9^4M in tlae «JUg»'Waeibr»k«n iBbtethBOU^h the 4»ttide5se««r ^9oF«»*'a^tot|ty t'Z toff- [^'£tTra'°"'"" " ^i3^' --n. ' (,"'?« waA-e it,ask far HUai ' â„¢*' O'e right every tim*. k!*- "^^^i^ge, bntefier, is 2?«'»ttleana'8heep-fcrtheoui ^««; He shipped- ftt^^Ai* ""^oay last. *«»a» 1 ,, tweak's issue w» «"'rt, a numbtti" «r euiibj^ waf.j M )seenofMiane» iiloisciiiw iii theiAJr du WediieflAiSf. ' Tlwt morBilig_ wits; '"'"**' 'of "MisS" A exandr tne Pustmasi ifo«n|.|iv ol Marli*jj»;o»^ HALF; RATE Pl-AN. Cerfificates wDl 1m' isi^ned for half the sboi!a«moBirts ishavld tiia apiUii»pt oOfdMire. An Asaessnnini cf Oji^lMUbi'-ajpoa mdi men^lae]!; wi^ be dw^ j|al'oveof d«at^ ortotall disabilltir, ol a miiiiDiber,' ^zbcgpt^whet^ th«ii^.i|\i.nibney.e^agli;ln surplus fiinds to pay saidehfc ^-. â- â- ' â- â- â- 'â- " â- :^' •::;^\ :.Z7^. "/:,...,â- ,â- â- â- •.:;.,,' j ".;^".: vSpeciarl?eaitiPe 1 â€" G^reat^iydiipraaents lo provide for lamffies f^.ci^ (^j^aflk Ajttnn^ cost.; 2â€" Eq«al'»e»eitatobotJisew8. .^ '"'â- â- :" S%-'f^ r.-^ vv 3â€" Uniform as^Bwments of one dollar oinSy. " â- '^,.; ' 'â- " T' "^: Z'^: ' ., â- '4â€" CacefcilneiteA examination reqnked. ' " =^- ' ^^1' S'.i-NbMliUBat daea or extra' oharges... ' "" ' Cj-Noiarg^'sakbleB'orgxpenHeH. 7â€" Two hnndred Adla^advaacad for-foniBiid expowes wl^ilyiie^sessaryi '8-^B«aefit» Beciu«a-at«flta«)ctaBt. !:' " ' .- j^'Memlwrs baoonring totallj,idi«ahled;,m8y aw half of ^i^ jdaims, tiieiaUmp6 bq- in(-iiay«l»l»«t^dQVth. -:"â- "'V 'â- ' 10â€" -Ladies accepted in this AsROoiatiianae well to men. ' ' " Tm-patkimfnipiit:f^^^:Mi HILL. JMembershin Sumsrinte'ideht, BidgeVflle,;or. to W. PEM^;|^;ift|f PA5i^,,§fffftary.. 87 Kiiig Siieet Wilst. *^ ,. A^5;w.mrJ2Aa!BaAi^,.; " â- :â- â- â- :[ tW^u ftiAHH^ Ms'Ss^'f^ 1hminit» Snmge iMftil Fire Mskf^ihce'^si^dafi^ft. j8fnf --i^.i. \o orJJ l%ri«n*^"' thereby i-js-iCis-r.iiotii. iiJ^Eciu ,emljs S-* .**5 -6fiKBT 'fly bee amg^.iW^iP mis i»2iiiD ael i^H^^««^.l^ MaoMtimtvii'kfii IMte»«yr it} gtifista ^|a.8i_ sftfT ^^ 'aT 0v^ mcti .t«p».«isw a«far'iee«^a.d#. uiwii !,ij .13 S. I â- «ar-ii-'"^iiMtal '"^^