J ' ii' I? II ijf »â- r ddir. Brown dllT^roiifo St's ' ' â- '€ " Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries* Boots and ShoeSv Crockeryf Glassware c Ac. 2^EW PRINTS from 5 cents up, New DRESS STUFF ID cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd ,. Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash cuitomers. The Highest Price for BMm and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), fims from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of fuiest quality, lor sale cheap. fntfal Dr. Lof ' and and April, 18iB4. 190-t( WM. BBOWN. SB TAILOR, SYDSKHAM STBEBT. i^mOnu^ mm «bv« «« ke "o Mtlblf iwpott vhf wMDeD i|ioina not W^jrikMred 4» incn* Aeqrfnf avfl, CbllirHi in •odm jrb«n Woma iilfai «MM Worn tynip Mlrfr ofib aU Wonta, Hon.. Dfttid Kflb nmie » pnblie prafeMXHi of xeligioo, ana was babtized in the Babtiai Ohnreh at Palmyra, oo the 84th of May. NatioiMlPfllitba favorite pingati^ aiiti-liUmM nfldidiw, th^ an mild tboran^i. A Chealey woman ehased ber hosband a mile aud a half ^th a elub kir winkiag at the liired girl, and he only, escaped her hy elimbing a ielegfmph pole. At latest advices she was sitting at the foot of the pole waiting for the crowd to leave so that she conld go np and see him.â€" Bruce Herald. k SUKNBN ATTACK. AH people, and eapaaaQr ttairellera, are UaUe to a toddn attack of OtM^era Morbus, Ctdk, DiairiKaa and I^Mliteiy. Dr. Fowler's WOd Strairbeny is •emoatproo^t aadr^aUa leaedy kaowB. iSf Tocirlii^Eer Uibofd^m^khe haa o^jted ^lese plaio imlea^ Takeiiiine for «ftt^* digMttion;' Don't wdny .,. with ;oDr worlk, aller!;doior it wM» Never asb anotbeirtodo what yon ought to att^d to pevaooftUj. a Shun the Bligbtest^i^peeranceof dia- honesty asyon would elioti the r'^We. Always inoet your appointmeuts on time. Neyer late. If possible, no*, uuueli aliead of the moment. Don't talk too much. Let your actions speak for yonraelf. De honest, even if yon lose money Never let business interfere with home duties. Bemember tnat m: uey alone cannot buy peace, nor true friends, nor a loving family. It is refreshing, in thesa days of ppeculation aud dishooest dealings, to know that a man can live according to the above principles and yet make money. It shonfs that honesty and business can go hand in Land. SMiy MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOB SALE In the Township of Artemesia, County (rf Grev, 4 miles from Flesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber and, with other timber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The -machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell whee\ under 36 ft. head of water. There are ^ne large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine 'mth jointer and packer complete. The water power is excellent, the stream beirig very regular. There are several other good mill sites on the proyerty. The land in valley is considered the best in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold •or let on liberal terms. Ihe bush is so convenient to the mill lo^s can be trucked in summer time. Immediate possession given. Apply to the proprietor, WM. HOGG. FLESHEBTOM STATION P. 0.. ONT. Good Work Guaranteed- -AT- WMeiy FLESHERTON. OSfll €lt CZSlCe and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds oi Framing done cheap at m: w. i.- E RESHERTON. ^^^ HACYARDS r^TORAL BALSAM Has no.equal for the p«vaiiem cn^ tf C3Mifrs('old«.Sor«~' '.ffW £v«ybatderai4iaBtee4toan« JOHN HARKDALB. Cm'LBU Mr. ^olur T. Mi«C^emtHre, the founds of tha Orphan Cnildren's £m^[iatioD Charity, London, Ont., left Liverpool on the 18th inst ra the S. S. Pwtdon with a party of 50 gttls andlOO beya b^iraen ibe ages of 5 and 15 years, who are brought ont to this conntiy for adoptiou or hire, ebi^y among farmers. They, are expeeted to arriye at the Guthrie Home, near the eity, oh or about the 26th inst. This wiU be Mr. Middle more's 12tii annual visit to these shores with juvenile emigrants from Birmingham, England, since 1872. Already many appheations accom- panied wiw KOoA references have been ncade for the Children expected to arrive but inore are requir- ed. Farther particulars may be obtained by addressing Mr. H. Gib- bens, Manager of the Guthrie Home, London, Ont. A BTABTLINO DISCOVEBT. Phyndana an often itattled bj remarkable diaooreriea. The fiMt that Or. King's New PiseoTery for Conanmption and all Throat and Long diseaaea is daily cnrinK patients that they h«Te given ap te die, is startling them to zeaKie tfieir sense of duty, and exam- ine into the merits of this wonderful discov- ery resulting in hondreds of onr best Phy- sicians nsing it in their practice. Trial bottles free af-A. Tomer, Co's. Drug Store. Begnlsr Sizetl.00. i -♦»» BUGKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. The best Salve in^a world forcots^bmises sores, nlcers, salt isenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, diilblaias, corns, and all nU eruptions, and positively earee yiles or ne pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2o cent« per box. For Sale by A. Turner «fc Co. •Iways on hani^* the demand. Sb^ wli^ your stock uij ^inandletuskt;] Alidwe'll your wants gl l^^^^ll ^now the J E.MOKE. Markdaie,; Seldom m the history of the past 20 years has the damage done bjr bears ever been so oearious as the present season through the Connby generally, anf] in fact naturally leads one to consider, what means conld be adopted towards the extermination of this species of wild aoimai. We believe the varioris township Conneils shonld offer a reward for the captnie of every bear old or young and have no doubt as to the results beii^ a slaughter on the, now most numerous enemy, in the shrpe of wild beasts in oar county. Se lixe«rsioii. The Grangers* excursion to the city of Guelph and Model Farm, on Thursday last, was a eomplete success. 74 tickets were bought at Meaford station, 28 at Thombury, and a large number boarded the train at other stations on the route. Those who went from Meaford exprsss themselves pleased with the trip and their reception in the Boyal city and at the Model Farm. The train airiyed at Meaford on the return trip about 12 p. m.- Meaford Mirror. THESE ABE tKHiID FACTS. The best bleed purifier aud system regul- ator ever phused within toe xeaA of suffering humanity, tndy the Eleettie Bitters. Inac- tivity of the Lhrer, Bilirasness, Jaundice, GcniBtipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiif r, tonio or milli stimulant will always find Eleetiie Bitters the best and only certam cure known. They act surely nud quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Bold •tfif^eentaa bottle by A. Turner ft Co. Markdale. SittiBsVp WHAT TO DO. If troubled with an unhealthy, alow-headng sore use fcOr^or ifeParkes' Carbolic Gemte. Tou will find it invaluable tar healing, cleans- ixm and completely removing your tronUe. If the Blood is ont of order, take with it a few doses of McGr^or's Speedy Cure from Hill Bros. J. A J, 1 Unioii Carriage H All work manrjfacttiredfroin FnsT Cuss Mteu In the Latest and Best Improvej S]fyle, and finished with ISngrlieilk Varnish I â- III " â- fc â€" »^|^i^-.. ._ Piintiiig I Trimming ^j will receive prompt attention. All Bepaua executed in the sktt possible time consistent with good workmans^l Good Work a SpcialitiI Bemember the Shop, opposite the Chei D. J. SHAisTAHANj Markdale. Dec. 2nd. 1881. w^f^. IS- MAKE A NQTE OF IT. lb Ontario 2 fiel Mtttas Down. Inquiring childâ€" "Pa, wha( is the difference between aittii^ no and attingdownr P*. with perfect con- ftdenoe m hie abOi^ to exphun â€""Why. my child, iHuax someWy uBtandmgnpand aeati himself, he nta down; and whm ha doem't go tobed and «ti dw. he sits up!" Jiqumng ohild-"B«t, pa. if he bSb, ^S^**^^^!??**"**^ down "I* i?fc â- *?,**«' •« he ait SlkJ^'S^ • ^iPing do.bt oi hiaability to make il qmie dearâ€" why he-;ln,ean if Ito aits upZ Goto yonr ma, and don't arte questmnawluiirmbiusy." T^m^ TOTBDB LAIfflBS. J««Q«eB«4ft«ke'i tj^itoije Om^^-1 How different thmgs turu out from what we expected. When lailways were first introduced it was confidei^ expected that the demand of horses and waggons would fall off most eeriously, but it turned out that more were required than ever before. A Boston paper says :â€" 'Singulac as it may seem the telephone has been the beet friend of the telegraph. Just as the elevated railroads m New York increased street travel, and made horse railroads more profitable just as the use of the telegraph increases the postal revenues, so the telephone has educated the whole country to a more liberal use of all methods of quick commnnicationj and largely increased the telegraph revenues." It 18 just so, too, that the act of print- mg mcreased largely the demand for penmen, and the newsparjers increased the talk of the gossipers.' AGOODHaiE. When is the' best time to take a, Uaaa purifier? Whenever the blood is fonl^aS 5SS^ f^F^' **^ *»» â- jSm is deluhted take Buxdoek Blood Bittm. BEMABK^BLE BE8T0KATI0K lira. Adelaide O'Brian.of BoHUo. K. » WMgivenupto die by her ptmMMu m Jneowhle with ooB8umptioir»aSi,!i AFIBIIOPINIOir. o«Peterboro,8ayDr. Fowler's WBd^T bet^iis one nf thdr best Steutart MeSeSS tovSommerCinnpUintak T"™™"" (CREDIT VALLEY â€"A]SD- MICHIGAN GENTRI Now run a through line of ^- Palace SleeoM Ci â€" ^BETWEEN â€" TORORTO MD CHKU In botii directions, leaving Toroi daily (Sundays excnpted) â€"AT ls30 P* M.,-| and Chicago daiIy(Saturdays excepte The only line between the tiro di proper. ACCOMMODATION UNSURPASSED] DINmo CABS OM TBAlSl WM. WHYTE, D. McNICOlil en'l Supt. Gen. Pass. MABKBALB, Manoiaoturer of all Kinds i Talve, Qylinder, Force, anJ AU kinia of lEON PUMB Bcmnp. Markdale HMl^SS EMPOl ^EBTmiSHED 19 YEARS. »«•» .l^otfung bnt good stock u^' ^^ ^^ meehanfiBs emploj StllyscTibefQr^thw «¥^*,**^^^ ««A«f DopWe and Single, Be" OiltSl^'l^i^^^^^^ Light ^amtss always on 1 to W^^f^^^f^^ ^Whip.;a^a. Vaiises.Bl.»« t'.- â- Wiid .-â- '.â- ' â- â- ' ' ^^ ^^Sbagr4fe,,*lwa^in stock. !b eift- U »l'-.t S^'^!.