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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jul 1884, p. 3

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 it ' ' IIITEREST1NG ITEMS. riMflM* !02f "' feci ift^ »^^" -^ -,.B(rsent»ge of recmits in the Ip^Vi j2Ji„PiedinopM9^4|9,§^uy,j^. ..Bit--- ' ^•"'-^f^** -, 1881 tiie value iO^(|l^ft«HPr'*»ni im. inVbondon was £198 OOQ.VtjD? in i88« h« gravtli of M small M to olition iB Denmsrk wi fP^'lynotjeeiWe.* Daring the preaent -ttfyibefopulatiOTi. ,hw.iWon»*ipcl fjja The Belgian Goverament hM offioially in' ^T«ilfore)cnGovenunent« to take part • â- "luniverwl Exbibitinn, which wilf.he iiin Antwerp the 21 of May. 1886. liCworks, which havf made thk ptrt one If the finest in the world, wilt tienibe com- 'Jeted and inaugurated. ;.; The Sit erian cattle pl»gae hai fk's year â- Jnined en- rmoua proporticntf. 'To say â- â- Tmjof EtttopMm ft enM ii aa d e wea St forbade tie turaing of c«tle out to iL icccrJirg to asnuiil cuatom^ oi^ S:. TnfiB day, » ordte to prevent eontagion tliedi*ess3 is now raging in the reign of Es origin on the other aide ot the, Ural with Bprecedentei violence. ^, ^. IhepiofesstiB of the nniveF8ity.of Jena, Lo have teen iAveiitigating tb^MEbctof to- iccotpon the human syatem^ repiitrt ;thkt derate qoantitie* o I the weed may be need Iboat injurious effects. Taey say .toat in German army soldiers in,aotiYe service every properly fnrnuhed with smoking Cbwco, because smoking- 'ibableki them to 9 Kvart r f atigbe npota sitHiller nutrition with greater alacrity and oonfidiencei iwoola otherwise. he the caa^. %oi I A diver eng^ed in divii)g .Qpcjra|ioni off I coast opposite Gibraitir, under .Aj^ |iil,vith the object of aeceitunihx thif^ Eiereabcuti of a recent wreck, baa discoveni iigA, rlble Tragedy. dv waa happily by the preanneeof ' 6 of orr mo It re^tetl con° -its of the hnsbinl ren W* briefly eii ;e o thia family. M d she ro )m where hi*Â¥ t s ^ated and fxina J sou u!on h'a in i on;e t'lit soiatt'i de.naniel h^ r^ dent been reai^r lerieiijed fey, MrW aud in o derto f.r whatpamoael giae her relief #hin on of reiroT nj a JflaifH terrible, and hk« a"' qual to the o:catlioi^ iroKas )d a bottle 6f n Extrie*r,'efiriB*;i ha 1 heard no h-ng evils of doiitstijlite m Extractor. nstitute «" ' e principal diap^nwt :ificial light. Uie lOo professor of contemjion n conf erre i in New Yo the manager ot a |Testlmooy legists bear herewil 1. Is jn's Nkbtilih* as t! [dy in th6 world for iiviline is composed igredients, and is eqi or external use. P« ,mp'e bottle, and test ;lville, Preacott, writasi have used Ni and I am st-'^isfied it ice in the njarket Nerviline for and country de ^e wild beast; thai lerican fore it will and dry woed » ' ^anot arrest the pro^ Fhich you uttered fihis mjming. going wtDimd BtiunNljfefl all the tinie; who mPLJ aly uad Dr. Ouvon â-  |ia a splendid Blood lit the tot'om from eighty ti one hun red large gans, mostly 24 «nd:82 poender^ ialso tvfo larg:e.^5how^^T^JSre sup^ led to have belonged to some large line of Jde ship which eaAk«%^e)fald war, pos.^ Uf after the battle of Trafalcsr. As thf ito" iDO apparati:s for tse pnrposeifmne of iwera brought up, so thit^it has it been possible to ascertain their nation I'lie London Toi^e^ sa5»: ;,T^e ordinary neesnf tba Holy S e may be put|down I'ltoat 5.000,000 francs, and ceitun other aae» may brbg the total np to nearly lOOO. Formerly the Holy Father dre^r tn the States of the Ciiurch an annual Ihat of 3. 210, COO francs, which was em- ;edin the maintenance of his court, of I Cardinals residinsr in Curia, of the per* Del of the Punciatures, the Tarions cod!! t?ati( na, o. That is the reason why Afr Government oflfercd Pius IX, the an* IStateinjome of 3. 200,000 francs. Since iteizore of the Papal States, many other IKS, which formerly were met by other MS, have to be undertaken by the Pope's list. Leo XIII., moreover, spends It 500,000 irancs in fttms each yfear. glish pai8i(»icB-a *aI very '^a^y seek- I to commute. Until vtry recently S'ne- of the most scandalons ohuracter led the pension list. A dowagtr daoh- iwas, for instance. "Oidleotcr of the m Outward." at the rate of 114.460 a labaionees was "S^etiper-oftbft'Mail," latbirdlady was "Chief Usher" in the of Exchequer. A peer's wife was utoaBrevium," while her brother was a le taster" en the Irish civil list^ One was "Comptroller of Forest iti," aad another "Cierk of the Pipe," ft of vko3e duties was to bear the train of ^Lord Chancellor. A cdesg^man was a rcber in the Customs," wages f6,200 a LcrdLeitrim was "Poit Searcher" IMlin, and a Mr. Charsley received the their rdatiou te b* mSt tempt to make tbem^jaaali^ibUi^ aooomplii ' 1 ooosigned homlB with ly ludoeelTad than i^ore. repeataid, bat ice o(.nllriik| w arrested aU the barb«foiDi|| mcxradmiii'lHiiu aua the mnaioiaBs j Mma **^ 'V^fiMmMlt'^iaiPni by t«iro ponioa q^- ned wilja flomta and Tanoosly ooln«d m% â- Sf ^fe- fW^ *«* «%W infliHNfcs a^le1iMa.^imdr hUt ftflta^' baadf iad *â- * WeM,«oi^pMlifihAv«Md trilh i«Uov eal**. powder. A nunber ef earsianaifblioinl • 'P^^iOcMh 7ali^T«i Wlriends^ mm were alao adorned wiHi ilowwa^. ]eweU.^ttf: »^^%i^^!!^ dfr.l w|s iavitMl toaltobd Fnmee. KW--J B of foreigi^jsm* • ytarshehashis; 'second only to Eos* ^~ ""' popolitioij firnly in oe theaMliP in the troaty of which that emptiabtt- torate like the native â€" which, though noafii- J ruled by Hindoo prmoes, are as abroC ed^'«'Zhiiifil( a day ol yearly "for labor in lockiAf .»p the g'l Treasury in 1826." Pinhfrom a iourneye| {^pOQ ^niles in peart and ex wagcn, up and down tBk disturbed district* in jB^tltAJrioal I the exception of ^utuland. 't'M ' Rev. â- dlaw Thompson, i,.fBtiniated â€" _j_ â€" mble dispatches an. n«pautd tha* the KtogefOsmbbSi^ another Farther. Indian ' Stata^ ind transferretf hii empire to Fnnoe^ 'KMmring in retern a fixed pl^f»( iwj«9l(fliUJ££lf»2|odiaha8 been a semiffKQ^qmWBtate since 1867, when France founded its oriental empire by getting possession of the provinces of Cochin China. square miles, and a_populatioa of something less than 1.000.000. These two States add- ed to the Cochin-Ohina Ptdrfaibes gives the Fcenoh empire in 'Farther. Iadiw a total area an round nnmbefs of 472.0PO sqaare miltrii with a population ot 28,000 OOO. Besides these theria are Pondichery' Kaiik all/ Chan* deinagore and Maheâ€" the four cities that alpn$ remainof the former Frmoh empire in souls to ^he present poaselsions of Francei in India. !t is 100 years lined France, aftet a long and (bhgoinar^ cbtitest that literally bathed Hither India in Mood, was driven out of India, retsiuing only Van pcor remnants of its large domains above mentioned. Bat- she has now become powerful in another portion of India. Between her postessioas and those of England now lie cnly the native Sutcs of jSiaip and Borspah. r(oh poraels' for wluoh thi Ear^peiln* he^hrob n^y one day be battling., And 'it iii not alone iii Asik that France has lately been aggrandizing herself. Her Afrioan colony of AlgeriaT-pohquered in the last half cehtuxy^hiM imhin three years been expanded by the addition of the Be* genoy ot Thnis with an area of 45.000 tqoare miles, and a population of 2.100.000. She has also' extended her contiol over the tiibee of. Senegambia, gained great infiaenoe In' Ifodairaacar, with a cession xit territory, and is about to assume control of Egypt, from the Soudan to the Nile Dalta, jointly with iSocting a ai oolor 'ilBBlmn^i^piM Va^b£^ maSTaaS an exhibition of marionettes. KUehpeiaoii* ^tMt^amotJen isiageaflstof tM JavMsae people. The hadji, or natiTeprieat|. waai fWd»o|Wft..|lHP Aov4 B)|ow»,BWhich ,t^' honn to go through. I, hoiMfMv Anw more was taband into tna pniioipal rbom. It-wii wtfaa FnAbh domiQioAaT i£ of fMF^ttalMe o6ttier« of tM stoiw fkor was i g 8 i %B n flJ Hi iaft niilesâ€" seated on a handsome mat' ISiel bride elSct, ^U^OerauuK iwith lioaaitiaati eyes,: aodlia the adjimnt â- " â€" ' comer sat the bridegirooal ^Hm bride of Zaluland; ttt* Bev. popnl.tion of 66 821,680. making ae^ »»« thetr^valing Sof^etait] thl £kie,lt^ Britislk Indl ttidXnttian A.P1W iLETON J«J.AJ3*-\0^ Ir. E. a store Witt ,d»« lable f or Diy GoW«. kLBToN TLiAui ui* ,. a store with 45^15.' tor Dry Good«jCtotWnf.-i ILL, Carleton flaaSi O^ HalB ^^M IrodaoAr." A 1bbWBb»T ed to do aU tbM»J»; iant whiskerirMa 1 FABUS IK ma *^^ btion, at Brtckt bmi, Ooolaon I lows :â€" Pared. «â-  Ind, coi arawsk,- lor and. rest fit V aaw; ho«se. Ui- mKo.L IWa**.. er; and a I Terms, aae J- _^. borth^with^" "r*^ In faotuiâ€" ^^ MOOtMBl* fa^^two Uttle girls and the groom by ^o^j^ys, -jn the pentra of the £ior th^ feast was spread. The festivities lasted thnnab the, night, and refr^ments were abhnculnity tor'ved to the'guMts In and about the house at any time and all times juat all they called for them. At intern^ the danc- ing girla were introdaced and the tam-tanis for WUjir d^ce muaio. At break of day .the Sirafdijtmied hir wife ifad escorted hw to own house. They then had a procession isimilae to: the first one, except that the bride's presents we,re seen carried in front by coolice. At the Kroom's house festivitieB Were cdptinned according to the lei^^ of his pnrie. It often happens tiiat the people nseall'the money they have on snob ooca- sions. They are imgproTident aadmrdinarOy live on very small sums, obtaining easily the little thiey heed for maintenance. One of Bebon'g Captafaig, When a midshipman made a complaint, Captain ColUngwood would order the man for punishment the next day and, in the interval, calling the boy down to him, «onld sy,' "In the probability the fault was years; boc whether it were or not, I am •ore it woold go to yoor heart to see a man old enqngh to be your father disgnoed and ponishedou your account audit will, there- ^re, give me a good opinion of your disposi* tibn if, when he is bronght out, you ask for his pardon." When tins recommendation, acting as it did like an order, was comp^ed -with, and the lad interceded for the prison f r. Captain ColUngwood would miAe gk«at apparent diffioalty in yielding, but at length «(M^d« say,;,*' This yowag' gentleman has E leaded ao hnmanely for you, that in tbe ope that yon will feel a due gratitude to lum for lus beneyofence, I will for this time dv^rlodk your .offenoe." He watched over 1^ hii zhoi, Attended them when sick, and treated. itiieBBT with nnvarying kindness, so that,, "though no man less coarted what is oailf a popuurity, the sailors considered "' andoalled him their fathor and fire- ^islmndics. iiyftiQta^, lOfl^DWhW, square! miles and A popni.tion 0166 821,680, making he^ after increued by: %aedl^, 1^6en he ohuiged his ship, many of an JMat.'bf *» IkeLcndcn Mifsicnary 'ai^cfetyV tbports 'in all the tribes of Sonth" Afrioai bad dyis the greatest cuise ' of -the natvea. prandykeg do«S'farmdfe harm^ than fpoKder barrel. In Noith Bsohtanalwd- ^1 has been kspt Ottt htAmWy-mtS' itrahle success; and in BaautoI*nd,: in â- 1 times, the import of br^idy W«* "' fa. Since the late Bisifto " war ' liqtaor I introdubed freely. As a lesalt, â- ute chiefs in Basutmand are dipsom_ They drink morning, noon, an fy and many of their absurd actions ai Citable, net to the inherent folly of tr nature, bBttJ the b^LrfBTinfioehco **lute man's be"«TBrage.~^ " Jf popularity of menaifeifihi^MtfWrays ' gKat, yet they were formerly the lux- rpances. In Ka8eia„f«rM(»tance, 150 â-  "i? the graad meijM« « St. Pe- were kept solely forth* 3J«ir«tiEhe â- !«?« Atna Ivanovna was passionatew, '"Btnting; she kept »19 hounds, mi- ',:^|HalBhot. OA^enbhcasicn (Aift, ii»^^^"°°«â€" inMi rifl esii ft tag even â- ^ipresB. The nnmetM»M*MF»** •'JBecagerie wen czpteiivtf- ^. for ' "«» fed on sugar, buttarj '^beatan [;*ae, and salt. Oaeotaumxt/ffii^ " portion of brandy, and s2*Wtentioaiheri«jt- -*""' EmpVes. the most populous country of 4hv world. Her recent developmen^f power â- ^.^ ,i»a«i 'HtnyAoth JrHJwimafe- Oke th' American territory in aticn, otdent ooiBinnd ^maEwTtiM slightest »iihMiiMTSsitwoun- wliiifa^teirH wellkaDira.tiB fpiaonfii.itr'is :nint at a ifme,. ud$|i Mef^dt^rals. Koai 'gi^i^kyto CuV tha r«f«llsd dsswe «f oai«b fm^: "^yi^^£%^Aft» imJtnL^ «r k«M J^woc n^tb'iiraHr^^RMitNat while « WMU^^^ ' ' b%d% «tdMr ft Mirtidlariike aSonth wep mwe au „^„^,^a^^^ ^^^^i^^^^^y, ^a the htm, wHtda^liMnii Shatjdrthe wfaoi^in thethrsfdlaks of^e ^^^ wvol^Hn* thxae^ eotpnals ip«i.,a ntn i» t s 4 j Jlbrwver. It;s a i the i^opcnt:^oa8tqn,. wail J^liltoa. the faflowa°^ two coloods wimtln, aesyeh of a imadiadLi Jtg f* " distitg» jmcds. 6blo«L The s^rvidsa £i»1irtfcfwS53T'lKJr£^ •^^^STbe man been ia i nm s i w i dMi l w u i wd Jw woald Bt hfsva been in^qmr tf -k^ ^d ^mtffy d his Iwl share of f^iskj: ctrmd ny th« iinitti^ party, fiaibs ^efidd W an ax* haMiive prooeka dT k d:baiilg'4iat^..^l,. Uoaato9?s tarn friends. mete ram' ot^great capacjLty: in. point .9! whisky,, jpdthej^' donbtMM, astheTrnsli^d away a fte r the^ nterest iiiedic^ 'b61[6iAei;t!iai tteysajlfishly th aoeo' Wats seen in tearaat his depar- tfrnt'-r 9B:^pald not permit his officers to ma^e use of coarse ot violent language to theinen. "It yoa do not know a man's name-,^ M Would say, "call him saUor, and not you sir, end auoh other appellations Jteji aiiiu B flWMiveaad improiMR' ' 'H he had to reprove en officer, it was always done in [oeptbg dnr* on the qtlm band, he always expected that â-  whioh, by^his chfrw^ and sta* 1763 ing the brief period that »»|^*^^2S!S fg g\ ^Sp"^^ " tahef has risen from the condition ot a otaiepror. strata before ito victorious neighbw. tomc^ than its ol^ prominent pJaos ampi^ tM great'h^ttcn* of ,ti»e.Efrtj^." ' ' ' ^Axlj^yes of the of the ho**? •i.-*"'^. Park oOBsptartor of toe ••^â- ^^'S^ flWf"3BUii^'W*»» ^^.ivd aey^r '"'ttKerthah i ul withon LwhAjraal '^-^WSXX33iXSl «.S^ A Beer ting. ^]Biro«^»ni*he great BngUsh brewer, ia k^;,l^qtato« in " " 'â€" beer al^e ?£^itodtd|l?.00O.00O,e«fc. HfsTion- ddn stOTesopvered six acres of gronno, aU rbiptiwA nwidsd lorhis fiimUawl ^^ 'â-  )Bte paid •4,000 a day b intavr, ^nv«9atiuaa. Baas' •»*»â- â- {«'*•*{*! "" *^«aa tiitz-fi?e ,»Hia* menAar i« and iHiaineaB thrtUrijfMdf Pja^ Baas waa a generou giyepr to ohnroiisa, Sticna, aiid raUdlBg rooms m «« '*lwri Baa brswera, the w^» ./; ..,,.' cJESt^dfK sst««*.^, «?. â- mr :-W:»(* ^i " '" HH- h T'\; J seltlMaidSk ifa itttUriled their f^nd#lir#i ' L^tto himslf,'Oa|. fimntte lay down nod^. a egpress â- tpee^ inrp^fka .bridE- Irffer in ' le^ peacil anhoniM^~tM* he-WM about to die at Itbe pand ' of a raVUeoiike,; aofli ax- hbrtm'g iill s«r^lig^oblMieUtb 'oarry an eKtar».snpi^ of iUiisj!'witfetheit»Nrh«neTer' en^i^ in hiWtiliftM.xattlssiiako regtonrf Haying thus prepared ;^rpeafh the colonel ' closed his %yes, am th^*^' local molqaitoes prepared to do thdr best irbrk.' The moeqnitoeaof Tisooiiia-angalo'Miino- osuo swamp are .(^..imaiease sif) and strength. They fell upjn Cojl. Houston in tfaiok clouds, and bit hm at therate of.two hundred per minute. In fifl^tf nunntes the colonel felt that he could bear their as* longer, and thorenpon rose up and began to flee from the swamp. Ha stUl enr tertained the idea of dying, biit resolved to die in some locality h s i infested by mosqui* ttes. The mosquitoes, however, followed bim until he was entirely out of the swamp and half way to his own home. Fiading tfaf^t the rattlesnake bite was causing him no in convenience, he reiolved to go home and go to bed, whioh he acsordingly did, and woke up the next morning perfectly wdL to tbe unbounded astonishment of all the colonels, of that part of the Svateof Geprgia. The facts of this caB3 are bciybnd dispute. Col. Houston was bitten on the cUf ofthe right leg by a large rattlesnake, was treated by a million orao of moeqaitoes, and entire- ly recovered. This eatabliahes Uey(md a possibility of doubt tfaist uojccjlation witn mosquito poison is an shtidote to rattle* anake poison â€" a tact Whicb wiirhtnoeforth deprive the rattlesnake rf all his paonliar ter- rors. Wa may assume from the analogy f nm8h* ed by the investigations of M Pasteur that the pnson of the mosqtuto ia identified with that of the rattlesnake, and differs from it only in t^ ct that it is grea ly attenuated. It cures ^ttleanake pnsrning in the same way that inscalation with the attenuated virus of rabies cures hydrophobia Wa have here an explanation of theorigm of tbe mosquito. That mnohT aligned insect ex- ists wherever the rattlesnake exist i, and is created solely in order that an antidote to snaJce-poiboning may always be within resjch. Hereafter, when a man ia bitten by a rattle- snake, he will constantiy expose a large amount of his surface to moeqaitoes, md wait patiently until they- have bitten him sufficiently to render the rattlesnake's poi- son harmless. No longer will the temper^ ance man bo c9mpellMl, much. against will, to take whisky with him on hif fishing' and hunting excursions, ae an antidote to possible ani^e poisoi^g iand th6as tjiMd, souls who, in. their fear of 'ritttlnlilak^,, have ' forced themselTes ta use whisky as a prophjlactio, will be abletetaHly todispanss with thai loathsome and nouous medicine. â- 'If-; '!*» •Ot in a divoroa Uwyar to to tiie ohwrohfOT the LifiB. Life is made up of .^ai* and kws and often the gain comes ooly throi|gh the loss. Even when one attuiu to the pdasesslbii of that which is best/4ievem«nt' is sadden- ed by the thought «Aat it han beau won fa^ tlifl sacrifices Of many thinga whiok wonld havo been gojd in thenu^^ves. but which could cot be held with the ima supreme j^od. Each now oonqaest In hiiniaiil life is like- the' dhwning of 4' Aew diMr ' as^ltaf «ky ireddona: and brightens, the afaLra fade not; IM lA**^' tbe suwhaa risen high pvss tbojioi^h, jud, has ficoded the heayoii irito.,YtiIigat, who, nionms fcr the iitMtiid' gUiM^bf stiMT- It angfat t) be so'aUo'Hi thiri Mbe^'sptere;' Aa theiight ef Kfe aiawigssantttcbtoer shin- ing, the minw lidiHaaralostm ,t)M glo^j not by any meere^ arbit.imf.U'qv'Jxit be- oiuise tn the new iplevUta'thejr Itsive no ^lower of diiiiing and he is sat'aly'tii^gmte*' fnl sAo mnns ihit thefanaaa tifu(B m whidh ha had daligfattod b9,?a fnoksiato in- ,;gif{ff«fm«i .before the gf«»tsf imsiinsi wlbiohnow are lavised .nri hlih. Let tba e6a beanty of tite atars iadh efhl; if 'trielia'vtp tjiataad tba wssim «binlaiBf 4tf4ta»aiin fM t^jOant asleaaniH^ oi itmrMil^i9m^^ .«py«m»t of tW^ day..^{„ .,,^., l^.^^ Fidd-says "Hiere can be foand no grandmanwitliQntftrwdmQflnrs." Troe^ vary tro% Katsg and Krsat f^rf^dmothars. r Nothing ia pore qbnonoas\h^oant. Es- pebiiily it foo an trying to nto^ a safe and oaht'hsi^ein to get into yior side. ' "Theman irho whistles iheii' never ha feared," says a philosophec«»'i We don't ffesK: him as mnoh at we hatm^afid despise " â- â-  ,. r,, .dj- .-. The effeotire prewsaei^ alwan aiins to hit jjhe man who sits in the iiccl^w. Hia "Vb^h is alwrys isrowdadiuiAtMnsvery pop- viar with bis ooDgregratiQa. tt «." The bite Tame Wardaaifc «»f ^reen thing (l»qld ba made into a salad.. Taek|Qunii medi- cal graduate may therefore be latil to be in hti sslad season. "" it is no worder that the ot^ffi^enoe men 'Mooesd so weliin New Yorlb^^Taey are ahoat the only people in that 0)ty. who act as though they cared a Btra^..,7hether^a stringer lives or dies. 'A person being asked what wiys meant by realities of life, answered Real estate, real money, and a real good dinnar, none of which can be realized without reid hard work." A Dabuq) baby show prize was awarded to a scion uf the house of Htm, and the white mothers made auoh a row tbat the judgment was reversed, and the boom be- stowed opon one of the Cauoafian compet- itors. "Cat it short," said the customer, as he slid into a talkative barbar's c'aair and the barber kept still for aa much aa ten miuutes trying te puzzle out whether he meant the remarks or the hair. "There seems to be a very strong senti- ment against light literature nowadays." leauffked the President of the gas cimpany to his bookkeeper wiien his attention was called to 400 or 500 complaints about big gas bills. SOCIABLE SPEBH WSALES. Beliavlnc Uke Pollywoga Arennd tba Good SMp K- B. MUtasi. .M Capt. Young of the scKooner M. B. Mdlen whiih arrived in New York recently with a oorgo fsom S avannah, told this-story to a reporter: "Oa Friday morning last the wind bsgan to die ont. A'i noon we were in a dead calm off Cipe Hatteras. The sea was placid and the brUht aaalight overed it like a gol« den counterpane. Suddenly the watw ba gan to spout up on ail sides of us, and we saw a lot of dark, smooth bodies pitching 4boUt. It was a school of whales; "We could sea them as f v as the eye conld reach in any direction. JTbey swam so close to ns that we could Have reached them with a common harpoon. They would lie^ perfectly still fw a, while, and theu roll teisaMy ever and tink daunts tail foremost. They remwned in this parpendicular posi* tipn for several minutes, and, as tie watw was clear, we could easily measure them with the eye. Tliey seemed tO' be b-^tween 35 and 40 feet long.' They had square, blunt heads uid small eyes. Their blow was low and looked like water thrown from a sprinkler. Taey had small round fins on the iMwfc, and square flakes.. They awam aronnd us for about: three hours. Taey were not the lesst shy, and seemed to be taking a complete survey of ui. ' We threw several pieces of wood at -them^ but they didn't appear to mind it mach. 'One of the men hit a big loUpwov the jaose with a he^v^ohiuMEof oak^ Eta .threw his flukea high ia the air, lasl^ed the water Into foam, aadndived out of sight. He came np short- ly aftsrwavd. aWam alongside of :as, aad lay thjKTesivatal minatesaMiif hem(iuiB to let U' kmw he -was set afraid. Ti^)" colled u „ seve^ times, as if he frera' fwrly burst- V'ritb ndrtii, and Msu^aly ^Med away .i^e-eaatward. " â-  • ' â- - i« "We ooold faaiT* harpaooad ft'i dozen of them, bnt we didn't like to dpit .alter seeing tji^oaieleap coadnct of the the' mg one wa mVwith nle oak. We thought they would in^ke a ooaaUnad assault on at With their lukaa {Had- s#r oa np ooaaiderably. We wiitched them for tmree hours. Then a light bNSM Vjpamg np, and we aiAed away IromtheafL ^. AaaiMitifie] L"*-**ali jnthont j^ has not yrt tekMlar ^te H ifie paper â- cxIiasiMSrilf appittt a^tM» ^Howto Haa^i iMkaotiidflloalt.tfai ' 4tmf pfdbd UB aa a iM^kfiyViMaBa dia Mm, la llMMiMn INaB«jmM.ip|. ' "nii^tmilM fMh^iaf iHisi^ ei^mfag 'i»itlic#«ra Ipttkinaconnd it, not.*, aloai*:.«f wWah om; hi.|#»f fiia ^hwpdnd i Mf f td ut waMntk and ao iMiflimSloit. ' AtFjMt.tliaitf's not • MiUelabeiiMid in tWntfiaaHif^to lake. i^hiiiMil is -iar fast liigi.!aba9»tttaaB fees tid».«ltlM^-»« aidii^^ The ia Kidti^laailipi; pilaa arjipiiid. ez- lumrdntt aaoinlea^bakdM. '^5 V i f m

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