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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Jul 1884, p. 1

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 OTE OF 11,^ rough line of D CHICim leavixtg Toonk rs excepted) turdays ei^pfed) i m:.â€" en the two CiiMP nr. UNSURPASSBp. OIV TBAII^ McNICOIiii' Gen. PftM.i^ )l. 4.-N0. ItglnfflQ--" reolnmn xe. larkdale StiodaM 1 ««sT Thursday, at the ofiee, 1611 tl per year in M'lMoe; •IJtIl inthin three month*. â-  fliial and boidiMss oa^ oa* iiwli 1 TIU 6 MO. I HO. .|M 00 tl? 60 tU 00 a? 00 15 00 10 00 16 00 10 00 00 7 00 4 00 sfhsooe... 10 00 5 00 J adTertispments 8 cent* per Ime pnt iju, 3 cents per line ea«h BttbMqwnl now'weil measore. notices, or notioes rnkMaleoL J cents per line first inawtion, 5 eenta fflbsequents insertion. ,»3iinalsi$c.,adverti«ed8 WMka fw ^verusement not to ezoaed twalvf discontinned nntil all i exocpi at the aption of the piMiaher. -jorPR'lNTINC. Stand ABD office baa • splendid eqii^H er as well as fine job tjype. 9t»- otion to orders by maiL OfWta 1 dispatch. '.RTJX1L.EOGJE IjMTOB AilD PfiOPBIETOB. MARKOALE, NEWSPAPEB LAW. f person who takes a new s p ap er regn* itbepost office, whether direetod ne or another's, or whether he has 1 or notâ€" is responsible for thepaj* Hi person orders his paper disecmtin- tnnst pay all arrearages, or the pub- jcimtinQe tn »end it nntil pajmeat and then collect the whole amonni, ithepaper is taken ont of the oflee If Snbscribers refuse or negleet to take i«r newspapers from the dBee to ||]ie;«re directeit, they a^e held re- esntil they have setded their tails. e Courts have decided that refasiag inevspapers and periodicals from the ffiee, er removing and leaving than ifor, isFBDUFACin evidenoe of in Ifiaod.. iNDSdtPERRY, |{n;cc£ssoB8 to LAunra A Baans), IBISTEBS, Solicitors, Proetors. No- Ituies, GonTcyanoers, c. Mootjto tbwest rates of interest. Offices 16 King Street East, |)1 ToBomo. Frost Frost,' IISTERS, AND ATT0BNET8.AT w, Solicitors in Chancery, Coney Uc, Owen Soond, have resumed 1^ Office open every Thnradaj, as bFeost, J.W. FBOsr,LL. B. ' Crown Attorney. ' 1 J. MAskoN, ISTEB, MASTER AND DEP. BEG • Chancery, Notary Public, Convcyanl liKtniBBK or FABHS FOB BAIil. i8-0wen Sound, in Vieker's Bloek St.; Branch office in MaAdale, over Ad's Store, on Friday and Satmdsy 57-ly I Creasor dr Mnnrisov, -xva,SOLICITOBS. C0N7EY- «, c. Ac, i in Owen Sound, Dnffarin Bloek, P. Wolf 's Store and in 7 J^ARKOALE •-•.McFarland's Store on nmridaj 'I'y of each week. mds to lend on reasonable tenns. ^ijAsoB, Q. a Du»o4» M«BMnr .March 15. 1882. 7»4t Alexander .Browa, BBof Marriage Lieenses, FM and ^orance Agent. OomadaaioMgr 'â-  «e. Gonveyuicer and IdeeBsed »nor the County of Of^. FarmoM^ «. uidLaod Sales. PnaetaMUj ai- !.ni n '^^ges made TstylaodacaU. !^e. Sept, 17. 1880. 1-T Wm, [J^OF MABEIAOE L|CW|SRS,*« t"^MK)nerinB.B.dto. Jo and carefully eMeSS 'toneytoLendottBliMJNt** â- â€¢ CITY HOI^L, Mad on Ifffl strael, «te« tin trttvaffiiw mib henay dspeniou the vwy baitliiMaMo- ' MtioB. CninnbastoaBtfains. iilRKDAlE BOOSE, lUBKDAJiE. MAS. RmEDCH, pROnnitDR. :^-M ' bid t Plijsi(M Sar^y Ac MARKOALE HOUSE. B. Ghent, MJ., lCIt.O.P. A 8., O. FlVMiu aiid'8«n(M»,Prieevil]e, Oiadaate of University. Viet. CoUsge. •1 „ Me«Tork,and Hon. Gtadwte,of tha same, /. ., AykthMedballnstitato. „ „ Opdiabrde Hoqdtal, N.T. ifanberColLPhTaieianadkSar8eovs,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. g" BADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL VT of Dentistry, will be at Batiedoe's Hotel, Maifcdale, onibelstaiid third ^M- neaday at eaab month and also at M nnshaw's Hotel. Flesberton, the day following the third Wedneadsy in each month far the prae tiee of faaapfofaiaion. 18S-47. B C. RICHARDS, mLDEB, CONTBACTOB, A ABCHI- nor.â€" Besidenoe on Mill Street, Mark- ia«T Faslkionable rTaiior, OVKB KAOFABLAIID'B BKWX. A PERFECT FIT GUABANTEBD. HAMILTON'S PneToaMPi sallerY OYEB THE STAHDARD OFFICE. Fine work exeeated in all tbe latest gtzM and sbarpes, fiilly eqnal to oity work. Special attention given to A large rtoek of moalding to ehooise Call and leave yoor measoxe for a pietue* •JaiA. Hamilton. COMMERCIAL RQTEL T pBICnBVlIiiiB. Ont. Lane lutd eoamodioos Bami^ JBoomi CkMdM Booms. Aa. ThaBarand laxda Su fUPpH-d Wiethe l»«»rttteiigke*a« fmL cSod Btabliia aadattaBtiTa HoaOar's forts «««,gg5^Tja?J?0K. yroptiator I^PRIEtOB. "{^'WtlMi coifniAinty. lOUU PAINTER, OEAIlI£B,(iLAZm AND PAFEB 9AN0EB, CALCIIOKING AND WALL TINTING. Beaidence {^tporite Planing fWrtory, OaaBBs 8»ioiTH EsmuxBaOivxv. 193.906 SEEDS SEEDS â€" DfPOBTED FULI HI URBEI SK8S The plaee to buy year Seedn is at PARKER'S, Onicstore, DURHAM. NEW GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION WTTH Phw99' Flout and Feed Store. Having just received a 8MeM, Frtsh and S^Mf stock: of rTeas* Sugars* rFobacco, Scc^ Which win be sold YEBT CHEAP. I respectfully soHcit the public's pat r onage. 198 J. PLEWE8. of Toronto, morning and evening, and BoT. lijr. McDcwell oi tia» vilhtge in the afbsiAoo'J. The ^irit oi tros devotion was qspftrant' in all the aorvices and iLe fedmgof the heart was expr«^ceil by ita dropping of the fear £rom many an eye. Liberal donations wore given at each service, the eollectiuQS for the day amounting tofl44. WUBSTOSVXt. A large 4»owd of peo^e were.present in the Village on Dommion Day, the field sports attracted large nombers, alao a good unmber attended the Temperance lie-Nio hdd in Flesher's I'ark. Yarioos gat-^es and amusements were entered into. Two thyjlling and enthusiastio Totuperanee addresses were delivered by Uie Bey. John Smith of Toronto, snd Mr. Bichard Cam^t* bell of Colliugwood after which "God Save tlio Queen" was ^nng and three rousing cheers for the Scott Act was given. The tea meeting and lecture given in tue Presbyteiian Church on the evening of Dominion Day, was in every respect a success. Bev. Mr. Smith's Popular lecture "Sins of the Pew" is full of wit humor yet point- ed and practical. Short addresses were also given by the Bev. Mr. McDowell and Mr. McGregor and Dx*. Sprcule. Proceeds for the tea $97, muing a total cash receipt from Sunday col- lection and tea liieetint; $248. A Financial Statement of the Church was read showing that 1200 dollars was unprovided for, a subscription list was opened up and only about $100 is now required to place the church free from debt. GHOaOB npoKMaKV. The dedioMiQii servieaacf tiw 5«w Preehyterian Chuieh hiie en SabUth hut were vuy Jargety attended tbe boose being filled at eadi senriee to over flowing. Morning and evening lanteiauj^bcnrs had to rttnm home could not get withiu the building. Three vecy earnest, efbcting sermons *„.«i.i„»ar t^. rwk*». r\ ^n a..-. werepmeledby tbcBev. Jdin Smith fe^Sf^' ^^ "" " " defendant. EhucLAiays. STBPHBiis.r-This waa a dispute about a building eontraet. After hearing part of tiie evidence,, the partieti consented to a verdict forpnintiff of f75 and costs. S. Piatt far plaintiff. John Creasor, Q.. C, for defendant. icB^ortoirS, S. If*. C Fourth Classâ€" Albert Wallmr, Mat- tie Gillespie, Cassie Mon^mery. Fannie Freeborue. Sr. Third â€" Maggie Walker, John Sai^eant, George McNeely, Maggie Montgomery. Jr. Thirds James BJaney, Letitia Sanderson, Albert Allen, Andrew Walker. Hr. oecondâ€" Liai;de Martin, Bella Giilespis, Michael Pickett, James Martin. Jr. Second â€" Mamie Welsh, Emmf Ewart, Lizzie Hitcbie, Mary Blaneyi Br. Seeoi.d Part â€" Annie Smithi Mary David, Nellie Bo we, Amelia Green. Jr. Second Partâ€" Bobbie Welsh Willie Wilson. Firstâ€" Bobert Sanderson, Willie Smith, John Pickett, Mary Brown. Average daily attendance 42; E.J. Bailt, Teacher. it- '^7 •â-  *^ ;- k. '"tL" • "ft; -i,^ ^i^ ^^ â- ; ,-! â- â- V. 1' i «t Geaeral 8ett8i«ns id Goaaty ff^k ^^saMfi "^- Good rtsbling and 'room. Franco Cbinese War. Nothwithstanding the desolating war now riiging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at the Bill ke, IbrUalB Having imported prior to tbe open* ing of hostihties, a sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 montiis. In other departments of the Grocery tiade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- SAND those who assume to transact bnsiness by porchasng of small deal* ers exorbitant rates of interest on long eredit Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS. SALIfON LOBSTERS. SARDINES, HAMS, BACOH,ASSORTEO PtGKELS uid every artieles in the groeery trade LIQUORS J or the best imuads and quality. Wine for Saonunental purposes warranted nm. Brandies direct finmi the man- ateekaier and all other kindsof liquors. (jijj pf^, Teas ud Tobaoeoee cannot M to give satiirtflBtite. Oranges, Lenaos,Ac. Family Fknr suj^ed gfiao». ^tfei'nPf 1^ lEIIpR 6MiM^iiiMlf«i'#HMi: fl o o i fosl a Hft it^aMb {From the Owen Sound Tinm.) The General Session and County Court for this County commenced on Tuesday. His Honor Judge Mac- pberson, presiding. The following gentlemen comprised the Grand Jury: â€" John iStronacb, Foreman; Quinton Campbell, Alfired Ward, Hugh Knott, Jas. Hastie, Wm. Hunter, John Ferguson, Jno. Baines, James Calvert, Wm. McLarty, Jas. McLinis, John Wheeler, James Lindsay, Thos Julian, Geo. Biddell, David Anunernan, John Douglass, Andrew Welfiey, G. Theek- ston. The following bnsiness was disposed of: â€" ManiUT V13. Axiton. â€" ^Action on account. Yerdiet for plaintiff by consent, $48 97. D. A. Creasor fw plaintiff. John Creasor, Q. C, tot defendant, waoMaauLT. The Grand Jury having broofl^t in a true bill against Charles Conlson andVenwyck for assanlting a peace officer, thcqr pleaded gaUty to common assault, and were fined ffiO and f 10 respectively. A Frost fbi: the Crown. Jas. Massen lor detendMit. Chkistob vs. BnrcLAia s(4(i.râ€" Aetion on account. Judgment tor j^on^ $126.60. A. Frost fdc plainliff:. J. Massonfbr deton d aat s. j iVrW i« John M. Davis, mesmi for etrtiuB- ing property br ' preteBees^ was fa^ught„into Court and dia^uutgia^ tfeeBebemgno'slvidssioe agai^ hini. Bi tiie cases rf Martha Broim fiir larceny ctf jewetlerfriiiid'WittV DttBA ^assault. tW^^iiim^ fiajll;^ EDITORS PASS FREE. An exchange sets forth tbe benefits of the editorial profession as follows One of the beauties of an editor's life is his dead-beating it. No one who s^ver feasted on the sweets of that 1 bliss can begin to talk in tbe glory of its happiness. He does $100 wortli of advertising for a railroad, gets a "pass, "rides $25 worth, and then is looked, upon as a dead-bead or a half- blown dead- beat. He ' 'puffis" a concert troupe ten dollars' wortli, and gets $1 iu compUmentaries and is thus passed "free." If the hall is crowded, he is btigrudged the room he occupies, for if his complimentaries wers paying tickete the tioupe would be so much in pocket. He blows and puffii a church festival free to any desired extent and does the r poster printing ai half ratos, and rarely gets a "thank you" for it. It goes as part of his duty as an editor. H does more workgratuitiously foj^the town and community than all ^e rest of the population pub togeUier, and gate cursed for it all, whilst the man wha donates a few dollars to a First of July celebration, brass band or church, is gratefully remembered. Ob, it is a sweet thing to be an editor. He passes "free." you knoW. ?w 5* V B.W. Xiao^Me. aSJSmombr, tmi. De^lihife 0iliiiAai'^OtNm,4Boaid;%are ni^ciiqtcd'eott^^ ' ' • 'â- . "â- â- ' r^Fuiomio vs. CocMm«.-raaie^; 4^ fiisKbuit hiid jqjtehaeed M ifi » f ii I LABDINE ICACHINB Oili Ib Mannfactnred Solely byMeCall Bro's. k Go. T€ronto,sndi8 the cuily popular Maddna OS to-day in nsebyall mill men and fumaN. Tijhaiime. .*..' AdtafDr^msed at TliemlNurf. TB0BiteciiT,Jaly2.â€" Afatal drown* ihg accident occurred here yesterday by whieh a girl named Alexander' tf tiiift phtcCk, lost her hfe. Turee young gids were amusing, theiucitilves on a small raft lUihe mooUi of Ipdiau 4W- riyer, when a strong wind'Uew ;them -n^^i' Bto^Ae lai^' »the raft paeted, and iW- Ifias Ale^uidftr wi^ -j^K^'mjaq'^e^^'Jl*^ 9ot\j' ifa^Sm^i^m titm ^fiecitMt8^i»^«i.^ «ettdtti4ni %$Jt; Glige. Tbo hot^^-H n^rH- "' amopg (sni£*«n ht^'i?*' to gi^e 8atisfactidu» " li .M^HiS

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