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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Jun 1884, p. 8

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 Eai' c ll" • !:» '«?' ^. •;; 1 â- iiT ;i ' pi i U'i' :n â- :. f ':^ 'â-  ^•J^ ;»-v:::'j^:"^« â-  Is the place to get BA5QAJWS if r^||,sfV Jr)f Goods, Groceries, Boots and dtloes, 1^^ Glassware 4!lc c. :NEW PRINTS from 5 cents. up, New DRESS STUFF lo cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small ':^\ " wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Qur25cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we oflFer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, for sale cheap. April, 1884. 190-t£ WM. BROWN. TAILOR SYDENHAM STREET, UW MILL AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 4 miles from Plesherton Station, on the Canadian Pacific Railway. The mill is situated at Little Falls, in a block of about 400 acres timber and, with other limber land surrounding. The building is substantially built on stone foundation. The machinery is all good and driven with great power by a 23 inch Leffell wheel, under 36 ft- head of water. There are one large circular saw for cutting logs, 2 small circulars for sawing lath and broom handles, i guage lathe for turning broom handles, etc., i shingle machine with jointer and packer complete. The water, power is excellent, the stream ;being very regular. There are several other good mill sites ;On the proyerty. The land in valley is considered the best ?in the country. The place would make an excellent stock farm when the timber is taken off. This offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic iman to go into this kind of business, as the place will be sold or let on liberal terms. Xhe bush is so convenient to the mill logs can be trucked in summer time. Immediate possession given. Apply to the proprietor, WM. HOGG, ' FLESfiEBTON STATION P. 0., ONT. to WiMEMmt ^«n. "Tlqr ,^^ e«f*»IlMB in doctor's WDl,*^ jf!^- Sold at ffltfeenttiboWeST 4..Tnnier*|!6. Subscribe for^be ^«(«A«^» only lix.oo ii year in a^Y^G^ to airjr- address. ^^-^^22^^,^ THE SECRET OUT." mie secret rf beanty has been M I»«*^ »^ vealed. Without good hedth, pwre blocd and a fair dear skin none «an pesaesS; ffxd. 1 •" ibe rw o^^^^j^^^l^ „ V that .*t; « the demand" 'Sio-;*^i-;j^Gur stock isKH .Mj^eriflandletuskn^l ;^^v»?eliyoi}r wants su? 4r ypu;il know the rea Ipoia. What is more repalsive than pimtdss, blotohex and a sallow or pasty oomidestKm Burdock Blood Bitters reveal, the fwt ^t all ca-i gain pure blood and freedom from the repulsive diseases of the 8kinthat result from impurities. aore'ase'ndOi^i You wilLfiad inK and'c(^] If the.Bfobd iff _- few doses of McGregor's Speedy Cure Bros. J-fftJ-. ^aW»teh«UB«,ciw8 ot^.toke With ft 1^ ROOKE, Markd^l Mr. F. York of Meaford had a boree killed by lightning Daring Jthfii thander storm laBfc Sunday. IMp6bTANT CHANGES. There are two periods in the life oi everv female when the system undergoes, great changes. First the change from childhood to womanhood; next, that of womnbood t4) old age. These are the critical changes of life, and the system should be nourished and rc^gulated by that matchless tonic. Burr dock Blood Bitters. It is invaluable in jdl diseases peculiar to females. Bears. Bears are becpmiag very plentifdil according to 'reports, audi serious damage is being done in various parts especially to sheep, would it not be well for the various township councils to offer a reward gimiler to what is given for the destrnctioi! of ,,wolye8.; We believe the public wouldi higfily appreciate such action on ttie part of their various councillors, and it would certainly incite those who are troubled with bruin to a greater effort in cAptaring, and thus extermmatiog this clsuss of wild beast. CURE FOR DEAFNESS. As numerous testimonials wiUr^^ show, there is no more reliable cure for deafness than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is also the best remedy for ear ache, sore throat, croup, rheumatism, and for pains and lameness generally. Use^xtemidly and internally. Everybody Married in China. -Good Work Guaranteed- rAT FLESHERTON. €t.'t 032LCO ^Qd see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Frajning done cheap at BT7"3Li2wCBK'S, FLESHERTON. HACYARDS .PEQtORAL balsam; Hayi no equal ior f beik«- cur^OF â-  7^T .fcaW ^.la.sja?^. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. 6£NER'LBLAGKIII1 MOitse SHOEING BPBOIALTT. Seheing-Ei-Tong. a Chinese nobleman, at present in Paris, has written an article for the Beview des DeuxMondes m which he says that «elibacy is re- garded as a crime in China and that it is more common to see granmothers of thirty than spinsters of that age in the Celestial iQngdom. National Fills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, acting upon the biUaty organs promptly and effectually. A Big Fire. PiBBT SoiwD, June 20. â€" About one o'clock yesterday morning a fire broke out in the Midland and North Shore Lumber company's steam sawmill at Parry harbor, and before it uould be stopped the mill, boarding-house, machme shop, oflSce, a portion ©f the tramway and a large amount of other valuable property was destroyed. The mill was one of the best on the Georgian bfiy, having all the latest improved machmery and capacity of cutting trom 80.000 to 100,000 feet per day. The Joss is about $100,000 insured for about $40,000. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup will lemove idl kind of worms from children or adults. €ariovs fiOye Ijettcr. •♦Madam :â€" Most worthy of my admiration after long consideration and much meditation of the great reputation you the natiwr, I have a strong inclination to faeoome your relation. On your approbation of the declaration I shall make pre- paration to lamoye my (dtoation, to profess my admintioD And if such obligation is worthy of observaticn and can obtain eomx|UMratioD, it wiU be an aggrandisatiom b^ond all calculatiou.of thejoj and exultation of Yours, Sois BBsmasAjaoK." ' "uK'T-" P®"â„¢"** your oration vrtth moeh delibenition and a little ooostef- natiop, at the great intaation of your weak imagina tion, to show such ation on so atij^ta fpundation. roppogft your animatiftn waa the fruit of reer^tion, or had sprung^ from ostaatatrai to display your e^noation by Ml odd ennmeratioii or raiha muh^Iicatbn or worts of ^e aaise t«fiamala^n thourfi of gr6at' va^tfni withoufcidis|witalioa, your la* •PPb#lipto?'ii» tidiwi an ooj*] â- p Why. don't you use Bejuvinator .fitters, for Jiver oompkiat and ieidney: disease Sold l»y Binith, the barber. Feaver colic, unnatural appetite.IretfnlneBs weakness, and conviilsions, are some of 'the effects of worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrap. Ee JcviNAT0B_ i6 a sure cure 'for sick headache. Sold by Soiith, the barber. The Hectic Plush, pale hallow cheeks and jH'ecarious apetite, indicate Worms. Free-. man'6 Worm rowders will quickiyand e^ect-; irnlly remove jthsm. The Standabd to Ist Jamary 1885 for 60 cents be lively now. National Pills are sifgar cuoted, mild but thorough, and are the Best Stomach and Livei fill in use. f A house to rent, apply at this office. THE EFFECTS OF WHISKEY^^ The effects of whiskey are always evil, and those who feed upon adcoholic stimulants, vainly endeavoring to Dure eoughs Mid con- sumption, but nurse a viper. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is a remedy that is always reliable for all throat bronchial and lung troobles, aod never does harm to any one. Eyeryone who takes an interest' in United States elections will want to know what sort ot women are the wives of the BepubUean candidates. -Mrs. Blaine is described as of a very retir- ing nature and a woman of culture and refinement. Mrs. Logan ia des- cribed askindhearted, sociable, devoted to her husband, and is said to have secured his nomination by her tact. FRAUDULENT TBANSACTIONS. There are many frauds perpetrated in medicine, and many advertised remedies worse than useless. Not so with Hagyard's Ydlow Oil. It remains as eyer the Lest internal and external medicine for all fiain, soreness andinjuries witii whidi human flesh is afSioted. BESPECT OLD Ao£ An old favorite i» the reme^ known as Dr. Fowler's Ezttact of Wild Strawberry. Thirty years releable for choler morbus diarrhoea and summer complaints. WHATINANAMEf Scrofula is so called from the Latin tenfu, a pig, from the supposition that the disease came from eating swine's flesh. It is often inherited from' parents, and leades to absoes- ses, ulcerous sores, debility, king's evil and consumption. The case of the Bev. Wm, Stout, of Wiaiton, who suffered 23 years from' scrofulous abscesses, is one of the most remarkable on record. Burdock Blood Bitters cured him after the best medical skil had failed. Fatal AcdDKNT in GLSHKLa.â€" On Saturday last Mrs. John Xaughlan, of the 8rd con. of Glenelg. E.G. B., went to get some potatoes out of a^t, for dinner, and while doing so the earth caved in and a little son ooly five years old who saw the accident went and told his father who was working in a distant part of the farm. Mr. Laughlan at ouoe hurried to the pit, but when be got his wife from oi^er the earth she was quiet dead. The deceased waa a daughter of Mr. Ken- neth MoKenzie, of Glendg, and leaves a husband and several small Children to mourn her loss. The funenl %oA plM« dn Monday laat and \ipas largely attended. Mueh sympathy is felt for the fanuly in, their suddeu beroiye- mentâ€" Grey Bm«o. ,; BUCKLEN'S ABNICA SALVE. " «km en^tioaa, sad pontirdsraaiMvBecOT P«feet aatofiMrtiiiii, teiaooer i^iSS. Knee So seats per box. Par Sals. ]» A. l/iffbn Ccrrlage Works Onion Cm^ Woil • All work manufactured from First Gliss HI teiu In the Latest and Best Impr«*|j Style, and finished with Ensriisli ;i^arnlsh. Pdnfing Trimming Kp] will receive prompt attention. All Bepairs executed in the shoi possible time consistent with good workiaaiiB: Good Work* a Spciality.] Bemember the Shop, opposite the Ohei D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale. Dec. 2nd. 1881. Propiietil 61^ .m â-  r=i^^y^- CS- MAKE A NOTE OF IT. He OBtadQ !i (ijli (CREDIT VALLEY DIVISION) â€"ANDâ€" MICHIGAN CENTUM Now run a through line Palaice MM -BETWEEN- wrfs of Prei^TO lilef, a ymage a ftw iJ^*loug the riiore fr^ Q^ with an •^dwasXiCo^Si" rpâ„¢'" fW^W'jHi. 'CMMUu !â- â-  in MM' ' 1«S»»A TORONTO MD CNlCm In both directions, l«aviug Toroiibi| daily (Sundays excepted) â€"AJT ls30 I*. M.,- aod Chicago daily (Saturdays excepted) â€"AJr ^z\S P». M.- The only line between the two Citie» proper. AOOOMMODATION UNSUEPASSET. DININO CABS 0]Â¥ TRAINS' WM. WHYTE, D. McNIOOLL, enl Supt. Gen. PasB.Agt MARKDALE, lEamtf^Mtorar of all Kinds of Drq? 7al^. C^linaer, Foroe, and G^^ Pniapa. All kinds of SOIVUBD. *«9Na '.«' iSftlUSHED 19 YEAIS. {^6od stock ^neahaaics emplo; ]Dou^..aiId Single, He»^ %)i» Bacass always on baixl- J|li^1Pm*1^a Yalises.BlaDketi' ...., i^iff^^m^^ I â- . U lewsy. Ill iwitiiin' imm PUMPS iper dis lezocpti MARKDALE WSm EUPORIHI S,Proprit««f iM

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