-...alia, ft braw. Ht' Ltbemateof the bt^gntoM C». J" Opt- *• ' ^y*".** «*• KLood took in -600 too. of «s1 «i 1 l!\Sfcr Hali3cla»« week, end Cjlntheriver. She pat to •«• on •^ afternoon. She had m board ffz. and the oeptjun'e wife. K "Daniel **ylor, tt» cptain' Robinaon, hn nephew /fere 'id ErDeat old. TheTajrlor, an6d«,g"l^'g^â„¢.2W^AMi. (fthedayaofthe*! sn with maoh effS! ba3k andtheS2iL^ or a little hill »boS«?J of weird melody^3H the8coorgeinuB,^23 t of each dovoteBh!??' rted at every rtroKM t up without omu^^ 10 bore the otoniSi » with a horribut biotheniin miaarrTj ;et again and givear*^ :ible acoargbe ada nearest. illy an hoar to ai,v, J 3 cross-bearer feUlZ 1 seven times, ar ' ed upjn each o( ached, the oross/ii^, iome the instruni«i|«iu |on it, beinjr tied hu^ I again he was madetoi at last from loss of Nood ly away, and thersfca, le others returned to timofthisfanaotioanLi y. must remam^oi rknes3 may hide thSi. a away. SeveraHuve d bateren this nevari 5 tutnre, his self beating is kmt i and then by newmdi of torture. Lang k-,|J .re lashed up and dowBl sharp, keen thcnn^ nr intervals, causing the o er the grounds on all i fering. ignorant bai brothers, andsistMl to enjoy the terrible i" hose who should be i I then:, and even nuM ih. their afflictions mwi ny wonder that thflMr ^ed, or worse still, ni iree oases out of five w| ^e exercises end in anti. N. B. Mr. Sfeq^iheiMkiiew ^embers of the crew, bnt was un- t to recall their names. p. -..vnichi the Sherwood waa aboat ' \ilii of the Delawara eakwater. Jitcme on a gale sprang up. Capt. had the Ughter sails taken in, and 1 close reefed. Before 2 o'olook r,(OUB«the heaviest seawaa nmniiig tpale had ever seen. BelioTing that joagbt to be hove to, he called the vho bad gone below. Capt Tay- odce called a)l hands to shorten aaiL tba order csnld be obeyed a wave ttbe brig en the port baamjast aia iitmck neralo-t. She went over to I with her yard aims under water fimtant, and failed to right herself I CIBGO OF COAL HAD SHI7TBP, her starboard rail remained under fbjc wave broke in the after honae, ' ' cabin, and the vessel begon to ift. The captain got his wife from and placed her in the forecastle ^r wbile all hands b^an to get one ^as lashed on top of the foreoaatle ready tor lannohing. The constant J of the waves over the men soon ex- i all bands^ and before the laahtatc of i had been cast loose the captain grip, fell into the water, and was xi Tbe second mate followed him a ^ates later. It was then broad day- nttbat time the mate placed a board [tbe rail to a window in the forecastle ble him to get a better grip on the In aB to turn it over. As the forecastle jor awnng open he saw Mrs. Taylor Uiig within. [he was a brave woman," said the mate "She could see that death was ehcr, but she tried to smile and heart- Eop. It was the last view shtf had ideoftbe forecastle. As she turned fireaaw another monster wave com- I pat one foot on the rail, and then |gtber, and drew my boots off, and then I water rue up arcnnd me. I most ilieen carried down a good ways, for £ II long time working my way up. I had jiboat given np all hope when 1 got my [dor and drew a fresh breath. x^ I I looked around. I saw KoUnsoi^ kiiilTery, and two others, who bad uso I the sarface. There was a spar with i 01 two floating near us, and I and isooaoon reached it. IHI BOY HAD PLENTY OV PLUCK, lie was getting very weak. Mike reach- pit of a board, and thm he worked it dde of OS and caoght hold of ,tiio The other two men failed to reach Ispporta. It didn't seem much use to Ik hold on. Tnere was no vessel in sight, f2 one had been there the chances were tulnat c}uld live in snch a sea even inre seen. Bat we didn't think cf ^eiield on the best we could for a time, Jtben we saw one of the brig's boats not liny, bottom up. I turned my head ndto speak to Mike. As I did so I felt (!»t my sleeve. It was the boy. He pthis hold oa the spar, and down he I grabbed for him, bnt I was too fallen Mike and I Worked away alone to l|the boat, and we cauld see that we nmg slowly. The vessel went down tiULriae, but it must have been 10 c when we got to the boat. We f eand peipar to which it had been lashed I atill secure. We canted the rail np a land the first sea that struck her rolled JOTer.and wegotin." !«ttld you bau her out " rJo, Every wave rolled over her, but Ind fomethiDg to stand on. I said to "This is better than hanging on to Jipu, ain't it ' 'It is that,' said he. So [uptap cor courage pret^ well for a I bat we had swallowed a great deal "tvater, and the snn was beating, dowq Tiiot. It (rave us an awfol faeaidaone, rf Kemed to be all boming np inside, ""ilwas np to my waist m water, ' xone of the waves broke (dear over sr^T*-*" •â- » «• -Mir gVtod.||etett^i^, jnamdotttteraawiiii, acontd «Mkithe]astIr«inn£^ thew|i,t«r." â€". and ODt beiBi[ in the saUor down, the voMel was kentawal •0 r th«tihey conld not rSch"^. ' â- itining around and ttBdag to^him- ttd finally crawled over and sat on one "the beat. I was afnud the waves f nil her over again, so I said: ^S hadn't you better trim ship a 1^1 will sir,' said he, and back he P;«"^placeinthebow. ' a time he got twitssj aspun, and »ft along the thwarts to whew I *â„¢ getting over the stern hung on by '°ga ot the epar. I knew he couldn't 'oit tnere very long, so I told him to 5^d, and he went at once as fast as "Wd, Nwe TO HIMSBL* AlXflMsMi^- the son went down and we were more *table, though the wind bbir^aota* " ever. 1 held on to lHakmc ,J^d, and Mike held od •l^^^«e oifa- **ayi had lashed forward in the boats. J^g came, and then Mike iiegaii to l„ (lira adrift. He wonlcbk't ^**«Bfte L? bnt I caught two of tki We and to the spsr. Thej Mpod to [*«boatona Iwel kesl. bu hold after the oan ' L5*«ei Bat Mike tt^ paseed tliboat the^mirpat ^t hS â- ^I"lL' °5* ^*^ ^V. but no helS could be rendered that tide^ The s«^«!£ ^^^ked with a wUi when SLff tte^ SS? tS-'I^'^u"** h«dia^for theSS again. This fame they ran ertttSa reach, imd a eailor leaped on e rafl and threw Se fell ahtHTt and the vessel agam drifted ont of «aoh. The wilor KemoT^ loSThiS entirely then and sank down in his boat and a wave rolled over him. Then he sot uc agau and stood staring straight ah4d an- parently not seeing the vessel. It wai 2i hours before tiie veaael was toonght near enough to reach the man. When the mate dropped a lineaoioss his shoulder he secured it around his waist, and was ^wn on bojrd. He was then insensi- ble. His clothes were torn to shreds, and his face and hands were in a bad condition. Thesaaors carried him forward, stripped him, rubbed him with rum, and gave him a little with water. After a time he began to revive. Then a chicken was killed and broth made for him. " No one could have taken better care of methanCipt. Pina,," said Mr. Stepheni. "He put me in a comfortable bunk m the cabin, and nursed me like a child. Wl^en I was picked up I wasn't able to stand, and I haven't been out of my bunk smoe, till t'j day, when I was able to walk a little." Capt. Taylor was about 37 years old. He had been married less than two years. He lost his first child last winter, and his wife then went to sea with him. She liked the ocean very much, having sailed with him two or three voya^s after they were first married. Capt. Taylor -was a cousin of Capt. D. E. Taylor of the firm of P. I. Nevius Son, ship brokers, 11 South street. â€"N. r. Suft. BeUi^ons Eqoaltfy in England. The t'me has now long gone by since those who approaoh ths question of the Estab- lishment must first turn or capture the great fortresses that have been at sundry times and in divers plaoes diligently reared in defense of a National Church hf a long array of potent divinea. Ffom the noble gravity of Hooker, in the sixteenth century, and the shrewd reason of Warburton and Paley in the mehteenth, down to the pratical wisdom of Cbalmera, the vehemence of Arnold, the eag^ r tenacity of Stanley in our own immediate day and generatioo, all the resources of ecclesiastical eloquence and logic have gone to build np and to fortify a theory which may still impress the student of abstract polity, bnt Which has a steadily aud rapid lessening relation to real afiairs. Nor is it any more needful that the assail- ant of the establishment should begin with the imposing pleas Of some ot the moat ro- nowned of lay statesmen, from Burke to Mr. Gladstone, in favor of the solemn conseora^ ti(m of the Commonwealth by binding it to a great ecclesiastical corporation, " exalting it« mitred front in courts and parliamentBt" and giving to the civil magistrats the goardiansfaip of the settled institutioii of religion. However gracious the ideal, it is now seen to be practically unattained and forever nnattainaole. As we trace back the course of events, the mostreluotant eye sees them -all tending uniformly and with grow- ing momentam to the seoularization of the Stats aud the emanoipatton of the Church. Social foroes, political forces, intellectaal forces, sphritual foroes, all united in one un- deviating and indeflectible direction. At- taohment to the Churoh of England as a ra- ligioos society is probably deepr in the heart and imaginat'oos of men than it has ever been. Bnt the march of iMislatton for the laet half -eentnry has faithfal^ regnterad of the cmviBkiQa that the m- m this case the tew AaerioBn Life ^nveciatien 4tam VS^l toita very m^^oZilSZlor^'S^c, »^ benefit of Ufa iiisw««e STSeWrt W^ pl«a attainable, so «•» wk,n Person requires an mvestment or aazimum «w»g tiie North Amerlesn U% Assurance largely due to it. mansgement be jig in the TA^*^ "S •5«'npl •«» nnderwi.er. Wm. McCabe. Ptllo^ of tiie Institnte of Aetna- r.e8 of Great BriUin. a gentloMn who has the repotation of beng tfao on«hlv ac- qnainted with aU the myiteries snd waence *i V ""»""»• Amcng its director* ate lo ce to .nd the names of aome of the lead- ing arizens of Canada, and at its head as WJMdent stands the Hon Alex. Mackenzie. ^.r., ex Prime Minister of Canada, a genlemsn whose nsme in that coonry ii a Aoocehold word for koneity snd f »ir dealing. ^w York Iruurmee Spectator, May ISA. Bold br to W. OLABK P. O. Catarrh- A New TreatBieat. i..??*^*P" *5? "?â- ' •»t»ordinaysuooes8that i« ^een achieved in modemscience has b en attained by the Dixon ^Treatment of oater^ S^^l' '^v?*"**^ per cent have liMui cwsa of this stubborn nialady. This is none tte lees startUn* when iTtoreiBemlSMdXt not five per cent, ot ttie patients prasentt^ SSSmL"'i!:«*^2K'«' practffiKSlSS benefitted^ whUe tiie patent medidnes and oJf^'Jldvertlsed cures never record a cure at lOL Starting with the claim now generally Jhi'^Si A^^ ^, "S" eoientiSr iSi ^living parasites la the tissues, ICr.Dlx. on at onoe adapted hif cure to their extenmoatlon this accomplished the catarrh M practically cured, and tne pnmanencr is un- qaestumed, as cures effected by htan fonr years ago are cures stilL No one else has ever at- tempted to cure catarrh in this manner, and no other treatment has ever onted catarrh. The appUoaUon vl the remedy is stmide and can be done at home, ttnd the present season oC the year is the most favorable for a speedy and permanent cure, the majority of cases being cured at one treatment SimlBTers should cor- raepond with Messrs. A. H. lilXON SON. 305 KingHStreet West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their tceatise on catarrh.â€" Jlfon^eo^ Star. T^ere are flaws in diamonds, flies m an- ber, and failta in every roan. Perfection is attained only by the Triangle Dyes. Their colors a -e truly baautiful. 10c. "My son." said an old man, "always be pslite." • To everybody " "Yes to every- body. Be polite to those yon owe and those yoa desire to owe. By olwsrving this rule you will pretty well cover the NotaaoUMrPiUiiisIlCodowniiiytiirost â- Min, a citizen. " wlian I oui get soeh » immipt snif xfiit night Mike begarftogitiipA-r;! atiiSIIrorthe »P^^.'*»"iâ„¢^ tme aronnd Malalkina tohim-r seat of privilege is no oondition of ite iim»1 or religiooi eflSoaoy, while it is a p^itloai injnatioe, a social miaohief, and a hindrance to the full sense of equi^ oitinnahip u a miited oommitnity. |l«B4dti»e8 Under tiw Kterosetpe. We have long held the opnion ttat tte motatdto is an nnnutigated soonn^ who oonkl give our own Ijvdy flea sot stone and a beating jwor • longconrss, bat wo are now oonvinoS. A gontieman has »ajnined Mr. Moaqnito imder a microscope, and bis- de- scription is, to say the leg?*. J'^S2?L.^ aKihere are no f ewei? than ft*«*«^ L;^i?toteaments. T*^.«" fTâ„¢.^ y»a lanoe, tiro meat save, "««*?», J^ a ttiill Corlta «*"«» engine. I**PP^ {^ nnon a wee t«rfer porta* *• S^Se the lanoe «ifi*^ W^ »t^ beri^tbwortnp^^ » «a«ge the bole, then «• f" plpto^ orfwlir « wt ^eme off they only ;ta?^.^* "Tttwe cutter â€" I2**f» • big blaok? 'of her. The ••nd shouted aTl ^JOiphtmyhead,.JlJ»i«:] .."^^XM- IgnsoalwaaaliMbi ' coold do what thsaa mmi owe for my BiUoni Attseki, meh m Sr. Oanon'i Stom- •eh Bitten. It randen Uie Blood Wn snd Oool and nutkei a Splendid Spiins Iffedloihe. Luge bottles SO enti. It is said that a woman's person is several degrees warmer then tba; of a man. Ex- perienced married men who are in the habit of returning late from the club will agree with the statement heartily. It la Not oispntMd That NiBviLiNE. the ccir pain remedy, is a good article. Some indera claim that the oId-/aihioaed preparations are jat as goed, but any sufieret- oan satisfy himself by ex ptniing tea cants oh a sample bostfe of Pul- son's Neri^iline.that nothing sold cm eqnsl it for internal, local or external pains. Always speedy in effect, prompt and certain in every cor a. H. S. Webber, Orangeville, writes: "My cnstomeri speak very highly of Ner»i1iae ai a remedy for tojthacbe or nenrslgik" All dnigsiits and cjimtry dealers eell Ndrviline. Try Ik to-day. Algernon Adolphns, the hero of the com- ing novel â€" "If her heart is so cold, what must her feet be? I have indeed made a fortunate eecape." fimployment for Leisore Henrg, Write direct ' to the author, lljljrs. Clarke, 38 Pembroke St, Toronto, for all particulars of "Mrs. Clarke's Cook- ery Book " neatiy bound, qretematicall^ arranged; recipes nnmbered: intelli- gibly indexed sella rea4ily at f 1 liber- al commission to agents sample copy, poet-pud, for f 1 f 10 to $20 per week can easily be earned by selling uiis fam- ous Cook Book, the beat in the world; "No," said BroWn to Sobinson with a sigh. "I haven't gofcebange tor a five, bnt I shoiild like to have a fira for a ehaage." ' LiportMiL Wliea yon visit or le«Te ITeiw Toric Oitr, â- »â-¼â€¢ Basgage BzpreanmaadOitfrias«nTe.mndrteBjrttbe Oaa^D elecMt iDoiim MtSTup at a ooel eQoiie nillllmi dellm. £S^1£«« and elnatod rJjErMdsto aO dwota. Taa- iUes omUTe better for leu moner Jat tiie (kudUnlon HSdUhu M aoyothertfrt^laee fioMliathe O^. •^I wish 1 was a saloon," said « loviog wo- man to her husband. "Why?" he enquired, with tome dqp?(B of snrprise. "Oh, because you would run in eighteen or twenty times a 4ay to see tne." Oiil how tl«e*aiid weaki lie!, ljm' Wter^ wfl wiu, Mjimâ€" ^^^ ^^ Wood and •" ** *•" F. E DIXON CO. MysBftMlaren ef Mar Btwet Leather^ Belting I BtPrtoeTJate^ad The Beady Mixed Fomts MAKUrAOnntBD BT A. BAiSAT ft 8018, nifBIAL, d oa and TurpentiiM. ne â- n te a la«a estaetgvsaM I SB dew at aar Mm. Aik aiegraandfai Pure Unaeed AawiMB lOnd Paiati an wtthSOloste of 8oda,aad ai __ Car Banun^^od aee that yon Set tbeoL ' ApiMr to WHAT SHALL I DBINK THS MOHTSBRKar Lime JVnit Juice. Oordial, most vbolcwme. daUehm a»d raCraAkig bofmge. Btrietly pore and entirely free ftom Aleob(£ Gold Medal Oalontta SzfaiUtioa. Bddte altdniBMa luadgroceia. Soto- proprietors H. SOODBT XVAnsi OO., Montreal. Agenta, JAa H. PBABOB 4 00, Toronto, THE GXCE.^I? MmiAL FUR AND SEMI-OIITEHNIiL IXFOSmOH, •f Uve ateck, P*aUiT,«aliT*AcrteaI««raI mMA HrnnUmHwrml Pr*daets, Inaide- memtB,aHm «t aU TORONTO, SEPT. 10 TO 20. Tbe Kargest Prize Ust Im tke Vomlmton. Prize liiats and Bntxy forms can be' obtained from the Secretarlea of all Agricultural Socie- tiesand Mechanics' Insdtntes. or they win be sent anywhere on application br post-caid to the Secretary at Toronto, amtirics elese Ang. SSrd. aapetftoti OoiMt:lHBl WLelsnant Wa» nMMft flMttWaofc IffamrtaetJwa t^ THE OROM PTON OORSETOO,' illanUni Boyal laUSteunsUpir taBK Qoebae arery Batordaar toUiwiooI^ deg-jTrtj^s-uasedr *K%!*^ â- '".^ ^n^ag «iaiw ba. Md nia iw w and Boatga and ffliigoa 1 aSijg jwBBMr betwaantertwDaai -^^- --_ -~jtoa and GUawow ewy mak. Yvc fMshb passage, w othw «"*tinatlnn apply to JL Sonumacher C!a, Balttmoce: d. Onnaid A: O^HaliCax Sheafc Oa, St. John's NJ-.: Wan. XhMuonApo.. St John. H.B.; Altai ft Cjs.. CUeage; Leve ft Aides. Maw Tories H.Boiirlier, Toronto Allans, Bae ft Go. Qaebeo H. A. Alton. PorOaad. BostsB. Itot- treaL raDdBostoa TbeHswBllFatent UntTDrai ennaer. Award of Gold and Saverlfedala.« VBHELLAOHAPIl Pn^'Uton, 958tJame»«t wee Mositraai These MUle time, grind any ktaaA of 0»ln very fkst and wit hew i feeattayb Larger Sine iCQls worl___ â€" on same ptlnoliue with cUfllsrent style of cutter, grinding pboih Vhates, gold and. Wcmt ores, quarts, plaster, elay. bones, ilsh-sorsfs. bark, ftc. Please oall or write fOmartionlve- Tks wai be the firandest Krent ottvtum- te's SeaaHCenteanlal tm*. â- Am inaaaeBse Mntoal Mamage Endowment As'n, nraOBPOBATKD, ^HEAD OFFICE. LONDON, 0^T.â€" Iimea OertifloateabQih 91s to 13,000, parable on mar- riaae, at foUowuf rates. "' ^2 o' laU oertifloate,$4: qnarterly dnea in ad. raooe, S0l76^ ' _Var|MOOCIartUaate.«ft:^«iiartarir dnea in adraoee, iLOO. "" ror tS.000 Oertifieate. «10: qnarteriy doea is adTanee. leeraveetalAStraeMeMls bslag prepared rer that ttnae. Cheap Bates a»d Bxearslens em all KaOways. The Mrat TInae te vlUt the City ef VeireMe. Wall for It. J. J. wiTm«w, Presldemt. â- . A â- n.K. igec « Beeretary. Teswita, :CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS. Are the Latest, Neatest, Lightest, Cheapest, and most Stylish Tops In the market. FACT9KT A» 8AIiKIB»«Mt 407 King Street test, forontOi Per sale by aU thtf leading Cantage BallderS. â- '^t-: 4^6uy no other until you see thsm. iqoar- jrcar 93,000 OertiAcale, «U: viartady dnea in adiaaoa, $3.00^ A paroentioe cS the Vaea applied towardi a re- serre fond. Vbt only oaah paymenti leiiDired at the tineof making appObation for a oerUfloate. nia re- mainder of ths liaUUtyis made ap o( atitaHnSnti at the rate« n.80 on eadifl,l00iqiontiMBarriase'O(n ben. U aaaeiHnenti made the flnt year pajalde^ tialr. •Tiinti npon ttin preaimit larsn â- â- »t"*r^i twr rrf the pafment of a aanuiar of Kndowments, and a lafa and reliable inreetment for yoanspewla. Band tor By- Law* and follpartiealan. W. XulLAOH, Saetetary, L o nd on. Ont. THE MODEL Washer AUD BLEACHER Wd|JiBbut8poa9d8. OaabaeantedinaamallraSa niartraUon ihowi M««hna in boiler. Batiifaotiaa guaranteed or moner refonded. • IMMO AKWABO POB ITS SUPnUOR. Waahing made lifht and easy. The dotbea have that rare whiteneee whioh no other mode of waaUnc oan pro* dnoe. Ko rabbing lieqidred, no tri^ion to fiajnre the fabne. A 10 year old girl oan do the waahing aa well as ao elder penon. To place it inerety hooaeholdm pbios. has BKDUOSD to $8.60, and if not fonnd latirfaatoiy, i refonded. See what the "Canada P^ebyterian,! ^oot it-TheUodel Waaber and Bleaoherirt^bl W^ Oeonia offers tiie public liaa many and adTantagea. it ia a time and labor aarlng ma w ih e t a nfiat and enduring, and ia Tetyoheap. VIomAa in the houaehold we oan testify to its ii«»««iii^w, IMirered to any«u i w »i oiBoeintheProT in eea of te tario and Quebec. Ohatgeapaid93.00L Send for droolaia. AGENTS WANTED. C. W. DENNIS, TOBONTO BARGAIN HOUSE, tU Y«V«B gTBBBT. T«B«HT*. eHT. :) BAITUPAOXUBBBS OP (:â€" intsi €kttm ^vU mA Mtvtt fl«t«. Sew loA, Seridfli (Ct), CUM«i^ SaaFxttdaBo, Lwdaa, (£«.K BBllHJfr F4CI0BI-G«r. |3nuiM Md WePbigtoii Streata, Haialtton, Ofet. TBAOB areoompei: to tbe abore faet that onr are being aoclose- 1847 Begera Bras. Al. K^ UJ Ml it.):