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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Jun 1884, p. 5

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 Meaford, a(Ir. Jaa. DcATHi: md, on the SWh.a ^temeaia, on tSe kmson eldest iiing, ill his Say [akkdaiJ ... $0 60 to ' "60 to 00 to 00 to BO to • 15 to 13 to ,30 t» 7 00 to 7 W) t^ ••••"••••• "175 to n«hly Fairs, -Saturday before 1 -Monday before Tuesday before Oi â€"Monday before hi 0- -The second Thn li. nestâ€" Third Wedn h -Monday before Doi Third Tuesday in -Monday before Dn 11â€" Last Wedoesdi Ej. IVAKDELl, K'lfcEANDDEIlLER f'vomptly attended to, Hi'l Owen Sound L^if^E STOCK I PRICES LOW 1^0 misrepresentation of I (roods. Special lines in Ameri- go to R» J.^|^!e*s Flesher- •iiEif. Watches and Clocks. Co. Silver Plated OR SALE. ToM n. 9, Enphrapia, 8 3 iiom Bocklyn, coni cres cleared and in gi fiD to run reaper and irdwood bash â- witli ng. Well waterad wil uiy 10 rods from, barn, ard, house, bam and steam saw miU on n( !ed can be given. Foil ]y on the preir ises to SAMUEL WEIGi Bocklyn 6 can Meridan ^are. Specks, Chains.Charms Kinf^s, etc. 18 k. Wedding Rings always in stock. Musi- cal instruments, ViolinStrings. I personally attend to all (atch Repairing ?nd fuiiy warrant the same, Fair chr.rges. â-  ' W. A. BROWN/ Other Items. "oTICES in theae columfis intended to benefit M imUvidunl or Society will be charged ten ctnts a I'fic for the first iusertion and five (ittsaU'te e'ich subiequent insertion. F., is to be lutcier 8I« jats the Aountry can i id TO ALL PART^ WHERE ORDEE public patronage res] |e Ptand in McNea'sKij ;OGE TRELFM 1 |l,l. hursebi ;tinthedomii It once on Fall sales, lixed salaries to all Una lÂ¥oinen pleasant YBAB bot lire earning from ?40] spenses. Ifit free. Ai^dress -WELLINGTOStI Toronto f SURGEON, JCOVCHEB, Inpthj attended to. ^nd Contra Brick and stone rtf fpromptJy attended J mabkpalb YARD A Lodge of I. 0. organized m Meaford. SiATUTK labor 13 the order of the day in all directions. Keady made clothing selling cheap atBrandei-'s, Priceville. â-  The Ontario and Quebec Eailway irill be open the 1st July. Our sidf walks are being repaired and alar';e portion rebuilt. J.E.Trimble is bound tc please' yon both iu quality and price of Koods. The best is the cheapest, you can ilvays get satisfaction at Brander's, Priceville. Don't stop tp consider but go straight to J, K. Trimble's for cheap goods in l11 lines. Don't forget the cattle fair on Saturday the 5 th July, a number of good buyers will be present. Ms. CuEEiE. our egg dealer,shipped last Tuesday to New Yoi-k 9,000 dozen ol eggs, Did you see the City Hotel, sign it ffas painted by R. O. Whitby,, sign and carriage painter. The preserving season is close at bud and the plaT^e to get cheap sugars isat J. E. Trimble's. Mb. Plewes has added a stock nf groceries to his businesH on Mill St. ^m him a call. Bottled Als and Stout only 15 ots. per bottle, or two for 25 cts. at Ben- son's Liquor Store, Merkdale. Mb. Tkibaudeau has 22 cows this samriier and sends the milk to Mark- Me cheese factory. For Ready made otdered cl6tlung J. E. Trimble's is the cheapest Store an tLe County. The people say J. R. Trimble's 36c. tea knocks the spots off anything in liie t€a line, ever brought to Markdale. Mr. J, Barb of Melanethon ased "iT, only a few months a widower, was ^iiiited in the bonds of holy wedlock '*3t week, to a fair widow aged 48, T^^i-nip Seeds.â€" A lar«e variety of superior quality at the Medical Uall, A. Turner Co. Cow KILLED.â€" During the Thnnder ^torm last Sunday, the lisrhtning 'ruck acow belonging to Mr. Thib^- ^eau. causing her death. -^ Cash paid for any quantity of eggs the egg depot Dousflas block Markdale. There has been more real wanp leather daring thi«mMitb than therie 'as during the Sumra^M,!' f^' Just amved at Benson's for Domin- ion Day, a freeh stock of Oranges. Lemim8,8trawbj*rie8. Jellies, Jama, Pickles by bulk 20 cts. a quart. The 12th or July â€" Holland Dis- trict comprising six lodges have decided to celebrate the Battle of the Boyne at WiUiamsford Station the coming 12th. WiLLiAMSPOBi) will celebrate Domin- ion Day by horse races, games and sports, for which prizes will be awar- ded, and will wind up with a grand hop in. the evening. Mb. Thos. Edwabds of the 6th line Glenelg plowed up a field which he had this spring seeded twice with oats, and sowed it with barley last week. Geo. Grant Co. of this village have received another larger order for doors and window sash from Pert Arthur, they have promptly filled the order. The Semi-annual meeting of Grey Divisian Grange No. 2, will meet at the farm at R.J. Doyle's, Esq,, near Owen Sound, on Thursday next, the 3rd July. Thr Mill rights are making satis- factory progress putting in the rollers in Mr, Ford's mill, and the new process is expected to bo in operation in about two weeks. Me. Wabdell, who is now in this district drilling wells, has been very successful in finding a good supply of water in the various places where he has drilled. The Queen's Hotel at Port Arthur was burnt last Saturday morning. Wm, Macpherson, a commercial traveller from Winnipeg, was burned to death. The totalloss is $25,000; insurance, $14,000. Manitoba Cbops. â€" According to the first official crop report of the season for Manitoba, there 18 good prospects for an increase in the wheat crop of 2.000,000 bushels oyer last year. Oats is largely decreased. Best Yet.â€" Henry Boyce pf Glenelg made the best fishing of the season on Monday last in Rowe's lake, Hol- land with hook and line, he took in 51 speckled beauties which weighed35 lbs six of them measured 18 inches. When you visit Markdale on Do- minion Day don't forget, but call at Benson's Grocery and Liquor Estab- lishment. They have a tresh stock t»f Groceries and Liquors which they will sell cheap for cash. The contents of the Revere Hotel was sold under the hammer on Mon- day for rent and other claims. Hnskett Bros, are now re-fitting the premises throughout which wiU be again opened in a short time. We have received a copy of the prize list of the Toronto Industrial exhibition to be held firom the 10th to the 20th of September. It is gotten up in usual neat and attractive style, and contains all necessary information in reference to the commg Exposilion. Mb T B. McOomb, of Meaford, is coming to Markdale about the Ist July to remoye buUdings Those in need of any such work will do well to see Mr, McCcmb, as he is a capital hand and has the necessary machinery, for making a safe and complete job. The Mariidale cattle -fair in July is expected to be by far the largest yet he?d in Markdale, Messrs. James Bennett and Henry Savage, extensive drovers of Orangeville h^ve promised to be on hand and other strangers are «pected to be here together Wiethe local buyers, fiemember Batoraay the 5th July. i «,^ BBFOitK-Wother paper is ws"®^ *^^ path«i«8teS^m tbe^^lage ^^^^' Lve their work all complete for ^e year, and i^eho^tosee^M?*'"' ^Sedhyteftr5i|«P?W»^«a»;«^^ i-ii.„-'Wfi, all rbllioff atones pleared '5J i: Sfjij a,'.;ns _, Thb Owen Botindi Qhatsworth. Wmiamsfdrd .jStetion, and Walter's Falls, OddfeUows «xcart to Markdale to-day(Thar8day), a large gathering is expeoted and we hope a pleasant time will be spent. Let each citizen do what they can to make the pic-nic an enjoyable one. That PAaABLB._The Editor cf the Adcanee makes a feeble erfort to prove his charge, yiz., that ttie parable referred to is blasphemous. Evidently it struck him m a tender spot, as well as his informer, hence the animosity displayed Considering where it comes from we do not deem his vapouiings worthy of further notice. The Chatsworth correspondent to the O. S. Adrsrtiter says "A number of young men, while returning home from a party near Holland Centre a few mornings ago encountered a bear and three cubs. The old bear showed fight and man- a«,ed to escape as also did two of the cubs, but the third one was treed and put an end to with a shot gun." The many friends of Mrs. John Rowe, will be pleased to hear of her safe arrival in her new home in Manitoba, having met her husband in Brandon, and proceeded 80 miles beyond to their present location, Mrs. 6. expresses herself, in a letter, as highly pleased with the country and the people, her expectations being more than realized. It coneealsthe evidenoe of a^ 'One ap* plioatian will make Ae most stubbonilT red and roqgfa hands beatiitifaliy soft and 'wliite. B«Bember that "MAY Dls W ia not a pamt «nr powder that fiHs up the pores of the ekia, and that is injaFioaa to tiie skin, bdt aijew and great ctisooveiy, a v^etable liquid, that causes the die^ to kIow wi^ health, %iia neck, arms and luuids to rival the LUy in whiteness. Impossible to d(teet in the beauty it eonfers any artificial diaracter. It cnras greasy Skin, Fzeckles. Wrinkles^ Pimples. Blaok Heads, Crow's Feet, Blotohea, Face Grabs, Son liom, T-in, Kingwoim, Ohapped Hands, Sore or Chapped Lips, Barber's Itch, Tetter, etc. It frees the por- es, oil glands, and tnbes from the injarions effects of powders and cosmetic washes. By its use all redness and roughness are pro- vented it Deautifies the skin, and will make it soft, smooth and white imparting a de- licious softness imparting a perfectly healthy, natural and youthful appearance. The best fpce lotion that the world ever pro- duced. We will send "x IiAboe bottle" to any address on receipt of price, 81. When oitiering ueiitiott this paper Address all letters to the MAY DEW AGENCY, 167 Church Street, Toronto, Ont. Parlor and Beceptiun Boom for Ladies. Trade CanadiaiiPaciMiiilvay (ONTARIO DIVISION.) Change ot Time- C0M'ENCINGM0NDAYMAY19.84 V ♦ ' ?HEUMA ca' gether .J^sT KECErvED.â€" motfth prjajps, yin striDgs. aiid fiff?*, »t A- ^«»wn'8 Jewellery Stori* Ma»ka«le. Send the SxANDABnto your feienil ;w lives at a distance. Itwfll onlr "you 50 cents for baljiincs :ot '34.: Jain from indigesMon flr*llii h«»fl ^e IB instantly relieved Wr^B^^ ' 'wjuvinator BitteM^ «W© Iw '^andherbs. .4.^6 toaether with aUrbiUing atones Xthe-streate ther^y ^1«»W «« ^ectef neatnewjuid^toh •bout their yrork.^' ' " " i?A#t Qekt PiiiB liri?'â€" T^f ^Py w^^- B *»«*«•« •"its J Mb, John McEknna has purchased a lot opposite the Revere Hotel, and is making active preparations to erect a large blacksmith shop thereon, Mr. McKenna is a good mechanic, an honorable business man and a desirable citizen and we are' glad the late fire, in which he suttered heavy loss, did not cause him to leave our village, Gabden Pabtt. â€" TheLadies of Christ Churcb will have a lawn party in Mr. G. Walker's orchard ou the eveniug of Dominion Day, there will be music proyided and various amusements, together with refreshments, consisting of ice Cream, lemonade, strawberries, c.. Admission to grounds including refreshments 25 cts. Children 15 ets. Gate open at 6:80 P, M. Official Celebbation Queen's BiBTHDAY. â€" The Ontario Gazette con- tains the foUuwing public notice â€" "Saturday, Ihe 28th day of June, instant, having boen-fixed by His Ex- cellency tiie Governor- General for the official celebration of the present year, of her Majesty's birtnday, public notice is hereby given that his Honor the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to direct that all public offices be closed ou that day." Babhead Mills.-â€" Since Mr. W. J. Rowe, purchased the above mills he has overhauled the saw mill and put in new machinery throughout an added a circular saw, and is now running it everv night while he runs the grist mill during the day. He has a fine stock of logs in the yard and will do a good season's work. We are pleased to be able to note the above improve- ments m reference to Mr. Rowe who is well and favorably known as a man of honor as well as push. Chitbgh Opening,â€" The Presbyterian church atsFlesherton will be opened next Sabbath, 29th June, Rev. Mr. Smith, of Toronto Will preach at 10:80 p m, and 6:30 p. m. and Rev, D. C. McDowell at 2:30 p. m. Collections ill be taken up at each service. A tea-meetu3g will be given in the Base- ment from 4 to 7, Tuesday evening the 1st July, after which the Rev, Mr. Smith will deliver his popular lecture. "The sms of the Pew" in the Cnurch. Wk exceedingly regret to have this week to publish the death of Mrs. John Cffisar of this village, deceased wm but a f9W day J ill, being^ taken^ with pleurisy which was followed by inflamation^ and congeat^n of tibe lungs and Uver.and despite ^6ff^ of medical skill* deathi eUimed its victim on 3«Hd.^ afterfloon.. Sirs. Cfflsar was but 29 yeats flf age and leaves s htisband aod five smaU chil- dren to fnoura her P«p:M«5"*f I oommpnity in hi* sSftd. Oe traih on Molid^ ♦" JJ^i*^ Si in m^m'M'y^ ^i^' ]?l0fwui op Tw»8d»y» Toronto,Grey and Bruce Division. TORONTOâ€" Depart 7:20 a, m., 5:00 p. m, " Arrive 10:45 " 10:00 " Note â€" Mixed train leaves Parkdale 7:40 a.m. MAEKDALE Steam Woollen MIC. Credit Vaiiey Division. Toronto, depart 7:10 a.m, 1:05 p.m, 4:50p.m •• a.nve '9:80 " 3:45 " 7:00 " Note â€" Mixed train leaven Parkdale 1 a, m. An additional train will be run in connection with the "CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINE," I^eavingr Toronto 11:30 D. McNICOL, Gen. Pats. Agt. W. WHYTEl General Manager. The undersigned would respectfully return thanks to their many customers and friends for the very liberal support accorded to them during the past, and would solicit a continu- ance of the same, as we are now ready to at- tend to all work intrusted to our care in CUSTOM CAEDING, FULLING and WEAVING in first-class style. As we have put on new cards, and made other improve- ments, we will endeavor te do as good work in the future, if not better, than we haye ever done in the past. Customers wishing to haye their wool carded, spun and made into blankets or flan- nel, on cotton warp, can have their orders attended to by leaving their wool as early as possible. Please remember the place. Mill Stree^ west of the Bailway Station, MARKDALE STATION. TBAIH8 LEAVE AS follows: ' GOING SOUTH,â€" Express 6:27 a. m. " " Mixed 8:38 » Steamship Express 12:00 noon, " •• Mail 5:30 p. m. The Steamship Express, going south, does not run on Saturday. 188-203 F. J. RITCHIE Go. GOING NORTH,- m. lifail 12:00 p Mixed 3:26 " " " Express 9:28 " J. CSISAR, Agedt. The Steamship Express, going North, does not stop at stations between Flesheiton and Owen Sound. MUTUAL MD ASSOCIATIOH. EUGENIA Grist, SafandLathMllla Having made eqtehsive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give goiod satisfaction. GOODf FLOUR ALWAYS ONHANtti Chopping Done Every Day, HEAD OS FICE TORONTO, ONTARIO. INCORPORATED AUGUST 24,. 1880. Under Charter Act 167 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, entitled an Act to Incorpor. ate Benevolent, Provident and other Societies. Custom {Jawing and shortest notice. Bills Filled 6n We „ ALWAYS- LUMBER AND LATH ON HAND. Cherry, Bui.:3rnnt, White Ash, Black Ash BasBwood, Pine ^nd Hemlock Logs wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OF $6C,000 Filed with the Hon, S, C, Wood, (Ex-Pro- vincial Treasurer of Ontario), as Trcstee for the Association. BOARD OF DIRECTORS WiLUAX Renhie, Esq., Toronto, President. A. GiFFOBD, Esq,, Meaford, Out., Yice-Pres. W. Pbmbebton PAGE,E8q„Toronto, Secretary E. H. HiLBOBN, Esq Uxbridge, Treasnter, R. H, R0BEBI8ON, M, D,, Toronto, Medi( Director, Gw). H, Watsoh, LJj.B., 'Toronto, Solicitor, S, W, Hill. Esq., Ridgeyille, Membership Superintendent. J. P, Bull, Downsview. 0. H. MdMTosH, M. P.. Ottawa. Lewis Wiols, M. P, P,» Leamington. Thos, Mbmzies, Peterboro. Pkxbb Gbahau, M, P, p., Warwick. EXECUTiye COMHITTEE: WILBJSNKIE, W.P.PAGE, J. P. BUM.. AUreu ail CommtmicaXieitt toihe SeereUsni: ir. PBMBJBB PAGte, :^ 87 tiBH Street West. TorpotA^^ EOBT. ASKIN, M:AlfcK:iAlL.E* Has opened ont a First-Class ^ftuNDERTKING E8TABM8HMENT. Andthereture has supplied a want long felt„ COFFINS, CASKETS, SHBOUPS, and an FUNERU. FORIISillllBf: Bnppiliedoi(]thef(iurt^ notice. 'â-  .! -1.;' !i BiiS 'â-  â- ' " • ttf.)4re at miodeia^ rates. THOS. MANN Agent, MarlnTnlB AI«o aSentffS' Domi4i^4^e MntoalFice Ih^cu^ce Ai«^ou#:c â-  'a l':f u t « I f il 'it

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