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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Jun 1884, p. 4

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 PTT^ • i rm^ i f' p^ I 1^^ " Huy\ :4% â-  1? A t. 1^ f1' •1 1 J ' " â-  ' ii. fl' ^9 1 Tto St»ttdai:d. MAB£i)AL£ JUNE. 26, 1884. Flesherton. Trem.aur own eorretpotidtnt. In the absecce of the pastor, the Bev. Ml. McDowell, who was for th* " past two weeks attendiug the confer- ences of the church. The pulpit work has been very efficienljy sustained by local talent. Mr. Thomas Osbom who lias for many years been a zealous worker and lay preacher, occupied the pnlfot' in the morning, and Dr. Christoe Tery acceptably in the even- ing last Lord's day. Rev. Mr. McGregor, Baptist Min- ister, preached a very earnest and thoughtful sermoft on "Temperance," in the Town Hall, last Sabbath morn- ing, selecting for the foundation of his discourse the words found in Habak kuk, n. chap., 15th verse, '-Wo unto him that giveth his neighbor drink." At the close the speaker made a very earnest appeal to the people to come out boldly and go forward fearlessly in the struggle for Eight, Religion and Temperance. We would be pleased to see more of our ministers take, the same position as Mr. McGregor, and thus bring through a very proper channel to the people this very import- ant question, Temperance. We hope and expect to see a mon- ster pic-nic of Temperance people here on Dominion Day. Come one â€" come all and let us haye a grand gala day. Mr. Bunt, of Wellington, has been spending a few days in this village with his brother-in-law, R. J. Sproule, Esq Mrs. Bunt intends remaining with her sister Mrs. Sproule, for a short time. Priceville. From our own correspondent. Preparations for tlie celebration of Dominion Day are being made on an extensive scale. Proceeds to be applied to the Presbyterian church rather a new departure. The Messrs. Watson are re-building their workshops recently destroyed by fire. Priceville school examination will take place Fnday 27th, parents and guaraians should attend Mr. Dickson and Miss Nichol are very efficibnt tea- chers of mind moials and habits. Our enterpriiing townsman Mr. James is doing a thriving business in the manufacture of leather, he also turns out a superior article in harness. The Scott A.ct is commonly discussed and will likely be in force e'er long. es- Mt. John C^«i^ " Wk had alrfen4tere«il«n day iroBi Mr. J. ElS^^ «* iWrtMter, ionuerly of Markdakf^! Mr. HaU of the Dundalk HeraU gave us a call Wednesday. .if-. ^.. owey. That the vm^^^ aiipprtioiifeiiM «)w»ir ^; Lost. hi â-  .-•â- â-  ".1* i? /.f ^Jf !*?« '• 'â- :' Moved by Mr. OailuBKth. sdcoWed by Mr. WiUwcroft, That thi« Cotincil ' tiliis year $095. 9. Eaplurasia Cewacil Meaford Road. From our own conrespondent. At a meeting of the officials and friends of the Sabbath School it was •decided to have an excursion to Owen Sound, on the 8rd July instead of pic-nic, but it appears this has not met with the approval of some parties who (as usual) stayed at home from the meeting, consequently another meeting has been called, and it is to be hoped that they will either attend or abide by the decision of those who do. Mr. J. W. Gooey lost a valuable cow recently which adds to his many misfortunes. Crops are looking well, the rain of Monday 16th and Sunday 23rd did much good. E. Brodie has been laid up for a week with a cut foot, he is however about again. Mrs. Johnston is visiting friends in this neighborhood. The Council met as a Court of Re- vision, on the l-Sth June 1884. Members all present except the Deputy Reeve. The folio wing^action was taken by the Court concerning the assessment tor the current year, viz., John Mc- Connel, reduced $100 Ni Lot 2, con. 2, non res. land, reduced $300; William Allan, reduced $100; William Douglas reduced, $100, Thomas McConnel, reduced $200; John Mclnnis assessed for N^ Lot 21, con. 11, Angus Mclnnis assessed for Si Lot 21. con. 11, Angus Mclnnis Jr., placed on the roll as farmer's son, Rufus Wickens, reduced $100 John Dales, rtdnced $100 Joseph Wilson and James Wilson assessed jointly for S. W.i of lot 21. concession No. 1, and George Wilson placed on the roll as owner, James Quiuten, reduced $100. The roll was then confirmed as finally revised. The Court arose. Council resumed. Minutss of last session of Council read and confirmed, Samuel Wright "was appointed pachmaster instead of William Overland, resigned. Mr. Hurd was appointed to expend a small aipount on building a culvert on 8d line at lot 13. The Reeve was appointed to employ men tu make repairs on 7th line at lots 12 and 15. The Reeve was appointed to expend $25 on side line 18 and 19, in Sd and 4th concessions. Money order was issued in favor of W. J. Boyd, for $36.50, payment for work on 9th line. Council adjourned until the first Friday in July next. ROBEBT DUNLOP, Tp., Clerk. spend on the roads tiiu year $C appOTtion^d as follows P-H. 15Q» 160, E. 180, W. 180.0; 18(0. • Moved by Mr. Oalbraith, seconded by Mr. WUliscroft. Th0 Dr. Kennedy be pathmaster m place of F. E vei^ Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by. Mr. Howey, That WiUard k Steadman be put in a road beat by themtrelves (WiUard to be pathmaster.) Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Howey, That the Cotiiioil act as road inspectors for Uus year.' Moyed by Mr. Galbraith* seconded by Mr. WiUisoroft, That this Coutcil grant $10 towards buying necessaries of life for Mrs. Sinclair. A petition was presented to the Council for aid to assist id paying the doctor s bill of Mrs. Sindair. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Williscroft, That the prayer of the above petition be granted by giving an order on the Treabuter for $10. Moved and seconded that the Council adjourn till the 10th of July. CxBSok Price, Clerk. StrtA», 'rritft ftiN =-V I.J. Ltftt^W S^le-^D. B.^ngat saleâ€" Dr.^ "-m^^ fm,o, BiRTHfe I^WBSOHâ€" In Meaford, J '.*fca wife of iii. j^g' Minror, of a daughter. DcATHsT â€"In Holland, on the Peter Kowe, aged 74 years ^^,"°~-^° Artemeaia, ob ,i. WUliam Wilkinson eldiV^^ #?**«* SStt^ 50 60 60 00 makkdale Fall Wlieat ;:,ypring WLeat Barley ftsaa •. Oat Butter Eggs Potatoes Hay Pork FJour ou 30 15 13 BO 7 00 7(K) 4 7J m Holland Coaacil. was park put loi on 2, ^.^ FlaTor and Tabte.â€" Tlie Diflfer- «ace. Mrs. Mulcahy paid an afternoon visit to her bosom friend, Mrs. Mc- Taggert, the other day, and when the latter was preparing a cap of the. liquid that cheers every ijood house- wife's. «oul, the former loqaired where the leaf had been purchased "for," said 2frs. M. ' 'they've got the knack ov docthrin' an' druggin' the tay so that jt can't tell by the flavor bat the minit yegitinyer month itreie^ itself. An' so wid ivery article in the ^jioeeiy line-Hio that's the reason I tor all me groceries at Benson's." â-  14i8.T.â€" *«Heclifl, an' so wudi U ihey hadn't quit the Itasiness." f Mzs. ILâ€" '•But sure, ha^^ dis jamag laBosrviBcd^ hinpm impi in Holland Council met on June 9th as a Court of Revision, Reeve in the chair. Robt. Telfonr's name Roll for west part of Chatswortb (as tenant.) Robt. martin's name was put on Roll for east part lot 2, con. 2. David Erwin's name was put on Roll for east i lot No. 3, con. 10 (50 acres.) Henry Lea's name was put on Roll for lot 24, con. 6; James Bryan's name was put on Roll for lot' 11, con. 9. Martin McCIean's assessment was reduced $180. W. Bradley's name -was put on Roll for lot No. 12, con. 10. â- 'â-  Peter George's assessment Vas" reduced $200. Moved and seconded, That the Roll as now revised be passed and engrossed on the minutes. After Court of Revision Council took up general business. Moved. by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, That Mr. Yeo be paid the sum of $37.14 as payment of claim on lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 east of Garafraxa street, Willianufbrd. Moved by Mr. Williscroft, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, T^at the account of Moses Smith for gravelling be paid. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Williscroft, That By-law Nx 6 for the purpose of reoailingi Bylaw No. 8 of 1883, U. S. S' li 11 and 3, be signed, sealed, aad- engrossed on tile Minutes. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Howey, That the Clerk prepare a By-law to. annex the Holland pq^tipBi-^ of U. S. 8. Ifo. 2^5. S.,to eevtiow No. 9 A 6^^ clerk to notify-idl, parties interested.' '• "'if-::_ y ^--^' Moyed by. ifr. NortAD, saeonded by Mr.HrUlisCTCjft, That Thos. Ckrk be a^(Hirtedaa arbikatw to eqaalise U «.Ko. ]^8,H.Jt£., and the -CSerk not9]r Eapfiraau ]bahctlL^" ' • ' â-  iiotel^by tfr/tJalbraith, seconded by Mr. Wflhseroft, That the Clerk ^vita to Pratt ()o. to refond tiie Mabkbace will celebrate Dominion Day, by horse races, games and sports. Bicycle race, Tug of War o., Great interest is expected in the tug of war between Glenel^ and Holland against Artemesia ,and Euphrasia, six men from each .township, the prize is $12, to the winning team. The Bicycle race will also be something new and interesting while the ladies pacing exhibition around the course will be most interesting and will doubtless stimulate a greater number to practic- ing that wliolesome exercise, on the nolle animia.1,' the horse. UNKNOWN TO SCIENCE. • That preperation is ondiscovered vhich cm snrpas Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberiy as a cure for Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and summer complaints. A Wabnino. â€" At last Devision Court we entered a case against a man who subscribed for the paper, took it a certain length of time and then returned it, we suppose because it supported Blyth too strongly. He bad to pay $1.50 and expenses instead of $1. We have been cheated out of dollars upon dollars in this way, in future if a man doesn't pay, we shall make him. Our business is all we have to depend on to pay our own debts, and wo have no rich politician to fall back upon, for assistance if we get in trouble. A word to the wise is sufficient; in many cases, it is tlioughtlessness, in others nieannpss, half the rascals who go to the States sneak off without paying for their paper, in future we vrill cnronide, each skipper.â€" DurhamCAronic/*. Health Happiness for all. WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, indigestion, Dizziness* Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every species of disease arising from ' Impuij^ Vlood, c c. rRKPAKSI) BY THE Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. FOB SJllE CHEAP. Combined Heaper and Mower near- ly new, would exchange it for a horse or cattle, Enquire of. Dr. Sproule, Mark- dale. â-  LOTS FOR SALE. C!omer of James and Sproule St., Mark- dale, well fenced with dose board fence. Price 9150.00. Also Park lot in Flesherton, coutaining four acres. Price $200.00- Terms S50.00 down, and ballance in two equal an- nual instalments at 7 per cent, perannnm. D.E. WEIGHT. Flesherton. monthly Pai,,^ Markdale â€" Saturday befoti erton. (Jhatswi rth -Monday bel( bam. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before yille. Flesherton â€" Monday befee viUe. Orangeville â€" Tho second Ij in each iDiintli. Monnt Forest, â€" Third ?, in each juciitli Prioevilleâ€" Monday before Dnihaiuâ€" Third Tuesday mouth. Hanover â€" Monday before Walkenon â€" Last Weda every month. SA.nLEj. UAKOEd TTTELL DIGGKEAXD DEIIial Vt orders promptly atteudftlal dence^Snider's HiJl Oweu 1 FAnms FOR SAIiE. Lot 117, con. 1 weFt, T. A S. Boad, Artemesia, containing 50 acres, 40 of of which are clearsd and under nltivation. Lot 8 part 15, con. 12, Holland 63 acres, 40 clearea; all necessary buildings thereon. Lot 13, con. 13, Glenelg, 100 acres aU bush. For terms and particulars applj F ARM FOR SALE. Lot S i 14, Con. 9, Enplirapiaji Markdale and 3 Iron: Bocklju.c 100 acres, 70 acres cleared audinp of cultivation, fit to run reaper and balance hardwood bush ^th cedar for f encini^:. Well Tatered i feiiling spring only 10 rods from 1 a .young orchard, house bam There -IB a new steam saw mill on i to it. Clear deed can be given. Fd particulars apply on the premises t SAMUEL WBIGI Bodinl J.O. Oct.16.1883. Auction Sale Of Valuable Farms â€"IN THB ICWNSmPB OF MTEMSI* MP CLENELe. Under the powers of sale contained in three certain mortgages from Koderick Mc- Lean, Murdoch Mclsaac and Donald H Mac Rae, rMpectively, to the vendors, which will be produced at the time of sale, and on de- fault bemg made m payment of the moneys ttiereby secured, there will be offered for sie bypnbhcanctioabyA.S. Vandnsen. Anl tioneer. at Munshaw's Hotel, in the vill^ of Flesherton, «n Monday the 1£S S^^ ,?' '"" ***** «* one o'clock pi the foUowing properties, viz. â- ' • ii-^*?^°' ^^' " the 2nd, and kt No 12 in the Srdcon., N. D. R., Axtem«Ja:M^Jt'i£' Onthe prepare aaid to be a W bm»e 5?SoSior "^^'-^ss bss. 'about 40 dSSdT "«•»»«•« V -Oaih* iwmiiBs «n ai csKhoMe atu|^ai(« huth^ IRVING, Markdale. 16 P.DUCQLON'S L IV E R Y IN HDIiL'S OLD STAND. '^llJ.L. STJREKr. O-ooci aaorses dhd comfortable Rigs at moderate charges. 196 TO Hef Botclier SM The best meats the country (»l^ kept on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL PARHI THE TOWN WHERE ORDB A. share of public patronage i solicited. Bemember the stand in McNes's^ 181 RUTLEDGETRELF 33S ACRES The undersigned is xrwumfacturing an ei- cellent assortment of School Fiii-nitoi-e;^ ' deai^ and^iaosf apiJroml pattern: tmbi» recoamMdMbyS(*5JMKn8teesand TeS er^. lor oheapn^si' W»mf6rt'and compartneBB, S*'«7"W^ Ana8«»fttofentolFaiinS »t«Hp*^ eh«tttfrt»h I" p. »~»«* r^-^nr 1 FONTHILL ]«VBSEBI THE LARGEST IN THE SAIjESMEN WAN3 To begin work at once on Fall sa ' employment at fixed salaries to all work, iri en and Wooiea tn^ pleasant JIIIFGRK TH-. YEAR i'0'1 'So(d'^(^nt8 are earning from pOT^aM^pHlt and expenses. iad" outfit free. Addres? STONE JtASELLlNGTOXj Toroat*! P»- :yi I MiYSfCIAM, SURGEOH, ACCOUCHES, dU ealU pmnpthj attended to. ISAAC STIxWOS- BuHl^er and Contri Ji* all kinds of Brick and Stone' Sstiniatea given. ^f^^'AU wtork guaranteed. I *ii: -JO 3.J0rd«m'by mail promptly attend ' ' ' MABKDALEl J0i^. 9Bt Da{|fte(Mi P«rne«nt. atiuM ol M* iL'^^t^^^^i^^s::^ ^ori^art{ea]Mt»j«p^ to iAGYARDf • â-  ♦ a y â€"^ i3 'Uv-« a "4* aruu ^1 **.! Ifiij YELLOWO heumati V â-  â- â- r liHltti v-^jj-..;:^. "• "-^ â- *â- - •

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