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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 Jun 1884, p. 1

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 u Mi TOT.; Mine ly irug] 5 "as. IS IQ week. LADIES. 8 CwboUo es on t^tf^iQ or face aad la Iso Ijeal auy g, fail. Thoni ^oggiat for^ Jeratc, aad (Jq tiling else clain-- cents per box it J. 4 J. Fellows aua ^] excurt to Q^ TO DO. anhealtliy, slowJi^B--| Parkes'earbohoewO?! ible for healing, eje^] amoving yovir trmA order, take with it A i-'s Speedy Core wl J;AJ. â„¢' u use Bejuvuuiierl implaint and kidtteTj Smitb, the baclia.j iral appetite, iret isions, are soma in Children deaboTI ow's "Werm Synip. ' I sure care foi ask â-  Smitb, the b4rb«.| pale hailow eheeks idicate Worms. Free.! 1 will quidtiy and effect- 1st Jan'iaiy 188£;| ively now. agar coated, he best Stomseh apply at this offie».| 3 OF WHISZET. islcey are always on alcoholic stimn • cure coaghs and i a viper. Uaf^aid'il remedy that is all t bronchial and oes harm to any oat, d the Standai ' the year for iddressj try it,] TRANSACTIONS, Irands i)erpetrated advertised Not so with Hagjad'aj as as eyer the Qaedicine for all Fith which hamaa i ibatb School inf Nic on July icted. Go uoA â€" Com, PRESENT, [utchinson, Eal^' Trial Bottle ol W fox Consoni] " jrocure a large him, when I everything else nchitis, Hoarr" kll Threat and inteed to cnra. ^er A Cki's Drug _., ^o^ire €. O. O. -At the me C. 0. O.P. ofBcers were Hamilton, roerittg, To 9t; TbOB. !ret»ry(reele ronto, treM id master, T. 3ke, Tbo«. Vi Walmdey. eetatToroi lANAlfEf |fromtheI*ti» litionthai tb«. le'8 flesh. ItV. ], andleadesto^ bility, king'8 "^4 ' of th« B««»^ I safierw " «s, ia «»• A cOTd. BnraoMjJ theliesi: EtWICA SAlil lot .I,"' » foL. 4.-N0. 'i â-  *?s.M:%/i .Jfc 'X'k -rr rm-n^ -i^' 1: ij^tr .. ... ' f •^ ' V ' ' ' 'i '"" ' â-  ' "' '*â- "' "" 1 '"li^Mi'l' I IE Harkdale Standard Mill a rofessi jcolanin. .„„esv Thuisday, at the office, ""street, Markdale. .5,1 |ier year in advance; $1.3 ri'j ffitliiu three months. sional and business cards dne iach â- '1 uuder, vev year, §4. 1 YR. 6 MO. 3 M». ..?oO 00 »27 50 515 00 N ,„nin 27 00 Xo OC 10 00 ,«,laiim.. .. 1=^ 00 10 0.1 6 00 [4 space 7 00 4 ©8 Sbsimce.... H.0O 5 0©_ Ll advei-tisements 8 cents per liVie iirst ,j cents per lire each subsequent jjon! nonpareil measure, Kmrial iiotices, or notiees in local col- llO cents per line first insertion, 5 cents [sabsequents insertion, mvanimals Ac, advertised 8 weeks for advertisement not Do exceed twelve 1 paper discontinued UBftil all arrears id except at the aption ot the publisher. -job~pr1ntinc.- â€" jSiA-VDABD office has a splendid equip- Lf poster as well as fine job type. Spe- littentioa to orders by mail. Orders Isith dispatch. [\V. RTJTT^EDOE EDITOR AND PROPRIETOE. NEWSPAPER LAW. liiiT'pefsou who takes a newspaper regn- frciin the post office, whether directed 5 name or another's, or whether he has 1 or netâ€" is responsible for ihepay- l if a person orders his paper discontin- jeffn^ pay all arrearages, or the puh- I may continue to send it until payment ide, and then collect the whole amount. tothepaper is taken out of the office |lfSab3cribers refuse or neglect to take nlieals ornewspapers from the office to itheyare directed, they a^e held re- â- le tmtil they have settled their bills. leConrtshave decided that refusing saevspapers and periodicals from the |i«ce, 01 removing and leaving them Bed for, is prima facie evidence of in- ional biud. iC«0Sl. Frost A: Fro«t, ISTEES, AND ATT0RNEY8-AT flew, SolKitors in Chancery, Convey B,it'e., Owen Sound, lutve resumed at Mon, Office open every Thursday, as ifoie. ' dFkost, J.W.Fbobi.LL. B. J Crown Attorney. 1 J. IVIASSOIW, IISTER, MASTER AND DEP. BEG fa Chancery, Notary Public, Convqran' l!iniB£r. OF FABJiIS FOB SAIiB. ISâ€" Owen Sound, in Vic.ker'B Block «St.; Branch office in Markdale, over id's Store, on Friday andSatniday KeL 57-ly Creasordr MnrrisoB "P- -xve,S0LICIT0BS. CONVEY- I c. c, i in Owen Sound, Duffeiin Block, p. F. Wolf's Store and in L_ MARKDALE; [,"'J.McFaTland's Store on Thnrsday lyof each week. inde to lend on reasonable, toma. [^soa, Q G DuHCAS Mqbuoh 'lie, March 15. 1882. 79-ly Alexander ' of Marriage Lioenses, Fire and Inswanee Agent. CoBuniwionei ^^ e. Conveyanoer and Lieens^ w for the County of Grey. Farmers, ^. Slid Land Sales, Functnally at- uid charges made very moderate. «.Sept.l7,1880. 1-y Wm. Bro^m, 'pF MARBIAGf! LICEN8ES,Ao "ioner in B. B. Ac. "'sg in all its branches prompt^ Uw and carefully executed. ^oney to Lend on Beal Estate se ERE HOTEL, *Hn cherry, PROPRIETOB. I 'P^ar Hotel lr» «« above has ohanMd hands will cater to uie vwb '•ie. Good rtabhngamd Mtaiithre ^oe best brands of lifaor and iSl"'*^ and comfortable .rooms, ISDJy. ercial room. (l^TE MOHKOWJHOUSl.) '" j^ ^TSWOBTH, Oat. McLE0D P»0!WU»K««. • ^oodmealsanaen Good sfaadfat Jas. Bryaii, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL, ]W[ARKHA1^E, John SIcAlecr, Proprietor. This house is fitted up in good style. sUu- ated on Mill sti-eet, where the travelling pub- lic may depend on the very best accommo- dation. Union bus to all trains. l()4 mamdIleISe, MABKDALE, ONT, MRS. RUTLED6E, PROPRIETOR. THOS. CARTER, M.D. Physician Surgeon, c. Bes^ence MARKDALE HOUSE* MabkdjTiK. ROUSE PlINTER, GEAINEB, (±LAZIER AND PAPER HANGER, OALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. I Residence oj^site Pliming Factory, IVr ARlikJD A. l^E. Obdxbs SouaxBD. Estikaxbb Givxh. 192-205 SEEDS SEEDS mPOBTED- â€" FIELD MD aiRDEN SEEDS B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.C P. S., O. Physician and Suroeon, Priceville, Graduate of University. Vict. College. ., „ New Tork, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, „ „ Ayleth Medical Institute. „ „ Opthalmie Hospital, N.Y. MemberColl. Physicians ife Snrgeors.O. 104 J. P. MARSHALli, L.D.S. OENTIST, GRADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Butledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the let and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prae tkse of his profession. 122-47. W.G.RICHARDS, BUILDEB, CONTBACTOB, ABCHI- xbct. â€" ^Besidence on ilill Street, Mark- dale. 1241y Fa,sliiona.1le Tailor, OVEB MACFABL Aim's 8T0BE. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. HAMILTON'S PHOTOeMPH sillerY iwLAjaKioAr^E. OVER THK STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest sizes and shapes, fally equal to city work. Special attention given to A large stock of monlding to choose from. Call and leave your measnre for a piotorei •J'a^. ITw.Tniltocu COMMERCIAL HOTEL PBIOBSVnjIiB. Ont. Large aud eommodioiis Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, 4c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the awket af tods gdbdStoWing andatten^TeHosttw's ' *TH09. ATDHSON. Propnetor COHtl^CTOII â- Catni^ taksB for aB kMa lf nM in STOK «MK ftite (hBan(tetainMltfiai C4asondiung in att Shad«$ and Colon. â- BteedL Owfeafcftt*al»e SaaAaaf ^i^ 'm L-/-J' fcee,aeMtoi»o* m teiii Mil t;i tilt ^ixqs' The place to buy your Seeds is at PARKER'S, Drugstore, DURHAM. NEW 6R0GERT STORE IN CONNECTION WITH Plewes' Flour and Feed Store. Having just received a CMen. Fresh and Setoef stock: of Teas, fSng^ax-s, Tobacco, A:c, Which will he sold VERY CHEAP. I respectfully soUcit the public's patronage. 193 J. PLEWES. Franco Cliinese War. Nothwithstanding the desolating war now raging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at the Wd EoM, lluliale Having imported prior to the open- ing of hostilities, a. sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other departments of the Grocery trade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- SAND those who assume to transact business by purdiaaing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest on long credit, (hirimpbrtsof*; ;tv â- ,, PfiESERYED MEAT?. SALMON LOBSTERS/SARDIKES, HAMS, BAC0N,A8S0RTE0 PICKELS and eveiy articles in the grocery trade LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. Wine for Bacramental purposes warranted pure. Brandies direct from the man- SlMtuTer and all other bndsof liquors. Coffees,' Teas and Tobaccoer^nnot fail to give satidaction. QtanMB. Lemons, Ac. Famfly Flour «p^ at Lowest Bates. TiaOS. 3l€ol?iBA:, T0WH8, VILLA0S8 AXO CDi:.TIVATBI HBUDS CAII9p8BaK. At the astronomical observatory of Berlin, says a translation from Nya Pressen Helsitgfor, a discovery hasC lately been made which, without doubt will cause the greatest sensation, not mlj among the adepts in science, but even among the most learned. Piof. Blendmenn, in that city, has found beyond a doubt, that our old friend, the moon, is not a taear lantern which kindly furnishes light for the loving youth and gas companies of our planet, but the abode of Uving, intelligent be- mgs, for which he is prepared to furnish proofs most convincing. The question has agitated^^^U|nanity from time immemorable,* and has been the object of the eratest interest. But the opinions have always difiered widely, and on two mindt held one and the same. Already m ancient times the belief prevailed that the moon was inhabited by some higher organized, intelligent beings, somewhat resembling man, and in order to communicate with them the earthly enthusiasts planted rows of trees several miles in length so as to form fhe figure of the Pj'tbagoreen theoren. The celebrated astronomer, Schroder, in the beginning of the present century, fancied that he could detect places on the surface of the moon which periodi- cally grew lighter and darker, and from this fact he derived the conelubion that the phenomenon was the proof of existing vegetation. During the last few decades, however, the idea of life on the moon had been held up to ridicule, and totally scorned by men of learning. But, nevertheless, it has now been proved to be correct. By accident I)r. Bleludnaann found that the observations of the moon gave but very unsatisustory results, owing to the intensity of the light power of the moon's atmosphere, which is that strong that it e£Eecta the cor- rectness of the observation in a very high degree. He then conceived tite idea to make the objec| glass of the refractor less sensitive to the rays of light and for that porpose he darkened it with the smoke o^ camphor. It took months ot experimenting before he succeeded in finding his right degree ot obscurity of the glass and when finally found he then with the refractor took a very accurate photo of the moon's suroe. This he placed in a sun microscope, wnich gave the picture of a diameter of 55^ feet. The revelation was most startling. It perfectly overturned all hitherto entertained ideas of the moon's surface. Those level plains which were formerly held to be oceans of water proved to be verdant fields, and what formerly were considered mountains turned out as^deserts of sand and oceans of water. Towns and habitations of all kinds were plaiiily discernible, as well as signs of industa^ and traffic. The learned proisssor's study and abserv- ations of old Luna wiU be repeated every fidl moon when Ibe sky is clear, and we ventuie to predict, that the time -is not fiar off when we shiali know mMft about the man in ifaeniooB than ae being an agent in Knglfali polities. H -TTTT to keep Straight ». AHtliew pointa you can make iqpon thepaper^and tiie inquirer, if he fbrgets your directions, can look at the sketch and be sure he is rurht. So, if you are abent to build a'rabbit hutoh, or a bird house, make a sketch of it, that is, say upon pap^r jiist what kind of an affiur you vnll build. If it does not suit you in s(mie parts, rub ont and draw anew^ for it is much easier to make alteratioas in your house on paper than it is in the thing itself. Then haying fixed upon the size for the house, mark down the figures, and you will be pleased to find how much easier to biuld, if you have the stetch at hand to tell yon how. "But I can't draw" â€" ^Did yuu ever try The first lesson you need is, to draw a straight line. Try to draw a horizontal hne about two in- ches long, without the use of a str'ught edge or ruler. If not straight at font try again, and keep trymg until you get one fairly straight. Then make another line about a quarts of an inch from the first, and tiien others all an equal distance apart. Next try perpendicular lines in the same man- ner. A few lessons in drawing hues, horizontal and upright, making a number of both at different distances apart, but all of each set an equal dis tauce, will be very useful in educatint^ the eye and the hand. You can also txj drawing long hues, others one- half as long, and so on, first making the length by your eye, and then ap- plying a measure. These will be capitsJ exercises for odd times. â€" Thk Doctor in American Agriculturist for July. GREAT NEGLIGENCE. Tbeite is great neg^t with most ped pie to mantain a regular action of the bowe's, which causes much disease. Burdock Blood Bit- ten cure constipation. The Standard to the ist Jan'y 1885 for 50 cent5, send in your name at once. ' A WIDE AWAKE DBUGGIST. Mr. A Tomer is always ynda awake in ids hudaMB. and spues no jMuis to seoDrs the best of eyeorr artiflla in his line. H« his leentfd tite agency tat the cdshiated Dr. TEaift New XHsooveigrfor Consomption. The ody certain core fauJWn lonr Consamptum, Copg^ CcUs, HoarssnesB, AsfluBa, Hay Versr, 'Brondiftls, or any aSsction of liie thraatandhmgs. Stdd im positiv* goaian- tee. Will give 70a a trial bottle free. Bagn- krsiBetl.0O. 8 liAsiies Who Never Buy. ,A dry goods salesman says â€" ^We haveto endure a great deal at tho hands of those ladies who never buy. These people take up valuable time, and a good part of our energies is dir- ected to the effort to circumvent them The moment an 'old-timer' comes up to the counter she is instantly recog- nized by some one of the salesmen, and the warning signal, a tap on the counter, is. passed along the line. Then we haye some fun- The old- timer' willc^l for, say, a certain shade of yellow, dbe la told it is not in stock. 'Oh, what a pity 1' she ex* claims, 'that is just what I wanted. If you had it I would buy^ sixteen yards of it.' Then it b the next man's turn. He comes up according- ly, and teles the first salesinan that lie 18 mistaken, that there is still a bolt of twenty yards of that identical stuff in the store. He brings it forward and lays it (down. Ton would think the shopper wha never buys would be disconcerted at this turn of afEiurs. Not a bit CKf it. ^he says smihngly 'Oh, th^ ia jnst what^want. Iay it aside for me, and I wiilaee my dresb- maker and idout jnai- bow many 2^ards she needs, taidt to-morrow l* wilt come back and biqr it.' Then she de- parts wi a simper,, but ahe never comes baA. Weamnee ouraalvesia ibis ww^ibutit'aa tttriblie nuiaance alldiesaine. CMM Soa Talk WMiTkeMiiBll. If Ihad asked' ein yob 3raw fan woold not perhaps have been ao nuudi inteieaM* ' t1^Bt danring » w a iikeaaux#la]iing wifli u« peaaio3;';If iDh^ $;AAiik wa^ ^(Bz^l^rl, ji^^ tcbdiievii9lKt.,vil|aga, ^Etw m^c M^^r IBBISNE ICACHINB OIL Is Maquiaetnnd Solely by MaCaU Bro's. A Go. Tcroate^ and is^M oo^popolar Madiine Oil to-day in nsehy ail mill men aiid4»Paw« it'haei pwi»vw| tiw hJilMiii WJiiD |» 4^ DemiaapifeiA^I t 'ir'j (Hi â-  ,1' if .lii 'â- â- '1 :l *--:: m m m

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