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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Jun 1884, p. 8

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 m it â- M I! â- 1 iti !* r » f'r i'l! â- â€¢f i\l U •iLl i 3 ' \i .hi 1 ' -M (••( 'â- i;.;Jir h Cor. Brown Toronto St's MARIS DA Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Grockery, Glassware Ac c. NEW PRINTS from 5 cents up, New DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also^ Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, for sale cheap. April, 1884. 190-t£ WM. BROWN. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STEEET, W M. HOG G, FLESHERTON STATION, BespectfuUy announces that he has received a lars;e sapply of I K. Dry Goods, Winter Glotliing, Boots and Sboes, g ,0 r- As these Goods wtre bonght to the best advantage they will be sold vciy low in price, and will be foand well worthy of an inspection by the general pnbUc, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will bt sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to let my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man hberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasi^ the place. ^w'JVf.H:oG», Fleshei-tQii. station. Nov. 1st, 188S. -Good Work Guarantee^* -AT- FLESHERTON. IT 't CZ1.C@ ^nd see samples of work which we area ncft ashamed to^how. All kinds of Framing done cheap at FLESHIRTON, .CYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM JOHN HQBIiE, JylARKDALE. tlus Tiiere are doubtless many in distriet ir\» wiH mak^ k » »?»* vi8ft1fe«mtD, dtttinglhe 8femiJettlen* ial #hicE will conanence Ihe SOtb June and continue one week. Special latea win be g^Hfti on the railway, we give below the h)gram wlacb is lo be carried oui, so that those W purpose going will have un idea what is in store. FROOBAMME. MONDAY, JUNE 80th "Municipal and Historical Day," Specially commemorative of the City's municipal organization and progress. Parade to comprise; Municipal Bodies, i'olice, Fire Brigade, etc. York Piooeers, with snperb tableaux, accompanying parade, giving a pictorial represent- ation of prominent events in tne ^^'y- XT- " 1 In the Aftebnoon â€" Uistoncai Orations, at the Industrial Exhibition Grounds. In the Eveningâ€" Firemen's Torch- light Procession Military Promenade Concert at the Granite Bink, at which Signer Alijisandbo Ldbebati, the world-renowned Cornet Player, will perform. Grand Commemoratiuu Fancy Dress Ball at the Pavilion, with Quadrille Bets in Costume, illustrative of fifty years ugo, and dances them in vogue. TUESDAY JULY Istâ€" "Military Day," Grand Street Parade and Heview, comprising Visiting and City Corps to the extent of over Four Thousand men. In the Aftebnoon â€" The Canadian Wheelmen's Association, to the uum- ber of Five Hundred, will parade the streets, and at 8 o'clock will hold their Annual Meet, at the Bosedale Girouuds, wlien Bicycle Contests for the Championship of Canada will take place. In the Evening â€" Grand display of Fireworks and Band Concert at the Horticultural Gardens. Military Pro- meiuide Concert at the Granite Bink, at which Signor Libebati will again appear. WEDNESDAY, July 2ndâ€" "Trades and Industrial Day," Specially com- memorative of the past progress and present condition of the Commercial Interests of the City« Parade, to comprise: (1) Members of Labor Organizations in the City,each with a Tableau illustrative of the trade followed (2) Bepresentatives, with illustrative Tableaux, from Bailway, Telegraph, Express, and Manufactur- ing Companies, Board of Trade, etc., etc., and waggons or floats laden with goods dealt in, artistically arranged, from each firm doing business in the City. In the Aftsjinoon â€" Band Competi- tion at Exhibition Grounds. In the Evening â€" At the cultural Pavilion Hydn's grand Ora- torio, "Cbeation," by the Choral Society, assisted by Miss Fanmt Kellogg, Prima donna Soprano and the celebrated Mtkt^ssoRN QuiMTBTtfe Blub, of Boston. Band Competition continued, at the Granite Bink. THURSDAY, July 8rd.â€" "U. E. Loyahsts' Day,' Commemcnratiye of the settlement of the U. E. Loyalists in Canada, 100 years ago. In the morning a public meeting ifUl be held, to be addressed by promiuiuit men. Ik THE AFTEBiroMâ€"Bteeption at Government House by Hift Honor the Lientenant'Govemor of Ontario. Grand Lacrosse March on the Be* dale Grounds, at which Foot and Bicycle Races will be held, in which it is expected a number of the leading athletes of America vrHl compete. In THE EvEMiNoâ€" At the Pavilion, Gounod's Sublime Oratorio, "Redbxp- noH," by the Philharmonic Society, m which Miss Famnt Kellogg and the Mkmdelssohn QmNTSTTE Club will also assist Completion of the Band Competition at the Granite Rink. To allow i^ton an opportunity of attend ing the Concerts, the Grand Harbor Pwade ^11 not begin- until 10.15 o'eloek, and will continue until mid- night. AUihe steamers, tugs, and TOW boats~-l|«iMhe«dR in number will form in line and move loand the Bay theywillbe iDnminated \xv Chinese lanterns, ete., And all along the line a continous shower rf rockets and Roman candles will be discharged. Forts wilibe^ereeted on the Bay. and for ovcxan hour a mimie Naval Gmnbat â-¼ill be waged, «loiii%^ with the moet magnifleeniiMi^ ef fierr grandeor il ttn fttthe site of 018 luieiMt SybibitioaGtonni Bf THE Oi»fldi^in(9«rt at the Paviliw V 1*^« li^»?#f|^ FiMNY Kellogg, Prima donna Soprano, md other celebrated artislB, Jith popular prograimAi. Military Prb^ mraade Concert at the Granite Rmki SATURDAY, July Sth-r'Educa. tional Day," To b# 8peoi|lly eom- memorative of our EducationM Institutions. Parade to corapriKe;. Officers of EducatiowU Departmeats, and Taoleaux illustrative of progress made Representatives from our Universities. Colleges, Schools, and Charitable Institutions. In the ArcEBNOONâ€" Concert at the Pavilion; choruses by aver Six Hund- red school children. Laoroise match and games on Roaed^jle Gronnds. In the Evening â€" Farewell Concert attbe Pavilion, introducing several specialties. Other attractions will be added from time to time. H«s' â- ^r iimtPi^ .tfcy- (Boodei Irith patent AiedicmeadT, h ia g lKi rjiBl io kanw what tepn.^ viUeertaniliteaieyra. IfyooiKB?*' tlMt *«?«»• o ou B,, and (WD \t» had for only fifty cemo at A. Turner A Co'b Drug Stofe. The Scott Act is in force Revere Hotel this week. It of ©rder. Liver inactive.ori iteted, there 18 nothing i^ J," an etire yo« so quickly ag EiSL^ Tb^jrarealteesAing to aU^' TO THE LADIES, i n Press Piciaic. The Bruce Publisher's Association met in Kincardine on Friday last Such a crowd ol "great heads" had never struch the town before and the barbarian natives were at a complete loss to appreciate such an accumulation of giant intellects. The members got together abuut noon and held their meeting in the Town Hall. No grievences were brought forward and the Association is stronger than ever. The meeting was particularly harmonious. Owing to the majority having entrenched themselves near the loek-up, the respectable members had hard work to discover their whereabouts. The association were very hospitably entertained by Mr. Quirk, to whom the thanks of the members are especially due, for the kind invitation to visit his beautiful residence situate on the north side of the town. On Friday evening the Association and County Councillors were banquit- ted by the citizens of Kincardine. About 200 sat down to a most sump- tuous repast, and the usual toasts were proposed and responded to in a most happy style. Mr. Benner, of Port Elgin, on behalf of the Press, made a few remarks which were rather inconsistant than otherwise. Mr. Seneca G. Ketchum was called upon to respond to the toast of the Ladies, but the red-headed lover of the fair sex was not to be foumd, which was unfortunate, as the px-editor of the Hanover Post has long been recogniz- ed as an ardent advocate of the "dear gorrels." The members of the Association ex- pressed themselves highly pleased with TT ' the working of the organization since its inauguration in January last, and all evinced a determination to abide by the Association through thick apd thin. On the whole the semi-annual meeting was a most successful afEair, and the Printers and Publishers of Bruce have every reason to feel proud of the Pioneer Association of Canada. â€" Brrne If «ra{(. McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cent. core any o»8e of Pimples on the face^ asoheaUuyS^ .. fail. Thous!* tested it. Aakyour drasgist -for Mc(i!l5 Skin on either hapd» or face and Wv. .?* soft as Bilk. It will also heal auy ^,^ «* all other preparations fail t^ ??r^ "r-'-J.- MililttEftHiMEINO 8P|C lent Societies; di,jy,"Ti,i "«»»^ J AN AN8WEB WANTED. Can any one bring ns a ease of kran«y or lirer eomplsint that Electrie Bitters will sot speedily cure We say they «an not, as thousands of oases already permanently cored and who are daily recommending Blee- trlo Bitters, will proye. Bright's disease, diabetes, weak back, or any nrinary com- plaint ^niokly corML They pnriftr the Blood regnlate the bowels, and act directly on the diseased parts. Erery bottle gnaranteed. For sale at 60 cents a bottte by A. Toner C!o., Markdale. i Subscribe for the Standard, only $i.oo a year in adyance to any address. THE SEOBET OUT. The secret of beaoty has been at last re- vealed. TTithoot good health, pore Mood and a fair clear skin none ««n possess good looks. What is more repolsive than pimples, blotdtesandanllowor pasty eoimilezum? Bardook Blood Bitters reveal the ^t that M can gain pore blood and freedom from the repulsive diseasee of the akin that naolt from imponties. Pfiipps was hangei Tnesdsj. IMPOBTAMT CHANGES. There we two periods in the life o( every female when Om systeih oiM^^ neS ebanges. Fint the tfaange fnn^SliKbMd tojddacEe. These am the •iiaStlSSaaM foraten; Natromd BoiiBtMB. -^^ gMM». BttMU uS^T ' â-  "â-  â-  â-  â-  â- â- " ' â-  --'0 u,:i â- s5iv'«J i,J M«it}*' i and Parke's Carbolic Cerate, and do n^^ persuaded to take anything else claimJ'LL Har «1 sr" "'""" ""'• T,^m Marl Thornbury Odd Fellows and IjA o3 Workmen will excurt to Ow an Dominion Day. WHAT TO DO. K troubled with an unliealthy, slow-inam.! sore use McGr^or Parkes'CarboliccS| You will find It invaluable for Lealiug, cw I iuK «id completely removing jour tronlkl If the Blood is out of order, take with it i| few doses of McGregor's Speedy Cure fml HiUBros. J.drJ. i' Why don't you use Rejuvinatotl Bitters, for liver complaint aud kidnnj disease Sold by Smith, the baibe] Feaver colic, unnatural appetite, Iretfnbul weakness, and conviilsious, are some A 'the effects of worms in Children dest the worms with Dr. Low's Worm ijynp. Rejcvinatob is a sure cure foi ackl headache. Sold by Smitb, the UiiwJ The Hectic FlMh, pale hallow nbceb anil precarious apetite, indicate Worms. Fretj man's W^orm Powders will quiciiiy and effett-| nally remove tfaem. The Standard to 1st Jainary 18S;| for 50 cents be lively now. National Pills are sugar coated, n3d lt| thorough, and are the best Stomatb d| liivei Pill in use. A house to rent, apply Rt thisoffic»,| THE EFFECTS OF WHISKEY. The effects of whiskey arc always Bi,! and these who feed upon alcoholic stimi vainly endeavoring to cure coughs aud vtl sumption, but nurse a viper. Hagjai^ Pectoral Balsam is a remedy thnt is alcn| reliable for all throat bronchial and Ii troubles, and never does harm toanyoDe. We will send the S^xdab the balance of the year for cents to any address try it] FBAtJDWJBHT TRANSACTIONS. There are many frauds perpetrated medicine, and many advertised remeditl wm^e than useless. Not so with .Hag^afil Yellow Oil. It remains as eyer the intenud and external medicine for all 8 01 Bu e B S'â€"dininriea with which hamanf is afflicted. The Berkley Sabbath School inteni holding their Pic*Nic on July U a good time is expected. Go and «| the Calithnmpiaus. â€" Com, A LIFE SAVING PEESEST. Mr. M. B. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: I red his life by a simple Trial Bottle of I'l'l King's New Discovery, for CoDsuiBpfi| which cauf-ed him to procure a large that completely curpd him, when I^o^l change of dimate and eyerythiug else »l faUed. Asthma, Bronchitis, HoarseDai.1 Severe Coughs, and aU Throat and LAI diseases, it is gnaranteed to core. Wi bottles free at A. Tiim« Cos Dmg Sto»| Large aiae 11.00. -• â€" Ofllcen Gnuid Mj»4ge C. 0. 0. FJ HAMiLTOif, Jane 11.â€" At the mMi)H\ of the grand lodge C. 0. 0. F. tr night the following officers were eld ted: W. Pearce, Hamiltou, p» master; T. V- Goering, Torontel Deputy grand master; Tbos. V^m Hamilton, grand secretary (re elect Geo. BozftU, Toronto, treasnrffj disinct dqanty grand master, T. "'l Togood, J. D. Rooke, Thos. Ph^ Alfred Frost, James Walmsley. grand lodge will meet at Toroiitoi^*| year. â- ^«» Qmk. B1itUB^^4Ml"iiaUflii- "ttt*i danligr. m^'m'iiiiiimift: -r WHATIN ANAJfE? Serofola is m called from the Latioj a pig. from Ow si^fposition that the d eame from aatmg swine's flesh. I* " inherited fnom parents, and leades to av aes, aloerou soreB. debility, l^i°s'l^^«d oposonirtion. The case of the B^^* J Stout, ol tl^atton, who suffered » J" Irom aerofnloiu abaeesses, is one « moat mnarkaUe on record. BurdocKJ Bittera enied hun after the best mediow • hadfailed. BtCKLBITB ABNICA SAL^^ The baatfialva intbt worid forcats, mwt, idena, Hdk itenm. fever sores. dumped haala, tMlWains, corns, s^^, 4ftt etutioM, asA libiitively enres K SSmSmi. |k iifouMtead' money jw^r. For Ssie V or 4 "•'.^ *:y fac J-yfl acdU'wir' box ». W. J. -White, of Montgoa N. W. T., wfll aooept thanks W k^tt n^Mer^on. As miJ. inaadtlMrooIam. Mr, Vf^ mAo bimaelf a partner Jb^ If «â- !!â-  IB him our best tJiii,'.J .uJfj.ii. â-  6 "â- ?; :ii r â- ^

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