^tmm Ma Wm.] om^^^ 00 :to ....... 00 3^ ...... 30, -^^ ..••••• 15 '-^ IS .% ....... 8(j. ..;.... 7 Oft, jjlj I. .•*.•• 7 UV' 'tft ........ 4 7« "to Uhly Fairs. Saturday before -Monday before! 'aesday before -Monday before! â€"The second Tim •estâ€" Third We Monday before] 'hird Tuesdaj in| ^londay before â€" Last 'Wedne zmj w:m«dell,| jublic patronage 1 stand in McNeft'Bl DGE TRELFC f^.' .*'C'^i ...l â- i I W iW M ii |i i â- mmm ^^^?HsS85f A r"^-^MJ'«^m^mk- ^^ofe.. eH4 ' !gU..^^ J' i;a[a3tKr# m^ri SiiiH WSm^lE^liM^3SS££li'Mk,^AiJLiS!-miiijikM r\ h. t-, JEWELLERY ST« S5Sli^fM^!|S»^« :~a':li .ifHit- MRKDiSLE j^iBOESTOCai PRICES »a^ylT-M"^*^f fittest iq^ ' â- _^ ,..1 ..â- L 1^0 misrepresentation I goods. Special lines in Ameri- can Watches and Clocks, jileridan Co. Silver Plated ware. Specks, Chains,Charms Rings, etc. i8 k. Wedding Rings always in stock. Musi- cal instruments, VioIinStrings* I personally attend to ^1 Vatch Repairing ?nd fuUy warrant the same, Fair ch?.rges W. A. BBOWH. iiSind Other Items. Notices in these columru intended to benefit 1 4M individual or Society vnll be charged ten UaUta line for the first insertion and fite Xff^alineeachmihteqMeKt insertion. ' h0»m the mreuing. .re â- h.a^^ ^^. ofrmeta, sad » ple«Biif»to all men jwiog Mechtiiay, iteannetlie exoeUed. it lias mnered the higbest awuds at Dommion and Provincial Exhibitwrns. McCall BrQe. Co.,8ol© manofiioturerB. Tostonto. n aU the A. O. U. W. of Matkdale would dk the widowa woald draw $66,000.00. Some one remarked that it would be a great bleasbg did he meui the deeeaae of so many or the handscme legasies secnred thereby. OBEAT NEGLIGEMCE. Tbore is great negleet with moat peopto to nomtain a reKnlar aetion of the bowe8,which eaaaes mnoh diaeaae. Bturdoek Blood Bit- tars core eonstipation. Mr. Alex. Enkine ct the 9th con., Euphrasia, has pnrchued from Mr. G. S. Brown of Meaford, a fine thoroughbred short hHrn bull 8 years old, which will be for service on his lot 18 for this season. Terms f 1.26 at time of serriee, or f 1.50 if not so paid. ,, iltft ^hard ade of the nalB iaihe WMh( ^ere eiun%rinfc tiant»^ aacta ^irittMnt mlilp«M, ^pi^ » numbvi ifemaied.avegtwhda iawiia y»t3alt â- fXyWH flhSEBB^' 'bw^MiBoCllr. r. ilottaigth 4ad» in dittfO iii BBda, wii^«fii«il of » dutefe eod^ Vy Ha^rw«'Sl]telenl Bilaam Vhm teal thnat hud Inig dealer knowit,^ " ' ^.' icy MiAXDikLB will e^brato Domuum lay, i^ horse raeea,gftmeaand sports. Bicycle race, Tog^if War ,*e.. Great interest is sheeted in tiie tug of war betweoi Glenehc uidHcAand agunst Artemesia and Eophiaski, six men from eaeh township, tiie wise is $12, to the winmng team. The Bicycle race wiU also be something new and interesting while ihe ladies pacing exhibition around the course will be most interesting and will doubtless stimulate a greater numbor to j^aetic- ing tha| wholesome exercise, on the noble animal, the horse. mt ---*ioi8 ^i rpowdarOatimaaplbapanaoltheBltiB, adtl^ia warm showers on )B SAUC. TomD^ 9, Eophraeia, 8j 3 from Bocklyn, eoDtj res cleared and in t to run reaper ai^ :dwood ba«h •with ig. "Well watered )ly 10 rods from YmmM ^d, honse, bam andf â- team saw mill on nes dean begi^en. Fai( r on the premises to SAMUEL WBIGi BocUjal iQtclier Sht its thecoantry«aBl TO ALL PART? WHERE ORDEB 1 .1. ISUBSEBl iTlNTHEDOMll Bbactifull fednesday. HoLLiKB (Oouuefl nanotes are (lowded out this week. I B. Tbixblb is offeiaf ^pedal hducfitnents io (Cash bayers. SS^ds. factery cotton to be ^ad at J. B. Trimbles for $1, cash. Usprey FaU Show will be held at Melntyr'e on the 9th of October. The County Council will meet in Owen Sound on Monday the' 28rd iAst A GOOD heavy yard wide factory tttton at J. R. Trimbles afr Sots, per jatdjcssh. I; joii want a parlor suit, hair cloth or raw silk, go to Graqt A Co., Markdale. ,. Turnip Seeds. â€" A large variety of superior quality at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Cosh paid for any quantity of eggs tt the egg depot. Douglas block Markdale. Just keceived. â€" mouth /organs, tiolin, stnugs and fifes, at W. *A. Browli's Jewdlery Store, Markdale. Quite a number of new eabscribers iiavebeen added the past week, and still thei's more to follow Send them llODg. GOOD THE YEAB BOUND. itall seasons, when the iiystem ia fonl aid the digestion wowers feeble, or the liver Jiidkidnes inactive. Burdock Blood Bitters *re required. Pain from indigestion or 'sick head Mrs. Geo. Pilkieof GlenelgJud hei arm broken above the rist about three weeks^ago ^ihS» getting over tiie bars aftef^lking. Appear tiie bar Ea^meia VevMcil. The council met as a Court of Be- vision on 80th May, 1884. Members all prebent. The foUowu^ action took place in reference to the assessment for tbe current year â€" Bobt. On confirmed, Bobt. Clarke reduced $100, Balj^ Onio confirmed, Thos. Gilray's assessment cbscnged and corrected, James McClnng raised $100, John Kor oonfirmed, Thomas Brady confirmed, George Tiekm re- duced $800, Daniel Wil80n,eonfirmed, J. McMorris reduced $100. W. Kerr eonirmed, Ann Spaitiag i«dnoed $600, rt»)Aa iUH^hat a add gnal diseomy. a TagstaU^ flMsofeftechMitoiaow «itlt kid€fi;il mt^ artaa aad handa to ttnl the M(f i wfaitMMM. bspoaaibla to dKteet in tta beaa^ it. anateia any iwtifldal ohMMtaar. It enna wma Skin, AwUm. "WnaVkmi Pimplaa. W aB| [H ssda.Crow'»Eert,aotafc«a, Faoe itirabs, 'Boa bum. Tan, Biagingm, Ulu^pad Hands, Bora or Chapped I^pa, Baiter' Iteh, l«Her, etc It freea t|M pM- ea, h1 ^auds, tnd-tabea fmn the injniuMia effsela of powdara and odsmetio waahea. "By ita nae all redness and ronghnesa are pre- vented it oaantiftM the sldn.amd'will makS' it soft, smooth and white impaitiiig a St- UmaoB aoftneas imparfciBK perfeefly healthy, natural and yoathfol appearanoa. The best fsoe lotion that (he world ever vtb' daoed. We nill send "a litaom BonLs" to any addreas m reoeipt of priea, |1. Wh^n ordering mention this paper. Address aU lettera to the MAT DEW AGENCT, 167 Chorch Street, Toronto. Ont. Parlor and Bee^ittiim Boom for La«Ues. .. v .J n vs--. 1 rrrade IVIarlc. turner while gettiug over thmwtng h^ Beid reduced $100, Jas. F«iry TPU •vx7-ANTB*'^eis instantly relieved by one dose jijj VVJ3- ^„, y __x_„ T};**„«o made from cmce on Fall sales, [sed salaries to all ind H^omen pleasant YEAR BO 11 e earning from i^\ spenses.' it free. Address Vi ELLINGTON, Toronto. SURGEON, ICOVCEBR, Xipthj attended to. ind Contra^ If Brick and Stoned r^Siptly attend^^ neg R H E U '^â- '^1^ lEEMAtrBr POW»3 of Kejuvinator Bitters, roots and herbs. Sendthe STANDABDto your friend «to lives at a distance, it viU only «ost you 50 cents for ballance ot '84. Mr. W. J. Watson, Jate of the Mea- bd Mirror was banquetted Jast week «n tiie eve cf his departure from that town. â- !; ^.; â- Mr. D. E. Wbioht of Fleshertdn ^hes to sell a village lot in Markdale, aniaPaik lot inFlesherton, SeeAdy. J ^V^^ "J tils paper. • "'*/""â- 'xt:- 6lenel Agricultural Society mu "old their fall show m thfiir grounds ^fkdale, on the 3nd SJid 8rd 3* October. •, 'i:^. i'J- ^EiiEsiA districiOrangeljodgefield ' aeetiuf; on Saturday tbe 14A »t J^eshertoa when it was decided Ui go Shelburhe the 121^ July. I RESPECT OLD AGS. An old favorite ia the remedy J^'^f^' ilF; Fooler's Eztraot of Wild gbairterjryv years releable for choUia fOtfttiOB ^^a and siunmer complainta- JjieOvren Sound ^**HM«r iMf J*«Save the Mtrwr flMit '*» t* 2*»DABi dip. Acoidenjf^ 1»«* and has token iliil4 ^%^ He hw diirtKMt her upon her huida, ihttis now ddmg well hot has safTered mneh from the accident. Thi Markdale cattle fair ia July is «xpected to be by far the largest yet held in Markdale, Messrs. James Bminett and Henry Savage, extensive drovers of Orangeyille have promised to be on hand and other strangers are expected to be here together with the locsl buyers. Bemember Saturday the 5th July. ;UNKNOWN TO SCXENCE. That preperation ia nnditeovared which emsnrpasDr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawborryasa eare tot Cholera Mwbns, Dysentery and summer eomplaiats. IbishLaks Pick Nic.-t- The eighth annual pick nic will be held at the Irish I^e, Artemesia on Thurbday the 2(Mr June when the usual athletic games^U be competed for and prizes awarded. Befreshments will be pro- vided on tbe grounds, also good music. Gates open at nine o'clock a. m. Admission 25 cents, dinner 10 cents. Mr. Thos. Mathews has purchased from Mr. G. S* Brown, the place re- centlv o«5Cupied by Mr. Kirvan oppo ate the City Hotel, Mill St., and will fit the building thereon for a harness shop. This is an excellent stand. Nbw Peas.â€" Mr. John Stedwill, of Artemesia, will accept thanks for a mess of green peas, this is doubtles the first of the season in the district, they were almost lully grown, and were handed in to us on Monday last the 16th. Fatal Accidknt.â€" Alfred^. Dicfcey formerly of this village, met with aa accident in Owen Sound last ThuM- day while'working at the C. P..,B. elevator -which caused his death m a few hours afterwards. It appears a scantling fell some 40 feet r striking Dickey on the back. He was marri^ ed about two months since and leaves a young widow to mourn bis untimely LABDINB MACHINE on. fo M«n«faotat«d SoMy lyM?CWl Brb^; fToroBto,and is ^i^^onJrP^P-^ J££»* St^^i^'^by .SmOl-iien «id fStniers. TryLarmne. Jf ' â- ,!•.;',.:. 'v" week, lltfainet.. BomejeBlOTs iHmd- ed person Of i)f Mi-. Wini is fliii^efd the faroa ani jaimeA. of tedueed $100, Tboe. Spading reduced $60, J. Best reduced $100, Jas. Mc- Callan raised $800, J. L. Wilson re- duced $100, W. Boss Perry placed on the ritU as fanner's son, Samuel Batii raised $800 the assessment of Saml. Kerr, B. Kerr and James Kerr, Esqs., corrected and oonfirmed Jas. Curry Wm. Milson. Thos. Mnxlow and Joseph Myers confirmed Geo. Beid raised $100, David Clarke, W. Faw- cett, W. E. Hewish, J. EUiott. Bobt. Snell and J. Longheed confirmed, Mark Armstrong's assessment chang- ed, Bobert Erskine assessed for N^ S, con. 9, Thomas Gilray's assessment corrected, the name Edward Birks, placed on the Boll as owner. The Conrt adjourned until 10 o' clock a. m. on 18th June next. A special meeting of council was called bv the Beeve. for dispatch of general business. Tbe Beeve's orders were dn the order of tin Treasurer to pay sis follows, viz. To A. T. Buchanan $76, salary as assessor, and 50 cents, postage on notices sent to|Non Besidents Chas. Watt, Esq., $810 payment for 40 road scrapers 0. W. Butledge $41.- 60, printing Minutes, Auditors report, and advertising; BoHt. Dunlop, clerk $20 prepairing Minutes for press, and $6 »to pay for serving notices, for court Bevision. Council rose. The Coaucil met pursuant to ad- journment on 6th June 1884. Mem- bers all present. Minutes of first session of the Court ot Bevision and specii^ meeting of council read and confirmed. The Beeve was requested to arrange with the Beeve of Colhng wood Township, in reference to im- provement on town line at Mitchells bills. -, 3 X Srahcis F^alon was employed to re- pair 18 10 side line East of 4th Ime under ^pervisiott of the Beeye. â- Mr. Bbc^and Mir. Boyd» were ap- pointed M 4 side line, between the 9th line fthd lltii with^a view of im- proyenient, Mr. Black was «M?POi^ted to get twQ bridges buil^ on 7th hue 8(^of6J|7«de road. The peti- tbn of John Ormsby and fithers laid bvcrfdr fdrther consideration. The pefitiop of lai^^B.Fi^t, Jfisq-. and SS.erUaid!W «i?tilnextmeetinr andtithersi toking to gW cutvertbmlt CanadianPacMailfayi (ONTABIO DlTISIOSr.) KJlkSLOfge ot mne* G0M'ENCIIt6M0m)AYMAY19,84 TorontoXirey and Bruce Division. TOBONTOâ€" Depart 7:20 a. m., SKM p. m. " Airiva 10:46 •' 10:00 " Moteâ€" ICzed train leaves Parhdale 7:40 s.m. MARKDALE Steam MM IIL Credit Valley Divialon. Toronto, depart 7:iO a.iB, k06 pjit. 4:50 p.m •' SJnve 9:110 " 3^45 " 7.'00 " Mote â€" ^Slizfld tiain leavea;Faifcdala 1a.m. An additional train will be nm ia eomweticm with the "CANADIAN PAOiFIG STEAMSHIP LINE," D. MoMICOL, aen.PaM.Agt. \f lltS* W.WHITE. General Manager. ^e nndiBrBiffnad would leqpastfnlty rttam- tiamks to their mwy oastomera and friandtf for the vaiy libeial support aeeorded to titem â- ., dnring the past, aad woold solicit a eontinn- anoe of the saiiiie, as we are now ready to at- toid to aU wiaric introated to oor sam In CUSTOM CABMNO, FUZI.IMO and ' WEA^IMG in flrat-daas style. Aa we^Va put on new cards, and aiade other inyiivva- meats, we will endeavor to do aa good woA in the fatore, if not better, than we have ever dona ia the paat. Ooatomera wiriiing. to hare their wool, earded, span and made into Uankets or flan- nel, »i ootton warp, can have their ordera .. at t ended to by laaving their wocd as aaily aa possible. ' " ' " Plea^ remember, the plaoe. Mill Street,^ west of the Bailway Btatirai. '• V i.H ;vj^f I MARKDALE STATION. TBAOiB uuvn AS follows! G0IM6 SOUTH.â€" Bxfvesa 6:27 a. m. " " Mixed 8:38 » Steamahip Emress 12:00 noon. " ' Mail HBO p. m. The Steamship Express, Roing south, does not run on Saturday. 188-206 F. ;i. MTGIIE 1 6s.. 12:00 p. 8:26 9:28 m. GOING NORTH.â€" Man Mixed " " Expi J. CSISAB, Af^snt. The Steamship Express, going North, does not stop at stotions between f^heiton and Owen Sound. â- UToiL MP ASseeiiTiei. EUCCNI4^ Grist, SafandlatbHiirs; Having'made eqtensiv^ improvements in, myGnstMill I feel e^ai^fldent I can give, good satiafaetion. GOOD FLOURikyVAYa ON HANDj Chopping Doiu Every Day. .*4. :i HEAD OBFIOB TORONTO, ONTARIO. INCORPORATED MBilST 24. 1880. Under Charter Act 167 of the Bevised Statutes of Ontario, entitled an Act to Incorpor- ate Benevolent, Provident and other Societies. CustoQi, Sawing and shortest 'nptiae. j BiUs Fitted OJ91 th».. ALWAYS LUMBEB.AND LATH ON HAND. Cherry, Bnlt^mnt. White Ash, Black Ash, Basswood, Pine And Hemlock Logs wanted 69ly. M. ABITTv Eugenia. BONOS TO THE AMOUNT OF $60,000 Filed with the Hon. S. G. Wood, (Ex-Ro- vinoial Tnaaurer of Ontano), Ticstee fw the Amociatioii. aa 3 BOARD OF DIBECtOBa WiLLIAH BXNHII, Es^wrToEOntPt /••yd' «, [i 5». Oldham, of Chatsf^wrtti « ?«unk8"ltisnot«oo4 tor l 2 alone," and has taken nil n»wife. HehasiJurliert â- ' ^cc'^ted. iiii^ tbe^e^5e.*pp^t«i J? of Mi*. Aflf lu;, ^f^g**^ ;*"" *^7'^t.^^ aifcAnri to this inatier.. « *^ •«-»:," thre,^^P». ^^o bu^ ^«^^^ 'Tc^piknqo^i^b l^«^ ^^ ' A£te» thftdasaznage o^ «•., ?T^l! 'riiaS^olaxid*ihew^.«' A. GnrroBn. £«Q., M(^rd, Oat.^, Vm-i^t^, W. I^ntBsnuK KoB,E^-,TOTonfo, Seoi»t«^ E- H: HiLBoBK, Esq Uixbri^e, Ineasuier.. B. H. BOBKBTSOii, M.p., Toronto, Mddiiaal' Direetw. Gbo. H. Watsoh, LL B., Toronto. Solicitor. S. W. HuiL. BS4 BidgeviHe, Uetd^fili^ Superintendent. ,/ J. F.kBoll. Dowaavieir. ',.;'â- ':â- "â- ' ti. B.^MGliRonii M. Pj. Ottawi. :a i u ..ioii. lacwH VhasM^M. P: tP.i Tbdb. MasaBW, Pet«i1ocb Pbwb (xp^^^,^JP-^.,, WjaBwiak^ic, ^^rM.BBQQm% iw^, itiimi'M-^.m Has oRoiief dutSi'liirit^hUs* UNDEH;rK»l6fSmBU8iiMEHT^ tMJre^JuiCt Bs^lie^ *:^«|^ J9ng^f^ Ani't' -A 4i ias JsndtiH' •AHfidUBSs «a|i|lMdeiilhe% .Por the best cent TE^ ^weU known wbo the oMp^^ toe it fcehoone^ .Aim *» «*"», *^ ^od* bthoiwipetheir^^^a^ «»« w Iai4^^i0ettte' ^Ihfa-iini^"' fie «b6ve Blw*iwwl»n ... ktnimntMl' "laJn ^aBKtsiaettM H-^^^ailfs,*