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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Jun 1884, p. 1

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 'â- *^-m4^-r; w â- 'f'i)L. 4.--N0. Karkdale Standard ve prompt attention, jxecuted iu the lossible time itb good-workmana )RK A S PCIALITyI Shop, opposite the Cli SHAJSTAHAK. I. 2iid, 1881. r tlie staff of life) t^^ that will pl« ays on hand, to sqi| le demand. mr stock is low ind let us knov/, our wants supplij know the rea iding the desolati ig in China it will 1 ice of Teas at the rted prior to the of H sufficient qaautil MEN for a period other departments! ade the BELPAS ^LLED BY THQH o assume to trans chasing of mall de ites of interest on loij 3orts of s in the grocery I ^OTE OF IT. 1 gve$y Thursday, at the office, Mill Street, Markdale. ,,â€" ?i per year in advance; f 1.25 if J^Un three months. rLjioBil and business cards one inch .aniau'ler, Peryear, 84. 1 YR. 6 HO. 3 MO. .,,„„lamn $-0 00 S27 50 »15 00 Qimn 27 00 15 OC 10 00 ^column.. .. l^ 00 10 00 6 00 Lchspace 7 00 4 00 (inch space ... 10 00 6 00' 1 adTeitisements 8 centp per line first idii, 3 cents per lire each subsequent ion, nonpareil measure. ijjtoiial notices, or notices in local col. fio ceuts per liuetfirst insertion, 6 cents ibseqneuts insertion. vauimalsc., advertised 3 weeks for advertisement not to exceed twelve ijper discontinued until all arrears jid es«?pt at the aption of the publisher. -JOrPRlNTINCâ€" SiADAB» office has a splendid equip. of poste" *s well as fine jobtype. Spe- Stentiou to orders by mail. Orders lith dispatch. EDITOIi AND PROPKIETOB. NEWSPAPER LAW. I iny person who takes a newspaper r^u- )from fte post office, whether directed siame or another's, or whether he has iib«d or not â€" is responsilde for thepaiy- [liaperson ordershis paper discontin- (liemnst pay all arrearages, or the pub- I may continue to send it until payment ide, and then collect the whole amount. to tiie paper is taken out of the office ot. JlfSabscriberii refuse or negle«^ to take Iwlic^s or newspapers from the office to ktlieyare directed, they a'e held ror Bble until tbey have settled their bills. IHie Courts have decided that refusing ue'Ks^pers and periodicals from the toice, or removing and leaviug them |ilIed7ar,»PBiMA FACIE evidence of in- 'mdband. $^g}tU Frost A Fro«ti lARBlSTERS, AND ATTOENETS-AT 1 Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convey IS, ic, Owen Sound, have resumed at [ton. Office open every Thursday, as tofore. Ebost, J. Vi. Fbost, LL. B. onty Crown AttorneT 1 J. IflASSON, ISTER, MASTER AND DEP. EEG 11 in Chancery, Notary Public, CdnveyanJ iXCXBES or FABira FOB 8AUI. :k6â€" Owen Sound, in VicWs Block i St.; Branch office in Markdale, over md's Store, on Priday and Satm^y Jw«k. 67-ly Creasor Ar BIirrisoM* if- -xvB,S0LICITOBS. CONVBY- »s, c. c, ss in Owen Sound, Dofferin Block, V. P. Wolf's Store and in L», MARKDALE; f,|;i.McFarland's Store on Tlinrsday J of each week. ndsto lend on reasonable temui. JCiEASOE, Q. DUNCAH MoBUOH '^e, March 15. 1882. 79-lv Alexander JBr*wn. ^B nf Marriage LioeoMS, Fire Mid " Issurance Agent. Oommiauonet ' ^- e. Conveyancer and Lietfased *eer for the. County of Grey. FMinera, Bte, and Land Sales, Punctually at- to and charges made very modei»t«. !^21e, Sept. 17. 1880. l-T Wm. BroDiTM, 8CEB UP MARRIAGE LICENSBB. Ae ^fflmissionerinB. B.C. 7yuicing in all its branchea promptly ^and carefully executed. "â- -Honey to Lend on Beal Estate se fEVERE HOTEL, RIARKDALS. Hn cherry, PBOPRIETOB. PopQiar Hotel has ehaassd buds will cater to the waati (tabling uid «lt«Bti«« brands oi Umaf and comfortdNe roonui, '^TSWORTH HOUm S*;** above lW1ic. Good best "^°°^ meals and .!^ereialroom. Um r». Mo»aow|HOOMi,) ^^vatsworth. « ^CK ORTII, McLEOD Pbopbbsobs^ MA»SIO» HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas, Bryan, Pi^prietor. CITY hotel; John nicAleer, « Proprietor. Ihis house IS fitted up in good style, situ- ated on MUl street, where the travelling pub- he may deprad on the very best accommo- dation. Union bus to all trains. 194 MAMDALEHOS, MARKDALE, ONT. HOUSE PAINTER, GBAINEB, ULAZIEB AND PAPER HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing Factory, Oedbbb SoLiciTM). EsTiMiTKp Givaai. J92-205 SEEDS IMPOBTEB.^ FIELD IRD GIRDEI SEEDS MRS. RUTl EDGE, PROPRIETCfR. PtMnil. THOS. CARTER, M.D. Physician Snrgeon, c. Residence MARKDALE HOUSE, Mabkbalk. B. Ghent, M,D., M.R.O P. S., O. Physician and Surceon, Fidceville, Graduate of University. Vict. College. •I „ New York, and Hon. Graduate, of the same, t, ., Ayleth Medical Institute. „ „ Opthalmic Hospital, N.Y. MemberColl. Physicians( Surgeors,0. 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OP TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at Rntledge's Hotel, Markdale, on the Ist and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Mnnshaw's Hotel, Flesherton. the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prao tice of his profession. 122-47. The place to buy your Seedn is at PARKER'S, Drugstore, â-  DU RHAM, MLA.R.BLOA-JL.E FLODRFEED STORE. «LCIIEI.e COVN CII« Family Flour, Bakers Flour, Pastry Flour, Patent Flour, Graham Flour, Oatmeal, choice Cracked Wheat, Bran and Shorts Chop Feed, Oats, etc., etc. All orders over $1.00, accompanied by the CASH, will be promptly delivered. 198 J. PLEWES. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDEB, CONTRACTOR. A ABCHI- TSCT. â€" ^Residence on Mill Street, Bfark- dale. 1241T ^X ' Fashionable rTaiiox*, OVEB MACFAKLAND'S STOBE. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. HAMILTON'S PiiOToaupi billerY ]M[ie\J»KX.A.r^E. OVER THE STANDARD OFFICE. Fine work executed in all the latest ^z^ and shapes, fully equal to «^ work. Special attention given to A lurge stock of monlding to choose from. Call and leave your mieasoxe for a piotnre. JcLS. Ua^iiton. COMMERCIilll\ HOTEL PBIOBVniiLiB. Ont. Lane and eommodi^ui Sample Booms Good Bed Boonw, Ao.^ The Bar and krde wen suppUed with tit^ best the inartait af fords • sood Btablmg sndjrttentrre Hostler's fords e«?~^gjj£^Tgiiiaoii. Pcopitotor 1 • â- â-  ' Off iâ€"- â- ^~' i.' ^CenbiMU lakiB for aU khutb of. Buk m snK vmi. Franco Chinese War. Nothwithstandiog the desolating war Jiow raging in China it will not increase the price of Teas at the iM Mf IbrUab Having imported prior to the open* ing of hostilities, a sufficient quantity to supply 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other departments of the Grocery trade the BELFAST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- SAND those who assume to transact business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest on long credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS. SALMON. LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BAGON,ASSORTED PIGKELS and every articles in the grocery trade LIQUORS Of the btst brands and quality. Wine for Sacramental purposes warranted pure. Brandies direct from the man- ^feotufer and all other kindsof Uquors. Coffees, Teas and Tobaccoes cannot fail to give satislaction. Oranges. Lemons, o. Family Flcur suppUed at Lowest Rates. iELFUT HOUSE, MARKDALE Feb. 6th, 1884. Prof. LoWsHagie Sniphw So»--H6alin«e for toilet Thb Standard to the ist Jan'y 1885 for 50 cents, send w your name at once. TownHau., Gi.BNEi:.a, May 26, 1884. Council met pursuant to notice and organized as a Coart of Revision. All the members present. Thos. Davis, Esq., made aii^ subscribed the declar- ation of office and qualification as Reeye and took his seat as a member of the Court. The Reeve was appoin- ted to the chair. Appeals were heard and the Assessment Roll amended as follows Arch. Campbell, assessed as owner for Lot 15, Con. 3, E. G. R. N. G. Dunsmore, assessed for 1st Div. of Lot 12, Con. 1, E. G. R. Edward Middleton, assessed for 1st Div. of Lot 13, Con. 1, £. G. R., insted of James Young. James Young, assessed for Lot 12, Con. 8, E. G. R., iustead of John J. Wilson. Ged. Ryan, assessed for Wi of Lot 6, con. 1, N. D. R., at $90. Titos. McFadden, assessed for Ei of Lot 6, Con. 1, N. D, R., at $110. Robt. Bell, assessed for Lot 8, Con. 1, S, D. R., instead of Alex. Bell. John McEecbnie, jr., put on roll as joint owner for Lot 7, Con. ll. Michael Magrate, assessment on personal pro- perty strack off. Andrew Forgarty, jr., assessment reduced $25. Jas. McYicar, Malcolm Beaton and Donald Black put on roll as farmers' sons. Allan Black, put on roll as occupant instead of farmer's son. Wm. A. Brown, aesessment on personal pro- perty reduced to $500. P. Ducolon, assessed for Lot 18, Mill st. north, Markdale, instead of Wilson Benson. John Sweeny's, assessment on personal property struck off. John McKinnon's, assessment reduced to $800, for lot 21, con. 4, N. D. R. Donald Mc- Danald, sr., and Donald McDondd, jr., assessed as tenants instead of farmer's sons. Joseph McArdle, assessed for lots 18 north James St., and 18 south Mill St., Priceville. Thomas Moran's assessment reduced to $500, his stock and buildings hay- ing been destroyed by fire. Angus Black, put on roll as part owner for lot 24, coil. 8. Malcom McPhail, assessed as occupant for lot 40, con. 2, S. D. R. Aft^ the adjournment of Court of Revision, the Council resumed and took up the general busmess. .AH the members present, the Reeve in the chair. Mmutes of former meet- ings read and confirmed. John English, Solomon Hill, and Thomas Morrow, were appointed Prthmasters in their respective road divisions. Election accounts were paid as follows, Charles MofEat, Wm. Smellie, Hugh McKee, Kenneth McEenzie, and John S. Black, $4. each for services as Dq Returning Officer. Trustees of S. S. No. 9â€" John McArthur, J. H. Hull, and Kenneth McKinzie $4 each for Polling places. G. Williams, Arch, xast McDonald, John McArthur, A. Black and Samuel Milsap $1.50 each for services as door-keepers, and D. Black $5 for delivering Ballot Boxes. On motion the Council adjourned to meet on Monday, June 2nd. J. S. Black, Clerk. Council took up the general buuneat, all the members prebent» the Beeve in tiie chair, minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. The Treasurer presented a statement of the financial condition ot the township, showing the amounii invests to the credit ot the Railway By-law No. 171. When it was moved by Mr. McMillsn seconded by Mr, Dunsmore â€" That- having exunined the statement of th Treasurer, called for at last meeting i n reference t o debenture account, and sinking fund, on account of By-law No. 171 and the general financial standing of the Township, we are pleased to find that said statement is of a very satisfactory nature, showing a deposit in Bank of $6889.48, and also holding a deben- ture on the Town of Durham for $400 bearing interest at 6 per cent., and that the Treasurer deserves the thank's of this ConncUforthe manner in which he has guarded the interests of the Township in his management of the sinking fund and all matters conneeted with his office as Treasurer â€" Carried. McCnaigâ€" McMillanâ€" Thai the Re eve and Mr. Dinsmore be a Committee to repair bridge at Chafe's, mills. â€" Carried. Neil â€" McMillan â€" That a special grand of $20 be given towards re- pairing cro88i»ay at lot 10, con. 4, N. D. R. the commissioner for Ward No. 2, to complete the work from his Ward appropriation. â€" Carried. McMillanâ€" Neilâ€" That the follow- ing amount be apprepriated for re- pairing roads in the different Wards, vis.. Ward No. 1, $100 Ward No. 2. $100 Ward No 3, $120 Ward No. 4, $100.â€" Caarried. The Assessors were paid $40 each, and 2.50 each for distributing notices of appcitments to office, accounts were paid as follows N. Mclntyre, $1.'^; James Burnet, $9.02; Thos. Whit, more, $4.48, for supplies to S. Cope and wkcr indigents C. W. Rutledge. $41.78 for printing, and municipal blanks; A. H. N. Jenkins, $3.50, printing^; Ffed. McLaren, $1.76, repairing scraper; Alex. Livingston, $8.00, removing obstruction off road tiie Clerk, $87.50, for quarter's salary and $2.58, for postage and statibnary. By-law No. 224 to amend By-law No. 221, was passed through ail its stages, signed sealed and engrossed on the minutes. Neil- McMillan â€" That all road con- tracts be paid for by cheques at the Council meetings. â€" Carried. On motion the Council adjourned to meet on Monday, July 21st at 10. a. m. J. S. BukCK, Clerk. -»i T â-  â- -. â-  '"*â-  V:i ••M HO! FAHRIEBS, HOI TDCSS FOB TOn NOW, BABD WOBK TUBNED unco VUlY- Town HaT.T., CkENBLO. June 2nd. 1884. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, and formed into a Court of Revision, all the members, the Beeve' in the chair, minutes of fonuer meet- ing read and confirmed. The assess- ment roll was further amended aus billows :â-  â€" John H. Hunter, assessed as tenant for lot 67, eon. 2. E. G. B. William Jenkinson, assessed for lots 7 and 8, con. 8. N. D. R. instead of C. Firth. George Peart, assessed for lot 7. con. 8, jomtly with Mrs. Peart. James Skemioens, assessed for lot 16, acd north half of 17, eon. 8, E. Q. B M. 8i»eeny, strack off the xcjjl lor lot 9» oon. 10. ^art of w«sfc tm oC lot 4. north of Mill St, lfvkd»le, assessed to JilHneeB. ^Mnibk^^ii it. M0.an4 skoek^ltpplK ti#»$S.S!iQS lumog bean ^mnwttfljf bar we l7]fr.]fBlfiIkn. Iff. ll(l(^IIMflh^1!lH| lb* Darlington June 4, 1884. We tiie undersigned, witnessed the working of one of Salient's Load Lifting Machines, operated by Bobt. F. Ward, the agent for Darlington, in the bajm of Mr. John D. Hoar, lot 6, con. 2, Darlington, and testify that st worked to our entire satisfaction. An average size load of hav was easily and quickly elevated to ue rooff of tlie b«ni. We consider it to be one of the best labour-saying machines yet introduced. Thos. G. Colwell. John Bussbix. I- 'If Uj^iS^ J. M. JonesB. Bicfa. Osborne. B. H.Souch. Jcim Wright. S, Frayu. F. B(Hrland. Geo. B. Lnsk. S.AlIin, ^imannJe Statnmtm. J. D. Hoar. W. Downing. James Sando. John Sando. TboB. E^Hoar. Joe. Wight. P. J. Bowe. T.J.McMorthy t ;j I ifr â- ifr" i. i.i iff'

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