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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Jun 1884, p. 8

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 ippi ^^m" ^-^•i^ ^^.;1^ ALE I'l •â- :! "J j ,^s the place to get BARGAINS in Ory Goods, Groceries^ Boots and Shoes, Crockery 9 Glassware c dtc. NEW PRINTS from 5 cents up, New DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and IjAtest fashions. Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special •discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. a lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, for sale cheap. f;ii I i V April, 1884. 190-tf WM. BROWN. t ]â-  NH TAILOR SYDENHAM STBEET, â-  W M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, EespectfuUy announces that he has received a larjje supply of IN iWM \( 1 i- ' Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Slioes, c 'â-  â€" -A.S these Goods were hought to the best advantage they â- will he sold very low in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by tlie generwl public, alsoon hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. » .1 offer for sale or to lei my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. "W'TVI. JBCOOO, Flesherton Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. -Good Work Guaranteed- -AT^ H" MmMpphyeii FLESHERTON. â- Oa*!! Si't CliC© and see samples of work Avhich we area not ashamed to show. */ T-^S. All kinds of Framing done cheap at BTJI-ais/iEBE'S, FLESHERTON. â- Highljr recommended. for mtoanMas, Head-Ache, 8tlpatt«M,Ii Dtsziness, HeatEtkoiB* Bad Breatb, Iah of Ap- petite, AnoMlee, ]«m •! HClMlijr, Soar Stesaadh Urer MatBttOr anf illneg* arisiiig fromttaa aeb. Bowels or Kklneys. Tbar are mfla and tboraugh in ttwit actum. pUbisadeae; nUHKSSe. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, GENEirLBIiCKSMITH IIORSE SHOEING "Si-. ?««»â- : â- .-i.--'.ie# ii^i- TT _. MBndairani; «r? mmu *l*dtect8 •! Womw in Children; awteV ihe «brm» wtth Dr. Eaw's Wm Syrap. ftgtatis^ who iad beea #te^ by 8 jonngUdy's beauty wasdeternmir ed to follow th6 iBJnpcj^?,!,':*^!*?* the rod tl»at smote hino." " ,i^,: rnie iBeotic Flush, pale hallow ebeekfl_i«^ procarioiis apetite. infiwte WonM-. ^- ioaa'e Vfj^.J^Qiidesrf inll qmdt^*nd efl^t- luOty npf^^ tbeni. .^jgf ^. \j Why »8 applet which h*v» been kept for w)me time like tinmRrried la^s Beea,iise they are often shrivel- ed and diffiealt to puir. National Pills are sugar oonted, mild but thorouRh. and are the beat Stoinach and Livei Fill in use. The frostof last week did consider- able damage to f rait trees and vege- table throaghout Southern Ontario, and extended as far south as ihe Ohio river. 'â-  " " THE EFFECTS OF WHlSjOElr. The efFcets of whiskey are always evil, and these who feed upon i^holie stimulants, vainly endeavoring to cure eoughs and eon- sumption, but nurse a viper. Hagyaid's Pectoral Balsam is a remedy thai is always reliable for all throSt bronchial aad faing troables, ami never does harm to say one. In some places a broken-down front gate, produced in court, furnishes all the evidence a pretty girl needs ttf insure a favorable verdict in a breach of promise suit. Don't hang round the gate boys. CURE FOB. DEAFNESS. As numerous teetimooialB will show^ there is no more reliable cure for deafness than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is also the best remedy for ear ache, sore throat, croup, rheumatism, and for pains and lameness generally. Use externally and internally. Accident.â€" -A few days since a sob of Mr. John Black of (ilenelg fell off a load of hay and got his leg broke. Dr. (ihent attended him and he is now progressing favorably. Mr. Black in well known as he attended bar for the late Thos. Carson for some time. â€" Durham Chronicle. FBAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS. ' There are many frauds perpetrated in medicine, and many advertised remedies worse than useless. Not so with Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It remains as eyer the best internal and external medicine for all pain, soreness and injuries with which human fle^ is afQicted. Htvenai.. â€" Just SR we were making up we hear that W. E. MeAlister E^q., was married to Miss Maggie Lauder and lett for their wedding tour by the moruing train. The happy couple have our heartiest congratulations. â€" Durham Chronicle. NEVER GIVE UP. If you are suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, dis- ordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all nreans procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im- provement that will follow; you will be in- spired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease; and henceforth you will rejoice iu the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Turner Co. 6 A. 0. U. W.â€" There sre 13,000 Workmen in Illinois. 'In Canada and the United States there are over 130, 000 Workmen. WHAT IN A NAME Scrofula is so called from the Latin «cro/«, a pig. froin the supposition that the disease came from eating swine's flesh. It is often inherited from parents, and leades to absces- ses, ulcerous sores, debility, king'^s evil and consumption. The case of the Rev. Wm. Stout, of Wiaiton, who suffered 23 years from scrofulous abscesses, is one of the most remarkable on record. Burdock Blood Bitters cured him after the best medical skil had failed. On Monday eveninc as Thomas Dixon, of Clarksburg, was passing up the Gravel road near here with the stallion, S. James, the horse became frightened at the barking of a dog, and Dixon getting out of the rig to quiet him was kicked in the mouth, knocking him senseless. He was carried into a house close at hand where he soon became conscious. He was able to walk down to the dentist's next morning and get his teeth fixed. â€" Monitor HOW TO CUBE A COLD. Take some gent« opening medicine, bathe the feet m warm water, adding a spobnful of mustard remain indoors equdize the circulation with warm bath and friction • ^ink warm gingar tea, and take Hagyard's Pectonal Balsam, the most perfert and the safest cough cure that can be procured. • Some Beef.â€" Mr. Sam Scott recent- ly purchased from Lang Bros, a fine beef cow weighing 1.680, for wbich he paid $108.76. Mr. Scott intends shipping her to Port Arthur.â€" 0. S Advertiser. ' t A CELEBRATED ^ASE. !â-  The remairkable case of W. A. idijarq ' nf ?^*°^^^r^° Buffered from ^^a^'t^e hver and kidneys so badly that aU nope of md flnrteen days «khout aotioSTf i£ ^^|«^ iaUi.^/whioli BOM^Jiicei?. m\ ehaitped hands,;!, and poal ws^ «o pay requit94^,» '"JS^S? Pri^e 25 mite j)a ;i)i5X/ '^^ Tinnier «fe Co. 'â-  -.â- .-ic: ' ' f- Ye Batehlbi^s on Odlinf W^gMoM- tain don't be diiN6ourag»d«tfe«^ leap year «nd the parental |W»Bii»e given byt)nr inoBd Mr. John jBhiwr.^a young boy o* 60 who entered »fco holy bouds of m'ftfrimony with*a girt of 50 on Friday last. Wo wibh the JP«Wg couple heaps of prosperity. .â-  fc •?' IMPOETANT CHANGES, f There are two periods in the Ufe e# ^every female when the system nndergow great changes. First the change fHom childhood to «6maiJiood; neft. that of womanhood tuoldage. These sie the critical dianges of Ufe, and the system should be ««ui^»«d and regulated by that matchless tonic, Bnr. dock Blood Bitters. It is invahubhi m all diseases peciJiar toiemales. Letter Hegids neatly prin- ted and put «p in pads at this office. THE SECRET OUT. The secret of beauty has been at last re- vealed. Without good health, pure bloud and a fair dear skin none '•an possess guod looks. What is more repul sive than pimples, blotchen and a sallow or pasty conplexion Burdock Blood Bitters reveal the fact that all can gain pure blood and freedom from the repulsive diseases of the skin that result from impurities. Subscribe for the Standard, only ^i.oo a year in adyance to any address. A GREA^r DISCOVERT That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of ih^ dear ones from an early grave. Truly i8^Lr. King's King's New Discovery for consumption,* coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, pain in side, and chest, any disease of tberostand lungs, a positive cure guaranteed. Trial bot- tles free at Turner Co's. drug store. Large size $1. 6 Bear Caught.^Ou Sunday last Mr. Thos. Laughlan, and Mr. J. Gor don captured a large bear weighing 180 lbs in the neighborhood of Ventry. Brum has been feasting on a couple of sheep '-but his feasting days are ended now. Notwithstanding several have been caught lately, depredations are still being comitted among the sheep. A FACT. There are oils white, and oils Mack. l^t up in bottles short ana tall. But Hagyard's Yellow Oil, for pain, Is the very best oil of all. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, deafness, sprains, bruises, contracted cords, sore throat, frost bites, burns and all soreness of the flesh. It is for external and internal use. Union Carnage Works Union Carriage f m ;i Uf l„ AQ wuirlc manufactured from First Gliss Mtei In the Latest ai d Best.lmpiovJ Style, and finished with ElliS^isli Varnish, â€" I Pilnfing Trimming M will receive prompt attention. All Bepanrs executed iu the short possible time consistent with good workmandml Good Work a SpcialityJ Remember the Shop, opposite the Chean D. J. SHAJSTAHAU,! Markdale. Dec. 2ud. 1881. ROOKE'S BAKE!! B RE -A.I • the staff of life t Jb*A.Smi" that will pie, your wife, alwavs on band, to sapp) the demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let us know, And we'll your wants supply Or you'll know the reasou -why. L ROOKE. Markdale. Franco Cliinese 111 Nothwithstahding the desolati war now -raging in China it will \d increase the price of Teas at the The Bay (Jity, Mich., Vindicator, a paper published in the interests of labor, warns all Canadians to keep away from Michigan, and asks Cana- dian papers to copy. It says the j DRCCf RVFR labor market is already overcrowded, ' " " i- " » •- " and American, workmen will starve if the influx coutinoes. Canadians had better stay at home. DANGER IN THE AIR. The recent strange planetary movements and electrical ph^omena have develoDed the fact that the earth is passing thi-ough a dangerous period when atmospheric influence will serioudy effect human health. Fortify the weakened system with that grand tonic regulator. Burdock Blood Bitters, and avoid malarial blood poisons. One of the most saccessful druggists iu New Orleans is a woman. New Orleans fellows say it is so much more pleasant to be poisoned by a woman than a man, besides being quicker and surer. SAVED FROM THE SCALPEL. A Toronto lady, Mrs. Berkenshaw, con- tracted a- disease of the knee iomt and was K'Jti,**.*"^^* ?**» """Ki"*! operation by the best physicians attendinf aU other tteatment having fallal, when Hagyard's Yellow Oil was tried and sneedilv effMted a cure. It IB tae unfaUing remedy for aoddents aadcemerRenoies, and is for external and mtarnal usie. Idfasl M, M Having imported prior to the op I ing of hostilities, a sufficient quanBtjl to supply 20,000 MEM for u period « 12 months, in other rlepartmeDtsa the Grocery tiade the BELPiSIl HOUSE has KILLED BY THOl-l l^ANI) those who assume to trana business by purchasing of small da ers exorbitant rates of interest onlo^ credit. ' Our imports of MEATS. SALMON LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BAC0N,AS80RTED P1CKEL8 and every articles in the grocery trai| LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality, ^i" for Sacramental purposes warrant! pure. Brandies direct from the i ufacturer and all other kinds of iiquorij Coffees, Teas and Tobaccocs cm4 fail to give satislaction. Orang«J Lemons, c Family Elcur suppli at Lowest Bates: BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDAU Feb. 6th, 1884. HACYARDs CbRES. gHEUMAT!S.v1 *«8»tiTO. 1, a safe, nn, and M SEM\EKABLB. BESTOBATIDN T»^' •^•^°^"'°' 87^ Exchange Beet BnlMp. sufiposed to be dyhSJ^iHS: Bumplionwd»%dQnedby ^3.«i^^ resSoSa]^K,JStS?^r ' «°J»y»P«i««t health aiMiweighiSlh*.^ 4iiww1vo IS* MAKE A NOTE OF IT. TIte bU Si (CREDIT. VALLEY DIVl'SlON) â€"ANDâ€" MICHIGAN CENTRA Now run a through line of Palace Sleeping Can -BETWEEN â€" TORONTO AND CHlGASO^ In both directions, leaving Toronf daily (Sundays excepted) â€"jLrr it3o p. ^*"' tod Chicago daily(Saturdays except*^! tlhe only line between the two Cw proper. ACCdMMOX)ATION UNSUEPASSBI" CARS ON TBA" •Wli^ €1IYTB» D. McNiCOhL. r^^.QifaW Bnpt, 'Gei». Pas^* â- -^- -^ iiiUiiiiyMikiiai

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