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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Jun 1884, p. 7

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 "^m tiepgr»c««n^g' J, I o«a pj ler liviQc; «d t le bfet V an tnehmbtoii^l* r] has a diacy own the Tiiii^ mt dock«t. American t»r^5P flfer in diffetaaj^ •! T, how bitltfli^ Milkmui '^J^l ' "« 'oWing i|^ 8 now give priMte â-  ad of the oppariT' res the groom »2n" 8 before startii^ rho wrote to a* i I of molea, and rm, (hem oat," tmnttM 8 on my gal'g nopi^» "'"• *«*J«g wa^ J word that Mi», ^*' lent, Bteaia a kUs faon 8. R., entering i^,, T often have I toU, jrs m the kitchen*" L jeath of Capt. John Ace is ansounoed. that death came along and ** oop- the Ace." ^t of the hardest things to accomplish is fe of Young Kei. ' Kken a man in a railroad oar who is oc- destroys a whole Hf. ht keeps the dsyT irvest time. ^d in one night thk- week. This ia nonl the city than of tk»e mpj-hkjafileofiold, id, stretch awasfiaj idewalk the gii I ablaze wiih al Iliard tialls are ic sends forth its •mpany begins to l 'Uses of pleasnre;^ laz9 with palatial i ue wide open t^'i I grinding health, ht mt of thousands of HiL the gislight n nM I's annilght. Thai nd pitfalls of night i er and/ darker and it life/ in oar citin hose yaeptha and ab t with horror. All i ilcol is tt 'earning, me hoiv and whtral lings, and I will of your chaiactv h bJaaks to insert 13 to me aa appr be, •WAtohman )liceman, piciog the What are the iog at night Wbtrj veaings' Who are I: are tbeir habits? Wl I what time do they d would the ni^t liM nd t'lem to their em; to their credit? F the nights of one ' papers the name* i leir habit I atid hi eets fcr siofnl plea^ 3 shame and coi ' re to go to thair i Id leave the city, de, ilemember, tiaa of the AU-i I but shall be rereali Political Enemies. spoadent of the )t Bismarjk'd rat keriacidsnt. 'Tfle* 'hates his gioi cii go 33 there unless n public opinion was! death, and as the^ ained the action o^ n the matter, it I .incellor to expl)_ 8 rag. Ho did'ao h i iog no to tread i at and paying a no ints to the United Ssi d even, to the he concedej ev6 It he reserves for een more talked • he ever was in hii ioause behind ths ving Bamberger si t Ricnter, besides measure swords hief of the ne* lil e Sianffmberg. his enemies ard s teeth; hence his ' jthing speech »B»1 L isjker's coflSa- ich at Lisker*! nt. "was exieny 's body. "S" ^», leanljast; but Bj JUS and Bratns " atns on tiis ooi when Bmbetg*J wotI I is keen W* e led by o«*^ uight, and •"'•*" bat wh3. bene»»| ys free ff o-o thrt i ti makes them x^ very body ka«» â- - expect..! to ha he wUl 1 the will « ipoleoii'8 !?•â- â€¢Â»â€¢ ht-seeing ol ^^^ .nteredtne gW5» the Wgh-wo^iJ, stained and â- Â»Â» ory in itself-:*^" Is of the«ldn«fjj eror in '•v"il 01 Eorope, m »Pj lags the orippigfe' â- ^1 adjolBa««Jf Madonn* gjil bands. â„¢n iigtwo iies' hats may be cheaper this spring laat aeason, but we notice that th^y K higher than ever. jadelphia is a tpna,t mannfaotaruig ^,bat the girls would be better suited if I a great city for man. Ijpoeteas asks " Where is my sailor love " If he is ashore, the probabilities [i^ he ia " half seas over." Itbe yotmg man who left the poen: " I â- tto be at lest," upon our desk will sell Ifiwill Bee that he is accommodated. }gilf a loaf is better tlum none," as the f laid who was kicked out of a bar- iitDOcn, where he asnally put in the leu Lsngfellow'a Alpine maiden said to ;Mr. Excelsior, " Stop, oh, stay," did he was a dude and ought to wear |ai exchange says that the famous monkey lyKJardin des Plantes has "joined the It majority of monkeys." Become a ^e,"we presume.^ iJobbim didn't mean it for swearing when one night, that his barn-door had ed, and remarked that it was "a t'goneahaine." \isttj Dore, of Rochester, waa kicked by llone Sunday and received a broken lag. r let somebody sing "Never take the shoe from the Dore " to him. |Amale with five legs has been bom in n, We shall look for a large falling Ifiii th« popalation of that State within the v].Qt«i(ht yean. |i Peoiuifyranla man left his wife because laivaTinade him enter the house by the 'door. We naturally infer that the cook I not particularly gooid looking. lil the season of the year when the man with the twenty five cent okck- ^ttckmgs and low-cut shoes sits cross- nntil the whole lower half of his oy goes sound asleep. of the drawbacks to the pleasure of is that if you bring home a string of 1 yon are proud, some envious son of iltoi it liable to insinuate that you caught t mortem trout. |||iieof the results of the panic is the fact, tdfrom London, that several wealthy iricuis abroad will be obliged to return leimmediately. And another that several pime will want to go abroad. Pesolidificatioa of whisky is a new in- ptua If the spirit is taken in the form [okn hereafter, the term ' Uquid damna- "will no longer apply but 'the phrase ilid ccmfort " will, in the minds ot some \h have received a fresh aigaificanoe. A Remarkable Incident. Iltemarkable accident happened in New recently. A safe weighing two 'ud a half was being hoisted to the It floor of a building on Broadway, and ' nached the desired height when a *sianat'the window through which it 'topaaa, and who had been guiding the ^eroaa mass suddenly gave a piercing and •Bang shriek that startled the crowd P»ere watching the operation, A glance '" tithing form of the workman, who med and screamed with pain, showed ^tlitd happened. He had taken hdd of ^pulley to swing the safe, and his fingers r^ht m the rope and drawn int3 the ^nof the block. His fellow workmen L*tt«ttqtumthewmcheithflrto bout "•« the safe, might result in cnnhlng Vfi fellow's hand to a pulp. There '""^one thing to doâ€" the ropea oinst J^.^i the safe allowed to drop to ?*^alk. As quickly as possible this ^^ and the roadway were cleared of uandvehiolea. Two stoat feOowi '°npoa the sill and held the bo^ of k Jeering comrade so that he wonla not L^«d down with the safe. Then the *ere quickly severed elose to the block. *«n'8 hand was rdeaaed, and he w»i ?? lialf fainting, intj the room and eaif ^,* "Mgeon's. The big mfe crashed 'go the sidewalk, smashed a heavy flag- ' nto powder, and buried ftmU tiie 7 floor of a vault under the ktreet. Tlxe it^.not materially injured, and tae '"i wounds are not dangecons. l'(^«nt Method of AllajiBS Starauk kyS?*lJDg the eky was formerly roord- I trance as an effective means of iUay " " i » f :%^Nr»*i to Tho'dnjBMBi dtaiitsd ««t h. fonnd tSSShe b2drrf?5£i; wim?ptd from KmA to teSi aiTK dagcs,whoM dtacokHred ooanteaabae fa^ "•sSs^jj^ii^ ts^rtSs: "*• Tuoffioarat oaoo nauiooed a ««,.nij- â- Mj of tiie polios and n svnon. BarJv SUM a miwdsr had been onnmikted. Am ^^tk. body was wmovod tTth. man returned to taa boat for hia miasina TTTTft tnn pnlion riwilsliaUi. Ji'^*'V «^h^^ "' "^ed that officer, tauntincdy, as the gentleman was taonghtiiu ^•rhap.^yon^onSfVS cape, but I assure you that neitheTmy offi- cars nor myseU can be found napping where justice demands that we be aleH. "I should like to know what all thu means," said the gentleman. •*Your pretence of ignorance will not save you from the punishment due for your crime." "My crime?" '|Tes,â€" the murder yon committed, or to which yon were an accessory." "Ifurderl What makes yon thiwir I have een concerned in such a crime f "Did yon not bring with yon to this city a box cmtaining the eorpse of a woman?" "Yes." "Who placed the body in the hex?" "I did. "How old was she " « "Not far from twenty-five I think," smil- ing. 'Where Was her home f "In Egypt." ' "Make a note of tkese answers," said the magistrate to the clerk. Them turning to the gentleman he adced, "When did her death occur " "About 3.000 years ago." "No levity," remarked "his honw," sternly. "There ia no levity in my statement. I must say yon are the most stupid judge I ever saw. Had not yon and your officers been the veriest ignoramuses, yon would have known the 'body' is a mummy," con- temptuously. "A mummy?" repeated the dumbfounded magistnto. "Yes from CSyro, whence I have just returned." "And who are yoa " "Count Domont,, President of the Boyal Society of Antiquities and member of the Academy of Lucriptiens." "My lord, I implore your forgivoiess for the annoyance I have caused you," said the judce in the moat abject humiliation. â€" TotUh'a Compaitkm. • tbo ahaU k compbto I b«W? JS^^SlS haK Wt my chiM en atdse cennten^ B^t angar wlm I waa toldto bnj bntter, •poilod aay nnadiar ofbootl. off^odod dcisM of good men, and aU beptase I wanted to •^)«rt-rushi The older I grow the less I 5S!t^?*v!^2^ laavaaa oloudof dniVbahuid bun. HewiUbewrong half *a«me. He wiU boHh bis WbrkTupwt ^abest ealehkktkms, and lose « doOarW •very seventy -five cents he makes. A netn- laat. impatimt boy m^kas man who Sn't keep a friend. He will be bbstinate, un- nawm^h^ unfdrgiviBg and tlymugh^de- sptatd. Don't $tga» toat it is botn-ia yon ttd yonoaa't help it A boy can kelpii^ thmg if he has any sand in his nature. He can exeroiaa patience or giva way to fits of aagor ^ch ought to be boot-jacked ont of his nature to save h*ni from the gallows. But you hate to be bossed, eh Well, my boy, if w« could all do as we pleased this World would be a fine country to live in. Oar worldogmen wonld get to thair labor at 10 o'clock in tiie morning and quit ih time for 5 o'clodt sapper. Oar stores might open m the moniing or wait until attamooa. Our mills and factories would be mn to suit the convenience of teamsters and engineers instead of owners. Oar trains ud boate would have to suit captains and conductors, and some days you would get one meal and other davs three. We must have bosses and stand bossing. Don't start out with the idea tiiat you can be independent. Don't think tiiat you can sit with your folded arms and bring men to you with fiat offws. Don't imagine that you are doing anybody a great favor by calling upon them and hinting around that yon eoud be coaxed to take a situation. Do as your employer dh«ote. If he doeant know his business that's none of Knr affairs. Make up your mind that the y ^o sett out to earn oidy three dollars per week will never get four. If he is de- termined to be worth four he will soon be receivine five. I sat down with a half dozen of you the other day, and the opinion of the majority was that employers didn't m^e any dis- tinction between a smart energetic boy and a drone. Don't be foolish, my lad. Nine employers out of ten had much rather ad- vance a boy than to discharge him. Ahoy may not be watched as dosely as a man, boMuse we make allowances for his inex- perience and follies and trifling nature, but don't yon fwget tiiat he is soon sized up. If he is respectful and truthful and honest the employer who doesn't realiza it and re- ward him is no man to work fw. M. Quad. jBCSETlCSOIBS,. in psrvo-A wopiau's tongna. •Shcnor-aTil teviee KofcnA, ,lifokeriaapoorfion»)esi JJ„i»gaaeation-Howmo«his L jtfrdreaaer's widow is a relict oooes in where Uttn is aotbiag Hjlionl hw plenty of elbow room in U^jJ^Binded man. ;?,. r^her of the Shaker fraternityâ€" A 1*52, an attack of the ague. uVmidi somewhat paradoxic^ to say P IJairtion is " gaining groand." I -oort that the army worms wear iwl R*^ aeems to be unfounded. .fopoaes and the other auaâ€"hn 'ZpoMS of him in short on^. kHinmortal saying. "Therc'a always "atthetop," was mvented by a hotel iithesadend? No, tisnofedanth.. ^mbourine-player's ohdar in A nun- ibov the brii^ht lexicon of modern times ^no euch word as " bursted." ^ckland woman calls her husband. " because he moves fco mortally ihe ied »â€" â€" marble wall the mocaivO'l by prokten rays of a*"" ined glua a few kp*" of wither^ th of Njpola«* ' P«itft-r " " *° eiiecuve means oi auay W^ â- Â°* of la'sing them. Attgo^ the Ute • ^^^^ The origin of this p«no- nl!f**Kd naval officer, whoj; having 'uer-spoata destroyed at aea by the liiT J^iaoa, tried in 17«) to anbdna by [^i»^ the stcrms of rab ind had h»dW^f" â„¢ *!»• deuartmeufetowhkte L!V«bied. Arago also fonn4 that tEa WL1'*^0M in order to alMrr«tanii I'^^^f'l^*^ in Fraroe by tba onatOB hj^ the bells vigcroasly on iniAoe CUfilOUS FACTS, (Kerosene oil ia solidifled in Russia ^and made into candles. 2i7be telegram overtakes twenty-nine crimi- nals to one secured by a detective. Paris has a Mma. LsdouUe who makes a handsome living as a dog's dressmaker. A paper chimney fifty feet high has lately been put up at Breelau. Compressed paper palp is stated to be me of the least inflwa- mable of substances, and to make an ^oel- lent nukteriaJ for fire-proof doors. The general l}ovemmentowea New Jersey 73 cente, an excess paid on the state by the direct tax of 1861. The United Stetes trea- surer's book shows this â€" and with interest added the amount wonld be 11.70.6â€" but there is no way of paying it without xa act of Congress. Jacques Dnpin, the most famous model for old men in Paris, has poaed for artiste iat more than half a centwy, and beginning in amaUboyboodas Cupid has irrown gray in service, and now stands 'for snch old patri- archs as Job and St. Anthony. A man was received into the i«borisiere Hospital, Paris, the other day with a yard of rope han ging from his month. Traction upon the cwd revMled a section of clothes line measuring eight feet, ^e had been sur- prised in an attenmt at suicide abd had tried to conceal nis design by swallowing the eord. He lives. ' Card telegrams an nnudi in nae in Paris. Thato are two kinds of than--oae like the ordinary postal oaid in form and colm, and the other Une and capable at being se doaed as to conceal the writing. Thay an Moh lacoa enough to contain a m eâ€" g a of fnUy 00 worda. When a daxd is droppedmto the c«rd telegram box of the naonat telegraph office the official in charge pioka it up and has it tnmsmittad tfaxonirii one of tba pneu- aittie tobea wUoh eortend all orevtiw dty, thnainanring ite ddivery «» Jj* ij^f ,!? whiohitianddMaad in J-!^^" •» hoar frool the time it waa "poatad.^ AsingatefraAkof nstnie haajnst been ..drfSMm • *ortjirtanoo ft««;^f»o^ OUbb The pMwta.of tte oUld whkh has ImsB •temBattbyAnne NatonaaoBeof her whinS5««t*aii^-d to P»WJfty. ^£- ^IT TSj^ whiA esaai tr combma- tioTto lom the word " atar." nie parraita ""not kanw hotr to nooMat toriO^ ie old wive, of tfce P»«»t^^2-2S!d tiMoricB of the oaaaa m» MM oonganitai rjSsIiS. Medical mail antotowJ2!!f SSSfi2 ft. trsnwi^. ^•jojjjho havoaaan theinlhrt dacteo tto^»J«g; of k TioM depaiBda Tery }9fmV »*«* â- " t.MnBhibitnn-1883 iMUTlaBM. InBcMllBl I881JE H lB8a^~lYl 1^,000,000 T^ onlr OompMir in OMi»d» that has paid » eUia. -mmoDBTEqi sscuit^. ... " Ascots Wanted 'W. B. WKBRKR," Seeretaty. Hamnton TheVewBUFatieiitnmvBraiBiMer. Award of €Kdd and SOverOCedals., SBBtJamsMt wee Moiitz«al Theee mwh time, grind any kind of grain very fast and wit n«B 1 ler itia La^r EUae IflUs THE STAB OF BETHLEHEM. Ukely to AicaiB Bnchtea tbe Clr- aky. The th»ary oonoenung the " Star of Be- thlehem" is baaed on a poetical foundation, having Itttie to support it In the year 1572 Tycho Brahe, a Dntoh astronomer, discover- ed a new star near C^h, in the constella ti on Cassiopea. It inoreased in brilliancy until it was as bright as Yanos. and could be MMily aeen at noonday. It continued to shine br^^htly for a month, then gradually grew dim and, in sixteen months disappear- ed from view. It waa looked upon as a new creation or a sun on fira, and the general opinion was thlt it wonld never again shine in the star depths. Forty yesrs later the telesoopa was in- vented. When it was turned to the posi- tion in the heavens ooonpied by the blazmg star, a mmnte star was found near the iden- tical spot. This telescopic star is still there and ia doubtieas the same one that blazed forth in 1672. The discovery that it existed led astrononglera to search astronomical re- cords, and it was found that similar bright stars had appeared in the same region of the aky in 935 and 1261. Continuing back three periods from 945 we an brought to tiie near vidnity of the birth of Christ. About twenty^ur of these temporary stars have appeared in the last 2000 years, subject, like the atar in Casswpea, to sudden outburste, followed by a return to their normal inaifpiifloance. They ue now classed as variable stars/subject to sudden bntbursta due to emptionBof biasing hydrogen, and which an followad by long P«nods of qujas- cenoe. The star was dne in 1883. if it appears at all it will snnly blan forth by 18 Then is a possibility, therefme, that the long hiat Star of Bethlehem, the Pilgrim Star, the Star of 1672, or Tycho Brahe'a Star-^or it ii known byaUof theae namea â€"will once mon become a ahinhig wonder in the aicy. â-  *- ' The EzeentiMi and the Eulogy* An Ezecntion, lying in the shade reading a newspaper, wai urarOJMihed by a Eulogy. " Any thing new, JBiXeantion? ••yee-j I'veloatajoh." "How'a that? Panic knock you ootr; "No; but you knw Mr. Prominent Man f "What,that genaroni gentleman, ao kind, yet so flm. ao proad yet so humble, so pro- fniwd vat so sinwle r^ '^eo.that^dakinflint, ao full of taf!^ yet so pig-headed, so vain yet so ofaoeqaioaa, ao boKsticyetaopoariii; thaVa the fellow." •Whait of iihttf ** Why he'a dead, and that throws ma ont "I'm aorry for yoa, Bxeontioa, bat your loBBianiygirin; hiaileata gina ma plenty of woik." tfMuSM the «fli« *• with dlffeieat style of ontter, grinding, i^oa- phatea. gold aq4 aU^r^ ores, ouartL plaster, olar. bonee, fldi'4m$a. bark, tea. Flease cad Or write for partJonlars. Agents Wanted FOBTHn^â€" Citizens InsnrancB Go., of Canada. EttablialMd 1861-OapiUl and Aaaeta, •1,IX,988. â€" CtoTemment Deposit f 128,000 Cash.â€" As the Comnaay triiusiiutii Fire, Uf e, an Accident bualnesB. a profttaHe agency is thus ofBared to those soUcinng insurance risks. Special terms to those who have valuable con nections. Farm property insured as low as by FanhMutuala. Addreest Head •â- ee, 11* St. lanari Street, Hentteal. aVTbe stock of this Companv is held by lanr of the wealthiest dtizens of MontreaL many of l]]an Una Boyal lail SteamsMps. BaOins during winter from Portland ereqr ThnrMar, and HaOfaxererr Saturday to liTVpool, and in MynnMC from Qnebee ereiT Batorday to Iihwivool, flaUng at Lon- dondetnr to land maOi and pa mu i ugti for Heoti f and and belaad. Aim from Baltimore viaHalifaz and BLJohn'i IX. r.. toUT«qMiolfartnlslUrdniiii||aammer moatha. TlM â- taMBcti of the Olaignr UnM Mil dnring winter b^ tween Portland and Olaiflow, and Borton andCMaacow altematdr: and dnrins mtomct twtween Qoebeo and Glaifow and Borton and GHaagowerwT week. N. F. Wm. lliomson A Ca, St. John, X. B. Allan Co., Chiesgo; Leve ft Alden, New Yort H. Bonrlier, Toronto Allans. Bae ft Ca, Quebec H. A. Allan, Portland, Boston. Mon- treal. Dominion Line of Steamships Bnnnlag la oooneetUm wlto the Grand Trunk Bailway of f ^f^l*, SaQlaK fromC^ebeoeivay Batuiday during the summer months, and from Portias every Thursday during the Winter ino»ti«s BaiUngdates from QUKBBO TO IJVnPOOL. â- amtnaI.Hay. le. *Vaneenver, Hay. SI. •Sanla, Maj. II. TetvMte. ^â- â- â€¢â€¢.!* BMekl7B.Haj.Sd. I *«Ksaa. Jomcld. aocoralng to steamer and berth. Intennediate HO. Steerage, at lowest ratee. The salocos and staterooms to steamers marked tons: • are anddphipa, when but little motion is felt, and no oime or sheep an carried on them. For further partUmlars aivlrto any Orand Trunk Jo BO^^ BABUS. Moatreal. The White Qlyc- fel^^gllBath 8oa| Oatmeal Skin SpWf and The Baby*«QwnSoap TOILET 80Af CP.T PURITt EXCELLENCE. JirSdld by all leading drunists. 30 DATS* TBI^ i» KBN ONLY. TOXma OB OU %S^«ie BUflev- tag fro m Hbryous Dxhutt. Lor VRAimr, Wisiaia WBAKHnsaa. and all those dlaeaaeaoaa Pi â€" o s Mi Xjltuwm. remittlagt.flMai Awpas and tMasB CAOncB. Speedy jnmt and. iomiltete reetonticm to Wjat-th Ttooa and Kakhood OuAEAimnnx Send at onoe for Cluatrated Pamphlet free. AddieM Yoltaio Belt Oo.« Maralian, Miolu THE MODEL Washer AMD BLEACHEB! Weigbs bat t powids. OanbeoairiedinaamallTaUae niostration ihowi Manhinw in boiler. Batltfaetion Kmuuiteed or moner refonded. h 1S0S4O BX WARD yOB m SUFBBIOB. Waahing made lidit and aaay. The elothee have that nire wliiteneaiwluoh no other mode of waihiiic oaapro- dnoe. Ko robbing regnJred. no bioUon to fiijmfe the fataie. A 10 year old iprloan do the waahing aawellaa an older iwioii. To place it in every honaehold thk PBioa has bbxv BKDVOID to 92.50, and if not f oand aatltfaotory, money refonded. See what the "Canada Pmbyterian." Mn aboBt itâ€" Ihe Model Washer and Bleaoher whioh llr. O. W. Dennia oCen to tte publio hai nuuw and TalnaUe adTantagea. It ia a time and labor aaTing maehine,' BulMtantial and endnrtng, and is very dheap. PTom tna in tike hooaehold we can teatify to ita exoeU e n o e. DeliTered to any e x Bt oM office in the Prorinoea -of On tario and Qoebeo. Ohugei paid $3.00. Send tor clroolara. AGENTS WANTED. C. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BABGAIN HOUSE, SIS T«H«B STBSn. T«BOHTO. •HT. 84 000 SeM In U Heaths. BnTOm.TTHB Bailway Agent or pany.orto BA' agents of the Com 1WBBACB«C*9 General A«eats, luni THE AMERICAN Carriage Repository. is now full of an Uie latest derigns in Fhie Car- riages, Bead Waggons. Baggiss. Snlkeys,^ and SInieton WMgpna Donot fautoeome and see our Village Carte in vartous rtyles fitted with our Amerleaa Caaopies. nslB Createst ll«TeUy 9t the Affe. Wemaa»aspeoialitylaf Amerlwanwsde Car. rlagee, andliavaalaigerstooK to setoet from than aav House la Canada. Ohas. Brown Co., AmarieasI0sniac«|B«90fit(n7 6 Adelaide St., East, Toronto. WclterWoods â-  aWIITOIl •â- T GURNETS WARE, STillBJISCW. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST REUABLB TTarlnBed ia i feet in aecnraey and ane^iaUed in danUilr. Onaro aotaed to site entire aatMaetian. THKY KXCBL ALL OTNKRS. XDV Alsttt Hteey DMMn; aUKNE YS WAKB IfeirTstlc^aMteCCL), CMssi^^aJ^wMsas, T s B i w, fe). ^f !)[?â-  !H I*! -J* «i Mi it 111' u. fM- .il' Hi ?it *:,. • Pa ,1 i (f â- â€¢Â»ii VtAimaMm^

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