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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Jun 1884, p. 5

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 -t -Saturday bifere I b â€" MondagF -Tnesday Won -Monday befor 1â€" Last "We Lot I Soai], ArieiB«Ma, c id which arectMndt at 8 part 16, cok 12, 1 eared; all neceauij I .3, con. 13, Olenelg,] terms andpartkn »R SAUB. To 9, Euphrasia, 8 3 from Bo^yn, coi ^res cleared and in go( it to run re^wr and xilwood bTish with si jp. Wtll •watered wilj jIj' 10 rods fjom rd, honse, ham steam saw mill on M id can be given. Foij y on the jw^emises to SAMUEL WBIGl BoeU} ats tteeonntryeanl eafe- »'"â-  Â¥p II UkdALE JEWELLERy STOSK I' II i. •. ar^ ' y UbCxE ((â- .MvuViC-^Sco^aK^-aMek^ prf *f ^^ *i%ii^.4»^'-MffM !J» l s^i^ t^--*^^'^^ .aaix No X-J .1. rhisrepresentatieo^ Of â- ^ ^^"l^raM -i« »i »i»»: J6*«C^'--fi^^,^ W'««L" ir^l^l, WJO lll|0^W^ Mk,h Tb«ffl6» pe?:SSs;â„¢i^|j^ SS2flfe22£5^S^?^ ooMignment c^ French iCnifanewte ;n-^ oods. Special lines in .^wrf:^^*;*;^^ -n Watches and Cw^ks;' "i, ^^t^ "^^f ,ti4i^•;^^^ ci T^dr* [Meridatt Co. Silver Plated linder, Porc* the same. B t.? F^tir 'jf o-.r 'Ill W.A. re. Specks,Chai»s,C6aUrmsii l#«*^ ^^^mgaliottirt:^ IRings, etc. i8 k. Wedding|: hirers always in stock. Musi- Ital instruments, ViolinSteings. I personally attend to all, Wch Repairing s^nd fuiiy *â-  "ifi- «f^ ttiP^MMibM ^i-flj ijfj*.- ??«l i«Ti;raj »â- Â«*â-  lift ;r.v. ;.â- ,â- Â» •11^ 'i -i j â-  .?i»i If:-: Iiocal KoncES in tliexe columns inUndediobteneftt ,ituiUidual or Society will be charged ten J a line for the fiirtt -^t^tUit and Jive lalineeachsuhuquetU interthiii Fa Pine or Maple^ FlojMiig go to iM'co. "';;â- ,' \,i^ Ntw tweed ,Stxiting« at M. Biehard- Isod's. (teMEMBKR the Cattle fair in MArk- Idife'on Satarday next the" 7th, Croqwet.â€" A. Ttinier Co: to a new stock of croquet. Mbs Maod Eichabdsok is showing I new styles in Millinery this weeft. Eejivixatob is a sure cure for sick lieadache. Sold by Smith, the barber. WiLLiAMSFOKD lias a new tailor, a |)otmg man from Walter's Falls, ^offiiSTPxV Little, MaxweM, is agent [for tie celebrated Chatham waggons. A LAKSE stock of fresh turnip seed l^iPirker's Drag Store, Djirham. Garden Seeds, fresh, Ipueand true to name, at the Medical Im. • Mr. H. H. Stovel, lat editor of the Forest Confederate gave as a friend- |lycalltliis week. ' "' *â-  ' AvocNG gentlenfc^'wanfcB asitua- Kon as farm hand. Apply, al Thomas IBoland's, Artemesia. 194-3in If you want a parlor saifc. hair* lioth or raw silk, go to Grau* Co., iJiarkdale. Theough freight trains from Mon- Itreal to Owen Sound are now running Ter the Ontario and Quebec railway. BoNT call at MeFarland's if you are [fli tlie iiun*-for trashy, shoddy, auc- [iion goods. He don't keep them. WuRTox council expect to expend M120O in village sidewalks and other I improvements this sumncer. The next sitting of Division- Court n»o..5 will -be held in Markdale on the 19th June. outfit last Wedn o d tayia nijtook'poBBes Bioili the'lst oif Jt^e, f' -a-: ' Ax escuciion ft«ak Diiiubi^'«d^ Ghatswdi^ #ltftpirtafi6b8 between toOwfflt* Sbttad' is conteinutaieO:' bv the Mirkdak a: 0. tj. W.^^ burned ,iOi% iwd«iy xof^. icAv^er with 20^)00 bu8h«is of iriiMl^ Loaii $80,000,"iili«rr{ifice t7,0»? ' ' .MswAnxc^ot^ £ageoia,^faMi/over-^ liauled^ bid flcmr nrin %t at place and added ttctt nncfainerjr, and is now .*nniiag;iE«it greatly improvect flour, 'l!Bt Gffty -^epim ha§ ' the lajrgest circniatipn of any local \,paper in lEricevillie and the Markd^e Sxanbuled ita next to it, being but a fewiiiMabers behind; ..---^ i^'i,;,.-i-.r:c ',-..i;^ Ten itfaoosand tons of «teeV rails are' eocpneted here shortly for shipmi^iit to ^ort Arthur an4 ppin^ beyon^. It will take some work to.loadiitiiBn^â€" .0. S. Advertimr. Qa7lAfliiteyilwt% foundry, have nufaaAtaimlajwmtisr OS |)tow8 this teiAiHi»^irJH0hii^m fifing !«xeelleni8atiaA|ctHW, ^Sboaein entort «t Hiiltwi' imiiiirtiiM ixj^Biiliiiii'ii. ^tii: i " r:^„8B«p.te.M«gBt *i 4at^:.Miu sGkMBtfixar p^r in Uie OTemog atjiiUMfWI^^ Bthlt* "il** l:n^^ l.-i:}. Ma;,GBO. Lamb. Ghi£cott^ Glenelg, Inroug^t a fine bred boll, from Simcoe Co. lastw^ek winch aiihnal will ^e for service on his fieani thi^ seasoh. Terms reasonabk, to be. paid on the 15th Deo. nexit. • d. j iti ... Tbb Mt. Forest Oot^ederate thinks Mr. Jenkins, of the Ohrtmkle would naake a tip-top eaj^aln fat the Satva- tun Army. Of course he would re^ quire to reform first. The Owen Sound Boyal Georgian Lodge of C. 0. 0. F., which number 150 members, dedicated their new hall OD the 28th May. The service was beautiful and impressive. What is the longest clover root yon have ever' seen Mr. Bryan' of the Mansion Honse. Markdale, has one measuring 5 ft. 5 inches. It was found by Joseph Iryin at Plewes' Mills. LrrxLE Coins. â€" Mrs. W. J. Mc- Farland of this town has in her pos« prise jod ,£)IM»hpil9 home. ,.-•! »,-rt .-â- â€¢-• Ais)) I^EVnsinspoBtioiifof JBI^ complete stock itt Gold iUiod'and GofB Siliwr C^ora. also WaH^iii, Elgin |k^d STi^ S^ad^ of motgments; |pi)9j.iEo«nMi^ teecL ^^Mea mom. Get' n^, ^otef tionoon^n Imy' imtf san^ trom 1^46 8 dollars. W. A. Broifn, TeWel^r. 'MiiAdaloi'-^"'"--'" 'â- * ' -jriii^j^ »iij m "^II- ••-â-  l •i^S)' JrtMfJ f6{t.i-- :;rt"'"W7 i o AhÂ¥ ^person miakug kr MOare a ^A«ieo for a residence ottbtiot do bettll tNn to see 4lri Ji« ilrmstron^ JM H)i^« He has,aAamliero]r' shade trees :plant8don^ the oew^ snrveyod streets, which will be opened to. tibe i ptlio dozing Vka^ seasmit TlHms^ ^I be made eit^. Miu. owners who i?eqvire repairs and those who pui-pose bplding a ioill shbnldiidnsdlt Mot'Broa.,iIarkdale. They are first-class practiu^n^aehin- ists who thoroughly uodMNSttand their business, and manufacture aUkinds of mill work, such as steam engines, shaftings, etc., eto. ^^^^ if?Piww«^ tesm«ia«i p. jf»ii ShMiahany of the €tan«i9# Wi»lMici Asinc «si^ ek««iii^ on*.Jf W$ .»S miM«IaHs4*e4l.fie fis»8ti04ii#.»iid.flold oaw riga. to.JSbtt amodnt fo $14(i(K0a in May. abd tUstoioiitb Wffi eotriii ff %\A thatjfi9^oi •BOO -^ii â- asm o'/«d qo;:6 Jo* â-  â- â- Â» â- â-  TO BO. ' Yon will find it ianiiiaDle for nealing, cleuts- inK and eompl«t'*nMoviEi^ yonr tronUe. If the Blood i«Cilt}iZ6nEBr, take with it a few doaes of MoGnger's Speedy Cnie itcan. BmBna, Jl;*iJt 1 1 tnstA J»JS BC Liiff i)'.», ,\;;; ,. je»of ^1.. ipwe Mood, C. C. MONTREAL anung bau^ r-f %M M tWi.^i 'IfHi ' U ii South Gbky AoaicuiuTUBAi. Bociett. â€" We, have received a copy of tbifa sodety^s prize, Ust tor 1884. It has been gotten up at the Review office, Dniham, and is a credit to' that estab- lishmiptt. The annual eithibitiou will bu held on bept. 80th and Oct. 1st, on tlieir grounds in Durham. R. J. Sproule's prints are all the rage. They are excel- lent value, fast and fashion- able designs, and an endless variety to chose from. Re- member the place, R. J. Sproule's, Flesherton. Wa notice that Mr. T. Hall, of the Dundalk Herald, has been successful in the Ladies' Joarnal competition, having received an 'elegant silver tea service, of 8ix pieces, valued at $110. It isn't every local editor that can Gasjiiiiii (OlV^AlklO DIT1I6IOIV.) COMMENCING MOWAYMAY 19. 84 Torontp.Crey and Bruce TOvlslon. TOBONTp:â€" Depai^ 7:2Q a. m., 00 p. m. " ArriTe 10:46 " 1H)0 " Ndte-^Mixed train leaves Pafrkdale 7:40 a.m. Credit Valley D»rlsion. Toronto, depart 7:10 a.m, l:0i)'p.VD,4:5O.p.'m •' a.nve 9:»0 *• 8:45 •• 7:00 •* Note â€" ^^[ixed train leaveA Parkdale 1 a. m. ^*^xhe undersiffn^ wonli respeotfallj i^ton^ thanks to their many oostomera and friends for e yptj Hberal snpptni aooprded to them' dti^nBg.tiie piist, lE^d wdnlH 'solioii a nootma- ance of t}ie Mune. aa we are- now j«ady to^ai' tend, to all work ' intrusted io odr oare in' CfFSTOM CiJlDINO, FULLING and I^AYING Ui first-^lasa stylie. As we haT» pi^ 09 nmr oards. and made other impiove- BitfitB. we wfllwdeavor te do as Kodd work, lift tibe fatbtiB. if' not better, than weliaye eycor doqf in the past/ .. ' Castomers wishing to hare their wool carded, span imd made into blankets or flan IK^ on cotton warp, can have their orders attended to by leaving their wool as eu-Ij as possible. Please remembw the place. Mill Street, west of the Mailway Station. to the profits cnold afford it EoE Sideboards, Lounges, Tables, Wsicg ease^ go to Grant Cq» parkdale. ' The Scott Act convention at Mea- ^ti decided to have a vote^ taken in S about the Ist October. J^^ don't you use Bejuvinator fitters, for liver complaint «id kidney *«a8e Sold by Smith, the barberJ^ ^niail carrier between Meaford *^i Flesherton k)8t one (rf his harses js'week. Inflamfttion was the cau8 ^f^eath, â- â€¢' -.;. -:, ' ,^J?il Cakc^P '^e champioB '"le feeder, for sale at Medical Hall.. aerCo. splsion tlie smaJlest coin we have vet ^port a silver tea set, and if it was left pieces from California, and were made 80 years ago. j Labdine Macbinb Qiti; is the delight of farmers, and a pleasure to all m^n usi og Machinery, it cannot be. excelled it has recieved the highest awards at Dommion and Provincial Exfaibitioiu. MoCall Bros. Co.,sfole manufacturers, TOTonto. 't ij u iv-' TwEEps»â€" Thelstrjgi^t and: finest line of tvvreeds ever opened in FlesHertpn now open and selling fast at R. J- I SprOule'Snv*^' ^.^^jJ *^ f""iiti; i^ The Chat^worth corresinnident to the Owen i^onnd Adeariuer says^ f^'It seems to be a TomiirkaWe year for twins; »« less thai! seven pair* pf them have been cotot?d. wilmna rcdius of five miles.froiO h»»." ♦•The CanaUiak Aoknt" B the nan^e of a new paper, the first numlwr of which is before us. It w pubfashed montWy at IroquoM, OBii,,^WJf. a. Howard Co. Subscripticm 2r56nts » year, .Iivl%t(B^ *o,|Ji^tMli»8t8 of agentsf,i...i ".^* Ui il ' -^ A stfe^riof lme:^r W ju^t An addUional trdin will be nm in connection with the .. "CANADIAN PACIFIC 188-203 F.J,RfrSiriEQ«. EVCENM Grist, SafafldLadiMills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Onst Mill I feel confident I can give STEAMSHIP LINE," 1««^ -atU^aotion. GOOD FLOUR ALiUfAYS ON HANa Ieaviiig !toroiito 11:30 a.ak D.MoNICOL, W. WHYTS. (ien. Pom.. Agt. General Manager. r« very 'fiiK\-f): «."•â- ; â- â€¢â- ':â-  â- ' A TEAM, witli a loaid of pressed hay, took fright at the steamboat whistle in Meaford on Monday, the 26th May, just before the Wiarton excursion party left the wluiif, and ran at a furious rate through the crowd, ruu:^ ning oVer about a dozen, many of whom were more or less injured. Several werf, woun4ed but none* lata%. -« i^c- "Kept .thejc ouT.-rl'wo men, BOt 1,000 miles -from) Markdale vwre plantiBg potiiteiBB rhis »eek. they hbd seed in a barrel, Siud were afpid the COWS cm tim road Voui4 f^^^ tl^e gateway, wiiich:wa8-opeD,;anddemdi8^ MARKDALE STATION. TBAIWS LEAT* AS VOLLOWB GOINa SOUTH.â€" Express 6:27 a. m. " " Mixed 8:38 " St^msh^) Express 12:0«) noon. • '.••,« Mail 5:80 p. m. GOING NOBTH.â€" Mail 12:00 p i " " Mixed 3:26 " *â- â- * ^-^Vi' '»»•.•â- ' lExpress 9:28 " 1; J. a£SAR, Agent. The Steamtdup Express, going North, does not^top at stations between Flbhshertbn and OWen Sonnd^ Chopping Done Every Day\. Costora Sawing and Bills Filled on the- shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Ballsniat, White Ash, Black Ash^ Basswood, Pine ^ind Hemlock Logs wanted M. AEITT, Eugenia. the barr«l in*e gateway and kept than out. It' i« needless ij' say th^ cows bad a feed of i^ota1def(/ riUTUIL AID ASSACiltlOi. -/..â-  m TORONTO, ONTAR*0. .fMC0RP0tlATEO'M0ikti4. tSiSO, ^^^"'^^'^^""^I'r^^XZ^TZ 1 ^nitr Gb«ter ActlCyif t^e-^vised Stototes the oontjinisof thfrbutel^so^they eej i;|~oat»rlo. ahUtled ai^ A«t to Inooipor, -lUKepij â-  ' iit^penevolent, Providfinr say ' {»t^. ^enevoleut, Prpvidf|iit and .irtb?r^ocietiei»t,. MupoKD has been visited recen#' "7 fire bags. The cOttfifelf 'lias offer^ tea yet ,^ eaUt^^atiia^ J5ecair^,^§^P ' ^swara for their apprebeniion andJ^ ^v- ^-^^l; -^ -^ i sash.dooi:, m6diafl|^')fl!«#«li ir?' balusters and stair lif|p|g,. gO l^ltant Go., Markdale,^^.^^ 1^ tditor of the Advariee says H f«*£ W**^! ' Iff ftfiSA «^ Bay evenunh. let g^gpK -â€" OnftJescVtywionnrigabcHit o'clock .^elumates of the'BiMrerb itotai were asakendd by a dense raaoke nod on^rtisMtirdowTi'sttMrs fiije was discovered iiij; tJ^^pitftitwn.: between the bmr ifin4'^IMlM»^ room, it wa$ soon however got under oontroU Tith xfi apmai* tftliawe Mciginatid m two t)la«*B isi the eell«r'ltodl«»'^^ **»• !i|(ai^gSi.iWiasitriniog. .^-.t iy^^»a i^r«n i tMr' """^i- BOMOft TO THE AMOUNT Of aiO;000' Filed with 1^ Hen; 8. Gr' Wodd, (BiiPJft- -nneial'Treaiaaiwr ol' Ontiirlp), " I^mstee fur the As^oiatibn. ^•Mt Has opened oat a First-Cl^sa ESTABUatMEl^. il^th^o^_lu^«uj^1ied a irjii^ 1^ feU,, T-S^ ' m BOARDfOFD^EBfi^OBS: Wsv^AX BciuHS, 'Esq., TorpntOi-Pteaident. A.' (jmrmniiEt^ila^iMtA^ji4i^ ifias^l^nm W. PmisutTuii BtoB^a^^EMuuto^Seeresary E.H. Hu,wMuc,£st^ Uataiiige,^IitaMnier. B1 H. B(»«STm«i7lLII.,TJSuBoalo, M«du»^ ' DLreetiji;,.- -:,rp i,^-Ui}iytb".i :.a:: o^^: Oho. B. WA3r80sr,,L ZrBl 'fomntoj floKcMlr. S.,W^H«*- asq.v !Biagel«l,iiMettiMliMlp .^ 8ap«|i}ilABdeat.--'awr,8,i: aiw nfiime â-  d HiMsHmfmMvdi^.imnwui â- - -.-. • 5»»i • ]^«ittjWj«u,jLii^Jiu^lLlHai8itwfc. im 'J^mw. |feMui«a,'aMqrbbc»i. ^.^ \o »iif^xsj and^att; ^TflHplW^HTWr^^fef^R' ^mi m â- -ii V"« I '

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