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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Jun 1884, p. 4

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 r ;r ii^\ â- t I 1 • ^1 (i i 1 V^ fH Mm: 5®' MA«K(iAl,V, fUSE. 4 1884. It beeomei oar paiiiM doty tlus week tp^ehronicle /the doath, nnder sad dremnstaiieea, of lit. John Miui- any, of the 9th eon., Enphrada. He "was a atnn^, faealtby, aeAre man of 29 years whoi aboirt three weeks ^evions to his death his mind snd- ^^y became deruDged in such a form as to render it necessary to pat him Under, gnsrd, and he was placed in Owrai Soond jail, where he died two ' 'weeks hitff. A coroners inqaest was held on the boiy when a yetdict of death, caused from **ph3r8ioal ezhanstion prodneed i^y acute mania," was retomed. He •died on the 80th nit. and his body re moved home. took place from his late residence on S.nnday last to the Presbyterian ceme- tary, 9th con., Euphrasia, and was very largely attended. Bey. Mr. Mc- Laren preached an. impressive sermon and the funeral was conducted by the Orange body, of which he was a mem- ber. The Orange Young Britains of Meaford attended as a body, while eyery Orange Lodge in the district iRHts represented. The deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn bis premature demise, together with a large circle of friends. The sad event has cast a gloom over the whole community. â-¼e hadityanr The eaaodl mtt*dm^jity Cemtt at unmenNV aw^ipiwipiricitt^ Mr. W. H. Oodson^ â€" new hold: and siUea ainee we. mt^lai the eapi^ last He keeps a food ttid«, as attentive hostlec.- and i^ pean to do a good hnshMsa. Wedo not taste ^mx, so leave OtaM for (Aberstojad^e. Oar zespeeted fiiendsi^ Beynolds Brae., are dmng a fine business in general store keeping. Mr. Vim. Maztin, one of thepion- een of Euphzacia, died ou Eiidaj hut, aged 84 years He was bnmed by the Orange bo^. We wen pleased to learn that tiie Markdale SrAsniBn has the lazigest circulation of any local paper at viicil^Jrittdsii Mr. B. GdirfoP. of mtown Mr.T.dfin^^ gayiB OS aeaStJaeltymk. ilr. JohB HiU^ A last week ftom yuitiDg fiMBds ||t, Douglass., Onl i Sevezal mos^itoaB weraiD (own thSsT week also, a few potato Fire te Slibrtly afier odb o'dbek Smiday mormBg last five was discover- ed iaWatsdn's eatrage and paint shop. Geo. Ferguson, whose parents live on ' " the Qieets ^jUiir'inB^tt* if- â- 9!'.n:-0 'man i^i 9j^-a.-^^Jl (M^jqk. ««|sldlMrtCJ5 f--l£ Owen Sound. ;^ i»Rj[o:^^iiJ. Lis. IS'^^fT^f^^fltUnded t o. .:;: circuUtion of any local paper atn:~-.^«6"" rz LT ♦! Rocklyn P. O. We are also^i^fied f't^ opposite tiie fiHage. was the to know that the number is sieadUy ^^ j^ give the alarm, having m^rotu^na soen the fire from his romn. In a inereasmg. The township of luphrasia is mak- ing the most general and vigorous improvements in buildings, fences, cultivation of the soil and general appearances of any township we haye traversed. PMMdalh. DISTRICT MEKTING. The Owen Sound District Meeting of the Methodist Church, met in Owen From our own eorretfondtnt. The stables of the Anglo- American Hotel caught fire on Thursday last from a spai^ from a chimney. A very disastrous fire would have been the result had it not been discovered in time. As it was a large hole was burnt in the roof. A cneket match between the upper town men and the lower town men on Monday last, resulted iri a victory for the latter by three runs. A tremendous hail storm oyer this place on Monday. On Friday last the afternoon freight train ran off the track near the station. As the van went bumping over the ties^ you should have seen the passen- ge« (a number of commercial men, and the Inspector of Weights and seen the fire diort time the majority tf thecitixens were on hand, but too late to save the building, which was speedily consum- ed, together with theblackamith shop and warehouse adjoining whiob also belonged to Mr. Watson. Scarcely any thing was saved except the eon- tents of tiie ware^house, sndi as the hearse, coffins, etc. Had it not been for the well aimed exertions of those present in saving Mr. Johnson's dwdlingonthe West. .rtogeUier wish e£Kot of the wind ' shifting west- ward at the time, the post office, telegraph office and Crown hotel wouM certainly have been laid low by the devouring element, in feet that side.(rf the street could scarcely have escaped throughout westward. Messrs. Watson's loss will amount to f 2,000, partially insured in the Gore district their loss will be about $1,000 over the insurance. The origin of the fire I is a mystery as the woi lanen are not smokers, and there has been no fire in the building^or some time. ;( ISAAC BuHtfUf and CwatiHD^»f In |J1 lon^f of J^ick ud Stone vvrk. Otdsm by mui prompt^. at t e M e d io. f*. DIIG6iOII 8 IN HUU^'S .OLD %TAND. and comfortable „. niod^rata iBharfires 195 Sound, on Wednesday, 28th inst.; the Measures) leave that car. Truly they Key. D. C. -McDowell in the chau:. "did not tarry." You would have W There was^^ full attendance of min- isters and delegates. A large incrpase both in finances and membership was reported, and the district generally was found to be in a prosperous con- dition. The provisional district meet- ing was held on the following day. Bev. Mr. Edmunds, B. D., was elected secretary. Two new missione) were arrapged for two married ministers, and iwo probationers were requested for Duu- dalk and Walter's Falls, if they can be obtained. Eev. J. E. Howell, M. A., was elected to the Sabbath School commit- tee; J. W. Armstrong,, Esq., to the Missionary committee, and Rev. Wes- ley Casson to tJie Stationing commit- tee of the Guelpli Conference. The following gentlemen in this immediate neighborhood were elected as lay delegates lo the Conference Alfred Frost, J. W. Armstrong, H. p. Irwm,"T. Hall, W. Cartwrightand Bobert Walker. An intercotiug Sabbath School con- vention was held in connection with the meeting. Mr. W. A. Brown as delegate represented the Methodist schools on the Markdale circuit. thought a menagerie of wild, beasts was after them. Indeed there was a "Lyon" in the way. A large crowd of excursionists are expected to take advantage of the cheap trip to Toronto on Friday next. School matters quiet. It is quite possible, that tlie buildine ot the new school will b^polBtpoued until next year. „ One of our townsmen has been on a fishing excursion to Nottawasaga. One of his successes was the capture of a large sturgeon. TO THE LADIES. McGrogw Parke's Carbolic Cerate will cure any ca»e of Pimples on the teoe oi Boo^ Skin on either hands or face and leaTe theip soft as Bilk' It will also heal any sore when all other preparations fftil. Thousands haye tested it. Ask your dmggist for McGt^r and Parke's Carbolic Cerate, and do not be persuaded to take anything else claimed to be as good. It is but 25 cents per box at Hill Bro'8- J.* J. S FleshenoD. From our own eorretpondent. Mr. M. Eichardson is very much improving the appearance of his store which he now occupies by refitting and pamting afresh the front, also that of Kimberiy. From our own correspondent. Mr. A^T. Buchanan left on Tues- day for Elegina. N. W. T. He erected, recently, a very neat and comfortable resideuce in Eiinberly where his family remain for the present time. The people of this village have completed arrangements whereby the Post Office will shortly be removed to the village, Mr. Hammon, enr store keeper, will likely be postmaster. This will be a great convenience to all who get their mail matter at this office, as the office heretofore was about f of a mile from the village. The crops are now makiiig rakd advaiicement. Fall wheat is below an average tuidsprittg wheat Ib poor oh heavy soilBwMle ft k vitr ^aoi on li|[ht land, oiirec gmn is lajoking weH «hile hay «Bd frdii jjioifeets afe exeeUent. Weveieid$-4heii»Was ft fell q^ uoirtai isMtts^^r Jut " «r lo'i* _Hg^ «n«w an tone IS his dwelling. Mr, George Keefer has erected an artisliip veranda in front of his dwell- ing which adds much to the appear- ance of the place. I The Teachers' Association of South Grey which held their annual meeting here, in the Town Hall Ust Thursday and Friday was fairly attended by teachers and others. On the ^Vfeniug of Thursday a concert was given in the Town Hall under the auspices of the associatioih. and was in every re- spect a success. The audience was large and the programme select. Songs were given, each by thel^isses MeDowell, Bichardson, Damude! Chnstoe and Spronle, all of which were appreciated by the andience. Mr. J.B.Anderson, with his songs oi Scotland, and which- fitjin him never sum to grow old, as usual highly de- lighted his audience, and was frequent- ly enchored. Several duetts by Messrs. Vanzant and McDoweU, and an instrumental by Mr, Bundle rf Dundalk were h'stened to with very great pleasure MissHepkins recited in her usual able manner. Mr De Lamiater, rf Owen Sound, in his genisl manner ifttertained^He imdiance wHQt. a ooup^ oj r^tioni, aad Hr. John Tai^ of Cellingwood. branght dows the house wMr his teeitafions. Hfe parody on e sdiboi 1^ tteilmff^ ^Bmm^mk." Mr. Tail, ib ft r«^ hasfewe^. Jtey. llf/ilo^S f»ye a short spafteh. |^i liuSSc:' wdl cboMD. Ih^ ir»8wdn«rwd ou*,ft^.^iJ--^ ml Hailaiid Council. Coundl met as a Court of Bevision. Members all present. Beeve in the chair. The following appeals were heard and dealt with :â€" Jds. Dudgeon, too high on real es- tate, reduced $180 -las. Adams, too high on real estate, reduced $100 Geo. Little, roll sustained; Peter Mcintosh, reduced $100 James Mc- Comb, reduced $100 John Campbell reduced $50 Bobt. Caldwell, reduced $150 Wm. Telfour, reduced $100 John A. Wilson, reduced $50. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr; Williscroft, that this-court ad- journ to the 9th of June- Carson Pbice, Clerk. Holland Centre, May 24, 1884. After Court of Bevision council took up general business. Petition was presented by Wm Smith in favor of granting to Fea Janks the amount of his taxes on .account of having got his house burnt ' by fire last winter. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Galbraith. that the prayer of the above petition be granted by giving an order on the treasurer for $13 Moved by Mr. Oalbraith, 8wnded by Mr. Howey, that^iiidte^ Crofibtd receive an oixlef%,$ on jwcounl of road work perfonned. A deputation from Euphrasiiucoun- 11- cpnswting of Messrs. Black ' H Offing purchased the Srocety and Provision, together with the Wholesale Liquor business of J. E. Ltnuder Co., I would re- spectfully intitnaiefo the public generally that I have now opened a complete stock of fresh Grocer- ies, Provisions, Crockery, canned fruits, together with a large stock of prime Liquors, all of which I will sell at dose prices. Having been brought up to the trade, I feel confident that by chse at- tention to business, and by study- in^ the wants of my numerous customers our business relatidns will prove both satisfactory and profitable. I have secured the services of W. J. Benson, who is well known and is .thoroughly posted in the business, and our custom- ers may rely on being waited on promptly. An early call re- spectfully solicited. __ BOBT. H. BHISOI. BULL ^VICE pBmCE AETHTJB. a Aoroi^fcb^ J: Dnrham with Pedigree. 3 jSsra old for Mmceonlot 19 c^n. 13 Artemesia, tbia IB a fine ammal. his pedigree being published U tMs^y^r^" " "" necessary to «iv8 Terms W jt time^of service, ot Um^ to be piwd McjBi^the; 5th November' m '7 BOBT. WBlGiaT. -plABHtf FOU SALE. X woFt, T. A Soad. ArieiB«w,a 50 seres. 40 of •! which are 1 oltiTMion. Lot S part 15, cob.]: 63 iMTWi, 40deared; allneceawjii thereon. Let 13, oaa. 13, GIeiielg,i| all bosh. Fer terms andi •fto J.G.rBYKG, Oetl6.188S. T714BJII FOB SALE. i? Toi Lot S 1 14. Con. 9, EopLrasia, 81 Markda^ and 3 from £6ckljn,c 100 acres, 70 aeres cleared and in c of cnltivation, fit to mn nsfei and balance^ hardwood bs-sli in'lh cedar forfendnR. ^cll^rateni^ failing siting onfy 10 rods ftom 1 a Twanig orAard, house, barn There is a new steam saw mill odd to it. Clear deed can be given. PsI particalais apply on the jv^misestoj SAMUEL WEIGF Bpckln New Bntclier SI The best meats the eoimti? eti^ k^t on hand and DELIVERED TO ALL P THE TOWN WHERE ORDE A ahaie of public patronage i solieited. Kemcoaaber the rtasd in McKes'st 181 RUTLEDGE TREl 192-95 oil. The eeneacfliasortmentttf' TBAd^ssrsss-.^S^riJ^S Gilray, wait4 upon theoOTBoil with Jr^~fB*Sj^^ aad E*q,hra8ia. Mr. Gilr4y; tlie .spoke at so^e length ^i|e. ^A ' ?*??o». «ha» «heYpatlin48t^ :i^BITlIII.I. NIIBSE THE^LARGESTINTHE SAtiESMEN WJ T» begin vork at once on Fall ..employment at fixed salaries to aS^ ^fffk. imeiL and Women* pleasant WOBK THDB YEAB BOI Oood ajgdktB are earning from V^\ per- mouth and expenses. Terms ^id outfit free. Addresi ";B»ONEWELLlNG«'^j latontal •4 â-  â-  -^ MAKKDALB, r c ,r. monthly Piy,,, Maiicdale â€" Saturday be^j erton. iJhatewcrth^ â€" Monday hans. Daolkâ€" -Tuesday befotij jjHe. Flesherton-T-Monday befoitd TiUe. QraAgeTTHe-The secooi in eachmmith. Hoaht Forestâ€" Third 1 in 'each month. Priseville â€" Monday befote Dnrbttmâ€" Tlurd fupsdaj moBdth. Hanover â€" Mcoday befon Walkerton-^Last Â¥ ^sties^ month. resk M w^ t Fine* r tweed XjaMtAE Sto litAiker's Di lasA true [Ml: Forest Coi jlfLcall this we AlWMJNQ- g |tHtt as faxto. I l*|md's, Art la you wa 1^1^ or raw i Itt^ale. DTIGH fr I to Owen r4he Onta IIoh't call a l«l^ huntl t goods. 1 :in viUa lyementE nextai wffl ht)i June. JBob Sidebo{ ^g case ilNidale. don't ibrliv Boll mmoii^Smi "^^^^-^^m^^^ ««^SRBtf ^Ai fee* ^am'i

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