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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 May 1884, p. 8

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 L^' ROWN'S! Cor. Brown Toronto St's MiiRZIDALE Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware c c. NEW PRINTS from 5 cents up, New DRESS STUFF 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS. •Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small wares c c, at greatly reduced prices. .. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounts and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of seed oats (White Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, ^or sale cheap. a-iTT .April, 1884. 190-tt WM. BROWN. TAILOR, SYDENHAM S'i'EBET, W M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, Eespectfully anuouaces that he has received a larere Bupply of I N Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Shoes, c •As these Goods were bought to the beat advantage they will be sold very low iu price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the general public, also on hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to let my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acresof tiipber land. A good mail hberally dealt with on' either purchasing or leasing the place. "WAX. HOG^G, neshex'ton Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. -Good Work Guaranteed- AT Bulmers Plio ii FLESHERTON. Ocill ©."t CIQ.C© and see samples of work which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T.Zi.S- iS-Crni-ILv/dlEIEB'S. FLESHERTON. p!*i:^^ H;i-i no euiiJ lur IHe p\- iiiwiiiu curtu .^ 4'«t:i:km '»ld«. K*rr ThtiNit. A^tUtttnrt'ntttp, a71 La as Diau-aM*** £^ Every battle Eiuu-a.nieed W sr»e **«fi«nicfi. X. MiLBURN CO.. Propowon Ta^iifo-A JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEM'LBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. Feaver colic, unnatural appetite, fretfnlness waaknas^ and xoosalsiona. axe.- sosM ol the effects of worms in ChUdren destroy the worms with Dr. Low's fToim Syrup. The Manitowaning Expositor is 5 years old. The Hectic Flush, pale hallow cheeks and precarious apatite, indicate Worms. Free- man's Worm Powders will quickly and effect- ually remove them. The Presbyterian congregation of Duudalk have extended a call to Kev. W H. W. Boyle. B. A. National Pais are sugar coated, mild but thoroutjli, and are the best Stomach and Liver Fill in use. H. M. Cbarleswortb. forrael'ly freight cashier of the Midland railway andlateiy ofthe G. T. R., has accepted the freight cashiership of the C. P. R., at Oweu Souud. •'Why! What's the matter?" Ladyâ€" (With face enveloped in roil of hot cloths)â€" "Oh I'm crazy with that â-  Neuralgia that continually troubles me." â€""Well, how foolish Why don't you go to Hill Bro's. and get bottle of Fluid Lightning It cured me in less than one minute, I always keep a bottle in tbefcouse. It tinly coats 26 cents. \. AM. 2 ^gB^sels^L BtEVTCBfrare still going on ic the'Methodisi'^btiYclk, witU gratify- ing success. ^0 far, abolit 800' have been blessed, «nd over 250 members added to the^ Church. â€" Ovren Sound Times, FLUID LIGHTNING. There arc but few that have never suffered almost mtoleiable pain ftom Toothache, Neuralgia, or like acute pains. To them such an inntant relief in Fluid Lightning is an untold blessmg in time of trouble. No disgusting offeusive medicines to be taken for days. On application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at HUl Bro's. A. 4 M. 1 Praj er is the preface to the book of Christian living thp text of the life sermon the girding on of the armour for battle the pilgrim's prepar- ations for his journey. It must be supplemented by action, or it amounts to nothing. â€" Phelps. THE EFFECTS OF WHISKEY. The effects of whiskey are always evil, and these who feed upon alcoholic stimulants, vainly endeavoring to cure coughs and con- sumption, but nurse a viper. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is a remedy that is always reliable for all throat bronchial and lung troubles, and never does harm to any one. The new C. P. E. steamers are making splendid running. The Alberta came down from the bault in 19 hours but the Athabasca beat that record, arriving hera on Tue'^day night in 16 hours and 55 minutes frqa: Sault Ste Marie. CURE FOR DEAFNESS. As numerous testimonials will show, there is no more' reliable cure for deafness than Hagyard's. Yellow OU. fa is also the "best remedy for ear ache, sore throat, croup, rheumatism, and for pains and lameness generally. Use^xternally and internally. Mr. G. S. Brown has returned from the south where he lias been wintering ior the benefit of his health, we are pleased to note his very much im- proved appearance, and hope the change for the better may continue. â€" Meaford Monitor. FRAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS. There are many frauds perpetrated in medicine, and many advertised remedies worse than useless. Not so with Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It remains aa eyer the best internal and external medicine for all pain, soreness andinjurieg with which human flesh is a£Sicted. Mr Chas. McConnell caught a large bear on Friday last, measuring seven feet in lengtla. Considerable havoc had been made by tbfl animal among the sheep in the neighborhood where he was caught, about four miles from here. A flattened bullet was found in his lungs, that to all appearance had been there for some time. â€" Dun- dalk Herald. A WIDE RANGE OF USEFULNESS. The great household remedy so popular with the peopleâ€" Hagyard's Yellow Oilâ€" is alike valuable for external and internal use curing rheumatism, colds, sore throat, croupl frost bites, bums, bmisea, and all lameness and soreness of the flesh. A Love Potiok. â€" A young wife who thought she w*s losing her husband's affec^ipa jwau±olDJthe'«e*enth daughter oih-i§m§ntib dOttfirtter'^fcflr :a love powder. The «dyi,tery-'woman told her: "Get a raw pieee of heef, cut flat, about half ant inch thict. Slice an cmion in two and rub tiie meat on both sides with iti Put on pepper and salt, and toast it on each Side over a red coal fire. Drop on it tttee lumps of butter and two sprigs of parsley, and get him to eat it," The young wife did so, and her husband loved her ever BiiQT.â€" Philadelphia Record. WELL EEWARDED. A hberal reward will be paid to any person who will produce a case of Liver, Ktdney or Stomach complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cur«. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you wiU be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blowl diseases. Bihonsnesa, Jaundice, Constipfction and gen- eral debih^ are quickly cured. BatislMtion g?MW»*«d or mon^y refonde£ J»rioe only fifty MDts.a bottle. For m»^^ AiTurner A CO. J SPRING CLEANING. EveiT^^good ho««©wH« wiil"'*«iror«t»»'«i« entire house at least every Sprineand FaU. Our systems often Sfeed renoVKing also, and there is nothing better to make pure blood and cleanse and ttsfTome all the se- cretions than Burdock JBtecd Bitters, pre- venting diseases incidental to the season s changes. A VICTIM OF MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. The individual who places trust in many of the claim â- . rtfadvertised remedies is often sadly disappointed, b^it the array of facts regarding the honest virtues of Bordock Blood Bitters are indisputable. ItpoMtively cures diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys Investigate the proofs and testimouial*. Raise Chickens.â€" If yott have a nice little garden by all meaas raise chickens. Your ueighbor's hens are the best ones to raise. You will find them from 5:30 a. m. until 6:20 p. m. on your lettuce, ouiou, radish .-ind 'flower beds. You can raise them higher with a shot gun thau anything else. N. B. â€" aV^ys «** ^^^ '" jou raise. P. S.â€" Cook the hen before eating. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA S\LVE. The be«t Salve in the world forcuts.bruisf 8 sores, ulcers, salt rh^um. fever sores, tetter, (flapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turner fe Co. IMPORTANT CHANGES. There are two periods in the life of every female when the system undergoes great changes. First the change from childhood to womanhood; next, that of womanhood t old age. These are the critical changes ef life, and the system should be nourished and regulated by that matchless tonic. Bur- dock Blood Bitters. It is invaluable in all diseases peculiar to females. Mind Youb P"s. â€" Persons who patronize papers shoulk pay promptly for the pecuniary prospects of the press have a peculiar power in pushing forward public prosperity. If the printer is paid promptly and his pocket book kept plethoric by prompt paying patrons he puts his pen to paper in peace, his paragraphs of pressing events have more pleasing colors, and the perusal of his paper is a pleasure to the people. Paste this piece of proverbial philosophy in some place where all parties can perceive. â€" Mirror. A RELL^ELE WITNESS. R. N. Wheeler, of Everton, speaks higlily of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, iiaving seen its effects in his own case, a severe inflam- mation of the lungs and distressing cough, was quickly and perfectly cured, which has resisted other treatment. A PAINFUL OCCURRENCE. Some of the most painful sufferings that afflict mortals occur from rheumatism. Either the acute or chronic form may be eradicated from the bloou by an early use of the grand purifying system renovator. Burdock Blood Bitters. An Exciting Race. â€" The Athabaska and Campana had quiet an exciting race between Port Arthur and the Sault, and also from the bault to Cabot's Head. Both boats left the Landing Sunday evening last, the Campana leaving one hour and ten minutes ahead of the Athabaska^ but at 12 o'clock Sunday night the Athabaska passed her inLake Superior. The Athabaska led as far as White Fish Point, but getting in the ice, and consequently making slow time tie Campana passed her, but only to be re-passed again, the Athabaska going through the canal first. In the race from the Sault to Cabot's Head there was only a difference of about two miles, the Athabaska having the lead, making the trip from the Sault to Owen Sound, seventeen hours the fastest time on record. â€" O. S. Adver- tiser. A BAD niFIRMITY. The loss of the sense of hearing is both annoying and dangerous. Those suffering from deafness should try Hagyard's Yellow Oil according to directions. This invaluable house hold remedy cured John Clark, of Millbridge. Ontario, restoring his hearing in one week. Union Carriage Wor^, Onion Carriage 1 Ail work manufactured fro^ I First Cuss Mhei In the Latest aiid Bestlmpf^ Style, and finishod witli Engriish Varnish Painting Trimming I will receive prompt attention! All Repairs executed iu the sW possible time consistent with good workma Gooi Work a S pcialti Remember the Shop, opposite the Cla D. J. shanahajI Markdale. Dee. 2Dd. 1881. ROOKE'S^AOll BREAT the .itaffoflifi lr» ASTR Y that Til! your wife, always on hand, to s the demand. So when your stock islowl Step in and let us kno«j And we'll your wants supi Or you'll know the reas why. E. ROOKE, ]\Iarkdak| Franco CUnese 1 Nothwithstauding tlje deal war now ragiug in Chiuaitwi increase tiie price of Tens at tk I Having imported prior to tk a ing of hostilities, a sufticient QtsJ to supply 20,000 MEN for a pen 12 months. In other denartmed the Grocery trade the BELFJ HOUSE has KILLED BY TE| iSAND those â- v\-ho assume to tx business by purchasing of smallij ers exorbitant rates of iuteros: credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SAL! LOBSTERS, SARDINES. HAi BAC0N,A8S0RTED PICKED and every articles in the grocery' LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. for Sacramental purposes wan pure. Brandies direct from tiis' ufacturer and all other kiudsof iiJ'J Coffees, Teas and Tobaccoes. fail to give satisfactiou. On Lemons, c. Family Flcur snpfj at Lowest Eates. TMOS«J. Ic'EA.J BELFAST HOUSE, MARiT Feb. 6th, 1884. Letter Heads neatly prin- ted and put up in pads at this office, s â- * 'â- -â- â-  THE SECRET OUT. The secret of beauty has been at last re- vealed. Without good health, pure blood andafairclear skinnoneRan poesess good leoks. What is more repulsive than pimples, blotcheHandasaUowor pasty complexion? Burdock Blood Bitters reveal the fact that aU can gam pure blood and freedom from the repulsiye diseases of the sldn that result from impurities. Subscribe for the Standard, only ^i.oo a year in adyance to any address. A RUN ON A DRUG STORE. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at A. Turner A Go's Drul Store fdr a trial bottle of Dr. Ws Ne^ ^nir"^*,/*" Consumption. Co^ S Colds. AU persons affected witbAoti,^ Brond.itis,.£aP8ene«, SJew^^S'"^: any affection of the Throat an J T^^' 5 K^ MAKE A KOTE OF IT- Tie ObU I 'H (CREDIT VALLEY d\0\ â€"ANDâ€" MICHIGAN CENT! Now run a through hue «' I Palace Sleeping BETWEEN â€" TORONTO AND CNl In both directions, leaving J daily (Sundays escev^l -AT 1:30 JP- ^^" and Chicago daily (Saturdays ex«« -A.T 4:15 P- ^-j The only line between tbe i^ proper. ACCOMMODATION UNSUBP^ DINJnWO CABS ON T^ WM. WHYTE, D. McNiJ Gen'l Supt. Gen. Krkdale St l,,esy Thursday at th btreel, .Markiale. L_-7l ptjr year iu adva f ffithiu three months. Lional and business c 1 YK. olu- ^^^^ U space ' "" t space.... 10 00 I advertisements 8 cmk |„^ 3 cents per line eai In' nonpareil measure. Lial dotices, or notice k ceu*s per line first insi Ibspqients insertion, r aniKials Ac, adverUst- advertisemeut not to er discoffitiuued nnt Texcept at lhe.aption of -JOrPRlNTIN Istasdabd office ha~ a •postc- AS well as riiip j Itetition to orders by J dtli Jispatcl). 3DIT0B AND PKOl'R NEWSPAPF-ll LA jiy person who takes a ni Jrom the post otSce, wh iBame or another's, or w libed or not â€" is respoutil J a person orders hi« ps. â-º must pay all ari•earRge^ Imay continue to -t-Tul !! |e, and then collect tlit ter tbe paper is taken oa l Subscrilwrs refuse or n jlicals or newspapers fron 1 they are directed. ibi' fcble until tbej- Jiavc enl he Courts have decided le ncwspswers and ])eiioi pffice, cr wiK Aiiifr ai;ii II for, is PKiMA lAiii; ci Inal fraud. iTGitl* Frost *t Fro« EEISTERS, AND AT' |Law, Solicitors in I'ly.i 8, itc, Owen Sound. lr, ton, Oiiice op'ii ever afore. ID Frost, J. ^^"• pouHty Crown Attoiiu v. J. ]^iAS«*o:^ RRISTEE, MASTl-:?. -l [in Chancery, Notary Pu c. A ^â- UMBEK OF IWIT-rs 1 PICES â€" Owen Sotin 1, in lett St.; Braucli ollied in arland's Store, on Frida 1 week. Ci'casor M" rr EtRl*" _x^o,SOLICITc D'WS, C. Sc, ^CEsinOwen Souud, 1 tW. F. Wolf's Store :in.' MARKDALI f W. ,T. McFarland's Siu [Fridsy of each week. Funds to leni on reasoi ' Creasos, Q.G !â-  farkdale, March 15, ISt^'i. Alexander llr jS^R of Marriage Lict â„¢ Insiirance Agent. R. c. Conveyaucci loheer for the Couiitv if ants, and Land Sales fed to and charges made |tieevllle,gept. 17.1880. Wm. Bron PStJER OF MARRIA'.n.: Commissioner in B. It.. In^^-^^"^R in all its br: foatd to and oarefuiiv xr Ijy "-Money to Lend ou EVERE H ... JVIARKOA] I PEOPRLETO [^.popular Hotel ha= li« ' above ^-iU en ^public. Good vtabliii "^^- The best brand l!s £°**^°"^als '"Id coi r_^mmercial room. [HATSWORT! (liATE MORROV. jHi ^HATSWORT ^^CK McLEOD Pi .^.^d. Goo.

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