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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 May 1884, p. 5

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 :o:s. II) to ' fro* ^1 MARKDME JEWELLERY STORE. LIKGE^TOCK i'iiicii:s LOW No misrepresentation of goods. Special lines in Ameri- can Watches and Clocks. Meridan Co. Silver Plated ware. Specks, Chains, Charms Rings, etc. 18 k. Wedding Rings always in stock. Musi- cal instruments, VioIinStrings. I personally attend to ail lAfafch Repairing ?nd fuiiy was as Worm warrant ch the same. Fair rges. W. A. BROWN Local and Other Items. Xi-.Tiri:s in thf-ie rr,! iitiiris intended to benefit d'lii iiiili ridiial or Socicti/ iriU be ckarrjed ten ,-,'f/f (I line f-oi- tlie lirxt in^eition and five 'tOii (I line I"icli ?((?/ â- iiurnt inneition. Flooring go to You Pine or Mapl Grant it Cn. C»'C]"!L"iet. â€" A. Turner Co. havu a i'.vw stovk of croquet. SuK,-:;ur.NF. Avili observe Mondaj •l-.',lh a it holiday. The V\";iruen of ilastiugs County has bc'cu Tuiseated. Thf. Doinininu Bolt Co., has tailed, UabiHiifsS-ioO.UUU. Hon. D. J.. ^lacphersoii, Mini:;ter .,f the hitenur, has resigned. Thk Euphrasia Cheese Factory opened OQ .lion Jay tlie HJLli. "Wiarton Odd Fellows excurt to ilcaford on Monday, the 20tli. The Staxd.vbd the balance of 1884 for two bushels of good potatoes. W, J. Howe started Lis new saw mill at Barrhead on Wednesday. Mr. D.wis majority was 99 in the late election for Keeve of Glenelii. JoHNPTON Little, Maxwell, is agent for the celebrated Cbathain waggons. Gravflen Seetlss, fresh, pure and true to name, at the Medical Hall. If you want a ]iarlor suit, hair cloth or raw silk, go to Grant Co., ilarkdale. Pnif. Lotr's l\Iagic Svlphur Hoap is higi.hj reroinmended for all humors and skin W. J. Shepherdson is »/ieeting with creat success with his stallion "Scot- ti.sL Clir.mpion." TuF. next sitting of Division Court Nil. 5 will be held m Markdale on the null .June. I'.i: sriiK and visit Shanaban's e;ini:i"i works wLfii you come to Maikd.::l' the24th. Mi;. i-"oiiij is introducing the roller system iuti) his Hour mill winch wilt cost hnu SI. 000. Ton .Sideboards, Lounges, Tables, lJi'fS?iir.,' cases go to Grant Co. Markdale. The editor of the A^i-anc^ continues to imlnlge in his boasted journalistic ^â- ciqnoue, tl^at cf calliag names. Oil Oalce, the champion "attle t.xder, fur sale at Medical Hall. A. Turijcr.t Co. A. t^'iiat camp meeting will be held 't Gk.'Vidc nest month to celebrate i^lieuui,,,! of tiie Methodist churches ^f the JJuminiou. ^a.tii,vnl Villa are a mild purgative, acting '•" "'« S(,,),,.;,;,^ Liccr and Bowels, lemoving "" oh-trn,;ion. Parties to whom we have recent l.y "t statement of account will kindly !•« prompt in remitting, and saye •'^rtber trouble. iijR sash, door, mouldings, newel posts, balusters and stair railing, go ^° Grant i- Co., Markdale. M. Bae IgvlRG of this vmacTo I turn and rLscitltrrLrb '"""" o£:e^ r'jprz stJ:ri% week asTh/p^T"-^ °" ^^"^^y^ «'i^ week, asthe 24th comes on Saturday hcHd^y." ' ^^^^^-^ Pu£ Pain from indigestion or sick bead ache IS instantly relieved by one d^ of Kejuvinator Bitters, made from roots and herbs. The Mount Forest Mvocate added 30 new subscribers to its hat m a week recently. It is a creditable sheet and deserves success, Thenkw C. p. E. Steamers are making excellent time, having made a round trip each to the entire satis- faction of ail concerned. A CONVENTION will beheld atMeaford on the 23d and 24th of May to take intn consideration the advisability of having the Scott Act submitted'iu this County. Pkiceville Markets.â€" Wheat, 50 to $1 Peas, 65 to 70; Oats, 30 to 39 • Barlej 50 tc GO Beef, §G to $8 Hay, %Q to $7 Butter, 15 to IG • Eggs, 14. Pumpkins cannot be raiped ju the Canadian North-West. The vines grow so ranidy that they wear the pumiiins out dragging them around the prairie. A few days ago an inmate of the poor house at Fergus gave, birth to a female child, which barely turns the scales at IG ounces, it is living and seeming well. The Markdale Gymnasium Club, who haye won for themselves a famous i-eputation will give a bar performance on "the agricultural grounds at 3:30 o'clock on the 24th. The principal streets in Toronto are now illuminated with eleclrio light. Tom Newen. formei^y of this office, 13 now on a paper in Henry Co., Ohio. Pabties visiting Markdale on the Queen's Birthday will do well to call on Hamilton and leave then: measure for a picture- When- you come to Markdale the 24th, don't forget to call and subscrib^j for the St.^ndard; only CO cents for balance of year in advance. During the thunder storm last Thursday W. J. McFarland's grain elevator was struck by lightning bat n^ serious damage was done. Mr. Joseph Lamb had several good offers for his blacksmith business, as advertised in the Standard, but he has reconsidered the matter and decided not to sell. It is stated by the Governor Gen- eral's secretary that the change of date of har Majesty's birthday is not inten- ded to apply to the public generally, by whom it will be observed on the cel0t)ration Ashburnliam is an enterprising The council has purchased Shoutd any of onr sabsoribers, either in tlia village or elsewhere miss a copy of the paper, or should it not come regular, ihey will do us a favor by reporting the fact at their earliest convenience so that we may endeavor to find the cause, and have it removed. Railway Weather Probabilities. â€" The morning train on the Toronto, Grey Bruce Railway now carries weather signals for the benefit of the farming community. The signals consist of discs arranged to display a sun, moon, or star. The sun is to indicate fine weather, the moon to indicate local showers, and the star wet. They will be carried on all morning mail trains leaving Toronto, so that all those who see the morning express trains will have the forecast so far as.Â¥aiu is concsrned. The sig- nals are hung outside the mail car. The Queens Birthday. â€" Owing to the 24th corainp on Saturday many of the towns and cities hayo decided to have their holiday and celebration 24th, as usual, but only to the t^eial 00 thefollo«ingMonday: thisarrange- ment met with a certain amount of opposition, and after general arrange Farmers and others are warned not to leave their waggons or other vehicles unhitched en the streets as the Trustees are determined to have the streets kept clear. The School bupplement. Published by Eaton, Gibson Co., Toronto, should be in the hands of every tcachci in tact it is a good investment tor any one; only §1. per year. A JOINT stock company has been formed in Durham to rebuild Cocii- rane's foundry. The directors are: Jas. Brown, President; G. Jsckson, J. H. Hunter, H. Parker, and D. Jackson. The Canadian Newspaper Directory, issued by the Mal Advertising Agency of Toronto, reached us last week. This is the first directory of the kind published in Canada, and is a credit to the publishers. The last instalment of winter came on Thursday night last in the shape of three inches of snow. It dis- appeared rapidly the following morninfj and there lias since been delightful growing weather. "Mamma," said Henry, "what's the difference between goose and geese?" "Why, don't you know?" said four-year-old Annie. "One geese is goose, and a whole lot of gooses is geese." cerl -^KKi).u.E Cheese Factory coramen- operation last Monday, there are ' ttilk waggons on the road iu "connection therewith. ^uJi/"'""" " "o'â„¢ Powders are agreeable to and expel all kinds of worms fiom chil- '" or adults. It is always satisfactory to have a hirge stock to select from, therefore you will be rewarded by dcalin;,' for Watches, Clocks, Plated ware. Wed- ding Eina:?, Specks, etc., with W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Markdale. The "Free Lance" never loses an opportunity of exposing and denounc- ing frauds. It should receive the he'arty support of everyone. Such a periolical is exceeaingly valuable. Published by Spence Co., King St., Toronto. Me. J. W.FoRDhaathemillwrighfB at work overhauling the mill to put rollers in. The mill will however n'^t he shut down for another week. He has a large stock of flour on hand in view ot being shut down for some weeks. Lard:ne Machine Oil, is the delight of farmers, and a pleasure to all men using Machinery, it cannot be excelled, it ha's recieved the highest awards at Dominion and Provincial Exhibitions. McCali Bros. Co.,sole manufacturers, Toronto. Any person wishing to secure a choice lot for a residence cannot do better than to see Mr. M. Armstrong at once. He has a niflaber of shade trees planted on the riewly surveyed streets, ^hich will be opened to the publMJ during tllia " will be made easy. village a lars;e number ol shade trees, which will be given to residents who will engage to plant them and care for them. Other village councils should follow this example. John McGee of Artemesia, has a spirited team of young horsts which ran away a few days ago while he was unhitching them from the harroiv, he barely escaped beinn; drawn under, and one of the horses received iujuries from which -his recovery is doubtful. Curiosity. â€" Mr. CiBsar, our station agent has in his possession a hen egg, the product of one of his own hens, whicii weighs 4 ounces, and has on the shell a diagram of lakes Huron and Superior together with the prin- cipal points thereon. This egg is a curiosity to tra\ellers. Mr. J. Plewes has opened a flour and feed store opposite Mrs. HoUing- head's fruit store, Mill Street, wliere he has on hand Family flour, Bakers il()ur,Prstry flour. Patent flour, Graham flour. Cracked wheat. Oat- meal, Bran, Shorts, Chop feed, Oats, lie. This will be a great convenience to the. citizens as we have been here- tofore without a general feed store. Have you a friend- living at a distance who you know would highly appreciate the weekly visit of the S'tANDARn. If so why not send them a copy, we will forward it to ai;y addreas the balauce of the year for GO cents. Quite a number are now sending the Standard to friends iu this way, while there are many more who only require to take a thought, to do likewise, Thr leading merchants ofMarkdale have agreed unanimously on closing their stores at 7 o'clock sharp every evening, beginning from 1st May to 1st Oct. Farmers and others will kindly take notice of this and try to have their shopping done before seven so that clerks, who have to stand in stores all through the heat of a long Summer day, may have a chance of engaging in some out door exercise and enjoying the fresh air. 190-94 A new time table came into force on the railway last Monday morning, there are now four trains a day each, wav, a steamslup express having been added. A passenger can now leaye Markdale at 12 o'clock noon, and go to Toronto, remain an iiour and a half and return t'le sauio evening, or go in the morning exjjress and and remain six and a quarter hours and return the came evening, and can goto Owen Sound and do bushiessfor tbree hours and return at 5 30 p. m. The Ladies of the Methodist church will hold their annual bazaar and concert on the 24th of May. The bazaar will be held in one of Hill Bro's. shops opposite â- 'the Mark- dale House, and will be well stocked with new. fancy and ..psefull sjrticlQS. while the concert will be h/ild in the Methodist Church' commencing at 7.30 p. m. A rich and varied program is being prepared in which the best local together with selected outKhle talent will take part. Admission 25 cents. Our Subscribebs wiio have not yet Health Happiness for alL. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And every species of disease arising from Impure Blood, c. c. PREPAREU BY THE ments were made the following announcement was made "queen's birthday postponed. Ottawa, May 16. â€" The Governor- General has received a telegram from j the Colonial oflice stating that it is her Majesty's wish that the celebration ot her birthday should be deferred for one month at least. Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the 28th June for the United Kingdom." If these instiuctions are followed, a complete fizzle will be the outcoi.e as there will be only three days between the 28th June and Dominion day. The latter will doubtless be celebrated in a right royal manner. Markdale howeyerwill have her celebration on Saturday, the 24th, regardless of official propositions. Climax Chemical Company, MONTREAL. "maekdale^' steam Woollen Mill. IMPOIITANT CHANGES. There are two periods in the life of every female when tlio system undergoes great changes. First the change from childhood to womanhood; nes.t, tliat of womanliood to old age. These are the critical changes of life, and tlm system slionlJ be nourished and regulated by that matchless tonic. Bur- dock Llood Bitters. It is invaluable in all diseases peculiar to females. The undersigned world respectfully return • thanks to their many customers and friends for the very liberal support accorded to them during the past, and would solicit a continu- ance of the same, as we are now ready to at- tend to all work intrusted to our care in CUSTOM CARDING, FULLING and WEAVING in lirst-class style. As we have put on new cards, and made -other improve- ments, we will endeavor te do as good work in the future, if not better, than we hayo ever done in the past. Customers wis] ' to have their wool cirded, spun and made into Llanl.ets or flan- nel, on cotton warp, can have their orders attended to by leaving their wool as early as possible. Please remember the place, Mill Street, west of the Kailway Station. FLOURFEED STORE. 188-203 F. J. RITCHIE Go. Family Flour, Bakers Flour, Pastry Flour, Patent Flour, Graham Flour, Oatmeal, choice Cracksd Wheat, Bran and Shorts Chop Feed, Oats, etc., etc. pS" All orders over $i.oo, accompanied by the CASH, will be promptly delivered. 193 J. PLEWES. EUCENBA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having mftdo eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can givo good satisfactiou. GOOD FLOUR ALvVAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every 'Day Canadian PaciflcRailway (OJ^TARIO DIVI.*iION.) Clianj^e o± Time- G0M'ENC1N6M0N^DAYMAY19.84 Toronto,Grey and Bruce Division. TORONTOâ€" Depart 7:20 a. m., '• Arrive lO'Ab " 5:00 p.m. 10:00 " Oustom Sawing and Bills Filled on the â-  shortest notice. LUMBEE AND LATH ALWAYS. ON HAND. Cherry, BuU:rnut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Loga wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. jjoteâ€" Mixed ti-ain leaves Parkdale 7:40 a.m. Credit Vaiiey Division. Toronto, depart 7:10 a.m, 1:06 p.m, 4:50p.m •' a.nve 'J:'60 '• 3:45 " 7:00 " jjote â€" Mixed train leavep Parkdale 1 a. m. seOTou. Tetms paid their subscription lor '84 will please hand it in at their fiarhest conyemence, or if it is no; convenient we hope they will make a.i effort to let. ns have it. We are often pnt to OTcat inconvenience oo account ot the large percentage vlio arc Dot prompt in renewing, there is no doubt if the amount were nmch larger, a greater effort would ba nade to have it paid. WUl our palroDB please make an effort now in the matter and we will use our best ta^Afjon to still improve the- Suakdabi). An additional train will be run in connection with the "CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINE," l.eaving: Toronto 11:30 a.m. W. WHYT General ila,u:ger. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Clasa UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT^ I And therefore has supplied a want long felt, COFFINS, CASKETS, SHEOUDS, and all FUNERAL FURfHSHINHS supplied on the shortes notice. J\. Si^lendicl l-jr hire at moderate rates. D. McNICOL. Oeti. Pass. Agt MARKDALE STATiON. THATKS LfeAVE AS. roLLOWS GOISG SOUTH.â€" Express G:27 a. m. Mixed 8:38 " Steamship lixpress 12:00 noon. '1 •• Mail 5:30 p. m. GOING NOETH.â€" Mail 12:00 p. m. Mixed 3:26 " Express 9:28 " J. C.ESAE, Ifient. Tlie Steamship Express, going North, does not stop at sUtious between Flesheiton and Owen Uoond. â€" AU kind.- cfâ€" PICTURE mm\m Done «ii short noticu. ROBT. ASKIN. 'I i r v..

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