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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 May 1884, p. 4

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 ^mf^f^v^l^^mfmit TJi8 Stattdard. MAEKDALE MAY. 22, 1884. SIDEWALKS. We bave enquired of the police trustees why there is such a delay in repairing the sidewalks this year, many places being iii a dangercna condition the answer was, a want of funds, last year's trustees having left a deficit instead of a surplus, as should he. We hope our present trustees will •levy sufficient so that a balance will •be in the treasury to put our walks in a safe condition as soon ;t the snow is oflf another year. We would also suggest that those who make substan- tial and desirable improvements should be encouraged by extending sidewalks in their direction. In this respect Messrs. Turner and Walker are this season making improvements in fence building, tree planting, etc., on Brown Street, and we are of opinion that the sidewalk should be extended, at least past Dr. Sproule's residence. We do not wish to dictate to the police, but hope the suggestions we may give from time to time may be received in the spirit they are given. LOSS BY FIRE. Thos. lloreii, o£ Cleaeig, l-oses aU bis Oat Buildings, Horses and Implements. On Thursday last Mr. Thos. Moren's bam was struck by lightning, and con- sumed by fire together with adjoining shed, stable, impleaient and carn- age house, also a fine span of horses, a pair of yearling colts, a yoke of oxen, 5 calves, 5 pigs, a new cutter, buggie, sulky rake, and all other implements which were within the various buildings, also about 50 busheld grain and a quantity of hay, there was no possibility of saying anything, the fire occurred about one o'clock p. m. The loss is over $2,000 with $600 insurance. Mr. Moren has been a resident of Glenelgfor 21 years, is an industrious, honest and highly respected man and has the sympathy of the community in his present loss. BROWN'S! Cor. Brown Toronto St's MAHZBALE Is the place to get BARGAINS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware c c. New DRESS STUFF A VICTIM OF MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. The individual who places trust in many of the claimr, of advertised remedies ia often sadly disappointed, bat the array of facta regardinft the honest virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters are indisputable. It positively cures diseases of the blood, Hver and kidneys. Inyestigate the proofs and testimonials. Dandalk. Personals. F. MacEae, Esq., gave us a call last â- week. Wm. Clark has removed from Flesberton to Markdale. W. L. Young returned last week. George Littlejobns is home from Oweu Sound Business College. Hey. W. Cassoii visited L'arry Sound last week, preacLiug in that jdace on Sunday. He returned on Monday eveuiug. Mr. Kirvan's family moved to Duudalk this week. Mr. J. M. Ansley and daughter, of Parry Sound, are this week at })i. Sproule's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutherford, of Ovven Sound, visiled friends in Mark- dale this week, Allan McDougail. Will. Lyons, and Albert Fleming left for Port Arthur this week. Fiesiicrton. From our own correspondent. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING A NARROW ESCAPE During the heayy thunderstorm last Thursday evening, the residence of Mr. Wm. Blackburn, Sr., of the 3rd line, Artemesia, was struck by lightn- ing, injuring one person aud doing considerable damage to ths building*. A brick chimney was struck and about ten feet of brickwork shattered to atoms, some of the bricks being thrown quite a distance frum the build- ing. From the chimney the electric current passed down the stovepipes, which were knocked down aud scattered through the rooms, some of which were blown open, others were twisted in all imagniable shapes. Mr. Black- burn, who happened to be sitting in the line of the current, was struck on his light leg and loot, the boot being torn in shreds from his foot, his wool- len sock was cut open up the side, and toe and heel cut off, as though done with a pair of scissors. The foot im- mediately turned black as charcoal, and was extremely painful for some hours. Mr. Blackburn was stunned for some time, but not otherwise in jured. The current at this point where he was struck, pierced the floor, in several places tearing it from the joist and bursting and splintering several of the joist in the cellar, then struck the hard earth in the cellar, tearing up quits a large hole in the bottom. Several lights were broken out of the windows, window blinds torn to shreds and blown down. Fortu- nately nothing was set on fire. Mrs. Blackburn, who was seated close to her husband at the time of the shock, escaped uninjured. We learn since that Mr. Blackburn is rapidly recover- ing. What seems strange is that in that locality, within about a mile, three dwellings have been struck aud damaged by lightning, and in one instance a young lady killed nearly a year ago. J. W. Wilson, of the Flegherton sash and door factory, has been very unfortunate in running machinery. Some months- ago bad part of bis thumb taken off. On Monday of this week bad hia bttud caascht in the chaper and two fiilgers seyerely cat, ihe little finj^ severed about half olt. From OUT own corresrondent. The programme ot the weather for some time past has been, rain, then just a glimmer of sunshine, heavy frosts, followed by more rain. The agricuHuralists are becoming very much discouraged, fearing a repetition of last season's unfavorable weather, aud a continuance Df "Hard times." Our School Trustees haye endeavor- ed to relieve the crowded state of the junior department of the school, by j engaging a monitor, and leuting a I room until the new building can be erected. An excursion from Proton, Dnndalk and Corbetton, to Toronto and return, under the auspices of the C. M. Church here, is being arranged for, and a plea' ant time is^, expected. It will take place sometime during t-ie first week in June. The Miss Kirvans, formerly of Markdale, have opened a dressmaking establishment here. The Band intend giving a concert here on the 27th inst., before the no- torious "Paddy Miles" departs for fresh pastures. Mr. L. A. Oldfield has purchased the drug business of Dr. McWilliam, who will confine his attention ex- clusively to his largti practice. NFW PRINTS from 5 cents up 10 cents and upwards in NEW DESIGNS and LATEST FASHIONS Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Small .! 0. 'i: -wares CC, at greatly reduced prices. Our 25 cent T is unsurpass'd Being determined to curtail credit trade, we offer special discounrs and inducements to cash customers. The Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. A lot of -ced oats TWhite Australian), free from all im- purities also Potatoes, large and small, of finest quality, lor sale cheap. April, 1884. 190-tf WM. BROWN. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world forcuts,bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soresj, letter, chapped hauds, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or HO pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by A. Turfier Co. Priceville. From our own correspondent. The Priceville fair was poorly at- tended. The numher of cattle offered for sale was small and quality poor. There were several buyers present, prepared to pay good prices for desir- able stock. Now, fellow farmers, the future wealth and prosperity of our township and county depends on the number and quality of our stock. Let us begin right, by getting the right kind of stock. Eeu'ember it costs but very little more to raise a good grade Durham, that will sell for $70 or $80, than to raise a scrub that is hard to -â- sell for 25 or $30. Dr. Ghent's successor in the mer- cantile business is daily expected in the village. The ladies of onr village are anxious to see the appearance of our village improved this summer. Let our men and boys get to work and help. A little fencing, and a few wheelbarrow loads of earth, with a little elbow grease, would make a great difference in the appearance of onr front and other yards. Dr. Hickson, of Strathroy.has taken up his abode as a practising physician in this village. COURT OF REVISION, Tow DsMp of Euphrasia. "VT OTICE is hereby given that tlie first iN sitting of the Court of Eevisiou of the Assessment EoU, of the Townsliin of Ku- phrasia, for A. J). 1884, will be held at the Township Hall, village of Eocklyu, in said Township, on Friday, the 30th day of Mav, at 1ft o'eloc;k n. m. All persons having business at said conrt, •svill please govern themselves acconiingly; ROBERT DUiNLOP, Tp. Clerk. Clerk's ofQee, Euphrasia, May 3rd, A.D. 18t)4. courtIf REYISm THE first sifting of the Court of Revision of the Townphip of Gleiielg. for the year 1884, will be held in the Town Hall, on Monday, the 26th day of May, 1884, at the houi of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. JOHN S. BLACK. Tp. Clerk. Glenelg, May 12th, 1884. ALEX KAY Mill Street, Markdale JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSMITH Notices of girths, Marriages, ann wetnty five ceM. "" «ti^ LilRTHS. ^^ Sbamahah â€" In Jlarkuaie, on i,,,. the wife cf Jii U. J. Shaialnu' "^^'â- â-  maker, of a so.i. "fsgt BoLASD â€" In Ar eij^esia. on tli, the wife of Mr. Joim iiolan â-  r "'*^.. N£W ALVcRTlsTf^e"^^ Court of R. VlluU â€" Gleiii-ia Ciiurt of Kivisiuii â€" IL.ii;,,,,, Court of i»eusii)U â€" Luii,i;;-ii Painter â€" h. liill. Livery â€" 1* itr Ducoh u Bull servic â€" R. \\'r;ght. Flour auu l\-e.l.â€" .J Plew.r- vJhange of Time. â€" T. G. ,, 3 n vision. Chatham Waggou's .]„,astoD Little. • Parket ^cpovU, MAuKDaLK. ^^ Fall Wheat Ciii m si 00 Spring Wlieat u tJO i„ i (^ barley ...... yij la... (10 Pea.s .. ..;.,...-'.â- .....-. Ot» ti' oo Oat 3j u, 4ij Butter \.j In n i^t^'gs -i iv. 0() Potatoes 3u i,, 35 Hay 7 (tO t.. Ofl Pork 7 (! 1 I,,, 7 ill Flour 4 7.' I- fifi FARZ?I!§ FOR ^ALi:. T... 1 wept, T. S Road, Artemesia, loiuuiniij- 50 acres, 40 of ol whicli are clears'lKU. 'made- ultivttion. Lot S part 1-5, cnu. I'J, h'jl'.n] 03 acres, 40 cleared; all neces-riy iiiiud;!,;; theieon. Lot L3,cim. 13. Glfin-l;.' iMJacm all bufch. P'or terms and particiiiar- apfiv to J. G. IRVIXi.-. Markdale, Oct.lC.lSH3. IG Ir^AK.M FOR SALE. T.I :: .irre:: Lot S 1 14. Con. 0, Euplirasia. n. ;.:rois Mai-kdale and 3 from l;oi-kly;i, ,(ii:taiEar 100 acres, 7'l acres cleared and in ^.-cod stait id cultivatiiin, fi; to run reajiei a.;.i mowe, and balance hardwood buh \vi;;i ^uiiicies; crihir for foncin;;. WlH v.-atc'rui '.viijineve; faihijg srring only 10 rods fr,iii ^:i::i. E'd n young orchard, house liam ahi stalk There IS a new steam saw mil! n;; ii.,\t Ian to it. Clear deed can be •.'vi'!i. F.: hmLe: particular- applv on the pi s t^ SAMUEL •\Vi;]i.Hr. R.u-;;/i!p.O. COURT OF REVISION. THE first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Township of Holland, for the year 1884, will be held in Vogan's Hall, on Wednesday, the 28th day of May, 1884, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. CARSON PRICE, Tp. Clerk, Holland Centre, May 12th, 1884. HOUSE PAINTER, GRAIin'ER, CiLAZIER AND PAPER HANGER, CALCIMINING AND WALL TINTING. Residence opposite Planing Factory, Or.DEP.S SOLICITBD. EsTIMiTES GiVEN. 192-205 HORSESHOEING SPECIALTY. TO The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School l-^vxT*Tiitiir'e, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm aud School Bells kept always on hand.' Bend tor catalogue to Chats worth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. Highly recoirmonded for Bi:!uuue«8, IIend*A'L(' Con- sUputioG. Indiges- tion, Dizziness, Heartbani) Bad Breath, I.(s of Ap „ petite, JanndJrf, loss ot nemory, gonr 8tonui«ta, Liver «'oiii plaliit,or any illness arising from the ^ton ach. Bowels or Kidners. Thev arp stfe. mild and t'noroogh in their aaion. ^oiiillOi piUaisadose. PKIOE eSc PEK BOX. New Butcher The best meats the country cau produce kept on hand aud DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN WHERE ORDERED. A share of public patronage respecttulif solicited. Remember the stand in McNt aV block. 181 RUTLEDGETRElFim MAEKDAIji'., Manufactarer of aU Kinds of Drop Valve, Cylinder, Force, and Ciatem Pumps. All kinds of IRON PUMPS BUnUSD. BULL SERVICE PRINCE AETHtm, a thorongh-bred "Durham with Pedifrreo. 8 yeAra old for'Serviccon Jnt 19 con. l.S Artemesia, this is a fine a-nmal, his pedigrte being uublished the past S'lason it is not neccs ary to give it this year. Terms §1 at time of servipe. or ^L.^O to be pAid before the 5th November next. ROBT. WhiaHT. 192-95* JOSEPH GIBSON CONTRACTOR. 'Contracts taken for all kinds of BRICK ADD STONE W RK, riuin Ornamental Plastering. Calson'hiirta in all Shades and Colon. Charges m(.derate and satisfaction guar- anteed Orders left at ahe Standard offlce will receive prompt attent.on. 126-ly. 3*15 1 ACRES, f THE LARGEST IN THE DQIvll SALESMEN ^^TANTED To begin work at once on Ivill suKs. Slejiil' em;.doyment at fixed salaries to all willing"' work. Men UHd fVonioii i"" "' pleasant "WORK T^CE YEAR EOUNP Good agents are earning from J 10 '" " per month and expenses. Terms aud outfit free. Ad^lress STONE WELLINGTON, Ton;ito,Ont SEEDS SEEDS HACYARD^ CURES RHEU MA TISK/T WGM POWDERS^ A w l Mn nl totOe. Qoetaiathtirinm â€" IMPORTED- FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Tbe place to buy your Seedn is at PARKER'S, Drugsto re, DURHAM. a PkT7P S*'wl"'fo«nt8 for postage. â-  â-  â- IIMfllof goods whffeh will help nil, ' ;, ' either sex t J more mcney p!i^!-^ than anything else in this worR 9 address Troe A Co., Au^osta. Maine. • At once Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE BlUOUSNESS, dizziness/ DYSPEPSIA, IMDIQESTIQN, JAUNDICE. ERYSiPELAS, SALT HHEUM, HEARTBUim, HEADACHE, AndwMry applet of dlSMM ^»I.?5iJSJ J Il Or d w d llvkR, KIDNEVa 8T0M»« BOWTELeOR BLOOD, DROPSY, FLUnERINO g.^ OF THE HE m ACIDITY OF (^ THE STOlim DRYNESS ^,,u OF THE Sm â-  MARKDALE J LA.RG No misi goods. Spec can Watcl Meridan C ware. Specl' Rings, etc. Rings alwav cal instrume I persona Wafch Rep warrant t\v charges. WJ Local and Notices in thi's" any individual or cents a line hir thi ctnts a line earh ir For Pine or Grant Co. have a uuw stocL SHELaUP.NK W 20th as H lioii(la\ The W.iruei! has been uiiseate The DouiiiJinn iiabihties '?2U0.(li Hon. I). L. :\ of the Iiiterior, li The Er.phra: • opened oa iloudr Wiarton OJd Meaford on J^ont The Staxdabd for two bushels of W, J. ROWK s mill at Barrhead ^v' Me. D.\\is rrsajc late election for i: Johnston Littl for the celebrated Grarden pore and true to Hall. If you want cloth or raw silk, Markdale. Prof. Loir's ^f(. "highly recommended diseases. W. J. Shepherj threat success with tish Champion."' The next sitfm No. 5 will be held 19th June. Be sure and carriage works v Markdale ihe 24 tk Me. Foed is int system into his IL «08t him $4,000. Foe Sideboards, Dressing cases "o Markdale. Thb editor of tb to indulge in his 1 etiquette, that cf c Oil CTalii caUle feeder, for s; .S' 'F^^^'^^ Co. • :-t^H?re«lt camp m â-  Olenvale next r. ttaion of the 1 « tile Bomm ion. ^•WttionaZ Pills are a ^.^ Btomach, Liirr *«* ooHructions. Pabttbs to whoi f^nt statement of a Je prompt in re] "^^et trouble. â- Fob sash, door, £°6W' balusters am «ttrantCo., Mt .M^mtDALE Chees operation last I «^«»ilk waggons '»»nteUon therewil 4,2^«'» Worm Pon iS«d 'tnLwimua,-«-"^?ssKra| ^Ti^}" • -..V" 1

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