TAI LOR, SYDENHAM STBEET, W M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, Eespectfully announces that he has received a lar!?e supply of I N Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Shoes, c As these Goods were bought to the beat advantage they "will be sold very iow in price, and will be found well worthy of an inspection by the general public, also ou hand a full stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to lei, my water power Saw Mill at Little Falls with about 400 acresof timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. AVM. JHOG^G^, JPlesliex'ton Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. Good Work Guaranteed AT- Miners Pholograpli Gallery FLESHERTON. 03^11 S.'t curves and see samples of work which we areo not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T-^^S- ^tj"zl,:lv^:e:^e's, flesh erton. Have you had a trial of EIOH'EDSON'S Famous 30 cent T Abundant testi- monials pro- nounce it the finest value in TEA they ever tasted It is PUEE FEESH UNCOLOEED Pine Flavored, 101b package at 28 cents per lb, 52 pound chest 25 cents per lb. Samples free on application. M. Eichardsou, Flesherton. Feaver colic, unnatural appetite, fretfulness weakness, and convulsions, are some of the efi'ccts of worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. In Eoadster Stallions, the first was taken by J. R. Trimble's "Clear Grit," and webelieve there could be no qi^es- tion. about the presenting of the award. This beautiful horse was the centre of attraction, and many were the eulogies passed upon him. He is certainly a model of symmetry and grace, and Mr. Trimble has just cause for pride in being the owner of such an animal. We are informed he has made a splendid record for himself at the large shows, having won first prize and silver medal at the Indust- rial Exhibition held at Toronto last fall â€" taking these honors from a field of 43 horses, which were the best shown in Canada. â€" Monitor. The Hectic Flush, pale hallow cheeks and precarious apetite, indicate Worms. Free- man's Worm I'owders will quickly and effect- ually remove them. LAEDINE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely by MeCall Bro's. Co. Toronto, and is the only popular Machine Oil to-day in use by all mill meu and farmers. Try Lardine. A Chesley youth iavested $1.40 in a recipt for "How to Appear in Society." The volame he received by return mail was not large, but short, pithy and to the pomt "Always keep your nose clean, and don't suck more than one finger at a time." "Whyl What's the matter?" Ladyâ€" (With face enveloped in roll of hot cloths) â€" "Oh I'm crazy with that Neuralgia that continually troubles me." â€" "Well, how foulish Why don't you go to Hill Bro's. and get bottle of Fluid Lightning It cured niu iu less than one minute. I always keep a bottle in the house. It only costs 26 cents. \. yi. a FLUID LIGHTNING. Theie arc but few that have never suffered aliiiost iiitoleiable pain from Toothache, Neuralgia, or like acute pains. To them such an instant relief in Fluid Lightning is an uutnlj blessing iu time of trouble. No lii.-gustiug utiuusivo medicines to be taken for days. Ou application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at Hill Ero's. A. il. 1 Mr. J. J. Middleton has sold lot 35, con. 7, Proton, to Mr. A. J. Decatur, for igltiUO, and taken in payment T'Z acres of laud in Mauitoulin Island and other property. The Manitouliu lot is said to be excellent laud. Mr. Middleton will leave for the Island m a few days. â€" Dundaik Herald. All over the land are going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. There unlocked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Caught, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron- chitis, HoursenehS, Loss of Voice, or any af fection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial bot- tles free at A. Turner, Co's Drug Store. Large sixe Si. 00 2 THE EFFECTS OF WHISKEY. The effects of whiskej' are always evil, and these who feed upon alcohohc stimulants, vainly endeavoring to cure coughs and con- sumption, but nurse a viper. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is a remedy that is always reliable for all throat bronchial and lung troubles, and never does harm to any one. Intermediate Examinations. â€" The only material change in the curriculum for the present year is the introduction of iieadine: and Writing. To encour age the study of music a paper will be given on the subject and the marks taken added to the aggregate. Those holdmg third-class certificates and trying for a renewal will be awarded, by the 'ounty Inspector, marks (not to exceed 100) for efiiciency iu teach- ing to be added as a bonus to their total marks taken at the iion-profes- siotial examination. Candidates will have to pay a fee of $1 and $2, if tbey deire to try second and third class examinations. Blank forms of appli- cations can be had from the Inspector, which must be filled up and sent in by the 17th June. A BLESSING TO ALL MANKIND, I In these times when our Newspapers are I flooded with pato;:t i;iedicii;oaivL-rti moments, i it is gnitifyini; to kimw wliat to procure that I vill Certainly cure you. If you are billion^, I Blood out of order, Liver iuactive.or geuernl- ly d3bilit:T,ted tiiere is nolhmg iu the world that will cure you .-o quickly as Electric Bit- ters. They are a biessiug to all mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle at A. Turner Co's Drug Store. 2 The Creditor's Eehef Act, passed by the Provincial Legislature, is now iu operation in this Province. As we have no insolvency act, tlie creditors of a bankrupt had no meaus of secur iug a fair distribution of tlie estate. It was first como first .served. Under this A.ct, all the cieditnrs will rate alike. If the Sheriff seizes under a writ, all the other creditors can fyle their claims within a month and secure an equal distribution of the dividends. This v'ill prove a great improvement. THE SECRET OUT. The secret of beauty has been at last re- vealed. Without good health, pure blood and a fair clear skin none '•an possess good looks. What is more repulsive than pimples, blotche.-j and a sallow or pasty complexion Burdock Blood Bitters reveal the fact that all can gain pure blood and freedom from the repuisiye diseases of the skin that result from impurities. Orange Judd, editor of the Ameri- can AiP'ic nlturist {oi aoras thirty years, but unconnected with its business raanagemeut for a year or two past, has lately retired from its editorial department and located in the West. He desires to gather a complete "Pos- tal-Card Album" of his old readers and friends, and requests them all to send him now a Postal giving their present location and address, naming also, when convenient, the years in which they were his subscribers. Mr. Judd's address is Chicago, Illinois. WHAT IX A NAME Scrofula is so called trom the Latin ncrofu, a jiig, fr im the supijosition that the disease came frmii eating swine's flesh. It is often iuheriteil from jjureiits, and leados to absces- ses, ulccious sores, debility, king's evil end consimiption. The case of the Lev. Wm. Stout, of Wiaitou, who suffered 23 years from scrnfulons abscesses, is one of" the most remarkable on record. Burdock Blood Bitters cured him after the best medical skil had failed. Mr. T.E. Trimble's blood stallion, "Clear Grit, .Jr.," carried off fir^^t prize at Chatsi^orth, Owen Sound, Woodford and Meaford Spring Shows, and the prospects for a big season are splendid. FLULD LIGHTNING. Fluid Lightning is the only cure for Toothache, Ileaaache, Earache, and Neur- algia. It does not take a day or an hour to cure it, but in less than a minute all paiu is gone. Thousands have tested its merits within the last year. Fluid Lightning is also a positive cure fbr Bheumatism. The worst possible casts have been permanently cured in one week. Price 25 cents at Hill B.o's. A, M. 3 Union Cerrisge Vt'crkg 7 y^ Dnioii Carriage Worh' All work manufactured from First Class Mmeriu In the Latest and Best Improved Style, and finished v,-ith Eng^lisli Varnitsh, Painting Trimming Bigs wi receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in Ihe shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship Good Work a Spciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapjidj D. J. SHANAHAN, Propriety Markdale, Dec. 2nd, 1S81. 54 ROOKFS BARER! RRKAT), the itafl'of lifeanj l*A^4^n-2:^^ that ^-ill plea» your wife, always on hand, to suppij the demand. So when your stock is low Step in and let us kno\v, And we'll your wants supply, Or you'll know the reason why. jle cilu!nn. t coluniH jtL-r cdIuwu .. iucli space eeincb space asual alvertiseraents S cc;i rtiou, •â- ! cents per line e:i rtion, iioni-areil measu)-«;. ditoiial iiotioes, or u^-.tici 10 ceuts per line lirf, ins Eubsequenis inserti^m. iray animals c.. advt;ris(: the advertisement Hot tci paper discontmivd unt paid exoc?stat the ajuion ..f -JOB PRINTiN BE SlANDAED Oilice lia- il 1 it of postc: as well as tim j atteution to ordeis b}- 1 1 with dispatch. EDITOE AND Piiol'L] Will ?\Iarkdale. NEW GOODS, CHOICE GOODS, CHEAP GO -ATâ€" NEWSPAPKi; 1 v Any person who take from the ;iost otice. is name or another' ..: wl mbed or not â€" is re-j^on^.l. ». If a person orders Jiis \n] be must pay all arTrmfio' 11 may continue to r-tiin it ade, aud then coUtct '.i w ;lier the paper is taiuj: (..at â- tit. If Subscribers rofr.se or ne oilicnls or nev.-.-paj" r- from L they are dirtctc^, r.'iey isible until they L^ve ^c.tk Ike Courts have di-ciilc d ike newspapers anil period! office, cr vcmoviijg f.iid died for. is prima i-acii: cvi oiial fraud. J. E. LAUDER COS GROCERY* LIQUOR STORE, MAEKDALE. CUllE FOE DEAFNESS. As numerous testimonials will show, there is no more reliable cure for deafness than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is also the best remedy for ear ache, sore throat, croup, rheumatism, and for pains and lameness generally. Use externally and internally. IMPOETANT CHANGES. There are two periods in the life of every female when the system undergoes great changes. First the change from childhood to womanhood; next, that of womanhood to old age. These are the critical changes of life, and the system should be nourished and regulated by that matchless tonic, Bur- dock Blood Bitters. It is invaluable in all diseases peculiar to females. Foe a FIB8T-CLASS Carriage or waggon go to Shanahan's Carriage Works, a large stock now on hand to chose from. Be sure you see thena and get their prices and terms before purchasing elsewhere. FEAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS. There are many frauds perpetrated in medicme, and many advertised remedies worse than useless. Not so with Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It remains aa oyer the best internal and external medidne for all p«in Bor^eu andiqjariM with Trhieh human fleA WHi\.T IS LAEDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or sawmill man. or in fact any man who runs machinery of any kind aud he will tell you that it is the only machine Oil which will wear equal to Castor Oil, and won't gum or clog your machinery. For sale at Haskett Bro's, Mark- dale. 176-215 National Pills are sugar coated, mild but tliorough, and are the best Stomach and Livet Pill in use. F' ELECTION^NOTICE. A meeting of the 1 unicipal electors of the TOWNSHIP of GLENELG, will be held at the TOWTV HALT^ AT NOON, ON Monday, May 5th, 1884, For the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of Eeeve, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. MacEae. Should a poll be required, it will be opened on Monday, May 12th, at tht following places â€" Polling Si'ib-Division No. 1, at the School House in School Section No. 9. PoUing Sub-Division No. 2, at Jno McArthur's house. Lot 28. Con. 1, S. D. E. Polling S.-.b -Division No. 3, at MuUarky's Cooper Shop, Markdale. Polling Sub-Division No. 4, at Kenneth Mc- Kenzie's house, Lot 23, Con. 3, B. G. E. Polling Sub-Division No. 5, at the Town Hall. JOHN S. BUCK, Township Clebk. Glenelg, April 23, 1884. EESH arrivals of Tea, Coffee. Sugar, I _!_' Tobacco. Pickled and Cauned Fruit, I Oranges, Lemons, Candies, IJiscuits, fish. Sap Buckets, Wnsh-Tubs aud Wii.-^h-Board?. Flour always iu stock. Crockery ana Glass- ware selling very cheap. A Full stock of liquors fresh aud pure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Eemember the place, MrSilljiT's Old Stand, next doer to the MEDICAL HALL. J. E. LAUDER, CO Proprietors Franco Chinese War, Nothwithetanding the desolaticg war now ragiug iu China it will not increase the price of Teas at tho Blgbly Kcommended for Baiowaeak 5S ^Blaesa, Beut^m. t I Having imported prior to tbe opeu- ing of h( ihties, a sntiicieut quautity to supplj 20,000 MEN for a period of 12 months. In other dopartmonts oi the Grocery trade the BELF.4ST HOUSE has KILLED BY THOU- iSAND those who assitme to traustict business by purchasing of small deal- ers exorbitant rates of interest ou long credit. Our imports of PRESERVED MEATS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HAMS, BACON,ASSORTED PICKEL8 and every articles in the grocery trade -^^^^^lJe":t;.-ktb ailnitliiu three m-uths. L.o,e.-]oiKd and bu-ujcsi aud uuder, per yesj M. 1 VII. â- 2.1 11./ 1= (I't 7 no 1I (HI xcgaU Frost rro*.l XPJ?dSTERS, AM I Ail ' Law, Solicitor-; ::; i ji:ii. rs.cVc, Owfii S.iuivi. !i:'v iierton. Office ope ii ivl-: y lofore. SEi. Frost, .1. v,' County Crown Attorn, v. J. IflASSO^N. AlKISTER. MAST!:i; AN" « Cuancerv, Noutrv I'ulit A KrilBER OF FAR^'.S FOI mcESâ€" Ovvcn Sound, in A lett St.; Bratich oHice in M arlaiK^s Store, ou FuJay 'i'cek. â- Creasoi" J^I'i-ri- ABE1P_ -x^3,S0LICIT0K Wc.es, A-c. dec, "ICES iu Owen Sonnd. Pu ' F. Wolf's St.^rc r.ud i: „, MARKDALE "• J. McFaiiaud's bturc rridsy of each week. â- ttiidsto lend on reasona â- WWale, March 15. lSS-2. Alexander Itro\ '9PEB of Marriage LiceuE " Insurance Ag«nt. C ^- c. Conveyancer i ijoneerfortheCountvofGi ^^ots, and Lard Sales, 1 '^ttoand charges made V. ^â- He.Sept.lT.iet^.X â- lor^ Wm. Bro^tii 'S^aOFMAERIAGELl wnunissioner in B. U.c weyancing in all its braiK B" to and carefully execu â- »â€" Money to Lend on lit ^HIS LIQUORS Of the best brands and quality. â- ^'"J for Sacramental purposes warract^" pure. Brandies direct from the man- ufacturer and all other kinds of liqu^S' Coffees, Teas and Tobaccocs canD"' fail to give satisfaction. Oranges. Lemons, c. Family Flcur suppli^ at Lowest Bates. THOS. lcIVEA. BELFAST HOUSE, MARKDAl^ Feb. 6th, 1884. 6VERE HC WARKDAI.I PROPEIETOE. toH^'^^' Hotel ha* el N pn^i '^** brands --..^^ercial room. **^TSWORfir (lath M0RBOWJH0D6 J^TSWOBTH, ^CK Mcleod pbop â- ^ r^ Good meal, ai Good tta '^^^^f^: