PERSON AL^POI NTS, Jr. Gladstone ETangellst President Arthurâ€" Prince " T.reb-And Other Well ibofl' Knoirn I'eop-e. havicfr ascended the throne Dcm c gjx, has now reigned lorger .v.^ii!) •-, sovereign. carriages, and farming Js- ' Totter livifgw'^ere'g^- All Tionciag to Mary Andersou as l^^'ifSber year. It'^. tij is annouEced, at the age of 92, ^^ min Gratz, the youngest brother of (B-'BJ'gj^t^, who was the model from ii^'^t ^Valt'er Soott draw his beautiful h'i^^' '^r'of Rebecc* in "Ivanhoe." ""7»tIiD?i the inventor of the gun "^u-earshis name, is a tall and large- ' rf ttan, with white whiskers and blue "° d oeni'al countenance; he is sixty -six Ward, formerly pagilistio champion faihni, recently deceased, possessed Lrable artistic talent, and his paint- ' were often exhibited in the Liverpool 'hidon and favorably criticised. His ^h'er, Miss Eleanor Ward, a pupil of the I ^4r Sir Julius Benedict, wae an exoell- rfLnist and singer. tjtellectual and bodily activity are rarely I, \i in men of great ge; but when so J'!^b!Ee(i add to the chanced of prolonged T" Witness three men who have plajed lictifc piit ^^ '"° â- world and who com- Ive these riie gifts of nature and will, the If; of .Shafttsoury, the grsat humanitar- Cirdinal Newir,a-J, and tf\e Emperor â- ; liiff" frarc'eii't -Moody is at work in London, "hesttiiHjio have parted company with i\fy. While the meetings have created excitement than in 1875, they are more I -essful in reaching the neglected masses. T,.e when churchgotrs were too plenty, Vxiiyf^^ed all Chiistiane to rise. Nearly J^.ffliole church responded, and he request- 'izm to make room for the unconverted JTSiDDg outside. 1 51, DeLssseps is a devoted horseman, and ^v be seeu daily galloping through the tisdeBoulogoe, witu his eight children by r.seccui marriage, boys and girls, mount- en ponies, in nautical costumes, their jjtreamiug on the wind, thoir large col- • turoed over their shoulders, and their i hacgiag over their backs â€" a little jf, with their dark hair and complexions, ;;iiiid th-ir white haired chief. laessrifsff fpaeches Mr. Gladstone has j'.erei in the present session are describ- iHu-iil to anytbirg ho has ever done, ;he jnC'j more atantib out; in bold and un- :3roa:l'.a'iilo relief from l:ii colleagues as iufi'iius Lritorical master of the House Lgn-.r::Oii' Fei. plo may say what they iKabou: L'ird Harliagton's good sense ti..:, '".d in Mr. Gladstone's absencs' bc;;in to iiint that be is the safe leader. â- t'M olii liiin h?.3 oii'y to come back and e o;:e oi hi« great speeches, and the in- i«:anee "" iiis frienda and the silence inactica ot his foes once more remind ;e iiocse th.-.t there ia -no one like him. ;er3tai l.'c-en, it is said, a btrange revival aim 0! tl;e love of power. Hs has not, d iijver K'liii, the remotest intention of crping into ' he House of Peers. Therepealurs of the O'Ccunell School, C2gh once iiumeious in Paris, are now ewandfar ietween." Dr. McCarthy, t [hyaiciaii of the Irish college, in the ;-sdcs L'andiis, is one and Mr. J. P. lar.l ti!.; other. Dr. McCarthy is very iercua an^i ji^pular, but would not touch :intior. m any form of fcrce^ Mr. card, ulrj ia one of the longest Irish re- mU'.n Pjris, has been teaching English i ia \uriou3 colleges. To them and irsof CiDgeuial di.'-pDsition comes seme- mes iroiu rus chateau near Nice Sir Gavan icrf cuirp mionship. Before the iiaLBsjUf was founded tney were form- a project icr a repeal movement, but l"ij;-t J:a(l to be abandoned when it :iten that p:ople rallied so strongly 'i the movfjuient of Davitt and Bren- i;, wliichMr, 1'j.rnell subsequently join- ""esideDt Arthur, says a writer in the â- to Htrnld, talks well, and is a good â- '•ntr. He recently repeated, almost 'I? for word, a page from "Vivian -y " Although he had not read the novel ':weaty years. ila has a fair knowledge -oglUh literature, and is well acquainted â- ^ the old poets and the great fiction â- srs. A corrospondent of tne Chicago "™« praises Mr. Arthur for gnatly im- i;fiflg the interior of the "White Home. ^•0 he entered it the old mansion was «Mt IS barren as the builders left it ^•i Was in color anywhere, except in 'toonvei i)nal wa'l paper patterns; •\' 'â- â- pets and lurniture were ordinary and '^on place, and wherever there was a *« screen it was of the ground kind. The 9-twere worn, and everything was of a ^eratiuj dulneas. The red, the blue, â- peen, and the east rooms have been 'formed, and he has aone as much as Money at command would permit to- pa making the interior of the White '""'pOfthyof its exterior â€" for the home ;^e f resident continues to be, architec- -«'y the best building at the capital. !.~^P^^'^te conversation w th a mem er «wl '"*°. i'-r'iament, Prince Bismarck 'y explained his reasons for withdraw- "°'?^'iedirecticn of Prussian afifairs I H ""^^ °"' -^^y nerves are bad, t ..7^'e not time to be unctuous, flow '"mkof luftiid feelings and small '"""-t jeilousies when obliged to -•5bvT°l^ going on everywhere. Tele- r^ct 1 ^^' multiplies my duties at the lt:»L'"^- Germany is interested in ;... "^PPecs at Rome. Madrid, Vienna, irk' tt-' V.tersburg. Piris, London, New 'â- •-tte s^i"°8to" Hue, TamaUva, Mel- Nr.^^ fy- "ro and Khartoum, I sow ^°" ^^ chessboard, and 'iffe c,'" ^^^'it happeninff, no mitter iiiffe'ct p "^^'^^ indirectly or directly ^-^i^dlnr •"'°"' interests. Formerly a ':t4'iail ii^st needed to be familiar with M. g"^P-rsona in the courts of En- P^Es, urit^? ""' °°^ understand as well anciers, and currents Jxl^^r., fi„ g. and act rapidly on infor- ..,,8-^ .*P^edto him in haste " '*. Tk. i'^^wledeemastextensii 1 eye should be every- p Ige most extensive and â- tk '«Brnmur^*^*""8'"P '" no •ineoure. K!^'i'P8ror i-r®"^^ a vounger man. If l^^aot L"-^ "^ot Wly support ma I set thrcugh them." ., The WOUDEIIFOL FIXD. A Bello or tUo CMvalry of Spate Deep in an Arteona Mine. Since the establishment of r,erm»T.»«f roveri:rwer ^n^.^^'^^â„¢ Ari^rs coveries have beea occauonallv mada nf r«i bib en'^tV" """"" wKfndelt y hwfc fn'i^^"" ponaidered irrretrieva^ the discoveries were made in re-openbg cH mmmg claims from which in ages gone^ i of the eirth This haa been especiaUythe feature m the working of the d^rome^ml^: of the United Varde group ia the Bia^k M.U» andthe disoovtriei which have been made m it would indeed warrant ^m^. ulcus reception were it not for the reputat^n and standing of themen who stand ?eadyt^ vouch for them. While many of these dis? covenea have been made pubUc through the agency of the local press. Dut one has here- tofore elicited any considerable discussion among scientiata that being the unexpected opening of an eld tannel by the minVra at preaent workmg in the mine. The tunnel so opened presented the appearance of hav- ing been worked many years ago, in a stvl^ still commun among miners in isolated por tions of Mexico and Sp»ni.h Amenca Throughout the entire length timbers had been placed to support the walls for th^ greater security of the workmen. Scattered along the floor of the tunnel lay A NDMBKB OF STONE HATCHETS with we Iworked edges, showing hard ser- vica in the hands which once wielded them. In tho centre of the apartment, whtn it was first opened, stood a stake about four feet high and six inches square, on which was painted in a pigment obtained from red ox- ide of copper, a cross. While the astonished men were still regarding with amazement the wonders of their discovery, one of them, more inquisitive and perhaps possessed of more avarice than the rest, seized the stake 80 rudely that it dwindled to dust in his hand, aa did also the more heavy timbers of the mine on being exposed to the air. At the time two theories were advanced to ex- plain the strange occurrence â€" one being that the mine had been previously worked by an- cient abor.gines in search of the red oxide of copper for paint, and that the presence of the stake and cros* was but the result of chance the other was that the mine had been worked for the copper and silver, in which it is very rich, by Indian peons under the direction of Jesuit fathers, and the ore obtained shipped to ecclesiastical cofifers in Mexico. The last theory was appwently sustained by the presence of slag nei the mine, but was also apparently refuted by the abandonment of the mine at a point where the ledge was shown remarkably rich. Both theories are warmly discussed pro and con by the respective supporters, but that the last one was the correct one is now estab- lished beyond cavil. Since the date of the discovery the miners, under the direction of Supt. Thomas, have been engaged in care- fully reopening the shafts and tunnels made by the prior workers. While this work has beeu dona with the utmost care, it has aho been done with such rapidity that a depth of 283 feet was attained on Sunday last. Early on Monday, while James Dillon and Johnny Bright were working at the extreme end of the tunuel, they were surpi»ed to find an iron article, which they at first supposed to be some household utensil, and together with the prize they both reported the occurrence to Supt. TUomas, who was overjoyed to dis- cover in it an ancient helmet of fiue Milan manufacture, SUPERB IN FINISH AND TEMPEE,. Hastily returning with them, he at once placed at work a large force of men, and ia lees than an hour had exhumed two complete suits of armor, in which still remained the ilum, femur, and tibia of warriors who long had borne their weight in weary marches and fierce fights. Of the armor, one â€" the first discovered â€" was of exquisite make of Milan steel, so much prized by the soldiers of the sixteenth century, and consisted of helmet, breast-plate, and back piece, with gussets reaching to the knees and jambea, while the other was of allcret armor, much famed in the middle ages for its defensive qualities, and a favorite with light cavalry. Besides the armor were found two swords, one of renowned Toledo make, bearing a le- gend in Spanish, which, on being translated to Eaglish reads: "Draw me not without cause shield me not without honor." The other is of unknown make. All the artioles found were to-day sent by Supt. Thomas to Gov. Tritle, will, with the permission of the United Verde company, present them to the Smithsonian institution. Their arrival created the greatest curios- ity among the few who knew of it, and in consequence the governor has been sj bored by eager sightseers that he finally determin- ed to sitiafy the general desire by placing them on exhibition in the rooms of the Che S3, Checker, and Whist Club, where all who wished were at liberty to examine them. From the general condition of the warlike relics it is generally supposed that those who one time wore them were imprisoned and starved to death in the mine, either by accident or through the action of rebellious peons. A Notorious Criminal. The Paris police have just arrested one Chatel, a notorious Reoidiviste. He m*de his debut in 1869 by an attempt to murder the Ute Emperor of the French. Ho attired himwlf in the uniform of a grenadier of the imperial guard, and proaeeded to the Tmler- iesf asking to see the emperor, to whom he was intrusted to deUver a massage from his c lonsl. The cent garde on duty at the door of the emperor's study immediately â- aw through his disguise, owing to his wear- iDg hU bea^^kin the wrong way, and im- mediately cellared him He released him- self, and tried to escape by leapmg over the b.lconyinto the garden below, Outbroke his leg in the fall. The mitter seems to have been hushed up, for though he admitted he meant to kill tne emperor, and a formidable knife was found upon him. he was only tried for forcing his way into the palace, and got oflF with fifteen months' imprison- ment. Since then he hM been repeatedly wrested for burglaries, attempted murders, aod iSdred offences, but 6emg at large fust now, was wanted by the police, who iuc oeedei in unearthing him ,m one of tiie Blums, Ha was lu bed with a suburban pie of revolvers ready ^,*»*°^:. J"" fZ^^ before he was able to use them. Hiatal Wds fidrto be intereatmg, be laTely to gire himself out as a politic.1 con waa is viotiou Th. ireirtJier "Whe* took. » «jS[»»^2S?^toJK The ** TancoBTer." The VarKouver, the new steamer of the cnZrh Ste^ahipLns, takes her plS^ en the 8th. May in that company's line be- SroV^rt^"*^""â„¢" ThidLet- siona of the Vancouver are -Length be- S^«'„ '^*= '^^P"' °f *^°^" 33 feet 6 inches S^/'n*"°" "^K^Bter 5 300 tona. Sue is buUt of Cona^tt iron under special au.vey of the Admiral! ty for Naval and Transport aer- v|cea, and of Lloyd' according to their si^r^thU!^* â- " °""y inpart«it respects strengthened in eicest of tde requirements J.^%- «H*' **•*"• '^^ •^« " therefore "°^P*'o^ly •trong. She ha. four decka and eight water-tight bulkheada, and car- ned up to the mam deck. Tne sanitarv armngementsfor male pasiengers ara under a long tnrtle-baok forward, and for women and cmldren under the turtle-back aft; the steerages are weU ventilated and Iguted. Ihe single men are berthed on the forward V^ '*** '""P* "*** **** "*8l« women are berthed aft in charge of an experienced matron, married couples in centre. Accom- modation is provided for 160 saloon passen- gers 30 second oabim, 88 intermediate, and l.-JOO steerage. Electric light is supplied to every depM^ment of the ship, inclndmg the side lights in the lighthouses; the ayrtem being that of Messrs. Siemens Bros, k Co. London, combined with Swan's lamps. Tne accommodation provided for the inter- mediate paasengera ia much superior to what baa hitherto been thongot good enough. The siloon is amidshipi, forward of the engines and boilers, and ia a very hands jme apirtment extending the full width of the snip with ssats for 160 persons at four tables running fore and aft, and five tables on each side aihwartehips, thus permitting easier access, and making up family parties at table. Revolving arm chairs and sofas are richly upholstered in crimson velvet. Tne cabinetwork of the B»loon ia in panels and pilasters of teak, maple, planelree, and wal- nut, decorated in excellent taste with de- signs of fruit, foliage, flowers, birds, o. A grand staircase, leads from the saloon entrance upwtrds to the music room, and thence to the promenade desk. The Ladies' music-room is a very handsome apartment with approbate decorations. One of Mesera. John Brinsmead and Sons' finest upright grand pianos, of a new style known as tbe •'Avenue" model, discourses sweet sounds to the touch of flying finger*. Here, also, is a well-stocked library. Tne state-rooms are unusually large, and aeveril of them are fit- ted with family or honeymoon beds. The state-rooms being in a single line along the side of the ship makes them airy, light, and cheerful â€" a great desideratum to pisaangira. The berths are fitted with Rawclitfe's patent wire woven nattriisies, which adapt them- selves easily to the sleeper's form, and ara most comfortable. Tne ladies' boudoir ia near the saloon, with bath-room, closets, and livatory adjoining; other bathrooms, closets, and lavatories are carafully planned and placed wbera most convenient fur the passen^^ers. In the bridge deck the ro ard a number af very commoduus state-rooms, at the forward end the barber's shop is nearby, while further aft are the second cabin state- rooms and cabin, alao the oiScera'and eng.- neer's etate rooms and mess room, and at the aHer end are the surgdon's ample quar- ters, with surgery adjoining. Further aft, in the front of the turtle bacfc, are six hospi- tals, fitted with every requisite: although there is so little serious illness at sea that these are rarely fully occupied. Tho pro- menade deck is 188 feet long, without any obstruction whatever, the Fidley casing rsing about seven feet high, and carrying up overhead any dust or heat from the boiler department the Vancouver is in thia respect unsurpassed. There is ample pro- menade room on the main deck for inter- mediate and steerage passengers. The Van- ccuotr will carry a very large cargo, and for expeditious working she naa six hatches and six steam winches. When it may be necessary to work at night she is supplied with a cluster of electric lamps to illuminate the decks. The anchors are raised by a powerful crane instead of the old-fashioned davits, and the lifeboats are fitted with a new patent lowering process. The ship i« steered by Harrison's patent steam steariag gear, the machinery being placed aft, where either the hand gear or steam gear can be used at option. Tne engines and boilers contain all the latest improvements, every detail having been the subject of careful study. The engines are of the three cylinder type, the high pressure cylinder being 58 inches diameter, and the two low pressure cylinders being 80 inches diameter each, and the atroke 66 inches; the boilers being six in number, having 30 furnaces, 46 inches diameter made of Fox's pittn! corrugated steel, giving a large heating surface; the initial pressure of steam per square inch is 90 lbs, but the boilera are tested by the the Bmrd of Trade to over double that pressure. It is expected that the Vancouver will prove one of che fastest vessels in the Canadian t rade. Tbo Tmtb an« Kotbina Klse. Nowadays people want pr.o:. Humbugs are more pUmtiful than dollars, and it is only ky the greatest care that many are kept at conviction point that they are not IodIs. Proof ia wanted, and that we can supply in ccnuection with the claims of Putnam t Painkss Com Sxtraetor as a aure, aafe, and painleaa remedy for toms. A«k any drug- giata what he thinks of it. A«k any person who has uaed it. This will give you all the proof you want. Then buy a bottle, teat it, and become a missionary for Putnam's Pain- less Con Extractor. Strong but-terâ€" An eight-year-old ram. Dyspepsia and Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters can't liTe in the same Stomach, one of them 1»" K" to^o »"'!,.i! isn't the Stomach Bitters. The Igpples own faTonta family medicine in large bottles at 50 cents. „ ._„ STf'4^'.*^. sfc ife^lw' tnia %^K(% to $4,000 on marriaee. Lvii»a 7t^^^^^ Gentlemen. Apply immediately R. N UraET, J.P., S ec-Treas., London. Ont. Agents want»H T OTS FOR SAL^^28ANU2y. l,i CON » J °J^°? "'*» ^••* o' Toronto and Sydenham SHORTHAND lk«^ons given by Jâ„¢ ^r \.n ';â- '• " *» I«»o Pitman-i lyt S^ ' JK^^^onogrmpher. Send for terms and plan to FkAgK Yfe tGH. 862 Sberbouroe St. Toronto. REINHARDT'S HAIR RESTORER AND MOUSTACHE PRODUCKK A fenutoe preparation which is guanuiteed to do aU that is claimed for it. Prooociiig loxuriant whiskers and moustache in six weeks. In bottles safely pactod to any address for $L F. RXINHAKDT, Mail Buildini Toronto. ^^ 1883.-ST. JOHN BXHIBITIOli.'iM' I«»tlier Beltlmc, Flw BBctBe Hmc, Ae. Four First Prise, and Two Diploma.. The highest of all Awarda for Leather Beltlns, and Fire Bngine Hose were accorded bj th Judges at the St. John Centennial and Dominion Ex- hibition, to KOBIN SADLER, Montreal, ov- er all competltora. BEAVER S. S. IjlJNiU. WEEKLY BETWEEN aaebee, Memtreal, mmA lArvr^â€"U OALLma AT OUEENSTOWN AMD BELFAST For loweat rate, and aU partloulars apply to H.E.MTJBBA BeaTcr Line, Montreal* Allan Line Royal Mail SteamsMps Jl^t^bi evl^ SiSlrflfy to LiTerpool. «»^ »* ^^ ^TlSslr^^t'iSfor^lSS'Sfog GlSSSS^^ Bo"" and Glasgow erarr week. iaaperfectsem,eaa»ltoan imported Freaoh Clonet; fits uke a gmve to the flcrure; rery sferl- iah. elegant In appaaranoe, and approved of or the most fartidloua. Manufactured only by THE CROMPTON CORSET CO.. n YQWK »T»yFT. Tfimntrrfk F. E. DIXON CO., iHammntetu«rs et ftar^KlTet Leather Belting I 7* Klmg Street, East, T*r*mt« Large double Drlvlnt; Belts a specialty. Send fc Prica Liita and Discounts. TO 8ADDL.ERS. The celebrated Elm City Harness Oil can be had from the following Wholesale Saddlery Hardware houses: Field andDavidson, Hamilton; Morgan Bros, Hamilton, Fraser and Johnson, Hamilton C. tteridson and Co., Toronto: 8. Trees and Co., Toronto; T. Woodhouse and Co.. Toronto; W. EUis, London; W. C. Martin. King- ston; J. Smith and Son., Brantford; or from F. F. DALLEY and Co., Hamilton. Sole agents for the Dom} inion W. F. F. OURKIE Co. 100 Grey Nun Street, Montreal. Importers of Drain Pipes, Portland Cement, Chimney Tops, C;inada Cement, Vent Linings, Water Lime, Flua Covers, Whiting, Fire Bricks, Plaster ot Paris, Fire Clay, Borax. Koman Cement, China ^lay. Manufacturers of Bo«aemer'Ste«i -sof*. cn»"'i*"'«^'»n"«n«'«i. STOCK BROKERS â- (Members of the Toroato Stock Sxohange). Buy and sell on commisaion for cish or on mar- gin all securities dealt in on the Toronto, Hea- treal and Rr«w Â¥*rb STOCK EXCHANGES, Also execute orders on the Chleago Boar d of Trade .. _â- m ifc- "":£ » -IN G RAIN 1AND PROVI SIONS. 88 TOROVTO STItfeKT. The White Glyc- erine â€" The Sham Bonquet â€" Palm Oil Bath Soap- Oatmeal Skin Soap, and The Baby's Own Soap. MADE BY THE ALBERT ^TOILET ^SOAP CO.'Y AKE^UNSUKPAS.SED FOB PURITY EXCELLENCE. ^r Sold by alUleadinR drufirffists. TRADE* (AAMC lAgentsJWanted FOKTHE Gitizeiis Insurance Go-, of Canada. Established 1861.â€" Capital and Assets, $1,436,985. â€" GoTernmeiitDepositi]|122,O0O|Ca8h.â€" Ab this Company transacts Fire, Life, and Accident business a profitable agency ia thus offered to those soliciting insurance risks. Special terms co those wha have valuable con- nections. Farm property insured aa low as by Farm Mutuals. Address, Head Office, 119 St. James Street, Hontreal. ~^^"The stock of this Company is held by many of the wealthiest citizens of Montreal. CANADA PLATE. Price Low For Future Deliyery. Tin Plate. Oalvanised Slieet. Stamped Goods. FOR SALE BY COPLAND McL^EN. MONTREAL. HuOSc. GLEAN IN If TiMt;. If you want your houaes to be attractlTe, use KaBuay'a ImpreT« Caiaomtne Colon for tinting Walls.â€" Can be used without the aid of a Painter and do not rub off. Made in fifteen differot tuita. Apply to your local dealers for them. IfAWUrACTUBBD BY A. RAMSAY sour, MONTREAL. Mutual Marriage Ecdowment As'n. KOOBPORATKn. HEAD OFFICE, LONDON, ONT. IHOM OertlflMtes from |125 to •3.000. payable aa aiw- riMS at tollowiiic ratal. " 9^00, or buf OerUflwte, •«: quarterly doM in ad- TftQM, 90.75. For»l,OeOOertifioate, 16: duarterly dnes in adraiMa For |2,oa0 Certiicale $10; quarterly duel in adTanee For $3,900 OertlAeate $15 quarterly dues in adranse $3.06 Aperoentage of the Fees applied towards a leserre fund The only cash payments required at the time of makinc application for a certificate. The remainder of the lia- bility is made up of assessments at the rate of $1.60 an each $1,000 upon the marriage of members. 12 asseaa- ments made the first year payable quarterly, which upon the present large membership secures the payment of a number of Endowments, and a safe and reliable in Testment foryoung people. Send for By Iaws and full particalars. W. J. IsCLAVH, Secretary. London, Ont. Dominion Line of Steamships^ RanainK In connection with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Sailing from Quebec every Saturday during the summer montua, and from Portland every Thursday during the winter moDtha. QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL. Momtreal, May. 1*. 'Vancouver. Hay. 31. *e»armlK, Slay. II. I Toronto Jane. 1. Br«okIyn, May. S4. 'Oregon. Jane. 14. Rateaof paaaage: Cabin, Quebec to Livers Ml 950, 880. $65, 981, return, $90, 9108, 9117. 9114 according to ate-imer and berth. Intermediate 940. Steerage, at lowest rates. Tbe aaloons and it tterooma in Eteamers marked thus are midahipa, where but little motion is felt, and no cattle or sheep are carried on them. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent, or local agents of the Com- pany, or to DATm TOSKANCE A CO., Gtinerft' Agwntw Montrnal. XHEMuElL narriage lid ASSOCIATION. $5,000 Paid on Marriages. 0Ter:$100,- 000 Faidlin Benefits to Date. ISSUE iHllBBS.IVER $2,000,000. KThs only Company In Canada that has paid a claimTii UNDOUBTEDISECUEITY. Freminsisiiaall.^ Address, ' W. B. 'WXBBEB, Agents Wanted Secretary, HamQten. HOMESTEADS in THE TEMPERANCE COLONY N, W. T. 180 Acres Fraa To Aotail Settlers SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. isr First Class Land. Healthy Climate. No Fevers. Plenty of Pure Water. tar Convenient to Coal Mines. Navigable River passing through it. Season longer than in Manitoba. "Located in the centre of fertile Belt Sober, Thrifty, Moral Neighbors Supply Store in the Colony. SASKATOON, The capital of the Colony, already ahowB proe- pecta of being the moat important city on the Saakatchewaui River, IMXi liK0BL8aI.BJ CHB4PJ AVD OJT |BA8T TBKiW. Xxonisiona from Ontario every wee For forticuUin apply to HEAD OFFICE m KING ST., WEST, TORONTO. M.BICITH. W. PKJCB RTONPAGB. PregidcHt. ^^..^'^a^.^M^anager. Washer AND BLEACEER Wtiihs but 6 pounds. Can bo carried in a smaU Taliee niustration shows Machine in boiler. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refundei unvwtnn $1000.«»0 RKWAKD »«e ITS SPPEKIOR. Washing made light and easy. The clothes hare that pure whiteness which no other mode of washing can pro duce. No rubbing required, no friosion to injure the fabric A 10 year old giil can do the washing aa well as an oli"r ier3on, „ _^, To place it in every household THE price has been REDUCKD to SJ 50, and if not found fatisfctory, mone refunded. See what th« "Canidi Presbyterian, say about itâ€"The Model Washer and Bleacher which Mr. C W Dennis offers to the public has many and Ta,luable adTantages. It is a time and labor-saving machine, is Bubstaniial and endaring, and is very cheap, from trial in the household we can testify to its excellence. Delivered to any eiprew office in the Pro"°=f%« ^P." tarioand Quebec. Charges paid $3.00. Send for cir- cular!. AGENTS WANTED. C. W. DENNIS, TORONTO BARGAIN HOUSE. 913 Y4JNGE RTKEET. T OKOWTO, ONT. 84,000 Sold In 17 Hentba.. BUY ONLY THE Walter Woods HAMUTON, ONT 30 DAYS' TRIAL DYE^SMI (BEFURS.) (AITEB.) EfBEFOxu)..! y." " LECTBO-VOLTAIC BELT and other Eleoteic Appliances arn sent on 30 Days' Trial TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, who are suBer- Ing from Nervous Debujty, Lobt VrrAurr. Wasting Wkaknesseb. and all those diseases of a Personal Nature, resulting from AausEa and Other Causes. Speedy relief and complete restoration to Health, Vigor and Manhood Ouahanteed. Send at once for mustratea Pamphlet free. Addresa Voltaio Belt Co., Marsliall, MicL GDRMYS WARK, ETMDED SCALES. THE BEST, THE STRONGEST, THE MOST RELIABLE. Unrivalled in material, construction and finish, per 11 cr, in accuracy and unequalled in durability. Ouar- aateed to t^-^- entire satisfaction. THEY EXCEL ALL OTHERS. ISAIIiZkOAZ). WARSHOnSE AND HILIi Kills* Alarm Money Drawers. ^^ SEND FOB ILLUSIBAIED PBICS USb GURNE YS WAEB, HAMII.T«ir, ORT i 11 -A I i !| :• â-