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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 May 1884, p. 5

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 0Sj^ii JEWELLERY STORE. L.^K(tE^TOCK N-Q misrepresentation of 'oods. Special lines in Ameri- can Watches and Clocks. hiericlan Co. Silver Plated ft'are. Specks, Chains, Charms ij^inas, etc. 18 k. Wedding i^in'^s always in stock. Musi- il instruments, ViolinStrings. I personally attend to ail latch Repairing ?nd fuiiy warrant the same, Fair cb.rges. ' W. A. BROWN. Local and Other Iteis. ',)TICES in tlii'ac columnit intended tu benefit \._^!Hndifi'iiial «r Societi/ will be charged ten i.jiilf a line f'lr tlie fir^t insertion and five \fnt' a I'i'e fnfh -iuhiequent insertion. Mapk Flooriug go to For Pine or 'irant Co. Eggs have drop)ed to tlieir yalue in ;:;e mnrii'et. Sir Charles Tapper, jvill retire from Ed^'ai;.' Large bas the contract i-rBeusuii's new building. The In â- â- : N. W. Railway station at ]Iiltou was bui-ued ou Sunday last. Tai; laf^t spike of the Ontario i^aebec raii'ivay was driven on Monday Grai'deia ^eeclfss, fresh. pare awl true to name, at the Medical The Salvation Army are erecting a hariiicks at fehelburne 80 x 40 !ctt. Our citizens will do well to obey the F'tice of the village police in another cdum. J Frtif. 7.-'!r".- 3fr;/7iP f^iilphtir Sonp is ii'fnlii r,;--rir!int'nil€d for nU humurs and shin :ii(ae.-!. Don't buy millinery or dress goods antil yoa see what McFarland can do for you. The next sitting of Division Court .^0. .5 ^iU be held in Markdale on the WthJuue. Fen Sideboards, Lounges, Tables, Dressiii;; cases go to Grant Co. ilarkdale. " W. .J. Ford, will shut down his oill on Monday, the 17th to put in roller^, Mr. Edward Large has received '•ae contract ion buildmij a Church at i\iniberly. Oil Ctilre, the champion tattle feeder, for sale at Medical Hall. A. Turner k Co. ^Rs. J. Waldie, Streetsville will fKept tliauks for renewal of subscrip- tion to Standard. ^itional I'Hh are a mild purgative, acting 'â- '» 'k; 'Sti/mach, Liver and Bowels, revioving Geo. Grant Co. will ship to- morrow for Fort William, an order "'sash and doors. iTeeinnti'.^ V,'i,nn Powders are agreeable to â- â- Â«. mi ^_.r),d all kinds of worn is from chil- 'tn or adnlu. Special attention is called to Mc- J-«land's black silks, carpets and new â- *=e curtains direct importations. Allthk w liinufaetn nnpn nf 1-7 P " ' ^^ average 3s like a,n offer of marriage to uu old maid, she may turn up her nose but accepts all the same. A BILL to legaUze marriage, to a deceased wife's sister, ^as passed in be commons England, on Tuesday last by a vute of 238 to 127, It may bee seen by the assessors report ol Artemesia, for 1884. ihat Here is one Christian ratepayer in the Township wonder who it is. Mb. Geo. Lamb, of Glascott, Glen- elg IS bnngmg a fine young Durham bull from Simcoe Co. He expects to return witu the animal this week. A fire occurred in CoUingwood last week m wbich the bardware store of ^y?-' ""^^fson Co, and liquor store ot Cline Howard were consumed. Our Butchers have difficulty in securing good beef in the country owing to the great scarcity at this season of the year they are however doing remarkably well. If you want to be well dressed, see McFarlaud's stock. He keeps the nobbiest tweeds and suitings, and Mr. Hill guarantees a perfect fit time. every agons and carriages now i"ed at Shanahau's Carrage rro Wiuraiited for four years. at,' ' f"-^"'^^' is now making prepar 30 in the erection of a building „/ 40 ieet on his new lot on Mill 'J^eet. ache"' "°f' in^igestion or sick head ^^ ' liistantly reheved by one dose root/^'^V"^^^" Bitters, made from ""^^^ and herbs. '.;/ Thompson, of Toronto, wan 'â- 'ith Tape ]V(rm. 8 feet of which icjs "'•/ one bottle of Dr. hotc's Worm Rf iANAHAN is turning title Jnf f somL, f adages which are 12 ho^ ^^'" ^^av as fast 86 finish€|d, "^e gone already. out a being Farmers and others are warned not to leaye their waggons or other vehicles unhitched en the streets as the Trustees are determined to have the streets kept clear. Now IN stock a full line of machine needles for Wanzer, Singer, Raymond, Lockman, Osbnrn, aud others. Don't forget the place. W. A. Brown's Watch aud Jewellry Store, Markdale. We met S. L. M. Luke on Monday in the centre of Glenelfj Tp. He was reported to have been lost, strayed or stolen, but he informed us he would call and bid all his friends gnod-by befoure he takes his fiual departure. We are much pleased to see the Toronto World make its appearance again. It is very popular as a fearless, outspokeii, independent jonnial, and its reappearance will be hailed with satisfaction. It richly deserves a liberal support. Any person washing to secure a choice lot for a residence cannot do better than to see Mr. M. Armstrong at once. He has a number of shade trees planted on the newly surveyed streets, wliich will be opened to the public during this season. Teims will be made easy. SxEiNHOiF Whitby .painters, liave put up signs f.n- *he Standard office and fur Hamu.jii the photographer which are a credit to the painters. The lettering is well done and we can commend the above painters to all who are in need of such work. Notice is hereby given that the various Milk waggons in connection with Markdale Cheese Factory will commence the season's hauling on Thursday morning the 15tli inst., every patron is expected to be in readiness and save themselves and the directors any trouble. B. Coleman, President H, D. Irwin, Secretary. Mrs. Sinclaib, a woman of sevonty years, hviug near Aruott, Holland township passed througia afluccessfuU surgical operation m the removal of a tumor whicli weighed 27 lbs, together with the amputation of her leg upon which the tumor had grown. The operation was performed by Drs. Oldham and Manley and the woman is now recovering. Immigeant Sleeping Cars. â€" The wretched accommodation proyided for immigrants will soon cease to be a reproach to at least ou Canadian railways. Five immigrant sleeping coaches manufactured expressly for the C. P. E. at Cobourg reached the Union Station tliis morning en route for the Port Ai-thur division of the Canada Pacific, where they will in future run. The coaches, which are equipped with Wewtinghouse air brakeo, are ',6 feet long, exclusive of the platform. Comfortable day and sleeping accommodation is pro- vided for BG adult passengers, who will bo supplied with warm water by a neat cotriyance attached to the two heaters iu each. The interior of each coach, is richly finished in pohshed Canachau woods, and _the seats are of a pattern specially design- ed by General Manager Van Home for the immigrant trafiSc. The windows are double, and the arrange- ments for ventilation are complete. As soon as the Ontario Quebec opeiis fifteen of these ears will be placed on the line between Qaebeo, Montreal, and Owen Sound.â€" »• hdcrrtiaar. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. The Durham Chronicle has brought down on Itself various sharp rebukes from exchanges. It is amusing to hear the Flesherton Advance eulogizing iUelf on journal- istic enquette. They have a shower bath erected at one of the hotels in Mt. Forest. The shower is administered from a window lu the second story upon the crowd below. So says the Co7ifed. The colun.ns of the Aduance have closed on Amenianism and opened on lufidelity. The Thornbury Standard reports favorably in regard to the operations of the Salvation Army. Orangeville Gazette is hopeful of the temperance question gaming the day in Canada e'er long. The Meaford Monitor recommends !or a companion, one ot even tempera- ment. Correct, brother one that's always pleasant. According to the Grej- Eevinv, Ben- tick has a population of 4,553, aud is assessed at $13,136.76. The Durham Chronicle charges for the publishmg of births, marriaffes, and deaths. According to the Orangeville Adver- tiser, the Scott Act will be submitted in Grey, Bruce and Simcoe shortly. Sbrigley ],eople now rejoice in a tri-weekly mail Irom Dundalk. The Editor of the Dundalk Herald has purchased a lot in that town and is preparing to erect a residence. The Shelburne Free Press advocates a fire engine and a water supply, and the ratepayers of that go-ahead village are moving iu that direction. The Meaford Mirror gives some in- teresting figures in reference to the growth of that town. The Hanover Post has changed hands, Mr. Ketchum haying sold out to one W. H. Ashley, late of the Winni- peg Free Press. The paper has been wonderfully iruproved during the twelve months which Mr. Ketchum was proprietor. We wish him success as also the new proprietor Mr. Ashltiy. The Wiartion Echo proprietor, runs an extensive Stationery aud fancy goods store, m connection with the printing business. The Chesley Enterprise has {^really improved under its new proprietor Mr. Wm. Kay. We wish you success brother. MARKDALE Steam Woollen Mill. beginning of next week. On Saturday two tugs brought a dredge and scows fi:om CoUingwood, and dredging is now going on at the station wharf so as to give the new boats plenty of water. The Salvation Army meetings seem to loose none oi their interet. Every _, night the barracks are crowded, and T^^^ i^d^rsiRned would respectfuUy return- from the number of army uniforms I ^^"""^^ " ^^^" ""^^^ customers jind friends and badges seen on the street, thtir ^^ *^^ T^ "^^ support accoided to them number must be getting very large. On Thursday evening as the City of OueH Soujid was coming up the harbor, one of the passengers, an Eng- lish emigrant fell into the hold atd was almost instantly killed. On Thursday evening Samuel John- son, an old resident of Keppel. while returning from Owen Sound, tell from his waggon and received fatal injuries from which he died the next day. Whiskey is supposed to have been the cause of his fall. Ou Friday moruiug Robert Wylie, Sr., for many years a town constable, was found lying on one of the bridges where it is supposed he had fallen in a fit sometime during the night. He never recovered consciousness and died on Fridaj evening. during the past, and would solicit a continu- ance of the same, as we are now ready to at- â-  tend to all work intrusted to our care in â-  CUSTOM CAEDING, FULLING and WEAVING in firat-class style. As we have put on new cards, and made other improve- ments, we wiU endeavor te do as good work in the future, if not better, than we haye ever done iu the past. Customers wishing to haye their wool' carded, spun and made into blankets or flan- nel, on cotton warp, can have their orders attended to by leaving their wool as early as possible. Please remember the pla«e. Mill Street, west of the Railway Station. Priceville. 188-203 F. J. RITCHIE Go. From a correspondent. Our businessmen report trade satis- factory. Change in Business. â€" Dr. Ghent has sold his General Store to Mr. Latimore of Clyde, and will shortly remove to Toronto. E. F. Hickson M. D. of Toronto is coming to practice in this place, he comes with a creditable reputation and will doubtless have a large practice We wish him success iu our midst. Mr. J. W. Dennis, our popular hotel keeper has erected a fine shed with hall above which will be complete shortly the young people are looking forward and expecting a "trip on the light fantastic toe" when the hall is complete. Mr Cankey is doing a lively trade among the lasts, having four men emplcyed shoemaking. Mr. Thos. Welsh, an old resident of Artemesia, ilied last .Saturday and was buried at the Catholic Church Glenelg on Monday. The luueral waa largely attended. I^'IcsBicrton. From mir own correipondent. A laiee crowd of people attendea the monthly fair held in this place last Monday. The show of stock on the market was small, and but a limited number changed hands. Ou the evening of the same day a scene which seldom disgraces the public streets of Flesherton was witnessed opposite the Flesherton Hotel. While two men named Hargrave aud Jamie son were having some pugilistic exer- cises. The noise made, the language used and the brandishing of a cane, by an old gentleman, whose locks are blossoming, made him look as if reason had left its throii'i and he had become a fit subject lor a dwelling whose doors arc well guarded. Mr. Thos. Duncan sold his house- hold effects by auction last Monday. He is breakiuK up house keeping here, his family going to Toronto, while he still continues his business as tailor here himself. M?6srs. Strain Large have got the contract of doing the plaster work on Mr. M. Richardson's new block. The work on the buildmg is being rapidly pushed forward. xMr.' D. E. Wright, 1 ite of Markdale, but an old resident of this place, has a4ain taken up ins aix)de in our midst. In the absence of the pastor, Bev. Mr. Wilson, the Rev. Mr. Chi^holm, of Maxwell, occupied liis pulpit here last Sabbath. and tl,f occupants thrown ladies beinjj seriouslj- Serious Runaway Accident. â€" While Mr. E. Page was diivin^,' Mrs. Page and Mrs. John ^IcGhee iiilo Shel- huriie ou Thursday last, the horses became frightened at a cow near the C. M. church above Homing's Mills aud ran away. To make matters worse the nigh line broke, the' result l)eing that Mr. Page pulled the horses to the riixlit against a bank, where a v.heel of the waggon was wrenched off, out, both injureil. Mrs. raue, who is uu elderly peisou, was badly shaken up and rendered un- conscious. It is feare*! that the shock to her system may prove f«t^. Mrs. McGhee had an elbow dislocated, and an arm fractnred. iilie was also in- sensible for a while. Mr. Fage escap- ed uninjured. ThsladM encamed. into the cbnrch, vheie tety ftinted a second time. They were removed home and attended to by Dr. Norton and Dr. Lawrence. The horses, it may i)e »dded, tamed their faces round and continncd their runaway career until they reached home. â€" Shelburne Free I'ress. Ow^n sound. From a correspondent. The new elevator has now reached its utmoHt height, 130 ft., Hud from the roof on a fine day a splendid view of Owen Sound aud burroundiug country can be had, Ijast week the haib )r aud wharfs presented a busy scene, a large mim- ber of men being empbycd in fitting up and loAdmg the vessels iu the harbor, and m tiie works of the C. P R. around the station. four or five schooners small steam crafts in the river but nil the passenger sttamertf Ijave start- ed on tlieir various rouj6», Tue Frances Umith mailed for C»^llingwood this morning. The S}artan is expect- ed from Detroit to-morrow, and the big steel steamers 01 the G. P. B- Wt expected from Port Coloorne iu the Tnere are still aud as many NOTICE. All parties are hereby notified to remove all obstructions on streets opposite their properties, also to have ailyardsand back premises thoroutthly cleaned before the otherwise the law regarding tne same will be enforced. WM. HASKETT, Inspecting Trustee. Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIQESTION. JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OF THE HEAirr,' ACIDTTY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIM, mmcIas of diMSM arWnK ftnont BOKVELSOR BUXiO. NOTiCE. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY FLOUR, In small lots $5 per barrel;. TWO BARRELS AND OVER, $4.75 per barrel. Bran and Mill Feed for J. W. MARKDALE, Manufacturer of all Kinds f Drop Pumps. 'alve, Cylinder, Force, and Cistern All kinds of IPtON PUMPS snrpLiED. EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day, Cnstora Sawing and Bills Filled on .tb« shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Bnt'.ornut, White Ash, Black Agl Basswood, Pine ^nd Hemlock Loga wanted. C91y. ' M. AKITT, Eugenia. EOBT. ASKIN,, ivT AKii:r ALE Has opened out a FirstrQUas UNDERTKINGESTABUSHMENT., And therefore has supplied a yant long felt, COFFINS, C4SKETS, SHROUDS, and all fmim. FUHMISHSNGS supplied on e siiortes notice. A. Srleiiciicl Hearse tor hire at moderate ^ate^, â€" All kinds of-^ PICTURE FRAMING Ppji^ ou shoi^ no^ce. ROBT. ASKIN, I woukl'nt be "without the sT.vNDARi? nQ how; tlje pcoplc^ â- ^ ' ' I- i "I i »♦ I, i'i ' Ma r^ -ii

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